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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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September 5, 2017 at 7:59am
September 5, 2017 at 7:59am
Adapt I say. Just think of all those who are lactose intolerant. They wouldn't have cake or dairy products either. Though I think there is some lactose-intolerant friendly things out there. So they don't get the lactose but maybe a variant made for them. Depending on your culture, where you live, you light not have cake either. Maybe you'd have some festival related thing if not a birthday cake. Maybe it's not something you recognize culturally. It's kind of a norm if you live in the U.S. But maybe not so much elsewhere. I think it depends on how you're brought up if it matters or not.
September 1, 2017 at 6:07pm
September 1, 2017 at 6:07pm
We saw some lovely cathedrals, it really inspired awe for all who saw them. Such a lovely time had I'm almost sorry we'll be leaving soon! I went with the 5 hour tour. I'm not usually for heights but I'll never have the same opportunity twice. It was a bit nerve wracking going up. But I did make it all the way up there. I did feel a bit uneasy on the ascent. I worry it will break off and I'll plummet to my doom. But we didn't and the view is excellent.

I don't want to waste words on the departure. It was tedious, tiresome and a bit boring.

I'm not good with goodbye! Some of you I'll see in future so it's not so bad looking at it like that!

Good bye to those I met along the way!

Hello again to some familiar faces I'm sure to see again soon!
August 29, 2017 at 7:58am
August 29, 2017 at 7:58am
Ecuador here we come!

Not really for the night life sadly. Maybe I could manage to hang out a bit.

Cooking school doesn't sound too bad. I've managed to hard boil eggs and water thus far. I'm already a teensy step ahead of the game. I'm sure they won't be too impressed but there you are. Maybe we'll make some dessert item. Dessert is usually fun. Something that won't make us feel totally awful in the kitchen and we can all have fun making.

Here's to cooking! Look out Ecuador!
August 28, 2017 at 1:38pm
August 28, 2017 at 1:38pm
Museums are great places to see some interesting things. I didn't realize this place would have it's own extensive garden. I've seen gardens, some cacti, it's pretty. It brings attention to the natural beauty in the area. Don't usually expect to see that at a museum. Maybe depending where you go and what museum. It was kind of nice, to explore the place, and the fauna outside, around the place empathized it.

One of the more intriguing interesting pieces noted.


Not really sure what this one's made of, but it's definitely unique in it's own right.


I really liked this lovely display of purple. Mom would've appreciate it, since she's into purple.
I'd say you would visit this museum in particular, for the fauna outside the place as much as what they have inside. It's impressive.


A little something you can actually read about.


It was definitely worth coming here. I tend to enjoy museums. A lot of cool stuff to see and you learn something in the process.

August 27, 2017 at 10:00am
August 27, 2017 at 10:00am
I have to say, Cusco, makes me think of ''The Emperor's New Groove''.


There's a lot of grounds to explore. Plenty of ruins to see for sure. Some of the areas seem pretty far up. I think my highlight may have been seeing the not so rare llama. Is that wrong? All this history, and the animals are what get me excited?

This is really a sight behold for sure. Words don't do the reality enough justice.
August 26, 2017 at 9:14am
August 26, 2017 at 9:14am
August 25
Rise and Shine Buttercups, we’re going to the Andes dress comfortably and bring warm clothes.

Tiwanaku is a ceremonial center constructed about 1,000 years ago. Not much is known about the pre-inca civilization but Tiwanaku is the greatest archeological pre- inca site in all South America and if you want to learn more about this culture, this is definitely the place to go.
See the treasures in the museums in form of gold, ceramic and silver pieces and experience the mystic of the monoliths and volcanic stone- structures in the architectural site.

The duration of this is approximately 8-hour starting at 8:30am with a pick up from your hotel and returning you back at 4pm.
Once we pick you up, we'll drive for 2-hour approx. Our first stop will be a visit tot he Museums, then the Temple of Kalasasaya, the Gateway of the Sun and finally Akapana Pyramids and Monoliths.
Please note that the weather in La Paz is very unpredictable, therefore we recommend you to prepare for a sunny day as well as a cold one. Bring sunscreen and warm clothes.
• U.S and Canadian Citizens: Must bring a government issued photo ID and proof of citizenship (U.S birth certificate or naturalization certificate) or a passport for re-entry to the United States. Children, ages 18 and under only require a birth certificate. Non-U.S. Citizens: Either a Passport, I-94, Multiple Entry Visa or Resident Alien Card is required for re-entry to the United States
• Subject to favorable weather conditions. If canceled due to poor weather, you will be given the option of an alternative date or full refund

These old places are pretty interesting. They get more diverse depending on the people/culture that left them there. I really like the building material used to make it. it's really nice looking. These statues/figurines left behind are pretty big sized. I wonder how much effort was put into them?

The temple looks like it could have been the remains of an old castle. The things that time olds on to... Somethings don't keep so well and erode overtime. But this one's still here.

I admit to feeling a bit let down by the gateway of the sun. Not that it doesn't have it's own awe, but I imagined it to be more than what it actually was. Still we got to see it and I can cross it off the bucket list now at any rate.

Imagine the man power and tools needed to build these places. A lot of time and detail went into making these. They're still here today so I'm guessing they were meant to last or just haven't been as effected by time and erosion as others sites have been.
August 26, 2017 at 9:09am
August 26, 2017 at 9:09am
         The Belmond Sanctuary lodge looks real cozy. I'm sure it makes a great rest and relax before we continue on with our planned adventuring for the day. Can't wait to get started and see what Mach Pichu has to offer.

There really isn't any way to describe how amazing this place is. Looking up, I think I know how ants must feel at a picnic. Trying to take it all in and can be a bit overwhelming the first time. There's so much space to this place, it almost feels endless. It's like being in a whole other world that time forgot about it. It's really cool to be able to explore this place in person.
August 24, 2017 at 8:24am
August 24, 2017 at 8:24am
         They have a national museum of art. Wonder if it's the one we'll be visiting today.

I think it's interesting to see how diverse the art gets between cultures and also some similarities as well. Art's one of those universal things that people are able to express themselves that others find so captivating. I think other artists especially can better appreciate as fellow artist's work.

This looks similar to something I'd have back home. I'll go with this then for lunch.

The bar scene isn't really me so I'd probably have to bow out.

August 23, 2017 at 2:11pm
August 23, 2017 at 2:11pm
         No worries Lyn! You take care of yourself first! Hope you're feeling better now.

The place we're currently at seems real fancy. Real swanky kind of vibe going on.

I've looked at the dinner menu. Not sure I can work at what's what. I'm taking a chance and betting something will agree with me. Here goes.

Looked fairly promising, start somewhere, you know? Immerse myself in the culture w/food. That works.

I saw bike ride, and I'm kind of hoping I can catch a 2 seater w/somebody. Riding a bike isn't really a strong point of mine. Never quite learned how myself. I think I'll hold out for the sky viewing instead. right after I conquer my heights fear. But the view is fantastic from up here. Going down is much easier than up anyway.
August 22, 2017 at 8:01am
August 22, 2017 at 8:01am
Dress for work we're going to get dirty. I volunteered our services to help with the branding.

Aug. 21 ---Day 2: Puerto Natales -- Balmaceda and Serrano -- Puerto Natales (B, L)After breakfast at your hotel, a full-day trip starts with an early morning cruise from Puerto Natales to Ultima Esperanza Fjord. The three-hour cruise takes you through stunning Patagonian scenery to the 1,000-year-old Balmaceda glacier, home to cormorants and sea lions. At the head of the fjord, disembark to take a short 80-minute walk through a forest to the foot of the Serrano Glacier, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and walls of ice. Stop for a late lunch at Estancia Perales, a traditional cattle ranch, on the return trip to Puerto Natales, where the rest of the afternoon and evening are yours to explore on your own. Accommodation: your same hotel.

Lyn volunteered us, so I say Lyn can be 1st to brand. Seems fair in my book. In case there's any sore feelings, maybe they'll associate them with her and not us. No hard feelings Lyn.

On a side note, when the eclipse was going on yesterday, my dog, in his excitement bit me and I bled a little bit. It wasn't deep but it still freaked me out. So yeah Lyn, I think I'm a bit too queasy to do that to any live stock. But you go ahead & knock yourself out.

Balmaceda and Serrano look really cool. there's one spot, it looks like rushing water but it's really frozen over.

You see the occasional sea lion here and there. They pop up to stare at us like we do at them. It's kind of funny to witness. I thought I saw a pup at one time, I'll have to wait till they resurface to see if I was right or not. I love animal spotting's. It really just makes my day.

This is what the Balmaceda glacier looks like. Almost like there was an avalanche that fell short and froze over night. Funny how ice works and what can form out of it.

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