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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 11, 2018 at 12:04am
August 11, 2018 at 12:04am
         Definitely found a Jon B. song to get into. Not sure if it's from a snippet I heard in Shrek or not but appreciate it all the same.



         Found this song ''Sigrid'' & not sure if Jon B. & High Five are jsut a collaboration or a band all toegther but i really have high hopes for it.

         No complaints about the inn it's alright with me. Can't wait to cehck otu some of the attractions around Bakersfield!

         Found this by Keith Sweat & it just spoke to me. I'm not really too familiar with any of their works but I'm hoping to add some new favorites after today.

         From the Keith Sweat collection comes:

         I had to look around Buck Owens' Crystal palace. Just the name made me curious to look around. It's really neat to look up on the history of Buck Owens music career.


         On my way to visit the Buena Vista Museum of natural history, I noted some peacocks roaming around near Hart park. I tried to get some shots of them but they were faster in avoiding me. They really make a unique sound that makes them easy to recognize.



August 10, 2018 at 7:58am
August 10, 2018 at 7:58am
         Billy Joel in Massachusetts this time around. Can't say I know more than two songs of his but I'm sure it will be a great time had by all. We'll be staying at the Westin so that will be great as well.

         I was looking through the songs and found one I knew and I looked up the other and I like it. Billy Joel was very fine in his younger days as shown in ''Uptown girl''. Honestly, I'm not sure if what he's selling comes off all that beleiveable but the girl in it looks like she's digging it. He certainly had it going on back then.


         Another was ''Piano Man'', that I'm sure most of us have heard at some point. It's a nice song. That being said I'd liek to provide this parody to this well known song that i hope you will appreciate.

August 9, 2018 at 9:12am
August 9, 2018 at 9:12am
         Our next stop on our music tour has us in Mississippi. Elvis is the name of the game. I don't know too many songs by the king except ''You ain't nothing but a hound dog''. That's about it i think. I found this clip that uses Elvis music.


         Honestly, stitch would be a better Elvis than I could be. He looks so cute rocking that Elvis look. But yeah, it looks like they have a booked schedule for Elvis in Mississippi. I don't know how long we'll be staying so I'm just playing it by ear. I think it would be funny seeing all the different Elvis in one place.
August 8, 2018 at 9:33am
August 8, 2018 at 9:33am
         Once again we're on the move, this time it's California. It almost seems like we should be listening to the eagles. That ''Hotel California'' song of theirs would be so fitting. Well, here's to all the great scenery California has to offer. {On a different note, I heard that the homeless use certain areas of the state as a bathroom. That's just sounds nasty. Hopefully, we'll be avoiding that.}

         Those Vanilla Fudge guys make me hungry. they should hand out dessert at their concerts. Anyway, I saw ''Ticket to Ride'' & it sounded vaguely familiar so I gave it a shot. It's not too bad though the quality wasn't so great on the video I found.


Bad Finger had ''Without you'' that I was down with.


Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels ''When you were mine'' stuck with me. I think he's actually a pretty good singer.


         The one country guy I couldn't find something to get on board with. But otherwise, I've actually been immersing myself in the music we'll be listening too. Also Lyn, I hope they accommodate me since I can barely ride those little kiddie bikes. I'd hate to miss out on the fun. It sounds cool, & it would be embarrassing if I had to sit this out.
August 7, 2018 at 10:09am
August 7, 2018 at 10:09am
         We now head to Austin Texas to continue with our trend of musicians I don't know. It'd also Texas so it'll probably really hot out so we'll have to be sure to keep hydrated. Bring plenty of water. I'm sure we'll be needing it to stay properly hydrated during our stay here.

         I'm not sure if Reed & Caroline are a duo or separate or what's going on there. I tried looking into it but I'm still confused. The other guy for Erasure{sounds like erased} doesn't look too bad. I'm hoping some of his music will be more to my liking.

         I really like this fancy futuristic hotel we're staying at. It's pretty impressive looking overall. But if found one of it's more popular spots no doubt and I tend to utilize it. If I could just wake up to that for a week or so I'd be golden. Can't visit a place with a pool that fine and not try it out. If you need me I think I'll be hanging out here somewhere.


         Also on our Texan tour we'll be visiting Wild About Music-some music themed store or other in Texas. It's really impressive what they got on display here. I like a lot of the artistic guitars hanging up. Some of them are just really beautiful. Like these here, kind of have that nice mosiac tile look that's really impressive.


         So Texas definitely has cool places & things to do. Being the active reader I am I had to at least check out this one place called ''Book People''. Clearly this was made for people like me. People who just want a nice place to get their reading on.


         This other place was just weird. I don't know how to describe it but it had a unique collection of stuff so I had to check it out. It's called ''Uncommon Objects'' which pretty accurately describes the theme they got going on over there.


         The last stop & maybe the longest ispent was at The Blanton Museum of Art. If nothing else but for these interesting exhbits that dealw ith light. It was kind fo od looking os f course i had to see it.

August 5, 2018 at 9:42pm
August 5, 2018 at 9:42pm
         Jelly Stone park makes me want to look for Yogi bear. Too bad we won't see them while we're there. Ah camping, can't say I'm really the outdoors type. My cousin's a boy scout so he could probably teach me a thing or two/ If I was ever so motivated or inclined.

         I'm not too familiar with Mr. Lightfoot. I thought I heard it mentioned he acted badly when being interviewed by a woman{talk show host/reporter/etc.. I forget who, but he acted like an idiot & that didn't really help him.} The one song I kind of know since I looked it up once ''The wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald'' it is in fact a really long song.


Honestly, this is probably what first got me interested to look up the original in the first place.{With no ill will to those people who were lost in this horrible time in history. Sometimes a little levity is required. Also, I was in a mood so don't judge me.}
August 5, 2018 at 10:21am
August 5, 2018 at 10:21am
         I can finally say I recognize the music. I still had to google to make sure but it's definitely music I've heard before. I also have some familiarity with Adam Levine. he went on ''American Idol'' w/Pink once & they sang her song ''Just give me a reason''. He also ended up on Glee in the later seasons so that's kind of neat to know. It's cool to be able to place someone outside of their music.

         Obviously ''Moves like Jagger'' is in there. Probably one of the more notable ones. Definitely something silly and you can dance to. I'm so glad to finally have something to contribute to our music selection. It's more fun when you are able to add to the conversation then be totally clueless.

         Also another{probably the only other song I can really claim familiarity with}''Payphone''. A bit slower than the previous and it definitely hit me in the feels. I've heard some different renditions of this song and sometimes they can be even more moving than the original.

Hope you enjoy this anime version I found. I think it really does the song justice.


         I'd also like to add on a different note, that I was rather pleasantly surprised to see the horse art on the walls of the hotel we're staying. A little bit of nature in an artistic way. It's a unique take and makes it seem like their running throughout the hotel. I liked that a lot.
August 4, 2018 at 11:25am
August 4, 2018 at 11:25am
         Colorado does have some beautiful scenery I will say. I can especially appreciate it in the early morning when we have to leave and get ready. I think I'm getting used to getting up early and being on the move now. This time around, it looks like we'll be hearing some country music.

         Again, not familir with these country singers. Though i may or may nor be partial to Sam Hunt. It just goes to show even country boys can live on the wild side.{As some of these songs suggest.} I think it was John Pardi that had the song ''How to wreck a hotel room''{an actual song about it, he must be a fun guest} i can only imagine the inpsiration for that song.

         Maybe we can hit that station mentioned while we wait for the show to start. Certainly becoming more familiar with trains on this music tour of ours. At least now I'll be a bit more travel savy individual by the end of it.

         Along the way on our trip in Colorado, I saw this at one point. It really just stuck out to me. Some people are really just so talented.

August 3, 2018 at 12:37pm
August 3, 2018 at 12:37pm
Well this sounds like it's going to be a good time. No idea who the band is but I plan to have fun all the same. honestly, I needed a nap after getting my gear together and getting here. But that just means I'll be well rested for fun later.

The place looks real nice so that's always a plus. I have to check out the waterslide. It's been too long since I've last been at a hotel that had that kind of thing on site. If you need me I'LL be hanging out there somewhere. Might grab a slice of pizza later if I remember to eat. So good to just relax and chill, you know?
August 3, 2018 at 12:28pm
August 3, 2018 at 12:28pm
Once again I have no idea who we'll be listening to. I woke up this morning at Lyn's and had a quick breakfast before we headed out again. It was nice of Lyn to let us crash at her place. Now we're in New York and of course there's all kinds of things happening in New York to take part in. But how to decide?

Honestly, when I saw ''Chicago'' I thought of that play and that one song I knew, ''he had it coming''. Till I realized that was from a play and didn't apply here. The other Red Wagon or whatever, I don't know either. Maybe someone from our little group will know them & clue me into some good songs of theirs.

Until then, I've been people watching in one of the parks here. New York has some real nice ones. One person I met came with ''Rufus'' was in training to be a service dog. He's four right now and almost done with his training. It made me reminiscent of my own doggies back home. Other than some pigeons trying to make off with a guy's hot dog{which new Yorkers take very seriously} it was pretty uneventful.

While I was waiting for the main event, I did find something that looked interesting. Thought I might as well try some of the local cuisine while we were here. I'm not sure what it is but it looks delicious. Hoping this tides me over til the music's ready.


I guess we'll be taking the train later today. I don't think I've been on a train since I was little. I used the metro when the fam and I were visiting family in D.C. I don't know how that measures to an actual subway. I'll probably fall asleep for most of it so it wouldn't matter anyways. Got to rest up for our next adventure.

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