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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 24, 2018 at 8:29am
August 24, 2018 at 8:29am
         We now head off to Seattle this time to see Ed Sheeran & possibly some nice jazz music along the way too. I don't really listen to Ed Sheeran's music but I think he's supposed to be pretty good so looking forward to it.

         The Hotel 8we're staying at is another large, glass type modern buildings we've been staying at. Of course there's a pool, so I might take a dip sometime before we leave here. Man Lyn, what did you sign us up for at the spa? I looked and the cheapest thing on it was a Mani/Pedi. But that seems about right for a spa. I appreciate the thought Lyn. I am definitely ready to be pampered.

         The space needle looks really high up so I'm hoping my fear of heights isn't agaitated too badly. At that high up, the view's gott to be amazing right? I gope there's an elevator b/c i might freak myself out on the ascencion. Going up worries me but going down is much easier.

         We make our way to the Triple Door not too long after. It looks like a night club almost. Looking forwar to some smooth jazz Lyn. Thanks for treating us today it was awesome!

This seemed to me at least, to be the most appetizing thing on the menu.


August 23, 2018 at 6:55am
August 23, 2018 at 6:55am
         We find ourselves in Columbus Ohio to see Def Leappard. I thought there might be a song of theirs I knew but I either am wrong or can't remember either way I'm sure it will be another new experience to cross off the bucket list.

         The Staybridge Suites looks like something an average person could afford{probably if they saved up}.A nice enough place to stay and chill during our stay in Ohio.

         Regrettably Lyn, I haven't quite figured out what the Chadwick Arboretum is. Regrettably, the name tells me nothing of much use. I looked up what arboretum means and all it said was a more tree based garden. So maybe a nice to meditate or gather your thoughts to a long day. Or a nice prelude to the insanity Lyn seems to think our evening will be. So long as the end results sees me fed I can't complain too much.

         On our Ohioan tour, we went to the Martin Luther King Performing/Cultural Arts Complex. Really looks like some nice apartments though I guess that explains where the complex comes from. It was neat to gain a better understanding of the arts and a deeper understanding of the importance of Martin Luther King to the black community.
August 23, 2018 at 6:39am
August 23, 2018 at 6:39am
         Today we'll be hearing Michael Bolton in Cali{?}. I looked him up and he has that look like he got away with some things in his lifetime; perhaps in his younger days{maybe even more modern times.} The one song I am vaguely aware of that he did ''How am I supposed to live w/o you'' I know b/c it was briefly used in some commercial. I'm sure it will be another fun day in the sun.

I hope I am not called upon to help setting up camp as I can't see being much good at setting up tents. I'm all for smores but I think I may be just a bit too city for the outdoors. The tubing going to be great for relaxing after all the walking and sight seeing we've been up to of late.
August 21, 2018 at 10:25am
August 21, 2018 at 10:25am
         Looks like we're headed for Canada this time. It has some real nicest places as we're headed to our destination. Staying at the Beach House and having a grand time. The Westin looks like another one of those modern day type hotels we've been staying in on the tour. The conservatory looks like an old fashioned building on the outside. The auditorium seemed really impressive with how many could fit inside. It also had some really elegant places inside. It was neat to just take in the sights as we enjoyed our musical tour. Glad we're staying an extra day.

         Quebec I think's is pretty much the French side to Canada so i hoped you brushed up on your french Lyn. Anways, the garden was anice change of pace. It's always nice to get a change of pace. Especially when it's the outdoors, all that scenry and fresh air. I just hope if anyone has pollen allergies that they take the necessary measures to take care of themselves. It was really nice out when we went and i enjoyed the walk around.

         Headed off to yet another garden. I'm not sure but the musical one may have been the bigger one. I did love seeing the purple thistle looking flowers. Not to mention the red/orange marigolds[?] they were really lovely. I got to see a monarch out and doing its thing so that was neat. You guys I saw a duck even. I know thats weird but back home when the ducks were out either monring/afternoon I always considered a god start/end to the day.

         We passed the big needle thing on our trip to the cafe area by the waterfront. It's like one of those rides my mo wouldn never go on. It was nice to get to walk around. I had to get a croissant while we were out there. It just seemed to fit. We hit up the Amsterdam brewery after that. I'm not sure beer is really my thing. I opted for water and the bartender just gave me a look.

         Next we head off to an escap room. In all honesty, I'm not sure how i'd do at those. I'm glad I'm not alone in this otherwise i think i'd be the one w/''I failed'' written on that board they had. So hoepfully soemone's more equipped or expeirenced enough to help us weather through.

         Lastly, we ended our experience by getting a party bus. Is that a stripper pole i see there Lyn? I hope you weren't expecting any use out of it. Maybe after someone had a fewd rinks maybe. Looks like if off to karaoke. Let's see, I think I can pull off Christina Perri's ''Jars of Hearts''. Wishing me and everyone else good luck.

August 19, 2018 at 1:21pm
August 19, 2018 at 1:21pm
         We liked Vegas so much we decided to stay a while longer. I don't know if after the day we have planned for today if I'd be up for the casinos. I might spend $10 or $20 and then stop while I'm ahead. I wouldn't trust myself much after that.

         I don't mind hanging out at a pool party. It would be the 1st I've been to one. I'm sure as fancy a place as Vegas can be it will be awesome. And the food selection has to just as well off. I ight have to rest up before I can indulge in the pool itself. It's nice to see everyone relax and have a goodtime. All the bustling around can really ware a body out.

         Michael Jackson One Cirque Du Soliel. I heard something with cirque that was a circus. It's an odd combination. Michael Jackson would probably be all for it. I'm sure it will definitely a memorable experience all the same.

         Happy to hit up the aquarium. It's always nice to see the critters roaming around doing their thing. Maybe they have ray feeding like some aquariums do. No doubt it would be more hear in Vegas than elsewhere. It's a little unnerving to go under where the sharks are swimming above your head. I'd worry the glass might break and then it really would be the Vegas trip you never forget. Had a great time and I think the group enjoyed the change of pace too.
August 17, 2018 at 10:42am
August 17, 2018 at 10:42am
         So we're off in Philadelphia ,PA to see Old Dominion I take it. Never heard of them but that fits with a lot of the bands we've been hearing thus far. I do know the guitar guy looks like Dean from Supernatural. Other than that, it looks like I'll be listening to some more new music.

         The Doubletree seems like a real nice place. I saw their indoor swimming pool and I'm sold. The interior is real eye catching and I'm sure we'll enjoy our stay while we're here. We've been staying at some real nice places on our music tour and I think that's awesome.

         I have to be honest, when I heard duck tours, I briefly thought they'd be introducing us to their ducks. Like ''here's Jerry the original inspiration for Donald Duck.'' This is why I can't be writing when my brain hasn't caught up yet. The bus looks like i's definitely suited to go aquatic. I think at first a car heading toward the water would make me freak out but once we got cruising I'm sure I'd be okay.

         As far as baseball goes, I'm not that big a fan of the sport. I don't mind checking things out but I can't say this would be the highlight of my coming here. but if they sell food here I might get something. All those getting around is making me work up an appetite. Hopefully we can get some muchies in here in our P.A. part of our music tour.

         Then we hit up the Philly art museum. That was nice. It's always nice to take in beautiful things while you're visiting a place. The museum definitely had some nice pieces. They had like a statue of a girl that may have been a ballerina that I liked. Some of the water colors/nature scenes were really nice. I had to take a break here and there since it's is possible to have an art overload. I hope they have post cards o some of their works b/c I'd like to remember some of the pieces I enjoyed.
August 16, 2018 at 11:09am
August 16, 2018 at 11:09am
         Time to get our polka on; we revisit Illinois yet again. I'm not as familiar with the polka but I want to say it leans more towards folk dancing. {I think of Germany when polka comes out but I could be wrong.} Anyways, who doesn't want to be a little silly and dance the day away? We're certainly getting a diverse taste of the music/song genres.

         As far as driving a race car goes, I couldn't work out how to use bumper cars at Flee World. Not sure how I expect this to go. Maybe as one of those fail videos you see on YouTube of some spectacular crash into the guard rail. {We'll try to avoid that but still.} But at least someone would benefit learning how not to drive a race car.

         For real, I almost thought we were staying at IHOP before I realized it was one big structure. The front part almost gives off that kind of vibe. Hm. Maybe I need to rest up beforehand. Oh my gosh, i need a ducky like this someone in my room. My mom served in the navy so this little guy and me alreayd have a special bond here.


August 15, 2018 at 10:29am
August 15, 2018 at 10:29am
         Looks like we'll be in Louisiana a bit longer. I don't mind hearing about local ghosts of that sort but the voodoo makes me a bit nervous. I know that the church says we're of the light & not of the darkness & the voodoo makes a bit uneasy. I know some tribes in Africa practiced it but I can't say I'm an expert. I'm sure, especially since we're in Louisiana that there is a rich history and some of it revolved around voodoo. I'll just be glad when we move back to the ghost son our ghost tour.

         I don't mind a little bar hopping later. Especially after that BB Blues Bar we're visiting. I think some loaded tater tots and one of those fancy drinks will do nicely. At any rate, I don't mind being spooked by ghost tales so long as we're all getting scared as a group I can live with that. Nothing like some ghost stories to wrestle up an appetite.
August 13, 2018 at 9:44am
August 13, 2018 at 9:44am
         We're now in Chicago for the Smashing pumpkins. I like their name, it makes me think they went around smashing pumpkins to get that name. I don't know why but I thought I knew at least one song of theirs but I could be wrong. The hotel we'll be staying at in Chicago looks real nice. I saw the pool & while we're here i'll have to immerse myself in at at some point. You don't just pass up a great pool like that and not enjoy it.

         I saw something about prohibition tours. I'm not sure how that works but it sounds interesting. Chicago had to be big back when mobs were still running things. Maybe it will say if Al Capone was active in Chicago. That would be cool but probably terrfying for people there dring that time. I'm down for the prohibiton tour.

         At some point during our stay here, I wouldn't mind looking at St. Patrick's church while we're in the area. It's looks real nice and old churches can have some real neat architecture. plus, I'd like to get some good pics to show the folks back home.

August 12, 2018 at 10:44am
August 12, 2018 at 10:44am
         Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to Georgia we go. It seems like our music tour has led us to Georgia now. I looked up 5FDP & honestly it's really not my thing. To any metal rockers out there, this is clearly for you all.

         I like the place we're staying at. It's likes like a nice quaint inn from the not too distant past. It just has some really nice vibes to it.

         All I have to say is I hope the walk has some good scenery b/c if not, then the hotel would end up being my fave part of this stop. Depending how early we go, we might see some birds or other critters out and about. Once the heat cranks up, those critters will be off hiding where the sun can't find them. And we'd best be back at the hotel before it gets too warm out for the hike to be uncomfortable.

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