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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 11, 2017 at 8:03am
August 11, 2017 at 8:03am
Restaurant Paraqvaria-I could maybe eat something like this:

I'm sure the calories are hideous, but smothered in cheese, it can't be that bad right?


Even that looks light and delicious.

Polo, huh? I wasn't too bad at catching. I just couldn't throw worth anything. My horse just stopped at one point b/c all I could manage to throw was afoot or so past the horse I was riding. I may have conked my horse which somewhat started it in the process. The most it did was give me that look animals get ''really?, really?'' and went back to eating grass as I tried and failed at polo. I may have got another horse at one point b/c it gave ,e the evil eye not long back.

I did note that the guy who taught us seemed in a good joking mood. I wondered if it had anything to with his amusement at my lack of skill.

Oh, well, I never really was good at P.e. Not that I didn't try.

Burgers sound good to me Lyn!

May have to bow out of the nightlife event, not feeling it up to it myself.
August 10, 2017 at 5:49pm
August 10, 2017 at 5:49pm
Looks like we'll be hitting quite a few museums today. So much culture and history, my brain may very well implode.

First stop on the list. They had a quaint lion statue that I found of interest.


I believe this to be a side view of the museum.


The 2nd stop of today's trip gave us an in-depth insight into the people of Paraguay. It was quite the tour.


The music museum had some very intriguing instruments to observe. I'm not sure I could identify many but it was quite the feast for the eyes none the less.


To be fair to the musician who once owned it, it is quite the lovely piece. Right at home in a music museum.

Later on we went to the museum Del Barro. I loved the gator, dad would have too. Reminds me of Fl.


I think my brother would have been very interested in this dragon effigy. I didn't realize there was a hot rod skeleton in there. I thought it was more ancient art, but I suppose it could be more modern art.


There were many sites to behold here. It is hard to describe it all in words.

This one may have been my fave today. I don't know, I wish they had post cards so the whole family could appreciate what they have on offer over here.

I do so love dining in the evening at a manor like private home. It really adds tot he ambiance of our stay in Paraguay. Almost felt like I should be dressed up. Oh well.
August 9, 2017 at 5:27pm
August 9, 2017 at 5:27pm
Aug 9th our final day in Rio de Janeiro
Angra dos Reis Day Trip and Schooner Cruise
Adventure to the islands of Angra dos Reis on a 5-hour guided cruise
Enjoy a hot and cold buffet lunch on board the boat
Plunge into turquoise waters around Angro dos Reis for a relaxing swim
Following pickup at your Rio hotel, board your comfortable, climate-controlled vehicle for the approximately 3-hour ride to Angra dos Reis.
When you arrive in the picturesque town on the water, featuring architecture from the 1500s, board the schooner and set sail. Find a spot on the boat to relax and watch the idyllic tropical scenery glide by, including Angra dos Reis' almost 300 scattered islands.
During your 5-hour cruise, make several stops where you can choose to swim, snorkel, or stay on the boat. Stop at the Ilha Cataguases (Cataguases Island), a gorgeous spot with white sand beaches and clear, blue-green water perfect for water activities. Continue sailing to Lagoa Azul (the Blue Lagoon), Praia de Freguesia de Santana (Freguesia de Santana Beach) on Ilha Grande and the pier on Piedade Island.
During the day of exploring, enjoy a buffet lunch of steak, fish, chicken, rice and beans onboard your schooner. After the 5-hour tour of Angra dos Reis' islands is finished, return to land and board your vehicle for transportation back to Rio and drop-off at your hotel.
Dinner is at the hotel this evening because we depart early in the am.
RISTORANTE ALLORO Traditional Italian recipes with the healthy and light flavors of the Mediterranean. An extensive cellar with worldwide selection will delight wine lovers. HOURS Dinner: 7:00 pm to 11:30 pm (daily)

It looks like we'll be spending a lot of time by the water today. It's nice they're planning on feeding us while we're at sea. Makes things a bit more durable. With any luck, I won't be overcome with sea sickness. The water around here look very beautiful. I'm glad to be a part of it. There are some kids that are fairly excitable as they comment on anything that comes up.

Swimming isn't really an option for me. Maybe I can get a big floatie and just float for a bit. There are quite a few takers in exploring the waters below. I think I may be able to get a beach day today. Words can't describe all the natural beauty on offer here. I think I'll go for fish. I'm sure they have some tasty fish on sample around here.

Later on, we head back to the hotel. There's a nice Italian place on site. Maybe I'll check it out and indulge myself. If the hours are accurate, I have time.

Nice way to end the day.
August 8, 2017 at 7:49am
August 8, 2017 at 7:49am

Now I've been thinking I needed some beach time. This is an awesome view!


I may be so inclined to introduce myself to it. I have some time till we're off on our tour.

It looks even better in the earlier/later hours. Can't really tell when this is but an even better view to enjoy.


Rio definitely has some fantastic views to offer for sure.

Looks like breakfast to me.


Got to be something to eat with all that. Hoping the one bowl that looks like crushed Oreo is fairly accurate. I know some like it in yogurt but I may just steal some for myself anyway. Life is short, dessert first, and all that.

The tour was very nice today. Since it wasn't till this afternoon, I got to take in the sights and even catch up on some hours of sleep I'd been missing out on. It was a new feeling to have an afternoon tour. We got to see where the emperor was crowned. It was interesting picturing how it must have been back then in all it's glory. It was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon. At the end of our tour, I decided that beach back at the hotel was my destiny. So I recruited some fellow beach enthusiasts and off we go.

The show was bright and lively. I liked the colorful costumes. I could probably get away with that look. I can't dance for beans but I'll look good anyway. I'm sure this is Lyn's idea of group bonding or something. Anyway, on of the girls said I reminded her of a cousin back in the states. So we conversed {smartly avoiding politics} before continuing learning how to not move like roadkill. I got a picture with some of the girls before they left. It was awesome. I got to try a smaller version of their outfit for part of the time they were here. It was awesome!
August 6, 2017 at 10:24am
August 6, 2017 at 10:24am
I thought we were actually going to be sleeping outside this time. Then I realized that it was a canopy over what I'd call porch furniture.{Is that what it's called.) Enjoy the outdoors without burning to a crisp. How insightful. I think I will. I noticed there's a pool here as well. Mom would always try to hit the pool at least once on vacation. In honor of family tradition I'm suiting up and hitting it. A little early morning dip does a body no harm.

The church we're visiting looks like a large structure made from wood. Or at least has that effect. I was really fond of the high windows. They seemed almost like glass flowers in their own right. In any case, it was a lovely place to appreciate the way quiet & comtemplate before moving on.

We visited the presidential palace and it was pretty interesting. It was very interesting to see an important structure of the country we're visiting. The corner house also made the list. I have to say there really is some lovely buildings to see here. So much time to see what we can before we're on the move again.

One of the memorable stops we had today was the Keto museum. It's small but it was pleasant to see some of the culture and history it had to offer visitors. It made think fondly of my g=family's latest trip to Sanibel's historic village. Bigger than we had first thought. It was quaint. I'm glad we went and didn't miss out on this opportunity. We gained a bit more insight into Sanibel's past. This stop reminded me of that.

Last but not least, was Fort Zealandia. I thought of New Zealand but not sure there's connection or not. I saw the heart sign that said I heart SU. I also took note of the statue of a woman. I wouldn't mind knowing more about her and how she impacted it to still be memorable to this day. They had canons that looked out into the water. It reminded me of St. Augustine. They shoot off the canons sometimes. One of our priests takes part in the reenactment. SO he gets to shoot off the canons sometimes. That's neat. Wonder if they do something like that. Would definitely a=have made it memorable if they had.

It was a lovely cruise on the water before dinner. There's something about the sunset that really adds beauty to all the natural setting around us. There were some birds in flight during our cruise. It's nice to see some native wildlife. It feels that much more worth while, like you're apart of it all. I can only hope we'd something like a dolphin. I have no doubt if Princess Megan Rose were with us, we'd have a whole pod following us by now. Well with any luck, we may see one yet.


Just might be chicken. Something I just may be capable of consuming. They have quite a selection.

drink options-So hard to decide, I'm still kind of new to the drinking scene.


dessert-Maybe if someone shared it with me.


August 5, 2017 at 9:32am
August 5, 2017 at 9:32am
Ah Georgetown! There's quite a bit of interesting architecture around here. Like with St. George Cathedral. The size alone, and all that white, makes for a very pleasing masterpiece. The inside was beautiful as well. Just beyond words. I don't know if I'll be able to take it all in before we've moved on again. I think I need to sit down for a bit to fully appreciate it. I think it would be hard to listen to mass when you're taking in the sights. Incredible.


inside St. George:

I am very much impressed by the flora and fauna Georgetown boasts in their garden. It has a wide range of colors. I have a lot to process and it's a lot to take in. Very nicely set up. I saw Ghandi,while touring the garden. He looked very tranquil among the scenery. They couldn't have chosen a better spot for him.


I have to stop by the Georgetown lighthouse for my mom of course. She liked to visit light house on vacation so I'll try and get a pic while I'm there for her. It's like a giant barbershop pole. Don't know if I have the will to climb it but a nice stop all the same.


I also would like to checkout the Guyana Nat. history museum. How could you not check out a museum while on tour. So much history and culture to gain in the process. They had really nice exhibits here and I really learned a lot about Guyana during my visit today.



Already know what I'll be having. Probably go with a soup-cream of chicken. Safe to stick with the familiar I think. There's certainly a lot of interesting food options here. It will be interesting deciding what to eat. Who knows, maybe I'll even try this
Cheese Paneer Seekh Kebab-it looks interesting enough.

dessert-bengali rasgulla

August 4, 2017 at 4:49am
August 4, 2017 at 4:49am

For some odd reason, I was going to panic b/c I thought we were over already. So it's Friday now, I thought we were already on the weekend already but I guess not. Just showing how out of it I am. Vacation will do that to you.

Dang, Lorraine, you weren't kidding about the walking. I don't think I've managed a mile yet and my feet are starting to feel it. Uh, will you carry me when my legs refuse to move? But it really is a gorgeous place to visit. Hoping to get some good pics to bring back to the folks.

Anyway, some really lovely scenery to look forward to. I'm hoping to see something half so good.{Is it getting obvious yet I'm a visual person?}



         Important thing: something resembling a menu for this evening.
Strictly for your dining pleasure


Obviously I'll have to find some meat special to indulge in while we're here. Telquenos seems like dessert, or at least light and fluffy. Life is short, dessert{or its substitute} 1st. Punta tresera translates to rear tip so steak maybe? Jamon sera y queso-ham and cheese dish. Something noticeable anyway. The empanaditas might get a try from me as well. Looks like chicken, that's a good thing right? Mom would be so proud how diverse my dining is. The ceviche looks alright as well. Some seafood if you're feeling up to it. Little bit of everything if you're feeling up to it.

August 3, 2017 at 9:51pm
August 3, 2017 at 9:51pm
A lot of beautiful places to see at night in Caracas! So much to do, it is overwhelming just to see the things we do. It's very distracting to have so much to see and limited time to take it all in. The plaza does look most incredible at night! I did enjoy going around and even seeing the yellow house was nice. I did very much appreciate retreating to the mountains later in the day. I definitely need a break after all the touring we did today.

          Happy to be apart of it all!

The yellow house: What an impressive structure, and to think it's also a museum. There really isn't enough Delete repeated word take it all in.


Nighttime plaza in Caracas

August 2, 2017 at 8:04am
August 2, 2017 at 8:04am

         A lot of sight seeing today to be sure. So many sights and experiences, it can be overwhelming to the senses. There's a lot of beauty and culture to take in. You need time and space to process it all. One of my more favorite stops was the library. Being a book worm myself, I feel a lot more at home. {Even if I can't understand the reading material.} I may have fallen asleep at some point, as someone's saying we're heading to the mountains next. I have to say, the outdoors will certainly be a welcome relief after all the stimulation from earlier today.

         In case anyone's interested, I think this might be a menu for the pace we'll be dining from.


July 29, 2017 at 10:18pm
July 29, 2017 at 10:18pm

         The police get enough bad rep when officers get caught on camera using excessive force than is necessary. They give all cops a bad name. This is terrible for officers out there who are trying to do their job and keep the public safe.

         They get enough bad rep as it is. The president's response to this topic is just going to further the publics' growing distrust of the police.

         The man has no further and it's only going to cause further rifts if he can't control himself when it counts.

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