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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 3, 2018 at 12:24pm
August 3, 2018 at 12:24pm
Very generous to let us crash at your place Lyn. Hope you won't have to regret it. You weren't kidding about walking everywhere. After falling asleep to ''Rugrats in Paris'', I had to be shaken awake so I wouldn't miss my group leaving the plane. Honestly, the apple's better appreciated in a group, else it's way too easy to become overwhelmed.{Not to mention lost.}

Walking is highly overrated and I wish someone could just carry me to where we're headed. Beyoncé better blow us all away b/c my feet are protesting mutiny. Honestly, the only songs by Beyoncé I even know are ''Single ladies''{actually like that one}, ''Halo'', ''Sweet Dreams'', ''Diva'' & that one where she showed up in ''Telephone'' with Gaga.

Otherwise, I'm rather clue less as to her music. {It's amazing what you remember when properly stimulated. I forgot I know that much.} It looked like Hamilton's playing nearby but honestly after all this walking I don't know if I'd be that motivated. I really hope we hit somewhere to eat after all this. I certainly burned enough calories to gain some serious eating.
October 20, 2017 at 7:20am
October 20, 2017 at 7:20am
         If I had a choice, monarch butterfly all the way. Course, there's always predators, the elements and pesky humans to consider, but I gladly accept the risks to join the ranks among the butterflies.

         Monarchs are cool too. Homing signal to Mexico and back after migration. They're pretty, little and toxic if you try and digest them, so just don't mess with them.

         I don't know why I fixated on it but that's my decision and no regrets. Bring on the monarchs!

October 18, 2017 at 8:39am
October 18, 2017 at 8:39am

         I seem to recall a time back in elementary we just took an ordinary pine cone and turned it into a bird feeder. Totally natural, from nature. I think we used peanut butter to make the seeds stick to the thing. Then I think you have to give it time to stay like that before you could take it out. It's been sometime so maybe it's not totally accurate. But you just get a string when it's ready to hang it up outside and you're good. The birds like it, even the squirrels get in on it. Who doesn't like free samples?
October 17, 2017 at 2:31pm
October 17, 2017 at 2:31pm
         Well I figure bigfoot doesn't exist or the actual reveal may prove disappointing. I'll leave Nessie some credence since we don't know everything on the ocean floor/sea bed. Here's hoping for Nessie. {plus, she's supposed to be in Scotland, so I get a nice break besides. I think I'm due a break.}

         Got a rental and since I got no business going out on the loch myself especially at night time I have a guide. Or some retired fisherman with nothing better to do. He tells me on occasion when the waters are covered in fog, there's some mysterious sounds on the loch. Or movement but you can't make it out since it tends to happen late at night or early morning. A boat's been damaged on occasion or moved farther down than was docked.

         The most recent citing was three months back. A family visiting kin had come down and staying fairly close to the loch. Anyway, a young lad woke up and headed near where the sound hailed. It lasted at least five minutes. At one point the loch went silent and nothing. Just when he'd decided to head back, he reports to have seen ''a sea monster'' or at least the outline of one. It had raised it's massive head out of the water and frightening the poor kid. He ran home screaming like a banshee. Of course no believed him, but it definitely makes a great story.

         I figure at most, I talk to the lad and if Nessie never makes an appearance, I can definitely use the rest and relaxation anyway.

         So McCarty{old bored fisherman} took me out to the loch a few nights in a row. I had talked to Jimmy, but his mum insisted his imagination was to blame. A couple times there was a strange almost moaning sound that couldn't be placed. On the last night before I was to return, I was half asleep and my guide about the same, when WHAM! something smashed into our boat and we skipped a few feet across the water to the other side of the loch. Scared the pants off both of us. Definitely decided to head in after that. In the morning, there was an impression of whatever hit us. Caused quite a commotion!

         So I never officially proved Nessie's existence, but I had a great time in Scotland all the same. Regardless, I definitely left the more curious and still hold out hope some day we might just learn of Nessie's existence after all.
October 12, 2017 at 8:01am
October 12, 2017 at 8:01am
         I certainly get plenty of school in my college life. I don't sleep well anyway and it certainly hasn't improved much with college. Surprisingly enough I do have something of a social life, however small. The most social I've gotten so far is when I volunteer with my campus. It was nice how we were able to interact a bit outside of school while helping others. It's probably also the closest I've had to being out with my peers. It was pretty enjoyable and we get to help others in the process. I am usually drained after though, so I need to unwind after. But yeah, I have been able to get some socializing done while at my college.

         So I bid sleep adieu as I finish my last semester  and keep at least a bit of my social life intact.
October 9, 2017 at 8:49am
October 9, 2017 at 8:49am
An interesting enough question for me, especially since I'm on the path to become a teacher myself. I've thought about this. Currently I'm set for elementary. Let's say 3-5 grade right now, since I don't have a set grade besides elementary at present.

         I don't think I'd ever feel confident enough to teach math. I'd give Eng. a thought but then there's grammar and grading essays. Having spent my school years writing them, I can't imagine enjoying grading them. I know some of mine were probably awful. I'd feel bad if they scored low.

         It was 5th grade where we had dual classrooms. One was the main one and we'd go off and learn writing next door and go back for math. I think it was that writing class that really got me interested in writing and being a writer. if I could inspire that same love for writing in future students that would be awesome!

October 4, 2017 at 7:26am
October 4, 2017 at 7:26am
         When I was younger we had a few events to looks forward to when fall came around. Some more Halloween related but not all of them. The zoo had a Boo-Bash. You go around and you'd get candy or some small prize. The candy's the thing though, and they were fairly light on that regard.

         My old elementary had something where you could dress up and go around for candy. They had some games set up and I enjoyed that as a kid. I don't know how many schools do something like that. It felt pretty special to me growing up.

         We used to go downtown when I was younger. Until my mom decided middle school was too old to go trick or treating. But that was where all the good candy was apparently. There were lots more people to see and plus you could go back through it once yo got to the end. That was quite the happening place for Halloween.

         My church has a fall festival in Nov. We used to go and eat and ride some of the rides till our tickets ran out. Now we may drop by and pick up some food when we do go there. My mom volunteered for the baked goods table. I wouldn't mind helping out for it, but my main thing is getting there. But yeah, it's pretty fun and you can show up and have a good time.
September 30, 2017 at 10:15am
September 30, 2017 at 10:15am

         A major toy company is creating an action figure of you! What is its theme, what's it look like, and does it do anything fun or cool? Tell us what accessories it comes with, and describe the world it belongs in.

         Female, Caucasian, shoulder length hair, maybe a bit sarcastic looking. Comes with mini laptop, maybe a few cool gadgets b/c why not? Every figure has a code to learn more and engross themselves in this new world agent C finds herself a part of.

         Agent C is more or less your average college student up until she encounters the organization out to save the world. Maybe girl meets S.H.I.E.L.D I away but not quite. {Not really sure how to explain it. Maybe think of it kind of like marvel verse and agents of shield. Closest I can make it out to be. Marvel universe lots of stuff going on and so it always needs someone to save it.

         Agent C to the rescue. A college student finds herself immersed in a secret organization that keeps the world safe the globe over. By chance she stumbles on something bigger than she's ever encountered before and is in a race against time to save life as we know it before it goes up in flames!

September 28, 2017 at 10:51am
September 28, 2017 at 10:51am
I think it would have to depend on what the distraction was. {If I'm avoiding math/hw,getting better though} in general though, surfing the web, TV, reading a book may come up. Sometimes taking a walk helps cool me down if I'm or stressed or just need time to think things over. If I have to study, for something, I try to quiet down and even be on campus because I know I get distracted easily {especially if it's something I really don't want to do.} Keeps me focused and on task, for the most part. I also like listening to music. That can really improve my mood and get my mind off things for a while.
September 26, 2017 at 7:56am
September 26, 2017 at 7:56am
         Well part of my reaction would depend on the circumstances. It would probably still freak me out and I'd have to have time to adjust to it. Being a young adult, I don't know if it would hurt as much as if I was still a kid. Then I'd be curious why I didn't know before hand. Why there was need to keep this separate from our family. Hopefully, it wouldn't tear us apart. Maybe awkward for my bro who's still in high school if he realizes it means he's no longer the baby in the family. But, I think if gone at this altogether, we may be able to work this out and have a relationship with the other family assuming we're all on good terms after this comes out.

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