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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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September 4, 2016 at 9:48am
September 4, 2016 at 9:48am

         I think it may have been during the early 2000's. I was areal young in at the time. I still lived in an apartment back then. Anyways, from what my mom recalls, there were 3 hurricanes in 6 weeks. I remember hiding out in the hallway during that time. couldn't be by any place that had windows. I didn't feel all that safe at the time. Lots of rain hit us during that time. We,possibly the apartment complex lost power. We had a lantern I think so we could have a little light. We also had an old hand held radio to listen to the weather up dates. I forget if we had to open the windows at some point or if that was something else. We were happy when it came back on. I remember that. It was a rather frightful time. I'm glad we didn't suffer too much damage and we still had a place to live.
September 3, 2016 at 8:11am
September 3, 2016 at 8:11am
         Some people seem to worry about a tornado with sharks. One, if they do happen to get sucked out of the ocean, they won't live much longer out of the water. Unless there's major flooding and may have some chance of making it. I think it's even more likely that if something close to this happened, there would be dead sharks clogging up the streets. Or even just fish guts that would attract vermin and other stray critters lurking about. That might cause an even bigger mess than the sharks. So on one hand, you have potential food if run out of everything else. On the other hand, it's likely you may need to find something to fend off all the hungry beggars after shark meat. Good times. [Me personally, I'm not sure how I'd hold out if the apocalypse finally came around while I was still alive. I won't myself out totally just yet though.}
September 2, 2016 at 12:25pm
September 2, 2016 at 12:25pm

         I've already did my part for the Witch's Garden. It was a bit of a challenge. Finding #'s 1-16 in both movie and song titles. So we'll see where I get with that. There was also a say it in 16 activity. Just summing it all up in 16 words. Not overly hard but it does require some thinking. I know The Dialogue 500 isn't necessarily a part of the 16th anniversary of WDC but I think they're adding some extra stuff due to the anniversary. Another thing I generally like doing is The Challenge by Lorraine. I haven't finished one in a while now but I still like taking part where I'm able. I was also looking at the B-Day Bash Merit Badge Hunt. I may attempt to grab some of those while they're available.WDC Kind Hearts is up as well and I may strive for that since it helps people out anyway and is also one of the activities out there. There was also a Chapter 1 competition. I'm not sure it's part of the anniversary activities but I'd thought to look it up anyways.

         Don't you just love signing up for things when times are lax only to get swamped by other stuff later? I tend to do that. Have a lot of ambitions and later on get side tracked or not do it totally b/c of school or other things. I got a bit of a head start though. Hope I can take part in the fun to some degree. Here's hoping.

September 1, 2016 at 8:48am
September 1, 2016 at 8:48am

         I don't mind theme prompts too much. Sometimes you spend all this time waiting for ''inspiration to strike'' and it almost never happens like you want it to. It hits you when you can't sleep at night. I get a lot of inspiration/ideas when I'm supposed to be in dreamland. Try to write it down b/c honestly, no one remembers that stuff come morning. Or it may hit you at random times when you're not even thinking about it. Sometimes it's good to just brainstorm or let your muse inspire you. And sometimes a prompt can help inspire you when you have trouble being inspired or your muse is on an extended coffee break. I think it helps to point a writer in a direction they wouldn't have thought to go on their own. It really depends on the write though. Some days you may be really inspired and write until you can't do so anymore. Other times, you may little need a little outside help to get started. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Inspiration comes where it wills. You just have to jump on it when it strikes and go where it may lead you.
August 30, 2016 at 8:53pm
August 30, 2016 at 8:53pm

         They say Sherlock's house, are they taking about the TV show? I wasn't sure at first what they meant. We already finished the Sherlock season and can't wait for the next one to come out. It was pretty interesting to see a modern take on the detective. I think they carried it off pretty well. They probably saved a little on actors since the parents in the show were Cumberbatch's. And Mary I think really was married to ''Watson''. Convenient for them. It was neat to take it all in. I'm sorry it's just about over. I'm sure I'll still some of you around afterwards.

         I'm not ending on a tragedy Lyn. Go and find me a comedy. Or at least something that won't leave me depressed when we have to go back. I want to end this trip on as a good a note as possible.

         You guys really have gone all out in a lot of ways. I'll need a wheelbarrow when this is all over. I'm afraid to get on the scale after this trip. But I can't say it wasn't worth it. There sure is a lot of walking around in London. My poor feet are ready for a break. London was a blast and I'm glad we were bale to appreciate it together. I fully intend to continue with my own writing adventure. I'm sure some of you I'll see again before long. Maybe even next month. We'll see.

         Good bye everyone, thanks for a great time! All see a lot of you around WDC I'm sure.
August 30, 2016 at 9:51am
August 30, 2016 at 9:51am

         London, it's sad to think we're nearly at the end of our backpacking journey through Europe. Bummer! I'm not ready to reintegrate myself into reality. Why can't I just already be there? My clone can fill in for the day to day blah of life while I'm off exploring the wonders of the world.

         I opted for the blue bus tour. I had a really good time. We went right to Picadilly circus. Which turns out isn't actually a circus but a crazy interstate or the like. Inside driver's joke apparently. We were stuck for like a half hour in that area b/c traffic was so gosh awful. I decided to just skip it and enjoy London's other hot spots instead.

         I went to the tower of a London. Which had a considerable line but it was only like 25 minutes to get in and I sucked it up. {How often can you go visit London?} That was real neat to see. I had to get something to show proof to mom I'd gone. She missed out when she last visited with her family so I wanted to make up for that. She literally texted back Really? Oh! I'm so jealous!

         I also visited the Kensington gardens. Being introverted and surrounded by crowds of people is almost a living nightmare. Plus the traffic is pretty bad being flooded with tourists and what not.{Not that I'm deterred.} It's just nice to be able to breathe comfortably without knocking shoulders with the guy next to you. Sometimes being around people is good for you. And sometimes you want them to get sucked away by a black hole. Everyone ahs those days I'm sure. It was really nice and peaceful walking around. Some dog was marking the no animals on the grass sign. It was great. I really enjoyed taking in the beautiful scenery at my own pace. And there's a lot of it. So, I have plenty of time to walk around.

         I also went to London's ''famous'' London eye. It's just a big Ferris wheel. Which may not have been the best choice when you may have a fear of heights. But looking out at the landscape is really something. Especially when it hits the evening, and it's lit up really enjoyed it. My stomach was quite thankful when we made it back to solid ground though.

         And of course, what better way to end the day than with a friendly ghost tour. As I was able to experience thanks to London's ''Ghosts by gaslight walking tour.'' And I'm not even that into scary stuff. But for some reason I've been going for it.

         Skip the bar hopping. I'm ready to just fall into bed. When they say ''walking tour'' be forewarned. Ah well, at least there's still one more day left before we go back to everyday life. :)
August 28, 2016 at 3:42pm
August 28, 2016 at 3:42pm

         I learned some about stone hinge in my online art class. At least I think I may have. It reminds me somewhat of Easter island minus the big stone heads.

         The castle was neat. It really fit with our current location. I'm sure it has plenty of history to discover behind it's walls. Some of it may remain hidden. It's neat to see castles in person and just take it all in. Cleaning them couldn't have been much fun. It's still a reminder of the history of that country and how far they've come since then.

         Faulty Tours, my parents have that on DVD somewhere I'm sure. So you get a glimpse of something a bit different from what you're used to. Me and mom just finished watching Sherlock Holmes and we really enjoyed it. I don't think we're so different from each other that we can't appreciate humor, everyone likes to laugh now and then. I really like the chocolate delight for dessert. I generally like lots of chocolate. So whenever I can indulge, it's wonderful. Dinner was a bit more interesting. I steered away from the mushrooms and carrots and the first course. I'm still a ways from being a health nut. I do try to make some healthy decisions. It all hits you at once when you're older. So whatever I can manage now I'll try to stick with. I'm going to miss our adventuring when I have to go back to reality and course work.

August 27, 2016 at 11:31am
August 27, 2016 at 11:31am
         Made it to England, I will say in very ''modern'' arrangements. All the comforts of home.

         Buckingham palace! I do so look forward to see the queen's corgis about at some point. I was a bit surprised to learn that the queen's guard is a actually a pretty elite group. I'm not entirely sure why though since it does makes sense if they're guarding the queen mum. Prince William and Kate Middleton and their brood should be somewhere around. I haven't been seeing what they're up to of late. It sounds like a very interesting life. If not very stifling at times.

         I believe I had some version of fish and chips before. Probably b/c the name sounded odd. The ''chips'' were less than stellar I found. It was even wrapped up in newspaper. I got the full ride on that one. Still glad to say I gave it a go. Just not sure it would be my first option.

         Kinky Boots theatre-Lyn sure can pick them. First course- poached salmon, main course-roast beef, dessert- chocolate brownie. I do so love dessert options. A very lively and talented group to be sure. I wouldn't mind seeing them take ago at the up coming election sin the U.S. that would be worth the admission. Be sure to tread lightly so you're not booed off the stage. I'm really not looking forward to November. I'm almost sorry I can vote. This one's going to suck no matter the outcome. Oh well, best to enjoy the pleasantries of life as they're presented. Plenty in the world going wrong, the least we can do is not get too bogged down by it. Enjoy the sunshine when it reveals itself.
August 26, 2016 at 11:11am
August 26, 2016 at 11:11am

         Horror Movie Day, yeah!

         Thanks for this once in a lifetime experience Lyn? Are you going to be that person that’s killed off first? No, you’re probably going to kick it off set aren’t you? Just watch us embarrass ourselves, thanks Lyn. Really appreciate the opportunity.

         We must have some horror buffs mixed in somewhere. I know enough that in these types of films loads of people die, if not everyone. Maybe a single or couple survives. You know I read something that said if you were the one  that did make it, the cops would be after you as the culprits. Because everyone else is dead and that leaves… You got it! That would suck, wouldn’t it? Finally make it out of hell and then ‘’oh officer, we’re so glad to see you there was this man and- what are you doing? You’re under arrest for murder.’’ Don’t think you’d be able to disprove it. No one else around to help verify. You’d be in a pickle. Assuming you’re not the only one  left.

         I can see Norb getting dragged along to some haunt only to run screaming. He could be one of those screams these movies always seem to have on hand. I wonder now. Are some of those people just sounds effects? That scream that freaks everybody out? I don’t know.

         Apondia isn’t fond of scary stuff. Maybe she can help set the mood. Look up some history for whatever place it supposed to be set in. Maybe be the narrator or even a brief cameo. I think she wouldn’t mind that. Kitty and her crew seem to be into mischief. They’d probably be the group of young people that sets everything into motion.

         Neva maybe can be someone who offered advice like’’ don’t go to that haunted mansion kiddies, people have gone and not come back.’’ Which generally isn’t taken seriously until it’s too late. Which is where Kitty and her crew would fit in nicely.

         Megan might do well as someone trying to solve the mystery/ figure out why people are disappearing. She seems the type that would try to communicate with spirits. She could be one of the protagonists of the film. If that’s even a thing. One of those few likeable people that you wish wouldn’t get killed. I think she’s well suited for a role along that line.

         I’m not into all that scary stuff. It sticks in my head and I’m up all night fixated on it. With my luck, I’d be that person that wanders off from the group/gets separated and then shortly after runs into the baddie. That would so be my luck.

         Well there’s always a break when shooting a movie right? What better way to calm everyone down then to get together and chat and have some snacks? Sounds great. It might’ve been for Lyn if someone hadn’t yelled ‘’spider’’ which made her spew her coffee. Meanwhile a harmless daddy longlegs crawled on Norb’s arm. He just kind of blinked and said’’ oh hey there little guy, want to say hi to Lyn? ‘’ It was like watching a cartoon. She would’ve been a perfect scream. Who knew she could zip out of there like that? Well maybe she’ll find Panda and bring her back on track. We’ll currently tracking her now. Still now sign of Panda though.

         Any who, Megan and an extra were practicing their lines and somehow it ended up a giggle fest instead.

         Apondia and Neva are sharing their knowledge with the director to help with back ground and things of that nature. I lost sight of where the trouble makers went and frankly I don’t want to know. Long as they don’t target me I can live with it.

         One of the minor characters sprained her ankle and they went looking for someone to take over for her. Evidently her double was ‘’out sick’’. They came up to me and asked if I’d give it a go since we both ‘’looked so similar’’. I tried thinking of a polite decline when Norb came up and said’’ she’d love too.’’ Thank you. Norb. And so I was roped into the madness. All I was needed to do was run screaming down the hallway into the breezeway and then I’d be good. Of course it didn’t turn out that way. Mid screaming freak out, one of the actresses’ ‘’therapy cats’’ passed out in the middle of the hallway. So I ran screaming on set, tripped over ‘’Mr. Winkles’’, and flew across a table and landed on my rump. It happened very quickly so I hardly had time to take it all in. I thought I heard something about being in the bloopers reel. I certainly hope not. Just goes to show, you really can’t take us out in public.

         And there’s our lovely movie experience. I hope I can save face after this film comes out. I’m not sure how it turned out. O h well, once in a life time experience, and all. We might even have made it to the credits. So that’s something at least.
August 25, 2016 at 11:01am
August 25, 2016 at 11:01am


         Our tour of Paris continues. There are really some interesting places that you really must see for yourself if you ever visit Paris. You can even learn some French along the way. How awesome is that? The above is the inside of St. Germaine's in France. Some of these old cathedrals/churches are really old and sometimes forbidding from the outside. Then you get inside and they can be so beautiful and you couldn't tell from the outside what hides beneath that rough exterior. Like an abalone shell.

         I refuse to go to a glorified pest control shop. I don't care if it was endorsed by Disney/Pixar in ''Ratatouille'' it's not going to happen. But that doesn't mean I will forgo the chance to check out some old prison or conciergerie as it is referred to in France. It is what it is. I will admit to feeling a bit creeped out when we got there. I know some old jail in St. Augustine FL, is supposedly haunted. I don't know what the deal is with this place. I do know I wasn't sorry when we had to move on. It's like visiting a French version of Alcatraz. I don't know if I could've managed that.

         Tour of Jacques is part of a tower that still remains from a church that is no longer in existence I understand. It's still neat to think how this one tower used to be part of something much bigger then what you see now. It's like a piece of the puzzle without the puzzle almost.

         Also on our tour, there's two different fountains we've seen also. I believe their both monuments. Fountain de Palmier is a thin, somewhat tall example of a ''monumental'' fountain. I'm not certain where the monumental part comes in but it was something take in and appreciate. The other fountain we came across was the square of innocents. I was almost certain some horrible tragedy brought on the name, but I could be mistaken. If we had more time and I and I cared to look it up I might have. But it was definitely the more elaborate of the two. Very good architecture by the French on a more smaller scale.

         We also happened to see the palais de justice- or court of law. To my best knowledge, none of us were doing anything illegal so we should rest easy. The day is still young yet, so that may still change.

         Hotel Dieu, a rather intriguing place when you actually see it. It's actually a hospital. I've even heard it's a medieval one at that. I'll have to verify that. But it was neat to see yet more history of a place I have some ancestry to. And that there's some history from the past that still remains intact.

         Hotel de ville-city or town hall. Was I only the only one that saw de ville and immediately thought of Cruella de ville. I'm almost certain that's where Cruella de ville was inspired from.

         Another ghost tour Lyn? You like scary stuff? Oh well, our tour guide was very in on the legends and history of Paris. She was very passionate about some of the more ghastly aspects of Paris that I'm sure will keep me up for a while. Apondia will be glad she missed out on some of the ghostly tales she knew. Well Lyn, I hope you don't mind company, b/c I'll most likely be visiting you this evening. Sleep is officially out of the question now. Thank you so much Kayla, I'm sure I won't forget that experience any time soon.

          Catacombs, I feel certain that was Lyn's doing. Scary stories and now scary tunnel of death. The wonderful convenience of France to have such lovely empty space to stick their dead below ground when they ran out of space. I think it's supposed to be a very exclusive event and you have to probably schedule way in advance. I think there was also a scary movie based around the catacombs of France. Feel free to check that out. I was bolting out of there when our guide said ''you can go through here to see where remnants of whole bodies have been preserved for all this time''... I got the hell out of there. I got a glimpse of a hand and it was all over. My creep sense were through the ceiling and I was so done with it all after that.

         Anyone needs me further, I will be hiding in my sleeping bag in Lyn's room.

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