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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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July 3, 2016 at 1:00pm
July 3, 2016 at 1:00pm

         I'm not sure what to say here. If Tallahassee wanted to become it's own state, I don't know the full repercussions or effects that would cause. It just makes me think of Quebec in Canada. They've tried to succeed from Canada and be their own body which has been shut down. I Then there's the whole being able to support the economy. I guess D.C has a good tourist trade but I don't know if it's sufficient to with stand being a state by itself. It's not succession but more of entering statehood. I don't know, I need to look into this more before I can make an educated response. That's where I am right now.
July 1, 2016 at 11:01pm
July 1, 2016 at 11:01pm

         I don't know about you all but I'm getting to the bottom of this cookie jar.

         Pooh Bear's got nothing on me!

          Publix makes the best chocolate cookies and they are mine all mine.

July 1, 2016 at 7:34am
July 1, 2016 at 7:34am

         Probably the worst commercials are the ones that pop up during election time. I try not to be in the same room when they come on. My dad gets very ''passionate'' as my mom says when politics are involved. Which my brother also seems to absorb like a mini sponge. Not looking forward to this election.

         The super bowl tends to have good commercials. Unfortunately I can't come up with a favorite. Doritos had some good ones. The Clydesdales had some cute ones as well.

         But probably my favorite ones lean more towards Geico. Two of my favorite being a drill sergeant for a therapist. The other when the gecko's away and they hire a frilled lizard.


June 21, 2016 at 5:58pm
June 21, 2016 at 5:58pm

‘’Oh my Ronald, do you think it’s safe to go out?’’
‘’ Absolutely not, even after the bomb goes off there’s still the radiation to consider. Which will make the surrounding area unlivable far longer then we’ll be alive. ‘’
‘’But, but Ronald-‘’
‘’No buts Kate!’’
‘’What about mother and the family, our friends? Do you think-… Could they still be…?’’
‘’I don’t know Kate, this is a pretty serious situation we’re in. There’s no real way of knowing for sure.’’
‘’Oh Ronald, do you think they’re, they’re-‘’
‘’I don’t know Kate, I really don’t know.’’
‘’That means there’s only you, me and Skip.’’
‘’That’s about the size of it Kate.’’
‘’I don’t know how much longer I can take being in here. I think I’m going crazy.’’
‘’Kate, I need you to calm down. Stay with me Kate.’’
‘’Oh, this awful waiting. I wish I knew if the others were alright. All this waiting is going to kill me.’’
‘’We just need to stay calm right now. We need to keep our heads and figure what our next move will be.’’
‘’And how do we do that Ronald? We’re trapped down here with no way out. Unless you want me to just pop the lid?’’
‘’No, we need to be cautious. We don’t know what’s out there? Or even if we could survive.’’
‘’How longer will we wait down here? I’ve gone numb just sitting here. Poor Skip is cramped in this little space. He’s used to running around and digging up your peonies. Remember Ron? I think, I think I’m starting to forget. And when that happens It all starts up again and my heart races because I’m scared we’ll never make it out alive and I never told all the people I love how important they are to me and-‘’
‘’What? What Ronald, what?’’
‘’Kate, I love you.’’
‘’I’m sorry Ron. I just don’t know what we’re going to do.’’
‘’It’s alright love, we’ll get through this together.’’
‘’I hope so Ron, I really do.’’
‘’How can you be so sure?’’
‘’Because I do.’’
‘’Because you’re the all -knowing Ron Parkyn?’’
‘’Because I have faith in us.’’
‘’Oh you. You were always the romantic Ron. Didn’t you refer to me as ‘’the rock’’ before?’’
‘’I’m not sure.’’
‘’I’m positive it was said in a positive manner love.’’
‘’I’m sure.’’
‘’ Anyways, what were you saying?’’
‘’I’m losing my mind and possibly just lost my loved ones; remember that conversation?’’
‘’I remember you getting hysterical and upsetting Skip.’’
‘’I did not!’’
‘’You did he went and hid under the bunker. Right bud?’’
‘’Hey, baby, you can come out now. Mommy’s alright now.’’
‘’It’s alright boy, mommy just lot her mind for a second.’’
‘’Excuse me? Don’t make me start on you again Ronald Parkyn.’’
‘’Well, Ms. Parkyn, I think it’s only fair to tell you-what’s he doing? Skip!’’
‘’Skip, no Skip! Don’t do that! Skip, come back here!’’
‘’Damnit! Come on, we’ll have to hurry!’’

June 20, 2016 at 2:47pm
June 20, 2016 at 2:47pm

          ''A photographer's goal is to make the unknown known''. -Stephen Alvarez, photographer for National Geographic

          Our world is a very neat place to live in. Even though we may not always be aware of it, it definitely is proven to be.

         I've lived in Florida my whole life so I am a bit limited in my knowledge of the world. When bad things happen, like the Orlando & Christina Grimmie shooting, or what happened to that family at Disney when they lost their little boy, it can seem anything but.

         I think it is beneficial to us to look at the world around us and the see the beauty in it, even when bad things happen. The bad things may stick out more, but there's still so much more to the world than all the negativity & violence that exists within in it.




June 4, 2016 at 8:15am
June 4, 2016 at 8:15am
It is very upsetting that I acknowledge that my tarantula of some 8/9 years joined that big web in the sky Thursday evening. I can't even say if it was actually a female or a dying male. We assumed it was, I think it got dehydrated. I only hope it didn't suffer for too long. If anything, I now know to watch out for humidity and observe signs of a tarantula declining. Hope to take this as a learning experience instead of a failure as a tarantula keeper.


June 1, 2016 at 12:50pm
June 1, 2016 at 12:50pm

         Sometimes there can be an information overload, where you have more info than you know what to do with. It's not impossible to overcome but you have to work at it. Essays can be challenging as I've come to find out. But if you put the work into it and really give it all you've got and accept ''all you can do is the best you can do'', you'll get through it. Sometimes it can be hard till you find your rhythm. I'm getting there but you have to remind yourself of things like citations/works cited page so you don't end up failing the course and have it end up on your permanent record.{It will stick with you for life.}

         Disney seems fond of making real life movies from their animated movies. It's hit or miss and my mom may see ''Jungle Book.'' There are way too many versions of TMNT that keeps popping up. When does it end? I guess you can always shake things up but when does it stop?

         We saw ''Risen'' now all that long ago. It was from the Roman's point of view of Jesus' resurrection.It was pretty good actually.

         I loved reading Sherlock Holmes growing up and I still do. I'm currently reading ''a study in darkness''. Sherlock's niece gets into a pickle and a lot of drama unfolds in the process. Another book I read mentioned Sherlock's sister going on adventures. I think it's about finding a new angle to view things from that can give way to originality.

         I don't think it's wrong to look to others for inspiration so long as we give credit where it's due and not totally rip off another artist's work.

         Writing can be hard and inspiration can be fleeting but when it hits you got to jump on it. You never know where it will take you.
May 31, 2016 at 7:42am
May 31, 2016 at 7:42am

         Idina Menzel-voiced Elsa in Frozen-‘’Let it Go’’ Turns 45 today.

Voice actor Mel Blanc’s 108th b-day. He was born in 1908 and died 1989. He lived up until his 80’s. Not bad.

It’s sad that this amounts to the people I recognize at all. I could try to make someone more famous. But then it doesn’t hold as much meaning.

The man from Looney Tunes and Elsa from Frozen.

There you go.
May 26, 2016 at 8:52am
May 26, 2016 at 8:52am

         Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs-3rd in trilogy of Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children. Wonderful series.

         Board Stiff by Annelise Ryan- Deputy coroner investigates a murder at a nursing home.

         Roxy's Story- Rebel of a daughter kicked out, dreams of making it big, messes up along the way and tries to reconcile with her sister.

         The Weight of Silence- by Heather Gudenkauf- Two girls abducted, families scramble to find them, possible abuse.

          a study in darkness- The daughter of Sherlock Holmes ends up tangled in espionage and more.

         Highlander Most Wanted by Maya Banks- Abused young woman briefly considers the convent life before a handsome Scot comes to her rescue.

         Cat in a white tie and tails by Carole Nelson Douglas- A cat helps his human ''room mate''{a sleuth} solve cases. This one involving a wedding.

         Ghost Boy by Iain Lawrence- Boy with rare skin condition runs away with the circus. Realizes he's as much a human being as anyone else.

May 26, 2016 at 8:27am
May 26, 2016 at 8:27am

         Ghost Boy by Iain Lawrence-Boy with rare skin condition runs away to join the circus. Realizes he's a human being like everyone else.

         a study in darkness- Sherlock Holmes has a daughter that gets involved in espionage and more.

         The Weight of Silence-Heather Gudenkauf- Possible German author so expect it to be sad. Two girls are abducted and their families try to find them.(Possible abuse.} It's going to be a long ride.

         Highlander Most Wanted-Young woman has tragic beginning, considers the convent, may get a happy ending after all.

         Cat in a white tie and tails

         Board Stiff by Annelise Ryan- Deputy coroner investigates murder at a senior citizens' home.

         Roxy's Story by V.C.Andrews- Your basic teen rebel gets kicked out of the house, wants to make it big, some bad choices follow, tries to reconcile with her sister.

         Library Of Souls by Ransom Riggs, Third in a trilogy of Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children series. It's awesome.

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