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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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January 5, 2015 at 11:46am
January 5, 2015 at 11:46am
Artist: The Gaslight Anthem
Album: Sink or Swim
Song: We're Getting A Divorce, You Keep The Diner
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30DBC: When you come down with a cold or the flu, do you stick to traditional methods of dealing with it, or are there unconventional remedies you use?

I only slept a couple hours last night, so this probably isn't going to be a super long entry. I'm totally just going with the necessity prompt, which is 30DBC. I've spent way too many hours arguing and fighting just to avoid the inevitable. Ugh, whyyyy. I start school in a week too, so this is like the last thing I wanna do on my last free week.

I got an email from one of my professors today saying that Version 3 of his book is preferred, but Version 2 is acceptable too. I wish he would've mentioned that before because Version 2 is like $180 less than Version 3. *Laugh* I so could've used that money on important thing like cigarettes and alcohol.

Anyway, the question today is about how we deal with things like the cold and flu. I'll be the first to admit, I'm terrible at being sick. Some people can just get into bed and sleep for three days until they're feeling better. I can't. My anxiety spikes at the thought of being bedridden even for just a few days. I'm basically just a huge puss bag when it comes to being sick.

The cold is a little different than the flu. For that, I'll usually take a ton of cold medicine. I'll drink Nyquil like it's water because it helps me sleep and I can't do it otherwise. I drink orange juice and eat soup, toast, and crackers. Cold time is movie time for me. I'll watch 80s movies like Say Anything and Sixteen Candles. Colds don't really mess with my general mood much, unless they go on forever and ever, which they sometimes do. After a few days, I'm like, "Okay, this can end now..."

The flu though... is horrible. I've only had the stomach flu before and that's really bad. I've had it twice and it consisted of terrible body cramps and vomiting. It's like withdrawal all over again! There's nothing you can do for it either. I couldn't eat or even drink water because nothing would stay down. I spent mucho time writhing in pain on the couch and screaming about my various ailments.

I'm much more about preventing the shit in the first place. I'm super crazy about washing my hands and not touching my face when I'm out in public. My immune system is low, so if I'm around a sick person, I can just assume I'm going to get whatever it is they have. I really should take vitamins and eat better and drink more water, but I do what I can.

Welcome to my Reality: What is your favourite quote and why?

Editing this entry because I forgot the new WTMR would be coming out today and I found one I want to try out for today. My long running favorite quote is:

ā€œNothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known.ā€ Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

I find this quote to be very accurate and true to the way I live my life. I try to let people rub off on me when I know them and talk to them a lot. I admire their strengths, their quirks, etc... and I let them integrate themselves with who I am.

When I was younger, I had a lot of issue with dissociating myself and it got to the point where I didn't even feel like I was a person with feelings and opinions. I kind of felt like I was just ambling around aimlessly, hoping that things worked out, but I didn't have a genuine personality of my own. I found myself mimicking people's behavior a lot and I'm not sure why, maybe pinkbarbie can explain that to me. Pretty soon, I felt like I was just a collection of all the people I was close to in life. I moved past those people, but their personalities and traits stayed and carried on with me as I met new people and took pieces of them away as well.

Some of my other favorite quotes:

*Bullet* "But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" ~Mark Twain

*Bullet* "Find what you love and let it kill you." ~Charles Bukowski

*Bullet* "I really don't know what 'I love you' means. I think it means don't leave me here alone." ~Neil Gaiman

*Bullet* "I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'" ~Kurt Vonnegut

*Bullet* "Write drunk; edit sober." ~Ernest Hemingway

On a Sunday morning the whole crowd assembled
I've done some things that I'm not too proud of
I've never left you, a deaf ear for longing
Some hearts are gallows, I'm not here for hangin' around
January 4, 2015 at 11:16pm
January 4, 2015 at 11:16pm
Righto, guys. This is the second-to-last day of the Blog Harbor 12 Days of Christmas challenge. Don't worry, I won't go getting all mushy on you yet. I'll save that for tomorrow. *Smirk* Day 11 was a pretty simple task. šŸŒ• HuntersMoon and I were wondering what we could possibly do 11 times. Well, now we now. The challenge for Day 11 is as follows: For the glory of the number eleven, send notebook posts (or comments to notebook posts) to eleven different WdC members.

Notebooks are...
Notebooks are pretty cool on here. It's a fast, easy way to keep up with what's going on with people. I guess it's similar to Facebook status updates or something like that. A lot of times people use their notebook to say what they're up to or what they've just finished doing. I'd like to think that the WDC newsfeed is probably a bit classier than the average Facebook one though. There's no fighting over ridiculous statuses- as seen here.  

The replies
I did mostly replies to other people's posts for this one because I have a slight reading problem and didn't see until the end that I could actually just go start a new conversation in someone's notebook. Yes, they allow me to operate a vehicle. *Laugh*

*Bulletv* First up was "Note: Heading to the chocolate exhibit at the Academy of..." by Future Mrs. B . I saw this one when I woke up this morning. Yeah, it was at like noon or something. *Laugh* Jess is always doing fun things like this. It's cool to be involved in things like this locally. There are so many things in my area I still haven't done.

*Bulletv* I saw this one "Note: So, as of yesterday the names for the puppy got wh..." by Jessica M. Sedgwick and had to respond because a dog shouldn't have to be named Charlie. *Laugh* Plus, who doesn't want to vote on a puppy name?

*Bulletv* Another easy pick here with "Note: My latest man-crush Sir Charles Spencer Chapl..." by kiyasama. I could probably just hang out all day on WDC answering newsfeed posts. Charlie Chaplin is so awesome. This was the scene I was referring to, by the way, in case anyone hasn't seen it and would like to laugh their ass off:

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*Bulletv* Then I moved over to Linked 'Note' no longer available., and I'm not going to link the person here because she's eleven and I have a filthy mouth. I don't want her to read anything naughty. She's starting to work on a book though, which is awesome at her age to have a goal like that.

*Bulletv* Brittany L. Engels has a hefty reading challenge this year, according to her note, "Note: Entered a book reading challenge... 104 books be...". I'd be doing awesome if I could read a fourth of that goal in one year. There's something about me and book reading that hasn't clicked much lately. I have a total lack of concentration.

*Bulletv* The next is nothing special, really, because I comment on Cinn 's stuff all the time. Of course, they always lead to goofy conversations, so I'm happy it's in here, "Note: I've added a new entry to my book, [Link To I...". I think Day 4 was one of the hardest. I think it was Day 4 and Day 7. Whichever day it was that we had to promote stuff on the shameless plug/contest/activities pages was a bit of a toughie.

*Bulletv* I posted on Note # by theckenast because her status bar image looks really cool. I always think it's convenient to have a status bar like that to show what percentage of something you've completed. It feels good to see the status bar moving as you get closer to the goal.

*Bulletv* I can always use more Netflix recommendations so I appreciate lizco252's post Note #. Documentaries are one of my favorite genres to watch. Hey, Beth, remember when you watched Blackfish? *Cry* I'm still not over that one.

*Bulletv* ~ Santa Sisco ~ reminded us about Quill voting in his post "Note: I have made my nominations for the Quills - H...". I hadn't forgotten since Day 3, but it's always nice to have a reminder, not only for me, but for others on the site as well who may not have gotten their nominations in yet. It's important that everyone get a chance to talk about what they liked over the last year.

Welcoming new members
This was the part in the challenge when I finally realized that I could go post on new members' notebooks and welcome them to the site. *Facepalm* If only I had read everything in the beginning. *Laugh* That's okay though. I got to welcome a couple members who just joined the site today, so that works out well.

*Bulletv* I first welcomed joules with "Note: Hi there! Welcome to WDC. *Flower3* ...". I found her by looking through the "Read a Newbie" page. She had an item, "Blogging?, that caught my attention because, hello, blogging! *Bigsmile*

*Bulletv* I found the last one, Brendan Nobles , the same way. I noticed he had already added a lot of poetry to his port and he just joined up with us today. I left the note, "Note: Hey man, Welcome to WDC! I see you'...", in his notebook welcoming him to the site and saying I'd probably be back for a review soon.
January 4, 2015 at 5:54pm
January 4, 2015 at 5:54pm
Artist: Passion Pit
Album: Manners
Song: Sleepyhead
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The Sunday News!: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

What/Who made you laugh the hardest this week? Describe the situation.

Sunday news is back on the table! Fun, fun, fun for us. Well, it's been a cold, snowy, windy day for me. I guess the weather isn't really a news story though, is it? When we used to do these Sunday news prompts, I'd always try to find something positive to talk about. There are so many negative things that we could just drag on and on about, but it's so depressing and makes me feel sad inside.

Luckily, I stumbled upon this news story: http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/4/7487541/want-fewer-highway-deaths-build-the-ani... and it fits perfectly in with my positivity thing and my own belief system, so that's what I'm going with today.

I first saw this news story yesterday on Reddit, but I couldn't find the article again. I went to the Verge though, and this was on the front page. It's a different article, but it's the same news story, so it works for me.

This is super awesome. Basically, on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana, two of the Indian tribes have built 41 of these over and under passes for the wildlife to cross safely above or below the highways. I know that, as humans, we often feel that our needs for convenient travel outweigh the local wildlife's needs, but I think it's great that these tribes are trying to share the land with the animals in the area.

I'm all for sharing with animals. I hate when people freak out about a shark being in the ocean. That's its habitat! It has to be in the ocean. When I was down in Florida, there were several shark sightings at one point one of the girls I knew down there said that they needed to go out there and kill the sharks if they spotted them. Why should the sharks have to die because humans want to invade their natural habitat? That's just horrible and makes no sense to me.

Of course, leave it to Native Americans to discover a method of sharing the land. They're very in touch with nature, animals, and spirits. It's really a great connection they have with life and all things that are naturally in it. Plus, if it helps save the lives of animals and humans, it's a win-win for everyone. I know people who have hit deer before and it's very dangerous. People get into wrecks and die that way too often. I'd like to see more of these overpasses built for the animals.

I laugh a lot, as I mentioned in my Funny Friday post. I went out with a few friends on New Year's Eve and we laughed a lot. I was sick that day and the next day a little bit too, but I felt good enough to go out and drink a bit, which was great because I thought I wasn't going to be able to.

One of my friends is the funniest guy you'll ever meet trying to pick up girls. Every time we go out, I laugh the whole time because it just gets progressively worse the more he drinks. It starts out socially awkward at best and turns into full-blown pandemonium by the end of the night.

He's notorious for accidentally hitting on a girl who is out with her boyfriend. The guy will go to the bathroom or something and he just happens to see her at the wrong time. He'll mosey on over with his awkward self and try to talk to her about something that he's interested in, like football, and then her boyfriend comes back and gets all pissy. It's bad enough that he'll ask us, "Do you think that girls single?" before he even tries.

His attempts are really funny too and get more obnoxious as the night goes on. It starts with sweet attempts like, "Hi there, I'm Trevor. Is this seat taken?" to belligerently loud, "You're HOT, what are you doing tonight?!" *Facepalm* Poor guy, but he's so funny.

And you said
It was like fire around the brim
Burning solid
Burning thin the burning rim
Like stars burning holes right through the dark
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes

January 3, 2015 at 7:29pm
January 3, 2015 at 7:29pm
Oh boy, Day 10 means I'm up to speed with the Blog Harbor 12 Days of Christmas challenge! How cool is that? I've been looking forward to this one. Here's the challenge: As a tribute to the austerity of the number ten, fan ten different authors or items that you haven't already. (Refresher: to "like" an item or author, click the "+" at the top right between the email and print icons. The "+" will turn into a finger with a string on it to indicate you've made it a favorite... and clicking it again will turn the icon into a horn which indicates you're a fan. You can check to see which items you've already fanned - and who is a fan of you! - by clicking on the Fans tab in your portfolio.)

Where I started
There was a challenge a long time ago on the site where you got an MB or something for fanning people on the site. Before that, I didn't even know that you could fan members. I think most of the people I've fanned came from that. I favorite a lot of activities so that I'll see updates on them. It automatically does it when you post in a forum.

Why it's good
Fanning people is cool because then you can see what they post on the newsfeed. I've missed out on different challenges or things posted on the newsfeed because I somehow wasn't a fan of the person before. I think that every time someone fans me. I'm like, "How were we not fans of each other before? We talk all the time." *Laugh* I've been thinking I should fan some people anyway because my newsfeed could use some more activity.

The people
Here are the people I've just fanned!
šŸŒ• HuntersMoon
Have a sunshiny day!
The Run-on King PDG Member
Sum1 Is Home!

But wait, there's more!
I couldn't stop with just the ten though, so I added a few more that I realized I wasn't a fan of before. Here we go...
Fran šŸ’œ šŸ’œ šŸ’œ
Storm Machine
šŸŒ‘ Darleen - QoD
Escape Artist

That should...
That should do it for now. I did an even twenty, so there's still a ten in there somehow. It's divisible by ten anyway. *Laugh* Okay guys, go light up my newfeed. *poke* Doooo something. *Smirk*
January 3, 2015 at 6:44pm
January 3, 2015 at 6:44pm
Day 9 of the Blog Harbor 12 Days of Christmas challenge and I'm almost caught up! If I can get my mind to focus for the next hour, I'll be good. Today's challenge is: To celebrate the number nine, send nine different WdC members cNotes. Bonus points if you send them nine separate cNotes and personalize each one rather than mass-mailing/copying one cNote to nine people.

In an effort to follow the guidelines of this challenge, I sent a few personalized welcome cNotes to new members on the site. I tried to find people I'd never talked to or reviewed before because we are trying to get out of our comfort zone with this challenge after all.

*Bulletg* The first went to mel.berger from "Trinketeers CNotes Shoppe"   by the last cicada with a positive message about finding her way around the site.

*Bulletg* Next was a welcome cNote from "Amy's c-notes"   by Merry Mumsy sent to Mac1 with a message about his inspirational poetry.

*Bulletg* The last welcome cNote was from "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor and went to Cecilia with a message about how quickly she's gotten into the site with her stories and helpful reviews.

Thanks for reviewing
The next three went to people who have recently sent me helpful reviews. I'm always grateful for the reviews I receive and reviewing is an important part of this site to me. I like to give them just as much as I like to receive them.

*Bulletv* I sent a thank you cNote from "Splash some moods C-note"   by Samberine Everose to Alexi with a message about her review, Review of "Next To Me" of my recent poem, "Invalid Item. Man, that was a lot of linking in one sentence. Hope I got all that right. *Laugh* I'm currently getting to know Alexi in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and I think she's pretty great.

*Bulletv* I sent another thank you cNote to ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy from "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor . I thought the hummingbird image was cool. Ann definitely deserves some recognition from me because she reviews my poetry quite frequently and is always encouraging. *Heart*

*Bulletv* Finally, I sent one to Angus from "Thank you Cnotes"   by Nixie to thank him for his continuous dedication to reviewing. I always appreciate getting his honest feedback.

Awesome friends
The last three went to some of my super cool friends on the site just to thank them for being supportive and fun. I've been trying to follow the rules of not sending things to the same people over and over, so here are a few I haven't used yet.

*Bulletb* I sent an "I miss you" cNote from "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor to Mitchopolis demanding that he tells me where he's been. Seriously, has anyone talked to Mitch lately? I miss him!

*Bulletb* Second was a "thinking of you" cNote to Fivesixer from "Say Anything General Purpose C-Notes"   by Revelry new writings soon saying that I'm sorry his computer sucks. *Laugh*

*Bulletb* Last cNote was to Elle - on hiatus from "Leger's Assorted C-Notes!"   by Legerdemain with a message of thanks for her support. Elle has always been positive and helpful, no matter what the situation. *Smile*
January 3, 2015 at 5:34pm
January 3, 2015 at 5:34pm
Artist: Passion Pit
Album: Manners
Song: Little Secrets
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30DBC: Concoct secret plans.

Blog City: Tell us about your night routine. What is one thing you could never imagine changing about it?

My concentration level is like zilch today. It's just shameful. I've been trying to do different things that I need to do on the site, but I keep having to walk away from it 'cause, fuck, I can't get anything done. Hey, it's Saturday, no one will probably read this entry anyway. Saturday's a flyover day. *Laugh*

Most of my secret plans are concocted with people in order to present something in a better way to other people. I'd like to think I'm the type who owns up to their mistakes, BUT I want to do it in the best possible way. Meaning, the way that makes me look best. It's not uncommon for me to consult a third party to see if they can help me brainstorm what exactly I should say and how I should say it.

I can't concoct secret plans right here or they wouldn't be secret anymore. I think this is Norb's idea of getting us to tell him all our secrets. You just worry about your computer situation. Let's try to concoct a secret plan so Norb has a laptop for school, yeah? My school offers discounts from Dell and stuff, but it's like 25% off at most. Electronics always mess up at the worst time.

Nightly routines are a new idea for me. I don't have things I specifically do at night before going to bed or anything. I typically fall asleep anywhere between midnight and four in the morning, depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes I stay out all night and don't sleep until the next day. It doesn't affect me much.

Having a routine I have to commit to every night freaks me out. I don't like to schedule things or even have regular procedure to follow because then if anything gets messed up, it's like a big deal. My father is huge on planning and making lists. I've been on car trips with him before; it's horrible. If we get caught in traffic, it's like an apocalyptic situation because we might not make it to check in at the hotel at the exact time he had planned. It's like, dude, chill out. The absolute worst case scenario is that you check in at the hotel later. I mean, who cares?

Ahhh, that's all I've got. I'm not proud of this entry, but it is what it is. *Laugh*

When I came down the dawn poured into me
I shook em up, the walls came crumbling...
January 3, 2015 at 1:49am
January 3, 2015 at 1:49am
Hello, Day 8. I'm ready for you. Can you guys believe I'm almost caught up? If I can finish this one up tonight and do Day 9 and 10 tomorrow, I'll be golden! I'm totally going random on this one as far as who I'm picking. None of it really means anything, except the bad ticket one. *Bigsmile* So here's the challenge for Day 8: Because the number eight is so influential, purchase some raffle tickets for eight WdC members. Bonus points if you buy each of those eight members exactly eight tickets and/or purchase them from eight separate raffles.

All the raffles!
I like buying raffle tickets when I get some extra GPs. I think it's a nice way to support the different groups on the site and a lot of them are a ton of fun. I never know how to thank someone for buying me a raffle ticket though. You know what I mean? Like, I usually just hit the like button on their post because I feel like it would be annoying if they had thirty people directly emailing them like, "Hey, thanks!" Hopefully liking the post is enough and I've not been totally rude for the last year. *Laugh* I couldn't find eight different raffles that are running right now, so I went with four different raffles and eight tickets per person. There's some math in there somewhere. It works out, I think.

Save the contests
"Invalid Item is run by Miss ohsoquiet and it's an awesome idea. There are a lot of great benefactors PLUS the winner of the raffle will get 50% of the proceeds. How cool is that? I think that's pretty generous. The raffle is running until the 31st, so make sure you get in there and get a few tickets for only 500GPs. I got eight tickets each for ā™„Hoovesā™„ and Cobe on this one "Invalid Post"  

Good ticket, bad ticket
Song Bird has a unique idea with "Invalid Item. I love the whole good vs. bad thing because I know some bad people who need some bad tickets. *Smirk* The winners of the raffle will get a nice review package from "Invalid Item. We could all use more reviews! I sent eight good tickets to LostGhost: Seeking & Learning. Of course, I had to send eight bad tickets for Fivesixer just because. "Tickets, please!"  

Writer's S.O.S. Group
I like "Invalid Item because it's run by harperpaul of course! Plus, it benefits "The Central Bank which is one of the contests I plugged in Day 7's challenge. I'm always surprised by how different all of the raffles and auctions are. In this one, there are different raffle lots and you can choose which one you buy tickets in. I went for Lot 1, hopefully that'll bump up the grand prize a little bit in that lot. I sent eight tickets each for The Run-on King PDG Member and Izzy's Writing. "Invalid Post"  

PDG Christmas Raffle
Finally, I have to support the PDG raffle, "Invalid Item! This is such an awesome group. Ronis brain tumor is gone! does a great job of running these raffles and contests. Sorry you're sick this week, Roni. I hope you're feeling better soon. This raffle runs until the end of the month and the winner will get 20% of the proceeds. 70% goes to the Paper Doll Gang and the other 10% is for Roni's projects, which I'm sure she has lots of! I sent eight tickets each to Osirantinous and Riot. "Tickets, please!"  
January 3, 2015 at 12:45am
January 3, 2015 at 12:45am
It's Day 7 of the Blog Harbor 12 Days of Christmas challenge. I think it's actually Day 9 or 10 now. *Laugh* I'm going to try to get caught up tomorrow. I'm having fun exploring different parts of the site that I haven't really delved into up to this point. I'm loving all the number facts too, perfect for a mathematics fan. But school starts in a week, so let's not talk about math. *Facepalm* Today's challenge is yet another thing I've never done here, imagine that! To respect the power of the number seven, visit "The Shameless "Plug" Page" , "Activities @ Writing.Com" , and/or "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com" and promote the items, activities, or contests of seven WdC members. Bonus points if those things are from Blog Harbor members!

The shameless plugs
I added three items to the "The Shameless "Plug" Page because I thought it would be nice to showcase some of the good items here. I could probably fill that page up with stuff I've read on the site, but only three at a time. I try to follow rules! I've been so scatterbrained today because my minds in a million different places. I first submitted Ghostranch 's blog, "Invalid Item because I was like, "Heck yeah, Jess is awesome!" Then I realized that I'm not allowed to post anything above an 18-rating there. *Facepalm* Thanks again for taking care of that, Jeff. Anyway, I went ahead and posted hers over at "The GC+ Shameless "Plug" Page just because I was so determined in the first place. *Laugh*

*Bulletg* "Invalid Item by šŸŒ‘ Darleen - QoD . I so adore Darleen and her blog. Her sense of humor is great and I feel like she does an awesome job of connecting to her readers. She's so down-to-earth, as is evident in her latest entry: "Invalid Entry. Just normal, casual Darleen at her best!

*Bulletg* "Invalid Item by Brother Nature I love this one. Joel's tribute poem is everything that was awesome about Dr. Seuss. The flow is spot on and it really reminded me of classic Dr. Seuss style. Go read it right now. *Wink*

*Bulletg* "Invalid Item by groovygirl Last but definitely not least on the Shameless Plug page was groovygirl's blog. I think I really started reading her blog when she became a member of Blog City. She's just a really fun person and I like catching up with her world when I get a chance. Her latest entry, "Invalid Entry, was really well thought out, as are most of her entries. Check it out.

Activities, ooh la la
I've never thought of activities much here, but I think that's because they could be anything really. I mean, so many things qualify as an activity, right? There's raffles, auctions, and tons of groups. For the purpose of this challenge, I decided to promote some blogging groups because we can never have too many bloggers or blogging groups, in my opinion. *Bigsmile* I've added the following to "Activities @ Writing.Com.

*Bulletv* "Blogging Circle of Friends by CJ Reddick I'm assistant leader in this group, so maybe I'm biased. *Laugh* Still, I think it's a really fun group and it's one of the first groups I blogged with when I first started the daily prompt thing. I think I started this one and Blog City at the same time, but I can't quite remember. Maybe it was 30DBC first after the Soundtrackers challenge? See, this whole blogging thing gets confusing after a while.

*Bulletv* "Welcome To My Reality Forum by Rhonda I've only recently started blogging with this group and it's a ton of fun. I really like that I can skip a few days if I need to and still make up for it by the end of the week. My favorite part is having all the prompts for the week ahead of time. That makes it really easy to sort of pick and choose what works best for you that day. There are some days I think I'm going to use a specific prompt, but then by the time it gets down to blogging, I'm really feeling another one more. That's super convenient.

Contests for your noggin
I don't participate in many of the writing contests here. I'm not sure why, but I have a tendency to miss the deadlines, even when I know when they are a month ahead of time. I'll have something half-written then realize the contests is fin. *Facepalm* Still, people are always inspiring each other with their unique contest ideas and prompts. It's an awesome way to kickstart your muse when it wants to sputter out. I may be more of the 'challenge' type than the contest type, but here are a couple that look pretty interesting. The following have been added to "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com.

*Bulletr* "Monthly Poetry Contest by sunnystarr Sunny has a really cool contest here and I think it's awesome that the poems can be written in any style. I have so much trouble with anything that isn't free verse. I know I should just dive into them, but I always end up scrapping it. The prompts this round are super cool too because they're all 'new year' related. I think that's all still fresh in our minds, right?

*Bulletr* "Supernatural Writing Contest - Closed by pinkbarbie My last plug was for Aisha's supernatural contest because who doesn't like supernatural stuff? Plus, this is another really open-ended one and I always appreciate that. You have until the end of the month to enter anything supernatural, no prompt at all. You can even enter old pieces in, as long as they don't already have awardicons on them. I'll have to dig around and see if I have anything that fits the genre.
January 2, 2015 at 4:27pm
January 2, 2015 at 4:27pm
Artist: Heatmiser
Album: Mic City Sons
Song: Plainclothes Man
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30DBC: What does "funny" mean to you?

Welcome to my Reality: What was your favourite memory of the Christmas Season? If you do not celebrate Christmas choose a special or important holiday/birthday that you have a favourite memory of.

Weā€™re talking about what funny means to us today. This question reminds me of that scene in Goodfellas where Joe Pesci wants to know in what way heā€™s funny. *Laugh* Oh god, that scene cracks me up. I have to go find it and watch it now. Ah, found it, here we go. WARNING: Naughty words.

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Thatā€™s one of my favorite movies. My brothers and I were watching it in the backseat on a family trip and my dad was cracking up listening to it while my ma sat in the front seat saying, ā€œThis is violent! There are so many curse words!ā€ *Laugh* They say the word ā€˜fuckā€™ in that movie 300 times, just to give you an idea. Iā€™ve probably seen that movie about twenty-five times though. We used to watch it a lot as kids.

To answer the prompt, I find a lot of things funny. Anything that makes me laugh or even gets me to crack a smile is kind of funny, to an extent anyway. It doesnā€™t take a lot to make me laugh either. Iā€™m down for any kind of joke, but sarcasm especially seems to hit my funny bone. People tell me a lot that I have a good sense of humor. I think when they say that, theyā€™re either saying that I need to take something more seriously or theyā€™re cool with me because we find the same things funny.

Stand up comedians are funny to me too. I really like the deadpan ones like Steven Wright, but my favorite ever is Mitch Hedberg. I know Iā€™ve talked about both of them before and included a lot of their funny quotes in this blog. Life observations are really funny to me. Like, things Iā€™ve noticed but put in a different light with a funny twist. I guess Iā€™m just easily amused.

As much of a Grinch as I might seem, Iā€™ve had some awesome Christmas memories in my time. I remember playing outside in the snow, then coming in and having hot cocoa and sitting by the fire. Christmas Eve was the most fun for me because of the anticipation of Christmas day. After the 25th, you donā€™t have anything to look forward to anymore with the holiday. Itā€™s just over. The 24th was great though because you had all the built up excitement from several weeks of hearing Christmas music and seeing gifts under the tree.

We would usually eat a nice dinner and watch Christmas movies on Christmas Eve. We always watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special, A Christmas Carol, and either the Grinch or Rudolph. I always liked A Christmas Story and Home Alone too. I still watch those two around Christmas almost every year.

Once I got to be eleven or so, I got super bah-humbuggy about the holidays and I didnā€™t look forward to them anymore. I felt like my parents were more stressed out around that time and that caused a lot of fighting, arguing, and general tension around the house; somehow more so than usual. There were a few year there at the end, probably from age seven to ten, where I tried to make it work and stay in the holiday spirit despite the general negative atmosphere of my house. Eventually I just gave up on that and I started hating the holidays because I saw everyone else who got to be excited and happy with no strings attached.

The holidays are better now that Iā€™m older though. They usually involve drinking and watching a lot of movies. My friends go to their parentsā€™ houses a lot because thatā€™s one of the only times of the year a lot of them see their family. We usually do something for Christmas in my family, but itā€™s almost never on Christmas day. Itā€™ll be several days before or after. At least thereā€™s no awkward tension now, but Iā€™m always happy when the new year starts and everything can chill out.

Dreaming on the silver strand
Waking up to plainclothes man
You little bastard, little boy in blue
Someone's gonna get to you
And fuck up everything you do
January 1, 2015 at 11:53pm
January 1, 2015 at 11:53pm
Alright, where was I? Ah, yes, Day 6 of the Blog Harbor 12 Days of Christmas challenge. Day 6 is going to be interesting because I haven't explored much of the items involved here. I've been looking forward to doing this one. The challenge is: To celebrate the awesomeness that is the number six, complete six surveys, quizzes, and/or polls from six different WdC members. I'll do a couple of each so I can get the most out of it. I don't think I've ever taken a quiz or a poll here before and I only remember doing one survey in the past. I need to get with the program! *Laugh*

*Bulletr* The first one I voted on was "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor . I have no idea why, but I've never voted in this poll before. I've read items from most, if not all of the newbies who are up for it this month. I could easily do this poll every month because I review so many new members. I don't think I was ever up for Newbies in the Spotlight as a new member. I feel like my newbie time here was a bit strange. I wasn't involved in any of the 'new member' groups for some odd reason. My only guess is that I was so focused on reviewing as a newbie, everyone just stayed out of my way. *Laugh*

*Bulletr* The next poll I took was "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor because I feel so passionately about this. I didn't know I had such a strong opinion until I read the poll, but seriously! The coffee/tea HAS to go first. I don't think either has an effect on the taste, but pouring the milk first for coffee would be like pouring the milk first and cereal last. It's just weird. I mean, what if you pour a little too much milk or not enough milk? Then you have to do milk-coffee-milk?! Insanity. I really want to know who the people are who chose to pour milk first so I can ask them what the hell? *Smirk*

*Bulletb* I've never taken a quiz before, but I saw this one, "How Well Do You Know Jessica?"   by Future Mrs. B , and couldn't pass it up as my first quiz. I've known Future Mrs. B for a while, so I thought I'd do pretty well on a quiz about her. Most of the stuff I know from reading her blog or just talking to her. I only missed one out of ten, so a 90% and the one I missed was totally not my fault. The question I missed was about where she wanted to move and I wasn't sure which one she was focused on when she wrote the quiz. Spoiler alert: I picked the wrong one. *Laugh*

*Bulletb* Then I took "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor . I have no idea why because I don't even like religious stuff. I just thought I'd do really well because it was shoved down my throat so much as a kid. *Laugh* Buuuuut, I got 12 out of 19 correct. Sorry, Father. *Facepalm* Not exactly sure how I missed who Rhoda was or what was called the Promised Land. That's okay though, it was still a fun little quiz.

*Bulletv* This was a much harder category because most of the surveys are to join groups and we can't have that, right? *Smirk* First, I filled out "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor . I've been doing the Merit Badge Projects every month for quite a while. It's fun because it gives you an opportunity to work toward a merit badge while getting you to step outside of your comfort zone. I'm sure I could think of plenty of ideas for different badges, but I stuck with just one today.

*Bulletv* The final survey I completed was "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor and I have no idea what I just read. *Laugh* It felt a lot like taking those tests they have on online job applications now. I don't know if you've seen them but they're like, "I would never not not say something was in my job description" and the choices range from always true to never true. Either way, it was an interesting one to say the least!

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