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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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January 24, 2015 at 1:57pm
January 24, 2015 at 1:57pm
Artist: The Shins
Album: Oh, Inverted World
Song: Girl Inform Me
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30DBC: Create something with this - "Okay, I've got this. After all, it's not the first time a ...

Have you ever had two parts of your life come together that weren't ever supposed to meet? It happened to me last night and those situations always feel so surreal to me. Like, you know both parties know you really well, but they don't know each other and never should, so when you see them side-by-side, it's this weird moment of clarity. It's the side-by-side comparison that gives me that strange heady feeling. The lucidity is so strong and it's like, damn, I seriously fucked up. It nauseates you for hours after from pure repulsion. Man, I don't even know, let's move on..

Congrats to the new yellow cases!! *Balloony* *Balloonb*

I don't know if any of you read my blog, but if you do, I'm glad you got promoted!

Okay, I've got this. After all, it's not the first time a prompt has left me totally stumped. Where did my creativity go? I used to be able to write about anything. Like, in school, if they gave us some sort of writing prompt, I was off. I didn't think about it, I'd just write until I was told to stop. As I've gotten older, that side of me has totally changed. It's like I have so many real life problems that I turn every situation into a 'problem' and I'm always looking for the perfect 'solution'.

There's something I want to say soo badly for this one. "Okay, I've got this. After all, it's not he first time a ...." But, I just can't do it. I've tried to type it a few times, but my fingers are just like, No, Charlie, bad idea. I've gotta trust their instinct, so I'll go with this:

Okay, I've got this. After all, it's not the first time I've had ten assignments due in maths class in one week, ranging somewhere between five and twenty-five questions each. Sure, no biggie, just fifty to two hundred and fifty questions to complete before Wednesday. Oh, maths, why have you forsaken me so by piling on way more work than all of my other classes combined? I trusted you! I truuuusted you. *Rolleyes*

Alright, so I'm a little bit uncreative on Creation Saturday. Sue me! Hey, at least it's short. *Wink*

Girl inform me all my senses warn me
Your clever eyes could easily disguise
Some backwards purpose
It's enough to make me nervous
January 23, 2015 at 1:40pm
January 23, 2015 at 1:40pm
Artist: The Menzingers
Album: On The Impossible Past
Song: Good Things
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30DBC: Tell us that story about yourself or a family member that is sure to give us a chuckle.

WTMR: If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would you want to have seen?

I finished all my homework for the week. Yaaaay. The online quizzes annoy the piss out of me. I feel like there's always at least one or two questions that are worded super vaguely and I always miss them. It's like impossible to get 100% on something. It's like 93-96% range always. *Rolleyes*

Please tell me I'm not the only one who doesn't have a funny family. I mean, some of my family has a really good sense of humor, but they don't really do funny things, if that makes sense. As for me, I've embarrassed myself so many times, it's not even funny anymore. I've drunkenly fallen down stairs, out of cars (passenger side, don't worry), off of porches, etc... more times than I can count.

There was this one time though.. I was visiting family out west and I have this totally ridiculous great aunt or third cousin or something. She tries to act super wealthy, but she works at some health food grocery store. She acts all fancy and proper all the time. She even puts on this fake English accent sometimes, even though she's never been out of the country. She describes cake as 'delightful'. Anyway, she's... let's see.. how do I put this. There was a lot to love. She was basically a lardo.

So, she's prancing around this dinner party, eating all the hors d'oeuvres and lecturing people about eating 'fatty' foods and the benefits of a healthy diet. I guess she got out of breath at some point and she went to sit down on a wooden chair at the dining room table. The second she sat down, you could hear this strange cracking noise. Her face went from posh to 'oh fuck' in half a second and the legs of the chair just splintered away.

It was so funny because she had just been lecturing her much smaller daughter about eating too much cheese or something like that. When she first broke the chair, a silence fell over the room, followed by the most uproarious laughter I think I've ever heard. I was sitting with my ma across the room and we were doubled over laughing. It was that kind of laughing that seems to never end until you're gasping, "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!"

The rest of the night, everyone kept giggling in the middle of conversations just from the hilarious memory of her falling on her ass. The funniest part was, after she finally got up (with the help of several people), she began proclaiming that the chair was cheaply made, most likely due to our country's negligent use of outsourcing to countries like China and Taiwan. "No quality control, I swear!"

Yeah, okay, Bertha. *Wink*

If I could have personally witnessed any one event in history, it would totally be the moon landing because that means I would've been on the moon. Man, if I had been on the mood, I would rub that shit in people's faces so much. I'd make all these horrible puns like, "I'm truly out of this world." *Moon* Plus, then I'd know for sure that we did walk on the moon and I could be like, "No guys, it really did happen. I was there."

I mean, really, there are a lot of things I would have liked to experience. I'm at least somewhat interested in history, so I'd like to be around for some of the major world events, at a safe distance, of course. *Bigsmile* The moon landing was a positive one though and it's the huge history event I always think of first when someone mentions an event from history. My mind's like, Ah, yes, the moon landing.

I've been having a horrible time
Pulling myself together
I've been closing my eyes to find
The old, familiar failures

January 22, 2015 at 9:00pm
January 22, 2015 at 9:00pm
Artist: The Loved Ones
Album: Keep Your Heart
Song: Jane
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30DBC: Today I'm throwing something out there - winging it. I've heard it said that, "Opinions are like @$$holes, everybodies got one."
One of my favorite uncles shared (with me) his secret way of responding to anyone who shared any kind of an opinion with him.
After patiently listening, he would look straight back in the persons eyes and say, "So what." Think about this happening to you...

The assignment
Nasty uncle Harold just responded to your opinion with a deadpan "So what." How do you respond in return?
What's your opinion on opinions?

WTMR: What made this week special for you?

I'm sliding right into the next one because I don't want to be late again! I swear, I'm not putting off my business test. *Bigsmile*

First of all, how dare he? I know exactly how to handle Uncle Harold's assholery. For as long as I've known, I've done this... thing... I have no idea where I learned it, but it amuses me, so I continue. If someone says something rude or offputting like Uncle Harold did, I start having a conversation with them that makes no sense and watch their reaction as they slowly go mad. Using Uncle Harold as an example, this is how the conversations usually go. Oh, and remember that this works best in a public place with people the other person knows.

SuperWeird Charlie: *Crazy insightful opinion about life*

Rudy McRudePants: So what?

SuperWeird Charlie: How could you?

Rudy McRudePants: I don't really wanna hear your opinion.

SuperWeird Charlie: After all we've been through?

[Insert strange looks from strangers and friends alike]

Rudy McRudePants: Been through? What are you on about? Your opinion sucks.

SuperWeird Charlie: I thought you loved me?

Rudy McRudePants: Huh? *looks around discreetly*

SuperWeird Charlie: It's just, after all those summer nights..

Rudy McRudePants: Summer nights? What the fuck?

[Insert people suddenly paying attention]

SuperWeird Charlie: I just wanted to talk to you about my philosophical opinion on life.. I guess you're still not over last night?

Rudy McRudePants: Last night?

SuperWeird Charlie: *look away coyly* You know..

Rudy McRudePants: Dude, stop it.

SuperWeird Charlie: Stop what? *reach for Mr. McRudePants' hand*

Rudy McRudePants: What the hell, man?? You're about to get punched in the face!

And this is why I'm not allowed to sit at the big kids' table at Christmas.

I don't really remember much of this week honestly. I've spent all day working or doing homework every day. I didn't even realize that the weekend was coming up until my friend called and asked me to come hang out tomorrow night. The weekend doesn't matter much anyway because that's my prime time for working. I've got a lot to do on here that I haven't gotten done because, yeah. *Laugh* Don't know if that's really special or not though.

I guess this week was special because I'm alive and moderately healthy and busy. What more does someone need to have a special week?

Hear me out baby and dry your eyes
I'd write it out but it would just seem trite
I'm pulling out of here with holy spite
Tonight, tonight, alright, alright
January 22, 2015 at 8:35pm
January 22, 2015 at 8:35pm
Artist: Rise Against
Album: Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Song: Give It All
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30DBC: Everyone pokes the little boy made of dough and this constant oppression depresses him over time. [from Writing.com prompts]

WTMR: A genie grants you three writing related wishes, what are they and why?

Nooooo, I got behind. What happened? One minute I was being corrupted by skeason and Elle - on hiatus , the next I was behind in the 30DBC. It's not fair! The girls corrupted my mind so that I wouldn't be able to complete this prompt on the day it was given. If it hadn't been for them, I'm positive that I would have been on time. *Smirk* Really though, between school and work, I've stretched myself hella thin.

I had to write for this prompt when I saw it because it reminded me of something that happened when I was younger. I was a... thoughtful.. kid, to put it nicely. I was highly emotional and anything could traumatize me in an instant. My older brothers aren't quite the same way and they loved to say stupid things that would get stuck in my head and make my anxiety run wild, like that there was a red-eyed demon looking through my bedroom window while I was sleeping. Thanks a lot, guys!

Anyway, my middle brother, or whatever you want to call him. The one that was older than me, but not the oldest, was watching TV while I was doing my homework. I know I was young, because I was practicing drawing eights, those little bastards are hard 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. Anyway, the Pillsbury Doughboy commercial was on for the millionth time and my brother said, "Ya, know, I'd get really irritated if everyone was constantly poking at me all the time like the Pillsbury Doughboy."

I think at the time, I just kind of laughed about it and kept drawing my crooked ass eights, but later on that night while I was trying to fall asleep, that stupid comment came creeping back into my head and I was like, you know what? That is kind of messed up. I mean, they're constantly tickling him and poking him in the stomach. Are they calling him fat or something? Sure, he plays along with it and giggles every time, but he's actually probably just trying to fit in. Like maybe it actually hurts when they poke him, but they'd stop hanging out with him if he said something about it.

No, I have no idea why a small child would think about something like that, but I haven't changed at all, in case you're wondering. I still lay in bed at night and have something stupid pop into my head and then I spend an hour worrying about it before I fall asleep. *Facepalm* Stupid Pillsbury Doughboy. Stand up for yourself!

I so want a genie right now to grant me three wishes. They have to be writing related, but my first one would be more time. It writing relevant at least because I need more time to do my writing. As it is, I don't think I'll be able to review again for the next four years. *Shock* Okay, I'm a little dramatic, it's just the way I am, but seriously, I need more time.

Second writing-related wish would be infinite awesome pens and stationery. I always feel more inspired when I have a new pen that's really nice or some fancy paper to write on. I want to have an entire dresser full of different types of writing utensils and paper. Every time I open the drawer, I want there to be new writing supplies. Come on, don't act like it would be awesome.

The last wish would be motivation. It's just something I lack at times. I go in and out of writing like crazy. I'm casual at best. There are times where I can write several poems in a week, but then it's like I'm stuck for weeks with no motivation to even attempt a poem. Of course, I also overanalyze my writing, so I don't put most of my poems on here. I have a nice leather-bound journal full of poetry that I'll probably never share with anyone. I guess I need more confidence too. Are you sure I can only have three wishes, Great Writing Genie Fairy?

So please believe your eyes, a sacrifice
Is not what we had in our minds
I'm coming home tonight
January 20, 2015 at 11:34am
January 20, 2015 at 11:34am
Artist: Lou Reed
Album: Transformer
Song: New York Telephone Conversation
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30DBC: Two-fer Tuesdays: Choose from one of these two recent stories in the news, and write a blog entry in response to it. Rant or rave, stir up some emotion.

I'm choosing this one to write about:

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WTMR: What is your favourite rainy day movie/book and why?

I've got a huge headache today, but tons of homework to do so, this is going to be fun! Hey, at least it'll help me keep things short. We all need short days sometimes.

Nice change up for Two-fer Tuesday today because I so don't feel like doing a review right now. I definitely agree with what Obama said in this speech, but I can see both sides of it. It's complicated when there are risqué emails as well as financial security and personal safety issues at stake. I know we see something like this and it's easy to get all up in arms about it because we're like, "Raaaah, we have freedom of speech!" but we do have to understand a couple things about this situation.

First of all, North Korea has never been linked to the hackings and has actually stated the opposite, that they weren't involved. It seems to me that they became more angry after they were accused of it, which is consistent with an innocent party, in my mind. When someone is guilty of something like this, especially a bully-ish government like North Korea's, the expected response would be, "Yes, we did this, push us further and see what happens." That wasn't the response at all, from my perspective and from what I know of the issue.

Upon further research, I found this article  , which came out yesterday and basically states that the NSA was entirely sure it was North Korea doing the hacking because the NSA had already hacked them beforehand. Soo, we're mad at these hackers and we know it was them because we hacked them first? Not sure...

What it boils down to is, we'll never know what the government doesn't tell us, so everything must be taken with a grain of salt at all times. But, in large, I agree with the general sentiment behind Obama's speech.

I'm a big fan of just laying in bed all day watching movies. Sometimes you just need to lock yourself away and get lost in other worlds for a while. My favorite movies for a rainy day or when I'm in bed sick are all the eighties John Hughes films. I can watch movies like The Breakfast Club, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, and Sixteen Candles over and over without getting bored. They're the perfect movies for that because they're pretty mindless, like you don't have to think about them much while you're watching, but they're not trash TV either, they're genuinely good movies.

Sometimes I'll watch the nineties teen movies too, like Jawbreaker, Varsity Blues, 10 Things I Hate About You. To me, a good rainy day movie is all about feeling comforted. You don't want to watch something dark, like Trainspotting, for a rainy day movie even though it's an awesome film. Dark movies don't really have that rainy day element in my mind. It needs to be not serious. Nothing that reminds me of real life problems that I have.

I don't really have any rainy day books. If I tried to read a book on a lazy, rainy day I would most definitely fall asleep and wake up with a massive headache. I really should get back into reading more, but the time constraints are pretty serious. I know Stephen King said, "If you don't have time to read, you don't have time to write" and it seems people tend to agree with that theory, but I disagree entirely. If I have 90 minutes of free time between work, school, and other life commitments per day (spending time with my wife, cleaning the house, etc..), I make a choice to write with that time rather than read. If someone doesn't understand that, they've probably not put in thirteen or fourteen hour days and had to choose which hobby they were going to do with their little free time. *Smile*

Did you see what she did to him?
Did you hear what they said?
Just a New York conversation
Rattling in my head

January 19, 2015 at 1:21pm
January 19, 2015 at 1:21pm
Artist: The White Stripes
Album: Elephant
Song: Black Math
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30DBC: Recruit me as a new fan to your blog. Tell me what you and your blog are all about. Tell me what I have to look forward to in the coming week, and into the future. Engage your readers by soliciting them to leave comments endorsing your blog.

WTMR: Do you agree with the adage "write what you know"?

Happy MLK Day for all you lucky bastards who get off work today. *Bigsmile* I've got a fun-filled day of work and studying ahead of me. YIPEEE. I'm jumping with joy at the mere thought of it. So, let's see what we've got on deck today in the blog world. Oh, we've got a guest judge over in 30DBC this week. Just don't feed him any bananas.

I'll try to keep this short for you, Joel. Basically, I want my blog to be a comfortable place to write, not just for me, but for the readers as well. I want people who read my blog to leave long, drawn out rants. I want people to feel comfortable taking over an entry and putting their own effect on it. I'm super into the social aspect of blogging. It's kind of my way to express myself and discuss those expressions with people who sometimes agree and sometimes adamantly disagree. It's good to throw in a bit of diversity.

My blog started with the first Soundtrackers challenge and I basically just had a lot of stories to get off my chest. I had a lot of memories and songs that were attached to those memories. I really needed to get a lot of that out and it was a freeing experience for me. I could've gone on with that first month well into March, just filling my blog up with songs and memories. In a couple weeks, I'll be back at square one with the challenge that started my blog in the first place. It's cool to see where my blog's gone in the last year.

I think I always solicit readers to leave comments. I don't really feel like I need them to endorse my blog much, it really endorses itself by being open and honest. That didn't come out the way I wanted it to, but I'm going to leave it because I can't think of any other way to say it. Above all, in the last year of blogging, I've tried to stay genuine to who I am as a person and as a writer. If I've accomplished that much, I'm proud of my experience.

This part is a response to the Welcome To My Reality prompt, so you can stop reading now, Joel. I'm about to talk mad trash about you. *Laugh* So, as far as the adage "write what you know", I definitely agree with this in part. The way I look at it is you need to write what you know or research the fuck out of the topic so that you know about it. So basically, it ends up being "write what you know" either way.

Here's the thing, I've read people who have written about a topic they know nothing about and it's painful to read. The biggest one that stands out in my mind is when someone writes about an addict and it's so painfully obvious that they know nothing about the lifestyle or actually activity of doing drugs. Their character is mixing all sorts of weird shit that would almost certainly make them see Jesus, or the drug they're doing is making them act in a way that is inconsistent with the drug. "I just smoked a joint, I'm tripping out so bad! Was that a leprechaun?"

As an addict, the stereotypical 'addict' in a lot of people's stories drive me nuts because they're so far off from what the addict life is really like. I know I'm a special addict because I'm rather functional, but pretty much all my friends are addicts too so I live the lifestyle. I know all the ins and outs of it, so it's just awkward to read a writer trying to grasp the idea of it and be totally over-the-top with it.

That doesn't go to say that a non-addict can't write a character who is an addict, but RESEARCH is key. Research isn't going on Wikipedia and reading about heroin. Research is going within those communities and meeting the people who do that drug. That can mean going into an internet forum where addicts hang out and seeing what they're really like or something that gives you firsthand experience with the lifestyle.

For example, I've never had a terminal illness, so I can't just up and write from the perspective of a character who does have a terminal illness. I'll end up getting everything wrong from the general medical terminology and appointments to how it feels. I don't know it, so I can't write it. Unless of course, I do copious amounts of research into that specific illness and see firsthand how people with that illness feel and live.

So, to answer the basic question, yes, you do have to know what you're writing about.

I can't tell you how proud I am
I'm writing down things that I don't understand
Well, maybe I'll put my love on ice
And teach myself, maybe that'll be nice
January 18, 2015 at 12:42pm
January 18, 2015 at 12:42pm
Artist: Passion Pit
Album: Gossamer
Song: Constant Conversations
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30DBC: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

Pssst, click the link  .

Welcome to the Sunday news story where we refuse to acknowledge anything negative happening in the world. If you don't have Spotify, you need to get it right now. Go download it. It's free with occasional commercials. If you pay 9.99 a month, it removes all ads and commercials. If you're in school, you get it half off, so it's 4.99 a month for unlimited music without interruption. Spotify has totally changed the way I listen to music. People see my blog and they ask how I know about all this different music, Spotify has been instrumental for music listening in recent years. I don't have to go buy a CD to try out a new band. I don't have to go find it somewhere on YouTube, which isn't easy when all the recommendations are for the artist you're currently listening to. Spotify has a 'Related Artists' tab on every band or musician, so it's super easy to explore related music and find new bands.

Now when I find a new band, I listen to all their stuff on Spotify and then I go check out their related artists and listen to all of that too. It's important for me to continue developing my musical tastes. It's not enough for me to be like, "Yeah, I like classic rock!" I do love classic rock, but I keep up with rock music and, at the risk of sounding like a hipster, I've usually known about a band for a couple years before they get popular, if they ever do. There are some awesome bands that I could've sworn were going to get big, but they just never took hold for whatever reason, even though they're way better than bands that are popular.

A couple bands came out in 2014 that I swear I'll be hearing on store radios in a couple years. The band today, Passion Pit, isn't one of them. They're already big in my opinion with over 50 million plays on their most popular Spotify songs. I have been listening to them since like '08 though. *Laugh* Catfish and the Bottlemen are gonna get super big though. I can feeeel it. *Music2*

Anyway, I'm not surprised that Spotify has 60 million users. Even paying $120 a year for unlimited music is totally worth it. I mean, CDs were like 18 bucks back in the day. That's like six and a half CDs per year. I don't know about you guys, but I bought like three or four a month in my prime CD buying. So figure, low estimate, 36 CDs a year for about $650 vs. unlimited music for $120 a year. It's a no-brainer.

The only issue I have with Spotify is that they're missing some major bands, like the Beatles and Tool. Of course, I have both of them on my computer, so I can stream it through the Spotify app anyway. Led Zeppelin finally caved and got on Spotify, I think it was in early 2014. In my opinion, in today's world of technology, it's kind of a stupid business move to be like, "No way! I won't let my music be streamed." It's been proven that bands on Spotify make more money and that's for obvious reasons.

You have 15 million customers, so say $1.8 billion a year from paid users. Then you have another 45 million who you're getting add revenue off, which I'm sure totals out to more than the $120 a year they get from each paid user. Basically, the average music listener is going to access your shit whether you want them to or not. Bands don't make a ton off of CD sales. They'd make more off of allowing their music to be on Spotify. If they refuse to put their stuff on Spotify, that's cool, the users will just go illegally download it and the band will make nothing.

I mean, it might not be the nicest way to do things, but that's what the market looks like now. You've got to adapt with technology and if you refuse to, you're going to lose out on money. That's what it's all about anyway. Bands like Tool don't like the royalty contracts. They want their fans to go into a store and buy their CD or record, and they'll tell you it's because they want their album artwork to be appreciated or because their albums aren't supposed to be heard single by single, but rather by the whole album at once. But, come on, if you know anything about business, you're not going to believe that. They value their music higher than what they'll get from downloadable platforms and that's the bottom line.

It's cool, I mean, I love Tool, but I can guarantee you people aren't going, "Aw man, Tool's not on Spotify? Better go to the store and buy their CD so I can rip it to my computer and listen to them. *Laugh* Come on now.

They come singing through the window, singing through the trees,
singing through the bright spring leaves.
Yeah, they love you when they need you
but someday you're gonna need to find some other kind of place to go.

January 17, 2015 at 5:21pm
January 17, 2015 at 5:21pm
Artist: Catfish and the Bottlemen
Album: The Balcony
Song: Kathleen
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30DBC: "Say what you will, and I'll fight to the death for your right to say it, but this here is mine." Create something out of that.

Blog City: What's your favorite type of puzzle to do? Word Search? Suduko? Crossword? Rubic's cube? Jigsaw? Do you do one I didn't name ? Why? Relaxation or mind stimulation.

Blogging Circle of Friends: What is your work style like? Do you prefer to do a little bit each day or do you do well in a hurry at the very end?

Happy Saturday, you blogging fiends. How's everyone doing? I finished all my assignments, so we one of college is dunzo. Sweeet. Now I have to work tonight and start on next week's homework tomorrow. What happened to that thing where I just went out with friends and did nothing? *Laugh*

This quote is hilarious because I always mix it up with the "Give me liberty or give me death" thing from Patrick Henry. So every time I hear either one of the quotes, I see the wrong person in my mind. Like I'm picturing Voltaire floating around at the Virginia Convention giving this epic liberty or death speech. And before you ask, no, I have no idea why Voltaire would be floating. He just sounds like levitation would be in his repertoire. I mean, look at his hair, he's definitely floaty-type person.

I'm not sure how Patrick Henry would fare as a French writer advocating for religious freedom, but hey, the two did have something in common there. Freedom for everyone! I have heard that Voltaire wasn't even the one who said that quote even though he's always credited with saying it. I think it was the person who wrote a book about him after he died that said it or something like that. Can't be bothered to google.

I love all types of puzzles. My favorite are sudokus and crosswords. I like sudokus because they're so simple, yet challenging. The concept is super easy in theory, but it gets more complicated as you're doing them. You have to pay a lot of attention to where you're putting numbers or you'll be doing a whole bunch of erasing. I remember the first time I did one and I didn't realize all the rules to it. I was just filling in the first box with 1-9 and wondering where the challenge was. *Laugh*

Crosswords are more of a mindless thing to me. They're fun, but they take little effort and it's just something that passes the time when I'm bored. I like a lot of puzzles like this just because they're mindless. Jigsaw puzzles are the same way. They're something I do when I'm at my grandmother's house and we're having tea and a conversation, but keeping our hands busy with a puzzle. I like the variety puzzle books too. The ones where you fill in words of different lengths are fun. I think they're just called Fill-ins, conveniently. The board looks like a crossword puzzle, but they give you the solutions instead of questions. You have to find where they all fit in. It's sort of like sudoku with words. I'm a puzzle nerd.

I'm typically the one who works at a steady pace and still ends up rushing at the end. Sometimes my steady pace just isn't fast enough. I notice this most with work. If I have two weeks to work on something, I spend the first week slowly making progress and taking frequent breaks. Then the second week is like crunch time and I'll work a bunch of hours straight to get it done. I can make a lot of progress at the end, but I'd much rather keep a continuous pace throughout and get things done ahead of time.

I've gotta give it to you
You give me problems
And made me give in to you
January 16, 2015 at 6:31pm
January 16, 2015 at 6:31pm
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Album: Axis: Bold As Love
Song: Little Wing
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30DBC: Sneak over to your immature side for a moment (if you're not like me and haven't taken up a permanent residence there)...some words, regardless of their meaning, make us laugh for no reason (as an example, the word "gaggle" makes me giggle and conjures up images unrelated to its definition). What word (or words) does this for you?

WTMR: Tell us about one person in your life who makes life better.

Blog City: I was in the store this afternoon with Vic to get sympathy cards for my friend's children. Maybe, I've been oblivious the past few years but today I really noticed that the Valentine Card aisle is now 3 aisles. It made me wonder do people really buy that many Valentine cards. What do you think, do people really mail that many cards? Do you do something special for Valentines Day where you live? Tell us about your customs.

Blogging Circle of Friends: Have you had any experiences with a person who is morally or politically corrupt? Do people need to be persuaded like Shakespeare Macbeth or does it happen on its own? Do you think these ideas cause writers of fiction and fact issues when writing?

It has been the day of homework over here. I'm hoping my weekend will mostly be free. I've got probably an hour to two hours left to do in the morning and then I'm good until, say, Monday morning. Of course, I have to work over the weekend though, so free isn't exactly a good description of my weekend. Still, I'm all for having just one to do this weekend. I've been splitting my days in half. Like half homework/half work. I might even get to do a review this weekend. *Shock*

Oh, and yes, I'm blogging for all four again. Is the color coding helpful at all??

There are some words that make me giggle, and you bet your ass 'gaggle' is one of them. The one that I thought of right away when I saw this prompt is 'discombobulated'. I have a silly memories attached to the words because we used to say it all the time when we were drunk or otherwise confused. I can remember being like fourteen and having my ma call to check in on me while I was out over the weekend and she'd quickly realize I wasn't 'of sound mind'. There were many conversations that ended in me saying, "Nooo, mum, I'm not drunk.. I'm just discombobulated!!" *Facepalm* *Laugh*

The rest of my favorite funny words are the ones people say when they're trying really hard not to curse. You know, like fiddlesticks, dagnabbit, cheese and rice, doggone, gosh, golly, gee, jiminy crickets, sheesh, son of a gun, shucks, etc... There's nothing funnier than watching some get angry to the point of verbal explosion and all that comes out is, "Well I'll be a son of a biscuit eater!" Either cuss or don't, the alternative is just hilarious and adorable.

My wife is the one person who makes my life better. We have, like, major ups and downs. We're known as the couple in our group of friends who may or may not end up screaming at each other in the middle of the street on the way home from the bar, but I think we both have sort of accepted that part of our relationship as just the way it is. We've always been super on and off like that. We can get along perfectly fine for a month straight and then all of a sudden we're not even on speaking terms because of one thing or another.

It might seem volatile or bad for other people, but I'm used to relationships like that. I don't really know how I'd handle a different type of relationship. We get along really well a lot of times and we'll spend our time hanging out and watching movies. Kira is awesome because she's a 'hang out' kind of girl. She's always down to just chill out on the couch, order a pizza and watch a movie. I like that she can be down-to-earth and we don't have to try to impress each other.

Sounds like Lyn's been the victim of Hallmarketing. It's not just Valentine's Day, Lyn, it's every holiday. They have rows and rows of cards for days you wouldn't even think to send a card for. Like who sends Thanksgiving cards? I don't think that many people mail Valentine's Day cards. I mean, who would you mail them to? You don't send Valentine's Day stuff to your parents, siblings, grandparents, children, aunts, etc... That's just weird. At most, you'd need one (possibly two *Wink*) cards that you'd give to whoever you're with at the time.

I think marketing for everything has just gotten out of control. People walk into a store and see rows and rows of Valentine's cards so they think, "Wait a minute, there are so many Valentine's cards. Am I supposed to be sending these to everyone in my life?" I haven't receive or given a card for Valentine's Day since I was a child and they forced us to do it in class.

My Saint Valentine's Days are much more relaxed. I don't celebrate and the girls I've been with have been cool with that. Who needs another day to buy each other pointless stuff? We already have birthdays and Christmas for that sort of thing. You should love the person you're with and show them that every day. We don't need to be reminded to put an extra effort forth one day of the year.

I think we've all dealt with morally corrupt people. That whole moral compass is so subjective anyway. I would be considered highly immoral to some people, while others wouldn't think of me that way at all. I think that morally and politically corrupt people usually start out with good intentions and, in trying to meet the goals they set for themselves, they end up doing morally or politically corrupt things. I believe that it's some sort of snowball effect where by the end, they're doing things they never could have imagined themselves doing in the beginning. The human mind can normalize a lot of things after a while, even perceived evilness or wrongdoing. Do I think people need to be persuaded to be this way? Not necessarily. I think they can be, but I don't think it's a necessity for moral/political corruption.

I don't see where this would cause a writer troubles. If anything, a little corruption is good for an exciting story. Surely most writers don't have any issue with writing fiction ideas that contain immoral behaviors. The only place I can see this causing an issue is if you were writing a nonfiction piece and blowing the whistle on some immoral people who aren't going to appreciate it.

When I'm sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles she gives to me free

January 15, 2015 at 11:04am
January 15, 2015 at 11:04am
Artist: Elton John
Album: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Song: Bennie and the Jets
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30DBC: Give us your opinion on ways that creative writing can remain relevant long into the 21st century.

WTMR: How do you dress for a funeral? Black out of respect or colours of celebration, or a tactful bit of both?

Blog City: "Everything with you is a long story." Does this apply to you, people you know or characters in your stories?

BCOF: When making decisions in life, do you listen to your head or heart more? Are you more of a logical or emotional thinker?

Hello, bloggers and blog readers. How are you doing? Before you ask, yes, I plan on blogging for all four prompts today. Deal with it. *Smirk* I love all the groups so much and I actually have t-i-m-e today, so I'm ready for this. I want to take a second to ask that we keep Lyn's a Witchy Woman in our thoughts as she received some really bad news recently. Read "NP for more information. Please send her your positive thoughts and vibes as she deals with her loss.

Thanks to my friends who sent anniversary wishes and gifts yesterday. I appreciate you all. Your community spirit is what makes this site so addictive. *Laugh*

Merit Badge in Happy Anniversary
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Happy 1st WdC account anniversary! *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Happy Anniversary
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Congratulations on turning one year old!  Woohoo!  It has been a pleasure getting to know you over the past year, and I look forward to seeing what the world of Charlie brings to Writing.com in 2015.  Whatever it is, I trust you to bring it with your own unique voice and style.  Don't change.  *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in Happy Anniversary
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Wishing you a happy 1st WDC Anniversary. It is amazing how quickly time flies on one hand and on the other it feels like you have been here forever! I hope this is the first of many anniversaries you celebrate with us!

Rhonda Merit Badge in Happy Anniversary
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You can never have too many Happys to go with your anniversary...now can you?! Merit Badge in Anthro
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Charlie some times can be selfish, impatient and a little insecure. He make mistakes, He can be out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle him at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve him at his best. We are blessed to be a part of that journey. He will make a difference in the writing world. Happy Anniversary! Merit Badge in Just Because
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  *^*Starb*^* *^*Starb*^* *^*Starb*^* *^*Starb*^*Happy Account Anniversary. You're genuine, generous, and cheerful. Always keep being you *^*Starb*^* *^*Starb*^* *^*Starb*^* *^*Starb*^*

And on that note, I'll go ahead and get started with my four prompts. *Facepalm* *Laugh*

Creative writing to me is like reading. I worked at a bookstore during the e-reader boom and I can't tell you how many times I had the same conversation about libraries, bookstores, and physical books becoming extinct. I told everyone then that it was going to happen and it hasn't. People just prefer physical books most of the time. Yes, e-readers are great for certain things. They're good for travelling because you can carry so many books with you at a lightweight. They're convenient in situations like that.

Ebooks definitely have somewhat of a hold. All but ONE of my five classes this semester has an ebook version of the textbook. The physical textbook version is anywhere from 80-120 dollars more than the ebook. Mind the fact that the ebooks are already like a hundred and fifty bucks. I stuck with the ebooks where I could, even though I don't like reading that much on a computer screen. They're really quite good for certain things because they have a search bar, so if I'm doing homework and I need to find something specific, I can just type it into the search bar and it shows me every page that specific information is on.

As for creative writing, it has an even better chance of surviving for, well, forever. Look at how it has adapted with the internet. Now everyone and their mother has a blog. There are creative writing prompt blogs, poetry blogs, webcomic blogs, review blogs, hell, there's even blogging blogs. People are always going to want to write, just like people are always going to want to read, so I don't think there's any risk of it becoming irrelevant any time soon.

I've been to a few funerals and I always do the classic all black or mostly black thing. I also follow the lead of the people who are closest to the deceased. If they say they're wearing Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts to the funeral, I'll follow suit. If I see that they're wearing nice dress clothes, I'll wear a similar style. If it's someone I'm very close to, I wear all black and at most a colored tie.

The basic point of a funeral to me is to remember the deceased person and part of that is not drawing attention to yourself. You're supposed to remember the person's life and celebrate it, yes, but to me, wearing bright yellow at a funeral isn't celebrating. You can wear a somber color, because it's sad when someone dies, and still celebrate their life. Of course, if the closest family members say they want everyone to wear color, everyone needs to wear color.

This is a strange quote. I feel like there should be more to it. I guess it might be saying that everything in life has a long backstory or something? If so, I think this applies to myself and everyone else, I'm sure. Things in life are complicated and confusing often times. That's why it's important that we're not too quick to harshly judge people. I can hardly stand to have conversations about political issues or things in the news with most of the people I know because it's like everyone has these dramatic black and white viewpoints. I'm much more of a 'grey' thinker. I try to see multiple sides to a story whenever possible.

The surface of a life issue is just that, a surface. There are always roots that go way deeper than what we can see from the outside. But that can be applied in a much more positive way as well. Like friendships are long stories too. Marriages are long stories. Careers are long stories. They started somewhere and stacked up continuously to be what they are now. It's important to do this when writing characters because it will make them more realistic.

I haven't read anyone else's responses to this prompt yet, but I'm almost positive people are going to say that they think both with their head and their heart. Of course, we all want to see ourselves as a balance of logical and emotional. I wish that I was a logical thinker and decision maker, but that would be my friend, Cinn. I'm a super emotional decision maker. I'm very impulsive because of that. It's easy for me to make bad decisions because my emotions are reacting to a situation rather than my logic kicking in and doing the right things.

Just because you're an emotional thinker doesn't mean that you lack logic, it just means you tend to listen to your heart over your head. The reverse is true too. Being a logical thinker doesn't mean that you never feel any emotions about a situation. It just means that your reactions are based on what your head tells you. I wish I could be more balanced between the two. I wouldn't want to entirely be a logical thinker, but I'd like to have a little bit more balance in there.

Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet
But they're so spaced out
B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets

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