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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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October 23, 2014 at 1:06pm
October 23, 2014 at 1:06pm
Artist: Tool
Album: Opiate
Song: Opiate
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I'm not writing for any prompts today. I'm still in the process of trying to shake the shadow that came over me this week. I've been focusing on other things though, like studying for the college placement test I have to take either in November or December. Classes start in January and I still don't know what I want to major in. I know I can just get my generals out of the way at first, but I'd sort of like to have at least an idea of what I want to go for. I guess I'll see how I do on the placement test and go from there.

It's hard to concentrate on studying and working now that I'm not home by myself. There's almost always someone here who I don't want to see and it's rather hard to get away from them given the square footage of my apartment. Once I get a set date for the test, I'll probably go to the library and study more. I want to skip taking Algebra for a third time, if possible. *Laugh*

One of my friends has been attempting to lure me out of the house the last few days, so I think we're going to go see a movie today. We're going to see Gone Girl  . I haven't read the book yet, though I bought it with every intention of doing so last year. It's still sitting on myself, untouched. Remember that prompt about the books talking to each other? I'll watch pretty much anything that David Fincher directs. Worst case scenario, it'll be artistic and dark with a shitty plot line.

Well, I guess I'm done talking about nothing for today. Oh, I added a poem to my port today. I wrote it, I think last week? I wasn't sure if I was going to post it or not, but whattaya know..

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#2015543 by Not Available.

If you want to get your soul to heaven, trust in me
Now don't you judge or question
You are broken now, but faith can heal you
Just do everything I tell you to do
October 21, 2014 at 11:21am
October 21, 2014 at 11:21am
Artist: Placebo
Album: Black Market Music
Song: Black-Eyed
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I got so down yesterday, all I could do was pace in circles, kicking the pavement. I swear, if I owe you something, I'm going to get it done. I'm just having trouble concentrating. But yeah, I'll have everything done soon.

I did manage to write a poem yesterday, so that was at least somewhat therapeutic.

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#2015235 by Not Available.

Anyway, prompts or something. So, in Blog City, the prompt is: If all tablets and smart phones ceased working, how much impact would this have on your daily life and routines. This actually wouldn't affect me much at all right now. I don't have a tablet and I rarely have my hands on the phone, so I'd just keep on keeping on with my laptop. It's actually nice to not have a phone on you all the time. I can just ignore someone for weeks and then say, "Hey, I don't have the phone, ya know..." Tablets are more popular than I must think they are. I don't feel like I really see them out and about much. People have their phones and they're more compact, so it seems more convenient to use those. Yeah, I'd be cool.

Our BCOF prompt is: They say writing is lonely work. What do you think ? Is that an exaggeration or the truth? I think that's absolutely the truth. I can't even count how many times I've locked myself away to write for hours. It's not very easy for me to write while having a conversation with someone else. It's easy to get distracted while writing and being social, they almost don't even go together.

That doesn't mean that writing has to be an entirely lonely affair though. I have people on here that I write with and we exchange writing. The actual process of writing might be a bit isolated, but after that, you can talk to other writers about what you've written and get some feedback or you can read another writer and give them feedback. WDC is kind of proof that writing isn't always a lonely hobby.

I was never faithful
and I was never one to trust.
Borderline and schizo,
and guaranteed to cause a fuss.
October 20, 2014 at 1:39pm
October 20, 2014 at 1:39pm
Artist: The Libertines
Album: The Libertines
Song: Can't Stand Me Now
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I just realized that I haven't made any plans for Halloween yet. I want to do something fun that will get my mind off all the other non-fun stuff. My anniversary is also this weekend. *Sick* I've gotta do something fun to offset the shitty.

Let's do prompts. In Blog City, the prompt is: Annoying Habits: yours, a loved one's or just one that drives you bonkers. Everyone gets on my nerves, but I'm assuming I get on everyone's nerves too. I get on my own nerves sometimes. I don't like when people chew with their mouths open or devour their food like starving Ethiopians. It makes me lose my appetite. It's annoying when people won't look at me during a conversation because they're too busy texting. It sort of goes hand in hand with being ignored. It's annoying when someone ignores you when they're mad instead of trying to talk about the problem. Let's see... *Laugh* I could go on like this for quite a while probably.

Other basic habits like biting nails, picking teeth, and chewing on things like pen caps just grosses me out for some reason. Most of the habits that annoy me only annoy me because they, for whatever reason, nauseate me.

I have crazy horrible habits though that annoy the fuck out of people, so I have no room to talk. I smoke regularly, curse incessantly, procrastinate, lie when I need to, and engage in various other illegal or immoral recreational activities. One thing I do that seems to annoy people the most though is bouncing my legs up and down. People really really hate when you're sitting next to them shaking your legs. If you're sitting on a bench seat or in a car, it shakes them too and drives them crazy. So, yeah, don't do that.

Moving on to BCOF, our prompt today is: What's so special about October 20? Why is October 20 special? One reason is that it is National Brandied Fruit Day, but there must be at least 100+ more reasons why October 20 is special. Can you tell us one of those reasons? Be creative and have fun. Well, hm, this one has me a bit stumped. Isn't every day just as special and ordinary as the last? October 20th is pretty cool, I guess, because the weather is usually nice and autumn is in full swing. The leaves on the trees have pretty much all changed colors and are falling now. Pretty soon it will be winter, so we have to appreciate all the October days we can get. *Leaf1* *Leaf3* *Leaf2*

If you want to try, if you want to try
There's no worse you could do.
I know you lie, I know you lie
I'm still in love with you.
October 19, 2014 at 1:44pm
October 19, 2014 at 1:44pm
Artist: Fountains Of Wayne
Album: Welcome Interstate Managers
Song: Hey Julie
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No prompts today, so you're off the hook on hearing me drag on about a quote or something like that. I'm trying to keep myself busy with work or writing because my house is like hella awkward right now. I'm only 7 reviews from 500, so that's kinda cool. Maybe I'll work on getting to 500 today or something.

Well, I've got nothing else to say today, so lend me your ear and let me rant a little bit. I know I'm not the most morally composed person ever, but drinking and driving is, like, really fucked up to me. I get so pissed off when one of my friends or someone I know comes in and they're stumbling around, throwing their keys on the counter.

I'm not worried about them so much as I am about all the innocent people who don't deserve to die in a car accident because they're too selfish to take a taxi, train, bus, walk, or call someone for a ride. I mean, there are so many methods of transportation, why even risk it? I feel like I'm the only one who would pass out under a bridge before I'd hop in a car while totally bombed.

It's funny because I've bitched at people about it before and they kinda laugh at me like, "Oh, I know you do it too. *Wink*" No, I actually don't. I'm all for fun, but it's not worth dying or killing someone else over. I like to keep my shenanigans self-inflicted. No one's dying for my stupid ass!

So, there's that... I swear, that didn't just come out of nowhere. *Laugh* I'm gonna go write or something. Enjoy your Sunday, you blogging fiends.

Also, I wrote a story about Cheez-its yesterday for "Merit Badge Projects.

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#2014943 by Not Available.

Hey Julie,
look what they're doing to me,
trying to trip me up,
trying to wear me down.
Julie, I swear, it's so hard to bear it
and I'd never make it through without you around.
October 18, 2014 at 11:49am
October 18, 2014 at 11:49am
Artist: Say Anything
Album: ...Is A Real Boy
Song: I Want To Know Your Plans
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Saturday, Saturday... I'm so tired after the drama of last night and what little sleep I did end up getting before she woke me up being obnoxiously loud at eight o'clock in the morning. *Rolleyes* Because sleep deprivation is the one true revenge in this world. I swear, I'm like one of those annoying people who always says, "I hate drama. No thank you!" but is somehow always wrapped up in it. There's gotta be a common denominator there and I think I know what it is.

I don't know what I'm going to do today now that things have changed significantly. I feel like there's a chance that they'll change the locks on me if I leave, after a friend on here quite lovingly pointed out the possibility. Living in an apartment though, I'm not sure if you can do that or how easy it would be? I don't know much about that sort of thing, but does he? No clue.

My parents want to see us today too. I haven't seen them in months. Hey, I wonder if I could get her to agree to a dinner with them? She did it to me last week and I went for it. Nah, I think it's best to leave her behind. I'll just tell them she's sick with madness and rage. *Laugh*

Okay, yadayada. Let's do the prompts. In Blog City, Lyn's prompt was: My First Flight. My first flight was when I was eight or nine. We flew out to the west coast to visit some family on my mom's side. Basically aunts and second or third cousins. Then we drove around and went to the Grand Canyon and other cool places out there. It was like a two-week trip in the summer with my parents and older brothers.

I wanted a window seat on the way out because I wanted to watch us leave the ground off the runway. I've never been afraid of heights or anything like that, so it was quite thrilling for me. I remember thinking about how weird it was that we got there so quickly and the time difference made it seem like even less time. We had a layover, somewhere, I don't remember where anymore. But it was only like an hour. I was just surprised that you could go from coast to coast in one day like that.

This was pre-9/11 and I didn't realize how lax airports were until I went back west a few years later to visit the same family. It was soon after 9/11 and the security was crazy heightened. I remember I had some sort of foil in my pocket, like from Lifesavers or a package of mints. I kept setting the alarm off and they took me to the side to pat me down, then I realized I had the foil in my pocket that was setting it off. It was Pop Rocks I think, actually. Anyway, yeah, flying is awesome the first time because you wake up in one place and then you're suddenly across the country. Kinda cool.

Sweet, last one. In BCOF, I asked: Your ship has just wrecked on a deserted island. What skill do you have that will make you useful to the group? I don't feel like I have many survival skills that would make me useful in a situation like this. I mean, I can tie a knot in like a million different ways. But, I can't start a fire as far as I know. I would never hurt an animal, so I'd be useless at getting food. I could maybe gather coconuts or something. I'm way too skinny to be the first victim of cannibalism, if it were to come to that. It would just be a waste of time, really.

I think the only way I could really be useful is by listening to people. I'm a pretty good listener. I like to listen to people talking about themselves for some reason. I feel comfortable when I'm with someone and they're talking about their life or how they feel because I feel like they're content with the subject of conversation. Plus, they must trust me if they're talking that much, so that makes me comfortable too.

I could possibly keep people calm if they were freaking out. I've been told that I'm good at calming people down, just not myself, I guess. I'd just have to hope that I could get in good enough with the other people that they'd want to keep me around to talk to or something. You never know!

If you could forgive me for being so brash,
you could hit me or whip me, I'd savor each lash.
October 17, 2014 at 1:38pm
October 17, 2014 at 1:38pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: Hatful of Hollow
Song: How Soon Is Now?
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I spent a lot of time closing out Resurrection Jukebox, but I'm still gonna hit up the prompts today because they should be easy and quick. In Blog City there was a prompt about your best childhood Halloween costume, but I'm going to go with alt prompt: Orange is a color that people either hate or love: tell us how you feel about it. Orange is the best color ever. It's my favorite color and has been as long as I can remember. I wonder what it is about a color that makes someone like it more than others. I'm not sure, but I know I always went with orange as a kid when I was given the option. Orange everything. Even now, my sheets are orange and my pillow cases. All of my candles are orange. (I use a lot of candles.) I think orange may remind me of fall. It's right in between red and yellow, but it doesn't have the blind optimism of yellow or the aggressiveness of red. It's a chill color.

That brings us to BCOF where we were asked: Oprah Winfrey said, "So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground." Do you embrace failure? I don't know how to tell if I embrace failure or not. I know I don't deal with it as well as a lot of other people do. I typically go into a denial phase where I don't believe that I failed. The next step is an acceptance stage where I know I failed, but I start looking for someone else to blame for it. Eventually, I'll realize that it was my fault all along and then I swear I'll learn from it and never fail in the same way again, and I don't! Ya know, until I do again. I'd say on an 'embracing failure' scale of 1-10, I'm at about a three.

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I saved the best for last. You're welcome! Most people don't know that this band was only together for 5 years, from '82 to '87. They influenced so many other bands, it's hard to imagine they were around for such a short period of time. The Smiths broke up for the same reason a lot of bands break up. The members wanted to go in different directions with their music. You know, irreconcilable differences and all that.

I could've gone with any song for the Smiths because there isn't a Smiths song I don't like. "How Soon Is Now?" is probably one of their most famous songs, if not the most famous. I figured a lot of people might know and like the song. Because, hey, if you know it, how could you not like it? Plus, out of all the Smiths songs I've included in my blog, this hasn't made the cut yet, and it's such an awesome song.

One of my favorite things about this band is their lyrics. Morrissey has such tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic way of writing. They're funny. They're mean. I can recite almost every lyric to every Smiths song off the top of my head. Above any other band, I've listened to this one throughout my entire pre-teen, teen, and young adult life. I have a memory connected with most Smiths songs.

So, in honor of this being the last day of Resurrection Jukebox, I'd like to share some of my favorite Smiths lyrics with you. Thanks to lizco252 for another great Soundtracker's challenge and to everyone who joined up and made the challenge fun to be a part of. I've enjoyed reading your entries and seeing our playlist come to life. I'll see you guys at the next one. *Peace2*

         *Bullet* From "Nowhere Fast"   Lyrics  

And when I'm lying in my bed,
I think about life
and I think about death,
and neither one particularly appeals to me

         *Bullet* From "This Charming Man"   Lyrics  

Punctured bicycle,
on a hillside desolate.
Will Nature make a man of me yet?


I would go out tonight
but I haven't got a stitch to wear.
This man said, "It's gruesome
that someone so handsome should care."

         *Bullet* From "Ask"   Lyrics  

Spending warm summer days indoors.
Writing frightening verse
to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg.

         *Bullet* From "Sweet and Tender Hooligan"   Lyrics  

Poor woman,
strangled in her very own bed as she read.
But that's OK
because she was old and she would have died anyway.

         *Bullet* From "Handsome Devil"   Lyrics  

You ask me the time,
but I sense something more.
And I would like to give you
what I think you're asking for,
you handsome devil.

I am the son
And the heir
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
Of nothing in particular
October 16, 2014 at 2:26pm
October 16, 2014 at 2:26pm
Artist: Manic Street Preachers
Album: Generation Terrorists
Song: Stay Beautiful
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Well, we're down to the wire on Resurrection Jukebox. Tomorrow is the last day! I think we've got a really good playlist this time around. I've been trying to stay clear of the more popular artists, just to throw in some different people. But I do love The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana, etc... So I think this playlist is the coolest!

Let's see what we've got on slate for prompts today. In Blog City, the prompt is: You are making a magic brew. What does it do? I want a magic brew that gets rid of the common cold instantly. I always have the lingering effects of a cold for like three weeks, even after I feel better. I'll still have a cough or something forever after. So, what I'm thinking is something that tastes like sunshine and instantly rids you of your cold and every symptom of it. *Sun*

In BCOF, I asked this silly ass question: What would you do if it physically rained cats and dogs? How would life be different? So, yeah, this one is goofy, but seriously think about it. At first, I was like, that would be awesome! We'd have a bunch of cats and dogs running around. Lyn's a Witchy Woman already mentioned to me that she would adopt all the cats. *Laugh* But then I started to think that it could be like a horror movie. Imagine this big, angry dogs being dropped from the sky every time it rained. If you were out on a picnic, you might find yourself outrunning a herd of St. Bernards out of the middle of nowhere. It would be Cujo all over again! *Dog2*

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Any Manic Street Preachers fans around here? These guys had a few good albums back in the early nineties. I didn't even know they were still making music, but I checked out their newest album that came out this year and it rather sucked.

Richey Edwards was the rhythm guitarist and lyricist of their band. He disappeared in February of 1995 and was presumed dead in 2008. In the two weeks leading up to his disappearance, he was withdrawing money from his bank account each day. Of course, there have been a ton of rumored sightings and suggested things that could have happened to him, including suicide off of the Severn Bridge because his car was found abandoned nearby.

This is just a fun band to me. Sort of alt rock or britpop or whatever you want to call it. I don't have any emotional connection to it, but I can remember driving in the car and everyone singing "You Love Us"  . Yeah, they're just fun.

Your school your dole and your chequebook dreams
Your clothes your suits and your pension schemes
Now you say you know how we feel
But don't fall in love cos we hate you still
October 15, 2014 at 11:36am
October 15, 2014 at 11:36am
Artist: Pantera
Album: Vulgar Display Of Power
Song: Walk
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I'm going with a non-prompt today, both because I don't have a lot of time and because I don't have much to say. I'm way tired, but trying to get stuff done because I'm hanging out with an old friend this afternoon. I haven't seen her since last summer after some weird ass argument whose origin I can't even remember anymore. I think it had something to do with her getting left behind at a party or something equally not worthy of ending a friendship over.

I don't usually have people come to my house to hang out because Kira is usually here. She doesn't like any of my friends that much, so I'm used to having to go out to see anyone. Now that she's not here though, I guess I can have whoever come over, which is kinda cool, I guess. See, I can look on the bright side sometimes. *Laugh*

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It's Dimebag Darrell time! We only have two days left after today, so now's as good a time as any for the groove metal god. Dimebag Darrell's best band, in my opinion, was definitely Pantera. I don't even really like metal for the most part, but they definitely made it work for me. There's no specific reason as to why I chose "Walk" over any other Pantera songs. I just like the groove of it.

Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed while performing on stage in Columbus, Ohio in 2004. He was playing with his band, Damageplan. He was thirty-eight years old. No one will probably ever know exactly why the guy who shot him did it. Partially because he was shot in the face by a police officer following the shooting and he died instantly. The shooter also killed three other people, an audience member who was trying to perform CPR, an employee of Alrosa Villa where the band was playing, and the band's head of security.

It is rumored that he may have done the shooting because Pantera broke up, but who knows. He might've just been a crazy guy. Ohio has a lot of them. I legit hate that state.***

*** Sorry to anyone from Ohio

Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistence
One step from lashing out at you...
October 14, 2014 at 2:52pm
October 14, 2014 at 2:52pm
Artist: Jawbreaker
Album: 24 Hour Revenge Therapy
Song: Boxcar
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Do you ever have days where writing an entry takes you forever? That's the way this one has been. I started with the Resurrection Jukebox part first and I swear, I must've zoned out because I started looking for a band like two hours ago. *Facepalm*

Hopefully this won't take as long. In Blog City, the prompt is: Let's talk about Halloween candy. Favorite, worst, or fond memories of a particular treat - share with us. During Halloween, we'd hit the richest street we could find because they passed out full-size candy bars. That's the best. Oh, and the people who just hold out a bowl and tell you to take a handful. The absolute worst are the ones who give you baked food, apples, popcorn, etc... You think I'm going to eat your diseased cookies? Psh, please.

Well, that was quick. So in BCOF, the prompt is: Today is Ada Lovelace Day. I bet you are wondering who she is, I'll give you one hint~ She's Lord Byron's daughter Augusta Ada Bryon she was raised by her mother Annabelle. She is a powerful symbol for womanhood. Do you know what she is noted for doing? Did you know about this woman? Did you know October 14th, was celebrated in her honor? I don't know much about history, but I do know who Ada Lovelace is. She was a badass programmer, mathematician, scientist, inventor, etc... I had an ex who was a bit way into feminism and into all sorts of strong women role models like Lovelace. I didn't know that there was a day specifically to celebrate her, but I think there are technically days to celebrate a lot of people that we don't actually celebrate much as a society. But, yeah, she's way cool.

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I'm going in a different direction today and talking about a band no dead members. Jawbreaker is possibly even more tragic because they broke up in '96 and most definitely aren't going to get back together, despite their fans wishing they would. They cited irreconcilable differences, or whatever it is bands do when they decide they can't get along anymore.

Jawbreaker was a punk rock/OG emo band. Not emo like Hawthorne Heights or whatever people think of as emo now, but emo like Rites of Spring or Fugazi emo. I'm just glad we're allowed to do defunct bands for this one because half of my goal during these Soundtracker challenges is to throw out some bands that most people probably haven't listened to and see if any stick.

I chose "Boxcar" by this band because it's just a funny song. I don't know how much the average person deals with this sort of thing, but within 'scenes', especially punk ones, you're constantly having to prove your punk cred. It's pretty great that Jawbreaker came out with this song in response to that criticism like, "Stop trying to label me as anything."

The first verse of this song is my favorite. One person saying, "You're not punk, and I'm telling everyone", which is just funny and immature on its own. Then the response, "Save your breath, I never was one". The next two lines are just a bit of sarcasm about what people think they're all about, basically just fighting authorities and reading Beat writers. Pretty funny song.

You're not punk, and I'm telling everyone.
Save your breath, I never was one.
You don't know what I'm all about.
Like killing cops and reading Kerouac.
October 13, 2014 at 11:04am
October 13, 2014 at 11:04am
Artist: The Gits
Album: Frenching The Bully
Song: Another Shot Of Whiskey
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I am so tired and no amount of coffee is helping. I guess eight hours of sleep in three days will do that to you. We've seen the in-laws off though and things seemed to go pretty smoothly, for what it's worth. It's a cloudy, foggy day here. I think it's going to rain later. Perfect for hanging out in bed and listening to music or watching movies. Buuuut, that's not going to happen. I have some work to get done before Wednesday, so I'll be working on that instead, sadly.

Let's do some prompts. See how I got back into the swing of those? I'm just good like that! So, in Blog City, the prompt is: Think of something (book, movie, song or the like) that you once loved but over time it lost its appeal to you. Tell us about it and why did your feelings for it change. I'm really bad about growing things because I love the nostalgia of watching old cartoons or listening to bands I liked in middle school. I don't care about whether I get too old to like something. You're never too old for cartoons like Doug, Hey Arnold, and Recess. I don't watch them often, but if I did see them on, I wouldn't change the channel. I love things that remind me of other things.

There's only one thing I continuously ruin for myself. Songs. I do it all the time. I find a new song and overplay it to the point where I don't ever listen to it anymore. It's not that I start hating it, but it just loses its appeal because I've beaten it into the ground. Also, never use a song you like as your phone alarm. I've ruined so many good songs this day. Like, yeah, I like that song, but not at six in the morning to remind me to go to work. I work from home now, so I don't really have that issue anymore, but I still can't listen to this song  .

Okay, so in BCOF, our prompt is: "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities." - Dr. Seuss. Write something about this quote poem, story, or nonsense. Be creative and have fun. Eh, I can't rag on the Seuss, but this doesn't work for me. We're all different people, so the perspective one has isn't going to work for everyone. Hey, I've said it before and I'll say it again. My life is absurd enough without trying to flip the script and make it more complicated. I wish that my life was completely 'normal' and quiet. I wish I kept normal hours and I wish it were a weird thing if someone came knocking on my door at four in the morning. I think it would be cool to work a nine to five and own a house. Yeah, I want the whole thing, minus the kids. I'll stick with cats. *Laugh*

I think it's one of those 'grass is always greener' things. I may not even be looking at the quote the right way. I'm not good with quotes at all because I feel like people dance around the subject like Michael Jackson. I'm a rather blunt person, so not all quotes click in my head. Hmm, I read it again and I'm still not picking up what dude's laying down. Maybe he's saying to relax and laugh off some of the negatives because everything in life is nonsense. Like, what the hell. I don't even know what that means.

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The Gits were a punk band around from '86 - '93. They formed in Ohio, but moved to Seattle soon after where the grunge movement was booming. I guess you would lump them in with the grunge bands like Nirvana and Soundgarden.

Their lead singer, Mia Zapata, was raped, beaten, and strangled walking home to her apartment in Seattle in July of '93 when she was twenty-seven years old. The bands in the scene at the time gathered money to hire a private investigator for three years, but they ended up running out of money. They arrested a Florida fisherman in 2003 and brought murder charges against him. He was found guilty and sentenced to 36 years.

I like The Gits for several reasons. First of all, they're just good if you're into that type of music. I also like that they followed their dreams where they were happening. It's always cool to me when someone goes to a particular scene because they know their best chances are there. Then I like the fact that they added a female fronting their band. That was pretty cool too.

You walk in with another headache
I can tell by the lines in your face
you seem to think if you just remove the problem
the answers are what will come next

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