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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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September 16, 2014 at 1:57pm
September 16, 2014 at 1:57pm
Artist: Johnny Thunders and The Heartbreakers
Album: L.A.M.F.
Song: One Track Mind
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September 16, 2014 Prompt: When was the last time you dedicated a day to yourself? If you have, share the details and their effects on you at the end of the day. If you haven't, why not, and would you if given the chance?

At the risk of sounding like a lazy jerk, I dedicate every day to myself. I don't have any kids or major responsibilities, so I can do that. I set aside time to write and see my friends. I work the least amount I can while still getting things done, although it still equates to probably full-time hours considering the late nights and ten hour long binges when something has to be done.

I feel happier when I'm doing things for myself. Because I don't owe anyone else a ton of dedication, I can do this almost virtually guilt-free. As long as I'm getting my work done, taking care of my pets, and paying all my bills, I can dedicate the rest of the time to "chilling out" or learning something new.

I think it's important to take breaks for yourself, even if you have a busy lifestyle. I also know that was is busy to me is completely different to busy for other people. I see a lot of parents running around and juggling school, work, and their family. I don't know how they do it, just like they don't know how I can go out to a show, drink all night, come home and work for six to eight hours, then go hang out with my friends again without sleeping in between. They're different types of busy for sure, but we all need our downtime to just be alone and relax sometimes.

Chillin' Charlie Style: A How-To***

          *Bulletr* 1. Befriend people. The more people you know, the more people there are to hang out with or talk to. I try to befriend people everywhere I go.

          *Bulletr* 2. Wear comfortable clothes. Style's cool and all, but there's nothing like a t-shirt and jeans.

          *Bulletr* 3. Sleep. A lot. Tired in the middle of the day? A desk is the perfect place to nap.

          *Bulletr* 4. Don't turn down offers to do stuff, even if they don't sound fun at first. Nothing sounds fun before I do it.

          *Bulletr* 5. Cigarettes and booze, or water and fruit, whatever fits your style.

          *Bulletr* 6. If you're so busy that you need to call in sick to chill, hang upside from the couch so you'll sound congested while you talk to your boss.

          *Bulletr* 7. Good tunes. I suggest Sublime for the ultimate chill-zone.

          *Bulletr* 8. Nice weather. Yes, if you chill hard enough, you can control the weather. *Laugh*

          *Bulletr* 9. Couches, pillows, and blankets galore. You can never have too many.

          *Bulletr* 10. Get a pet. They're so relaxing, especially cats. I can lounge all day with those little things. Bonus: Get a fish for the "comatose chill".

          *Bulletr* 11. Movie suggestions: Dazed and Confused, The Big Lebowski, and Ghostbusters

          *Bulletr* 12. "Good" food. Good in quotations because I'm talking frozen pizza and Chex Mix.

          *Bulletr* 13. Don't hang out with people who cramp your style or bring you down!

          *Bulletr* 14. Join fun activities within your hobby, kind of like the LIST challenge that we're closing out right now. It will be missed!

*** May not work for everyone, or anyone, except Charlie.

*Leaf1* *Leaf1* *Leaf1* *Leaf1* *Leaf1*

September 16, 2014 Prompt: We are all creatures of habits... what is your morning ritual? Tell us the first five things of a typical day. (let's skip the morning necessity *Blush*)

Wait, is there some embarrassing morning necessity that we all do? I must be missing out on that one. My mornings are all different depending on what the night before was like. Today, I went to bed at like four and woke up at nine, so I'm kind of tired. Usually I go to bed around three and wake up at ten or eleven.

The first thing I do when I wake up is go have a smoke. I roll out of bed and go straight outside in my boxers, even if it's noon. My neighbors love me, in case you haven't guessed by now.

The second thing I do when I wake up is check my email/phone and usually WDC too. If I have any work emails, I respond to those first. Then if there are any from friends, I'll respond to those, depending on the importance.

Third is usually breakfast and TV. I'll eat cereal or fruit and watch the Game Show Network or something. I'm ace at game shows.

I only do that for fifteen minutes or so while I eat though. The fourth thing I do is start planning out what I'm doing that day. If there are any immediate work deadlines, I do those fourth. If not, I'll usually write my blog if I didn't finish it the night before. A lot of times I finish writing my blog at two or three in the morning but I usually don't post it then because I need to proofread it.

After either working or being on WDC, I plan what I'm doing that night. I go to shows at least a couple times a month. I went to one on Friday. Sometimes I'll hang out with my friends and other times I'll just stay at home and watch movies, write, review on here, play music, etc...

As you can tell, I don't live a strict lifestyle, which is basically both of these prompts ended up being about today. *Laugh*

I got tracks on my arms
Tracks on my face
There's tracks on the walls
And all over the place

September 15, 2014 at 3:51pm
September 15, 2014 at 3:51pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: The Smiths
Song: Reel Around The Fountain
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September 15, 2014 Prompt: If you could invent anything new, what would it be?

I've actually thought about this before because there is something in life that we're missing. We I desperately need a remote that controls real time. I don't know how we can do it, but we need. We need a Life Controller... A TimeMote™. I don't know, we'll work on the name of it later. The point is, you could use it to fast forward or rewind any moment. So when you weren't paying attention and drove off with an open container of coffee on the hood of your car, all you have to do is hit the rewind button one minute and go grab it before you take off.

I know, I know. We don't regret the past yadayadayada. But seriously, this is tomorrow's way of life. Accidentally missed a step on the stairs and did an awkward dinosaur step? TimeMote™. Sick of waiting at the DMV? TimeMote™. Having a fight with your significant other? TimeMote™. I know you don't wanna sit through that shit. No one does.

Things We Should Have By Now

          *Bulletb* 1. Ink that doesn't smudge your hand, especially for lefties.

          *Bulletb* 2. Keys that have a location system for when you lose them.

          *Bulletb* 3. Wireless everything.

          *Bulletb* 4. Electronics that are indestructible. I know why we don't have this one.

          *Bulletb* 5. Again for the lefties, left-handed scissors. We need them!

          *Bulletb* 6. Clothing that doesn't wrinkle. I don't know how, it just needs to not wrinkle ever.

          *Bulletb* 7. Water-repellant day clothes. Normal clothes you'd wear, like a t-shirt, except you can walk into the rain without getting your clothes wet.

          *Bulletb* 8. Affordable life things like school and healthcare.

          *Bulletb* 9. A comprehensive autocorrect that doesn't try to say weird things that you would never say.

          *Bulletb* 10. Flying cars. Come on already!

          *Bulletb* 11. A pill that contains all nutritional necessities for a day and is healthy/natural/safe. It would be great for countries where folks are starving on the reg.

          *Bulletb* 12. An anti-microwave where you put something warm in and it comes out freezing cold in a minute.

          *Bulletb* 13. Teleportation. Yeah!

          *Bulletb* 14. Everyone will be able to relate to the last one. We need a way to delete sent emails/texts before the other person can read it in case we send it to the wrong person or change our mind about what we said.


September 15, 2014 Prompt: “Becoming a writer is not a ‘career decision’ like becoming a doctor or a policeman. You don’t choose it so much as get chosen, and once you accept the fact that you’re not fit for anything else, you have to be prepared to walk a long, hard road for the rest of your days.” – Paul Auster
Do you agree or disagree with this quote. If you have no opinion about this quote then write a story or a poem.

I don't really agree with this quote, which is rare for me. I'm usually an agreeable kind of person. I think that writing does choose the writer, but you choose whether you're going to make a career out of that or if it's going to be your main go-to hobby that you do with all of your spare time. We all need something fun to do when we want to relax and writing is the perfect thing for me.

I would love to be a writer and not have to do anything else for all my days, but realistically, it's a smarter decision for me to go to school with something that has ample demand and pays well. In my opinion, that's the best thing a lot of us can do for our writing. You know, have a full-time job that pays enough to allow you to explore writing and take it in for what it is. If it happens to be that you end up making enough money by writing that you can quit your day job, you go for it.

Writing to me is much like music and every other form of art like painting or photography. If you choose to not give yourself a back-up plan, you're setting yourself up for failure. You should always have a back-up plan and means to get by while you try to make your creative dream a reality. I hope I don't offend anyone with my opinion on this topic. Take solace in the fact that it's just one person's opinion.

Fifteen minutes with you
Oh, well, I wouldn't say no
Oh, people said that you were easily led
And they were half-right

September 13, 2014 at 12:09pm
September 13, 2014 at 12:09pm
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: The Moon & Antarctica
Song: 3rd Planet
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September 13, 2014 Prompt: It's Saturday and the flea market is open. What treasures did you discover? Do you actively look for certain items? Or do you buy closed boxes because you like mysteries? What kind of shopper are you?

I might actually be the world's worst shopper. There's something about it that I just don't like. I don't even like to go get new clothes because I get bored about 45 seconds into it. I'm the kind of shopper who knows what they're there for and grabs it quickly before leaving. I do this with everything from groceries to furniture to clothes. I'm an in and out kinda dude!

I think my mother might be the "best" shopper I know. She can legit spend like two and a half hours in one store and for some reason it doesn't seem weird. When I'm in for more than ten minutes, I feel awkward as shit, but she can basically camp out and nothing seems amiss. I think I went shopping with my mom once before I said fuck this and never tried it again. If I recall correctly, we were at the mall for over four hours and a good hour of that was spent in this tiny shoe store with inadequate seating for us shopping-challenged people.

Flea markets are okay though because you can sometimes find cool things that you wouldn't typically find elsewhere. I like the uniqueness factor of it like the dude in front of you and behind you aren't buying the same thing. I wouldn't go for closed boxes though, I like to see what I'm getting and I would assume that a box that wouldn't open was just a broken jewelry box or something. I'd definitely avoid anything that looked too heavily used, but other than that, it's a free-for-all.

I have family that goes antiquing and for either Christmas or my birthday one year, I received this old tin cigar box that I still have. I keep things in it. It's pretty cool.

Why I Hate Clothes Shopping

          *Bulletg* 1. All the stores have those sick fluorescent lights that are way too bright.

          *Bulletg* 2. I hate the marketing tricks like, "Was $349.99 Now $49.99" and then whoever I'm with gets excited about the "great deal" on that scarf. *Rolleyes*

          *Bulletg* 3. Every time you try to buy something, the cashier wants your email address, telephone number, physical address, and first born child.

          *Bulletg* 4. I'm a shady looking cat, so if the place is even halfway nice, I get followed around like I'm about to steal something.

          *Bulletg* 5. It's annoying when the workers repeatedly ask if you're okay. "Okay, brah?" "Still finding everything okay?" "You good?"

          *Bulletg* 6. There is always a group of teenage girls who are way too excited to be shopping without their parents. Go return your mom's minivan keys.

          *Bulletg* 7. A total lack of seating for when you get bored. Am I supposed to lay on the loop carpet like some sort of savage?

          *Bulletg* 8. They never have anything in my size. Why so few smalls?

          *Bulletg* 9. The temperature is never right. Eighty outside? Fifty inside. Twenty outside? Ninety inside.

          *Bulletg* 10. If shopping for me were displayed in an algebraic graph, the desired would decrease as time increased. Seriously, can't be bothered.

          *Bulletg* 11. Finding something involves moving to a claustrophobic porta potty-sized room to strip (I make a sexy show out of it every time) and try on new clothes. Meh!

          *Bulletg* 12. I don't understand the sales. "Buy two items at half off, get one with a red-line tag for 25% of the last four of the social of the first girl you banged." Damn, son!

          *Bulletg* 13. I can't ever find the bathroom. "Where's the bathroom? There's one in Forever 21? I'm not going to Forever 21, where's the next bathroom?"

          *Bulletg* 14. All the things I can afford are, like, so last season. ಠ_ಠ

*Starg* *Starg* *Starg* *Starg* *Starg* *Starg* *Starg* *Starg* *Starg*

September 13, 2014 Prompt: Your pen just came to life... the first thing it says is?

"Help! I'm slowly being drained!" Oh, if our poor pens could talk, I might feel bad enough to not use them. I have a habit of losing my pens. I have some that I've used all the way through the ink, but that's rare. It's typically like I use it once and then lose it for six months, find it, and repeat.

I have so many pens though. It's actually pretty ridiculous. I have them everywhere. I have pencil holders and all that, but they can't contain my pen obsession. Those poor bastards don't stand a chance. Consequently, I could make another list of fourteen places I have pens that don't really make sense.

I have a bunch in my bedroom closet, the kitchen cabinet, in the candy bowl, and some under the bathroom sink in a box. It's kind of weird because I'm pretty tidy. My house is clean and everything has its place so it's kind of awkward when someone comes over and finds a pen stash in the bathroom. *Laugh*

Everything that keeps me together is falling apart.
I've got this thing that I consider my only art
of fucking people over.

September 12, 2014 at 1:26pm
September 12, 2014 at 1:26pm
Artist: Eels
Album: Beautiful Freak
Song: Novocaine For The Soul
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September 12, 2014 Prompt: Tell me about your favorite hobbies? Why do you do them? Could you teach someone else how to do them?

You mean other than writing? I have a serious obsession with writing. I always have. I even like the process of it, just the feel of pen against paper makes me feel good. I like creating something new, even if I decide I don't like it later, it still feels like an accomplishment. I like reading, playing music, listening to music, going to concerts, hanging out with my friends, watching movies, etc... I like talking to people. I'm almost always talking to someone either through email or through text if Kira doesn't have my phone. I typically go see my friends almost every day at some point. I haven't seen them since Sunday, but I'll probably see them this weekend.

I do my hobbies because they make me happy. They fulfill me in some way. I feel like I've accomplished something when I write something I like or get a song down that I've been working for a while. I like hanging out with people. I like having a good time with people. I like drinking and listening to music or smoking out on the porch. People make me happy as long as I like them. I guess my hobbies are all about making my life better in the moment.

I'm not a good teacher though. I don't feel like I'm great at explaining or effectively communicating things. Usually when I try to explain to someone how to do something, I go overly into detail and they're like, "Yeah, you can speed it up..." *Laugh* I'd rather explain something in epic detail once than have to go back forth ten times with a little more each time. I can't teach anything about instruments though. It's just the hardest thing to explain for me. I don't know how to teach someone to hang out with their friends. You basically just go to their house. That's step one.

14 Steps To Hang Out With Friends

          *Bulletv* 1. Wake up.

          *Bulletv* 2. Be too lazy to get up, just go back to sleep.

          *Bulletv* 3. Wake up again after eleven.

          *Bulletv* 4. Go have a smoke.

          *Bulletv* 5. Check your phone or email.

          *Bulletv* 6. See if anyone has invited you to hang out.

          *Bulletv* 7. If yes, skip straight to Step 14.

          *Bulletv* 8. If no, text friend and ask what they're doing.

          *Bulletv* 9. Go back inside and eat some cereal.

          *Bulletv* 10. Do some actual work while half being on WDC.

          *Bulletv* 11. See if your friend has answered.

          *Bulletv* 12. If they're doing 'nothin u?' respond, 'wanna hang?'

          *Bulletv* 13. If they say yes, go to Step 14. If they say no, go back to Step 5.

          *Bulletv* 14. Go hang out with your friend.

*Starv* *Starv* *Starv* *Starv* *Starv* *Starv* *Starv*

September 12, 2014 Prompt: Write a news story about the opening of a new business. There are seven key questions to answer in your story.
Why does it matter?

I was reading about this cool design for a "smart gun". It was part of a design challenge in Silicon Valley. Basically, the Smart Gun authenticates the user before allowing them to shoot the gun. So your fingerprint, voice, or the way you hold the gun would determine if it was really you trying to shoot the gun. There would basically be a smart chip that knew either your voice command or had fingerprint scanner on the handle of the gun. You can read more about it and see the design here.  

There are a ton of reasons why it could be a good thing. For one thing, only the owner would be able to shoot the gun, so say you were being attacked and the predator got a hold of your gun, they couldn't shoot you with it. Also it would be good for families so only the parents would be able to use the gun for protection and any children in the house wouldn't be able to accidentally shoot it if they managed to get their hands on it.

Of course, there are critics who think the Smart Gun would fail when they needed it. Gun advocates are especially against it. They say that too many criminals have current guns, so it wouldn't do anything to help back alley deals with so many guns in circulation. I think it's an awesome idea though. It matters because it helps the gun owner have more control of their gun if they are the only one who can use it. I know a lot of people who say they won't carry a gun because they're afraid that the criminal will somehow get it from them and now the criminal has a gun to use whereas they may not have before. It's kind of useless to them if they can't shoot it though.

Some of the designers behind it are too afraid to publicly names themselves because they're afraid of backlash from gun rights activists, which is completely absurd to me. I think technology should be embraced and we should at least look into the idea of it because it could help save a lot of lives. Just because criminals have normal guns doesn't mean we can't do something that helps other gun owners feel safer with their guns.

Novocaine for the soul
You'd better give me something
To fill the hole
Before I sputter out

September 11, 2014 at 12:28pm
September 11, 2014 at 12:28pm
Artist: Brand New
Album: Your Favorite Weapon
Song: Seventy Times 7
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September 11, 2014 Prompt: What were you doing and where were you on 9-11 when the twin towers were attacked?

9-11 happened when I was nine years old, so I don't remember much about it. I do know I was sitting in first period and they came in and put the news up on the projector and we were all confused about what was going on. My teachers were really upset and out talking in the hallway, but we didn't know what was going on. When you're that age, you just don't register things like that. I mean, I watched it happen and still didn't register, like I must have been stupid or something.

We were supposed to go to our next class, but the teachers told us to stay in our seats. I could tell that the staff were freaking up, but again, we were all just kind of hanging out and talking or throwing paper at each other or whatever.

It actually took me an embarrassing length of time before I realized the gravity of the situation. I think I was at least fourteen or fifteen before I ever opened my mind to what had happened. It actually might have been even later than that. I was a kid and I was a naive one at that who didn't want to hear anything about terrorists or death or anything like that.

But I do get it at this point. I've matured and watched many documentaries about the whole thing. It's really sad what happened and it's depressing, so I try to avoid the topic when I can. I respect everything everyone went through and I understand, but there are so many happy memories that get no love.

Happy Moments In History

          *Bulletb* 1. The moon landing on July 20, 1969

          *Bulletb* 2. The creation of the internet and especially WDC. *Wink*

          *Bulletb* 3. Rock music

          *Bulletb* 4. When Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific ocean.

          *Bulletb* 5. Women being able to vote.

          *Bulletb* 6. The fall of the Berlin Wall

          *Bulletb* 7. The invention of the microwave. You know you love it.

          *Bulletb* 8. Air conditioning and heating!

          *Bulletb* 9. Indoor plumbing. hell.yes.

          *Bulletb* 10. Science. Science is awesome.

          *Bulletb* 11. The signing of the Declaration of Independence

          *Bulletb* 12. The Louisiana Purchase. That was a huge chunk of land right in the middle of what is now our 50 states!

          *Bulletb* 13. The invention of all art forms- writing, painting, sculpting, photography, etc...

          *Bulletb* 14. The Emancipation Proclamation


September 11, 2014 Prompt: Would you volunteer to be one of the first colonists on Mars if it meant you could never return to earth?

No way. I'm no one's guinea pig. We talked yesterday about what happened to the first pilgrims when they arrived, half of them didn't make it through the worst winter. Nope. No way. You braver souls go scope things out for me. If it's all cool after a couple years, throw me a rope and I'll climb up.

I think earth would have to get way worse before the average citizen would be willing to give up their current life to attempt settling a new planet, but isn't the idea of it interesting? I mean, if it were possible, of course. It would be so awesome to have multiple planets occupied.

You know what we'd have to do? We'd have to straight 'Stralia Mars. We'd have to send our criminals there because I don't think most people would go, given a choice. Before you ask, yes, 'Stralia is a verb now. It means you send convicts there.

Is that what you call tact?
You're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back
So let's end this call, and end this conversation

September 10, 2014 at 12:58pm
September 10, 2014 at 12:58pm
Artist: Placebo
Album: Without You I'm Nothing
Song: Pure Morning
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September 10, 2014 Prompt: Pretend you were on the Mayflower on that first voyage to settle in America. Describe how you felt leaving England and seeing your new home.

I think the people on the Mayflower were excited, right? Like they were getting to explore this new world and settle it. But didn't they all end up dying of scurvy or some shit? Oh okay, I found it. During the first winter, half of the passengers died of a mixture of scurvy, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. That would suck to get to the New World with all these big dreams only to die during the first winter.

I'm being negative though because there were some real survivalists too that pulled through and planted their roots. I bet they were excited after that long voyage just to get off of the ship. I know their arrival kept getting delayed more and more because of the rough sea. They'd have to be brave to leave their home just for a chance at something different. I guess when you disagree that much with a religious belief, you're willing to do anything to set yourself free.

Things I'd Do If I Was A Pilgrim

          *Bullet* 1. Settle towns and name them ridiculous names. Anyone wanna drive to Azkhabelishvilleburg with me?

          *Bullet* 2. Make a completely new identity for myself.

          *Bullet* 3. Travel along the eastern coast before there were many people.

          *Bullet* 4. Go down to Florida from November until April because the Northeast winters are tough.

          *Bullet* 5. Spread my seed and populate the New World. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          *Bullet* 6. Try to befriend some awesome Native Americans and learn their culture before they scalp me.

          *Bullet* 7. Push West before anyone else because I know there's gold out there.

          *Bullet* 8. Appoint myself president before anyone knew what that was or cared enough to not give me the title.

          *Bullet* 9. Load everyone up on Vitamin C to help with their scurvy.

          *Bullet* 10. Make more fun holidays between New Years Day and the Fourth of July.

          *Bullet* 11. Drink just so much alcohol.

          *Bullet* 12. Pretend to be a messiah based on all the information I have from the future.

          *Bullet* 13. Two Thanksgivings per year. 'Nuff said.

          *Bullet* 14. Make awesome new traditions. On Tuesday nights, we have pizza parties.

*Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear*

September 10, 2014 Prompt: Write something about this quote, "To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now. " - Eckhart Tolle, or share a meaningful quote of your own.

Nice quote. I mean, it's always kind of stated that you have to be the change you want to see in the world. I'm a really impatient person, it's one of my many character flaws. I like instant gratification and if I see something not going my way, it's easy to give up without really putting forth the necessary effort. I do try to treat people well, but it doesn't always pan out how I wish it would. I make a lot of mistakes that are hard to take full responsibility for even when I know I'm the only one to blame.

I think what this quote is saying is that you have to take care of yourself and bring yourself to a happy, positive place before you can help the world be a more happy, positive place. Also, by taking responsibility for your own inner self, you'll be automatically one more person in the world who isn't in misery. It's something like that, I think. I'm bad with quotes.

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better

September 9, 2014 at 4:23pm
September 9, 2014 at 4:23pm
Artist: Taking Back Sunday
Album: Tell All Your Friends
Song: There's No 'I' In Team
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September 9, 2014 Prompt: Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things. Take this and apply it to your blog in any way you see fit.

Ah, good one. This is a quote by one of my favorite comedians, George Carlin. I got into watching stand up comedy when I was fourteen or so. It was a means of distracting myself and laughing when I was feeling too down and out. There's a lot of pain in comedy and I love how observant comedians are. They'll say something that you've vaguely thought of, but the way they word it and their delivery makes it hilarious.

My favorite comedian is probably Mitch Hedberg. He's the king of one liners. It's just too bad that a speedball killed him. Sometimes I hear people quote him and they don't even know they're doing it. Like, I heard someone say the, "I used to drugs. I still do, but I used to, too" joke and I laughed and mentioned Mitch Hedberg. They were like, "Who?" *Rolleyes*

I think stand up is something you either like or you don't. It's definitely hard for comedians to put themselves out there, but I've met people who just really don't like it for some reason. There will be a good joke and they just kind of look around like they're uncomfortable in their seat. At first I thought it was because they didn't understand the jokes, but I've found out that there are people who "get" it, they just don't like it. To each his own, I guess!

Funny Jokes By Awesome Comedians

          *Bulletb* 1. When I was born the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father, "I'm very sorry. We did everything we could, but he pulled through." -Rodney Dangerfield

          *Bulletb* 2. I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five. -Steven Wright

          *Bulletb* 3. At what age do you think it's appropriate to tell a highway it's adopted? -Zach Galifianakis

          *Bulletb* 4. Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the Devil. -Emo Philips

          *Bulletb* 5. I think vests are all about protection; like a life vest protects you from drowning and bulletproof vests protect you from getting shot and the sweater vest protects you from pretty girls. -Demetri Martin

          *Bulletb* 6. The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. -George Carlin

          *Bulletb* 7. I was the best man at the wedding. If I'm the best man, why is she marrying him? -Jerry Seinfeld

          *Bulletb* 8. There's a reason it's called 'Girls Gone Wild' and not 'Women Gone Wild'. When girls go wild, they show their tits to people; when women go wild, they kill men and drown their kids in a tub. -Louis C.K.

          *Bulletb* 9. I never got along with my dad. Kids used to come up to me and say, 'My dad can beat up your dad.' I'd say 'Yeah? When?' -Bill Hicks

          *Bulletb* 10. They always say that Albert Einstein was a genius. Then how come when anyone ever calls you that, it's an insult? -Brian Regan

          *Bulletb* 11. I said to a guy, "Tell me, what is it about cocaine that makes it so wonderful," and he said, "Because it intensifies your personality." I said, "Yes, but what if you're an asshole?" -Bill Cosby

          *Bulletb* 12. When someone close to you dies, move seats. -Jimmy Carr

          *Bulletb* 13. In this country you’re guilty until proven wealthy. -Bill Maher

          *Bulletb* 14. My belt holds up my pants and my pants have belt loops that hold up the belt. What the fuck’s really going on down there? Who is the real hero? -Mitch Hedberg


September 9, 2014 Prompt: Breaking News.... you tell me

Ah, I wish I had some awesome good news to put here, but I don't. I don't like to read the news because it's always bad. They never talk about anything good that happens. If it's not something bad, it's just some fluff piece about a celebrity getting knocked up or a kid who talked back to his parents on camera and it was hilarious.

Have you guys ever been on the Good News Network  ? It's exactly how it sounds. It's just uplifting news articles about actually good things that happen but never make the news. It's nice for when you need to hear something positive.

Wearing your black eye like a badge of honor
Soakin' in sympathy
From friends who never loved you
Nearly half as much as me
September 8, 2014 at 3:18pm
September 8, 2014 at 3:18pm
Artist: The Black Keys
Album: Turn Blue
Song: Fever
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Excuse me if I've been a little bit absent the last few days. I know I haven't read many entries or anything. I'm having a tough fucking go of it, but I'll make time for it because it's only fair. Speaking of time...

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September 8, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about a time when you completely lost track of time. Does it happen often or hardly at all?

I'm really bad with time. I lose track of it a lot and I have trouble managing it well. I do this thing where I just zone out in the middle of something for half an hour or longer. Sometimes I'll be writing a blog entry or review and I look over and realize that I haven't actually written anything for the last half hour, I've just been completely zoned out.

I'm also bad at working out a sleeping schedule. Even if I have to wake up early the next morning, I'll always accidentally stay up just as late as I normally would so I only end up getting two or three hours of sleep. It's almost impossible for me to go to bed before two in the morning. If I try to go to bed earlier, I just lay there and toss and turn all night.

I think the worst is with appointments though. I hear people complaining because an office will call, email, and text them the day before an appointment. I'm always thankful for that because I can't remember that sort of thing. Even with them reminding me, I still sometimes forget and space out the appointment. I'd like to be more reliable when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Times To Never Forget

          *Bulletb* 1. What time your wedding is

          *Bulletb* 2. Your spouse's birthday

          *Bulletb* 3. When that big project at work is due

          *Bulletb* 4. Your anniversary

          *Bulletb* 5. When your in-laws are going to be in town. Yes, I've done this. Don't do it.

          *Bulletb* 6. A happy time. Especially necessary for bad times.

          *Bulletb* 7. The deadline for a WDC contest. Am I the only one who does this all the time?

          *Bulletb* 8. The date of a concert you've been waiting on for three months

          *Bulletb* 9. Your interview time

          *Bulletb* 10. What time the bank, post office, DMV closes

          *Bulletb* 11. When there's a major event going on in your city and all the roads are going to be closed.

          *Bulletb* 12. The day of an important milestone in your kid's life. Like, graduation day, 16th birthday, etc...

          *Bulletb* 13. Holidays that can easily be forgotten. Never forget April 1st or you're going to get "fooled" at least once.

          *Bulletb* 14. When restaurants are having happy hour and things are half off. *Bigsmile*


September 8, 2014 Prompt: Write anything you want using this words clown, discredit, small, butter, tempt, towering , mouse, stir

Oh no. I'm so bad at these. *Laugh* Not to discredit this type of prompt, but I feel like a complete clown when I attempt (it counts) to write something using specific words. It's like a towering mountain overhead that I can't quite climb, but it does stir up some creative thoughts occasionally. I'm really trying to butter, or milk, this complaint for all its worth as I'm feeling rather uninspired lately. When I'm trying to think of something to write and it isn't going well, I just move my mouse in leisurely circles and hope that something comes to me. I guess it somehow worked out today.

Fever got me guilty
Just go ahead and kill me
Fever, why don't you explain?
Break it down again

September 6, 2014 at 3:24pm
September 6, 2014 at 3:24pm
Artist: Buzzcocks
Album: Singles Going Steady
Song: What Do I Get
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September 6, 2014 Prompt: The three women who live next door to you remind you of the three witches in Macbeth. *Shock* Why?

Oh no, I've never read Macbeth. I think that was coming up the year after I left school. I'm trying to quickly skim the wikipedia page and see if I can learn something about them. Let's see, it looks like they represent conflict, chaos and darkness. Shit. I feel like a kid bullshitting his way through an assignment that he knows nothing about. *Laugh*

I think the people who live across the hall from me might really be witches. There are two women over there and a guy, but they're always fighting and screaming at each other in the hallway outside my door. I don't know why screaming people would be witches, but, ya know, they could be. I guess I'm just thinking that witches who represent conflict, chaos and darkness would either be annoying or super fun to party with, one of the two.

How To Know If You're The "Bad Neighbor"

          *Bulletb* 1. The police have been called on you at any time for an "anonymous noise complaint".

          *Bulletb* 2. You start to leave at the same time as the guy across the hall. He shuts the door and waits for you to leave first. (Only applies to apartment living.)

          *Bulletb* 3. Clothing is optional while checking the mail.

          *Bulletb* 4. When your neighbors come over to complain about the noise from a party, you invite them inside.

          *Bulletb* 5. You have a noise sensitive dog that barks at every sound.

          *Bulletb* 6. Your domestic disputes often spill out into the streets. Put 'em up!

          *Bulletb* 7. You live above someone and like to do jumping jacks at five in the morning.

          *Bulletb* 8. When you get laid, you want your neighbors to know about it.

          *Bulletb* 9. It's okay to blare music, as long as it's good music.

          *Bulletb* 10. You try to start a conversation every time your neighbors step out of their house, especially if they look like they're in a hurry.

          *Bulletb* 11. It's okay if your kids run all over the neighborhood unsupervised. Kids will be kids!

          *Bulletb* 12. You complain to the HOA every time a neighbor does something outside of the guidelines, especially if it's something completely trivial.

          *Bulletb* 13. Every time you run out of something, you borrow it from a neighbor instead of going to a grocery store.

          *Bulletb* 14. You leave your blinds and curtains wide open always so your neighbors can see you and you can see them.


September 6, 2014 Prompt: You are allowed to write and shoot you own movie, with all actors and money at your disposal. What is about?

That would be awesome. I would do a coming-of-age sci-fi movie where the main character and a friend are shipped off to another planet after committing a crime only to discover that there is already a technologically-advanced population there. I'd put myself in it and have Joseph Gordon-Levitt play me, except it would have to be the Hesher   version of him because that's pretty similar to what I actually look like.

I'd have my counterpart be played by Evan Rachel Wood   because she's hot. Through the trials and tribulations of the trip, they'd realize they've been in love since middle school or something and they'd make out. Only I'd take over for Joseph Gordon-Levitt for that part because, as I said, Evan Rachel Wood is hot. *Wink*

I only get sleepless nights
Alone here in my half-empty bed
For you things seem to turn out right
I wish they'd only happen to me instead

September 5, 2014 at 12:29am
September 5, 2014 at 12:29am
Artist: Supergrass
Album: I Should Coco
Song: Alright
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September 5, 2014 Prompt: Recall an old childhood photo. Narrate the events that led up to that moment that photo was taken.

Oh, Lyn, this is a hard one for me. I've seen a couple baby pictures of myself, but I don't remember the events leading up to those because I was too young. Can I do a little bit older, like fourteen or fifteen? I was still technically a kid (?) and I have a good one if I can have some room to play here. Ah, I know you won't mind. *Wink*

There exists a photo of me, tucked away, or hidden if you will, in an old shoe box. I remember the exact day of the week it was taken. It was on a Thursday and it was the weekend before fall break at school because I didn't have to go to school that day or Friday.

In it, I'm sitting on this old floral print couch with no shirt on and a cigarette in my mouth. Not a very remarkable picture in that sense as this is the norm for the few photos I do have of myself. What is different about this picture is that I have a huge welt on my neck, surely the reason the picture was taken in the first place.

Don't worry, I'll walk you through the moments leading up to it. I'm sitting on a couch in my best friend, Noah's house. We're celebrating, um, something, I can't remember what. We've been drinking for a good couple hours and we're feeling it. The music is loud and people are shouting over it to hear each other.

In a bout of drunken confidence, our friend Jimmy jumps up and starts doing ridiculous karate moves with a pair of nunchucks. He's jumping all over the living room, knocking into the coffee table, which is already broken from some other party. We're all laughing at his stupid ass moves. It's a good time!

I get up to go take a leak and he starts messing with me like he's about to hit me with the nunchucks. He's dancing all around me waving them over his back, doing the hand switch up and everything. If you haven't guessed yet, the next thing he does is "lose his grip" on the nunchucks and they fly straight into my neck. The middle chain part wrapped around my throat and it knocked the wind out of me for a good couple minutes while everyone laughed about it.

I think after I catch my breath, we throw each other around a little bit, not a real fight per say, but a tussle of sorts. Then I retire to the floral couch, most likely forgetting to even go to the bathroom. After a while, my friend Hannah comes up with her camera wanting to take pictures of my throat and saying things like, "Oh man, that's gonna leave a mark!"

Ah, all in good fun. Like I said, I don't have many pictures, but this one always makes me laugh because I remember that night so well. It's a happy memory for me. Plus, the last time we talked about pictures, I mentioned the picture of myself and my ex, this one is way better. *Bigsmile*

14 Moments Of Debauchery With Charlie Brown Abney(?)

          *Bulletg* 1. Jumping the fence to swim in someone's pool at three o'clock in the morning, then slipping off the hood of the car when I tried to jump back over.

          *Bulletg* 2. Losing my contacts while on the road and being blind for the next week.

          *Bulletg* 3. Noah pretending to be my older brother and picking me up from school when I got suspended.

          *Bulletg* 4. Trying to tell my mom I wasn't drunk after stumbling into the house at four in the morning and falling asleep in the dining room with my jeans and boots on.

          *Bulletg* 5. Forgetting my address when the nice cops offered to drive me home after getting stopped walking down the road at two in the morning. Yes, they took me to the police station until my parents got there. *Facepalm*

          *Bulletg* 6. Sitting in the office with my parents, principal, and elderly teacher who accused me and my friends of making her want to retire early. Not even true.

          *Bulletg* 7. Salisbury steak food fight. 'Nuff said.

          *Bulletg* 8. Convincing my parents to let me skip every school day that I had a pep rally. "But, mom, we aren't going to do anything all day!"

          *Bulletg* 9. Getting locked out of my first apartment on the first day and breaking the kitchen window to get in because I didn't feel like paying a hundred bucks for emergency maintenance to open the door.

          *Bulletg* 10. Not realizing my boss was staring at me through the window of the hookah bar while I hung upside down from the couch and smoked.

          *Bulletg* 11. Pulling over on the side of the interstate between Houston and Austin three times so we could pee on the side of the road.

          *Bulletg* 12. Getting directions from Kira only to find out twenty minutes later that the map was upside down. Her defense was that it was dark. *Laugh* The Garmin was a good investment.

          *Bulletg* 13. Telling Paul's dad that the basement was so smoky because we were burning something in the trashcan. Did not believe.

          *Bulletg* 14. Falling asleep in my car while on break at work. Multiple times.

But I've grown up now, sort of. Some of these happened more recently than I'd care to admit. No shame because you've all done it too, don't lie. *Smirk* If you can't relate, just go thank your kids for not being difficult.


September 5, 2014 Prompt: Activists are campaigning to remove a color from the rainbow. Which color? What's their argument?

I'm going to be straight up here- I would be a part of that activist group. Sound weird? Okay, hear me out. Violet does not belong in there. It just doesn't. I always thought a rainbow had six colors. There's red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. That's all there is to it. When did violet get thrown in there? It doesn't even look like it belongs in a rainbow  . It looks too bright to come after indigo.

I'm sorry, violet, but you need to go. Okay, I get the whole ROYGBIV or VIBGYOR thing we learned in school, I just don't care. You don't fit in. Don't look at me like that, violet. You think it's easy to kick you out of the rainbow after all this time? You're like Pluto. Look, this isn't personal. You're beautiful on your own. You don't need the crutch of the rest of the rainbow. You're a unique snowflake, violet, own it. *Rainbowl*

We are young, we get by
Can't go mad, ain't got time
Sleep around if we like
But we're alright

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