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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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November 7, 2014 at 2:09pm
November 7, 2014 at 2:09pm
Artist: The Black Keys
Album: Brothers
Song: Everlasting Light
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I'm skipping over the prompts today because I want to talk about something else. Have you ever noticed something like this? Something that people do with good intention, but it ends up having a bad effect on you?

I have, and I'll tell you what it is. It's conversations like this:

Person A: Man, this course/exam is going to be really tough.

Person B: Yeah, but you're smart. You'll get an A/pass easily.

Person A: I dunno. I looked at the syllabus/pretest/examples and it's pretty confusing.

Person B: Ah, no. I couldn't do it, but you can easily do it. You're smart. You'll have no problem.

I feel bad even complaining about it. I mean, talk about a first world problem, but I've really noticed it recently with going back to school and everything. I'm trying to pinpoint exactly what it is that bothers me about it. I don't know if it's that the difficulty is being outwardly dismissed or if it's because I feel bad if I don't live up to their expectations.

There's nothing wrong with saying encouraging things, obviously. You know, things like, "You can do it." Or, "I have faith in you." Those are nice things to hear. What bothers me is when someone says, "Oh, you're smart. You'll test out of everything." Or, "You don't even need to study. You're so smart."

Even when I was younger, I would hear this all the time. Most of the time it came from annoyed classmates or friends who would say, "How did you get a better grade than me? You didn't even go to class." My parents wouldn't even ask for my report card because they assumed I had a 4.0. They still tell people about academic accomplishments from, like, second grade. So now that I'm going back to school after seven years, my mother is already bragging to family and coworkers about how smart I am and how I'm going to be some crazy mathematic genius for a career.

When I was in school, my mother volunteered me to tutor her coworker's son in AP Chemistry when I hadn't even taken the class yet (and I never did take it because I ended up dropping out). I tried to tell her that I wasn't comfortable with trying to tutor someone in a class I wasn't familiar with, but she cut me off right away and said, "Oh, you're smart. Don't worry about it." Which is conveniently easy to say when you're not the one trying to learn a new course and tutor someone else in it at the same time.

The point is, I think it's highly annoying to be told who you are and what you're like. Does anyone else feel that way or am I just crazy overly sensitive? It's cool if I am. You can tell me. I won't get angry. It's just something that has always bothered me and I figured I'd rant about it for a minute.

Let me be your everlasting light
The sun when there is none
I'm a shepherd for you
And I'll guide you through
Let me be your everlasting light
November 6, 2014 at 12:55pm
November 6, 2014 at 12:55pm
Artist: The Strokes
Album: Is This It
Song: The Modern Age
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I'm getting ready to take this test in a few hours. I'm like hella nervous and I have no idea why because it's just a placement test. *Facepalm* Too sober, but I have to stay that way for this. I worry about the weirdest shit, like finding exactly where I'm supposed to go because I've never been there before. Who worries about stuff like that? *Laugh* Ah, well. After tomorrow, I'll be signed up for classes and I'll have the weekend to let loose and do whatever I want. Those are the kind of thoughts that get me through just about everything in life. I basically complain to people about it, looking at you Cinn and Tiggy , then I do it anyway. It's the circle of life!

I miss Fivesixer . When are you coming back, Norb?

I'll probably have to finish this later, but I'll get started now anyway. In Blog City, the prompt is: "Nothing is impossible when the word itself says I'm possible." Audrey Hepburn Do you agree with this statement? I mean, the sentiment is there, but this quote is corny as fuck. Excuse my language, of course, or don't. Seriously, Audrey Hepburn is hot as hell but if I were to try to think of a cornier way to get that point across, I couldn't. "I'm possible" doesn't even make sense. What does that mean? It would be one thing if impossible were spelled itspossible, but it isn't. Ah, I'm just being a jerk. I can agree with the idea behind the quote. If you have in your mind that you can't possibly do something, you're less likely to accomplish whatever it is. You have to do things, even when you think they'll be difficult or you might fail. I approve this cheesy message.

Moving on to BCOF, I asked this: Everywhere I go, I see Christmas sales and decorations. Do you feel the marketing and consumerism of Christmas has gotten out of hand? I don't even really need to answer this one because my opinion is pretty clear. I wouldn't have asked the question if I didn't think it was a bit out of hand with the commercialism. I started noticing Christmas decorations everywhere even before Halloween. That's absurd! You can't forget about Halloween and Thanksgiving. Those are fun holidays too.

I don't think Christmas has held its true meaning over the years at all. I would be happy with just spending time with family or friends, but it turns into this huge ordeal where everyone is running around trying to buy gifts for people. For me, I'm trying to buy like twenty people stuff for Christmas. It's crazy. I only do it because they started giving me gifts first and then I felt bad because I wasn't reciprocating. But to buy for that many people, I have to be way cheap on each one. I end up getting stuff that people don't even need or want just because I feel like I don't have a choice in the matter.

Working retail during the holiday season actually completely ruined that time of year for me. I don't get excited about Thanksgiving/Christmas anymore. When I think of them, all I can see is glaze-eyed zombie-like people running around droning, "iPad, iPad..." over and over. It's scary. *Envy*

Wow, got this done before my test. Cool!

Start to pretend, stop pretending
It seems this game is simply never-ending

November 5, 2014 at 12:12pm
November 5, 2014 at 12:12pm
Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Album: Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Song: Fake Tales Of San Francisco
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My test is tomorrow and then I'm signing up for classes on Friday. Fun stuff, right? *Rolleyes* *Laugh* I'm basically done studying now. I'm just going to take the test and see which classes I belong in. It will work out better that way in the long run, hopefully.

Okay, so let's do prompts. In Blog City Megan's prompt was: The year is 2214 and your computer's dusty hard drive shows up at an antique store. Write a note to the buyer what they will find in there. This could get messy, huh? *Smirk* Okay, let's see:

Dear Buyer,

First of all, I can explain. Any positive things you find on my hard drive are indicative of my actual lifestyle and personality. Any negative things you find are purely research examples for a book I was writing or something.

Also, don't read my unfinished poetry or I will haunt you right in the face so hard.

It's All Good,

Now for the BCOF prompt. Neva asked: Do you think music is a universal language that can connect people across the world? Why or Why not? Absolutely. Music spans many generations and many different kinds of people. Even if two cultures don't listen to the same type of music, they still listen to some form of music and the music makes them feel the same way. If you're really into music, you can connect from people all over the world. I have a lot for all sorts of music, so if someone's into music at all, I'll be able to talk to them about some band or another. Music is awesome.

"Oh you've saved me," she screams down the line.
"The band were fucking wank
and I'm not having a nice time."

Yeah but his bird said it's amazing, though
So all that's left
is the proof that love's not only blind but deaf
November 4, 2014 at 11:54am
November 4, 2014 at 11:54am
Artist: Placebo
Album: Without You I'm Nothing
Song: Ask For Answers
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I haven't slept yet and I'm hella tired, like ready to fall out, but I need to stay up. I'm going to work on this entry to keep myself awake because if I fall asleep now, I won't wake up in time to keep the plans I've got today.

So, we'll start with Blog City. The prompt is: Let's talk about Brittany Maynard's "Right to Die" decision? What do you think about having the choice? Is it the easy way out? Or it is more important for the person to maintain their right to die with dignity? I think the right to die is a basic human right whether you're terminally ill or not. I'm actually surprised by what a 'hot button' issue this is. I haven't read anyone else's answer to this prompt, so I have no idea where you all are gonna fall with this one, but I'm so down with people making those choices for themselves.

Even if someone I cared about was in that position and chose physician-assisted suicide, I would respect their decision. It would be crazy sad, of course, but so is dying of a terminal illness. In the Catholic religion, which I was raised in, you're not supposed to kill yourself if you want to get into Heaven because it's a mortal sin. They used to prohibit Catholic funerals for people who had committed suicide, but I think they've gotten quite a bit more lenient on that one. Not because they aren't still openly opposed to it, but because they don't want the families to go through more grief than necessary.

Anyway, I'm not about to get into a religious debate about it, especially because I'm not involved in that religion as an adult. I think I was just trying to think of why someone would actually be opposed to what someone else does with their life. Maybe people are concerned about the competency of a patient during a terminal illness. Maybe they think the patient can't determine the right course of action under the circumstances.

I'm not sure, just looking at it from different sides. As far as I know, if someone could be proved competent and wanted to choose assisted suicide, I'd be okay with that.

I think BCOF will be easier to answer today. *Laugh* The prompt is: Many of us associate keeping a diary with our emotionally volatile teenage years. But new research suggests that recording our run-of-the-mill, daily experiences, rather than just our highs and lows, could bring us unexpected joy." Do you agree or disagree? Do you keep a diary? I think keeping a journal is an awesome thing. I have journals from times I can't even remember. It's cool to go back and read how I was feeling or what I was doing at the time. I do believe it could help raise spirits to read about the mundane things in life. You get to go back and read about all the things you've done. There are little things that you may have forgotten that will bring unexpected joy. I know it happens to me all the time if I'm reading an old journal. I'm wicked blunt with my journal, so some of the stuff I say really makes me laugh several years later.

I don't write in mine as much as I should or even want to. It's sometimes boring to write about the casual things going on, or as I'm writing, I'm thinking about all the things I should actually be doing instead of just writing about. I haven't added to mine in at least six months, just because I get depressed when I try to sum things up, whether they're depressing overall or not. It's just hard to sum up that large of a period of time, so you either end up glossing over most of the stuff and being dissatisfied with the outcome, or you write in excruciating detail and get bored half a page in. It's the journalist's curse. *Pthb*

These bonds are shackle free,
wrapped in lust and lunacy.
Tiny touch of jealousy,
these bonds are shackle free.
November 3, 2014 at 3:11pm
November 3, 2014 at 3:11pm
Artist: The Strokes
Album: Is This It
Song: Barely Legal
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I've been totally slacking on the entries for the last week, so I guess I should hop back into it. The last week has been super low and super high too, depending on the day. I've been trying to walk a straight line for months, but I completely threw that out the window this weekend. I can't be bothered to try to work with people who won't do their part anymore.

I need to rein it in though because I'm taking my assessment test on Thursday. I've been studying as much as I can in between everything else that's going on. I'm pretty confident with all but one thing that I know is going to be on the test. I have to make sure that I'm there on time and ready to sit still and concentrate for three hours. I think I'm cool. We'll see.

So, let's go ahead and do the prompts. We have a new prompt giver in Blog City. Welcome, Joy! *Smile* Her first prompt is: Have you ever been cruel to be kind? For example, have you told someone the truth, knowing you would upset them? If you don’t want to write about yourself, you can always generalize. I feel like cruel is a strong word. To me, when you're cruel, you're causing others pain without caring that you're doing it. I believe in being honest with people and if their feelings get hurt in the process, that's part of it. I do feel bad about it though if they get upset.

For example, if a friend needs to know about something, I'll tell them, even if I know it's going to have a negative effect on them or our friendship. There are just certain things you can't stand by and watch idly. If I tell them whatever it is and they get emotional though, I feel sympathy for them. I wouldn't consider that being cruel on my part. It's just being honest in order to help someone in the end.

Cool, that was easy. In BCOF, we were given the prompt: Use this quote from one of Michael J. Bugeja's poems as inspiration: "a place the poem just left". I'm really not sure what this one means. I couldn't find the poem that it's from either to get more context on it. As it is, it just looks like half a sentence to me, and you guys know I'm not good with quotes anyway. Yes, that includes ones from poems. *Laugh* It could be talking about the emotional impact left behind by a poem. It could be referring to the journey a poem takes you on. I'm just not sure about this one.

I just want to misbehave
I just want to be your slave
Oh you ain't never had nothin' I wanted but
I want it all, I just can't figure out nothin'
October 29, 2014 at 12:56pm
October 29, 2014 at 12:56pm
Artist: Blind Melon
Album: Soup
Song: 2 x 4
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Blog City: Who would you rather live with? The Addams Family or The Munsters? I'd for sure rather live with the Addams Family. We already have ♥Hooves♥, what more do we need? Plus, they have Cousin Itt. I did watch both shows as a kid, but the Munsters had those creepy Widow's peaks that I just can't get behind.

What I really want to do is go to the Annual Transylvanian Convention from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. That movie was so much fun to see in theater. They still play it around Halloween, but they've gotten super strict on the rules. You can do the water guns or rice throwing at most of them anymore. They get into it when they show it for Midnight Madness though.

Anyway, yeah, my answer is the Addams Family. *Bigsmile*

BCOF: Are you a night writer? Use the following quotes as inspiration about night writing.
“At night, when the objective world has slunk back into its cavern and left dreamers to their own, there come inspirations and capabilities impossible at any less magical and quiet hour. No one knows whether or not he is a writer unless he has tried writing at night.” - H.P. Lovecraft
I used to be a night writer. That used to be the only time I could get anything done because I lived with so many people who wouldn't pass out until two or three in the morning. After that, I could have peace and quiet to write for the rest of the night, then we'd all sleep most of the following day.

I'm not like that much anymore because I have quiet, for the most part, whenever I want it. That's the plus side to not having roommates. I don't have to work around anyone else's schedule now. Most of my writing gets done between seven in the evening and midnight. Those are usually somewhat productive hours for me. There's absolutely no creativity flowing in the morning and afternoon. If I needed to write during the morning or at night though, I'd definitely choose night. I like that quote too.

Needle, fetal
Someone's pouring warm gravy all over me
And you see that synthetic therapy
Don't you know it seems to be so unappealing
But, oh what a feeling
October 28, 2014 at 11:50am
October 28, 2014 at 11:50am
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album: Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Song: Soul To Squeeze
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I've been up since like six this morning. I always forget those times exist and that people are actually out then. I went to the store and there were other people looking all chipper at like seven in the morning. What's up with that? I'm a bonafide zombie until at least eleven, no matter what time I wake up. Also, coffee does nothing for me. Am I the only one who could drink four cups of coffee and feel nothing? It just makes me have to piss more frequently.

So, here's the deal. Lyn has a great prompt in Blog City that goes something like this: If your life flashed before your eyes, what are 5 moments you know would be included? Bonus points to the monthly blogging if you tie this in with Halloween. Problem is, I've been sitting here thinking on this one and I legit don't want to talk about the five moments that I'd see if my life flashed before my eyes. I totally wish I could spout off about it and tie it in with Halloween too, but yo, it's not happening today. I'm still looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with for it though.

Let's see what else I can talk about. Oh, I finally figured out my Halloween plans. They include hanging out with friends and drinking excessively. Who would've thunk it? I wish I was still a kid, only for Halloween. There are some rich ass neighborhoods around here and I bet they give out king-sized candy bars. Now I'm older and all I get to do is go to parties where the girls dress like slutty animals and the dudes dress like Jake from State Farm or, ya know, whatever. But, hey, such is life. *Glass2*

I can do the BCOF one though. We were asked, What do you like to do between coming home and going to bed? I don't have a come home time because I work from home. I do my work at all different times of the day. If I'm really crunched on time, I'll stay up all night finishing something up. If I have my pick, I usually work throughout the afternoon and evening. I'll do other things in between working too, like the other day, I got caught up watching Fear Fest on AMC. I watched movies for like four hours before I realized I hadn't actually gotten anything done. It happens sometimes. It just means I'll have to work more later in the week. It's never really done either. The second I finish one thing, there's another thing to do, so I tend to take my time with stuff.

I do have some kind of down period between working and going to sleep though. I have to wind my mind down, like shutting down a computer. During that time, I'll usually read, watch a movie, smoke a bowl, or a combination thereof. Once I'm cooled out enough, I'll go lay down and listen to music on my computer until I fall asleep. *Moon*

It's bitter baby and it's very sweet
I'm on a rollercoaster but I'm on my feet
Take me to the river, let me on your shore
I'll be coming back baby, I'll be coming back for more
October 27, 2014 at 4:01pm
October 27, 2014 at 4:01pm
Artist: Black Lips
Album: Arabia Mountain
Song: Spidey's Curse
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Hey guys. What's up? I can't believe it's Monday. I think I lost a couple days somewhere. I'm gonna keep this short because my head hurts hella bad right now. So, in Blog City, the prompt is: Unique Family Traditions: Do you have any or do you know of one done by another family. Do you feel tradition is important? I can't think of a single tradition my family has. I've mentioned it before, but I don't know anything about my ancestors past my great grandparents and there wasn't any sort of emphasis on following a family tradition regarding, well, anything. We do different things every year for holidays. Sometimes we just go to someone's house and have dinner. Sometimes we go on a trip somewhere. Other times we don't even see each other during holidays. I can't think of anything I learned from my parents that I'd pass down to a kid if I had one.

Toughie for me, I guess. I do remember going to this girl's house when I was in middle school and she legit had no food in her house. I asked her what they ate or if her parents just got groceries every day for that day. She said they don't ever have food in the house, her parents go out and get fast food when they get hungry. Are you kidding me? Her parents got McDonalds or some variation for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. They had no food or even drinks in the house. Weirdest thing I've ever heard.

In BCOF, our prompt is: Write a story or poem about your relationship with food. So, I've talked about food a few times in this blog. I'm not a good cook because I don't try to be. I've never gotten into it. To me, food is just something I have in order to stay alive. I don't have any emotional attachment to it. There aren't any foods I really love to eat and you'll never see me get excited about going out to eat in a restaurant or anything. I can understand other people's attachment to it, I just don't share the same affinity for it.

Peter Parker's life is so much darker than the book I read
October 25, 2014 at 11:02am
October 25, 2014 at 11:02am
Artist: Primus
Album: Pork Soda
Song: My Name Is Mud
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My visit with Mikey went pretty well yesterday. We mostly just talked about school and what I need to do so I can start up in January. It's nice to have someone who has already gone to school for like seven years who can help you out.

It's Saturday, so I'm going to keep this short. In and out like a hitman, I swear. In Blog City, our prompt is: What do you think of a two-tiered system. Is it the solution to our education woes?

Were you told college was the only solution to a good career or were you told that a trade was more important?
I can't get the link at the bottom of that one to work. I'm assuming it explains what a two-tier system is. Basically, a two-tier system is good for certain people and bad for others. I can't see where it would be good for the education system. It would involve a high turnover rate in teachers, undereducated teachers, a lack of learning materials (books, computers, etc...), and gross conditions inside the schools.

I can't imagine how that would be good for the students trying to learn in that environment or the teachers trying to educate in it. The two-tier system is all about money, like most things, and it's typically about saving the employer money. Educators need to be fairly compensated and working in good conditions or they'll hate their jobs and not give the students the education they so desperately need in order to go on to college.

That brings me to the second question about college vs. a trade school. No one really talked to me about either one. At that age, I was so far gone, my parents were just happy if I stayed out of juvy. Now that I'm older, I've learned things about each one and feel I can make an informed decision for myself, but I was never urged to do either at a young age. It wouldn't have been possible for me to go to either at eighteen like a lot of people did because I had no fixed address, a hefty drug problem, and absolutely zero financial support from anyone, though I'd have to put my parents' income down while applying for loans.

I think trade schools can be good for some people. If you have a trade you really want to work in, I don't see why a trade school would be a bad thing. You may not make as much money as someone who earns a four-year college degree, but you can always work your way up in your trade. It could be fine for some people. I know at this point that college is a necessity in order to break into any sort of actual career, so that's what I'm going to do.

In BCOF, the prompt is: Today is Pablo Picasso's birthday. He said, "It takes a long time to become young." What do you think this quote means? Do you agree or disagree? Okay, this one will be short, I swear. *Facepalm* I think he's talking about people being young at heart even as they physically age. There are a lot of worries and concerns people have when they're young that they've worked out by the time they're older, which gives them the freedom to be a bit more carefree or take things in stride better. That ability to handle stress allows them to stay young at heart.

I don't know if that's what it means or not, but if it is, then I probably agree. Of course, I don't really know yet, but it seems at least somewhat accurate from talking to the older people in my life.

We had our words, a common spat
So I kissed him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat
My name is Mud
October 24, 2014 at 12:24pm
October 24, 2014 at 12:24pm
Artist: Jane's Addiction
Album: Nothing's Shocking
Song: Ocean Size
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For my friends who were wondering, Gone Girl is really good. It was, um, not great for me to watch on a personal level right now, but I have confidence that you guys will like it and I have no line of basis for that claim.

I'm going to hang out with my brother tonight. He basically knows what's up and I have a feeling he's going to try to talk to me everything and possibly give me some legal counsel, because that's what he does now. I don't mind. It'll be good to see him. I haven't seen him since he came downtown last month. He's super busy with school and everything, then I don't have a phone, so I'm surprised we're not going longer without hanging.

We have a couple really good prompts today from the prompt queen, Lyn's a Witchy Woman, so I'm going to jump on those and lend them a minute of my time.

In Blog City, the prompt is: Let's talk about personalities. I am told there are 3 specific types:

• Type A, which they labeled as competitive, ambitious, impatient, aggressive, and fast-talking;
• Type B, which is more relaxed and non-competitive, and
• Type C, which is hardworking, but becomes apathetic when faced with stress.

Which one are you? Were you always this way or have you changed with circumstances? How many of these tendencies do you now experience? Were you always this way or have these tendencies increased over time? Your significant other? Or which one do you want for your significant other? I know I ask a lot of questions, answer what you want or all of them. Or use the non-prompt option.
I'll answer all the questions, Lyn, no biggie. It's a good prompt. I'm actually going to go all in on this one and take a 'legit' test on psychologytoday.com to see which of the three I am. I'm not very good at seeing myself for who I am, I like to see myself as someone else. Before I take it, I'm thinking I'm somewhere between B and C, but we'll see what it says. Here it is   for anyone who wants to take it, but be warned, it's eighty-seven questions long.

Okay, here's what I got:

Your score = 55
Type A Score 55 Your score

What does your score mean?

You seem to have a Type B personality. Your personality draws characteristics from each of the other personality types, that is, Type A and Type C. Either you adjust your behavior depending on the situation, or you tend to be moderated in your attitudes. In any case, you are the most balanced of the three personality types.

So, I guess I have a Type B personality, which makes sense to me. I think I've always been this way. I don't care enough about most things to be super competitive. I'm not super aggressive, but I'm not meek either. As far as I know, there hasn't been any change in my personality as far as an increase or decrease in my competitiveness or ambitiousness.

I have a type that I like more than others though. Every girl I've ever been with has had a strong Type A personality. I admire the competitiveness and ambition in that personality type. The aggressiveness just gets me going. I need the person with a plan, because I tend to shy away from making definitive decisions and my aspirations are lacking at best.

The same things that I love about people with a Type A personality are the same things I hate about them. Kira has probably the strongest Type A personality I've ever seen. She's extremely confrontational, impatient, negative, and stubborn. At the same time though, she's smart as hell, ambitious, confident, and independent. She gets things done, how she wants them done, and when she wants them done. I love that about her.

Okay, now let's do BCOF. Our prompt is: How did you know you were ready to commit to a blog? Why did you want to start a blog? Was it for personal events, writing practice or social connections? Did you consider where your blog would be in two years? My blog started as part of the first Soundtrackers challenge. I wanted to do the challenge only because it involved talking about music and life. The first month of my blog was all third person stories from my youth and a bunch of my favorite songs.

As those challenges go, I didn't want it to end. I liked that blogging made me write every day, whether I felt like it or not. Then I saw that people were super social in the blogging groups, and I wanted to be social with them. So, I guess my blog started as a way for me to rant about personal life events, it became a place for me to socially connect with people, which is something I need in real life as well. Blogging provides the platform for me to be social on WDC every day the same way I'm social with the people in my life every day.

My blog isn't two years old yet. It's not even a year old actually. I started in.. February (?) I believe. I'm sure I'll still be doing this at the two year mark though, or I hope I will be anyway. It will probably be in another blog though because this one is getting pretty full.

I was made with a heart of stone
To be broken
With one hard blow
I've seen the ocean
Break on the shore
Come together with no harm done

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