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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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November 22, 2014 at 2:54pm
November 22, 2014 at 2:54pm
Artist: Glass Animals
Album: ZABA
Song: Toes
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The birthday party turned into an all-nighter, but it was nice to get out of the house. I feel like I've been locked up in here way too much lately, so I'll probably go back out tonight too. I'm still pushing Glass Animals today. This band is the coolest. I made my friends listen to them too. They all liked it, but said that the goodness of the band may be directly affected by sobriety level; so, there's that.

I hung out with my best friend last night for the first time in months without wanting to punch him in the face (the entire time), and that was pretty cool. I'm pretty sure we'll never get past everything that happened; which kind of sucks because we've been friends for almost six years, way before I met her. It's nice that we can at least be in the same room together though because all of our friends are mutual friends that hang out at his house, so if I cut him off, I kind of cut myself out of the entire group. I dunno. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, I've got a minute, so let's do a couple prompts. In Blog City, our prompt is: Write what whispers your name in the night... I don't do well with the night. I have to keep myself occupied or I go slightly mad. I don't know how people lay down in bed at a certain time and just decide to go to sleep. I never make a decision to go to sleep. It just happens when it happens, where it happens. If I try to force myself to go to sleep, my mind starts racing and I end up staring at the walls all night long. If I keep myself occupied until I fall asleep, I end up getting more sleep than I would if I tried to force myself into bed at an earlier time. I don't know what it is that whispers my name in the night; but it keeps my awake if I don't stave it off.

In BCOF, our prompt is: If you could go back in time ten years from today, what advice would you give yourself? I know we all say that we shouldn't live with any regrets, but fuck that. If I could go back ten years and be (almost) thirteen again, I'd tell myself the specific names of people, places, and drugs to avoid. There are so many things you learn from twelve to twenty-two, I'd be stupid not to want to warn myself about certain things. Would twelve-year-old me listen? Almost certainly not, but it's worth a shot.

I’m a man, I’m a twisted fool
My hands are twisted too
Five fingers, two black hooves
I’m a man don’t spin me a lie
Got toes and I can smile
I’m crooked but upright
November 21, 2014 at 6:24pm
November 21, 2014 at 6:24pm
Artist: Glass Animals
Album: ZABA
Song: Gooey
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Sup guys? I don't have enough time to answer prompts today, but I've been on such a good blogging streak this week, I don't wanna break it. I've been working all day because I want to go out to my friend's birthday party tonight. After this, I'll hopefully be able to get a few more hours of work in before I go.

The holidays seem like they're approaching super quickly this year. I hate this season and dealing with the social expectations of the holidays. Someone from my past that I don't like somehow ended up getting invited to my family's Thanksgiving dinner, which kinda sucks. It's funny though because they just invited him without consulting me and now I keep hearing from different family members like, "Is that cool, Charlie?" Well, yeah, it kind of has to be cool now, unless I'm gonna be a huge dick and make them uninvite the person. *Rolleyes*

Oh, right, I remember why I wanted to write an entry today. Isn't the song in this entry awesome? I've been listening to this band a lot. The first song I heard by them was "Hazey"   and it has the coolest beat. Their debut album was released in June and the whole thing's pretty solid. They're coming to the US, but only to Columbus and Portland. Maybe they'll do a full US tour at some point; I'll totally go.

My my simple sir, this ain't gonna work
Mind my wicked words and tipsy topsy slurs
I can’t take this place, no I can’t take this place
I just wanna go where I can get some space
November 20, 2014 at 11:44am
November 20, 2014 at 11:44am
Artist: Spoon
Album: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Song: The Underdog
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Megan's prompt in Blog City is: What would life be like if unicorns and dragons really existed? I can't be the only one who thinks this would be scary, right? The unicorns, not so much.. but the dragons? Screw that noise! Can you imagine just walking through the mall parking lot and having a dragon randomly fly by and light the mall on fire? Think about how high your home and car insurance would be! It'd be off the chain because you'd never know when a dragon was going to come light your shit up! I bet they'd have their own insurance- dragon insurance. *Dragon*

If unicorns really existed, we'd have to think of a new mythological creature, wouldn't we? Unicorns would probably be really nice though, UNLESS....

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In BCOF, I asked: Which season is your favorite in terms of clothing? Do you prefer sleeveless shirts and shorts or coats and jeans? The reason I asked is because I notice that I'm excited about the different clothes for every season. When it starts getting warm, I'm all, "Yeah! I'm gonna stop wearing shirts soon!" In the fall, it's like, "Sweet, I can wear my boots and jeans." *Laugh*

I think I like the winter clothes more though. It's easier to look well dressed when you can layer on a bunch of clothes. No one ever looked professional wearing just shorts. I'm all hooked up for winter this year too. I have every winter weather clothing accessory you could imagine. Now to hibernate until April...

I want to forget how conviction fits
But can I get out from under it?
Can I get it out of me? Oh, oh, oh
It can't all be wedding cake
It can't all be boiled away
I try but I can't let go of it
Can't let go of it

November 19, 2014 at 12:07pm
November 19, 2014 at 12:07pm
Artist: Neil Young
Album: Harvest Moon
Song: Harvest Moon
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What's up, guys? It's another cold and dreary day today. I guess I should get used to that. How is it that I never get used to winter? I've dealt with cold winters and snow my whole life, but it always seems like a shock to me every November. *Laugh* When I lived in the south, I got used to the heat a lot better than the cold. I just wore the least amount of clothes I could legally get away with and drank a lot of water. In the winter though, I can wear about a million layers and still freeze my ass off. *Snow1*

The prompt in Blog City is: "There is nothing like staying home for real comfort."Jane Austen Do you agree with Jane? I agree to some extent. It's always nice to be home and sleep in your own bed. I never realized how nice it is to have a bed of your own until I didn't have one. Once I finally moved into my own place and got another bed, it was like straight nirvana every night.

The thing is, you'll never appreciate the comforts of staying at home if you never go out. I love the feeling of coming back home after a trip. Everything is just familiar and comfortable, even if you had fun on vacation. But, then again, I guess comfortable and adventurous aren't mutually exclusive. The adventurousness just brings out the creature comforts of home more. *Smile*

Now let's do the BCOF prompt, which is: Vape is word of the year for 2014 http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/vape-is-word-of-the-year-for-2014-201...
"To vape is to inhale and exhale the vapour produced by an electronic cigarette. As a noun it describes the actual device." - Julian Drape
Prompt: Write a story, poem, or opinion about this new word.
Incoming rant. Turn back now as nothing to follow is going to be good. I'm soo sick of vapers. They're such assholes, I swear. They're constantly bitching at us for smoking and suggesting that we vape instead, just because it's what they do. It's too soon to know the real health effects of vaping, but I swear, if I hear, "I smoked for ten years and I stopped clean with vaping!" one more time, I'm gonna punch them in the face.

If you can smoke cigarettes for ten years then switch to vaping without any issue, that's evidence enough to me that vaping is pretty terrible for you and probably causes cancer too. Plus, it's such a trendy thing. I don't want a battery-operated cigarette. Half of the fun is the ritual of flicking the lighter and inhaling that first drag. I don't want to smoke berry-flavored tobacco out of an electronic cigarette that doesn't actually produce any smoke. Just, bleh. Do not want.

I want to live, I want to give
I've been a miner for a heart of gold
It's these expressions I never give
That keep me searchin' for a heart of gold

November 18, 2014 at 1:20pm
November 18, 2014 at 1:20pm
Artist: Love and Rockets
Album: Love and Rockets
Song: So Alive
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I went out early today to get Kira a video game and it's, like, fifteen degrees outside and so windy. Oh, by the way, Future Mrs. B, you asked what Chi is like? WINDY. That's your answer. *Laugh* I'm so happy my only class that I actually have to go to in January is in the afternoon. I don't do well with freezing cold mornings. Sorry about your luck, Cinn. *Smirk*

We've got a couple good prompts today so I'll jump into them. In Blog City, Joy's prompt is: “Lying is done with words, and also with silence,” says Adrienne Rich. What does this quote say to you? If you so wish, you may offer your experiences on the subject. I feel somewhat comfortable talking about this topic. The quote is referring to lying by omission, I think. Like when you don't actually lie, but you don't tell the whole truth either. This is a form of lying I practice more frequently than I should. It's just so easy to not say anything and let someone assume something better than the truth really is. From what I know, there are a lot of people who do this because it doesn't really feel like you're lying, even though you technically are... by omission.

I feel like it's better than outright lying, but that's probably just my way of justifying it. *Bigsmile* When you sit by idly while someone thinks something false is true, you're technically lying by not coming clean. So, yeah, don't do that.. or do. I dunno..

Righto. Over to BCOF where Lyn's prompt is: As we write, we stumble in hidden recesses of ourselves... what if we gave our shadow a chance to speak? Make a list of things YOU WOULD NEVER DO,...Go ahead, dance with your shadow. Be Creative! I'm having a bit of trouble with this one because there isn't much I wouldn't do or haven't already done. I mean, I would never kill someone... but I don't think that's relevant to the prompt. *Laugh* Shit, I really can't think of anything I wouldn't do. I've already drank, done drugs, jumped from an airplane, got married, spontaneously moved out of state. What will I never do?

I'll probably never have kids, at least I hope I won't, unless I drastically change my views. Getting anything published seems unlikely for me because I can't see myself attempting to do it. I'll never be part of a protest or riot unless the weather is hella nice and I'm in the area anyway. I doubt I'll ever be overweight. It's not in my genes at all.

I've totally answered this prompt the wrong way. *Laugh*

I don't know what color your eyes are, baby
But your hair is long and brown
Your legs are strong and you're so, so long
And you don't come from this town

November 17, 2014 at 11:30am
November 17, 2014 at 11:30am
Artist: The 13th Floor Elevators
Song: You're Gonna Miss Me
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I keep telling myself I'm going to blog and then I don't. I have no idea why, but I've started a couple entries and just never finished them. My friends distract me here with their glorious awesomeness. Today is the day that I finish an entry! *Laugh*

In Blog City, the prompt is: Is there a relationship between perfectionism and feelings of shame when what we plan to accomplish does not come out quite right? Explore. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a perfectionist, but I don't feel good when something I'm trying to do doesn't work out well. I think my main issue with this is that I don't fill my plate with too many things usually, so I feel like I should be able to accomplish the things I do try. I must have somewhat of a competitive streak too because when I see someone succeeding at something I'm struggling with, I always get frustrated and wonder how they're doing better than me.

It isn't something I get super hung up on though. The second I'm away from the situation, I can usually let it go pretty easily. Still, it is something I think about, so it's probably relevant to the question.

I definitely think there's a connection between perfectionism and feelings of shame when you don't live up to the expectations you have for yourself. I think that's a pretty natural thing to happen; it's almost a part of being a perfectionist.

Okay, then, in BCOF, the prompt is: What does getting old mean to you? Write a story, write a poem, write a rant; whichever you want.. I'm fairly young, but I'm getting ready to turn twenty-three soon. Hey, a month from today! To me, getting old means gaining experience and wisdom. Once people get to the elderly age, I think they've experienced or at least have knowledge to some extent on a lot of different things.

I can't really talk much on the topic of getting old, I guess, but I can relate to the topic of aging to some degree. Every year, I find myself more experienced and less surprised. I remember when everything used to seem crazy and wild, but now someone can do or tell me the most absurd thing and I just nod my head, like, "Cool, man." It takes a lot to surprise me now, which I think is in large part because I've experienced so many things or at least been privy to other people's experiences with different things.

Aging is an adventure and people should do it with grace.

I gave you the warning
But you never heeded it
How can you say you miss my lovin
When you never needed it

November 13, 2014 at 1:11pm
November 13, 2014 at 1:11pm
Artist: MGMT
Album:Oracular Spectacular
Song: Electric Feel
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It's so cold outside now. I keep forgetting that we're in mid-November already. Time goes so fast. Wasn't it just June? I've been working on my maths everyday in preparation for my intermediate algebra class. I went back and started with the super basic stuff, just to jog my memory. I found this cool app for the iPod called Photomath. You can scan a math problem with the camera and it solves the problem for you and shows complete steps. I won't use it for cheating, Cinn, I swear! It is kind of cool though for checking answers. I might use it on homework some, but only to check it, not to actually do it.

I was working on an entry yesterday, but I ended up being to busy to actually complete it, so I've got some time today. In Blog City, Megan's prompt is: This month is Mickey Mouse's Birthday. Let's write about him and his friends. I don't watch any Disney stuff anymore really. I used to watch Disney cartoons and movies when I was a kid though. My favorite cartoon movie as a kid was probably The Land Before Time and that one wasn't even Disney, so that tells you about where I am with this topic. *Laugh* I remember liking Donald Duck though, or more likely I just thought it was funny to see people imitate him. Goofy was pretty cool too. They seemed like a pretty close group of friends though.

In BCOF, my prompt is: Write a list of DOs and DON'Ts. Your topic can be about writing, life, or anything in between.

DOs and DON'Ts of Reviewing

*Sun* DO take time to read the story/poem multiple times if you don't understand it the first time. There might be something simple that you miss on the first read through.

*Poison* DON'T write the same thing in every review. If your reviews can be applied word for word to fifty different items, you aren't looking into it enough.

*Sun* DO tell the writer how you felt about their item. Be honest with why you liked or didn't like it.

*Poison* DON'T get caught up in how well you like the person when doing a review. Even if you really love someone, they still deserve honest feedback on their work. Saying it's the best thing ever when you know it isn't will only hurt them.

*Sun* DO be willing to discuss your review if the writer has questions about your feedback. We all get busy and sometimes can't respond right away, but I try to get a response in at some point if the writer responds with questions.

*Poison* DON'T review things that you hate. If I can't find something good about an item, I don't even attempt to review it. When I do, it always comes off sounding too negative and I feel bad. It's easy to point out bad things when you're pointing out good things too, but if it's just bad things, it's a no go for me.

*Sun* DO try to keep your mind open to styles you don't particularly enjoy. For example, I don't like rhyming poetry much, but if I'm going to review it, I have to accept it for what it is and not talk about how I like free verse better.

*Poison* DON'T expect a response. I used to get slightly (and I truly mean slightly, I don't care that much) irritated when I spent an hour and a half on a 6000 character review and never got a response. Then I realized that I'm mostly reviewing for myself, because I like reading and it helps identify issues in other people's writing which in turn helps me identify issues in my writing.

Also, these are all just my personal opinions and what works for me. Don't read too much into it. *Wink* Would you guys add or take anything away?

All along the Western front
People line up to receive
She got the power in her hand
To shock you like you won't believe
November 12, 2014 at 12:51pm
November 12, 2014 at 12:51pm
I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started the "The Dark Society package of "a very Wodehouse challenge. Thanks to Cinn for linking me to it. Part of my challenge is to create a book entry, notebook post, or static item discussing the horror genre and what (if anything) I learned in the process of this challenge. I'm going with a blog entry because it's something I do so often anyway.

I think I've always had an interest in horror. I had older brothers who watched a lot of horror movies when I was younger and I'd stay up and watch them too. There were many nights spent hiding under the covers as a kid because of something I'd seen on a scary TV show or movie. After I started reading, R.L. Stine's books became a staple in my library. I think I've read most, if not all of, his Goosebumps and Fear Street series.

To start off the challenge, I reviewed two stories in the horror genre from writers here on WDC. Those were "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor and "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor . Reviewing is sort of my thing and because I love the horror genre, that was probably the easiest part of the challenge.

I learned how to write product reviews because I had to write five of them covering various horror products. I tried to mix it up and do different sub-genres of horror within those reviews, including comedy horror, which is one of my personal favorites. Here are those product reviews.

The next part was definitely the hardest for me because I'm not really good with writing prompts that have to include a certain line. I find myself building the story around the line because it never comes out naturally to just throw the line in somewhere. Anyway, I did complete my entry for the "Sinister Stories Contest. This round is open until the end of the month if anyone feels like joining! Here's my entry:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2018164 by Not Available.

The final part was very simple. I had to leave a note for a couple newbies telling them to check out
"The Dark Society or "Sinister Stories Contest. Done! *Thumbsup* This was a fun challenge because I got to try out some things on the site I hadn't ever done before. I'll definitely be back to check out more Wodehouse challenges.
November 11, 2014 at 11:25am
November 11, 2014 at 11:25am
Artist: Death Cab For Cutie
Album: Plans
Song: Different Names For The Same Thing
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I'm all signed up for my classes that start in January. I'm doing five the first semester. Hopefully they'll all be pretty easy to start off. People who have taken the same classes seem to think it's a chill schedule, so we'll see. It's so weird to be back in a school. I was waiting to talk to the advisor in the main office and I swear it felt like being back in high school waiting for the principal to come bitch me out. *Laugh* No trouble this time, I swear!

Let's do prompts. In Blog City, Joy asked: Do you use flashbacks or flash-forwards in your fictional and true stories? How or why, do you think, they are important, if at all? I feel like flashbacks work better in movies than they do in books. Flashbacks are almost necessary for a lot of movies in order to give the viewer details from the past. I don't think that's necessarily true for books. It's so easy to say, if you're using first person POV, something like: "The sight of him wandering about like a mentally ill bum reminded me of all those youthful drunken nights." Then you can go on to talk about those memories. Third person is even easier because you can say, "Jake followed closely behind his wandering old friend. Had he become a mentally ill bum in the last ten years? The way he stumbled about, holding onto the walls of the passing businesses, reminded Jake of all those drunken youthful nights." Then continue from there.

I think flashbacks are unnecessarily confusing. You almost need a style change or header to show that you're flashing back to the past. Prove me wrong if you can. My mind is open. *Wink* Anyway, to answer the question, I don't use flashbacks or flashforwards in my writing. I don't feel they're necessary.

Now we're onto BCOF where Lyn asked: What does the word "productive" mean or look like for you? How has your definition shaped your work-life? Your personal goals? Productive means achieving an expected amount of output. In terms of writing, it's meeting the goals I set for myself. As far as work goes, productive means I'm getting all of my work done on time. There is also another big factor of being productive which involves good time management skills. In my opinion, I'm not productive if it takes me twice as long to do something than it should. In order to be truly productive, I have to get everything done that I need done and I have to do it with the correct level of effort. If a paper should take me an hour to write and it takes three, something isn't right there.

When you have an assignment, work or otherwise, you have to make a plan in order to get it done in a timely manner. You have to identify what needs to be done and which order you want to do them in. I'm sure this varies from person to person, but I personally tackle the hardest parts first and then I branch out from there and finish the easier bits. It works for me because I'll put off the hard things if I don't do them first. Working like this helps me get everything done that I need to get done. I'll probably continue the same throughout school because if it isn't broke, don't fix it!

Alone on a train aimless in wander
An outdated map crumpled in my pocket
But I didn't care where I was going
Cause they're all different names for the same place
November 10, 2014 at 6:54pm
November 10, 2014 at 6:54pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: The Smiths
Song: You've Got Everything Now
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Hey friends. I hope you all had a nice weekend. I don't have much time to write today, so I'm going to jump into the prompts. In Blog City, we were asked: Write about an experience that led you to change a deep-held opinion or belief about what life is. Nice prompt, Joy. So, the answer to this question might be a bit vague, but I've changed my beliefs on almost everything. I think that we think one way when we're younger and then that changes as we get older and experience life. I was raised to believe a lot of different lifestyles were wrong. When I got older and actually met people with different lifestyles, I realized that it's unfair to stereotype an entire group of people. I should clarify and say that I never hated any group of people. I knew, even when I was younger, that people were individuals and shouldn't be judged based on one aspect of who they are. When I got older though, I actually got to meet those people and see things from their perspective. It really helped get rid of any prejudice I might have held at a younger age.

Once I realized that there were things about me that could easily be judged negatively, I knew that I wanted to get to know people before I made any decisions on what I thought of them. It's not fun to have to overcome stereotypes, but we all have to do it at some point in some way. After you've experienced that, it comes more naturally to accept who people are as a whole rather than to pick apart the things you don't agree with about them.

Next we'll do BCOF. The prompt is November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month. Are you a peanut butter lover or just an acquittance? What is your relationship with peanut butter? I love peanut butter, for sure. It pairs really well with so many different things. I mean, it's not my favorite thing in the world, but I have been known to eat peanut butter off a spoon before. It's funny how there's a month for everything. Is there a month for ketchup, because I really love ketchup.

You are your mother's only son
And you're a desperate one

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