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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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December 25, 2014 at 4:10pm
December 25, 2014 at 4:10pm
Two Christmas entries? Yeah, that's happening. I decided to give the last "Blog Harbor from The Talent Pond a go. It sounds simple enough and should spread some cheer around the site, which I'm all about. Day one's challenge is to review someone and then write a blog entry about the experience of reviewing it. I think I was basically made for day one, because I review all the time anyway. This one was a little different of course because I needed to review something or someone I could talk about in a blog entry.

The review

I knew who I wanted to review right away because I could probably talk for a long time about her poetry. The item is "Invalid Item by lmmortal . Here's the review: Review of "~Shore to the Moon~" . I first found Immortal all the way back in February, which is a long time ago for me. I had only been on the site for a couple weeks. The first review I did for her was Review of "One day." . As you can probably tell, I really loved it.

I got a similar feeling when I read ~Shore to the Moon~ earlier today. There's just something about the language she uses that gets me every time.

Call me a what?
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I love all the romance poetry she writes. I don't really write romance stuff myself, and I typically don't read it either, but I think she works so well with that genre. The tones are set just right early on in the poems, so the mood sets itself in your mind. I'm not really thinking about much of anything when reading the poetry; I just let myself go with it.

Reviews are hard.
The hardest part of reviewing Immortal's stuff is that I always end up reading a few poems at a time and then I can't decide which one to review. Today I was debating between the one I ended up going with and "Invalid Item. I ended up going with "Invalid Item instead because I actually felt like I could help improve it in some way, and I think that's what reviewing is all about.

Sure, it's fun to receive and send reviews that are full of praise and compliments, but to be able to refine a piece in any way is a gift to both the reviewer and the author. I don't have a difficult time reviewing because I look at it as a learning experience. You're learning someone's life and their style while being able to apply it to yourself and your own writing. It's easily one of my best learning tools.

December 25, 2014 at 11:21am
December 25, 2014 at 11:21am
Artist: Brand New
Album: Deja Entendu
Song: Okay, I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
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Welcome to my Reality: Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? If so, share one or more with us and the reasoning behind it.

Blog City: What does Holiday spirit mean to you? Are you sad to see Christmas end?

Hello, friends. How goes? Merry Christmas and all that business. I think everyone's doing Christmas things and I'm just sitting here blogging. *Facepalm* I thought I should give myself a timeout until after the holidays, but here I am. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I wrote an entry at some point about conspiracy theories. Let me see if I can find it.. Oh, here we go. It's the middle prompt in this entry: "Invalid Entry. Remember when I used to break it up by prompt. That was convenient, wasn't it?

My thoughts from back in July still stand on this topic. Most of the people I hang out with are the 'stick it to the Man' type who believe that everything in life is just one huge conspiracy theory. I mean, they go pretty far with it. The government controls your mind through subliminal messages in television, there's a 'New World Order' of super rich people planning to take over the world, and the CIA distributed crack to black communities in the '80s. They're like, "I'm doing drugs right now because the government planted them in the hands of citizens in order to get rid of unsavory(?) people." And I'm all, "Sure, love, just eat your glass."

That last one isn't really that far out there though, considering the government's history with spreading drugs and diseases, like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study   and Project MKUltra  . Because fuck human rights, yeah?

My basic understanding of the government and all major corporations is to take everything they say with a grain of salt. I guess I even apply this to lower levels, like even with random people I know. I just assume that I'm being told half truths and basically just a line of bullshit unless it benefits the other person. That's the way the government and media are as well. Whatever helps them the most is what you're going to hear.

That being said, I definitely don't dwell on it or go around ranting about conspiracies the way some people I know do, although I'm glad that there are people who care about knowing the truth in things. We need people like that. The most I do is say, "Riiiiiight," in passing when a politician's speech or a media press release is obvious bullshit.

So.. about that holiday spirit.. *Laugh* I don't really know what holiday spirit means to me, honestly. I'm not really into the religious side of it or the consumerist side either. I guess being nice is what holiday spirit is? Like treating people well or something. People seem to be in a more positive spirit around the holiday time and more family-oriented.

Christmas sort of reminds me of the granddaddy of all Sunday Masses. Like people prep for it for weeks in advance and start treating random strangers better, the way they do at Mass, only it overflows into daily life too. I don't know if you've ever known people who act different at Mass than they do throughout the week, wait, correction- I don't know if you're willing to admit that people act different at Mass than they do throughout the week; but Christmas is just one huge Mass to me and people have to repent for the year they've had during it. I guess that's another conspiracy theory of mine.

Damn, did I mention I was going to put myself into timeout? I... should have done that.

I am heaven sent
Don't you dare forget
I am all you've ever wanted
What all the other boys all promised
Sorry I told. I just needed you to know
December 24, 2014 at 2:54am
December 24, 2014 at 2:54am
Artist: Cat Stevens
Album: Mona Bone Jakon
Song: Trouble
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Book Trailers, just like movie trailers are starting to catch on. What do you think about them? Do you see yourself using this new way to draw readers into your writing? Would you read a book based on a book trailer you saw?

I guess I can go ahead and work on this because I can't sleep at all. Look at us, we made it to Christmas Eve. How cool are we? It's almost two in the morning for me right now, but my general plan for the next couple days is boatloads of wine and cheesy Christmas movies. I have no idea why this holiday gets me so down, but I basically just have to force myself through it every year. Like, why can't I just pretend like it's any other day of the year? I guess because everyone around me acts like it's a special day (which it is), so I have a hard time ignoring its existence.

Back when we lived near Kira's family, we'd go over there for the holidays. I feel like I'm the only person I know that doesn't do anything with their family on Christmas. I mean, even Jordan is going to be busy with his family. He doesn't ever see them, but they still do something for Christmas day. The strangest part of it is that I don't even want to see my family. I'll see them this weekend most likely and I'll totally complain about it, so why do I get down about not seeing anyone on Christmas? I don't get it.

Have you ever gotten pissed off because no one's talking to you, then even more irritated when they start 'bothering' you? It's like that, I guess.

I don't really have to think much about this book trailer prompt. I didn't even know there was such a thing as book trailers, but I wouldn't ever watch them before reading a book. I don't even watch movie trailers. I feel like they give away too much of a movie. Have you ever watched a trailer and then thought there was no point in actually seeing the film? I notice it a lot in comedy and horror movies. All the scary and funny moments are crammed into the minute long trailer. It's all a big spoiler.

On top of that, I like to create the characters in my mind the way I want them to look. I don't want someone to tell me how the main character looks and what his body language is like. That's what my imagination is for. If the author tells me he has curly black hair and green eyes, I can form him myself in my head given his personality traits.

Plus, isn't the book synopsis enough? There's no way you could be too lazy to read the synopsis and still read the entire novel. *Laugh* In the spirit of the prompt, I still went and looked up some book trailers for books I've already read and books I'll never read. Here's an example, just so you can see what a book trailer is like if you don't know already. It looks like it's for some preteen book that we'll probably never read called My Life Undecided   by Jessica Brody. I shouldn't say we'll never read it when what I mean is that I'll never read it. It's pretty similar to a movie trailer, really, so definitely not for me.

So anyway, I know a lot of you are going to be busy today/tomorrow. If I don't talk to you again...

*Vine2*Merry Christmas*Vine1* I hope you guys have an awesome holiday and all that business. Love you! *Heart*

Oh trouble set me free
I have seen your face
And it’s too much too much for me

December 23, 2014 at 12:22pm
December 23, 2014 at 12:22pm
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: From a Basement on the HIll
Song: Twilight
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Welcome to my Reality: Other than the obvious necessities required to sustain life, what is something you absolutely cannot live without?

Blog City: Now that we've had the winter solstice, how does the official beginning of winter make you feel?

Now that winter has officially started, I'm thinking, can it be over yet? I know I'm such a Grinch and I shouldn't act like that, but I really don't like this season and I can't wait for the holidays to be over either. I don't know what it is about this time of year, but it gets me super down. I mean, I've thought about it before, of course. The issue, I think, is that it used to be my favorite time of year, like when I was young and pure of mind. Now that I'm older, it just reminds of how not innocent I am now. Have you ever thought back to your eight-year-old self then thought of yourself now and it's like, "Holy fuck, that did not go as planned." *Facepalm* I probably just think too much.

Surely there are some good things about the official start of winter. I mean, for someone like me, that means the holidays are almost over. Everyone can go back to being their normal selves. The thing I hate most about the holidays, just socially, is that everyone acts overly nice in some sort of weird state of 'Christmas spirit' and it's so awkward. Like, can we just not? *Laugh* Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me.

As I've been writing this, I've been trying to think of things that I can't live without that I should technically be able to live without. You know, not things like food or air. I'm super social, despite what I just said up ^ there that makes me look anti-social. I like interacting with people, just in an honest way. If we don't like each other, let's not pretend to just because it's the 23rd of December.

Other than that, I'm completely dependent on people. My friends here have seen that, I'm sure. I really need people to talk to almost constantly because I get down kinda easily if I'm left to my own devices. I have to make sure to keep my mind occupied, and the easiest way to do that is to let someone else occupy it for me. I'll listen to someone talk about how awesome they are for an hour if it means I can avoid being alone.

I also need writing tools, ya know, pen and paper. I need the internet and my computer because that's how I do my job. That's almost like an obvious necessity because I buy food and pay rent with the money I make while on my computer. Um, let's see what else...

I dunno, but my worst nightmare is being locked away somewhere without any human interaction, books, or writing utensils. I can't quite estimate how long I'd last without cracking, but it wouldn't be long. Like, I could never be in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day the way some people are in prison. I would end up opening a vein.

Oh, my cats are pretty cool too. I don't know where they fit into this as far as an absolute necessity, but they do make me happy. *Cat*

Because your candle burns too bright
Well, I almost forgot it was twilight
Even if I think that you are right
Well, I'm tired of being down, I got no fight
December 22, 2014 at 3:07pm
December 22, 2014 at 3:07pm
Artist: Sunny Day Real Estate
Album: Sunny Day Real Estate
Song: 8
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What were the highlights of 2014 for you? What would you keep the same and what would you change if you could?

Hello, blogging friends. How are we all doing? We're only a few days from Christmas now, though it still doesn't feel like it to me, for whatever reason. Our Christmas soundtracking challenge is over and I think it was quite a hit. I tried to revisit the daily prompting thing with other groups today, but there's still something that's just not clicking well for me. It kinda sucks, but it is what it is. If I want to keep blogging, I'm going to have to try something different for a minute. So, I'll be trying out "Welcome To My Reality Forum for now. I think having my choice of prompts throughout the week might work better for right now. We'll see how it goes.

As another year draws to an end, I can reflect back on all the ups and downs. 2014 was a typical year for me with some high highs and devastating lows. I joined WDC almost immediately after completing rehab earlier this year. I think there was like a few days between maybe, but I'd gotten back into writing poetry while I was rehabilitating, so I just googled 'writing site' or something like that and found WDC. I think finding this site was one of my greatest highlights of the year.

When I relapsed a few months later in April, that was really fucking rough. I was disappointed in myself and angry at the people around me, for whatever reason. I kept saying I was going to go back to rehab, and I just kept putting it off and putting it off. In April it was June, in June it was October. I knew what I was doing, but I still couldn't get myself to stop, even as people were telling me it was getting really bad. You know it's bad when other addicts who are 'way worse than you' are saying, "Dude, you've gotta slow it down." The most surprising thing to me was all the support from the people here on WDC. I thought for sure people would be either offended or just super judgemental about the whole thing, but I guess it was I who was being judgemental of the community without giving them a chance.

I got a huge wakeup call when Kira left in September. She didn't leave directly because of my use, but rather the shitty decisions I make while using. That also sucked, obviously, but something good did come out of it because I took the chance to go get a script for Suboxone. I thought it was something I could use as leverage to get her back, and I ended up just sticking with it because I was sick of feeling like shit all the time. It helps with the physical withdrawal, although I'll never be able to just stop taking it. It's probably more addictive than what I was using before. At least it's legal though and I have it every day, so I don't have to worry about being sick anymore.

November was cool because I signed up for college. That's another thing I've been trying to do for a while now and only got around to doing it once things hit rock bottom for me. Since then, I've been trying to stay out of trouble and work on my relationship, of course. Like I said, there have been a lot of ups and downs this year. My two greatest moments were signing up for college and joining this site though. I'm looking forward to exploring both of those further in 2015 and working on improving myself and my relationships too. Fingers crossed I'll get through it okay, and of course, the support I have here is invaluable to me.

I've also decided to share a few pictures here, under passcode. I won't keep them on here forever because they take up space, but I feel like it helps people to put a face to a name, or that's what I've heard anyway and I guess I've been slightly inspired by someone to do so. Plus, I only really want people who read my blog to see them anyway, because they're the ones who know my life and personality best. So, you can view those with passcode: 1234 here: "Invalid Item "Invalid Item "Invalid Item before I take them down.

Whose side you on?
Which side you on?
Silence near the battle cry
Hollow victory
December 20, 2014 at 2:31pm
December 20, 2014 at 2:31pm
Artist: Macy Gray
Album: Christmas Calling
Song: I've Been A Good Girl
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Look at us! We've made it to Day Twelve and the end of the Soundtrackers Christmas challenge. That wasn't so bad, yeah? I managed to find songs that mostly had bells in them and tried to do only original Christmas songs, which I think I did. Even the Mariah Carey one was an original, wasn't it? Still, best Christmas song everrrr. *Pthb*

For the last day, I thought I'd go with a song by the raspy-voiced Macy Gray. I don't care what anyone says, Macy Gray is awesome. I don't listen to her that regularly, but when I do, I wanna sex her voice. I thought it was cool when she covered Radiohead  , Sublime  , and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs  . I don't love the covers or anything compared to the originals, but I thought it was cool that she did them.

Oh, and this song totally has bells too.

Anyway, that's another Soundtrackers challenge complete. I'll see you guys at the next one, hopefully. Have a nice holiday. *Smile*

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Comin' home, smelling like her.
You think you're so rock 'n roll?
December 19, 2014 at 1:03pm
December 19, 2014 at 1:03pm
Artist: Fleet Foxes
Album: Fleet Foxes
Song: White Winter Hymnal
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I have no idea if this counts as a Christmas song, but I'm going for it anyway. *Laugh* Hey, if "Christmas Island" by Depeche Mode counts, this ones gotta count. I've been mostly looking for songs with bells in them, because if a song has bells, it has to be a Christmas song, yeah?

Anyway, this one doesn't have bells in it but there are references to scarves and snow, so I'm declaring it a Christmas song. The Fleet Foxes are one of my favorite post-2005 bands. I know people say that music isn't good anymore. It's sad that people miss out on really good bands because they think of modern music as Lady Gaga or whatever it is that's popular right now. There are tons of good rock bands still out there. I've just started listening to bands in the last few years and gone to their shows with fifty people and then the next year, they come back playing sold out shows. There's tons of good music, you just have to find it.

Fleet Foxes aren't a great example, because they're pretty huge at this point. They weren't though, for the longest time. I couldn't get anyone to listen to them because they can be a bit of an acquired taste, as you can imagine if you listened to the song. They finally got their recognition and then went on hiatus, of course. *Laugh* The lead singer is going back to college now, so we'll see.

Maybe I'll do an entire post someday of newer bands I'm listening to, like post-2012 bands. I'm not sure if anyone cares about that sort of thing, but I do!

P.S. My brother aced the math final I tutored him on. *Thumbsup*

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I was following the pack
All swaddled in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
December 18, 2014 at 1:21pm
December 18, 2014 at 1:21pm
Artist: Marcy Playground
Song: Keegan's Christmas
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Good morning/afternoon. How goes it? My 23rd birthday was quite a success, according to my aching head. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and gifts yesterday. I feel blessed to be a part of this community.

We're on, what, day ten out of twelve now in the Soundtrackers Christmas challenge? This one has been a bit different for me than all the others we've done and I just figured out today why that is. I'm a slow dude, it takes me a while to catch on. *Laugh* This one has been a lot different for me because I'm not choosing songs I have an emotional connection to the way I did in previous challenges. There isn't a Christmas song in the world that I actually have a memory attached to, not even the Tom Waits song.

What I've been doing with this one is sort of picking artists that I have a degree of attachment to, even if I don't totally love the song, although I'll admit, I've totally loved most of the songs. Today's choice is for that reason though. I love Marcy Playground. I know you all know the Sex and Candy song from the 90s. Don't give me any lip, Cinn, you've gotta like Opium   or what about Poppies  ?

Anyway, this song is just relaxing and sounds nice. Plus, there's totally bells, which means it's super Christmasy.

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Past the window frame
Past the places where I dream
December 17, 2014 at 3:58pm
December 17, 2014 at 3:58pm
Artist: The Knife
Song: Christmas Reindeer
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Alright, I'm gonna make this entry super quick today because I'm crashing super hard and I'm ready to go back out. Today's song is from a Swedish electronic duo and it's way catchy. Sweden has a ton of really good electronic artists like Fever Ray and Lykke Li. Oh, and one of the best hardcore bands of all time- Refused.

Anyway, I've listened to this song like three times while writing this entry, and yes, it took that long to write those three sentences. *Facepalm* Now it's gonna be stuck in my head all night. Thanks for the gifts and birthday wishes, guys. *Partyhato*

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Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer
I caught one of your horns
And even if it rains here
It's much worse in the north
December 16, 2014 at 3:04pm
December 16, 2014 at 3:04pm
Artist: James Brown
Album: Soulful Christmas
Song: A Soulful Christmas
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What's up guys? Who's happy that Mariah Monday is over? Am I the only one who didn't actually listen to "All I Want For Christmas Is You" even once yesterday? *Laugh*

So, my birthday is tomorrow! I'm gonna be all of twenty-three. I'm getting old. I feel like I should be turning forty or so. Not that forty is old. You guys know what I mean, so don't get offended. My plan was to have a week-long birthday party, seriously, starting on Friday. I ended up having to work a bunch instead. *Facepalm* I'm definitely going to celebrate tonight and tomorrow night... and probably Thursday night.. *Bigsmile*

I thought my playlist could use a little more energy, so I'm going with the most energetic musician that's ever existed- James Brown! Who doesn't like James Brown? I don't wanna meet the man who doesn't like to "Get Up Offa That Thing" every once in a while. I mean, his voice was just wild.

How lucky are we then to have an entire James Brown Christmas album? I could have just as easily gone with any of the other songs on the album. Ever heard Santa Claus, Go Straight To The Ghetto  ? That's the song I was debating between for this entry, but you can't beat out the energy of "Soulful Christmas". *Music2*

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Soulful Christmas like a sweet melody,
I'm a lucky so-and-so,
the bell's gonna ring for me.

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