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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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October 12, 2014 at 12:32pm
October 12, 2014 at 12:32pm
Artist: Mad Season
Album: Above
Song: Long Gone Day
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I have a crazy busy day ahead of me with the in-laws arriving in about half an hour, give or take half an hour. I spent half the night cleaning up the house, which is kind of crazy because my house is clean to begin with, in my opinion. I get comments about it all the time when people come over, like, "Dude, your house is so clean." I guess it must be surprising? *Laugh*

I'll just leave it there because I don't have much to say today anyway. That's cool though. It's another one of our quiet days around here, ya know, Sunday and all. Enjoy your day!

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Mad Season is like the ultimate supergroup. You've got some Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, and Screaming Trees all together? You know it can't not be awesome. This is probably my favorite Mad Season song. I love the eerie sound of it. Never mind those Godsmack jerkoffs who totally ripped it off   back in '99. Nice one, cockmunches, like it wasn't enough to steal your band name from AIC.

This band qualifies on all fronts. They went on hiatus in '96, tried to get back together, then had the bassist, John Baker Saunders die from an H overdose. That's where they cut it. Of course, we all know Layne Staley OD'd as well a few years later.

There are a ton of songs I could have used for Layne Staley in this challenge and none of them would have done him full justice. His voice is just ridiculously good. He had some serious talent.

So many tears I'm starting to drown
The rain in heaven's all come down
Silver spoons affix the crown
The luckless ones are broken
Fears and lies for answers
You and open flames
God knows I'm gone
And I just want you to
Come on down
October 11, 2014 at 3:19pm
October 11, 2014 at 3:19pm
}Artist: The Germs
Album: MIA
Song: Lion's Share
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Happy Saturday. I have this theory that people don't really read blogs on Saturdays. Aren't we all busy? I could probably say whatever I want right now and very few people would see it. Sorry to disappoint, but I have nothing risqué to share. Maybe another time. *Laugh*

I'll jump into the prompts instead of holding us up any longer. In Blog City, the prompt is: Victor Hugo said: "Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant." Do you feel that your memories work for you, or do you feel beholden to your memories? That's a nice quote, I quite like it. I love my memories, good and bad. I feel like memories are just experiences remembered. I appreciate every life experience I have, whether it was a mistake or success. I'm not one of those people who doesn't ever regret things I do, but life is way too short to cower in fear of our memories.

Memories are also great for a writer. Experience is second to none when it comes to writing stories or instilling reality into your characters.

In BCOF, I asked: What specific companies or types of businesses are you extra cautious about because of their shady behavior? I'm careful with any business that specializes in a field that the average layman would know nothing about. So basically, doctors, lawyers, car shops, cable companies, the IRS, and schools.

I hate that there are loopholes in everything. All you have to do is call someone out and suddenly your bill is drastically reduced. Why are you trying to fuck people over in the first place? I've had hospital bills start out at 6000 dollars and I've gotten them dropped down to a fifth of that just by calling and telling them that the bill is ridiculous. Why are they trying to fuck people over in the first place?

Car shops do this too. If they think you know nothing about cars, they'll try to charge you for things that don't need to be repaired. Doctors try to run tests they know you don't need. Accountants claim they spent four hours on a tax return that took them twelve minutes, and lawyers say they spent 15 hours on a case they looked at for 45 minutes. It's the circle of life. Cue Lion King song. *Laugh*

All I'm saying is, I know that professionals who specialize in anything are going to try to screw me over, so I call them out as frequently as possible and things magically work out to cost less than initially thought.

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Ready for some Darby Crash? I don't listen to much punk music anymore, not the way I did when I was fifteen anyway, but I still love The Germs. The band formed before they had any instruments or anyone who knew how to play an instrument. Darby Crash, the lead singer wanted to focus on getting the word out about their band first, so they made t-shirts and posted flyers everywhere for a band that didn't even exist yet.

They actually got pretty good, in my opinion, for kids who had never played instruments before. I think Darby Crash would've gone pretty far in the music industry if he hadn't committed suicide by OD'ing on heroin in 1980 when he was twenty-two. He was getting really good at writing lyrics for the band. There's a clear improvement over the three years they were together.

You may know the Germs' guitarist and co-founder, Pat Smear. He was with the band 45 Grave for a while, you probably don't know them, but he played with Nirvana as their second guitarist starting in 1993. You can see him on their Unplugged show. He also is a guitarist in the Foo Fighters.

I want the lion's share
Gather up the broken chairs
Feed my mind unholy tests
Do me in I need to rest
October 10, 2014 at 12:41pm
October 10, 2014 at 12:41pm
Artist: Johnny Thunders
Album: So Alone
Song: You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory
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Ugh, it's not even mid-october yet and I already have my first cold. This should make Sunday dinner with the in-laws even more difficult. *Facepalm* I don't know how I even get myself into these situations, but I'm the common denominator, so I can't blame anyone but myself.

Let me try to knock these prompts out early before I figure out what's going on today. In Blog City, the prompt is: How do you start conversations with strangers? What topics do you avoid? Is it easier with one gender or another? Starting conversations with strangers comes pretty easily to me. I've found that most people don't interact with strangers, so you can pretty much say whatever you want and it's going to be weird to the other person either way. I talk to people on the train, on the street, in stores or wherever. A lot of times, I'm not the one to start the conversation, but it must be my body language that tells people I'd be cool with them talking to me.

It's best to start a conversation off with something neutral. You know, talk about weather or how the train was late or whatever. Try to pull from the environment and current situation to think of a topic that you'll both be able to relate over. If they're wearing a jersey from a team you like, you can talk about their last game. If they have a new phone you might want, you can ask them how they like it.

Above all, people like to talk about themselves. So if you're trying to get them engaged, get them talking about something they know about or enjoy.

Some topics are bad starters. Like, never talk about religion, politics, or social issues. You have no idea where they stand on anything like that, so it's almost disrespectful to start a conversation with how much you love Jesus or how Obama is ruining our country or whatever other opinion you might hold.

As for genders, it doesn't really make a difference for me if it's a guy or a girl. Girls tend to think guys are hitting on them if one they don't know starts talking to them. I remember one day I was on the L and it was storming really bad. She started the conversation by saying something about a tornado watch, so I just responded. I was telling her about this one time when I was walking down the street and there was suddenly a tornado warning. Out of nowhere she blurts out, "I have a boyfriend!" Wait, what?

For BCOF, our prompt is: Let's talk about the psychology of fright. What do so many people enjoy about being terrified? Discuss the physical and emotional needs that are filled through this experience. The thing is, people don't like to be actually frightened. They like to watch mildly suspenseful things while in the safety of their home. Even a haunted house during Halloween holds no real danger. We all know that the "monsters" are paid employees ready to jump out of dark corners to give us cheap thrills.

I mean, no one enjoys actual fear. Like, no one wants to be held up at gunpoint on the Southside or chased by a lion or anything like that. We like the physical and emotional comfort of knowing that we're safe while experiencing something enthralling, like fear. That's why when a scary movie makes us jump out of our seat, we immediately start laughing. It's the same kind of fear you get as a child playing Hide and Seek. There's no real danger, but I'll be damned if I didn't jump every time I was found or found someone else.

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Throwing some Johnny Thunders at you guys today. "You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory" is the first song I think of when I think of Johnny Thunders in his solo career, so that's why I picked this song. He also played guitar for the New York Dolls, if anyone knows them.

He died in 1991 at the age of thirty-eight and there's about a million rumors surrounding his death. He died of a heroin overdose, but there was suspected foul play that was never investigated. There's also a rumor that his drug levels weren't high enough to be fatal and that his autopsy confirmed he had advance leukemia.

Anyway, I love this song and the lyrics. I'm one of those people who is really into lyrics, I guess because I like reading/writing. I do like music that doesn't have lyrics, but all of my favorite songs have lyrics I think.

Feel so restless, I am,
Beat my head against a pole
Try to knock some sense,
down in my bones.
October 9, 2014 at 5:49pm
October 9, 2014 at 5:49pm
Artist: Jeff Buckley
Album: Grace
Song: Mojo Pin
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I've been debating whether I want to go with no prompts today or not. Then I thought about talking about my terrible meeting with Kira yesterday and all the stress that goes along with that. I think I'd rather not, so let's just do the prompt thing.

In Blog City, the prompt is: They say you can't go home again. {After leaving a home you grew up in for years.} Do you agree with this statement? I'd have to say from personal experience that this is completely true. I left home when I was sixteen and the idea of 'home' completely changed for me. For years, and even now, I don't picture a specific place that holds a ton of memories when I think of 'home'. I've moved around so much and continue to move at least once a year. Home is wherever I go to sleep at the time. In the past, home has been friend's couches, apartments, hotels, cars...

After being away from my family for a couple years, I came back to see the way things and people moved on without me. They progressed and grew closer while I was away. It doesn't feel the same anymore. It helps that my entire family moved from our home state back to the Midwest where my parents are from originally.

I've let go of the idea of having a physical location as home. I tried to place home in my family and friends, but even that has changed. When you don't see someone regularly, you just aren't as close to them because you don't experience the day-to-day things that make up life. My siblings grew closer, my parents grew closer, and I drifted away. You can't ever get the innocence of 'home' back.

In BCOF, I asked: Which of the four seasons best fits your personality? I'd love to say that I'm a cheerful season like summer or that my personality is like autumn, my favorite season. I can't though.

I've thought about this for a while now and I know that my personality is like spring. It's like the struggle between winter and summer. I have dark moments with small bursts of positivity and overconfidence. It's cold for so long and then you see the sun for just a brief moment. Sometimes it's warm for weeks on end and everything feels amazing. Winter is finally over. But just then, I slip back into the greyness of it all.

No season could describe my personality better than spring.

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"Mojo Pin" is my favorite Jeff Buckley song. It's equal parts heavy and psychedelic, plus the lyrics are pretty awesome. Jeff Buckley drowned while swimming in a river when he was thirty in 1997. His father, Tim Buckley, was a musician too and OD'd on heroin at the age of twenty-eight. So, yeah, those dudes just weren't into living that long.

I don't really have any specific memories of this song. I'm not sure where I first heard it or when. It's just one of those that seemed to come up at some point. I guess I've known it for a while, but I don't have a serious emotional attachment to it or even a distinct memory that goes along with it. Good song though!

Oh, if only you'd come back to me.
If you laid at my side,
wouldn't need no Mojo Pin
to keep me satisfied...
October 8, 2014 at 12:06pm
October 8, 2014 at 12:06pm
Artist: Sublime
Album: 40oz. to Freedom
Song: Smoke Two Joints
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Man, I'm a straight nervous mess today. Our lunch is at four (that's my time), so I have plenty of time to worry myself over it. I've gotten some really good advice from you guys though, so I definitely don't feel like I'm going into it completely unaware of what to do or say, which is what I would have done if I hadn't talked to you guys. So, thank you for that. I'm surprised people are willing to give me advice when I refuse to even say what's going on other than vague statements that could apply to anyone. *Laugh* I'll let you guys know how it goes, of course.

Okay, so let's do a couple prompts. In Blog City we have: Hope Always. Write Anyway. What do you think? I think this is saying that you should just write and hope for the best. You all know how I am with quotes. My mind doesn't work well with them for whatever reason. It could be the most simple quote and it just escapes me. If I've got this one right, I definitely agree. Sometimes you just have to write, even when nothing wants to come out. If I have writer's block, I'll just write a bunch of random stuff and hope that something sticks. Usually, it doesn't work well, but at least it gets me writing.

In BCOF, our prompt is:
What would your weapon of choice be in a zombie apocalypse? Basically, you want something that's effective, but quiet. You can't just use a gun, because it will run out of bullets and the noise will attract more zombies. It can't be anything too short range, like a dagger or hammer, because you'd have to be way too close to use it. You'd probably get bit. My ideal zombie apocalypse weapon would be a crossbow. You can use it at short or long ranges. You can make your own arrows for it. It doesn't make any noise. It's perfect.

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It's time for some Sublime and given my nervous state, it's exactly what I need. The lead singer of this band, Bradley Nowell OD'd on heroin when he was twenty-eight, a week after he was married.

This is like, the most fun/chill band ever. I have to include at least a couple Sublime songs on any playlist I make. I have so many memories of hanging out with friends and having a drink or smoking and listening to Sublime.

I was actually slow to get into them because some of their fan base are massive douchebags, but I've kind of gotten over blaming a band for their shitty fans. Like, some bands just have notoriously terrible fans. Hoping not to offend anyone here, but good examples are ICP, Tool, and Radiohead. Like, I like some of those bands just as much as anyone else, but their fans are just a bunch of jockstraps.

Once I finally gave Sublime a chance, I really got into them though. I love their music and this song is just the epitome of the band to me. It's not my favorite song by them by a long shot, but I feel like it represents them well. Plus, it's funny.

I smoke two joints in times of peace, and two in times of war
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints
And then I smoke two more
October 7, 2014 at 2:00pm
October 7, 2014 at 2:00pm
Artist: Sex Pistols
Album: Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols
Song: No Feelings
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I'm pretty nervous about tomorrow. I'm hoping I can say the right things, twist things the right way, to make everything work out. I've gotten some good advice that I think will help, but like I said a while ago, I'm really bad with verbal communication. I tend to shut down in arguments or I get super emotional. Well, I guess we'll see.

Anyway, today in Blog City, our prompt is: Ebola. I don't want to touch this one at all. I don't want to think about diseases spreading like wildfire and killing people. Diseases gross me out and so does learning about them, so I'm not even sure what Ebola does to the person who has it.

The best I can do is to keep up my cleanliness. I wash my hands all the time, especially when I'm out in public somewhere or at a hospital. I try to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and avoid touching my eyes/face/mouth when I'm in public. Really, I don't think we've got much to worry about with Ebola here in the States. I think we're cool. But it does suck for those in third world countries or anyone who gets it.

In BCOF, our prompt is Tell us about your ideal hayride. What would you bring? Who would be there? I've only been on one hayride before. It was when I was like thirteen and I only went because I had a thing for this girl in my class and she wanted me to go.

I think I paid more attention to the way the moon lit up half of her face and the way it reflected off of her blonde hair than I did to the actual hayride itself. It was one of those haunted hayrides, so people would jump out of the woods with chainsaws and everyone would scream and she would grab my arm or something.

As far as going on a hayride now, well, I can't really imagine it. I'd rather do a pub crawl around the city and get home just in time to fall asleep with the rising sun. That's my Halloween plan, anyway.

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I'll start this off by saying that Sid Vicious could not play bass. He was unplugged on stage most of the time because he was so shitty at it. Nevertheless, Sid Vicious had everything it took to make a rockstar. He had the style, the look, and the attitude. Their producer basically saw money in Sid because he was everything that punk is supposed to be. In my opinion, John Lydon was the saving grace of that band.

It sucks that he died when he was only twenty-one. His death and the events before it are a huge mess. He OD'd on heroin in February of 1979. If you haven't seen the movie Sid and Nancy, I recommend it. It's actually a pretty good movie and who doesn't like some Gary Oldman, really?

I chose this song because it's my favorite Sex Pistols song. The lyrics are just really funny. There's not much to it. *Laugh*

I got no feelings, ah no feelings
No feelings for anybody else
Except for myself, my beautiful self
October 6, 2014 at 7:08pm
October 6, 2014 at 7:08pm
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: Either/Or
Song: Say Yes
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Ah, okay, let's do this. I've been way busy today so I better try to get this done while I have a bit. I tried to write some in between work, but it didn't really pan out so I had to start over. *Facepalm* Well, I'm super stoked today because Kira finally agreed to sit down and have lunch with me on Wednesday, which is awesome. Now I just have to figure out what to say and what not to say in order to make things right. That brings me to today's Blog City Prompt: What is your process for problem solving?

I have the absolute worst method for problem solving. Basically, my mind works like this. There's a problem. What do I have to do to make it go away as quickly as possible? I'm not a hard worker, I'm a smart worker. I want to arrive at an agreeable conclusion with minimal effort. Call me lazy if you want, but ya know, whatever.

If it's a problem with work, I try to figure out what needs to be done to make all parties happy. I'm included in that though, so if it's something that is going to take too long, I'm guaranteed to find a work around. I don't think I'll ever make it up the corporate ladder.

If we're talking solving personal problems, like relationship problems, I'm even worse. My solution typically goes like this. 1) Find out what the problem is. 2) Try to talk my way out of it. 3) Ask advice from people around me. 4) Acknowledge why the person is pissed off. 5) Apologize. I know what you're thinking, "There's no way that always works!" Hey, you're right. So what I do is, if the person is still pissed off after I've completed step five, I go back and repeat step four and five over and over until the person finally caves. *Thumbsup*

Moving on, here's the BCOF Prompt: Journey of a Raindrop. One of my favorite things to do when I'm in the car during a storm is to follow the raindrops down the window. Obviously, I don't do this while I'm driving. I'm a little more careful than that. *Laugh* But if I'm in the passenger seat, especially at night, I'll follow them all the way down the window and watch them spider off into smaller streams. I have a sunroof in my current car and I'll watch the rain through it too. I love rain.

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Woo, I'm excited about this one! Elliott Smith is the bestest. Hey, lizco252, you know this one! *Wink* I love Elliott Smith's music. I've gotten a lot of people into him, even though his music can be a bit depressing. There's something about him that I connect to really well. I love his lyrics and guitar playing.

His death is very strange. He died in 2003 at the age of 34 from two stab wounds in the chest. He was in his apartment arguing with his girlfriend, she says she went to the bathroom and came back out to find him stabbed twice in the chest. There was a possible suicide note on a Post-It, but his name was spelled incorrectly on it. It was initially reported as a suicide, but the official autopsy report left it open as homicide couldn't be ruled out.

I chose this song because it was one of the first I heard by him. I remember listening to it on repeat and chain smoking on the front steps of my first apartment. All of his music is just great to me. I've never heard an Elliott Smith song that I don't like, and at this point, I think I've heard his entire catalogue. His song Miss Misery   was featured in the movie Good Will Hunting and was nominated for Best Original Song in 1998. His Oscar performance   is just proof of how uncomfortable he was in such a huge spotlight.

Situations get fucked up and turned around sooner or later
And I could be another fool or an exception to the rule
You tell me the morning after
Crooked spin can't come to rest
I'm damaged bad at best
She'll decide what she wants
October 5, 2014 at 12:16pm
October 5, 2014 at 12:16pm
Artist: Jay Reatard
Song: All Over Again
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Heyo- Sunday already? I've drank hella much and slept way little this weekend. Totally feeling it today. My poor liver, why have I forsaken you so? I managed to accomplish absolutely nothing this weekend. I didn't do any work. I did nothing productive. Success in my book.

I went to a birthday party Friday night. Last night I went to the theater and saw Annabelle  . I kept seeing previews for more movies I want to see too. There are a lot of good ones coming out this month. After that, I went back to my friend's house and got plastered. It was freezing last night here too. It went from being like fall to winter in one day. Let's see what else I did.. Wait, why am I giving you guys a play-by-play of my weekend? No one even gives a shit. *Laugh*

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I'm happy to pull this dude out cause I'm pretty sure no one else is gonna have him queued up, even though he's wicked awesome. I can't even explain how upset we were when he OD'd on cocaine in 2010 at 29 years old. So many drugs were done that night in your name, Jay. I miss your shows!

If you're into the lo-fi garage rock/punk genre, you'll love Jay Reatard. He started recording music when he was fifteen years old and was associated with so many acts throughout his life. Since he died, people have tried to step up to the plate, like Ty Segall, who I love. But no one can fill Jay Reatard's shoes. No one is crazier or more fun during live sets. No one can really hold a candle to him in my eyes.

I chose "All Over Again" basically just because I love the lyrics to the song. I've included my two favorite parts below if you wanna check them out. Maybe not your style, I dunno. If you're interested and ever get a chance, you should watch the documentary about him, Better Than Something  . I was so excited to see it and it didn't disappoint.

Here's a trailer for it:

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By the look on your face I can tell
that you've had enough.
And the look of guilt in my eyes
let's you know that I fucked up.

My love was meant
just to abuse you.
And I'm just here to
tell you I used you
to make it through another day
until I find a better way.
October 4, 2014 at 12:39pm
October 4, 2014 at 12:39pm
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Album: Led Zeppelin I
Song: Dazed and Confused
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It's looking like a non-prompt day, my friends. Brain isn't cooperating well after drinking until five or six in the morning, I'm still feeling it. I don't even know what the prompts are for today. Oh, wait, one of them was mine. Hang on, I can answer these. No problem. In Blog City, it's: What smells do you connect with autumn? In BCOF, I asked: Talk about a song, book, or movie that you didn't like at first, but love now. I'll start with Blog City.

I love the smell of pumpkin spice. I'm pretty sure it's just a combination of pumpkin and cinnamon. You start smelling it everywhere in the fall because a lot of places latch onto the whole pumpkin spice thing. If you go into a coffee shop or store that sells candles, you can smell it. It also tastes really good, so that's a plus. Other than that, I like the smell of the air in the fall. When you wake up and it's a little bit frosty out for the first time, you can almost smell winter coming. I wish it could stay fall forever.

Moving on to BCOF: There's a singer I was introduced to a while ago that I just started actually appreciating sometime this week. When I first heard about him, I liked his writing, but never saw myself actually seeking out to listen to him. Don't kill me, Cinn , but why would I listen to Phil Ochs when I have Bob Dylan? I've totally changed my mind on that though, and now I've been listening to him constantly for days. It's weird how things grow on you when you open your horizons a bit.

Cool, I finished that. This entry is legit taking me forever to write because I keep zoning out. I'll just cut it here and go figure out what I'm doing today.

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Super stoked to do some Led Zeppelin today. This is one of my favorite bands. They also did one of the most respectable things they could do when they disbanded in 1980 after the death of their amazing ass drummer, John Bonham. He was 32 and died of asphyxiation after drinking forty shots in a 24-hour period and choking on his vomit. Hey, man, if you gotta go out...

This is just an awesome good time band for me, they'll never be anything else. "Dazed and Confused" is one of my favorite songs by them. I mean, just listen to that intro. If there's one thing I can say about Zeppelin, it's that they're a sexy band. If you can't get laid to Zeppelin, honestly, just give up. You don't have it. Go listen to Whole Lotta Love   and try to dispute that claim.

When I think of Led Zeppelin, I think of either being shit-faced drunk and having a good time or having sex. That's my highest compliment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Been Dazed and Confused for so long it's not true
Wanted a woman, never bargained for you
October 3, 2014 at 10:30am
October 3, 2014 at 10:30am
Artist: Blind Melon
Album: Soup
Song: Galaxie
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There's something in a Friday that just makes me want to go do my thing with complete disregard to myself and those around me. Friday nights have this energy that you don't find in the other days of the week. It's so hard to sit here and keep to myself, even though I know it's what I should do. What I should do and what I want to do rarely meet in the middle. I mean, I've been on my best fucking behavior for weeks and for what? Trying to figure out why I'm even bothering at this point and just saying, I'm not crossing anything out for today.

I wrote my Resurrection Jukebox part of this entry last night, so I can jump into the prompts real quick-like today. Do you guys ever do that? Like, write half an entry or even a full entry the night before then edit it in the morning? A lot of my entries get written around two or three in the morning. So today in Blog City, we have: How do we strike a balance between self exposure and discretion with our writing. I am sure each of us has a comfort zone but how? Will what we publish hurt someone? Will it embarrass us in years to come? Am I the only one who thinks about this when I write?
And in BCOF, we're legit talking about washcloths. People sure have a lot of opinions about washcloths, towels and sheets: whether to use them, how often to change them, when to replace them, how nice they should be, and on and on. What do you think? I'll start with Blog City.

Discretion is something we talk about around here on occasion. I'm probably one of the least discreet of the bunch. The strangest part is- there's way more than I even say here. There are a couple people who could tell you that what I say in my blog is like a tiny sliver of what's actually happening.

Look, I talk about a lot of things that I maybe shouldn't talk about. Sometimes I say something I already know I shouldn't say, but if it's on my mind, there's a good chance it'll slip out to some degree eventually. Could it come back to bite me in the ass? Doubt it. I try to keep things at least somewhat private by not posting pictures of myself. That way if it ever led back to me, I could be like, "Yo, that's not me. I didn't write any of that!" Can't really do that if there are a bunch of pictures of yourself floating around your blog or your port.

I'd say I have a decent balance, although I'm sure others would disagree. If something I say hurts someone, they're probably too sensitive. If something I say embarrasses myself down the line, that's my own fault. I don't think much about it while I'm writing. I am selective with what I share to an extent though. I say a lot more in private than I'd ever say in my blog.

Now, regarding washcloths, Lyn, I think you hit on something I literally have no opinion about. I don't think I've ever heard someone share an opinion on washcloths either. Is this an actual thing? There's so much in life to worry about, I think if someone told me how often I should wash my washcloths or whether or not to use them, they'd be at risk of getting punched in the throat.

As far as washcloths go, you should use them whenever you want, however you want, with the exception of chloroform inside to knock someone unconscious. That's the only rule I have with washcloths. *Thumbsup*

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I can't believe I made it to day three before pulling this band out. There's no way for me to explain how much this band means to me. You guys already know them. You may think you don't know them, but you know them  . Blind Melon is easily the most underrated band of the nineties. People know this one song, like, "Oh yeah, the bee girl video" but they're so amazing; they don't deserve to get written off like that.

I feel like I can relate on a personal level to someone like their lead singer, Shannon Hoon, who came from a humble background and ended up in a huge city doing drugs and whatnot. What sucks the most about his death is that he seemed like such a genuinely good person. I know people might say that someone who does drugs while they have a wife and kid isn't a good person, but I'd venture to say that anyone who says that hasn't actually been caught up in something like that themselves. It's not as easy as, "Oh, I'd never do that to my wife and kid!" Of course you wouldn't, if you never did it in the first place.

Shannon Hoon OD'd on coke a month after his 28th birthday in 1995. They have a new singer now, but I'm pretty sure they'll still count for Resurrection Jukebox because they stopped making music after his death until 2008, even though they said they'd never replace him with a different singer. *Rolleyes* I mean, it's cool to keep making music, but just call the band something different like Mother Love Bone/Pearl Jam did. They don't even sound like the same band now.

Anyway, I love pretty much every single song by this band. I've been everywhere with this band. I try to turn everyone on to this band, but it very rarely works. The video above for this song is kind of interesting because Shannon Hoon was so high during it that it was freaking the other band members out, and they did drugs too, if that tells you anything. The director was eating it up and egging him on though, so that's the video they ended up with, I guess. It's a cool video, but kind of like weird foreboding considering what happened soon after.

Can I do the things I wanna do
that I don't do because of you?
And I'll take a left and I'll second guess
into total mess.

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