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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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October 2, 2014 at 1:43pm
October 2, 2014 at 1:43pm
Artist: Nick Drake
Album: Pink Moon
Song: Road
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It has become painfully clear to me that I'm dealing with more than just a light bout of depression now. I'm feeling January all over again. Doing basic things is getting more and more difficult, like paying bills and eating. I realized this morning that I can't remember the last time I ate an actual meal. I'm like, way skinnyskinny right now. I'm going to make an appointment with my last therapist, if I can force myself to make the call and actually go. *Facepalm*

I guess I'll go ahead and do the prompts today. Why not? In Blog City it's: Do you believe in angels? In BCOF it's: Have you ever accidentally made a terrible first impression on someone? What do you think makes for a good first impression? I'll go ahead and start with Blog City.

I don't believe in angels in the religious sense. I don't believe in messengers of God watching over people with little wings and a long white robe or anything like that. I do believe in the word angel in the sense of someone who is supportive or keeps an eye on you to make sure you're okay. People can be angels in that way when they're helpful or take care of you. There are a lot of people on here that I see in that way because they check on me and sort of foster me, for lack of a better word. I'm needy as fuck too, I don't know how they put up with me.

Moving on to BCOF. I don't know why I asked this question. It's a stupid question, like, who even cares? I think I make a bad impression when I first meet people just by the way I look. I have long hair, I'm scraggly. I made a terrible first impression on one of me ex's parents when I was in high school. I met them by mistake when I was at her house. she didn't think they'd be home until later that night. I, being fourteen or fifteen, was high out of my mind trying to keep a straight face while talking to her protective mother.

She sat me down at the kitchen table and told me all about how she doesn't want her daughter hanging around anyone who "smokes the marijuana". The whole time I was staring over her shoulder at the refrigerator thinking, damn, I'm hungry. I wonder what's in there?

It went on for so long that when I thought of it several years later, I realized she probably knew I was high and was just fucking with me by lecturing me about weed like she didn't already know what was up. She never did like me either and tried to convince her daughter to break up with me on the reg.

There isn't one thing that makes for a good first impression, as far as I know. It totally depends on the person. Like, with me, if someone is chill, sarcastic, and has a good sense of humor, we're just gonna click. No question about it, we're gonna be feeling like we've known each other for years within an hour. When I run into someone who's super uptight and serious, it rubs me the wrong way because I feel like I'm about to offend them if I haven't already.

For other people though, the opposite would be the case. Someone who's mature, put together, and sensible might leave a really good first impression, whereas someone who's more goofy and lax might not work for them. The good thing about a first impression is that it isn't permanent. There's always room to change someone's opinion.

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You know, I think I could do this whole challenge only with musicians that killed themselves. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it with only musicians who either committed suicide or OD'd, just because they happen to be some of my favorites. It's purely coincidental, I think.

Nick Drake is the dude of the day. Pink Moon is such a great album. If you're into the folk rock genre of music, it's a must have. I love Drake's lyrics. They're simple, but poignant. You can definitely feel the depression dripping out of his music. He OD'd on antidepressants when he was 26 in 1974. It hasn't ever been said whether it was suicide or an accident.

To me, this album and this song in particular is just what you lay in bed and listen to when you're feeling just a bit resigned. I have many memories of having this album on repeat and staring at the ceiling for hours. Yes, it's as fun as it sounds. I love Nick Drake. *Heart*

You can say the sun is shining if you really want to
I can see the moon and it seems so clear
You can take the road that takes you to the stars now
I can take the road that'll see me through
October 1, 2014 at 11:22am
October 1, 2014 at 11:22am
Artist: Joy Division
Album: Unknown Pleasures
Song: She's Lost Control
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Well, let's get back to it guys. I suddenly got this horrifying, soul-crushing depression a couple nights ago and I haven't been able to shake it since. I don't usually get this down and out, but I can't help but feel like I have nothing to look forward to, and I mean that in the most general way possible. It's just so not a good time, I think it would get to anyone after this long.

I'm actually going to go ahead and use the prompts today because they're closely connected and who doesn't love Halloween? In Blog City we have: If you could be anyone or anything this Halloween, who would you want to be and why? In BCOF we have: What is your favorite thing about October? Write a story or poem. Be creative and have fun.

I love this time of year. October is my favorite month. I like watching the leaves change colors and seeing the season change. That's the one thing I missed most while living in Texas. You don't get to have fall. It's like excruciatingly hot, less hot but still warm, warm, then maybe two weeks of cool weather before it gets way hot again. Changing seasons is where it's at. My favorite part of October is all the horror movies on TV though. It's one of my favorite genres and I spend the whole month binge watching them.

As far as what I want to be for Halloween, I'm not really sure on that one. I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years. I typically either go to a house party or I stay in and watch horror movies all night. Last year I was supposed to go to a haunted house, but I ended up falling asleep at some point and I didn't wake up in time to go. I ended up going to my friend's party and that was fun. I didn't dress up though. Some of the people did dress up, but I haven't gotten into that since I stopped going Trick R Treating.

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Let's kick this thing off right with some Joy Division. The lead singer of this band that you see in the video above hanged himself when he was twenty-three in 1980. He suffered from epilepsy and his marriage was failing after he had an affair.

Anyway, I love love this band. They were pioneers of the post-punk genre and their album Unknown Pleasures is amazing from start to finish. Their lyrics and hollow sound is just haunting. I don't think many people on here listen to them, or at least no one has mentioned them when I use them for the song of the day whereas a lot of other bands I use get brought up, like, "Hey, I love this band!" But I highly recommend them, despite the depressing nature of Ian Curtis' life and their music in general.

I have specific memories of this song. I was working at a game store the week of Halloween and my coworkers were looking for a "Halloween band" to play on Pandora radio to hook up to our store speakers. I convinced them that Joy Division was the best choice because they only played fun Halloween music. They went with it and "She's Lost Control" was the first song to play.

Within that three and a half minutes, we had so many complaints from the customers. "Yuck, what is this?!" "Can you change the music?" Needless to say, I wasn't allowed to suggest bands for Pandora anymore at work. Some people just don't appreciate good music! *Facepalm*

And she screamed out kicking on her side and said
I've lost control again
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die
She said I've lost control.
September 29, 2014 at 12:56pm
September 29, 2014 at 12:56pm
Artist: The Black Keys
Album: El Camino
Song: Little Black Submarines
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I'm back to non-prompting. I think we opened a door with the NPs being allowed in BC. I can never close it again. *Laugh* So, the concert was pretty awesome Saturday night. I wish Cage the Elephant had gotten to play longer. They're so energetic, just a really fun band to see live. But they only got to play for like half an hour or forty minutes tops.

I was right about her showing up with him and sitting as far away from me as possible. It's cool though. I got to sit next to my older brother, Mikey and met this cool ass couple to my right that were just visiting Chicago. They were also willing to share their weed, so they're friends in my book.

I was already way drunk when we showed up, but still had a few drinks, at ten bucks a pop. Smoking mellowed me out, but I could see her giving me this terrible death glare from three seats away. Probably because I was talking to the girl next to me and smoking with her, but her boyfriend was on the other side and I was talking to him too. Whatever, it didn't mess up the show for me.

After, we were talking outside and they were so excited about all the shit they'd done in the city. She was showing me all these pictures she had taken and I started having this weird ass existential crisis because they had done things in the last two days that I haven't done in years of living here.

So yesterday, instead of moping around the house and staying in bed, Mikey and I went downtown and did all these different things the couple were telling me about. We went on a speedboat onto Michigan Lake and walked around taking pictures. I remember loving the city when I first moved here. Coming from a small town, it was like culture shock being in such a big city. I think after living here for a while though, I stopped appreciating the city and the different people in it. I don't even notice those kind of things anymore because I always have somewhere to be. I don't even look around.

It was fun to just aimlessly walk around taking shitty pictures. After walking around all day, I wanted to go up to Lincoln Park and go to some bars, but Mikey said I should lay off the drinking for a while, so we just had dinner downtown and went our separate ways. I figured I could share a few pictures here for anyone who hasn't been to Chicago or might just want to check out my amazing photography skills. *Laugh*

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I made a Photobucket to add a few more pictures. I'm not a photographer by any means, but you can find the full res. version of this image and a few others here.  

Treasure maps, fallen trees,
Operator please,
Call me back when it's time.

Stolen friends and disease,
Operator please,
Patch me back to my mind

September 26, 2014 at 11:23am
September 26, 2014 at 11:23am
Artist: The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Album: Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request
Song: Anenome
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Alright, guys. I'm actually going to attempt to write for both of the prompts today. It's time. It's actually weird when you don't for a while because it's hard to get back in the groove of it. So, for BCOF we have: When you think of succulence, do you think of a food, person, plant, or something else. Tell us what the word brings to mind. Then the prompt in Blog City is: How do you communicate best? Speaking or writing?

I'm actually going to answer the second one first. I think people who only know me from writing would be surprised to actually talk to me in person. I have a lot of trouble articulating my words in conversation. I basically chalk it up to years of drug use and mental disorders. When I'm somewhere and multiple people are having a conversation, I can't really follow what's going on. I end up zoning out or I get this feeling like I'm in a dollhouse or something, it feels like I'm not really there.

I've noticed that I can't retain information the way I once could. I'm forgetful and have trouble focusing on anything. Even while I'm writing a blog entry, I'll zone out for several minutes, sometimes in the middle of a sentence. I can do that while I'm writing and no one will know the difference. If you zone out in the middle of a conversation though, it's super obvious and people get annoyed with you, like, "Pay attention, man." So, I'd definitely go with written communication any day just because I can do it on my own time.

Now we're talking succulence and this is how the prompt goes for me. Succulence, okay, food. Yeah, succulence reminds me of food, like the way someone would describe meat. Then I got to the person option and I could totally see a person being succulent. But when I'm pretty sure succulent is a synonym for juicy and I don't know if I like "juicy" people. It reminds me of those Juicy Couture sweatpants that say "juicy" across the ass. They were super popular in the late 90s, early 2000s. So, because those people paid way too much money for a pair of sweatpants, I'm going to stick with food as my form of succulence.

Okay, so, cool. I finished that. I have a concert to go to tomorrow and it's going to probably we awkward as fuck. We all got tickets like three months ago because we knew they'd sell out, way before the huge fallout and current drama we're in. I thought about not going, but fuck it, I spent like eighty bucks on my ticket and I really wanna see the bands, so I'm gonna go anyway.

I'm really not looking forward to it though. All of our seats are next to each other's. I'm assuming they're planning on going still, probably together. My solution is going to be copious amounts of alcohol. I'm gonna pre-game so hard to offset the ten dollar drinks. I can just see it going so poorly. *Rolleyes*

You should be picking me up
instead you're dragging me down
Now I'm missing you more
cause baby you're not around

September 25, 2014 at 11:29am
September 25, 2014 at 11:29am
Artist: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Album: B.R.M.C.
Song: Spread Your Love
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I want to start this off by apologizing to anyone who was a victim of the mathematical punfest in the comment section of "Invalid Entry last night. You didn't deserve to wake up to thirty emails full of punny arguments. Mitchopolis, Fivesixer, Cinn, and I didn't mean for it to spiral the way it did. But, in my defense, it was completely their fault and I had nothing to do with it.

Now that we've cleared the air about that, we can move on. Today is going to end up being another NP day. I swear, someday I'm going to get back to the prompts, but one again, today is not going to be that day. I'm enjoying the freedom of rattling off pointless shit too much. Does anyone else feel like it's easier to write when you're tired? After forty hours awake, I thought I'd get more than six hours of sleep, but I'll take what I can get.

Actually, I am going to talk about something today, related to the BCOF prompt I sent out yesterday. Here it is for those of you who aren't part of the group: Explore the idea of manipulation. Is it ever okay to manipulate someone? What if they never find out or get hurt by it? What if it's the manipulation of consumers by a company?

I asked this question because it's extremely relevant to my current situation. Well, not the consumer marketing manipulation thing, I just threw that in there for those who might not have an opinion or regular old marketing. I really want to see how people feel about this topic.

I think I'm going to be the first and possibly the only person to say this, so I'll just throw it out there, I'll manipulate my way out of anything I can. It's not that I'm not an empathetic person, but there are certain things in life that I need to keep stable. If something or someone threatens that stability, I don't have any moral qualms about snaking in and trying to flip the switch on the situation.

We all talk about how we'd do anything for our family or friends. Would you manipulate someone you weren't close to in order to protect yourself or someone you care about? Man, I know I would and do in a heartbeat. Like, don't even think about it, it's just happening. There's like a tiered list of people in my mind and I'd do anything for the people at the top of it. Before you ask, yeah, I'm near the top. *Wink* *Laugh*

Either way, I can't wait to see how other people feel about it. I think our diversity in opinions is what makes blogging prompts so fun. We can't all have the same frame of mind, right? That would be no fun.

Let's see, what else is up. Oh, I got a couple awardicons on some poetry yesterday. Thanks again, ♥Hooves♥ and Cinn. *Heart*

Cinn Frin and I have been working out our writer's block. I'm not sure if it's working or not. Is it working? It may or may not be working. I do have a couple poetry snippets at least that I'm trying to build off of right now. I can't ever leave a poem short for some reason. Like, I have one that's only thirty-eight words and it just seems so short to me, but nothing works as far as adding to it. Every poem has to be long, man!

Oh, and before I forget. The next Soundtrackers challenge is starting October 1st through the 17th. It's extremely simple for all you bloggers. All you have to do is pick a song by a band/artist who is no longer living or performing then write about the song. We always have fun with the Soundtrackers challenges and lizco252 offers ridiculously good prizes for fun stuff that requires little time dedication. *Smile*

Anyway, if you like music and blogging, you should join us. You can click on the image below to sign up.

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I spread my love like a fever,
I ain't ever coming down.

September 24, 2014 at 10:42am
September 24, 2014 at 10:42am
Artist: Cage The Elephant
Album: Melophobia
Song: Hypocrite
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Dearest Neighbor,

You and I have dealt with a lot from each other in our short residency here. I remember when we first met. It was a week after I'd moved in and I saw your moving truck outside. You blocked me on the stairs while I was on the phone with my connect just to introduce yourself. "Yo, Jason. I'm Charlie. Get the fuck out of my way."

My first hint that you weren't quite normal was when you walked into my apartment as I was bringing groceries in. Yeah, the front door was open, I guess you took that as a sign. It was awkward when you asked to use the bathroom because your bathroom is literally on the other side of my bathroom wall. I mean, we could've axed through the wall so you could use your own toilet, but hey, it's cool.

The strangest thing was your need to introduce yourself to me, like, six times during the first week. Yeah, bro, I remember your name. We just talked yesterday morning.

Speaking of mornings, I hate how you follow me downstairs for my morning smoke and stand next to me in silence for three to seven minutes before saying, "YUP!" Does this look like fucking King of the Hill to you? I don't even know what that means.

But what you did last night, and have done many nights before, is just the absolute worst. Stop running outside every time you hear a noise. Yes, they came banging on my door and yelling. I'm sure that would be irritating as a neighbor, it's annoying as fuck for me and I'm the one they're here for, but your worried puppy dog eyes make me want to kick you in the shin. "Is everything okay, Charlie? Should I call the cops, Charlie? Charlie, is it cool?"

No, I don't want you to call the fucking police. Stop trying to be a superhero. Even if nothing is okay, your skinny, pasty ass isn't going to be able to do anything about it, so slither back into your apartment and lay sideways on the couch watching infomercials all night. Have you seen Fight Club? I think you'd like it.

But, hey man, I get it. You have insomnia. Life's boring when you're up all the time. I'm not a bad dude. I just wish you'd chill your ass out and stop intervening in my life. Believe it or not, you don't have to come outside every time someone knocks on my door. If I'm not home, you don't have to take their name, number, and a brief message. Am I paying you? If not, I should be because you're a damn good secretary.

I guess we aren't so different though. Look at me, ranting about you at 9:30 in the morning when I haven't slept. If I stepped out my front door right now, you'd be there following me down the stairs. You're reliable. I like that about you. Maybe we should hang out sometime, you know, just have a couple drinks.

Most likely though, I'm just going to get pissed off again the next time I see your face. It has that effect on me. I'm not sure why. Have you ever heard of an "asshole face"? There's this strange smugness about you that just irks me to my core. Once I finally got you to go back in your apartment last night, you gave me that weird ass smirk and said something like, "Well, if there's nothing more I can do here..."

There was nothing for you to do in the first place, doucheknob. All you did was come outside with your pale, hairy chest and squeak, "OH GOD, CHARLIE, WHAT DO I DO!?" You do nothing, Jason. You stay behind your thin, paint-chipped door and watch us through the peephole like a normal fucking neighbor. Capisce?

The Dude Next Door

You, call me baby blue
For all the evil schemes I pull
We sit and watch the waves break
I’ve made a lot of mistakes
Crash, collide into space

September 23, 2014 at 6:03pm
September 23, 2014 at 6:03pm
Artist: MGMT
Album: Oracular Spectacular
Song: Time To Pretend
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Well, this is an NP (non-prompt) day for me again. I swear, I'm going to go back to the prompts eventually, but my mind isn't being cooperative with me right now. So once again, that day is not going to be today, even though I do like the given prompts.

I want to thank Tiggy for sharing my poem,
"Invalid Item in her blog, "Whatchamacallit. That was so nice of you to do and the comments you made in your entry, "Define poetry really touched my heart. Plus, you got me my first review on it, which was really awesome. *Smile*

Today has been a somewhat eventful day. I have a headache right now and I'm really, really hoping that it's not my migraine coming back. I don't know what to do if it does come back because the ER doctor wouldn't come back and talk to me and didn't include any discharge papers on what to do if I get another migraine. Fingers crossed that it's just a normal headache because I have plans Saturday that I can't cancel on.

After I get done with this entry, I'm going to try to do some reviews. I haven't done any all week because even that has been affected by my writer's block. I'll read something and, even if I like it, can't think of much to say about it. Do you guys ever spend way more time looking for something to review than you do actually reviewing? *Facepalm*

Right now, I'm trying to look at the positive side of things and appreciate the supportive people I do have in my life. The last thing I'd want to do is be ungrateful and lose them too. So thanks to those who read my blog and give me tidbits of advice despite the extremely vague information I give you in return. I know it can't be easy to be sympathetic with someone who won't even tell you what the hell's going on. *Laugh* But you guys manage anyway!

I'm feeling rough,
I'm feeling raw,
I'm in the prime of my life.

September 22, 2014 at 6:11pm
September 22, 2014 at 6:11pm
Artist: Brand New
Album: Your Favorite Weapon
Song: Failure By Design
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What's up guys? Did you see the new issue of The Chronicle? "Invalid Item Good one, by the way, Mitch.

There was a special part that stood out to me regarding non-prompt bloggers. You can now post your entries in the Blog City forum even if you don't write for the prompts, which I think is pretty awesome. There are a lot of you who have awesome blogs, but don't get the advertisement you deserve because you do freestyle blogging. I like to read a lot of your entries, but I forgot sometimes because there isn't a unified place where you post that you've written one. I always find myself catching up several days after the fact.

Anyway, all you have to do is go here "Blog City Hall and fill out the super short survey under number six so that you'll become a member of Blog City. Then you'll be able to post your entry in the Blog City forum with NP in the subject line (NP as in non-prompt) and we'll all be able to see your entries when you write them.

I guess I might be the first one to do it because I'm not writing for any prompts today. If you have any questions about what you're supposed to do or how you're supposed to do it, ask me or one of the other members of the Blog City council and we'll set you up. I, in particular, will give you an excruciatingly long and boring step-by-step how-to that will make you want to rip your hair out. *Thumbsup*

But I am excited about us having a place to meet up as different types of bloggers because, even though I'm a member of a lot of the blogging groups, even I don't want to do prompt blogging all the time. You'll see this demonstrated in a couple minutes. So, yeah. I hope you non-prompters will jump in on it.

Now that I'm done talking about that, I don't know what to say. It's not that I have nothing to say, it's quite the opposite, but I have this mental block up where I can't write about it for some reason. I did manage to write a poem and that was good because I've been so down and out lately, I've been pretty much useless. Most of my time has been spent either in bed, but I get these random spurts of confidence and end up going out with the intention of "fixing" things, only to further fuck up the situation I'm in.

Let's see. Suffice to say that my life has been completely turned around lately. Like, to the extent that I don't even know what's going to happen. It's completely my fault, of course, I'm aware of that. The last couple weeks without her have really sucked the life out of me though. Between her need for petty revenge and what I can only describe as some weird, fucked up love triangle, I've been left completely spiraling and pretty much alone.

I guess there's nothing I can do about it now, which is what I think Cinn has been trying to get at with me for weeks, but of course I can't listen. I always think there's something I can say or do to get my point across, but it only gets me farther down in the hole I'm already in. I end up grasping for anyone to pull down with me just because I can. I know it's not right.

Anyway, I think that's all for today. Oh, and here's the poem I wrote in case anyone wants to read it:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2010900 by Not Available.

Watch you on the ones and twos
Through a window in a well lit room
Become a recluse
And I blame myself because I make things hard
And you're just trying to help
September 18, 2014 at 1:51pm
September 18, 2014 at 1:51pm
Artist: The Shins
Album: Wincing The Night Away
Song: Spilt Needles
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Tomorrow is Friday and I have big ideas for it. I'm going to set my plan into motion and see if it has the domino effect I so desperately need. If not, I guess it's back to the drawing board or maybe I should just drop this whole thing and accept that it's out of my hands. It's so hard to give up control, so let's just hope things play out the way I want them to.

I'm only concerned about two people and I'm one of them. Anyone else who gets hurt is just collateral damage. If anyone finds out I'm the driving force behind it, I've pretty much shot myself in the foot. You can't expect someone backed in a corner to not lash out though. Self-induced corner? Depends who you ask. I wish we could come to a mutually beneficial conclusion, but that simply isn't going to happen, and sometimes you just have to watch out for yourself.

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September 18, 2014 Prompt: Who was your favorite first lady?

I don't think I even know any first ladies. Well, there's the current one and before that it was Laura Bush. There was Hillary Clinton, I'm not sure about Bush Sr.'s wife. I'm bad with political stuff, in case you can't tell. *Laugh* Oh, there was Jackie Kennedy. She seemed pretty cool.

Oh wait, I know the answer! It has to be Eleanor Roosevelt, right? She did so much with civil rights activism and just human rights in general. She was wicked awesome, if I'm remembering this correctly. If not, it'll be super embarrassing, but I'm too lazy to google, so there's that. I'm pretty sure she was all about every person being treated equally and having a decent quality of life, which is something we can all get behind. She's gotta be my favorite.


September 18, 2014 Prompt: Do you have any bad habits you really need to break? What would it take for you to change them?

I hate when I send out the prompt and then I answer my own question. It feels like interviewing myself. "Why, yes, Charlie, I do. How did you know?" *Laugh*

I'm basically my own worst enemy. I have an addictive personality and a lot of the things I'm addicted to would definitely qualify as bad habits. The biggest one is smoking probably. I don't even know why I smoke. I just irritable when I don't, but I hate the smell of it. I'll only smoke outside. I won't smoke in my car or house because even I don't want to sit around in a room that smells like cigarette smoke.

I don't even like it when I go to a place where everyone can smoke, like a casino, because the whole place is filled with smoke the entire time and it starts giving me a headache after a while. I can definitely withstand it longer than nonsmokers, but I'd prefer places to be nonsmoking. The only places I'm cool with smoking is in a bar or something like that because it kind of goes hand in hand with drinking.

I don't know what it would take to make me stop smoking. I probably could if I tried. I just can't be bothered. Every time I say I'm going to stop doing one of my bad habits, I find myself doing it again soon after. It would definitely take more effort than the none that I typically put into things now. *Rolleyes*

I've done myself an impossible crime
Had to paint myself a hole and fall inside.

September 17, 2014 at 1:21pm
September 17, 2014 at 1:21pm
Artist: The Cure
Album: Bloodflowers
Song: The Last Day of Summer
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I haven't really written anything about my daily life in my blog for a while and it's kind of weird to start again. It's not that I don't have anything going on, it's actually quite the opposite. I have a lot going on, but I don't feel comfortable talking about it here. I made a mistake a while ago, I mean, I really fucked up. There's just this wall up, I feel like I can't say what I did because I'm afraid that it's something that changes people's opinion of you. No one has really judged me before, but what I did is so morally screwy that I think people would be more offended by it than by things I've talked about in the past.

Anyway, the point of me saying this is that I want to get back into talking more about my day-to-day life instead of just answering prompts, but I have this thing hovering over me and it's hard to talk about my life without talking about it. I'm going to try to write around it though and bring myself back to my blogging roots because it used to be a place where I could go vent, but lately, it's just where I go respond to daily prompts. That's not a bad thing, but I do miss that side of blogging, so yeah, I'm going to go back it. *Thumbsup*

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September 17, 2014 Prompt: Would you rather be on Gilligan's Island or Survivor?

I remember Mitchopolis trying to school me about Gilligan's Island before. I don't remember much of the conversation, but I know he's a big fan of the show. I'm positive he's going to go with Gilligan's Island for this one, so I'm going to go with Survivor.

I've never actually watched Gilligan's Island, but I know there's a cash prize on Survivor. I think I'd be physically capable of competing in the challenges and they're always on a beautiful island somewhere. But wait a minute, if I was on Gilligan's Island, I'd be a paid actor, right? That would pay more than Survivor's one-time prize.

I'm switching my answer. I'd choose Gilligan's Island because I think it would be a cool gig. Plus, I'd rather tell people I was an actor on Gilligan's Island than tell them I was a contestant on Survivor once. How did a manage to make this prompt about money? *Envy*


September 17, 2014 Prompt: What is your favorite musical instrument? Why is it your favorite? Write a story, poem, or anything you want about it. Have fun. Be creative.

Bass guitar is my favorite instrument. It's something that you can really get into the groove with and feel the music. I know bass players kind of get a hard time a lot because they're not the lead singer, lead guitarist, or drummer. I just point them in the direction of Les Claypool   and they usually stop with the, "Anyone can play bass, it's so easy!" stuff.

It used to be so easy
I never even tried

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