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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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January 14, 2015 at 12:22pm
January 14, 2015 at 12:22pm
Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
Album: Bookends
Song: A Hazy Shade of Winter
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30DBC: What is the one piece of advice you have received that you'll always carry with you?

WTMR: What has been the most recent life event for you? How did it affect you?

Blog City: You are transported to the land of Mother Goose and nursery rhymes for the weekend. What happened? Write a story, poem or what ever you want about this.

Alrighty, let's see if I can finish this before I have to go to class. I'm saying I have a 20% chance of completing before I have to go get ready. If this ends up getting posted at like 7 o'clock tonight, we'll know I didn't make it. *Laugh* I'm going to try to break this up by color so that it'll be easier for people from each group to read just the section they want. We'll see how it looks when I'm done.

I was really down on myself at some point during fall of last year. I can't remember the specifics right now, but I remember my friend told me, "Don't compare your behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel." That really stuck with me because it's so true. I think everyone has a tendency to do that. My friend said he'd read the quote somewhere, so I went home and googled it. I think it came from a pastor from some church, which is pretty funny, but I read about the guy and he doesn't seem too terrible, despite being a Southern Baptist.

Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, I've thought about that quote on occasion now and it really is a good one. Here is the full thing:

"The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel." -Steven Furtick

People only let us see what they want us to see in life. I know I only allow people who know me to see the good things. I don't bear my soul in real life to everyone I know. I don't tell them about various issues going on. My blog is the place where I bear my soul the most. I figure, best case scenario, it'll be an entertaining read. Worst case scenario, no one will care. After hearing that advice though, I've taken it into consideration, especially when I start to become envious of someone else. We have no idea what people are going through behind the scenes, only what they show us in their highlight reel.

My most recent life even, surprise surprise, was starting college. I'm in the first week now and trying to get the hang of things. College is a little bit of a system shock because they don't ease into it slowly. It's like you're not in college one minute, and the next you're knee deep in assignments and assessments. I made a list of everything that had to be done this week in each of my five classes. In my business class alone, there were SIXTEEN (16) things that had to be done in the first week. Given, a lot of these things take like ten or fifteen minutes to do, but still, that's overwhelming when you first see it!

I think in a couple weeks, I'll be able to find a better balance between school, work, and life. I'm going to attempt to do a three-way split. It's hard because these things have a lot of variables. At any time, one of them could suddenly need twice as much attention. It's a big learning curve, but I think it'll be okay. I've taken 5 quizzes so far and gotten a hundred percent on them. Sweeeeet. They were super easy quizzes though, so I can't brag much. Slope-intercept form anyone? *Laugh*

I was always terrified of Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Like, as a kid, you think they're fun because they rhyme and you can sing-song along to them. Then you get older and you realize what they're really about and you're like traumatized. Bam, black plague right in your childhood! If I was transported to the land of Mother Goose, I'd be hiding from all the disease and trying not to be beheaded for treason. I mean isn't Mary Mary Quite Contrary about Bloody Mary??

Yes, it was! I found this article   that details some of the craziness in nursery rhymes for children. Things like this are kind of cool though, because they'll go straight over a kid's head, but their parent reading it might be like, "Wait, what?" *Laugh* I would totally read my kid nursery rhymes, if I had one.

OOOOH And I'm also 1 year old today. That's like 3 months old in WDC years, right? *Cakeb* *Balloon3*

Look around, leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter
January 13, 2015 at 1:20pm
January 13, 2015 at 1:20pm
Artist: The Clash
Album: London Calling
Song: Koka Kola
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30DBC: Share an item or blog entry from any of the eligible competitors this month. Include a review link for bonus points.

WTMR: If you won a million dollars what are the top five things you would do with the money?

Hello, fellow bloggers. How is your Tuesday going? I'm just plugging along with this week's homework and falling even further behind with actual work. By the time I started working yesterday, I was so tired and frustrated because my boss still hasn't gotten back to me on questions I emailed him about over the weekend. This is due Thursday, but I guess he can't be bothered to send a quick email or even answer the telephone. I think this is going to prove to be quite the difficult balance. I'm hoping week 1 just has a rough learning curve. It's a lot to take in at once with 5 classes and work.

Two-fer Tuesday time! Okay, I'm not going to mess it up this week. I'm going to keep it simple and easy. All I need to do is review ONE thing from ONE of the other competitors this month. No more shenanigans surrounding Two-fer Tuesday. So let's see... This week I'm going to review something from skeason . I've already reviewed her blog as a whole, I think when she joined up with Blog City, so I'll probably do a specific entry this time. So, here is the blog link, mind the XGC rating:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2015720 by Not Available.

Here is my review: Review of "I think I can...I think I can..."

I like Skeason's blog because she's brutally honest in it. I guess we have a similar sense of humor because I laugh every time I read her blog. It's hilarious. You definitely need to mind the XGC rating though, because it goes there. When I see that she's updated, I always run over and check it out. Her take on the prompts is typically unique and interesting. Uh, I think that's all I have for today. Did I mention I'm super tired??

This WTMR question has to be one of the easiest for me to answer. They say money doesn't buy happiness, but I'm not buying it! I think that money can by a certain degree of happiness, don't you? I know when I'm doing good financially, I'm about 75% happier overall. I have a really tough time when I'm making less money at work because I can't stop thinking of all the bills I have to pay and doing the math in my head as I slowly inch along.

If I could have a million dollars right now, I'd pay off all my debts, which are medical bills and school loans. I'd get a new car because mine's on its last leg. With the remainder, which would be a lot, I'd buy a house and pay the rest of my college courses in cash. Then I'd pay for my brothers' school loan debts and continued college courses.

See, I'm a simple guy. I just want to get an education and be able to pay my bills while I do it. I don't ask for much. I think that's why I get so irritated when I have money issues. I hate it because I make barely too much to qualify for any sort of aid, but I can't afford anything either because I'm right on the line. I get screwed over with everything financially. If I made like $10k less a year, I'd actually make more per year with government aid, which is kind of messed up if you ask me. Still, I can't work less because I have things handed down to me. I can't just be like, "Nah, no thanks." *Laugh*

Koka Kola advertising and kokaine
Strolling down the Broadway in the rain
Neon light sign says it
I read it in the paper-they're crazy!
January 12, 2015 at 4:02pm
January 12, 2015 at 4:02pm
Artist: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Rumours
Song: Dreams
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30DBC: Besides communication or media devices (computers, televisions, phones, etc.) and advancements in transportation, what invention or inventions of the 20th century are you most grateful for, and why?

WTMR: Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.

Ah, first day of school and I'm trying to get my thoughts organized to get all my homework done. On top of that, I have a ton of work to do before Thursday. *Facepalm* It's gonna take me a minute to get the balance of full-time school and work down. I'm still going to try to complete the 30DBC this month, which shouldn't be too difficult. I can whip up a blog post before I go to bed at night or something. I probably won't be able to do other things as much though, like reviewing. *Sad*

Does nuclear energy count for a 20th century invention? I'm not sure, but that was a pretty big one. Still, I knew my answer to this one right away. The best invention of the 20th century was the radio. *Music2* First of all, it was great for communicating news to people. Wait, am I getting into communication territory here? But, most of all, radio made modern music totally skyrocket. A lot of oldies musicians talked about sitting around the radio with their family and listening to music. It inspired them to be musicians because they heard it and wanted to be a part of it.

It's inventions like that that are so awesome to me. Something that so heavily influenced one of my favorite things in life. I always think of how things could have gone a much different course if different things hadn't been invented or had been invented in a totally different way. I really wanna see what other people say about this prompt because there are so many good inventions from the 20th century. I hope I have time to come back and see what people say.

My favorite villain? Easy! I am a huge Stephen King fan, and in particular, I love 'The Shining'. I loved the book and I loved the movie. Jack Nicholson is the perfect villain as Jack Torrance and Shelley Duvall plays the perfect defenseless wife. The casting for that film was spot on and Stanley Kubrick's directing never disappoints.

There are so many scenes from The Shining that make it an awesome movie. My only complaint is that it's about twenty-five minutes too long. It really is. I've seen it a bunch of times and no one will ever be able to tell me otherwise. The ending is pretty drawn out.

My favorite Jack Torrance scene isn't the super famous, "Heeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!" though that is the most quotable. The best scene for me was when Wendy (Shelley Duvall) found what her husband had been working on while writing. The repetition of "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" over and over on hundreds of pages was very unsettling. Then he's right behind her; that scene scared the shit out of me! By far the best villain ever!

Now here you go again, you say
You want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
January 11, 2015 at 1:11pm
January 11, 2015 at 1:11pm
Artist: Cat Stevens
Album: Teaser and the Firecat
Song: Peace Train
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30DBC: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

WTMR: What is your opinion on video games?

Happy Sunday, all! Before we start today, can we all just take a minute to appreciate how awesome Cat Stevens is? I can’t be the only one who listens to Cat Stevens every day. Right?? Ah, anyway, it's time for our second Sunday news story of the month. How many Sunday are there this January? There are four. I just looked it up. There are five Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. That means only two more Sunday news story prompts after this one! *Laugh* I don't hate discussing the news, really, it's just that the process of finding a news story always leads me down a road of despair as I read all these horrible things going on in the world.

It's even harder to pick one to talk about because I'm not the type of person who really likes to throw an opinion around on a subject unless I have extensive knowledge and research to back it up. Of course, the time it would take to actually get on the up and up about most of these stories that have roots dating back many decades would just take far too long. That's why we have so many armchair lawyers, politicians, and doctors who seem to think they know everything about, well, everything.

Never fear, however, for I have found something I actually have an opinion on, and it record-breaking time no less! No, it's not about any of the popular news stories right now, but seriously, these earbuds are awesome! They're going to be 300 bucks when they start selling them in April, so that's definitely not going to happen, but maybe this will open up doors for other companies to make comparable ones with a smaller price tag.

I can't stand lying in bed at night, not being able to sleep, with no sound at all. It's enough to drive me crazy! That means I spend a lot of late nights all wrapped up in the cords of my headphones so as not to disturb the misses. The worst is when I roll over and they pull out of my ipod so the music blares out into the middle of the night with the loudness of a thousand Greek gods stomping the ground. *Laugh*

I would totally benefit from having completely wireless earbuds. There are some downsides that I can think of though. For one, I’m almost positive I would lose one. My house isn’t even messy, people actually tell me sometimes that they’re afraid to touch anything because it’s so clean, but I still somehow lose things. I don’t know how it’s possible, but I manage. I can see myself spending 300 bucks on these things, and then losing one of them within a couple weeks. ZOINKS!

Next up on the table is my opinion of video games. I don’t play a lot of video games, really. Kira actually plays them quite a bit, like every day, which is weird because I think guys usually like them more. I have a couple different gaming systems. We have a PS4 and I have a 3DS. I just don’t really get into the games that much. Like, she’ll get intensely into a game and she’ll stay up all night playing it. It’s a hobby, like my writing.

When I was younger, I played Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis a lot. I loved Mario and Sonic games. The controllers were so simple then and the games weren’t super intricate either. Now when I try to play a game, it has super long tutorials and I get way bored before I can actually start any of the gameplay.

I don’t have any issue with video games though. I think it’s good to have hobbies. I wouldn’t pay a bunch of money to play WOW or anything like that, but it’s good to keep your mind active and be able to escape into something else for a while when you need to. I basically equate it to writing, reading, listening to music, and watching movies. It’s something to do for entertainment. It works well for Kira and I because she can play her video games and I can hang out in the same room and write. We can enjoy each other’s company without needing each other’s direct attention all the time. Plus, there’s no nagging on either part because we both have hobbies that take up a lot of our time.

Now I’ve been happy lately,
thinking about the good things to come,
and I believe it could be,
something good has begun.

January 10, 2015 at 1:42pm
January 10, 2015 at 1:42pm
Artist: Guns N' Roses
Album: Appetite for Destruction
Song: My Michelle
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30DBC: You are opening a new store in the mall. You can only sell five particular items. What is the name of your store, and what are you selling?

Blog City: Give me an example great openings that appeal to you from one of your favorite authors. What qualities do you notice as you think about your favorite openings?

Welcome to Saturday. The day of busyness and short blog entries. I swear, I'll keep it short today. *Laugh* Well.. maybe. *Smirk*

I'm terrible at questions like today's 30DBC one. It reminds me of when I was in school because we had to make a fake business for entrepreneurship class and we had to have a name. slogan, business model, etc... I don't hate business-related things, but I'm definitely not creative in a marketing/business sort of way. I do fine with learning business strategies and whatnot, but actually creating my own is a bit outside my comfort zone.

I think that's due, in large part, to the fact that I am not an inventive sort of person. I don't know how people invent things because my mind totally doesn't work in that way. I'm definitely not the leader sort. I'm trying to think of what my old business was in high school. I think the name of it was some pun off of my real last name and I sold stoner food for when people got the munchies. You know, stuff that would only sound good to people when they were high. Of course, I didn't actually call it stoner food in school, but it was rather obvious and my presentation got a lot of laughs.

If I had a store now, I would want to sell things that are 'in' right now. So, my five products would be aimed at hipsters. It's a fairly simple product list:

1. Ironic apparel (Yay, for t-shirts with cats wearing shutter shades!)
2. Fixed gear bikes
3. Coffee
4. E-cigarettes
5. PBR

I am now on my way to becoming the richest person in my city. *Laugh* But, I've gotta have a good name too. A good name is very important. That's why Ye Olde Totes Amazeballs Shoppe is now open for business. Yes, other business owners, be scared. *Mustache*

I had to respond to the Blog City prompt today because one opening in a book has always stood out to me ever since I first read it. It's the opening to Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I don't think anyone who has read that book could disagree with this opener:

"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta."

When I read this book, I was probably 14 or 15 and I was completely blown away by the writing. It was unlike anything I'd ever read before. I think what works so well in the first paragraph is that alliteration. The repetitive L and T, it's a hypnotic sort of affair. I remember rereading the first page a few times before I moved on because I was so entranced by the writing.

By most accounts, the book is disturbing at times. It's uncomfortable because of the subject matter. But I swear, the book could have been about anything, that writing is top notch. Whether you enjoyed reading the book or not, you can't deny the pure writing ability. People have told me that they'll never read the book because the main character is a pedophile, or whatever. I mean, I get it, I really do. It makes me sad for them that they won't get to read such talented writing though.

But school starts
Much too early
And this hotel wasn't free
So party till your
Connection call
Honey I'll return the key
January 9, 2015 at 12:13pm
January 9, 2015 at 12:13pm
Artist: Cursive
Album: The Ugly Organ
Song: Some Red-Handed Slight of Hand
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30DBC: Has something funny happened to you this week? Awkward? Potentially shameful, until you looked back later and realized it wasn't so bad? Tell us about it. And if this has been a boring week for you, write about an experience that maybe wasn't so funny when it happened, but makes people laugh now when you retell the story about it.

WTMR: If you could be a fly on a wall, what conversation or circumstance would you want to listen into or witness?

This is my last weekend off before school starts on Monday. I am determined to make it a fun weekend at all costs because the next sixteen weeks are going to be mostly working and studying. I need consequence-free fun right now! Unfortunately, that's probably going to be a difficult task. I'm already behind in work with something I have to finish by Thursday. I mean, I could probably swing it at the beginning of the week, maybe, probably not. On top of that, I totally need to prioritize right now with what remaining time I have left.

The way I see it, it goes like this: 1)try to talk things out with Kira, 2)work, 3)have fun. See how far down it is on the list? *Facepalm* On a scale of 'never going to happen to ten', I'm at about a three. Buuut, you gotta do what you gotta do. What a worthless saying. Of course you have to do what you have to do. Why do I say that all the time? *Laugh*

Man, nothing funny has happened this week. Seriously! It hasn't been a boring week, quite the opposite really, but funny is not a word that comes to mind. It is sort of funny in a certain way. You know when you're like, "Shit, this is a bad situation, but at least it can't get any worse"? I've done that like twelve times in the last couple weeks. At some point, it does start being a little bit funny because it's like, okay, I'm not going to say it this time because I know it can and probably will get worse.

My brother was in a car accident one time in the middle of a busy intersection. A police officer happened to be on duty going the opposite direction on the road and he pulled over. My brother was all disoriented from hitting his head and saw an ambulance come, but no one had talked to him yet. The cop finally came over and said, "Your trunk opened during the collision and your spare tire flew out." Mikey was like, "Oh, really? Didn't know that." The cop said, "Yeah... it flew through the window of that business." Mikey looked over and sure enough, an auto insurance place had their front window busted out.

He knew it was pretty bad, but at least he and the other driver hadn't been hurt too badly. The cop then said, "The tire flew through the window and hit one of the workers in the ribcage. They're taking her in the ambulance right now."

Life is like that sometimes. Things start off a little strange, then they get a bit worse, then they get sort of terrible, and you stop expecting it to be rock bottom. Mikey said he was waiting for the cop to tell him that they didn't think the worker was going to make it or something.

I laughed hysterically when he told me about it, because really, what are the fucking chances? Can you imagine just sitting at your desk and having a TIRE fly through the window and hit you in the ribs?! I mean, what the fuck, it's absurd.

I just morphed into a fly and now I need to find a wall to hang out on for a certain conversation. This is an easy one for me because there is only one conversation I can think of that I'd love to see in action. I want to go back to when I was sixteen and hear for myself the conversation my parents had when they decided to kick me out of their house.

I'm not angry about it or anything, I just want to see how that went down. It's weird to me because I've known people who were kicked out of their house before (usually after the age of 18), but there was always some huge climax that resulted in them being kicked out. You know, they got into a huge fight with their parents and were told to get out or whatever.

I didn't have that at all. The whole thing was rather awkward. My parents had me meet them at a restaurant one morning and told me, rather bluntly, "You need to pack your stuff and leave." It was a very simple, quiet sort of affair. There was no arguing, no yelling, it wasn't up for debate. I did end up leaving the restaurant without staying for the meal part of it, but it wasn't in a dramatic fashion. It was more of an uncomfortable, "Uh.. I'm gonna go now.."

Really, I don't want to even hear the entire conversation. I want to hear the beginning of it. I want to hear who brought it up and how. Was it like, they were sitting in bed at night, reading with their side table lamps and my father just said, "You know, honey, I believe we should discard Charles."

How do you even go about that conversation? *Laugh* I imagine it being like a full on presentation complete with business buzzwords. Like, maybe there was a Powerpoint presentation and slide 4 was full of my mistakes in Comic Sans, rainbow-colored font. I hope there were words like 'wellness', 'streamline', 'sustainability' and 'proactive'. I hope they 'brought it to the table' and 'at the end of the day' they 'finalized' a 'game changer' that was a 'win-win' for everyone.

Yeah, I know I'm 23 and it's immature to dwell on or think about that. I really don't think about it often, but when the subject comes up, I turn into upper management. *Wink*

Our father, who art in heaven
Save me from this wreck I'm about to drown in
Didn't I learn anything
Counting out my sins on rosary beads

January 8, 2015 at 2:07pm
January 8, 2015 at 2:07pm
Artist: Catfish and the Bottlemen
Album: The Balcony
Song: Homesick
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30DBC: Does an athlete's or celebrity's indiscretions overshadow their entire body of work in their respected field? Why or why not?

WTMR: Tell us about your first love/crush.

I got some actual sleep last night, like more than an hour. *Shock* I still feel like shit though. I'll need a lot more to be caught up. I already have homework due for the first day of school. I'll probably do it this weekend. I'm sure it's not anything too difficult, although there's no way I'm reading three chapters of a math book. *Laugh* I'll pass on that one.

Today's 30DBC prompt is pretty interesting. I think I sort of talked about this a little bit that time we had the "is using drugs cheating" prompt. To put it simply, there are certain things a celebrity or athlete can do that will totally overshadow their entire body of work, in my opinion, but those are few and far between.

There are a lot of things that don't matter to me at all in regards to someone's talent. You all already know that drinking and doing drugs doesn't matter to me at all. "Oh god, that actor snorts coke? How horrible!" Get over it. People do drugs. People are always going to do drugs. We need to decriminalize drug use and stop wasting taxpayer money on the "War on Drugs". It's dead, just let it go.

I don't care if a famous person is an asshole. "I met this person and asked for a picture and an autograph and he just kept walking! D: I don't like him anymore!" Yeah, he's busy. Sure, it's better when celebrities are down-to-earth, but I'm not gonna say someone's art sucks because they have a shitty personality.

Um, let's see, what else don't I care about? Oh, cheating is another one that doesn't bother me. That's just totally not my business and relationships are complicated. It's easy to sit on your couch with your frumpy self, next to your frumpy husband and say, "That is just SO wrong." *Rolleyes*

It might be easier to say what DOES totally ruin someone's entire body of work for me. There are three things. 1) Sexual assault of any sort. That's like rape, sexual harassment, molestation, etc... 2) Hitting women. I've never hit a girl before even while being hit by a girl. There's just no excuse for these big ass football players to be closed fist punching their girlfriends in the head. I mean, come on, dude. I have personal experience with this one, which is probably why I'm so adamant about it. If I can get hit in the face by a girl without even pushing her back, you can deal with your girl without punching her in the face. 3) Spreading stupidity to your fans. I'm looking at you Jenny McCarthy. Thanks for making people afraid to vaccinate their children, dumbass. Anyone who says this: "The University of Google is where I got my degree from. . . . And I put in autism and something came up that changed my life, that led me on this road to recovery, which said autism—it was in the corner of the screen—is reversible and treatable. And I said, What?! That has to be an ad for a hocus pocus thing, because if autism is reversible and treatable, well, then it would be on Oprah," should not be giving medical advice.

I guess that answers that question. Sorry if you got offended somewhere along the line.

In Welcome To My Reality, I'm gonna have to jump to some other week's prompt because I've already answered the other three for this week at some point in my blog. I'll do the one about my first love because no one else did it that week.

The first girl I was with for a long time was this chick named Tiffany and she was one of my best friend's ex. They only dated for like a week, but she was like psycho for him and dropped the 'L' word on him the first time they hung out. It started just as her talking to me about my friend and how he was a dick. I was like, yeah, cool.. I guess she thought I was a good listener or whatever and started calling me and asking to hang out. I got the go ahead from my friend and we started dating.

She lived in this disgusting run down house with just her mother. Can't remember what happened to her dad. He was either dead or had just ran off. I don't think she ever met him. She was okay, I guess. Her mother didn't really like me and I didn't like her either because she stole my weed one time, like, "You don't need to be smoking this," and then she smoke it herself. This was like '04, '05, so I was like 13.

I guess I don't really have much to say about her after all. *Laugh* She was getting ready to go into her senior year of high school, but she had skipped kindergarten and fifth grade, so she wasn't that much older than me. We mostly just slept with each other and hung out. Then we started not liking each other, so we just slept together and didn't hang out. Then we broke up at the end of her senior year and she moved a few states away with a guy who was like twice her age and they had a kid. We never talked or saw each other again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Take me out back, show me peril, doll
Cause I've got some lies to tell
January 7, 2015 at 12:42pm
January 7, 2015 at 12:42pm
Artist: Passion Pit
Album: Gossamer
Song: Carried Away
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30DBC: How would you live your life differently if the average human life span was 40 years?

WTMR: If someone gave you a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Ahh, I'm having the most absurd night/day. I'm having the most absurd week, really. I've lived in this apartment for less than a year and I've had to beg my neighbor not to call the cops on Kira and I THREE times. Three times in like six or seven months. I think his favorite phrase at three in the morning is, "What's going on here?" Go back to bed, Jason. FUCK!

I hate dealing with the cops about domestic issues anyway. Cops deal a lot better in super high stress situations than when your wife is being too loud and the neighbors call the cops. I remember when we got the cops called on us in like November or December of the year we got married. We didn't know that the neighbor (a different one) had called the cops, so we were just like sitting there, after her epic raging during a fight. I was listening to music and I heard/felt the cops pounding on the front door.

You KNOW when a cop is banging on your door. They sound like they're about to break it down. I gave her an accusatory look, like, "Please don't tell me you called the cops." I went down and answered it and they're like, "Ahhh, yeaaaah, got a call about a possible domestic disturbance?" This was like an hour after we'd stopped fighting.

The cop was fine and everything, but he's like, "You know, son, when my wife and I get in an argument, we don't raise our voices or break things." I was like, "Yeah? That's cool. My wife does." I hate how condescending they are in those situations. Like, for one, I don't believe that you and your wife never raise your voices to each other. You probably just don't live with walls that are joined up with other people. Also, what am I supposed to do? Go cover her mouth so you guys can take me to jail for assault or something? *Rolleyes*

But, anyway, that's over for now.. Let's see what we're looking at for prompts. Ah, alright, now the human lifespan is 40 years, how do I live differently? Well, first of all, I think a 40-year lifespan is a pretty good trajectory for me. I don't really expect to live until I'm 80 or anything like that. I mean, I've been living pretty hard for a long bit here. I'm rough on my body and my mind. I just turned 23 and I already feel like I'm middle-aged.

Kinda like the David Foster Wallace quote, “I had kind of a midlife crisis at twenty which probably doesn’t augur well for my longevity.”

He let himself live to a whole 46 years old, so I guess he wasn't wrong there. I don't really have life expectations, but I'm guessing the normal response to a shortened lifespan would be to live faster and appreciate time more. You know, not hold grudges and all the other stuff you shouldn't really do anyway because you can die at any time. If life was known to be shorter, people might spend less time worrying about making everything perfect and just have a go at living their lives with the time they have.

Like I said though, I live hard and fast. If I live to be forty, I'll be amazed. *Thumbsup*

Where would I go with a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world? I'd probably just go back to Maine and see Noah. The thing is, the plane ticket is only a small portion of the cost. It's the hotels, sightseeing, food, etc... that costs a lot when travelling. I mean, the free plane ticket would be awesome and all, but what am I gonna do, go to Ireland alone? I don't do well on my own.

I could definitely fly back to Maine and see Noah though. I've been thinking about him a lot lately, wondering what he's been up to. I know we didn't leave things off very well the last time we talked and that kinda sucks. It's funny because I got caught up in my own stuff and kinda forgot he existed. I just thought of him again around my birthday and Christmas. It's not really weird for us to go six months or more without talking to each other. It's crazy how you can go from seeing someone every single day to forgetting they exist for months at the time. Who said absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Anyway, it would be cool to go back and just see the state again. It's really a beautiful state. I want to hang out with my old friends and see what they've been up to. I bet it would be super underwhelming and totally worth it to just have a few drinks and catch up. I don't want to live there or see them all the time, but I do wanna reminisce a little.

Since my heart is golden
I've got sense to hold it
Tempted just to make an ugly scene
January 6, 2015 at 1:37pm
January 6, 2015 at 1:37pm
Artist: Catfish and the Bottlemen
Album: Kathleen and the Other Three
Song: Rango
[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

30DBC: Two-fer Tuesdays: Share an item or blog entry from any of the eligible competitors this month. Include a review link for bonus points.

WTMR: Write a "day in the life" of being you post.

I'm running on barely any sleep again, so you'll have to forgive me if I start babbling incoherently. I don't do well on only a couple hours of sleep.. or in stressful situations.. or when I have a headache. I don't do well ever, okay? *Laugh* Kidding, of course, almost everyone has it worse than me and don't tell my fragile mind otherwise.

So, we're in for a Two-fer Tuesday in 30DBC today. Basically, a super easy prompt. We need to share another competitor's blog and write up a quick review for bonus points. Done and done. *Check*

I went with untamedwriter's blog:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2021688 by Not Available.

I'm not sure if he and I talked before this challenge at all. I feel like I might've talked to him a little or possibly done a review for him when he was under his old username, but I'm not sure. Is your memory better than mine, man?

Anyway, that's not the point. I've been on the up and up with his blog since this challenge started and I'm totally digging it. He doesn't halfass his entries, which I appreciate. I wanted to that in the review, Invalid Review , but I didn't want to offend anyone with the ass word. But, hey, we're on my turf now. All bets are off.

Anyway, if you're looking for a couple specific entries to check out, I have some recommendations. I know, super convenient for you, right?

Recommendation for anyone: "Invalid Entry. I laughed out loud at this entry. Super funny.

Recommendation for Fivesixer or anyone else suffering a cold/flu: "Invalid Entry because, seriously bro, Vick's VapoRub is amazing and I totally forgot about it.

****EDIT: Oops, I just realized I was supposed to TWO other blogs, not one. I do this thing when I'm tired where I read what I want to read and totally ignore the other words. I'm super effective at it. So I'm going to go find another person's blog to review. I'll probably go ahead and do Alexi 's blog because I've just started reading hers with this challenge, so:

Write for your life.  (13+)
Spilling the words.
#1949923 by Alexi

I definitely just met Alexi through the 30DBC this month, so we've only really known each other for the last week. You all know I'm always up for new friends. I'm definitely a 'the more the merrier' type of guy. I clicked well with Alexi's entries right from the start. I feel like she is very genuine in her blogging voice and her entries are always so full of life with images and bright font colors.

Recommended reading: "January (3) Concoct secret plans. This was one of my favorite entries on the 'concoct secret plans' day. I thought it was such a sweet story and a really nice thing to do for someone. It shows Alexi's true nature. Here is my review of her blog: Review of "Write for your life."

****EDIT 2: I have NO idea what I'm doing with this 'super easy prompt'. *Facepalm* Please don't look at me; it's too shameful. I guess it was only supposed to be one after all, but two got completed so, just go with that. Don't worry, Norb, the prompt isn't unclear. I just haven't slept and am slightly delirious.

Next, buckle your seatbelts because we're going to go through a typical day in the life of Charlie Abney. Wait, seatbelts isn't a word? Why is there a squiggly red line??

Alright, so, look. Days in my life have a dramatic range. I have weeks at a time where there's nothing much up. I do typical things, like sleep, wake up, work, write, hang out with my friends. Then I have these epic weeks that are extremely chaotic and mentally/physically draining. Guess which kind I'm having right now? Go ahead, guess.

I mean, really, what a clusterfuck of a week. This is one of the messiest I can remember, but of course, the lack of sleep probably isn't helping as far as coping goes. I mean, people need sleep in order to think clearly. Can anyone convince my wife of that small detail? Be careful, she has claws. *Radioactive*

Let's go back though. We're talking about a 'typical' day. If I can think of my most normal day, I can probably answer this a little better. On a very normal day, I wake up around ten or eleven, roll out of bed and I'm out the door for a cigarette. That's like first ten minutes of every day.

After that, I'll check my email and WDC. If I'm planning on eating breakfast, I'll do that. Usually I just make some coffee and move on with the day. There's usually about an hour in there where I clean and take a shower. You know, just basic things like dishes and taking care of the cats' stuff.

The rest of the day is spent half-working/half-WDCing. I keep both things up on my computer and sort of go back and forth. If I get really into what I'm doing with work, I'll usually focus on that. If I'm trying to distract myself, I'll hang out on WDC more.

At night, I either go hang out with my friends or I stay home and work/write/review/read until I fall asleep. Like I said before, pretty boring on a typical day. As long as everything at home is good, I go party with my friends at least a couple times a week. I'll go out and meet people for lunch or a movie because Kira doesn't like anyone at the house, then I'll spend the night at my best friend's house because I'm too messed up to drive home or figure out public transit. Hey, it's difficult when there's two of everything. *Glass2*

Darling I'm done for once
And as soon as I get out of here
I plan on coming back for nothing
But then again there's you
January 6, 2015 at 12:52am
January 6, 2015 at 12:52am
Well, here we are. Day 12 of 12 in the Blog Harbor 12 Days of Christmas challenge. Where is Brooklyn ? I miss you! Well, this has been a fun challenge. I love things like this that get you into places you don't normally go on the site. One of my favorite days was the polls/surveys/quizzes day because I've never done any of that stuff before, except for Cinn Frin's new member survey thingies. After this, I've got to get back to reviewing and work on the Wodehouse challenge. Anyway, it has been fun as always. I'll see you guys at the next one! Day 12 challenge: To finish out the challenge, respect the number twelve by combining anything you've already done for this challenge for twelve new WdC members. They can be all the same or different or any combination (e.g., you can do 12 more newsfeed posts, or 6 newsfeed/4 cNotes/2 reviews or any other combination you want that adds up to twelve.)

So, let's recap.
We did so many things during this challenge, it's time to go back and experience some of them again. I'm probably going to do a combination of things for this one. My initial thought was, "Oh, I'll just do one of everything we've already done" but there are two problems with that; 1) I really don't know what to shamelessly plug anymore, and B) We have to do 12 things for this one, so there'd be one thing I'd have to do twice anyway. I'm all about symmetry and that just won't do.

Surveys, quizzes, and polls!
I liked this category a lot, even though I bombed the Bible quiz. *Laugh* Hey, 12/20 isn't so bad for a former altar boy, right? *Pthb* I'll probably do mostly polls and quizzes for this part because there aren't a ton of super active surveys right now, or last time I checked anyway.

*Bulletg* I took "Invalid Item by Banana Boat because surely I'm still up-to-date with the music kids are listening to these days. I mean, this is the Muse of Music. NOPE! 7 out of 20. *Laugh* I don't know if I should be ashamed of that number or proud. Who the hell is Keri Hilson? I guess my old age of twenty-three is showing again. Ah, well!

*Bulletg* Then I took "Invalid Item by KMH and I got an 80% on it. I missed the first two. The first one was totally due to not paying attention- fathers-in-law vs. father-in-laws. The second, I just plain didn't know. *Bigsmile* How do I English again?

*Bulletg* I moved over to polls then and took this one "Why do you write? by A thinker never sleeps , mostly because I wanted to see what other people had to say about it. I chose "To escape reality." It was between that and the "express yourself" one. No one writes for profit, do they? *Laugh* Well, I guess at least 21 people do, according to the poll. Man, if I'm thinking straight profit, writing would be the last thing on my mind. Escaping reality though, that's what it's all about to me. Putting my mind to work, getting rid of the negative energy in my life. That's why I write.

*Bulletg* The last was another poll that I took because I wanted to see the answer distribution. It was "What would you go without? by Goldie . I chose going without my name because Charlie isn't that great of a name after all. *Laugh* The distribution did not surprise me at all! I've gotta have my food and water. Then shelter, that's pretty essential, especially on a cold winter night like this one.

I thought the fanning challenge was pretty fun, and I can always do some more of that. I like to have an active newsfeed so I can sort of keep up on people and see what's going on on the site. Having a lot of people in your newsfeed means that you can see all the newest contests, activities, and challenges as they're coming out. So, in the interest of a busy newsfeed, I followed four more people:

ShelleyA~13 years at WDC
very thankful
Dandelion Man

Blog Commenting
I'm going to close this challenge out with one of my favorite parts of blogging- commenting on other people's blogs. I'm not sure how difficult it will be to find people I haven't already used, but I'm going to try to stick with members of Blog Harbor and maybe hit some up who are blogging currently, but maybe just not for this exact challenge.

*Bulletg* The first blog I headed over to was iguanamountain 's. She wrote an entry recently from Blog City about nightly routines, which can be found here: "TO SLEEP...TO DREAM. I blogged for this same prompt on the third and I definitely didn't handle it as well because I couldn't think of a nightly routine I actually have. *Laugh*

*Bulletg* I moved on over to 🌑 Darleen - QoD 's blog and read "Invalid Entry. This was an interesting one, as always. Again, we were talking about night routines and Darleen mentioned that her mind is very alert at night. I can totally relate to that sentiment because if I did have a nightly routine, it would involve me setting myself up with enough stuff to entertain me until three or four in the morning when my mind finally gave up. Oh, and 1984 is an awesome book!

*Bulletg* Prosperous Snow celebrating and I are participating in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge this month, so my next stop was her entry, "Wildcard Monday: My Grandmother Always Said. Today, we were trying to figure out the cure for the flu for my boy, Fivesixer . I hope you got some good advice, Norb. Have you tried eating jalapeños and hot sauce like Snow suggested? *Bigsmile*

*Bulletg* I'm closing out the challenge with Cinn 's entry "Finis... Amazed But Done!, where I congratulated her on finishing the challenge so quickly. I know I used her for something else a few days back, but she kind of pops up everywhere I go; it's hard to avoid her. Anyway, she started this challenge, like, yesterday and somehow beat most of us out to finish it. She didn't even halfass the entries at all. *Shock* Color me impressed!

That's it!
Here's where we end the challenge. Thanks to our host, Jeff , for an awesome challenge. Thanks to all the other bloggers involved who always make this sort of thing exciting and interesting. I hope I'll see you guys at the next Blog Harbor challenge. G'night!

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