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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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February 7, 2015 at 11:43am
February 7, 2015 at 11:43am
Artist: Joy Division
Album: Unknown Pleasures
Song: Disorder
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The silence hangs heavy on the phone and you're already cursing yourself for what you haven't said. The voice is so familiar, but such a distant memory and the sound of it gives you that thick, bittersweet nostalgia that almost makes you nauseous. She watches you from the kitchen, eyeing you as he continues.

"Please, I'm not doing so well, Charlie. I need you."

You close your eyes and try to push away thoughts of his voice cracking 1100 miles away. "I wish I could... I really do."

"When have I ever asked you for anything? I would do anything for you, you know that right? Anything."

It's true and he's proven it time and time again. What have you ever done for him? Been the annoying kid he had to protect for years? The gnat that just wouldn't leave, had no where else to go. How could you tell him no in a time of need. How could your mouth form the words, your voice steady itself long enough to deny him what he's rightfully owed.

"I'm sorry."

Another long silence drags on. If only she weren't here, God, the things you would say. You feel her eyes weighing down on you, loving anchor.

"I love you. Is that not enough?"

And though it's been said a thousand times before, this time is different. His shaking confession reveals years of hiding and the realization hits you like a brick wall. It's so simple, how did you not see it before? You want to get on the next flight. You want to punch him in the face. Six years you've been waiting for this. Why now?

"No. No, it's not enough." Why does your voice sound like it belongs to someone else? A looming stain in your life.

The silence thickens until he draws a sharp breath. "You don't love me anymore?"

"It doesn't even matter at this point. It's too late." If you could go back to summer beds and warm, sunny breezes, you would. It's painfully late. There was so much time, so many lazy afternoons and hazy bedrooms full of music. Your chest caves with pain, the air makes you wince to breathe in.

"The least you can do is say it back."

The impending shadow hovers nearby, staring.

"I can't."

"Why not? Is she with you right now? I need to know where we stand, Charlie. Please give me that much at least." His voice is quickened, panicked.

"Alright, man, love you too. See you later." Click.

Shake your head at what you've just done. Cover your face and laugh into your hands until your side hurts.

"Everything okay?" she asks, drying her hands.

"Sure," you say, feeling like you're living in a dollhouse.

She smiles sweetly. "Gnocchi for dinner?"

"Uh-huh, sure."

How could someone be so oblivious?

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What means to you, what means to me, and we will meet again
I'm watching you, I'm watching her, I'll take no pity from you friends
Who is right, who can tell, and who gives a damn right now
Until the spirit new sensation takes hold, then you know
February 6, 2015 at 2:35pm
February 6, 2015 at 2:35pm
30DBC: Write about a time when you thought you had a situation under control... just before it blew up in your face. By Cinn .

BLOGGING CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Let's have some simple fun pretend an alien or maybe Brother Nature (Joel) visited your home. What would you want the alien or Joel to see in your world that might impress him? Let's hear what you have in mind.

WTMR: What job do you feel you would never be able to do?

30DBC: Thanks for the prompt, Ky. I wouldn't really consider Cinn an 'acquaintance', but I knew she'd give me a good prompt and she didn't disappoint. The first thing that came to mind is a current situation that I'm not really willing to talk about here right now, so I'm going to go for something more general that I'm more comfortable with sharing.

The one-word answer to this prompt is simply: Drugs. Man, I thought I had that shit on lockdown for the longest time. I still kind of think I did for a while. I mean, they always tell you that you do drugs one time and you're suddenly addicted to a variety of horrifying things that are going to kill you immediately. It's not like that. I did drugs for years with little to no repercussions. I could smoke weed, take pills, do psychedelics, speed, psychoactives, whatever.. all weekend. Then I could go two or three weeks without doing anything and it didn't bother me. I never really thought about it.

That, of course, changed when I moved out and into a big city when I was sixteen. Then it was always the weekend. I think I just started partying one Friday night and it never stopped. The Infinite Weekend. The supply was so high, my demand had to raise. I remember various people in my life telling me that it was getting out of hand. It's not like I never thought about it. I did when other users started telling me, "You've gotta slow down, man. This is getting bad." I just, at the same time, thought they were being kind of dramatic and were probably just a little overprotective because a lot of the were older than me. I figured they saw me as kind of a younger brother or something and they didn't want anything bad to happen. I thought, "Oh, I'm young and fun and everyone's just trying to take that away from me. Fuck 'em."

I can remember the exact moment it blew up in my face too. It was me, my best friend, Noah, my brother, Mikey, and this girl I was seeing at the time, I can't remember her name. Actually, it might've been a girl Noah was seeing, not me. Anyway, we were going on a trip out of state and we had gotten a hotel for two nights. We woke up around eleven, I used the last of what I had, and we were on our way. Everything was cool the whole first day. We had a super chill ride, taking turns driving and listening to Led Zeppelin with the windows down. We had a few drinks that night at the hotel, nothing out of the ordinary.

The next day we were going sightseeing and Mikey woke us up at like 7 in the morning. I felt like shit, like really bad, which I attributed to waking up earlier than usual. We left the hotel and stopped somewhere to get breakfast, which I couldn't eat, then we parked somewhere and walked around the city. They wanted to take this tour bus ride, which I agreed to and we had it set for like eleven o'clock. Well, as the morning went on, I started getting more and more sick. I was super anxious and just irritated. Everyone was trying to figure out what was going on.

We get onto this double decker tour bus and we're on the top level of it and I think I'm going to be okay. Then about half an hour in, I start sweating really bad, my nose is running. I start rocking back and forth just from the anxiety. I was pretty much losing my shit and stuck on this tour bus with a bunch of other tourists all having a nice time on their vacation. Once it's over, I like trampled everyone to get out and I just started pacing around in the middle of the street. My legs hurt, my back hurt. I'm thinking, fuck, I have the flu.

Noah comes up to me alone and he's like, "Dude, please tell me you have something on you." I was super confused and didn't even know what he meant. That's when he told me I was going into withdrawal and everything just clicked. Luckily, he found me something even in a city he'd never been to before. It took a while and I had to go back to the hotel and roll around in bed while I waited, but he still found it. Such a good friend. I miss him so much.

Anyway, that blew up in my face and I never saw it coming. It probably sounds ridiculous, like, how could you not see that coming, but I really didn't. I think because I'd done it so much back home and I never had an issue stopping. I assumed it would be the same even once I started using all the time, but obviously it wasn't, and I've been fighting it ever since. Though, I am doing amazing right now with my Subs. I'm at the soberest I'll probably ever be.

BLOGGING CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Brother Nature is an alien. I don't really have to pretend there. *Alieng* I have no idea how I would impress him. It's not like I could do math for him when his daughter is a mathematical genius. See: "Note: This just in... Proud papa gets another reason to ..." I mean, most people, sure, I could just do some simple Algebra and they'd be like OOH, AHH. My mother and grandmother were impressed when I helped my brother graph an extremely simple system of equations. *Laugh* But, Joel, nope, he'd be all, "Pssh, yeah? Well my daughter's getting a science degree AND she's on the Dean's list."

I can't cook, so I couldn't even make an impressive meal. I don't have any monkeys to amuse his muse. What's a guy to do? I'd have better luck impressing a legit alien. I would just throw one of my cats at them. They don't have cats on other planets, do they? *Bigsmile*

WTMR: I could never ever ever do anything in the medical field. My ma is the medical field, though on the business side at this point. She always tells me that there are infinitely many medical positions available at any time. I just can't stomach it! I hate hospitals. I hate the fluorescent sick lights. I hate the smell. I feel like I'm going to walk in healthy and walk out diseased. I'm way too much of a hypochondriac to work in a hospital. I did it for like half a year, but never again. I got sick so much despite using copious amounts of hand sanitizer. It's just gross.

That's not the only job I couldn't do that. There are a lot of jobs I couldn't do. Anything that has to do with anything gross, I couldn't do. I couldn't be a janitor, plumber, garbage collector, embalmer, crime scene cleaner, etc... If there are a lot of germs or just general morbidness, it's not for me. I need to sit in a heated/air conditioned office and do paperwork. It's my life calling.
February 6, 2015 at 1:23pm
February 6, 2015 at 1:23pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: The Queen Is Dead
Song: There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
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Worship. Idolize. Glorify.

It's funny when people misspell her as 'heroine', because that's exactly what she is.

Your dark protagonist. Every morning belongs to her.

The story tells itself.

Wake up sick, grab a cigarette, make a few calls. D boy's been dry for days. Back up. Back burner dealer. Plea, beg. Offer to pay double if they can just find her. Where is she hiding? Stumble down the street. On the train, off the train. Vomit in a community trash can. Even the homeless man sitting against the newspaper dispenser raises his eyebrows. Break into a sweat despite the cold. Take your shirt off. Pass a cop who watches you closely and follows until you go into an apartment complex where you don't live. Lose cop. Calf spasms drop you to the asphalt. Dry heave. Nothing left. Clutch a car hood. Steady yourself against the dizzy world. Back down the road. Contemplate jumping in front of traffic. See meet up spot. Wait. Wait.. Wait... See Monte Carlo. Pay. Get her. Boot her. Stumble back the way you came. See privately-owned deli. Crash into bathroom. Slam door. Lights on. Slide down wall. Take her out. Smile. She's beautiful.

Pleasant afternoon. Take city bus to friend's house. Hug him. Have beer. Have another. Have another. Play guitar. Sing. Open windows to let the breeze in. See a yellow flower, the first sign of spring. Watch children ride bikes on the sidewalk. Infinity eights. See a stray cat in the yard. Feed it tuna. Cut its matted fur. Hug it. Name it. Watch it walk away. Read a poem. Read another. Read a whole collection. Fall asleep. Peaceful. Wake up twenty minutes later. Light a bowl. Listen to your friend talk. Watch his mouth move. Analyze his body language. Watch him put a record on. The Smiths. "I love this band." You love the Smiths. It's a sing-a-long. Fall asleep again. Wake up to darkness. Taste her again. Ask friend to take you home. Ask if you can have the passenger window down. Stick your hand out. More Smiths. Stars. Moon. Bed. Pillow. Fall asleep with boots on.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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And if a double decker bus crashes into us
To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine

February 5, 2015 at 11:55am
February 5, 2015 at 11:55am
30DBC: Knowing what you now know about 'Deep Thoughts' and 'Fun Facts' Write a few of your own. Write as many as you want, but try to write at least two of each.

BLOG CITY: "If you don't don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." George Harrison Do you agree?

WTMR: What makes you feel guilty?

30DBC: Why does this read like an assignment I'd have in College Studies? *Laugh* The deep thoughts were pretty funny though. I usually call them 'shower thoughts'. Here's an article   with 40 of them because god know I'm not about to do critical thinking shit right before I start on my homework followed by actual work.

Some of my favorites:

*Thought* The word 'Fat' just looks like someone took a bite out of the first letter of the word 'Eat'.

*Thought* Scooby-Doo taught us that the real monsters always turn out to be humans.

*Thought* "Don't kid yourself" would be a great slogan for an abortion clinic. (Sorry, that's hilarious.)

*Thought* You wake up when you die in a dream because you don't know what happens next.

As far as fun facts, I'm not super into those. I don't know why. Don't ask me any questions, just let me be lazy. *Facepalm*

BLOG CITY: I like this quote a lot more than yesterday's. I think this would technically have to be a correct statement, right? I mean, if you have no destination, then wherever you end up is your destination, by definition. I don't agree that it's a good way to go through life though. I mean, I've lived for a long time with no bottom line, and I'm telling you, it's not the way to do it. I should rephrase that. It's not the way for me to do it.

Of course, it would be super fun if we could just do whatever we wanted and always end up in a good place, but that's not how it is. Even if you're not a total screw up like me, best case scenario is you end up doing nothing. It's fun for a while, then you realize you've been doing nothing for several years and it gets kind of depressing. Even though I have a lot of 'fun' memories, I wish I would've gone to school earlier. I know I'm only 23, but I feel old as fuck. *Laugh*

Basically, I think what I'm trying to say is that it's always good to have an endgame. There are a million different roads you can take to get to it, but you need to have something in mind to do with yourself, because if you don't, you end up doing nothing.

WTMR: Man, no one holds guilt like me, so I think I've got this prompt down. I carry a lot of guilt for a whole host of things. It makes me feel guilty when I disappoint someone. I think most people are like that. If someone says they're pissed off at me, I couldn't care less. If they say I've let them down or they thought better of me, that makes me feel truly bad.

I feel guilty if I said I was going to do something and I don't follow through. Even if it's for a legit reason or the other person says it's cool, I still feel bad. You should always do what you say you're going to do. I mean, all you really have is your word and if people find out that your talk is cheap, you kind of lose their respect.

Mostly, I feel bad when I make someone else feel bad. That's the main reason for any guilt that I have. The worst is when the other person says nothing. You know it's so bad that they don't even want to yell at you, they won't even do the calm, "I'm not bad, I'm just disappointed." That's when you know you fucked up, and I've had it happen countless times. That is true guilt.
February 5, 2015 at 11:12am
February 5, 2015 at 11:12am
Artist: The Vaccines
Album: What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?
Song: Wetsuit
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Jordan feels sorry for you and says as much on multiple occasions. It's the worst feeling to have someone pity you, like your life is so sad, it's something worthy of condolence. He doesn't let you stop though. Never lets you down, never lets you think about her.

When you wake up at three in the afternoon on a mattress in his living room, he lights your first cigarette. A true friend. "The show's at 8 tonight. Can you play?"

"I don't know," you reply, trying to sit up.

Ronnie, or Reggie, or whatever the bassist's name is ran off to California with some girl he met at a show. You agreed to temp until they found someone, but now you're regretting it. The music isn't difficult. Quick, fast, punk. Repetitive, over and over for 2 minutes multiplied by ten and you're done. The venue is a tiny dive, no one will even be paying attention to the opening, opening band. Still, "I'll have to get right wasted."

"That's the spirit!" he says, patting your shoulder.

The lead singer is the only one who takes the band seriously, and he's pretty over the top with it, talking about a practice right away to make sure you can 'handle' the shitty music. "I want to sound like The Vaccines, Charlie. Can you play like Árni Árnason?"

"I can play like Peter Denton," you say, just to fuck with him.

"What about like Nick O'Malley?"

"I dunno, can you sing like Alex Turner?"

"We're fucked," he says, decidedly. "Jordan, this kid can't play for shit."

Jordan turns on one foot and heads toward the back bedroom. You follow on his heels. "I don't like this guy." He ignores you and continues through the bedroom door. "Jordan, I can't play with this guy. I don't like him."

He starts rummaging through the top drawer of his desk.

"He's a douche bag. How do you even play with him? I really don't like him."

He turns then, holding a small baggie over your head, taunting. "I've got something that will make you like everyone, Charlie."

Does he ever.

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Put a wetsuit on, come on, come on
Grow your hair out long, come on, come on
Put a t-shirt on
Do me wrong, do me wrong, do me wrong

February 4, 2015 at 7:12pm
February 4, 2015 at 7:12pm
30DBC: Scientists discover a new material that can ...

If this prompt doesn't float your boat, write about - What does.
OR... spend your time smack talking your opposing team.
OR... All of the above.

BLOG CITY: "When life offers you a dream so far beyond your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." Bella Do you agree or disagree?

WTMR: Tell us about something or someone that made you happy recently.

30DBC: I wish scientists would discover a new material that allowed Fivesixer and I to redeem ourselves against Elle - on hiatus and Lyn's a Witchy Woman. According to Norb, they have created this material and it's called, Julie D - PUBLISHED!. I guess we'll see. *Smirk*

I mean, that basically answers all parts of the prompt, right? *Laugh* Seriously though, we have an awesome team and the other team is full of awesome people too. I'm the worst shit talker, I swear. Someone else is going to have to do that part for me, because all I can do is talk about how cool everyone is. God figure.

BLOG CITY: Is this a Twilight quote? *Shock* Um, I dunno. I don't really agree with this one, only because I think it's always okay to grieve when you lose something. Even if something super crazy great happens, it's still sad or upsetting when it's over, and I think it's perfectly fine to feel sad about it.

Say you're dating someone and they make you happy beyond your wildest dreams, are you not supposed to grieve when you break up? Surely it would be human nature to do so. I think I see what the quote is saying. You know, basically, be grateful what you've got while you've got it and when you look back at it, still appreciate it instead of getting down about losing it.

In theory, it sounds great. In practice, it's next to impossible.

WTMR: I feel like I answer a lot of prompts about what's made me happy lately, and I'm totally cool with that because it makes me think about different things to appreciate in my life. There's always something to be grateful for, even when you're pretty sure that everything is a horrible trainwreck. My moods fluctuate wildly, so one night I could be so depressed I can't even force myself out of bed and the next I'll be up and about like nothing ever happened.

Those who know me well don't even get too concerned at this point when I seem like I'm down and out because they know I'll pull myself out of it at some point, usually sooner rather than later. I have a lot of people around me who are willing to be comforting when I am going through some shit, and that makes me happy pretty much all the time because I know a lot of people don't have that kind of support system.

Most recently, I took my first math test today. It only took my prof like an hour and a half to put the grades online and I got 100% on it. That makes me super happy for two reasons. First being that getting a hundred percent is always awesome. The second though, and probably most important, is that I feel like I understood the material so I'll be set moving forward. Math is one of those things you can't get behind on because you're totally screwed if you do. If there is some major concept you don't "get", it's going to come back to haunt you again and again. The idea doesn't just go away the way it will with other courses. It's built on top of what you already know, so if you don't know it, you're just going to have layers and layers of 'what the fuck is going on?' So, yeah, that made me happy today.
February 4, 2015 at 1:43am
February 4, 2015 at 1:43am
Artist: Death Cab For Cutie
Album: Transatlanticism
Song: Expo '86
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"I'm sorry your dad hates you," Noah says, lolling his head back and forth as though trying to stay awake, he grips the steering wheel tighter.

It's always a passenger seat, always a different driver, always a different vehicle. It's always okay. "It's okay."

"Nah, I mean, I really thought things would be different after you moved, you know? I was hoping things would work out for you."

"I know you were."

The truck moves in silence, like a snake, cutting down the center of the road. Think about silence. The country is so silent compared to the city. How did you keep your sanity? Laugh at the thought. Did you keep your sanity?

"Everyone misses you, you know? Hannah, Danny..."


He clears his throat. "Uh, we don't hang out anymore."

He stares straight ahead, so you let it go. Do you even really care?

"So, it was a full on fight? Like, with fists?"

You look down at the blood on your white t-shirt, lit up by the moon. "He hit me first."

Noah shakes his head. "That's your dad, man, you can't do that."

"He hit me first," you repeat. Hear your mother shrieking in your mind. Feel your brother's hands around your arms. See the red, sputtering face.

Another two miles of complete silence. How many times have the two of you driven this same road, with the same tense mood?

"Right, and I'm just saying that you should have walked away before things got out of hand. You could've called me earlier. You know I would've driven over right away. You know I-"

"Why don't you fuck off?" you interrupt.

Feel him staring at you as you look out the passenger window, waiting for you to acknowledge what you've just said.

No dice.

"Well, fuck me for trying to help you. Fuck me for dropping my plans and driving to come rescue you from your dad for the hundredth time. How about a thank you?"

He waits.

"No response?"

After a minute or two, he slaps the stereo on and you're greeted by the music, too soft for the mood. Sometimes I think this cycle never ends. The lyrics bite at your mind as the truck barrels down the road, headed for the only place that's ever felt like a real home. You can see it now, with its flimsy door and ash-filled carpets. You can see the broken coffee table and all of them waiting around, their whole lives just waiting around. Waiting for things to get better, or worse, anything but stay the same for a moment longer. And in the center of them all, you see him, patiently waiting along with the rest.

"I am thankful though.."

He responds by turning the volume up.

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Sometimes I think this cycle never ends
We slide from top to bottom then we turn and climb again
And it seems by the time that I have figured what it's worth
The squeaking of our skin against the steel has gotten worse
February 3, 2015 at 1:29pm
February 3, 2015 at 1:29pm
30DBC: I have a muse, I never asked for one or wanted one, but then one day my muse showed up and has been hanging around here ever since. My muse is Andre the Blog Monkey, who most of you know. Do you have a muse? Tell us about your muse. How does he/she/it help you write and create? If you don't have a muse, try and generate one. You may need your muse to help you out down the road in this competition.

BLOG CITY: Why does a mind wander from the task at hand? Does your mind wander at times? How do you re-focus?

WTMR: What are you most looking forward to in 2015?

30DBC: I don't really have a muse per say, or well, I guess I used to not have a muse. I've never really been into having a separate entity for my muse though. I had never even heard of having a muse with a different name and image until I started writing here at WDC. I always thought a muse was just a source of inspiration of any sort.

But then I started doing the Muse Masters Workshop and Mandy made us all personalized muses. So, I guess I have that. Here she is:

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I call her my forest nymph because I'm a deviant. I haven't really worked much with her. I've only written a couple things for the Workshop, actually, which reminds me that I'm probably way behind. Pippa, you're a terrible muse! Keep me up-to-date on what needs to be done! Don't worry, if I need her down the road, she'll be there, frolicking through the forest...

BLOG CITY: I think my mind wanders when I'm not truly interested in the task at hand. The more I don't care about something, the less I actually get done with it. That's why my job is so difficult for me. The actual stuff that needs to get done is annoying and I don't enjoy it at all, so I find myself multitasking instead of just focusing on the one thing that does need to be completed.

My main method of focusing is based on a reward system. I mentioned this the other day in my blog, but basically, "If I get this done by eight o'clock, I can go hang out with my friends." Or "If I get this done today, I can have all day tomorrow to write or do whatever I want." If something is especially difficult to focus on, I'll just sit and force myself to do it until it's done. I won't let myself check any other webpages, answer the phone, talk to anyone, etc... until it's completed. Tough love sometimes works.

WTMR: I think at the beginning of the year, I answered a similar prompt, but I'll try it again a month in and see how it goes. *Thumbsup* This year I'm most looking forward to learning how to balance school, work, and my general life. I'd say I'm at about a 60/30/10 balance right now, which isn't great. School is taking up most of my time and getting most of my attention. I really need to get the balance to about 40/40/20. I'm not making as much at work now just because I'm not taking on as many projects. I think I had about a 15% pay cut in January because I just couldn't maintain working that much and doing schoolwork that much. I'm hoping that after my first semester, I'll learn how to balance everything much better. I think it's just a learning curve.

On top of that, I'm looking forward to working on relationships with the people in my life this year. I'm feeling good and more sober now than I have been in many years. I know that everything is a slippery slope for me, so I have to be really careful who I'm around and what I'm doing, but I'm proud of the lengths I've gone to straighten myself out. I have a good feeling about this year, and this has to be the first year in a long time I've truly felt that way.
February 3, 2015 at 11:30am
February 3, 2015 at 11:30am
Artist: Black Lips
Album: Good Bad Not Evil
Song: Bad Kids
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The floor shakes beneath the weight of jumping, sweaty bodies. The guitarist spits into the crowd, narrowly missing the heads of screaming fans. Duck out of the crowd, stumbling toward the bartender. The girls are standing in the back, near the door, ready to make an escape, you assume. This band is the real deal. Briefly wonder why they're all wearing a variety of stripes.

Chug your cheap beer and toss the cup into the air, the few remaining drops splashing out onto front center as you push your way back in. Find Isaac by the cloud of smoke and take a hit on the quick while he pogos off your shoulders. Someone jumps off an amp and falls into the crowd, kicking you and several others in the head. Think the lyrics couldn't be more true, for you specifically.

The aftershow is an all-night diner with tired waitresses who have to shout over your ringing ears. Kira and Erin sip coffee and talk about some spoken word thing they're going to the following night. When they leave together for the bathroom, Isaac wastes no time. "We have to get rid of her."

"Which one?" you ask, fearful of the answer.

He looks at you like you've grown an extra head. "Erin."


"I think I have an STD." He shifts uncomfortably on the hard plastic of the cheap booth.

"Like what, like herpes?"

"I don't know. It burns when I piss and when I squeeze it... Come to the bathroom, maybe you'll know what it is."

"What? No, dude, fuck that."

The stress is etched into his face and you're surprised you didn't notice it before. A long minute passes where he looks like a wounded puppy before you start feeling guilty. "Well, hey, man, just go to the free clinic tomorrow. I'm sure it's just like syphilis or something."

Terror strikes his face. "What? Seriously? Didn't Van Gogh cut his ear off because syphilis drove him mad?"

"I- uh, I'm not sure."

"Didn't Beethoven go deaf because of syphilis? Holy fuck, dude, I'm dying."

You see the girls heading back laughing with their arms interlocked as the look at something on Kira's phone. The symptoms obviously haven't hit Erin yet, she seems happy as can be. You turn back to your terrified friend. "You're gonna be fine, man. They have like instant cures for that sort of thing now."

He doesn't appear to relax at all.

"Actually, I think I had that wrong. I don't think it's syphilis."

"Then what?"

You tear tiny shreds off your straw wrapper and bounce your leg nervously as the girls get closer, stopping to take a picture together in the middle of the desolate, fluorescent-lit restaurant. "Uh, I think gonorrhea. Quick fix, just a round of antibiotics. No biggie."

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Kira asks, sliding in next to you. The brush of her leg against yours doesn't go unnoticed.

"We need to go. Charlie has this thing in the morning," Isaac says, sounding nervous.

Kira turns to you with her eyes lit up. "Oh really? What kind of thing? Something fun?"

You glare at Isaac. "Yeah, I have an interview.."

"Pshh, you're going to try to get a job?" Erin scoffs. "You know most places drug test nowadays."

"Well, I think it's a good thing he's trying to get a job," Kira comes to your defense right away. "It's just too bad; I wanted to make this an all-nighter."

You raise an eyebrow at Isaac and telepathically let him know that he owes you.

Damn, cockblocked by syphilgonachlamydiaids.

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Well you gotta understand
We only do these things because all we are is
Bad kids
All my friends are bad kids
Product of no dad kids.

February 2, 2015 at 12:15pm
February 2, 2015 at 12:15pm
30DBC: Do They Know it's Groundhog Day? Does your part of the world have such a weather related tradition? Are there any weather related traditions (actual or completely bogus) you observe? Tell us about the weather conditions in your part of the world.

BCOF: What does a groundhog think about Groundhog Day? Write a story, poem, or rant. Have fun and be creative.

WTMR: What's your favourite thing you've written? Share it with us. Why do you like it so much?

Right-o, bloggers. Let's do this. I'm combining 30DBC and BCOF today. I'm assuming that groundhogs don't know about Groundhog day because they're rodents. They are kinda cute though. I'm not surprised he saw his shadow, predicting 6 more weeks of winter. It has snowed like a foot and a half here in the last couple days. I mean, it's pretty much epic at this point. *Laugh* I'm so ready for Spring.

I'm confused about the Groundhog Day thing anyway. So basically, doesn't it just depend on whether or not it's sunny on February 2nd at the time they do the groundhog thing? I mean, if it's sunny enough, they'll see their shadow. If it's super overcast, they probably won't. I don't really see how that predicts the remaining length of winter. It's the beginning of February. I live in the Midwest. I can guarantee you there's six more weeks of winter pretty much every year at this point. I dunno, I just don't get it. There has to be something more to it.

I don't have any weather-related beliefs at all. The weather isn't something I think about very often. I assume that in winter, it's gonna snow. In spring, it might storm. And in summer, it's probably gonna get hot. I just don't worry about it. *Bigsmile*

Let's see, WTMR, favourite thing I've written? You mean other than my blog? I don't know what my favourite thing is that I've written ever. I have a lot of poetry and stories tucked away in journals and whatnot. Let me see... This is probably my favourite poem that I wrote last year:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2015543 by Not Available.

I don't know why I like this one so much. I'm just attached to my memories and I like bringing them to life. This one was really fun to write too. It started out as sort of a rambling dialogue and then I worked on making it into a poem later. I liked both the short story and the poem, but it's easier for me to share poetry than it is short stories, for whatever reason. The formatting for this one was a lot of fun too. It's kind of in a style that I like to read too, so it's a good one for me. *Smile*

This is so weird, like promoting my own stuff. It seems kind of narcissistic. *Laugh* I will share one more that I feel other people seemed to like from last year

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2002163 by Not Available.

This one seemed to get a lot of positive reviews when I posted it. It was a fun one because I now have a memory attached to it. Like I mentioned before, I'm very into reminiscing and attaching memories to things like music, books, or my own writing. I think this is the poem I've written the fastest, probably ever. I was sitting out on my balcony, watching a storm roll in, and just writing. It really just spilled out and felt like a natural process. Damn, I need to write more poetry!

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