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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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July 25, 2014 at 12:28pm
July 25, 2014 at 12:28pm
Artist: Hole
Album: Live Through This
Song: Credit In The Straight World
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July 25, 2014 Prompt: We blog everyday with each other, read other's thoughts and form this visual images in our mind...like I really thought Charlie would be blonde.
Tell us what images you have formed. Yes, what image do you have in your mind. Please try to not to be hurtful but give us an inkling....

Oh, this is a toughie. It's hard when you're writing with people because I think of them more in terms of their writing style rather than how they might look. But, certain people I am curious about, if that makes sense. I'm gonna go for it anyway, and no one get offended cause I love you, okay?

Let's start with the ones who we've already seen through pictures, because they don't count. I already know what they look like, so I can't form any other image of them in my head. So, that would be Lyn's a Witchy Woman , Fivesixer , Prosperous Snow celebrating , Future Mrs. B , BillieGail memory of Cheyenne , groovygirl, The Run-on King PDG Member , Carol St.Ann , very thankful , and Quick-Quill . I think that's everyone that we've already seen. So let's do the rest. I just realized that a lot of people have shared a photo with us.

Janine I feel like Janine would have darker hair and maybe curly or wavy. If I were to guess, I'd say she's on the shorter side.

đź’™ Carly Carly just seems so positive and caring, so I picture her as the "motherly" type. I don't know if anyone knows what I mean. But I bet she's really put together and approachable.

Lavender I'm not sure about Andi. I think she might have long brown hair that's straight. I picture her as being thin just because it seems like she's always running around taking care of her kids.

Noyoki She's one of the only people I actually picture having blonde hair. Like, if she doesn't have blonde hair, maybe she should get it. *Laugh* I never really assume that an adult will have blonde hair because it's pretty rare. But she seems like she would for some reason.

Joy I honestly think of Joy like I think of my grandma. I hope she adopts me someday. *Pthb*. So I'll just assume she looks like my grandma and had short black hair and an average to slender frame.

inky14dinky Henny Penny describes herself as a rambling old woman, so, that's pretty much how I picture her. *Heart*

Mitchopolis Mitch is the biggest wildcard. Not only have I never seen a picture of him, I've never seen him dicuss in any way what he looks like. He could be the most handsome devil around or he could look like the elephant man. I just have no idea, but I like him anyway.

So, the bottom line is, we already know what a lot of people look like. The rest of us who haven't shared a picture could go any direction, but it is interesting to see what we think each other might look like based on our words alone. I don't care what any of you look like anyway because you've all got beautiful souls.

*Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl*

July 25, 2014 Prompt: We are all bloggers...have you ever wondered what does it take to get a comment? Do you think you get "enough" comments? What constitutes "enough"?

I don't really feel like it's difficult to get comments on your entries. I mean, if you weren't part of any of the groups, it would probably be more difficult to get comments. There isn't a forum for you to just go post your entry each day and have people comment on it. It would be similar to getting reviews for stuff that you write. I think there are some tricks to getting comments and feedback on your posts though.

         *Bulletv* Take interest in other people's blogs. Comment on their entries and join in on the discussion. We all have days when we're just lucky to get our own entry out; we don't have time to read everyone else's and comment on them. But if you blog daily and don't read anyone else's blog, you can't really get upset if no one comments on yours. I'm pretty lenient with this one though because my blog is rated GC, and I know that not everyone is able to read it.

         *Bulletv* Make your entries interesting. Some of the prompts can easily be answered with one sentence. If I want to get a discussion going, I'm going to need to expand on an idea and provide examples or opinions. Sometimes you might say something that people disagree with, but that's all the better for getting responses and seeing things from different points of view. I'm not set in my ways, so I like to see how other people feel about things.

         *Bulletv* The last thing I think helps to get responses on your blog is being on time with entries. I think the more regularly you blog and the more punctual you are, the more comments you'll get. It might not be right, but I think a lot of us move on after a prompt is over. We've already discussed a topic in detail, so if I come around two or three days later and submit an entry for it, it isn't going to be as much of an interest in people's minds. You know, they've already read a lot of entries involving that and now they're focused on the current days prompt. Like I said, it may not be fair, but it is what it is.

That being said, I definitely feel like I get enough comments on my entries. I'm always interested in reading other people's responses to the entries, so I tend to comment a lot. I feel like people appreciate that and they show their appreciation by returning the favor. I have no complaints.

As far as what constitutes "enough" comments, that's going to depend on the person. One or two might be plenty for one person while another is going to want a lot more than that. I don't think we can ever have enough people discussing a topic. I don't really think about the comments that much, I guess. Any day I don't offend is a good day. *Bigsmile*

*Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl* *Starbl*

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July 25, 2014 Prompt: Wardrobe malfunctions: How can this topic not be funny? From nip slips to unexpected wind gusts, share your best/worst wardrobe malfunctions or those you have witnessed.

Oh boy. This is a really funny topic. Do you guys remember the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake "malfunction" at the Superbowl? That was totally on purpose. I'll never be convinced otherwise. That was the most rehearsed thing ever. *Laugh* Article with video and NSFW photo.  

Speaking from personal experience, I have a pretty bad one for this prompt. When I was, like, fourteen or fifteen, I was seeing a therapist after school twice a week. She was kind of hippie-ish and we would sit on couches during our sessions. I didn't lay down on mine like you see in movies, but it was a long couch like that. Hers was this big, fluffy one seater and she would cross her legs in the chair indian style.

I went to an appointment one day at the end of the school year and the air conditioning was broken. The room was extremely stuffy with no air flowing through it and the open window wasn't helping much. So, we're sitting their and I'm rambling about something (poor therapist) when she takes her blazer off. She's wearing a nice silk blouse underneath, but the cut is way deep. Being a fourteen year old boy, I'm already getting distracted, but I keep talking about the matter at hand.

A few minutes later, she shifts up in the chair to sit up straighter and her shirt comes down on the right side, so like, half of her right boob is hanging out of the shirt and I could see her bra. I had no idea if I should say something or just keep talking, so I panicked and started talking really fast. I think I was trying to focus on something else because it was so awkward and I didn't know what to do. I think I even did that mimic thing where I pulled at my collar to try to get her to notice that she was hanging out.

It's so funny because now I would be totally blunt about it like, "Yo, you're fallin' out a bit there." But at the time, I was immature and didn't know you could just let someone know that they were exposing their good stuff. I was afraid she would get mad at me if I pointed it out and call me a perv or something, so I just let it go like that for five minutes or so before she finally pulled it up. I can only imagine that she noticed and kept eye contact while silently freaking out in her head like, "Oh shit, how long have I been half-flashing this kid?" Ah, awkward times.

And I will await your highness
I'm so high I cannot walk
And I will await
You cripple, you take away my time
My peace, my empathy

July 24, 2014 at 11:15am
July 24, 2014 at 11:15am
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Song: The Good Times Are Killing Me
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July 24, 2014 Prompt: Write about the rainbows in your clouds.

There's always a silver lining, even you have to search for it. Here are some of my most recent rainbows in the clouds:

         *Bullet* I haven't had any motivation to work in the last five days, but my procrastination aligned with the owner having a week off to catch us up on things.

         *Bullet* Having trouble writing, but managed to write and submit a poem yesterday- "Invalid Item

         *Bullet* Caught my flannel on a fence and ripped the sleeve, came home to find Kira had bought me two more on sale at the mall.

         *Bullet* Got in a fight with a friend on Monday, he called yesterday to see if I'd come to his party Friday.

         *Bullet* Forgot another friend's birthday, she told me her phone was broke and she didn't get a message if I sent her one.

         *Bullet* Missed a concert, band's coming back in September.

I'm sure there are more that I can't think of right now, but those are this week's so far. Doors close and others open.


July 24, 2014 Prompt: In Aesop's fable about the crow and the pitcher, a thirsty bird happens upon a vessel of water, but when he tries to drink from it, he finds the water level out of his reach. Not strong enough to knock over the pitcher, the bird drops pebbles into it -- one at a time -- until the water level rises enough for him to drink his fill. What do you think can a crow actually do this or is it really a fable? Let's hear what your theory is...

Yes, absolutely. Crows are extremely intelligent birds. They're good at problem solving. There's actually an article and video   of birds performing the Aesop's Fable test. It states that crows can solve some puzzles as well as five to seven-year-old children.

I think sometimes animals are underestimated in their intelligence. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for a crow to do something like that. It's funny because if you tell someone that doesn't like animals something that your pet did, they're kinda like riiiight. I'm like, no, really! My cats conspire together using their abilities to get into trouble all the time. The one that can jump the highest will knock something off the refrigerator to the one that has no jump at all. Then it'll get passed off to the one that likes to open cabinets and hide things. I've seen them doing it right in front of my face like a bunch of assholes.


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July 24, 2014 Prompt: Are Bloggers Better Than US Spies?

The link  that inspired.

Let's see if I can break this down:

The Concern: I think in the internet age, we have to be careful with our investigative tools online. I remember when the Boston Marathon Bombing happened and Reddit blamed some random guy for it because they were just certain that it had to be that guy. It's dangerous to randomly accuse someone of doing something that horrific based off of a series of photos you saw from an event you took no part in. It's easy for internet warriors to sit behind their keyboards and say, "Ah, it must have been that guy with the backpack! Everyone find this guy!" That isn't how our justice system works in the first place, but you put people's lives in danger when you accuse them of doing something like that with no evidence.

It concerns me when I see random people playing detective because I think we just need to be careful about who we're accusing of what. How much would it suck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and suddenly have a bunch of internet vigilantes accusing you of committing some horrible crime? I understand where they're coming from, but I think it's something that has a very thin line. It's such a thin line between, "I'm doing a little investigating myself" and "Oh, look! We got the guy. Someone go get him!"

The Poker Strategy: The next thing is, who are we to say what the U.S. spies knew at the time? It isn't their job to take to the blogging world to tell everyone every step of their process. They have a job to do and that job isn't to go on social media or the internet every few minutes to let citizens know what they're finding during a situation of crisis.

There are a lot of times when we aren't told everything behind an investigation up front and there are several reasons for that. For one thing, in order for them to tell us what is going on, they have to tell the entire world what they know, including possible enemies or people who want to cause more harm. Part of their job is to be covert; they aren't supposed to show all their cards right away.

The Bottom Line: The bottom line is that we need to be cautious when pretending to be reporters. We all have a responsibility to not cause defamation or get overly involved in something we have no part in. I'm not saying that it's bad if people want to do their own research into something, so don't confuse what I'm saying with that. If someone, or a group of people, have the means to figure these things out, that's cool. But don't just assume that the guys who are being paid to do the job are fumbling around with their heads up their asses trying to figure out what's going on.

If you want to be a journalist or a spy or whatever, go do it. Don't sit on your computer accusing people of not knowing what they're doing. That would be like if I studied medical practice on the internet, then went around calling out doctors and claiming they don't know what they're doing. Could it be true? Absolutely. There are definitely people who hold jobs in every profession that don't know what they're doing. But without evidence to support that claim, I'm a, say it with me, douche nozzle.

Got dirt, got air, got water and I know you can carry on
Shrug off shortsighted false excitement
And oh what can I say?
Have one, have twenty more "one mores" and oh it does not relent

July 23, 2014 at 2:29pm
July 23, 2014 at 2:29pm
Artist: Conor Oberst
Album: Conor Oberst
Song: Cape Canaveral
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I'm having a lot of trouble writing today, which isn't common for me, especially when it's just a blog entry. It's like I keep starting but everything seems like shit, so I go back and delete it. According to yesterday's 30DBC prompt, I should be able to go shoot up and spit out magic. *Rolleyes* *Laugh* I've gotta give Lyn's a Witchy Woman props for the controversial topic though. It seemed like everyone had different thoughts on it, so that was cool. I'm still stalling on doing the actually prompt. I don't know why, it shouldn't be that difficult.

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July 23, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever had a red carpet moment? Not like an actor but a Wedding, Prom or something that made you feel important or special? I would love to hear about it.

I think this is totally different for guys than it is for girls. I was at my wedding, but it didn't feel like a red carpet event for me. The girls go and get their hair and makeup done. They pick out nice dresses and jewelry or whatever. Guys just get suited for the tux and we're good to go. I did all of that stuff at the last minute. It was no big deal.

I don't mind that though because I don't like to be the center of attention anyway. I'd leave that job to Kira any day. She's the photogenic type and she loves to get pictures taken and do all that. I didn't go to proms or dances of any sort in school. I was always trying to stay away from school. There's no way you could get me there after hours.

There's so much that goes into a girl getting ready for something like prom or especially a wedding. I think it would be hard not to feel like all eyes are on you, because they kind of are. I've never personally felt that way and I'm cool with that.


July 23, 2014 Prompt: It's Wacky Wednesday . According to the Marriam-Webster online dictionary wacky refers to something "amusing and very strange" or "absurdly or amusingly eccentric or irrational". Write something wacky.

Something wacky.

Just kidding, I'll think of something.

This is the wacky story of the time
I made my manager cry because
I convinced him I was dying.

It started out innocent enough,
I really was sick at the time.
I was bored at work though.

So when he asked if I was sick,
I said, “Why yes, I am. The doctor
said I might not make it.”

The look of shock on his face
made me laugh so hard. I said,
“Dude, I’m kidding. I have a cold.”

But the damage was already done.
He shook his head in disbelief
and I saw tears come to his eyes.

“I’m sorry, did you believe me?”
He crossed his arms and spat,
“I can’t believe you said that!”

I tried to tell him it was only a joke,
but he stomped away saying I
wasn’t funny and not to do that.

An hour later my co-worker, Jen,
came up to me and sighed,
“What’s wrong with you, Charlie?”

I spent the rest of the day
trying to apologize for this
stupid joke about dying of a cold.


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July 23, 2014 Prompt: What huge gathering you had reluctantly attended?
How were you motivated to attend? Did you enjoy it? How was it?

This is kind of weird, but I do this a lot when I go to concerts now. I buy the tickets and I want to go, but when the time comes up, I get reluctant to do it. I'll only go see certain shows anymore and only if I really want to see the band. I don't know if Fivesixer can relate to this, but I think the concert scene kinda sucks right now. It either sucks or I'm getting old at twenty-two.

I used to go to shows and everyone would just be chilling out, bouncing up and down to the music and hanging out. It wasn't a big deal, we used to go to every show we could, even if we didn't know or specifically like the band. Lately when I go, it seems like I'm always stuck behind the assholes that hold their phones or iPads in front of my face while I'm trying to watch the band. We'll move to a different spot and someone else just comes up and does the same thing.

I saw the Arctic Monkeys a little while ago and they were amazing. They sound the same live as they do on record. But it was the same thing there with people holding their phones out the whole time. They aren't even watching the show. There were people turned with their back to the band taking "selfies" with the band playing behind them. I'm like, whaaat? It's awkward that you're standing an inch in front of me facing me while the band is playing. Then they turn back around and post the photo to their Facebook or Twitter feed to let people know that they're seeing a band and are super cool.

If it isn't that, it's someone trying to jump on top of people in the middle of the crowd like they're going to be able to crowd surf with at least a foot between everyone. I saw a concert last year and I was off to the right side in the middle. There was a group of guys who had come together and kept trying to get everyone's attention around them. They were screaming in the middle of the songs and kept trying to crowd surf on a bunch of girls who were screaming and getting kicked in the head. It was really pissing us off and we all kept telling them to cut it out. There weren't enough people to crowd surf, but they kept trying it. Then the same guys got in a fight with each other and started punching the bouncer when he tried to break them up.

I don't mind getting pushed into at a show or anything like that, but don't go to the back of the room and start kicking people in the head because you feel like crowd surfing. Go to the front center and get into the actual pit if you want to enjoy the show like that. Let everyone else enjoy it how they want to enjoy it.

I did have a ton of fun at the show though. I always do. I don't let people ruin it for me or anything like that. I usually end up moving around a lot at shows though. If someone is doing something annoying, I just move to another spot, usually closer up until I get somewhere I'm comfortable. I used to always be front and center stage, but I don't usually go up there anymore unless it's a small club show. A lot of times when we go to shows now, we go with a bigger group of people too, and not everyone wants to get up that close. But yeah, I still enjoy going to them. I'm done ranting. *Laugh*

You’ve been a father to me
In 1960’s speak
Give me comatose joy like we’re on TV
While the mountain side was shining
Wild colors of my destiny

July 22, 2014 at 4:26pm
July 22, 2014 at 4:26pm
Artist: Them Crooked Vultures
Album: Them Crooked Vultures
Song: New Fang
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July 22, 2014 Prompt: Family History - Rip out a page from yours and share some a story or two.

I don't know a whole lot about my family on either side. I don't know when our family came to America or anything like that. I know that my ancestors were from Ireland and Germany mostly, but that's about it. I've never been close to my dad's side of the family and he isn't really either. I think they know more about where our family came from and when they came to the States, but I've never talked to them about it.

My mom's side of the family had less money. Her mom was from Chicago and her dad was from Kentucky. He moved to Chicago for work and they met in a factory. They've been married for fifty years this year. My paternal grandparents were married for fifty-five years this year and then he passed at the beginning of this month. I can't imagine being with someone for so long and losing them. Life would be so empty without them.

I wish I had more to say about my family history. I just don't know that much about it, but it does interest me. Everyone says my dad was like me, or I'm like my dad. He was a real partying type but his DOC was coke. He stopped doing all that when he had kids though. He looked like a member of Metallica though, even when I was a young kid. He had curly hair and it was huge and came down to his waist. There are pictures of us together and he looks like the type of dude you'd be afraid to have your kids around, but of course he was just any old dad to me.

Both sides of my family come from hardworking backgrounds, but my dad's parents had quite a bit of money. My parents have a lot more than my maternal grandparents ever had. They lived in Oak Park in Chicago when they were first married in an apartment on the corner of the street above a drugstore. A couple years ago, I went on Google Maps and I showed her the street view of her old apartment. She thought it was just about the coolest thing ever, so see it still there be rented out as an apartment. It was fully furnished and sixty-five dollars a month when they lived there. I went and found it for rent on Craigslist for almost twelve hundred a month now, she couldn't believe it.

I'm going nowhere with this. I do have stories about my family, but they're fragmented pieces of history. I envy people who know their family history going crazy far back. The furthest back I know is my great grandparents and that's only on my dad's side. My mom's parents both didn't have their dads in their lives. They came from families of ten or eleven kids with just a single mom raising them. They both passed away before I my memories started sticking.


July 22, 2014 Prompt: Write a letter to the personality trait you like least, convincing it to shape up or ship out. Be as threatening, theatrical, or thoroughly charming as is necessary to get the job done.

Dear Unpredictable-Stubborn-Compulsive Traits,

I couldn't pick just one of you to write this letter to today. I want you all to go away and I don't think I can get rid of one of you without getting rid of the other two. You play into each other so much and you're a bad influence on each other, too. I'm not here to ask you to shape up, I'd rather you just leave.

I'll start with you, Compulsive, because you've got to be the worst of the bunch. You know when something gets dangled in front of your face, you don't have to take it, right? I just want to clarify that you're aware of that fact. You see it, you want it, you get it. I got it. I kept thinking you'd go away with age, like you'd just ebb out as the years went by, but you just get worse and worse. I'm almost impressed with how quickly you'll do something you know you're not supposed to do. It's like there's not even a second thought and it's so unpredictable.

Speaking of Unpredictable, hi. I see you there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to make me do something absurd so someone I know needs to have another "talk" with me. Remember the time you made me fly off the handle and disappear for a week? Thanks for that, by the way. I still get shit for it, just so you know.

Don't think you're getting off the hook either, Stubborn. You're the real MVP here. If it weren't for you, the other two wouldn't have a leg to stand on. If you would listen to anything anyone tells you, Compulsive and Unpredictable would be out of here in a heartbeat. You're the head of the snake and it's time to cut you off. Any time you're contradicted, you put a wall up around all the other positive traits and no one likes stubborn walls.

I hope you'll all kindly leave without being stubborn, unpredictable, or compulsive about it. The good traits are convinced you'll all leave with no problem, ever-positive, aren't they? I've told them it isn't going to be as easy as they think, but they're suited up and ready for battle. May the best traits win!

Confusion to our enemies,

Charlie and the Positive Traits


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July 22, 2014 Prompt: Why are athletes on drugs worse than writers on drugs? Athletes that use performance enhancing drugs are condemned while artists who do the same thing are not. Why is that? Does this double standard make sense?

Well, I didn't know there was such a stereotype that stated that writers on drugs were more acceptable than athletes on drugs. I can see where that comes from though. I think the issue here is that the drugs used by athletes improve their physical abilities in competitions. Writers on drugs don't necessarily have a surefire benefit over sober writers. That hasn't been my experience, anyway. Writing on drugs, at least downers, is like having the most crippling form of laziness and apathy possible. There are times when I have an awesome idea for a poem or story in my head, but I'm too out of it to move, so I end up just nodding out and forgetting what the idea was when I wake up. I wouldn't really call that a benefit or a leg up on other writers.

I also want to point out that I feel like sports and writing can barely be compared in terms of competition. Sports are entirely about competition. They aren't about art or creativity; it's just a contest to see who's better at the sport in the end. When someone dopes up and is given basically superhuman strengths and abilities, the fans feel like it's unfair to other players who don't want to use steroids in order to win a title. People like the old natural, healthy way of doing things. Writing on the other hand isn't really a competition. Sure, it's a competitive field if you go into it for a job, but on a day-to-day basis, it's all about a love for the art and the creativity. If I wanna dope up and write a poem in my bedroom, no one can complain about that. No one's paying me or watching me do it. It doesn't make writing any easier anyway.

Then you have to factor in that athletes are looked up to as idols, both by children and adults. Kids grow up watching sports and they view sports stars like superheroes. It might suck to find out that the whole time they were using performance enhancing drugs because a lot of people see that as "cheating" or just not in the spirit of pure sport. I don't watch sports and I don't know a lot of people who do, but I think there's some kind of moral code where the best man is supposed to win, not the one willing to use the most steroids. You guys know my moral compass is a little lopsided, so I'm not judging anyone. I will say though that there is no comparative drug in terms of enhancing your writing skills the way steroids enhance physical strength and ability.

I guess I'd say that the two don't correlate much from my perspective. I can't even properly respond to the prompt because I don't think there is a double standard there, so I can't say why there's the existence of something that I don't even believe exists. I will say that I think we should have a roided out Olympics where all the participants are a bunch of juicers. We could call it the Ultra Olympics and I'd watch the shit out of it.

Sometimes you break a finger on the upper hand
I think you've got me confused for a better man

July 21, 2014 at 12:00pm
July 21, 2014 at 12:00pm
Artist: Our Lady Peace
Album: Clumsy
Song: Clumsy
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July 21, 2014 Prompt: Pick a headline from your local newspaper or favorite on-line news source and share your feelings about it. Be sure to include the headline somewhere in your blog.

Oh, so we're doing this over here now? See, Fivesixer , it all worked out in the end! *Laugh* I think this is the first time I've ever actually known what I want to write about for this topic. I didn't have to pour over terrible news articles to find something I knew enough about to have an opinion on.

I'm going to be very careful here, but I'm going to talk about Conor Oberst's rape accuser admitting she lied  . For those of you who don't know who that is, Conor Oberst  is a musician who founded the band Bright Eyes, which is one of my favorite bands.

Back in December, this woman had left a comment in the comment section of a website claiming that Conor Oberst had raped her ten years ago when she was sixteen. She continued to repeat those accusations on various websites for the next six months. In February, Conor Oberst filed a libel complaint against her. The woman made an official statement that you can read in the news article stating that the allegations she made accusing Conor Oberst of raping her are 100% false. She claims that she made up the lies during a difficult time she was going through because her son is sick, which makes absolutely no sense. "Ah, shit, my son is sick. Better go accuse someone of raping me."

Since the release of her statement on the 14th, Conor Oberst has said,

"I have accepted Joanie Faircloth's apology and retraction to clear my name. This has been extremely difficult and stressful for me personally and for those I love. I'm appreciative of the family, friends, fans and business partners who supported me throughout this and look forward to happier times as we all move forward with our lives."

On Friday, he dropped the libel case against her, which he didn't have to do. He could have dragged her through court and completely owned her, but she does have a sick child and he probably just wants to put it behind him. I'm the type of person that would never want to believe that a woman would lie about something like that. I wouldn't think that someone would put something through that if it never happened. I think it's sad that someone would lie about being raped when someone rapes that actually do happen go unreported. This isn't the first musician I've liked that has been accused of rape only to have it retracted as soon as it got the person's attention.

What I hate about it the most though is that you just never know. You wouldn't think that someone would lie about something so serious, so when they come back and say, "Well, you got me, I lied about the whole thing!" it's like, okay, so were you lying before or are you lying now? It's something that will follow you around, even after the person says that it never happened. I'll close this out with what one of my other favorite musicians, Isaac Brock, had to say about being accused of rape then having the statement withdrawn:

"It's an allegation that was withdrawn, and of course that didn't get any press. It was complete and utter bullshit, and the whole situation was so complicated that it's hard for me to go into lots of detail. At the time, I figured I'd just shut up and give this young lady enough rope to hang herself, you know? It fucked up my life once, and I'd prefer to just let it go. Before this all happened, I never believed that anyone would lie about rape. That was my stance: No one lies about this shit. It really made me have to adjust my entire view of people, politics, and my own personal politics. I used to be like, "Kill rapists!" And all of a sudden I have this false allegation against me. I remember totally writing people off that I'd heard had even been in just awkward sexual situations with girls, like "That guy's a fucking prick, I'll never talk to him again." It was weird being on the receiving end of that. A friend of mine who's actually friends with that girl recently told me that she had totally withdrawn having said anything. I only just found out about that myself in the last six months. I knew that basically everyone, up to and including the police, was like, "This is bullshit." This person changed her story depending on who she was talking to. It was really just this fucked-up, weird thing."

I would hope that people will be more willing to watch what they say in light of actual victims of sexual crimes. If you lie about something like that happening, you're just a terrible human being because it causes more suspicion and questioning of true victims of those crimes. I don't know. What do you guys think?

*Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear*

July 21, 2014 Prompt: It is Blue Monday, Write a story or poem about a Blue Monday. If you don't like the color blue then write a story about Monday being your favorite color.

Well, I don't know, but I like the song by New Order and I like the color blue.

Many Blue Mondays in my time
pave way for Tuesdays of yellow.
Day I was born, third of the week.
Library day was so mellow.

Wednesday, the middle, feels purple
and Thursday will always be green.
Friday danger is mostly black
Saturday's orange, never clean.

That brings us to pure white Sunday,
the day to relax and repent.
Close your eyes to sleep it all off
and hope it was a week well spent.

*Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear* *Gear*

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July 21, 2014 Prompt: I think it is Monday Music Storytellers Day. I feel this particular song is one of the best examples of a modern storytelling song. It is based on a true story. The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot.

The prompt is find another example of a modern storytelling song you think is better and convince me you are right. Please include the link so I can hear it while I read your blog.

I'm going to open this up by saying that there isn't a better storytelling song than "The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot. I'm calling shenanigans on the prompt for that reason. *Smirk*

Because the prompt is already rigged, I'm going to go with a song that I hold close to my heart. I'm trying to think of the best way to explain what the song means to me. I'll start by saying it's probably a super corny song to a lot of people. When I hear it though, it kind of puts a lump in my throat and makes me feel sick. I don't listen to it often for that reason.

The song I'm talking about, which you've all heard, is called "Seasons in the Sun" and it's by Terry Jacks.

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"Goodbye Papa, please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song"

I mean, the song is about dying and saying goodbye to the people in your life, so it makes perfect sense that it's so damn depressing. My connection to it goes slightly further though. The first time I had an overdose was when I was fifteen, which was on a cocktail of benzos and opioids, including but not limited to Vicodin, Klonopin and copious amounts of alcohol. I remember everyone being so disappointed in me when I got home from the hospital. No one talked to me for two weeks. I was laying in my bed and I had the oldies station on and this song played. Honestly, it broke my heart. I felt like such a bad person and it was a really low point. I want to stop talking about this now, but here's the goofy Nirvana version to help with cheer ups.

Maybe you should sleep
Maybe you just need a friend
As clumsy as you've been
There's no one laughing

July 20, 2014 at 9:27am
July 20, 2014 at 9:27am
Artist: Pink Floyd
Album: The Dark Side of the Moon
Song: Time
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July 20, 2014 Prompt:
1. What one blog from your peers really caught your attention this past week. Why? Tell us about it.
2. Plus, I would like you to choose one of your own blog entries this week and tell us why it totally rocks! This is your chance to blow your own horn.
3. Finally, I would like to know which prompt you found the most challenging to respond to in your blog in the past week?

It's time for Sum It Up Sunday. Have I ever mentioned that I hate the part of the week where we have to pick one person's entry that we liked the best? If not, I hate the part of the week where we have to pick one person's entry that we liked the best. Honestly, I think that we all have strong points on different days, and that's what makes our community so fun. If I were to go through and pick a favorite entry for each prompt, I'd probably have different people for every day because I think the prompts speak to us in different ways. Some days I see a prompt that I don't even know what to do with, but I see someone else that handled it like a complete champ.

I'm not going to complain though, I swear! I was just pointing out that I don't really have a favorite entry each week. I have several different favorite entries for different prompts from the week. But, without further ado, I'm going to go with Noyoki 's entry, "Invalid Entry. It's yesterday's entry in response to the 26 letters of the alphabet prompt.

Full disclosure, I had twenty minutes total to write yesterday's entry for three different groups. I'm happy we weren't doing double prompt day in Blog City. *Laugh* I was on the move yesterday, so I had to squeeze it in somewhere. But, honestly, if I had a week, I couldn't have responded better than her entry was yesterday. Not only did she write a poem using the entire alphabet, she also wrote a story using every letter of the alphabet. The best part? She didn't just randomly throw the word "zebras" into the end of her response because she forgot the letter 'Z' while she was writing. Good job, Noyoki !

Now I have to pick one of my own favorites, which is much easier for me. I think we are our own harshest critic, so it's easy for me to look at my entries and say, "I could have done better with that." I think my best entry from this week was "Invalid Entry. It's the entry I'm the most proud of anyway. When I read the prompt, there was only one thing that came to mind. I had to dig deeper to think of something else, which I think is good for us. Sometimes we need to think about prompts a little more in depth before jumping to the first response that pops into our head.

I'm happy I did that because I got to talk a little about my past and describe a bad situation that I've learned and grown from. I love when I can get into someone's mind and hear about an experience that has changed or shaped their life in some way. It's like getting a glimpse into the person's soul. By the same token, I like when roles are reversed and I've shared something a little bit personal about my past. I feel like the things that are more difficult to share are sometimes the best things to share. Of course, there's always a balance to everything, but I'm pretty down with that entry this week.

Surprisingly, that wasn't the hardest entry for me this week though. The hardest one for me was the Confucius prompt. I'm so bad with the life phrases and sayings. Not only can I never understand what it means, but when I do try to figure out, my ideas are always outlandish and just downright silly. *Laugh* It's like what they're saying is fairly simple and obvious, but I for some reason, look way too far into it. It's like it couldn't possibly be so simple, so I have to make up some huge, deep meaning behind it. I have no idea. *Rolleyes*

By the way, this entry is so early because my cats woke me up at six o'clock in the morning. I'm not a very happy camper, considering the fact that I just went to bed at three. I couldn't get back to sleep though, so here I am. At least I managed to get a couple things done that I fell behind on yesterday. I hope you've all had a good weekend. *Smile*

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

July 19, 2014 at 5:26pm
July 19, 2014 at 5:26pm
Artist: Local H
Album: Pack Up The Cats
Song: All The Kids Are Right
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July 19, 2014 Prompt: How do you feel about genetically modified food? Should companies be made to label their food if it contains genetically modified ingredients?

Absolutely! We have a right to know what we're putting in our bodies, so if food contains GMOs, the consumer should know about it. If people still choose to eat those foods, that's their choice, of course. So many of our foods do use GMOs that I think we'd be shocked if they actually had to label them as such. I know that in some countries they do have to label them and I think America will follow at some point. The movement to get those labels added seems to be gaining speed, so I think we'll see it happen sooner rather than later.

As far as how I feel about genetically modified food, well, I don't like it. I think it's gross and most likely very unhealthy. I think that corporations will go about things in the cheapest way they can because all anyone cares about is money. It's funny when you think about it. The world all just boils down to money. It's such a strong influencer! Here's a link   with reasons we should be avoiding GMOs.

*Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper*

July 19, 2014 Prompt: How much does the clutter that fills our closets describe us?

I don't think our closet clutter describes us at all. I've lived in a lot of different places with varying space, so some look more cluttered than others. My current closet is pretty large, but because the apartment itself is smaller, my closet here looks more cluttered. I have things on every shelf because I have no where else to put them. In the last place I stayed in, the closet wasn't that big, but there was an entire extra room with a closet that stored a lot of our stuff, plus a garage.

I've heard that before though. Something like, "The amount of clutter in your closet shows the amount of clutter in your life". I think that's just one of those generalized sayings. I think it would depend on how clean you are anyway. Some people are meticulous about placement and cleanliness, so their closet wouldn't look cluttered. Mine doesn't even looked cluttered now because everything has its place on the shelves. When I think of cluttered, I think of stuff just strewn about everywhere, which would drive me crazy. *Laugh*

*Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper* *Coincopper*

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July 19, 2014 Prompt: The English Alphabet has 26 letters...therefore using all 26 letters write a poem that describes you. If you would rather write a short story, describing yourself to us then highlight each word which begins with that letter. Let's see what ya got. *Smile*

Charlie Abney <Not his real last name, is a super w icked cool guy. He originates from the best state ever, Maine. Sometimes he starts writing about himself using every letter of the alphabet, only to realize that he's only seventeen letters in. WTF. Charlie has a heart so big, you don't even need an x-ray machine to see it. Why did I do this in third person instead of first? Who knows, Charlie is very queer like that sometimes. Zebras.

And it's never good when it goes bad
No one likes to feel like they've been had

July 18, 2014 at 1:01pm
July 18, 2014 at 1:01pm
Artist: Third Eye Blind
Album: Third Eye Blind
Song: Burning Man
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What up, players? I'm competing in the "Invalid Item challenge right now and have no idea what I'm doing. *Laugh* It's the first writing challenge I've done like that on the site where you have 24 hours to write a story or poem every day for ten days.

Here's my book for it:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2000730 by Not Available.

If anyone has time to check it out and leave a quick rating/review, that would be cool. It only has a short story and poem in it right now because we're only two days in. It's definitely a challenge, no doubt.

Also, "Barrel of Monkeys opened today, so you can go sign up for it now if you want to participate. It's going to be a really fun challenge that mixes up music and blogging. I'm pretty stoked for it.

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July 18, 2014 Prompt: What completely silly fad have you fallen victim to?

I'm not sure if this is a regional thing, but in the late nineties, it was all about yo-yoing at my school. Is that how you spell it? I have no squiggly red line on that one, so it must be right. Anyway, it was all about how many yo-yos you had and how good you were at it. You could be the coolest kid ever if you were the master yo-yoer. <Ah, finally got the red line on that one.

We would all get onto the bus and you'd see everyone halfway out in the aisle, just yo-yoing away while they talked to their friends. Our bus driver would get so mad because at least once or twice a day, someone would accidentally drop their yo-yo and it would roll straight to the front of the bus. The kid would start screaming, "My yo-yo! Where did it go? Is it under your seat?" The driver would stop the bus until we found it and then shout, "Hold on to your yo-yos, guys!" He was a nice guy who pretended to be a hardass.

I totally fell victim to this trend. I had so many yo-yos. Butterfly yo-yos, glow-in-the-dark yo-yos, see through yo-yos, wooden yo-yos. I could walk the dog for miles. I could throw it around the world and do the Elevator. I was the coolest little kid when I was seven or eight. I could even do things the older kids couldn't do. Not trying to brag. *Laugh* Such a funny trend because it totally fell off. I can't remember the last time I saw someone with a yo-yo.

July 18, 2014 Prompt: Do you think stress undermines empathic abilities? Is it different for men than women?

I think that it's harder to be empathetic when you're under serious stresses of your own. I mean, if you've just had a death in the family, it's going to be hard to care that someone had car trouble. In a normal situation, you would be more empathetic because you're not dealing with your own, bigger problems.

I'll admit that it is difficult to be empathetic of people's problems when you're going through something that's more serious to you. When I OD'd a little while ago, Kira had called off work and her boss said, "What, are you kidding? I have a date tonight, now I have to cancel? Are you sure you can't come in?" I think it was hard for Kira to feel empathetic to the fact that her boss had prior plans that night because she kept ranting about what a bitch she is.

I don't think gender has much to do with this. I think we're all selfish in that, when we're going through a stressful time, other people's problems fall to the wayside. I think men might be less empathetic to begin with in some situations, or maybe that's just me. I try to be sensitive to people's problems, but when they're complaining nonstop about simple life issues, it's hard to feel bad forever about it. I think it's okay though, because I don't expect people to be empathetic for my situations forever. But when your major problems are that you had a flat tire or someone you just met doesn't like you back, it's hard to accept that you're letting it ruin your entire week or month.

At the same time, I'm not one of those people that believes that other people have it worse than you, so you can't feel bad for yourself. I hate when people say that there are children starving in third world countries and you're upset because your air conditioning went out. I heard somewhere, "If you can't be sad because others have it worse, you can't be happy either because others have it better."

*Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold*

July 18, 2014 Prompt: What is your favorite restaurant?

I don't like to eat out a lot. I think a lot of the food is cooked in old grease and oil. I usually get sick if I eat anything fried from a restaurant. The french fries a lot of times are cooked in the same oil that meat is cooked in. That may be the reason I get sick if I eat them at restaurants, because I don't eat meat.

Usually if I go to a restaurant, I'll settle for something like a salad or the soup of the day. I don't know if you guys have this problem, but when Kira and I go out to eat, it's always an awkward affair. I guess because neither of us eat meat, we always get something that's really simple and quick. They usually bring our food out almost immediately and then drop the check on the table five minutes later. We can't take up a table for over an hour like we do when we're with the whole family. They'll order things like steak and chicken that take half an hour to come out in the first place. When we go alone, we're usually in an out in twenty minutes. It just doesn't seem worth it for food that we could easily make at home for less.

If you ever go to Houston though, you have to eat at this restaurant called Niko Niko's. It's a Greek cafe in Montrose. They have the best pitas you could imagine. It sucks because we couldn't afford to eat there a lot when we lived right nearby. If we lived there now, I'd be going at least once a week. And their fries are amazing, too. They have a ton of seasoning on them and they give you so many, they're falling off the basket. By far my favorite place to eat ever!

*Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold* *Coingold*

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July 18, 2014 Prompt: IF HISTORY repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur! What are you getting? Be humorous, show me your comical side!

If history repeats itself, I'm getting hella rich by inventing everything ever. The wheel, electricity, the internet, phones, airplanes. Don't bother. I've got dibs on all of them. I'll just be sitting up in my coastline mansion on a hill with everyone below me going, "How does he do it?"

I'll release, like, one amazing thing a year every year until I die. You have to stay current. That's an important part of staying rich. Except I'll release everything in a wick-wack order, wheels after electric cars, lightbulbs after internet. We'll be browsing WDC by candlelight. Have you ever seen those goofy infomercials? I'll have everyone screaming, THERE HAS GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY!" Then I'll say, "Well, now that you mention it..."

I'll be both the coolest guy on the block and the biggest douche bag ever. "What? You mean we could have had water inside the house this whole time? *Laugh*

Hold me down, I wanna find out
We say no, cause I live my life like a burning man

July 17, 2014 at 1:55pm
July 17, 2014 at 1:55pm
Artist: Smashing Pumpkins
Album: Gish
Song: Siva
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Welcome to the day of a million prompts. *Laugh* Shall we get started?

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July 17, 2014 Prompt: Prompt 1: Which old fashioned monster do you find the most frightening? Frankenstein, Count Dracula, the Mummy or the Wolfman?

Prompt 2: Which fictional character would you like to be for one day?

I've watched some of the old horror movies and I'm never really afraid of any of them. Even The Exorcist, which I was told would haunt me forever, did nothing for me in the way of horror. With stuff like that, I think you kind of have to take into consideration the time that they were made in, but even then, that doesn't mean you're going to think it's scary. For this one, I'll go with Count Dracula just because I like Bela Lugosi.

Now, as far as a fictional character to be for one day, it would have to be someone who has a lot of fun adventures. My initial thought was the Mad Hatter because he seems to be in a perpetually state of tripping out. I think that would be a lot of fun. But then I changed my mind because I remembered that I totally want to spend a day as Shaggy from Scooby Doo. I want to run around with a bunch of friends and awesome dog, solving silly crimes and pulling people's masks off to reveal the real supernatural creature was actually just an old grumpy guy. How awesome would that be?

July 17, 2014 Prompt 3: What are some things you think will become obsolete within the next ten years? It can be sayings, trends, websites, fads, or anything else you can think of.

I think a lot of the words we use now will be gone in ten years, or at least I hope so. Like, I don't want to hear anyone say YOLO, swag/swagger, I can't even, turn/turnt up, twerking, cray, kush, selfie, ratchet, etc... No, please make it stop! You sound like a dumbass. I also hope people aren't still using autotune in every top 40 hit ten years from now.

More than anything though, I get really annoyed by people in my age group. I'll tell you why and maybe you'll relate or maybe you won't. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, I had long purple hair and wore almost all black. I was twelve. When I dressed like that, I listened to bands like Bauhaus, Sister of Mercy, Christian Death. It was not cool at all, people didn't like it. If you dressed like that and listened to that kind of music, you got picked on a little bit.

Now, I'm twenty-two years old. I dress fairly normal. Just band tee shirts and jeans mostly. All of a sudden, the preppy kids I went to school with all have pink or blue hair, wear "alternative" clothing, and have piercings/tattoos all over the place. Now that's the "cool" thing when those same people picked on kids who were ten years younger than they are now who dressed like that. What I dislike the most about it is that they all listen to rap, electronic, or dubstep music. They don't have a rock bone in their body, but they stole the style of it and walk around acting like cheerleaders and jocks did when I was in school. It's even worse now because they're hanging out at drug houses obnoxiously grabbing my shoulders and shouting things like, "SON! We about to get turnt up!" No, I'm about to go home and nod out listening to Pink Floyd.

It makes my head hurt and I really hope it goes out of style soon. Leave the goth/punk look for the thirteen year olds that actually like that kind of music.

*Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver*

July 17, 2014 Prompt: People spend a lot of time on their hair. Does your hair color or style say anything about you?

Well, this kind of goes with my above response. Your style absolutely says something about you, whether you think it should or not. Anyone who says they don't judge people on the way they dress is a liar. If a person of any race comes toward you with their pants around their ankles, in a wife beater with a bandana wrapped around the lower part of their face, you're gonna get on edge. If you don't get on edge in that situation, you're ignorant on that topic, because I'm out on the street a lot and I'm telling you that you need to watch out for people like that. I've been robbed, jumped, threatened, by random people on the street and they are always people who are dressed like that.

That doesn't mean that someone who's wearing a button up and jeans can't do the same thing. It doesn't mean that every person wearing a suit or dress is a good person. It means that if you're outwardly portraying a certain lifestyle, there's a reason for it. I have friends who dress like they've seen some shit and they aren't people you want to run into, that's all I'll say on the subject.

Now, back on the original topic, I don't think hair color will necessarily say something about you. If you see someone with bright hair that looks like a flamingo and isn't dull in color, you can go ahead and assume they're paying a hundred and fifty to two hundred bucks every six weeks to get their hair to look that way. There may have been a time where people with piercings, tattoos, and crazy hair meant something. But all it means at this point is that they have money and they're basically the popular kids from high school all "grown up". It doesn't mean anything. It's a trending fashion statement and nothing more.

*Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver*

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July 17, 2014 Prompt: Do women talk more than men? There is a new science study on this topic, what do you think? Don't be shy, say it like it is.

Well, in case I haven't already offended anyone with this entry, let's do it with this prompt! I've been given the license to be honest, so let's do this. First, I want to say that you shouldn't generalize a whole group of people. That goes for my earlier responses as well. There are people that dress a certain way and don't necessarily follow the stereotypes that go along with it. At the same time, I think most stereotypes exist for a reason. Where is that prompt about controversial opinions? *Laugh* But honestly, I fall into a lot of groups that have negative stereotypes and I know that there is a reason for those stereotypes, even if I feel like I don't follow them.

Typically, the women I meet talk more than men. But, I don't really see that as a bad thing. I mean, it can be a bad thing, but it's not a bad thing usually. I like to listen to people talk about themselves and how they feel about various things. That's why I like doing the prompt blogging, not because I want to get my opinion out there, but because I want to hear other people's opinions and the experiences that go into those opinions. Most of the time, how people feel will make sense with the things that they've been through, and I think that's really interesting.

I think women tend to feel more comfortable being outwardly emotional, whereas men often feel they have to keep those things inside to maintain a certain image or just way of being. It's not that men are less sensitive, it's that it isn't as socially acceptable for men to show certain emotions. I think they get used to portraying themselves a certain way because they've just always done it. That being said, if the study showed that women talk more than men on average, it would make sense to me. There's nothing wrong with talking though, so I don't think it's a bad thing to say.

I'm interested in seeing what the women have to say about this prompt. I think different personality types talk more than others, too though. I know guys that will talk your ear off and girls that are overall pretty quiet. I've noticed that most people talk a lot when they're comfortable with you though, whether they're male or female. I'll see what others have to say about it, but I think it just depends.

I spin off and lose my head
Throwing stray a spark instead

July 16, 2014 at 12:58pm
July 16, 2014 at 12:58pm
Artist: Alice In Chains
Album: Dirt
Song: Junkhead
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Heyo! What's up? I'm going to try to do today's prompts without going off on long rants like I have been the last couple days. I went back and looked at the word counts like, "Damn, that's a whole lotta nothin'".

Oh, and thanks, Princess Megan Rose 22 Years for the MB yesterday!

Merit Badge in Astrology
[Click For More Info]

Congrats on your promotion. Way to go. Your Blogging Friend: Megan

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July 16, 2014 Prompt: If you were going to an art museum, would you rather see paintings or sculptures? Do you like older ones or modern ones?

I do go to the art museum sometimes. I'll usually check it out when they change up the exhibits. I'm not one of those people that goes and stands in front of a painting with a glass of wine and uses the word "exquisite" a lot. I don't try to figure out the "deeper meaning" behind the abstract pieces. I went one time and there was a room dedicated to string. Like, the room was the piece of art and there were multi-colored strings hanging from the ceilings at different angles. I swear I walked in and there was a couple in there going, "Well, I say, Martha, I do believe this piece represents the inner struggle of Ugandan child war soldiers." "Mm, quite." *Laugh*

I like both the paintings and sculptures, but I definitely like the paintings more. I like the ones that depict different time periods because it's like a window into the lifestyles and overall mood of that time. I like any that look kind of unique and when you can tell who the artist is right away because of their style. I like FabergĂ© eggs too. It's just all the intricate detail in such a limited space. It's awesome. Look!  

I'm going to link to some of my favorite paintings.

         *Bullet* Rousseau's "The Sleeping Gypsy"  

         *Bullet* Rembrandt's "The Storm on the Sea of Galilee"  

         *Bullet* Dali's "Metamorphosis of Narcissus"  

         *Bullet* Klimt's "The Three Ages of Woman"  

         *Bullet* Van Gogh's "Wheatfield Under Thunderclouds"  

         *Bullet* Andrew Wyeth's "Christina's World"  

*Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear*

July 16, 2014 Prompt: What is your favorite magazine? Why? Do you read it on-line or off-line?

I don't read magazines at all. I see them sometimes at the salon where Kira gets her hair cut and when you pick them up, a bunch of cardboard falls out. They're all forms to fill out to get subscriptions. Once you get past those, everything inside of them is advertisements for one thing or another. Every other page is a full page of advertisement. I can't imagine paying for a magazine.

I used to read Rolling Stone sometimes. I like rock music, but they pretty much tear apart any new album that's good, then they go back later and say that they were wrong about it. I still like to read the interviews and stuff like that. My brother got one recently on a trip though and it was tiny. I feel like they used to be a lot thicker with more actual content, but maybe my hands were just smaller then.

Most of the news or article reading that I do now is online. I'll go to the news websites occasionally or I'll go on Reddit and see what new things are going on. I feel like magazines used to be a lot more popular though. I remember both my grandmother and mother had subscriptions to about a million magazines. They'd always be stuffed in the mailbox. Neither of them read magazines anymore either though, that I know of, so I don't think it's just me.

*Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear* *Nuclear*

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July 16, 2014 Prompt: Confucius say "To go beyond is as wrong as to fall to short." Do you agree or disagree?

Oh boy! It's another one of those sayings that I don't understand. Wouldn't this depend on what the original goal was? Like, if I wanted to make five hundred dollars, it would suck to make only two hundred. But it would be cool as shit to make a thousand, right? So going beyond can be a good thing, as long as it's a personal goal or something like that. Going above and beyond is usually a good thing.

But if we're talking about a road trip and our destination is Point B, it's not going to be good if we end up in Point C. I would even say it would be worse to go to Point C than Point A, because at Point A, you still have a way to go before you get to Point B anyway. If you're already at Point C, you've past up Point B and now you have to backtrack. So there's an example of when it would be worse to go beyond.

Now I'm trying to think of an example where they would be equally bad. Okay, I think I've got one. Weight is like this. You don't want to be obese, but you don't want to be just skin and bones either. So, say someone has an eating disorder and they start gaining weight, it would be awesome for a while. But eventually, if they continuously gained weight, they'd get to the point where they were unhealthy on the opposite side of the spectrum. The same is true for an obese person losing weight. If they lost too much, it would once again be unhealthy.

So, maybe the quote is about staying in the grey areas of life instead of going to one extreme or the other. Something like going with the median because it's the most reliable choice. If you do too much or too little, the risk of failure is almost guaranteed. Right? Did I get it? *Laugh*

What's my drug of choice?
Well, what have you got?
I don't go broke
And I do it a lot

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