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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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May 30, 2014 at 1:02pm
May 30, 2014 at 1:02pm
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May 30, 2014 Prompt: You wake up one day only to find out this message written on a piece of paper: "Celebrate Mini Success. Celebrate it in two days. No more. No less." What mini success are you going to celebrate and how?

I feel like I celebrate mini successes every day. Little things that most people just do normally are kind of big feats for me. Like if I get all my work done by the deadline or I have a nice conversation with someone, it will make me really happy for the rest of the day. Any day I make it through without any trouble is a good day in my book.

If I were going to do a two day celebration starting right now, and I might, I would be celebrating a few different things. First, I would be celebrating the fact that I've found an apartment to move into in a few weeks and I did it relatively painlessly. I found a couch for my friend to crash on while he tries to get himself back on his feet. Whether he appreciates it or not is no matter to me, at least I've done my part. I made it through my family trip last week and managed to not fight too much with anyone. That's an amazing accomplishment for me. I've gotten most of my real-life work done, and if I stay productive today, I might get to take tomorrow off.

There are always things to be happy about and things to celebrate. What seems like common day practice for someone else might actually be a big deal for you. How do we celebrate? Well... *Laugh* *Rolleyes*

If my friend makes it over from Maine this weekend, I'm going to give him a big hug because I haven't seen him in so long. We're probably going to hang out all night and drink and talk about the past. I'm big on catching up with people like that. If he doesn't, I'll probably hang out with Kira or one of my other friends. I guess this all depends on whether or not I can concentrate enough to actually get some work done later today though.

Or maybe none of that will happen. Maybe I won't accomplish anything and my celebration will be my everyday life. Maybe it'll take me three days to do what should be done in three hours. Maybe I'll lay in bed and not even attempt it. That's the beauty of life though. I can make things happen or not and it doesn't matter either way in the end. I love that.
May 30, 2014 at 11:42am
May 30, 2014 at 11:42am
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: XO
Song: Bled White
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I love this font. Look at this silly shit. I could say anything in this font and it would be goofy. After I write this entry, I'm gonna go snort coke off a stripper's ass. You can't even be mad at this font!

So, I found a place for my friend to stay, but then no one could find him so that I could let him know that I found a place for him to stay. His phone was dead and no one had seen him. He finally called me from someone's phone and still wasn't satisfied with my solution. Some people don't appreciate anything. He said that if I was a true friend, I would tell Kira that he's coming to stay with me whether she likes it or not. He clearly has never been married.

My therapist session went OK yesterday. It wasn't great, to be honest, but I'll take what I can get. She said that I should go into detox RIGHT AWAY, LIKE, RIGHT NOW. WHY WAIT?! YOU CAN DO THIS! So, she was a bit chipper for me, but her office was dimly lit and cozy, so I think I'll go back. I tried to get a script for Xanax, but she said we should have a few more sessions before we EVEN TALK ABOUT ANYYYYTHING LIKE THAT. *Rolleyes*

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May 30, 2014 Prompt: What does "Over the Rainbow" mean to you? What do you think you would find there?

"Over the Rainbow" is just a phrase for saying somewhere better, right? Like, in a better world or better place? I think it's true when they say that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. We always want the things that we don't have and once we have them, we miss what we had before. It's easy to not appreciate something you have and covet something you don't.

I go back and forth between wanting all sorts of changes to wanting things to be the exact same way they are right now. I'm generally pretty happy and I have about a million things to be thankful for. Of course, I could always have more money or nicer things. I could have better, stronger relationships with the people around me and I could not have to work. But couldn't we all do with those things? We don't need them.

The older I get, the more I realize that I don't need much of anything. I can't say what would be on the other side of my rainbow. Maybe a better life, maybe a worse one. Either way, I'm sure I would still have problems over the rainbow.

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May 30, 2014 Prompt: Are you good at memorizing things?

I'd like to think I'm pretty good at memorizing most things. I'm really good with names, for one. I never forget someone's name after I see their face and they tell me what it is. My brother can't remember people's names even after he has met them several times. He even tries using their name in the first conversation he has with someone, but it always escapes him when he sees them again.

When I was younger, I liked to play memory games with cards. We would lay them all out facedown and match the like cards with each other. I was always really good at remember where ones were that had already been flipped over. It was hard to find someone to play with me after a while because my brothers and friends would get frustrated that I would remember where they were. Even now, I'm pretty good with memory games.

There are some things I'm not good at remembering though. I'm terrible at remembering where I'm supposed to be and when I'm supposed to be there. I'll hear people complaining about offices calling to remind them about appointments. "They've already sent an email and left a voicemail, why are they calling me again?!" I need those calls and emails because I'll forget about it completely. I'm a little bit unreliable about stuff like that.

I even do it on here all the time. I'll read an email and think, Okay, I'll respond to that tonight. and then I realize three weeks later that I never responded. *Facepalm* I always think it's too late by then, so I just let it go. If I ever don't respond to an email from any of you, just resend it. It'll be like my first time seeing it. I do it with things I sign up for, too. I'll do half the work, then completely miss the deadline. *Rolleyes* I need to get one of those fancy new PDAs.

I may not seem quite right
But I'm not fucked, not quite,
bled white.
May 29, 2014 at 2:27pm
May 29, 2014 at 2:27pm
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May 29, 2014 Prompt: You are given two days to complete your most important tasks, assignments, or roles before you move to the next sphere of life. What would these tasks be?

Well, if we're talking about moving onto a different phase of life, we're talking some pretty epic changes. I can't do life like that though. I'm really bad at planning for the future and I have to kind of take things one day at a time. If I think too much about the future, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack, so I try to avoid it. *Laugh*

So, really, if I was going to complete important tasks in two days, they'd be all the things I'd do anyway. I would get my work done and try not to get myself into any trouble. I'd try not to fight with anyone and I'd get some writing done. I'd listen to some music and play some of my own. That's just how I get by.

If I was going to try to make some super serious changes, I'd get myself into detox and I'd go to rehab from there. You can't do that in two days though. I wish you could. Man, how awesome would it be if you only had to detox for, like, one day?

I'm not ready to make a lot of the changes I need to make in order to move onto the next sphere of my life. I think that a lot of things are easier said than done and it's hard to explain to someone who hasn't been in the situation before. It's really more complicated than it seems at first.

Mainly though, we're all trying to finish up the Game of Thrones challenge and our blogging stuff, am I right?

May 29, 2014 at 1:15pm
May 29, 2014 at 1:15pm
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album: One Hot Minute
Song: My Friends
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Oh, I'm feeling so low today. I got another call from one of my old friends saying that our friend who called me a couple nights ago really needs help. She said that he was sleeping in the park and he doesn't have anywhere to go. She's living with her mom right now and her mom won't let him stay there. She was crying about it and so upset.

I feel really bad that I'm this far away and my hands are kind of tied. There's nothing I can do to help. I'm going to talk to one of my friends later today, but I have my first therapy session at four thirty. I have to try to squeeze in time to talk to him before my appointment. He lets people stay at his house all the time. When I go over, there are random people sleeping on the couch or on mattresses in the living room. But I don't know if those are people he knows personally or what. I think he'll let my friend stay there if I kind of vouch for him.

But then I think about it and it's like, what if my friend messes things up and then I lose another friend over something I didn't even do? It's so hard to trust people to not do something stupid. But at the same time, you can't just let someone you care about be homeless. I can't anyway. I guess other people can.

Ugh, I don't know what to do. *Facepalm*

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May 29, 2014 Prompt: What show from your childhood would you love to bring back?

I answered this one a couple months ago. You can read it here: "Invalid Entry

My answer still stands because Recess is an awesome show. Let me try to think of another one though, just for the sake of not being boring.

I used to love the show Doug  . That show was awesome with all the ridiculous character names. It's about a kid named Doug who moves to a new town and he records it all in his journal. I think that was the show that got me into keeping a journal at a really young age.

So yeah, Doug Funnie moves to this new town and he becomes best friends with Mosquito "Skeeter" Valentine. He falls in love with Patti Mayonnaise and gets bullied by Roger Klotz. His neighbor is Bud Dink. He has a dog named Porkchop. I don't know, you'd have to see it. It's a really cool show though and everyone has awesome names. I would still watch it if it aired.

Let's do some quotes?

*Bulletv* Mr. Dink: "So, Douglas, did you find the Honker Burger? Or did you just starve to death?"

*Bulletg* (Doug is writing in his journal.)
Doug: "Dear Diary, it's me... Doug. The school dance felt like it happened a long time ago, but I remember it like it was only yesterday. It all began... Well, this afternoon!"

*Bulletb* Judy: [Watching Doug go through her private stuff] Oh no I don't mind. go through all my dresser drawers if you want
Doug: I knew you would understand
Judy: Stay away from my dresser
Doug: But you said...
Judy: I was being sarcastic

*Bulletr* Mr. Dink: "This is my wife, Tippy. Most people call her Mrs. Dink. I usually call her on a telephone!"
Mrs. Dink: "Who writes your material, dear?"


May 29, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever been in a natural disaster? Tell is about it. If not, tell us about someone else's storm story that fascinates you.

I've never been in a natural disaster as far as a tornado or hurricane goes. I've been places where we've had a tornado warning, but there was never any real damage. I've been lucky with that so far, but I also don't live near the southern coast where they get hurricanes.

I know of one person on here who went through Hurricane Katrina. Mitchopolis talks about it in this entry: "Invalid Entry. I wouldn't say that his situation fascinates me because that sounds kind of sick. I don't think that would be a bad thing to say, but it makes it seem like you get entertainment from it or something. I don't know. But yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

My friends are so distressed
And standing on
The brink of emptiness
No words I know of to express
This emptiness
May 28, 2014 at 12:44pm
May 28, 2014 at 12:44pm
Artist: Interpol
Album: Turn On the Bright Lights
Song: Obstacle 1
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I got a call from one of my old childhood friends last night. It was so awesome to hear his voice; I knew who it was right away even though his new number wasn't in my phone. It's crazy how someone's voice can just bring back a flood of memories. I haven't talked to him in a long time, so it was kind of weird to hear from him in the middle of the night like that. I thought something bad must have happened. Late night calls are hardly ever a good thing. I don't ever want to hear my phone ring at two or three in the morning.

It turns out he's just going through a rough time and needed someone to talk to. His girlfriend kicked him out and he doesn't have anywhere to stay. He was in rehab, but he left early and his girlfriend threw all of his stuff outside and locked the doors. I felt bad that I couldn't really do anything to help him. There's no way Kira would let him come stay with us, and it's not a good idea anyway, but I'd do it for him. I told him that if he wants to come here, I can find a couch for him to crash on with one of my friends, but I don't know how long that would last. It sucks when you can't help someone.

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May 28, 2014 Prompt: If you were given a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do?

If I got a million dollars, I think the first thing I'd do is pay taxes on it. Isn't that how it works? If I were just given a million dollars, I'd be pretty suspicious. What does the other person get out of it?

That aside, if I were given a million dollars, I'd probably give it to Kira. I don't think she's great with money, but I know I'm worse. I'd give her the money and tell her to go find her dream house anywhere she wanted.

I'd take just enough of the money to get myself into one of those crazy awesome resort-like rehab clinics. Once I finished the program, I'd move straight into whatever house Kira had bought wherever she had bought it. I'd cut off contact with the negative people in my life currently so that I could focus on rebuilding NY life and my relationship with Kira.

Hey, we all have our dreams, right?

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May 28, 2014 Prompt: Complete the following sentence and then write a story or poem about it. The most beautiful thing about Wednesday is ....

The beautiful thing about Wednesday is absolutely nothing.

I can't think of a single positive thing about Wednesday for the average person. Yuck. It's halfway through the week, so you're already tired from Monday and Tuesday of working. At the same time, it isn't close enough to the end of the week to actually look forward to the weekend. You still have Thursday and Friday to get through.

No, if I worked a Monday through Friday job, I'd have nothing good to say about Wednesday. Luckily for you, Wednesday, I don't work the typical schedule. I have nothing but love for you. In my eyes, you're just as good as Saturday. I have your back.

I wish I could eat the salt off of your lost faded lips
We can cap the old times make playing only logical harm
We can cap the old lines make playing that nothing else will change
May 27, 2014 at 3:58pm
May 27, 2014 at 3:58pm
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30DBC May 27, 2014 Prompt: Who is your latest acquaintance? How is it?

I have to be careful who I get to know and who I hang around. I mean, I guess everyone does. But with my lifestyle, who you acquaint yourself with is everything. If you're hanging around stupid people, you're going to get in trouble. I don't want any trouble, so I try to only stick to people I've already known for a long time and people that I trust.

I think the older you get, the harder it is to meet people, too. Like, at some point, you kind of have your own social circle, and it's weird to try to find new people to bring into it. You have to be suspicious of why an adult doesn't already have any friends or family. I mean, if you're moving to a new place, that's one thing. But when I moved to where I lived now and I didn't know anyone, it was kind of hard to break into the social circles that people my age already had. They were probably wondering why I needed or wanted to hang out with them. It's easy to get yourself in a situation where you're being used for certain things or whatever.

I guess some of my newest acquaintances are friends of a friend of mine. I don't have any of my childhood friends in the state I live in now. I've made a couple friends here and I see their friends when I hang out with them. Mostly we're on totally different pages. A lot of them are in and out of jail and rehab. A lot of them have kids that they don't have custody of or don't see often. They're generally just trouble, like constantly having really bad ideas. I'll just casually mention that whatever they have planned is a felony and I need to get my stuff and go. None of them are married like me and they're always scrounging around for money.

Every time I go see my friend, they're always asking me for money to cop with or get booze with. It's really annoying, but I do understand them on some level that I wish I didn't. A lot of them are from really messed up homes and they've been in trouble their whole lives so it's hard to expect them to act any differently. Sometimes I'll go over and they'll mention that so-and-so OD'd and died and then we have to try to find out what they were using or what happened so it doesn't happen to us. I hate that stuff. I definitely don't want to get wrapped up in it. I try to stay away from them when I can.
May 27, 2014 at 12:07pm
May 27, 2014 at 12:07pm
Artist: The Orwells
Album: Remember When
Song: Never Ever
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So, while I was out of town this weekend, I got a call from one of my friends who said that he saw one of my dealer's friends and he said that my dealer's friend said that I owe my dealer money. Does that make sense? It's exactly like high school, just try to keep up. My friend's friend said that my dealer's friend said that my dealer said that I owe him money. That wasn't any better, was it?

Either way, I don't owe anyone any money. We had a bit of a falling out like the week before last because he sold me some bad stuff. I won't go into details about it because no one will know what I'm talking about anyway. But I know what he sold me and it could have killed me if I didn't do a test shot on it because I knew there was something iffy about it in the first place. I was pretty pissed off about it and we got into it a little bit.

I have another hook up though, so I don't really need him anymore. I was just going to him for the safety and convenience factors. I've been back since, but only twice, not every day like I had been before. I've only been going to him when I couldn't get it elsewhere. I think he's probably just mad that I'm not going through him anymore or something. The point is, I don't owe anyone any money. No one ever fronted me anything or anything like that. Look at all the fun things we get to deal with!

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May 27, 2014 Prompt: Magic: Exists or not?

Well, that depends on the definition of magic. If we're talking about magician's magic during a magic show, then, it exists in the sense that they do visual "magic" to trick the audience's mind. I don't believe in it in the sense of black magic or witchcraft or anything like that.

It's one of those weird things though where you can't really say that witches don't practice magic because you don't believe in the same beliefs as a witch. That would be like saying that you don't believe in communion because you don't believe in Christianity or whatever. I definitely believe that there are people that believe they can control their surroundings with magic.

I've never been to a magic show or anything like that, but there is a level of talent involved, even though the tricks aren't real. Like, they aren't really sawing a girl in half and we know how they do that one now, so it's not that cool anymore, but there are other ones that are really cool because they take a lot of talent to do. For example, the endless handkerchief ones take a lot of hand-eye coordination and good timing skills to pull off. If they mess up one little thing, you'll see what they're actually doing and it won't be cool anymore.

I'll just leave this here, too:

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*Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut* *Cut*

May 27, 2014 Prompt: What is something that annoys you about your significant other (or someone close to you) that you never mention because it isn't worth the fight?

This so isn't a big deal, but it drives me crazy for no reason. Kira thinks that San Diego and Los Angeles are the same place. Like, she thinks the names are synonymous. They're like two hours apart and she's dead set on them being the same city. I guess this one doesn't really count to answer the question, because I have mentioned it to her once or twice before, but she won't listen to reason! I gave up!

We were talking to one of our friends and Kira was saying that one of our other friends flew out of San Diego. Our friend said, "Oh, I thought he lived in Los Angeles." She said, "Well, yeah, it's the same thing." He looked at me and I just looked away awkwardly. He told her that he flew out of LAX, and that it's in Los Angeles. She looked completely incredulous and said, "Yeah, but they're the exact same place, seriously."

No, honey, they aren't the same place. Saying that you live in Los Angeles is not the same thing as saying you live in San Diego. They're completely different places. That would be like saying that New York City and Philadelphia are the same place. They're two hours apart!

It's not worth the argument, even though I'm not sure how one could even argue that they're the same place. She manages to do it and I love her for sticking to her guns. It's funny because now every time someone says something about Los Angeles I want to say, "You mean San Diego?" *Laugh*

Damn I feel lazy
But don't forget to wake me
We got this fear of aging
We're living in a daydream

Tell me why she's shaking,
Tell me what we're chasing
May 26, 2014 at 8:43pm
May 26, 2014 at 8:43pm
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30DBC May 26, 2014 Prompt: Choose any photographs from your album or photo book. If you can upload, the better. Say anything from that photo and include this thought while making a blog about it.

A sight of one faded photograph
Halts my pace at a moment
Asking myself why are you so real
Where are you now, where is our love?

Well, I won't share any pictures on here. Like I've said before, I like to keep my online things private in case someone from my past stumbles across it and decides to be a dick. I figure that anyone who would be a dick from my past wouldn't bother reading all of my entries in order to find things out about my current state, but why risk it?

I still want to do an entry based on the prompt, so I'll just do it without the picture if that's okay. I actually have something good for this and the prompt reminded me of it.

I dated this girl for a long time when I was younger. When I started dating Kira, I had a box full of pictures that this girl and I had taken together. She was really into pictures, like, she'd get disposable cameras all the time and she would always be developing film when we went to a store that had a photo department. It was one of the things she sent me in the mail after I moved away. I'm not sure if I had the originals or if they were copies of ones that she had. She was into scrapbooking, so I'm assuming she either made copies or I got the ones she didn't want.

That's not the point. The point is, I had a ton of pictures of myself, this girl, and myself with this girl. At some point, I decided to get rid of all of them because I hated her or something like that. I actually think I threw an entire box of photographs into the dumpster. I didn't even destroy them beforehand, so there might have been a landfill of photographs with me and this girl in them.

Anyway, after Kira and I moved into together, I was sitting in the living room one day and she came out holding a picture and asked, "What's this?"

Of course it was a picture of me and my ex. I thought she'd be really mad, but she was actually pretty cool about it. I told her I had thrown them all away, or I thought I had at least. I told her I'd get rid of that one, too, but she said I should keep it for memories or whatever. I don't have many pictures of myself at all, but I still have that one in a box somewhere.

It's me and the girl standing in front of the concert venue where we met. It's a really old picture and I'm kind of half behind her, leaning on her shoulders. There are a lot of other people in the background, too, waiting to go in when they open the doors. I'm wearing a corduroy jacket and cutoff shorts with my Docs and she's wearing a leather jacket with super tight jeans and a really tight shirt that shows her stomach. She stills has all of her piercings in it, even the facial ones and her pink hair.

I get really sad if I look at the picture now and I've always wanted to get rid of it, but every once in a while, Kira will be going through pictures and that one will come up. She'll laugh about how ridiculous the girl looks and how drunk I look because I'm leaning on the girl. It has become kind of a joke, I guess, so I feel like it would be weird if she was going through photos one day and it wasn't there. I'd have to try to explain why I went out of my way to get it out of the box and throw it away. I don't know; it's just at that point where it feels weird to do now.

Anyway, I hate that picture.
May 26, 2014 at 1:40pm
May 26, 2014 at 1:40pm
Artist: Son House
Song: Grinnin' In Your Face
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I'm back from my trip and completely exhausted. It was better in some ways than I thought it would be and worse in others. I really don't do well in the car unless I'm in the driver seat or the passenger seat. I don't like sitting in the back in a car that isn't mine when I don't have control of when we stop or how fast we drive, or when we leave somewhere.

I also have this weird thing when I go out with people because my brain can't discern how I'm supposed to be acting. Like, one of my biggest pet peeves is going out to a restaurant or bar and having people try to get me to drink. "Aw, come on, just order a drink. Hey, they have martinis. Just one drink. God, you're no fun, just order a drink." The reason I hate it is because it goes from that to, "Why are you drinking so much? Are you an alcoholic, too? You're going to be sick tomorrow."

I guess I have trouble with balance, but I don't know the social etiquette there. Like, do I just have one drink? What is the point in having one drink? I'm not going to feel it and it costs like ten dollars. I can get way better stuff with ten dollars if you wanna see a good time. But, really, am I supposed to just follow other people's lead and only order a drink when they order a drink? Or should I just have one and slowly sip it over the course of an hour and a half? I don't get it. To me, you either get wasted or you don't. There's not a casual drinking bone in my body; it almost goes against my nature.

Overall, it was okay, but my anxiety was pretty up there the whole time. I pretty much need Xanax or Ativan or something to control my anxiety when I'm out though. It was also annoying that the entire trip, every time I went to the bathroom everyone was like, "What were you doing in there?"

I guess it's cool to drink but no doing drugs. *Rolleyes*

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May 26, 2014 Prompt: Define what "Normal" means to you.

I've been told on here to stop trying to be "normal" because it's something I always strive for or whatever. It really is my main goal though. Normal to me means that you're a responsible adult and you don't have any especially annoying idiosyncrasies that people have to put up with. I don't want to have any mental problems or drug problems and I don't want people to always have their eye on me because they're worried.

To me, normal is owning your own house, having a car payment, having a consistent job, having good relationships with the people around you, etc... I don't know, I guess I'm still trying to find out what that normal is, but I feel like a lot of people have it. They go to work and they come home and see their family. They have their hobbies on the side and they go to sleep and wake up early and do it again. They have vacation time and they travel a couple weeks out of the year and make good memories. They have things planned out; they aren't winging it. They don't have any serious every day dramas. They don't worry about things like drug dealers who think they're owed money or going to rehab or anything like that.

I guess normal to me means having your shit together.

*Xv* *Xg* *Xr* *Xb* *Xv* *Xg* *Xr* *Xb* *Xv* *Xg* *Xr* *Xb* *Xv* *Xg* *Xr* *Xb* *Xv* *Xg* *Xr* *Xb* *Xv* *Xg* *Xr* *Xb*

Blogging Circle of Friends May 26, 2014 Prompt: Write a parody of your least favorite nursery rhyme.

So, this totally goes against my own rules, but I totally can't think of anything for this. In my defense, my mind is extremely hazy and I'm having trouble concentrating enough to even write this entry. It's literally taken like an hour and a half and I haven't even said anything. Some days are just cloudier than others; put that in your nursery rhyme.

You know your mother would talk about you
Your sisters and your brothers too
Don't care how you're tryin' to live
They'll talk about you still
May 25, 2014 at 11:35pm
May 25, 2014 at 11:35pm
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30DBC May 25, 2014 Prompt: How is your relationship with our Deity? Take a closer introspection. Do you have something to say directly to Him, what is it?

I didn't grow up in a religious household. We were free to believe whatever we wanted and learn about different things to see what fit us best. My family doesn't talk about personal or private things like politics, religion, etc... We don't like to debate with each other and everyone should be allowed to do their own thing in private.

I never ended up getting into a specific religion. There are so many and I don't know how someone who was not born into a certain religion could later become that religion, though I know it happens. Like, I just think it was be weird as shit if I suddenly decided to be a Muslim or something like that. I can't have confidence in it because most people end up going with the religion they were born into and they believe that religion to be the only true one. What makes one better than the other?

I dunno. I guess religion isn't for everyone. I am spiritual in my own ways though!

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