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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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June 22, 2014 at 7:15pm
June 22, 2014 at 7:15pm
Artist: The Velvet Underground
Album: The Velvet Underground & Nico
Song: I'm Waiting For The Man
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Yesterday ended up being a lot better than I thought it was going to be, which was a relief. Then I woke up today back at square one. But, I'm good now and I won't be back to square one until tomorrow, I guess. Life's funny like that.

There are so many things I should be doing, but the thought of putting on some music and nodding out is too strong to deny. I haven't even started packing for my move and I've been avoiding work like the plague, although I did get a couple hours in yesterday and today. I'll probably try to get more done late tonight. I hope you guys are having a nice Sunday!

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June 22, 2014 Prompt: I don't think we're going to get a prompt for today. I'ma improvise.

Shit... I can't think of anything. There's not a whole lot going on up in my head. We could reflect on our last week, but I was probably only half there for the whole thing so I'm going to go back to my list of blog prompts and check out today's. Okay, so today's on the list is: If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, what would it be? Why?

Did we already do this prompt? I can't remember. I think we did a prompt where we banned something, but I don't remember what we were banning. Anyway, I have a word that I'd love to ban forever and ever. Irregardless. I hate this word so much because it means regardless. Why are you adding extra letters and complicating this? There's nothing more irritating than saying my piece and having someone put their hand in my face and say, "Okay, well, irregardless..." Noo, just say regardless. Please.

In the same vein, it drives me crazy when someone says that they "could care less" about something. Okay, so wait, do you care then? You care a little bit and you're going to start caring less now? I'm not sure. "Yeah, I'm late for work. I could care less about this job anyway!" Well, maybe you should get there on time if you care so much... *Laugh*

It's funny to me because I found this survey   and discovered that I probably annoy the average person in conversation. For five years in a row, Americans have said that "whatever" used in conversation is the most annoying word followed by "like". I don't say whatever a lot when I'm talking to people, but I'm sure you've noticed that I say like all the time. "You know" was third on the list. I don't say that one either, but I say "I mean" quite a bit, which is kind of similar.

What do you guys think the most annoying word or phrase is in conversation?

"Whatever" doesn't bother me as much as it does other people, I guess. I don't like it when people say that something is random or ironic when it isn't though. For the most part, I don't get easily annoyed in conversation. I mean, someone would really have to say a word a lot, like every other sentence, for it to get to me.

Don't worry, Fivesixer , "KnawhaImsayn" isn't on the list. *Thumbsup*

Baby don't you holler, darlin' don't you bawl and shout
I'm feeling good, you know I'm gonna work it on out
I'm feeling good, I'm feeling oh so fine
Until tomorrow, but that's just some other time
I'm waiting for my man
June 21, 2014 at 1:51pm
June 21, 2014 at 1:51pm
Artist: Rilo Kiley
Album: The Execution of All Things
Song: With Arms Outstretched
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I'm having a rough weekend. My dealer ran dry and I've been trying to keep it together by other means. I get so sick of dealing with people who are trying to deal with my anxiety for me. I mean, I love my wife to death and I know dealing with someone else's anxiety is frustrating, but you can't just tell an anxious person to cut it out. That would be like telling someone with diabetes to knock it off. I'm trying.

Also, I wish everyone would stop telling me to have a fucking drink. "Just chill, bro. Have a drink, player." No, shut the fuck up. I use opiates, I have the anxiety sedation down. I don't need a drink. A drink isn't going to do anything for me. God, I'm so sick, it hurts. I'm going to hurry up with this entry and see what I can do today.

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June 21, 2014 Prompt: Let's take a walk on the wide side...We all have something wed like to write about, but that doesn't really fit our blog. Write it anyway.

I dunno. I feel like I'm pretty open in my blog and there isn't much that's off limits. But there was something cool I wanted to share. It's super old, but if you haven't seen it, it'll be new to you. In Cinn 's entry "Word Choice: Lacking about different words she uses. She mentioned a lot from our home state, Maine, and it reminded me of these maps depicting different slang  in different parts of the US.

I've lived in pretty much every part of the country except the west, and even then, I've spent a lot of time there. It's interesting to see how different people talk in one country. I think there are more cultural differences than I noticed before I started moving around.

One of my favorite maps is the one for "your word for a sweetened, carbonated beverage?" We always called it soda, but when I lived in the South, everything was called coke. It made ordering drinks in restaurants confusing for me. I just wanted a normal coke, but I didn't know what to say. "I want a coke coke"? I dunno, maybe Mitchopolis can clarify this for me for the next time I'm down south. Where I live now, people typically call it pop, but I hear them call it soda sometimes, too.

Also, "the devil is beating his wife" *Laugh* *Laugh* What?!

*Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth* *Earth*

June 21, 2014 Prompt: Often, our blogs have taglines. But what if humans did, too? What would your tagline be?

Good question. I'm pretty sure if I had a tagline, it would be "I'm sorry". I mean, that would be the perfect tagline, just an apology for all the stupid things I'm about to do. I feel like I spend a lot of time saying I'm sorry or trying to figure out what I need to be saying sorry for. It's best to just get it out of the way all at once. Just think of that introduction, "This is my friend, Charlie, and he apologizes in advance." *Thumbsup*

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June 21, 2014 Prompt: After June 21, the days will get shorter until the Winter Solstice. Some people celebrate the solstice.

How will you celebrate the longest day of the year? Will you write verse? Will you write prose? Will you have a BBQ? Will you protest?

I've never heard of celebrating the summer solstice before. I'm not sure what the day holds for me. It's early and I'm probably going to have a long one ahead of me. If I can get everything straight, I'll do some packing for my move. I haven't even started packing anything, but I went and got a bunch of boxes last night. I just have to, ya know, fill them now.

It's rare that I know what I'm going to do in a day. It just kind of unfolds how it unfolds. It most likely won't have to do anything with the solstice though. I actually don't like how it stays light so late in the summer. I think it should be the other way around. Light longer in the winter when it's colder and dark early in the summer when it's warmer. It makes more sense to me.

Don't fool yourself
In thinking you're more than you are
With your arms outstretched to me

Now it's 16 miles to the promised land
And I promise you, I'm doing the best I can

June 20, 2014 at 2:09pm
June 20, 2014 at 2:09pm
Artist: 4 Non Blondes
Album: Bigger, Better, Faster, More!
Song: What's up
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So, I know I've kind of shied away from talking about myself in light of recent events in my life. It does feel kind of weird just answering blog prompts and not talking about myself. I guess I'm self-centered after all.

There are things going on that I'm not ready to talk about right now, but I did want to update just a little bit and let you guys know that I'm going to be moving over the next week into my new place. I should still be here to update my blog, but most of my moving will be done at the beginning of next week, so I'm not sure about then.

Anyway, I want to thank you all for your comments and for talking to me and stuff.

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June 20, 2014 Prompt: If there was a real fountain of youth but there is one catch, you don't know what age you will be once you have drank the water. Would you still drink the water and take your chances?

This sounds more like a fountain of age. If we don't know what age we'll be after we drink it, we could end up being old, right? Or is it still a fountain of youth but you could end up being five years old or something? I thought that the fountain of youth was just supposed to restore youthfulness in general.

But this fountain of youth changes your age completely and I would not dare drink from it. I don't want to get any older than I am right now. I was done aging at twenty-one and I hated to see it go, but I wouldn't be willing to trade twenty-two for a mystery age. I'd be too afraid I'd go forward in time or I'd jump way back. I don't want to relive my youth and I don't want to miss out on what youth I have left. I think I'm good where I am now.

*Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film*

June 20, 2014 Prompt: What was your first job?

The first job I ever had didn't last long. I worked at a hospital in the surgery and ICU waiting rooms. It was an extremely easy job. I just sat at the desk and relayed information between nurses/doctors and the patient's family. You know, "Oh, your husband is in recovery now. Everything went well. Dr. Whatever will be in to talk to you in a couple minutes."

It was an easy job physically, but it was mentally a drain for me. I'm an emotional person and it was hard, especially in the ICU waiting room, when the doctor would come in and tell me to have a family meet them in what I called the "quiet room" or "sad room". I'm sure they have a name, I feel like it starts with a "C", but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.

It's basically just a small room with no windows that has a table with a box of Kleenexes on it and a couple chairs. It's where the doctors meet with family to either tell them that their loved one has died or that they're in the process of dying and there was nothing more that could be done.

I worked there for six months or so and there was a family there the whole time whose father/grandfather/brother/husband was in a coma the entire time. The week I quit the job, he passed away and the family wasn't there anymore. I had gotten used to seeing them every morning and we would talk a lot. I brought them some of my puzzles from home because they had already done all the ones in the ICU waiting room. I remember a sister and mother coming in after their brother/son had overdosed. He was in the ICU and they were just pacing back and forth crying in the waiting room. He ended up being braindead and they took him off life support.

It was just a sad job, and it was scary working it at sixteen. You'd have family fighting over whether to take someone off life support or not and security would have to come in and break it up. It was awesome when you saw someone in the ICU getting better and going home. Their family would be so happy. But I remember the sad ones a lot more and I ended up just having to quit. I'm happy that there are people who can work in a setting like that, because I definitely can't. I won't ever work in a hospital setting again.

*Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film* *Film*

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June 20, 2014 Prompt: If you could be any kind of animal, what would you be and why?

Are you asking me what my spirit animal is? *Laugh* I really feel like it would be a cat. I might already be like half-cat. They have independent personalities and like to chill out all day. They're more introverted than I am, but dogs are a lot more extroverted than I am.

Here, I know how we can find out what my spirit animal is. You guessed it! Discover your spirit animal.   I basically can't answer 30DBC prompts anymore without taking a quiz.

I thought I was a cat, but according the quiz, I'm an owl.


Characters: Etar and Nathas in the Aspect of Crow trilogy

Powers: Human lie-detectors

Owls are keen, perceptive and skeptical. You're adept at getting to the truth, making you an ideal investigator or attorney. Your insights into the less honorable side of human nature can make you a bit cynical, but your numerous friends appreciate the dark sense of humor it brings.

Best matches: Hawks, Foxes, Spiders

Watch out for: Wolves, Horses, Otters

I'm surprised that spiders would be my best match. Ew. *Sick*

And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the top of my lungs,
"What's going on?"

June 19, 2014 at 1:39pm
June 19, 2014 at 1:39pm
Artist: Depeche Mode
Album: Some Great Reward
Song: Master and Servant
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June 19, 2017 Prompt: Write a post in your Blog but three years later in the future. What will happen?

Predictions show that our world domination will be complete within the next month. Lyn's a Witchy Woman recently took over Ireland with her Irish charm. She said it wasn't even that difficult. Mitchopolis seized most of Central and South America. We figured he was the closest in proximity and could hear their secret war tactics from Louisiana.

Joy and Elle - on hiatus have a steady hold over New Zealand and Australia. They've struck fear into the children and women especially, putting them to work while leaving the men to cower in their underground shelters. I've been working closely with Janine , Princess Megan Rose 22 Years , and Future Mrs. B to gain control of Russia, which is not as easy as it sounds.

Fivesixer says he has most of Africa under control, though he refuses to attend meetings or provide any proof of this claim. I'm just lucky to have Carol St.Ann in charge of all countries I can't remember. If she thinks I won't remember a country, she invades and claims it as her own.

Everyone is too scared to approach North Korea and 💙 Carly has had control of China and Japan since the late nineties, which I don't think any of us were aware of. Prosperous Snow celebrating became ruler of America and Canada. Everyone was too scared to complain. Antarctica is currently under control of Cinn , but no one is sure why because she's the only one living there. We just leave her alone and she leave us alone.

Our plan? Well, our plan isn't solid yet. Get back to us in three years.

*Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver*

June 18, 2014 Prompt: You're awoken from your midnight sleep in your favorite chair to your dog barking wildly in the living room. Pulling her aside, you look out the window, only to see a face staring right back at you. Whose is it? Why are they there?

This would be horrific in more ways than one. I don't have a dog, so I would be scared if there was a dog in my living room. Once I got past that and looked out the window, there would be a creepy man trying to find my bedroom so he could watch me sleep.

You see, I've always had this fear of someone looking through my blinds and watching me sleep. It actually came from watching Unsolved Mysteries when I was seven or so. In the show, this creepy guy had been watching a little boy sleep through his bedroom window for weeks. He ended up kidnapping the boy, but the scariest part to me was the fact that he had been watching him sleep every night for hours.

I watched it at my grandparents' house and when I went back home, I had to have my blinds closed as soon as it got dark outside. My dad liked to have all the windows open in the house as much as possible because it cut down on heating or cooling costs. I would lay in bed staring at the window because it would be open, but I'd have the blinds down and they would be moving in the wind. Technically, someone could still peek in when the breeze was strong enough.

Then I got to the point where I was afraid that when the blinds moved up, I would see someone standing there. To further my fear, I thought that someone could be standing at the window blowing on the blinds really hard so that they would move.

Yeah, I was a pretty anxious kid. *Laugh*

*Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver* *Coinsilver*

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June 18, 2014 Prompt: If you were a mutant what would your power be and why?

Can I admit here that I've never seen X-Men? I never really got into comics, other than Batman and a few others that don't have superheroes. So, I'm not really sure what a mutant actually is. Is that someone who can mutate into something else, like a spider? Is invisibility a mutant power?

Laugh all you want, I went the easy way and took a "What's Your Hidden X-Men Ability" quiz  . *Bigsmile* I couldn't think of any other way to do it. Here are my results anyway:

You are Storm. Nature is your ally as in you lies the hidden ability to tweak the forces of nature to do your bidding! You have very good control over your emotions and you do not let your feelings get in the way of your work. You are resourceful and very creative with limited opportunities. You are independent and do not bow to social conventions easily.

This sounds nothing like me! Awesome!

It's a lot like life
This play between the sheets
With you on top and me underneath
Forget all about equality

Let's play master and servant

June 18, 2014 at 10:05am
June 18, 2014 at 10:05am
Artist: The Outfield
Album: Play Deep
Song: Your Love
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June 18, 2014 Prompt: Why is a raven like a writing desk? I love when the Mad Hatter asks Alice this question. There is no right answer. Just an opinion question.

When Edgar Allan Poe wrote "The Raven", was there a raven sitting by his window when he was at his writing desk? Maybe the raven flew in and sat at his writing desk. Lyn got me to thinking about riddles. Love you, Lyn! Have fun with this one.

Oh no, I hate this riddle. *Laugh* It's one of those things that never had an answer. It was just a nonsense thing that got popular and people tried to figure out an answer that never existed. Didn't Lewis Carroll try to answer it later just people would stop asking him what the answer was?

I heard once that a raven was like a writing desk because they used quills to write with or something like that. I'm gonna go with that because it makes sense to me. *Thumbsup*


June 18, 2014 Prompt: Song Stuck in My Head. I have a song stuck in my head.... Do with this what you want and have fun.

I have a song stuck in my head, as always. You guys know me well enough now to know that I'm always listening to music. I listen to it when I'm sleeping, working, eating, writing, taking a shower, etc... I listen to it when I'm in the car. It's really hard for me to not listen to music. It's just an instinct for me to put music on wherever I am. Sometimes I go to people's houses and I'll be thinking about how quiet it is or why it's so quiet, then I remember that they don't have music playing.

I get on kicks of music where I'll listen to just a couple bands or I'll only listen to one genre of music for several weeks. If it weren't for music, this blog probably wouldn't exist. I started it for the "Soundtrack To Your Life" challenge and I've used it almost every day since then. There's just something about music that can bond people more than anything else. If I find out that someone shares a similar music taste with me, I instantly feel connected to them.

That's why I include a song every day with my blog. I figure most people won't listen to it, which is understandable, but it will give you an insight into my state of mind or current mindset, or whatever, more than my words ever could. If I'm listening to lighthearted, upbeat stuff, you know I'm on a good run. When I'm back to downer music, I might be spiraling. Either way, I like to know what people are listening to, just because I like music. Whenever I read Fivesixer 's blog, I always play his music as I read the blog because it makes me feel more connected. Maybe I'm overthinking it though. I tend to do that. *Laugh*


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June 18, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever been a volunteer for an organization? What was the most fulfilling volunteer opportunity you have done? If you haven't really volunteered for anything, what would be your ideal volunteer job?

I really wish I had more to talk about on this topic! I haven't really done any volunteer work before. I feel like a lot of volunteer work is done by group organizations, like churches, which I've never been a member of. That doesn't mean that I can't volunteer anywhere I want to, but well, I can't volunteer anywhere I want to. What am I talking about?

You see, I'm sugarcoating things. Organizations that accept volunteer workers are not desperate for that service. They have way too many guidelines, rules, and qualifications for me. Honestly, they're kind of picky. I mean, I get it, you can't have unreliable or unsavory people volunteering with other people, animals, etc... But seriously, I don't know why people waste their time with volunteering half the time. I've tried to do a couple volunteer things before and it's like you're doing a job interview.

I tried to volunteer at a hospital and it required three interviews with several different people, a drug test, and loads of internet testing just to deliver mail to patients' rooms. I was like, "Yeah, never mind." Then a few months later, I applied for a job, had one interview, a drug test, and a bunch of internet testing. I had less interviews and I got paid for it. They make volunteer programs very difficult to get into. I mean, it's great that people will do it, but I'm not one of those people.

After that experience, I figure I need to be getting paid before I'll do any work. I saw them treat the elderly volunteers like servants there, as well. "Get me a coffee! Run this up to the sixth floor for me. Oh, you're back! Sorry, forgot this one. Can you run this back up for me? Go to the cafeteria and get me a tea." They aren't interns. They aren't ever going to be paid for the job. They were elderly people trying to stay active and healthy and they were being taken advantage of, doing way more work than me and not getting paid for any of it. They would have volunteers cover me on lunch breaks that I got paid for while they answered my phone not getting paid. That just seems off to me.

But, of course, more power to those of you who have volunteered and enjoyed the experience. It just isn't for me.

Josie's on a vacation far away
Come around and talk it over
So many things that I wanna say
You know I like my girls a little bit older

I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight

June 17, 2014 at 2:40pm
June 17, 2014 at 2:40pm
Artist: Lagwagon
Album: Hoss
Song: Violins
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June 17, 2014 Prompt: Today is National Eat your Vegetables Day in the United States, but everyone can play. What is your favorite veggie and your least favorite veggie?

This sounds like a holiday made up by parents to get their kids to eat vegetables in celebration. Are potatoes a vegetable or a starch? I've heard that corn and potatoes are starches, not vegetables. But they're the best vegetables. Why are all the good vegetables starches? *Sad*

I get confused with the whole "technically a fruit" thing. On the MayoClinic   site, they say that cucumbers, olives, peppers, and corn kernels are technically fruits. So, going off of the vegetables listed on their site, I'd so broccoli is my favorite. Of course, I make it unhealthy by dousing it in cheese or putting it in cheesy noodles. Hey, at least there's something green in it.

Beets are the worst tasting vegetable ever. I dare anyone to disagree with me. I'd rather eat an entire bowl of broccoli and cauliflower plain than one sliver of a beet.

*Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang*

June 17, 2014 Prompt: Have commenters about your blog post ever made you change your mind or helped you make a decision? Tell us about that time.

I think that in order for a commenter to change your mind or help you make a decision, you have to open your mind up to that. I have had help from commenters before and taken their advice, but only when I've wanted the advice. If I'm writing about it, it's safe to assume that you can state your opinion, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take it to heart or change my mind about something.

I've had a lot of help from my commenters though. Usually, I'll make it obvious if I want opinions because I'll say something like, "Is that weird? What do you guys think?" That's an open invitation to let me know what you think with the confidence that I'm going to take it seriously and try to find a way to incorporate it into my decision or beliefs.

When we blog, we open ourselves up to getting feedback, both positive and negative. I appreciate every comment I get because I like seeing things that I talk about through a different perspective. I remember when Elle told me to save my entries to look back on. That was a time I had my mind changed. When I've talked about problems in the past, I've always gotten helpful advice from people. You can tell they really care and want to be supportive. So, yeah, I'd say it happens all the time to me.

*Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang* *Yinyang*

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June 17, 2014 Prompt: Is it ever better to take the low road over the high road? Why or why not?

Thanks for reminding me that it was my day, Janine . *Smile*

I want to preface this by saying that I chose this prompt because I had a conversation with a friend of mine about this a few days ago. What it boiled down to is us trying to define the high road over the low road. We decided that the high road meant taking the most positive or respectable approach to something. The low road then is something that might be seen as immoral or less acceptable.

We decided that there are situations where you're almost obligated to take the low road. For example, if you were abused by someone, you shouldn't let it slide or move past it until you get revenge in some way. The higher road might be staying away from the person and forgetting about it, but don't we have a responsibility to warn others? Without going into specific details of things I'm too ignorant to talk about, don't we owe it to potential future victims to make sure the person pays for what they've done? But, maybe that is the high road in this scenario? Maybe keeping our head down and pretending it never happened is the low road?

But, let's make it less serious. Just say someone in your family is constantly negative about other family members' endeavors. Say they're always putting people down like it's no big deal and it's really hurting your feelings. Say you've tried talking to them privately about the issue and they continue to do it at every family gathering. Should you just fly low and accept that some people have cynical personalities and are harder to get along with than others? Do you love them all the same because they are your family after all? Or should you take the "low road" and confront them every time they do it, even if you're in the middle of a family dinner?

Let's do one more example. Say you're in line at the grocery store and a rude woman on her phone cuts in front of all of you. You're in the middle of the line, and no one else says anything to her. They're avoiding confrontation because they don't think it's worth the fight. But is it better to take the low road here? Should you call them out and let them know that the way they're acting is unacceptable and rude?

Basically, here's what I came up with: It's better to take the low road if your intentions are to improve someone else's bad behavior. So, if I do something that is driving everyone crazy and I'm not listening to reasonable suggestions in private, I think they should all call me out and tell me to stop being a douche bag. At that point, at least I would understand the severity of the situation. It's easy to blow things off when someone is meagerly asking you to cut it out. It's harder to not pay attention when they're laying into you in front of other people.

Maybe the woman on her cell phone who habitually pretends that she's the only person in existence should be cut down a notch. Is it the low road? Yeah. But your intention isn't to harm or be cruel, so I think it's better in that situation. I actually think that we all as a society should call each other out more often instead of practicing passive-aggressive behaviors on a regular basis.

But, hey, maybe I'm just a low road kinda guy. *Wink*

I am just another fool
And I have to keep telling myself
That I am just an hypocrite
And I have to keep calling you one
Cause I forgot to bite my tongue
And my assumption is the mother of all mistakes

June 16, 2014 at 1:32pm
June 16, 2014 at 1:32pm
Artist: Interpol
Album: Our Love To Admire
Song: Rest My Chemistry
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I don't know why, but all of the prompts seem really difficult today. It might just be because I'm tired, or it might be because they're hard. I dunno, we'll see where it goes.

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June 16, 2014 Prompt: Why did you do it? The details are yours to discern.

I did it because it was the prompt and Mitch told me to? Oh, that doesn't work? Okay. Let's see. Well, the first thing that popped into my head wasn't me questioning myself about why I did something but rather why someone else did something to me. I don't know what that says about me, but I'm going to go about it that way.

I've always wondered why my ex lied to me about being pregnant for six months. I've written about it before, so I'm not going to get hung up in the details of it now. Sometimes I just think about why someone would continue a lie for so long. I mean, especially lying about having a kid, it's obviously going to come to a head at some point. You only have nine months before it's like, "Okay, so where is the child?" I'm not sure where she was going with that. I understand people lying sometimes, but not about something that they're obviously going to get caught relatively quickly in.

Just to clarify for those that haven't read whichever entry I talked abut that in, we weren't in the same state at the time. I had moved and she said she was pregnant after I left. Then continued the lie for six months before I found out she wasn't pregnant through a mutual friend. When confronted, she said she was pregnant but had either had a miscarriage or abortion. The story changed depending on who she was talking to and what day of the week it was.


June 16, 2014 Prompt: Riddle me ...All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held, Can be heard.
What is it?

I'm not that good with riddles. I'd play a terrible Riddler. Okay so, it can't be held but can be heard. It can't be seen but can be captured. So, it has to be air or, more specifically, wind, because you can hear wind.

Let me try to find a riddle to share.

         *Bulletr* You've heard me before, yet you hear me again,
Then I die 'til you call me again.

What am I?


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June 16, 2014 Prompt: Shadows within.

I feel like I'm always talking about shadows within. We all have bad things happen to us and negative aspects of our past. I must be turning into Fivesixer because I'm trying to avoid talking about the past right now. I don't know why, but it's just not something that interests me at the moment.

I think what's more important than the shadows within us is what we do with the shadows. How we let the shadows affect us is more important to me than what the shadows are in the first place. I try to have a creative outlet for the shadows and it seems to work for the most part.

I'm not even really focusing on current shadows within anymore. What is the point in worrying about things that are going to play out in their own way in their own amount of time? It's easy to get caught up in the negative shadows and not recognize the positive light. *Sun*

I haven't slept for two days.
I've bathed in nothing but sweat,
and I've made hallways
scenes for things to regret.

June 15, 2014 at 7:57pm
June 15, 2014 at 7:57pm
Artist: Black Sabbath
Album: Paranoid
Song: Electric Funeral
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Well, we've made it through another week. We always seem to do that. I'm really tired and I actually had today off. I was busy though, so I didn't really get to fully enjoy the day off the way I like to do. It was stuff I wanted to do, too, but I really need a day to just hang out at home and write or whatever. That's not going to happen in the near future though between being perpetually behind with work and packing for the move. I guess we're managing okay, but don't be surprised if I get stressed out and start complaining in the next couple weeks.

For today though, I only have the 30DBC challenge to do, so I'm going to get that done. I haven't really had as much time on here lately as I did before, but hey, I'm moving so it makes sense. I hope you all had a good week and that this next week is better.

At least some Sabbath will wake me up a little!

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June 15, 2014 Prompt:It's THE SUNDAY REVIEW!! Tell us about your favorite blog entry of the week three favorite breakfast cereals, and most importantly, why. If you don't like cereal, you can share that feeling with us as well. Here's a link for reference: http://deadspin.com/cereals-ranked-1532733312.

I just want to start by saying that I've never heard of the number one cereal on that list. Milk and Honey Original Cafe Mix? Are they sure? What kind of hipster list is this, Norb?

Okay, so, my number one is Honey Nut Cheerios. They're good without adding sugar and I'm pretty sure they're kind of okay for you. I mean, in comparison anyway. Maybe not. I'm not really up on the whole nutritional value thing. I like them though because they taste good and they fill me up. I don't get hungry again in an hour after I eat them.

My second would probably be Fruity Pebbles. That's based solely on taste and the fact that the cereal soaks up the milk really well. I like mushy cereal, I guess. I kind of drain it against the side of the bowl with my spoon, but I like that it doesn't cut the roof of my mouth.

Third is Cinnamon Toast Crunch because, oh my God, it tastes so good. That's pretty much the perfect tasting cereal for me. I'm a sugar junkie.

Dying world of radiation
Victims of mad frustration
Burning glow of unseen fire
Like electric funeral pyre

June 14, 2014 at 1:45pm
June 14, 2014 at 1:45pm
Artist: Nirvana
Album: In Utero
Song: Milk It
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June 14, 2014 Prompt: Tell us three things that you absolutely love about yourself?

Absolutely love? Can I pick someone else and write three things I love about them? It would be so much easier. *Laugh* No, I kid, I got this:

         *Bulletv* I treat people well even if I feel they've wronged me. You guys already know how I am with karma and positive/negative energy. I don't think I'm exactly a pushover, but I do give people a lot of chances before I give up on them. It's really hard for me to just walk away from someone completely, especially if I feel like they need me. I like that someone can do something to me and I can forgive them and move on. I feel like treating people well brings positive energy into my life, so I do it, even when I feel the person is undeserving.

         *Bulletv* People sometimes mess with me about being emotional or sensitive, but I actually like this about myself. I feel like I can connect with people because I'm in touch with my emotions. I know I'm not supposed to be like this as a guy, but I'm not a robot and I refuse to act like it.

         *Bulletv* I fully immerse myself in hobbies. I feel like I meet a lot of people in real life that don't do anything except work, eat, and sleep. People on here seem to have a lot more hobbies than the average person I know in real life. Do you guys notice that, too? Like, I know a lot of people personally that don't read, write, play instruments, travel, do photography, draw/paint, sew, play video games, watch movies, exercise, garden, have animals, play sports, do puzzles, etc... I mean they don't do anything. I'll ask them what they do for fun and they say, "Oh, I dunno... I work a lot... I usually watch TV for a little while before bed." *Shock* I feel like hobbies keep our brains active and energetic, so I like that I have a lot of them that I enjoy.

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June 14, 2014 Prompt: Is your personality more like your mother's or your father's?

This is kind of weird. I don't get along with my father very well. We can't even be around each other much, honestly. But my personality is so much more like his than my mother's. She always said that we didn't get along when I was growing up because our personalities were too similar.

We're both extremely emotional people. We wear our feelings on our sleeves, but our emotions are complete opposites. He's an angry person with a quick temper. He jumped to violence quickly when I was a kid. I'm pretty much the opposite of that. I get sad or bummed out and I can't hide it when it happens, just like he can't hide his anger. Even if we don't say anything, you can read it in our body language and facial expressions.

When I start getting upset, a clam up and can't talk to anyone. I have to be by myself and listen to music or write for a while before I can actually speak to a person in a rational way. He, on the other hand, has to let everyone know when he's pissed off. He would rage and rant through the house, screaming and slamming things, whereas I'll go lock myself in a room for a few hours and not make a sound.

My mom on the other hand is like a brick wall. I've only seen her upset, like, one time in my entire life. It's like nothing fazes her in a way that will make her emotional. She'll sometimes get angry and go into rants, but it's very robotic seeming, it's like she's writing an essay about what's bothering her. She's very in control of her emotions and she won't let you know anything that she doesn't want you to know.

So, while my personality is more like my father's, we're still very different in the manifestation of our similarities.

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June 14, 2014 Prompt: "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe Write a story, a poem, your thoughts, or an essay. It's Saturday so be creative and have fun with this prompt

Okay, I'm not sure what this quote means, but I can take a stab at it. I feel like he may be talking about how everyone has different perceptions of everything in life, so everything we see is dream-like. We see things in our mind and can interpret it entirely differently than what the next person sees.

Hmm, I really don't know. Maybe everything is a dream within a dream because we never wake up from life. For all we know, all of life could just be a dream and everything happens within it is a dream within a dream.

I'm really bad with quotes, in case you can't tell. Is there more to this quote? Okay, I just Googled it and I see that this is just a line in a poem. I read the poem and I think he's just talking about the differences between a dream world and reality and furthermore, how we would ever truly know the difference between the two.

I like to keep my mind open to possibilities about not only life, but life after death. I don't subscribe to any religion and I feel like it leaves endless options for what could happen to me after I'm dead and gone. A lot of people think that it's comforting to think about the idea of Heaven and rejoicing with lost love ones. But why stop there? I feel like that's just a small box to shove the whole grand scheme of life into. It doesn't make me feel better to think that. I actually like the idea of becoming one with nature after death. I think that would be awesome to just be a bodyless soul roaming through the Universe that we know and others we don't know.

I don't know how I got off on this tangent. I told you I was bad with quotes.

I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins

June 13, 2014 at 1:09pm
June 13, 2014 at 1:09pm
Artist: Cheap Trick
Album: Heaven Tonight
Song: Surrender
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June 13, 2014 Prompt: It is Friday, the 13th. Are you superstitious? Have odd things ever happened to you or someone you know on Friday, the 13th? Where do you think all the crazy hype about Friday the 13th began? Avoiding the 13th floor? What is it about the number that makes people nervous?

I'm not all that superstitious, but that type of stuff does interest me. I like to read about superstitious or supernatural things even though I don't necessarily believe in it. I've never had anything weird happen to me on Friday the 13th and I don't know of anyone that has. I mean, obviously, bad things happen everyday and even if it's a "spooky" day, not everyone will have freaky things happen to them anyway.

I'm not sure about the exact history of Friday the Thirteenth. I think that it comes from the general superstition that 13 is an unlucky number and Friday is an unlucky day. I'm not exactly sure what it is with the number thirteen, but I'm going to assume it has something to do with religion. I don't know why, but almost every superstition has to do with old religious beliefs. So, my money's on that.

As far as avoiding the thirteenth floor, well, here, Mitch Hedberg explains it best.

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June 13, 2014 Prompt: Name one thing you had the opportunity to do but didn't, and wish you had. Also name something you did do that you wish you hadn't.

I had a chance to go on a trip several years ago, but I didn't because of a job I had at the time. It was going to be with just my brothers and my niece, who was about two at the time. This job was not a good job at all, but I really needed it at the time for bills and whatnot. I knew I couldn't get a week off to go to the beach, but I really wanted to go so badly. It was the middle of winter and they were going to the southern coast of Florida. It would have been a really nice trip, but I wasn't able to go.

About halfway through their trip, my boss and I got into a fight and I quit in the middle of it. I should have just gone on the trip because I knew that I was either going to be fired or have to quick soon due to the fact that my boss was becoming later and later on payments. I had to fight with him to get my check every two weeks and it was a huge headache. It was a privately owned place and he took taxes out of my checks, but I found out at tax time the following year that he never filed taxes for me.

I don't regret a lot of things, but I do regret that because it's a time I can't get back. My niece won't ever be that age again and my brothers haven't gone on a long distance trip like that since then. I ended up spending the next half of their trip finding a new job. I should have just gone on the trip, then found a new job when I came back. Oh well.

Sometimes I regret dropping out of school, but it's very fleeting and not for the reasons you would think. I've been lucky to have a good job at my age. I do have a GED and some college education though. But, really, I more just think about how things might have been different. Like, sometimes I feel like I missed out on doing normal things at that age because I was out on my own when I was sixteen.

I feel like I'm forty. I feel like I've been worrying about bills, finances, housing etc... for so long.

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June 13, 2014 Prompt: Can you make real friends online? How are online friends better or worse than offline friends? Sound off about online friendships. Now go!

I definitely think that you can make real friends online, but it's different. I don't know if I can really say if it's better or worse, but it's just different. For one thing, I think that people who become friends online have a lot more in common. I mean, a lot of the friends I have in real life, I only have because of circumstances. Like, we worked together somewhere or they're friends with some of my friends. We're in the same social circle or whatever. We went to school together and shared a lot of classes, I dunno.

Online though, we share a lot more about our interests and personalities right away. I mean, all of us are part of a writing website. We have that in common right off the bat, and a creative hobby or interest like that is really strong. Then you get even deeper into it because now we're part of the blogging circle. That's two things we have in common. Maybe we're part of a horror writing group or an erotica group. That's three things in common now before we even meet.

I think that's why it's easier to befriend people online than in real life. You have nothing to lose by talking to people or being friendly. In real life, it's harder to get to the point because of social etiquette and the standoffish nature we're all supposed to have. It's hard to just start talking to people out in public, especially if you live in a city. People are going to think you're trying to sell something or scam them in some way. Maybe you're crazy or something, they don't know.

But, I don't think that befriending people online is necessarily better. Easier better. For one thing, it's really easy for people online to just disappear. I mean, I've seen it on here even in the short amount of time I've been here. My friend down the street can just disappear, but it's unlikely. He can't avoid me the way he could online by just hitting an ignore button. If he randomly stops talking to me, I can go down to his house and make sure he's okay. If someone does the same thing online, I have to just let it go and never talk to them again. It happens all the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What ever happened to all this season's
Losers of the year?
Every time I got to thinking
Where'd they disappear?

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