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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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July 5, 2014 at 2:48pm
July 5, 2014 at 2:48pm
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Album: Led Zeppelin III
Song: Tangerine
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Ah, man, I've fucked everything up. I was doing so good, you guys have no idea. I obviously haven't followed through with rehab, but I've been on Suboxone. That means I've not been shooting up, I've not gone through withdrawal, etc...

Oh well, I guess nothing lasts forever. Suboxone is just a bandage anyway. I don't want to be on that either. It still sucks though. I'm not making excuses, but it has been a really rough week. I was happy to have everything together and wasn't using anything at all for the funeral. Not the day before, the day of, or the day after. That was really awesome.

I can't just go back and forth between the two though. I guess the best thing to do now is try to wait out the next twelve hours or so, then go back to the Suboxone. I don't even know anymore. I haven't slept yet and it's like seven in the morning where I am right now. After I do this, I'll try to sleep it off and get a clearer head about what comes next.

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July 5, 2014 Prompt: What was the most important thing that happened yesterday?

Uh, well, did you just read my daily intro? *Rolleyes* Let's go back back though, before three o'clock in the morning. Um, I didn't really do anything yesterday, actually. I would have been busy, but the family was still out of town and all that. I'm sure we could have gone somewhere around here to see fireworks. We could hear them pretty clearly from our house, but I'm not sure where they were happening.

I like fireworks, but I'm not really amazed by them at this point. Like, I'm not in awe of fireworks or anything like that. I did see a lot of them when I was on my way home a few days ago. I love being in the car at night and looking at the sky. <<< I'm not driving while I do that, by the way. I don't get to see the sky where I live because of the lights.

I stayed in the house yesterday. I didn't get home until after two in the morning the night before, so I only slept a few hours. I'm so embarrassed to say what I actually did during the day yesterday. Fuck it, I watched the 19 Kids and Counting marathon on TLC. *Laugh* It's so bad. I don't know why I watch shit like that. It's just so mindless and stupid.

Hey, not every day has to be important.

*Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly*

July 3, 2014 Prompt: When you look in the mirror...what do you see? Who do you see? Are you happy with the image?

I'm down with the way I look, yeah. I'm cool with it. I'm pretty pale, a little bit gaunt, but I'm basically fine. I know this question probably isn't meant to be taken literally. Or is it? I'm not sure if I should be talking about whether or not I can look at myself in the mirror because of who I am on the inside or the outside. Those are two totally different things.

I was never that self conscious of how I look physically. I've had girlfriends since I got old enough to actually want one. I've never had a problem in that area. Kira is pretty much super hot, so I can only assume things are fine with physical looks. I went through that awkward phase though in middle school where I was all arms and legs. *Laugh* I was so awkward looking.

One thing I can remember clearly is looking in the mirror and realizing that I looked like a junkie. Like, my face was sunken in. That's who I saw for the first time in the mirror. This was probably when I was twenty or so. I remember thinking that everyone would be able to tell I had a drug problem. I think I've gotten better though. I don't look as sickly anymore because I have Kira trying to feed me all the time. She's good about that.

Now I try not to dwell too much on who I am or who I'm becoming. Sometimes you just have to take things a day at a time. Sometimes it's even rougher and you have to take it in hour-long segments. At face value though, all's well. *Thumbsup*

*Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinyly*

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July 5, 2014 Prompt: Atheists deny God because they have no proof of his existence. There is no proof as to WHY we fall in love, should they deny the existence of Love likewise?

Oh, wait. I have to wait for this prompt, don't I? Sleep time, I guess!

Okay, we've got the prompt. I'm supposed to write a story or poem for this one so... I guess I'll try a poem.

How is love real if we don’t know why it happens?
I missed when religion became an emotion.
Really, don’t we all define love differently?
We have to define it before we get started.

Is it when the person is caught up in your mind?
Is it when you can’t picture your life without them?
Dictionary.com has a different thought:
a profoundly tender, passionate affection

Are there religious definitions I don’t know?
Comparing the physical absence of love and
the lack of evidence to support religion
is apples and oranges to me. I’m sorry!

Measuring a summer's day,
I only find it slips away to grey.

July 4, 2014 at 1:46pm
July 4, 2014 at 1:46pm
Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Album: Cosmo's Factory
Song: Lookin' Out My Back Door
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I'm back home. The funeral went as well as can be expected, I suppose. The timing was weird though. My brother and I were driving home at midnight and there was this crazy juxtaposition of fireworks after hours of mourning. It felt like a bad trip. Just, like, people celebrating with their families while mine was all broken up.

I think funerals are always hard, but my parents and other brother are coming home today, finally. I think it will be good for them to sleep in their own beds because they've only been getting a couple hours of sleep this whole week. So, yeah, now that that's over, the only thing to do is move on. *Thumbsup*

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July 4, 2014 Prompt: What was your favorite family outing? Did you go somewhere? What made it special to you?

My family used to go on vacations a lot during the summer. The one I have the fondest memories of is the Arizona/Colorado trip. I was probably nine or ten and it was my first time on a plane. I had the window seat and it was really cool when we took off.

We went everywhere in that Four Corners area. The Grand Canyon was so cool. I'd like to go back there now that I'm older and see what my perception of it is now. I had the strangest experience when I went there. It was the first time I ever had Déjà vu. I looked over the edge and it felt like I had already been there. My family said that I had probably just seen a photo taken from the same outlook. It was still an eerie feeling.

We were gone for a couple weeks. It was over summer vacation and it was, like, 110 degrees in Arizona. It was crazy hot. I don't know why that vacation feels more special to me than the others. Maybe because that's the first one I really remember well. I know we went places before that, but I don't remember them as much. When you're six or seven, you have little pieces of memories, but nothing that holds together well. Or that's the way my memory is anyway.

*Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass* *Compass*

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July 4, 2014 Prompt: What funny memories do you have of the 4th of July?

Today's prompts are both about memories, huh? *Laugh*

Let's see, I'm trying to think of some funny Fourth of July memories. When I was younger, we used to set fireworks off a lot. One of my favorite memories was when my cousins were there and we were all messing around with sparklers. My cousins was waving it around behind him and lit his shirt on fire. It was just a tiny spark of fire, but he started freaking out and running around the yard screaming. We were all laughing so hard. I know I told this story a few days ago for another prompt about Fourth of July memories, but it still stands as the funniest one for me.

I never really spent the Fourth with my friends because my family would hang out at the house and drink. I'd have people come over sometimes and we'd all have a chill time. Wait, I do remember one Fourth of July that I spent at someone else's house. It was on a lake where one of my friend's lived. The city did fireworks over the water and I spent the whole night laying on a trampoline and making out with a girl that I never talked to again. That must have been 2006 because I was fourteen at the time.

I guess that's not a funny memory though, more of just a fun one. Being that age was a lot of fun because you could just hang out with one girl one week, then she'd be dating someone else the next and you would be too. Things get super serious pretty fast. *Laugh*

Just got home from Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy
Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch

July 3, 2014 at 12:20pm
July 3, 2014 at 12:20pm
Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Album: AM
Song: Snap Out Of It
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I'm going out of town for the funeral, so I'm going to try to finish this quickly before I go. We'll see what I can do with twenty minutes.

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July 3, 2014 Prompt: Honestly, evaluate the way you respond to a crisis situation. Are you happy with the way you react?

No, I'm not happy at all with the way I handle crisis. I'm a very anxious person and I have panic attacks a lot. It sucks to be the person in the corner having trouble breathing while everyone else handles the situation. I've always wanted to be that person that just jumps into action and gets things done. I'm just not.

I can usually pull things together and get them done in the end, but there is a period in the beginning of something where I can't handle things well. It sucks because the ending isn't what matters. People always remember the beginning where you're pacing around or shaking with nerves. They don't remember when you overcome that and get things taken care of.

To them, it's just something that comes naturally, so it's no great feat when you manage to do what they do freely. For me though, it really is a big deal to be able to react well during a crisis, because that doesn't come easily to me.

*Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg*

July 3, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about a movie or book scene that you relate to on a personal level.

Why did I ask this question and not even think about what my answer would be? Who does that? *Laugh* Let me see...

I'm trying to think of what I was even thinking about when this question came to mind. I think I was probably just watching a movie and thought about how unrealistic the situation was and then I thought about how maybe someone could actually relate in a way that I couldn't.

Wait, I remember what I was thinking about. I was thinking about the scene in the movie, Fight Club where Brad Pitt and Edward Norton get into the first fight in the parking lot of the bar. I've seen the movie probably five hundred times, but in that scene in particular, Edward Norton's character punches Brad Pitt in the ear.

Here's the scene:

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Well anyway, one time my brothers were fighting. They were probably fifteen and sixteen, I was like ten or eleven. I was trying to break them up, I have no idea why, that's just what younger siblings do. Anyway, the younger of the two swung to hit the older one just as I tried to jump in between them. His fist landed directly on my ear, and oh shit, that hurt so bad. I was walking around screaming, "My ear! My ear!" for the next five minutes.

Ever since then, when I see that scene, I always laugh because getting hit in the ear hurts a ridiculous amount and I have no idea why. I've gotten hit in the face and it hurts less than the ear.

It's especially funny because Brad Pitt really did get hit in the ear   and the rest was just his reaction to it.

Just don't listen to that article saying that Fight Club is a movie about "men punching each other into submission in a dingy basement". *Rolleyes*

*Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg* *Burstbl* *Burstg*

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July 3, 2014 Prompt: What's your opinion about this 3d tech as a new way of reading?

I just think this is so awesome. Technology really is amazing sometimes. Anything that can be done to help blind children read can't be spoken against. I just can't imagine anyone having a problem with that.

I feel like reading is something that everyone should have the right and ability to do. If something can be done to make that available and possible for visually impaired children, we should all be behind it.

I mean, sure, braille is great. But we're talking about kids here. How cool is it that they can actually feel the story playing out? Heck, I want one of these books. My mom read to me even as an infant and I could read small, easy books by age four. If most kids don't start reading braille until age six, this could be a way to get them a headstart on their education. I'm all for it! *Thumbsup*

I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby
Snap out of it (snap out of it)
I get the feeling I left it too late but baby
Snap out of it (snap out of it)

July 2, 2014 at 10:26am
July 2, 2014 at 10:26am
Artist: Silversun Pickups
Album: Carnavas
Song: Lazy Eye
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Thank you guys for your positive vibes and well wishes. I truly appreciate the good energy you've sent to me and my family.

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July 2, 2014 Prompt: You are locked in a room with your greatest fears. Describe what is in the room.

I'm not sure how to respond to this one. There are a million things to fear, and I think I spend enough time dwelling on those things as it is. I'm not afraid of the typical things you would think like clowns or heights. If I were stuck in a room of horrors, it would be me with my family and one of us would be in the process of dying. I guess death would be my greatest fear. It's scary how suddenly people can die when you think they're healthy. A room of death would be pretty horrible for anyone, I think.

Don't worry too much about this one though; we have a quiz   to determine our biggest fear.

King of interesting results:

What is your True Fear?
Your Result: Losing Someone


You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either!

Where Your life is Going

Being Alone

Looked down on




So, I scored lowest on death, but highest on losing someone I care about. I guess that kind of makes sense. They are two different things, technically. I scored kind of high on a lot of things though. I guess I have a lot of fears? *Worry*

*Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop*

July 2, 2014 Prompt: Celebrating the 4th of July.

I won't be celebrating this year, due to the loss in the family. I believe the funeral will be on the Fourth. I don't celebrate every year. When I was younger, we would drink a little bit and do fireworks. I remember my cousin lighting his shirt on fire with a sparkler one time. It was so funny. *Laugh* He was running around waving his arms everywhere and his shirt was barely on fire. It was just a tiny spark that he was making worse by freaking out.

As I've gotten older, I've lived in more and more places where fireworks are illegal to set off by yourself. There are parks and local areas that have controlled fireworks that you can go see, but it's not the same as doing them in private with your family.

I must be getting old because I've started getting annoyed with hearing them go off for the entire first week of July. It's especially annoying when you're living somewhere that doesn't allow people to do them, because they always do them really late, at like, one in the morning. I dunno, we'll probably celebrate next year because my parents have land at their new house. I don't think it's on the forefront of anyone's mind right now.

*Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop* *Stop*

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July 2, 2014 Prompt: While walking in the park one day...
Who do you encounter? What memories enter your mind?

The last time I was at a park was three years ago. I was living in southeast Texas at the time. Kira and I were dating and we went to this park that was on a lake. We had stopped at a gas station beforehand and gotten these badass slushies. They were Jones Soda flavored.

We went on the swings and were just talking and hanging out. Then I started getting sick, of course, because I for some reason always do when I'm on a swingset. Does anyone else get motion sickness as bad as me? We started walking around the little trails there and holding hands. It was late fall, which can be pretty nice weather in Texas.

If I were to go to a park now, I'd probably go with my "main" group of family. That's myself, my brothers, my brother's girlfriend, his daughter, and Kira. We do a lot of stuff together because we moved here late enough that we haven't really made friends here. I have other friends here, but none that I would bring around my family, especially a six year old.

I think there are some nice ones around here with walking trails that might be fun to go to. It's hard to work out everyone's schedule though. We all have work and that kind of stuff. Mine isn't bad because I can put mine off and just work on it late at night if I need to; but they have nine to five kind of jobs.

I don't know why I'm rambling about this. Have a good day, guys!

Lost and loaded
Still the same 'ol decent lazy eye
Straight through your gaze
That's why I said I relate
I said we relate
It's so fun to relate

July 1, 2014 at 2:55pm
July 1, 2014 at 2:55pm
Artist: The Strokes
Album: Is This It
Song: Someday
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My paternal grandfather died suddenly last night. Suddenly as in, he didn't have any prior medical issues and he wasn't being treated for any problems or hospitalized beforehand. We weren't close, but if you could keep my father and his family in your thoughts, I would appreciate it. I think they're in shock at this time because typically when someone passes, there is a period of time where their health is declining and you kind of know it's going to happen soon. The funeral will be held later this week and I might be going out of town for it, depending on how my dad is holding up.

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July 1, 2014 Prompt: In your opinion, what is the best 21st century romance film and why?

Oh, this is a hard one for me. Not because I can't think of any, but because I can think of so many. I'm really a sucker for the romantic type movies. I guess I just like any kind of drama movie and they typically have at least some elements of romance in them, so, that's my explanation.

Okay, I think I'm going to have to go with A Beautiful Mind. I know it's not a typical romance story, and there's a lot more to it than that, but it's such a good love story. The fact that it's based on true events only makes it better to me. Just the thought of having the person you love go through such a disastrous mental disorder and having to choose to either stick with them through it or leave them really shook me up when I watched it.

But it's not just his relationship with his wife that gets me. His relationship with math is just as impressive and in-depth. I thought it was a good movie altogether, but the love story in it was really touching. Here's a trailer, if you haven't seen it already. The book is also amazing.

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*Dropp* *Dropb* *Dropv* *Dropo* *Dropg* *Dropp* *Dropb* *Dropv* *Dropo* *Dropg* *Dropp* *Dropb* *Dropv* *Dropo* *Dropg*

July 1, 2014 Prompt: Take a nursery rhyme and create a new story. I believe you can do better than the black plague...

I remember how strange it was when I found out that a lot of the nursery rhymes were about depressing, creepy stuff. I found this list   of the sinister meanings behind nursery rhymes. Who even knows if they're all true though.

I always thought the full lyrics to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star were awesome. They're so scientifically educational for a children's rhyme.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
'Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark.
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
How I wonder what you are.

I just realized I didn't actually answer the prompt fully. I did my best! *Bigsmile*

*Dropp* *Dropb* *Dropv* *Dropo* *Dropg* *Dropp* *Dropb* *Dropv* *Dropo* *Dropg* *Dropp* *Dropb* *Dropv* *Dropo* *Dropg*

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July 1, 2014 Prompt: What does forgetting mean to you?

Forgetting to me is a temporary state. The information is floating around in your head somewhere, you just can't recall it at the time. It usually happens when there's too much going on and your mind is focused on other things.

During my recent move, I kept having to repeatedly do things (go to the store, go back to the old house, etc...) because I kept forgetting to get things I needed. In a normal state of mind, I don't forget to buy sponges at the store. In the middle of moving when my mind is in ten different places, I can apparently forget to get sponges at the store THREE times before I finally remember them.

There's also a type of forgetting that's intentional. Like, if you're hung up on an ex and your friend tells you, "Forget about him/her". Sometimes we try to forget about things because they aren't healthy for us to dwell on. It seems the things you want want to forget are impossible though, and the things you need to remember are easy to forget. Go figure!

You say you wanna stay by my side
Darlin' your head's not right
See alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think I'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes

Also, I was going to mention that I signed up for the "Invalid Item challenge. There's only room for twenty participants, so make sure you go sign up if you want to participate with us! I think there are like nine or ten or more spots open right now. It would be cool to have some familiar faces over there. *Smile*
June 30, 2014 at 2:40pm
June 30, 2014 at 2:40pm
Artist: The Dead Weather
Album: Sea of Cowards
Song: Blue Blood Blues
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Welp, blogging buddies, we've made it to the end of another month. I'm in the process of getting everything organized in the new place. I'll hopefully have everything done in the next few days or so. I can't believe June is already gone. Why does time go so fast now?

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June 30, 2014 Prompt: In many movies characters are given that moment right before they die to say their final words. What will be your final words?

Optional Bonus: What are the circumstances of your dramatic demise?

I'd have to go out in a blaze of glory like Tony Montana, because, why not? What were his last words? "Say hello to my little friend"? Those are pretty good last words.

I don't know what my final words will be. Death is weird and it happens so suddenly. I'll probably say something really stupid and my loved ones will be at my funeral, shaking their heads and wiping their tears away saying, "The last thing he said was, 'Are there any more Skittles?' It happened so suddenly..."

Don't we all want to die in our sleep anyway? I hope death is harder for the survivors of the person and not for the person dying. It's really hard watching someone go, so I hope the actual going is easier.

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June 30, 2014 Prompt: June 30 is Meteor Watch Day. Write a story, poem, opinion, or educational piece about a meteor. Have fun.

I don't think I'll be watching any meteors anytime soon. It rained on and off the whole week we were moving. There was a lot of time spent trying to plan around the random thunderstorms. Every day had, like, a fifty percent chance of rain but they didn't know when or how much it would be. It was super helpful!

I've never seen a meteor shower, unfortunately. I used to watch the sky a lot when I was younger and I saw shooting stars sometimes. Those were always really cool. Is a meteor the same as a shooting star or what? Never quite figured that out.

I thought this video of the Russian Meteor Explosion last year was cool. Just be sure to mute it around the two minute mark, or during the whole thing, because there's an overly loud noise that somehow isn't involved in the actual explosion.

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June 30, 2014 Prompt: What is your most controversial opinion? Why do you stick by it despite its unpopularity?

I think all drugs should be legal. When I tell people that opinion, they look at me incredulously and say, "But then everyone would do drugs!" *Rolleyes* That train of thought is so strange to me. Are you saying you'd do crack if it was legal? The average person wouldn't do drugs even if there were government run drug shops.

If someone is going to do drugs, they're going to do them whether they're legal are not. I've been in the game and I've seen the way drug dealers act. If there was a legal place to go buy drugs, all of us (users) would do it. You cut out the risk of getting killed/jumped/robbed/threatened over some little drug dispute. I've seen people ready to kill each other over five hundred dollars like it's the end of the world. Nah, I think all of us would bypass that for government-controlled shit.

It's sad to me, but I know that no one will care about my next point. I'll say it anyway though. The biggest reason I still hold this opinion is because there is no quality control in illegal drugs. Yes, the easy answer is, "Oh, just don't do drugs and you won't have to worry about it." That's not a solution. Believe it or not, there are people in this that are contributing members of society. There are people that had rough times in their lives and got hooked on something they can't give up now. Some of us don't commit any crime other than doing the actual drug. We aren't all bad people that deserve to die if we get a bad batch.

If drugs were legally sold and controlled, there wouldn't be that issue of people falling off like flies because they got something laced with something that's going to kill them. Not to mention cutting down on the spread of diseases like HIV and Hepatitis. They could provide clean needles along with the product. Trust me, people don't use dirty needles if they've got a clean one.

Making all drugs illegal doesn't get to the root of the actual problem. We need better programs for youth that have gotten onto a bad path. Instead of throwing them in a juvenile hall or jail when they become of age, there needs to be treatment programs and especially after care for drug users. Instead of pushing people off into a corner and treating them like degenerates, there should be a conscious effort to bring these people into a clean society.

Not only would it bring money in for the government, it would provide a safer environment for both users and sober citizens. It's infuriating that rapists and child molesters get less time than drug dealers. Yes, let's throw the drug dealers into prison for a couple decades because that will surely help the situation. But it's cool to give the rapist seven years, three and a half on good behavior. That sounds about right. Drug dealers and users can be rehabilitated; sex offenders cannot.

So there are a couple unpopular opinions for you. Sorry if you disagree!

Dripping blue blood from the wrist
I don't need to resist
And all the neighbors get pissed when I come home
I make 'em nervous.

June 29, 2014 at 12:26pm
June 29, 2014 at 12:26pm
Artist: The Rolling Stones
Album: Some Girls
Song: Beast of Burden
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Well, hello. How are all my blogging friends? I'm set up in my new house (kinda) and I think I finally have time to update my blog. I tried to update it over the last few days, but I didn't have time to do a quality entry. I almost had one finished, but then I realized I only wrote, like, two sentences for each prompt and that was too lame. *Laugh*

Every part of my body is aching from moving stuff. We had so many trips back and forth from the old place to the new place and that ate up a lot of time too. Can someone answer me this- when do I put a comma before 'too'? Is it only when I'm saying, "He blahblahblahs, too?" Is it all the time? I've never quite figured that out. Is it only if it's at the end of a sentence? Help a brother out here.

Anyway, I'll be trying to catch up on things I've missed over the last few days. I'll definitely have the last 30DBC prompt out tonight for you guys. I saw that Calvin can see my blog now so, hey, CJ Reddick ! I'm sure all of you guys have a lot going on, too, so I'll catch up with your blogs and check it out for myself. Hope you're all doing well.

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June 29, 2014 Prompt: Do you feel uncomfortable when you see someone being embarrassed? What makes you squirm the most?

I know I decided I was going to wait until after one before doing my own prompt for 30DBC and all that, but I'm going to go ahead and start on this one with my own prompt. I apologize for my impatience, but I won't have time later. I hope that's okay with everyone!

So, in short, my answer to this prompt is a big YES. I absolutely cringe when I see someone in an awkward or embarrassing situation. I don't know anyone who gets more uncomfortable than me. I do it to such an extreme extent that I can't even watch shows where people sing and they air the "bad" auditions. If it's on, I have to look away from the screen and cover my ears while going, "LALALALA". It's just so embarrassing to me, I'll blush even though I'm not involved.

I know there are some people that don't mind seeing people embarrassed. They can either find the humor in it or they're the crazy type that actually enjoys seeing someone in an embarrassing situation. The people around me think it's hilarious to show me a video of someone doing something embarrassing and watch me squirm in my seat.

The thing that makes me squirm the most is when the person doesn't know that they're being embarrassed, like when everyone is laughing at them but they think everyone is laughing with them. I just feel really bad for the person and I want to let them know that they're being laughed at. But when you think about it, it's actually kind of nice that they have the confidence to try something at least. Maybe they don't care that they're being laughed at? That's what I almost hope anyway, because otherwise, I can't take it!

I'll never be your beast of burden
So let's go home and draw the curtains
Music on the radio
Come on baby make sweet love to me
June 25, 2014 at 7:35pm
June 25, 2014 at 7:35pm
Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Album: Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Song: Mardy Bum
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Hey guys! I'm super busy with moving. I'm getting this entry out a lot later than I wanted to, but I'm going to catch up with everyone's blogs in the next couple days. Don't be surprised if you get a late comment and think, "Come on, Charlie. That's not even relevant anymore." *Laugh*

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June 25, 2014 Prompt: I'm a Nurse. What's your super power? I work as a QMA {like a Nurse} in mental health and you don't have to be Batman or Superman to have super powers. Have fun with this.

My super power is that I have really good listening skills. I can listen to someone talk forever. I think it's funny because I hear guys complaining a lot that their girlfriends or wives never stop talking, but I actually like to hear people talk, even if it's only about their self. I like to see people's body language change as they talk and to see their facial expressions or hand movements.

I always figure that if someone is talking a lot, they're comfortable with me, and that makes me feel good in turn. If someone is quiet around me even though I've known them for a long time, I start to think that they may not be comfortable sharing their opinions or feelings with me, and that makes me feel bad. I've always thought that the worst feeling ever would be if someone was too afraid to be open and honest with me because of the way I'd reacted in the past. I try to keep a level head and not lose my temper so that people around me won't start lying to me in order to avoid my temper.

I guess it's a pretty average super power when I think about it. But there are a lot of people who could take a hint from those of us that listen well. There are times I zone out and I'm not sure what was just said to me. When that happens, I don't try to play along like I know what they're talking about. I'll apologize and let them know that I zoned out for a second and ask if they can repeat it. It's still not good to do and I try not to do it, but I do acknowledge it if it happens.


June 25, 2014 Prompt: The word for Wednesday is halcyon. When it is an adjective it means calm, peaceful, tranquil, prosperous, or golden. When it is a noun it refers to a genius of bird or a bird from a fable. Write and have fun.

See, this is why English is so hard for non-speakers to learn. There are so many words that have multiple meanings. I think this is especially interesting because Wednesday, as the day of the week, doesn't feel calm/peaceful/tranquil at all to me. Wednesday is the day that you're in the middle of doing a million other things. It's right smack dab in the center of the week, so you get no time for rest on that day.

For me, I would think Sunday should be the tranquil day. Not for religious purposes, but because I have a lot of lazy Sundays. I remember everyone just lounging around the house on Sundays when we were growing up. We'd all just be off doing our own things, watching TV or reading or whatever. There's not much to do on a Sunday, really. Most people have to go back to work the next day, or school if you're too young to work. It's not like you can go out late like you can on a Friday or Saturday. Plus, places close really early on Sundays, so even if you wanted to go out, there wouldn't be anything to do.

I am hereby proposing that we change Wednesday to Sunday in terms of halcyon. All in favor?


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June 25, 2014 Prompt: Where do your morals come from — your family? Your faith? Your philosophical worldview? How high do you feel your morals are?

I'm doing my own prompt again. Today we're talking about morals. How high they are, where we get them from, etc... I'm actually really interested in finding out how people feel about this. I feel that my morals would be about average. I don't think they're too high or too low. I've mentioned before that I'm not religious and didn't grow up in a very religious household. I went to a private Catholic school for a while, just because my parents thought that kids in public school were a bad influence on me. It didn't have anything to do with their own religious beliefs.

We were talking a couple days ago about who guides us through life and I talked about how I take a little piece away from everyone I meet and that's what builds my personality. I feel like my morals are the same way. I wouldn't say that I take my morals from my family just because I was raised that way or anything. More likely, I see other people's morals and warp them to fit myself. I think we all need to have our own opinions about right from wrong and you should never believe something is right or wrong just because you're told it is a certain way.

My philosophical worldview would be another big way I gather morals. I really do believe in the balance of life. I believe in keeping an even level of karma and just treating people the way they treat you. I automatically treat everyone well until they give me a reason not to. Once they've treated me poorly, I usually take the low road and treat them the same way. I guess I'm a little bit immature like that.

But, it's not enough to just tell myself that I have average morals, is it? Nah, you guys know we've gotta do a test to see where we fall. Morality Quiz  

So, it looks like I got right where I thought I would on the moral compass at 50%.

For 50 % you are: You wouldn't be able to cause charm to others even though it would be beneficial. 49.3349 % of 1729 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

That's not a full morality quiz though, really. That just shows whether or not you'd be willing to kill one for the greater good. I thought this American morality poll   was very interesting though. They just have the percentages of people that think something is morally wrong or not. If I took a quiz with these questions, my morality would be super low.

Here are the full results   if anyone's interested.

Now then Mardy Bum
I see your frown
And it's like looking down the barrel of a gun
June 24, 2014 at 3:04pm
June 24, 2014 at 3:04pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: The Smiths
Song: The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
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June 24, 2014 Prompt: What kind of world would this be if there was no humor?

The first word that comes to mind is boring. How boring would it be if no one had any sense of humor at all? I depend a lot on my sense of humor to relate to people. It's my main form of connection. Have you ever been around someone that has zero sense of humor? It's horrible! I knew this girl who would say, "That's funny." instead of laughing every single time. She wouldn't even say it with a smile, just a flat, "That's funny." It made me feel icky to be around, like I couldn't tell if she thought things were funny or if she was just thinking, "Please shut up."

No, I need a sense of humor to get to know people. I have a little bit of a sarcastic and dark sense of humor, which I understand that not everyone "gets" or "enjoys". That's okay. But when you find someone that has the exact same sense of humor, it feels like you guys are old friends. I like it when I'm hanging out with someone and I know we share the same sense of humor. I know we'll have a good time and we'll be comfortable with each other.

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June 24, 2014 Prompt: Does music speak to you or is it just noise?

I've written a lot about music before. Music is equal to writing for me. It's something that I spend a lot of time doing and it definitely speaks to me in that same way. I never get tired of listening to music. I never stop discovering new music. I feel like writing is a way of life. Your mind works around it completely. You pay attention to people's names or their conversations. You get inspiration from situations in life. Music is the same way for me. I connect to people through it. In my mind, I have songs connected to certain memories from my past. The way some people might connect a sight or a smell to an event in their life, I connect a song to it.

How someone could ever say that music is just noise is beyond me. That's okay though, we don't all have to understand each other. I do know a few people that don't listen to music at all. We'll be driving in their car and I have to say, "So, you don't listen to music when you're driving?" I have to hide my shock every time when they say, "I don't really get into music." It's a completely different world from mine where I always have a song going. If I'm not making the music myself, I'm listening to someone else's. Sometimes, I just lay in bed and play along to songs from my favorite bands. It's an extremely rewarding hobby for me.

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June 24, 2014 Prompt: If you could get all the nutrition you needed in a day with a pill — no worrying about what to eat, no food preparation — would you do it?

So, I'm not sure if we're going to get a prompt today or not, but I'm going to go ahead and do my own. I'm with Fivesixer ; if the prompt isn't out by like one o'clock the day we're doing it, I think we should just do our own. That's what I'm doing anyway, hope it's cool with everyone!

I found this prompt out on the interwebs, which is a scary place. You have to be careful out there. I thought it might be interesting to write about here, so that's that!

This is actually a really cool idea to me. With my lifestyle, I lack an appetite most of the time. If there was just one pill that I could take a day and get all of my nutrition from it, that would actually be pretty handy. Of course, there are some things we'd have to work out first. For one thing, what is the price of this pill? If it's more than what I spend eating daily, it might not be worth it to me. Also, I wouldn't want to ever get hungry with this pill. I'm assuming you wouldn't get hungry because you have all of your daily nutrition, but I don't want to hear in grumbling stomachs.

Assuming the price is reasonable and I don't walk around with hunger pangs all day, I'd probably do it. Does this have to be an all or nothing thing though? Like, maybe I could take the pill most days, but if I got a taste for spaghetti one day, I could skip the pill. That would be ideal for me. I know I've talked a little bit about how I feel like I view food differently than others, and that does come into play here. I don't get excited about going out to eat in restaurants or just eating in general. I actually get annoyed when I'm out and everyone has to stop somewhere and eat every four hours. Then you get these gigantic portions that are impossible to finish without stuffing yourself. I dunno, it's just not for me.

Do you think the pill would be good for weight loss in people? It probably would be if it only gave you the necessities and nothing more. The more I think about it, the more I want this pill to exist. Of course, it has to be healthy, too. It can't be some gross diet pill that's going to leave you dehydrated or sick all day.

So, yeah, I'd basically take the pill most days because I tend to forget the eating three times a day thing. But, there would be some days I'd want to skip if I had a taste for a specific food that day, or maybe I'd just get extra nutrients on those days. I could stand to gain a few anyway. *Thumbsup*

There never need be longing in your eyes
As long as the hand that rocks the cradle is mine
June 23, 2014 at 10:51pm
June 23, 2014 at 10:51pm
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About
Song: Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset
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June 23, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about a time you ran away from something or someone.

Running away is kind of a lifestyle for me. No wonder I'm so skinny; I get a lot of exercise this way. I'm to the point where if something or someone doesn't feel right, I just get myself out of the situation. I've learned to go with my instincts and trust myself to know when I need to get out.

A lot of people say that we need to face things head on and deal with our problems. I'm not good at this. I wouldn't say I'm avoidant < why does it say that's not a word? I guess avoidant isn't a word, but I'm going to use it anyway. So, I wouldn't say I'm avoidant, but a lot of times if I'm in a rough situation, I stop caring about it altogether. I put a wall up and I stop caring about the outcome and the people involved. In that case, it's just easier for me to throw my hands up and walk away from it. Of course, I have other obligations and responsibilities now that I could never just walk away from. I'm married, so if that ever fell apart, I wouldn't be able to just run away. I'd have to deal with it; but I don't see that happening, hopefully.

But why answer the question so generally? We want to hear about a specific time when I've run away, right? Don't worry, I've got one for you. At one point, I had been living in Florida with a girl. Our relationship started dissipating and that's part one of me running away. I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran back home to Maine without really saying anything. When I got home, I found out that my family no longer lived in Maine. I'm sure this sounds completely absurd to not know where your family is, but I hadn't talked to any of them in a long time and I didn't give them any real contact number to reach me through.

I stayed with a friend for a short while, but then he told me I had to leave. Well, he didn't really tell me I had to leave. He more dragged me out of his house during a fight and there I was. At this point, I knew where my family was and I had a decision to make. I could either go to the state they were in, or I could again run away from a situation and set myself up somewhere else. Spoiler Alert

The point is, when we run away from one thing, it leads us to running away from more and more things. I ran away from so many people and things in that situation because I felt alone and betrayed by the people around me. I didn't want them involved in my life anymore because of that, and I went on living my life and meeting new people. It may not work for everyone, and it's probably not the most mature thing to do. I met Kira that way though, so I'm okay with those decisions. *Smile*

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June 23, 2014 Prompt: Who shows you the way?

I look up to a lot of people. I'm not one of those "only depend on myself" type of people. I try to intake my environment and the people around me. I take a little bit from everyone and that's who I am in the end. I pretty much live by my favorite quote:

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known.”
-Chuck Palahniuk

I agree with this so much. I meet people all the time that handle things better than I do and I try to take some of their positive attributes away and apply them to my own life. I think people do this anyway whether they realize it or not. Sometimes I'll think of someone I don't even know anymore and realize that I have a mannerism that they had. Something simple like the way they moved their hand or lit a cigarette or bit their lip; I'll realize that I'm doing it. Then I'll think about people that meet me now and those are my mannerisms to them, not anyone else's. When you spend a lot of time with someone and you observe them, I think you slowly start mimicking little things like that and it's interesting to me.

Did I get off topic? I guess I'm saying that I learn the way from everyone else around me. Everyone I meet adds a little bit of personality and guidance.

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June 23, 2014 Prompt: No prompt, making up my own. Which decade would you choose to live in, if you had the choice? Why?

This question comes half from the newest Symposium question and half from the blog prompt site I use. Since they came up around the same time, I figured I could answer it here. So, I think I'd fit in best in the 90's if I were to pick a decade other than the one we're in right now. I feel like I'd be able to understand the people then more than in other decades because I'm pretty young after all. I don't think I'd fit in in the sixties having never experienced a time like that. Plus, I like a lot of nineties music and movies, so I'd be up on the entertainment for the time. I think it could work out.

Just to make sure though, I took this quiz   to see which decade I actually belong in. Here are my results:

You got: You belong in the ‘70s!
You’re all about the nightlife and getting groovy. You’re a social butterfly and are always out with friends. You love disco and soul music and can’t imagine a world without Saturday Night Fever.

Hm, who would've guessed. I guess I'd be okay with that? But I'm not a social butterfly and I don't like disco or soul. Wait, what is going on here? Are you trying to tell me that these quizzes aren't accurate? Is this because I said I'd buy drugs if I won the lottery? Damn! *Rolleyes*

Looking kind of anxious in your cross-armed stance
Like a bad-tempered prom queen at a homecoming dance

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