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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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May 24, 2014 at 12:58am
May 24, 2014 at 12:58am
Artist: Sublime
Album: Sublime
Song: Doin' Time
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I just realized that I can do this entry tonight and not miss a day. I'm basically a genius right now. My brain is working on that level. *Rolleyes*

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May 24, 2014 Prompt: What kind of camera did you take your first photographs with? What do you love to photograph?

I don't remember the first camera I used to take a photo with, but I'm almost sure it was one of the cheap-o disposable cameras. I never got really into photography, but I do like looking at pictures of space and cool landscapes or cities. There are some really awesome photographers out there. My favorite kind of personal photos are ones that are taken when no one knows they're being taken. Like, just ones that are snapped while everyones hanging out and having a drink or playing music or whatever. I hate when it's staged, like "Everyone put down your instruments and come stand in a line. Okay, smile on three!" It's like, I was just smiling naturally three seconds ago, you should have captured that moment. I think a good photograph is one that doesn't look forced, you can really capture the mood if you have your timing right.

I'd love to get into photography, and I may someday. Right now though, I have this thing where I limit my creative hobbies because I want to have enough time to put 100% into the ones that I do. I already have things like music and writing, so other things like painting and photography are on the back burner for now. I don't want to be mediocre at ten different things; I want to be good at a couple.


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Blogging Circle of Friends May 24, 2014 Prompt: Is there something that really gets on your nerves, like watching someone scratch themselves, or seeing a classmate chew on a pencil, or hearing your little brother making weird sounds at the dinner table? You get the picture. Now write about it.

Yes, I have this. There's something that I'm completely irrational about and everyone around me jokes about it. I know that this bothers most people, but I take it to a whole different level. I cannot stand it when people chew with their mouths open or are otherwise sloppy while eating. I can't stand it so much, that I lose my appetite if I see someone engaging in these gross habits. I have to be careful at a restaurant to not watch people it because I'll get so grossed out that I can't eat any of my food. I know; I told you it was irrational.

It's not just chewing with their mouth open either. I actually have a list.

1. Loudly slurping noodles or soup

2. Getting food on their face/hands/shirt

3. Eating things with their hand that should be eaten with a utensil

4. Putting too much food in their mouth at once so they look like a chipmunk

5. Licking food/condiments off of a utensil or their fingers

But wait, there's more!

I can even get sick when I see someone eating copious amounts of food at once. I can't go to buffets because there inevitably is someone who overfills a plate so much that it's falling all over the floor as they waddle to their table. It's not like it's their last meal, I mean, there's five hundred clean, empty plates just waiting for you to get more. You don't need to overflow your plate like that. On top of that, they'll go back like twelve times and do the same thing. How can one person eat that much food in one sitting? It's absurd!

I guess I'm weird when it comes to food though. I've been told that I eat like a bird because I just kind of pick at my food and I don't eat very much at once. If I go to a restaurant, I always end up leaving with leftovers and picking at them for dinner or a snack later that night. Needless to say, I'm not very fun to eat out with. ◔_◔

Doin' time and the livin's easy...
May 23, 2014 at 10:59pm
May 23, 2014 at 10:59pm
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30DBC May 23, 2014 Prompt: Funny Friday Free For All

I had something mildly funny happen today that reminded me of something mildly funny that happened a long time ago. Sure, I'll tell you about it, calm yourself.

So, I'm walking up to a local health food store that's in a strip mall and they have this huge sign that says, "BLOWOUT SALE. ALL FLOOR MODELS MUST GO!"

Of course, I thought it was a little strange, but I figured the fruit must just be getting a little strange itself. Floor models? Well, they do have the huge bins of fruit in the produce section. Yeah, I'm about to score some cheapass tomatoes. Sweet.

So, I walk inside and there are couches and entertainment centers everywhere. No, no. None of this is right. I've made a big mistake, I realize, and back out slowly just as the vulturous salesperson spots me with money lust in his eyes. Phew! That was a close one.

So, have you ever done this? Walked into the wrong place and just physically backed out when you realized your mistake? It's really funny at a place like a furniture store because you know the salespeople are totally nuts in the first place. Then it looks like their overexcitement scared you so much you had to backtrack in fear.

It reminded me of this time when I was in high school and I was running late for my chem class. It was really important that I wasn't late because I was late so often they started giving me Saturday schools for tardies. I don't know if you guys know what Saturday school is, but it's exactly what it sounds like, you have to wake up early and go to school for a few hours on Saturday morning. It's basically the devil.

So, I'm running to chemistry class and, of course, it's on the second floor. I'm tripping over myself and completely out of breath by the time I get to the room. I throw the door open and beeline it to my seat, even though I'm clearly already at least a minute or two late. But, to my surprise, some asshole is already sitting in my seat. What's the big idea?

Yeah, that asshole wasn't an asshole at all, he was just a kid sitting in his geometry class wondering why I was acting like a rabid fiend for math. I realized my mistake and backed slowly out of the room as a teacher I had never had looked on in amusement. Luckily, the door next to it was the right one. Yes, I still got Saturday school that weekend.

Hey, I said it was mildly funny. Give me a break.
May 23, 2014 at 2:12pm
May 23, 2014 at 2:12pm
Artist: Sublime
Album: Robbin' the Hood
Song: Pool Shark
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I'm going to be gone after today until Monday. I may be able to check in occasionally, but I won't be able to actually get anything done.

So, I'm going to dedicate this entry to Sublime's frontman, Bradley Nowell, since I won't be around Sunday (the anniversary of his death) to do it.

R.I.P. Brad (February 22, 1968 – May 25, 1996)
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May 23, 2014 Prompt: How do you plan the perfect Saturday?

The perfect Saturday is not going to be how I'm spending tomorrow. The perfect Saturday is the opposite of tomorrow.

Really, the older I get, the more antisocial I get. Before, I didn't have an option of being a hermit because I didn't have a steady home to stay in. I hopped around a lot and slept on people's couches, so naturally, I'd stay there as little as possible. I mean, think about it- If someone is letting you crash on their couch, you don't sit there and watch TV or sleep 24 hours a day. You go out. You party. You get home as late as possible and head out when you wake up the next afternoon. It's the natural habit.

Now that I have my own place, I've become really attached to that idea of having a place of my own and being comfortable there. It actually makes me really uncomfortable now when I have to go away from my home and my cats. Oh my God, I just realized how terrible that sounds. What is wrong with me?

Honestly, the perfect Saturday for me is waking up late, getting a lot of work done, maybe watching a movie and doing some writing, then just going to bed. Is that weird?

I'm far past the point of having fun in the party scene. We all know where that got me and it really just isn't fun anymore. I can't go out and take a couple pills or drink a little and have a good time like I used to. People see what I do now and that scares them. There's nothing cool or fun about it. It's something you do quietly by yourself.

I dunno, I guess I'm getting old.


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May 23, 2014 Prompt: Write a short story, poem or opinion piece about a Lucky Penny or a superstition.

Oh yeah, I love superstition. I don't know why, I've just always found it interesting, I guess. I mean, I don't go out of my way to be superstitious, but I find people who are into that stuff to be interesting in some way. I think the most superstitious thing I actually believe in is karma. Is that even a superstition though? I'm not sure.

If I see a penny heads up on the ground, I'll probably pick it up. Hey, it can't hurt, can it? I've never heard of a tails up one being unlucky though. I always thought those were just worth a cent.

But now I've got the needle,
And I can shake but I can't breathe.
I take it away,
But I want more, and more.
One day I'm gonna lose the war.
May 23, 2014 at 12:54pm
May 23, 2014 at 12:54pm
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May 21, 2014 Prompt: Gay/Lesbian OR Internet/Web. Choosing Gay/Lesbian.

I've been told before that everyone has a gay experience at least one time in their life. I'd really love to see how true that actually is. I think if it is true, it would likely occur in the experimental stages of youth.

I'm not gay and I don't have any best friends who are gay or anything like that. I don't have any issue with someone being gay though. I think all consenting adult humans should have the right to love each other and be married, no matter what gender they are. With over 50% of marriages ending in divorce, I think the whole "sanctity of marriage" thing is a load of crock.

My biggest pet peeve about this subject is the people who try to change the way gay people and supporters of gay people think by pulling lines from the Bible as some sort of proof that it's a sin. I always ask the same thing, "Okay, well, what happens when I don't believe in the Bible and I've never read it?"

To me, it's wrong to cherry pick specific lines from the Bible to support your opinions when it's convenient for you. I don't mind religious people using their religion as a defense for their beliefs. I don't think anyone should have to defend what they believe in in the first place, but just say they feel like it for whatever reason. I mean, really, shouldn't it be an all or nothing kind of deal? Maybe I just don't understand religion.

Either way, I've had some experience, if you will. I don't think that experimenting makes you one way or the other. As long as you're comfortable with where you are in your sexuality, I think you're good to go. No need to defend or explain yourself. Live your life the way you like to; it's more fun that way. /font}


May 22, 2014 Prompt: Hobby/Craft or Home/Garden. Writing for both, no MB preference.

I'm married to a big home and craft type of person. Yeah, she's kind of a combination of both. I think it's the coolest thing ever to see someone create something out of nothing. Kira has a sense for interior design like nothing I've seen before. She can take the smallest space and make it feel like home with just a few touches of matching color and decorations.

When I was in school, art was the best subject behind English. I liked getting a fresh piece of paper and being told what to with it. I don't know why, but I didn't like being told to just draw anything. It was almost like I needed a prompt in order to be able to do anything with it. I guess I wasn't that artistically creative, or at least I didn't have the confidence needed to create something from my mind on a blank canvas.

Gardening is something else entirely. If you give me a plant, I will kill it. If I even look at a plant, it dies. I don't know what it is about me, but plants and I do not get along feet well. Maybe it's because I eat them too often as a vegetarian?

I had a Venus fly trap as a kid and I used to like to put my finger in its mouth and watch it bite down. I was so upset when that thing died. I mean, how does one even kill a Venus fly trap? I've always wondered. It had access to many a fly. Isn't that kind of like killing a cactus?

As I get older, I hope to hone my arts and crafts and home and garden skills. They're such healthy actives and you can be proud to have something to show for it. I have so many unhealthy hobbies, it would be awesome to have some I could actually show off to people. I guess that's one of my goals as I age, to gain healthy and creative hobbies like these.

May 22, 2014 at 3:43pm
May 22, 2014 at 3:43pm
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30DBC May 22, 2014 Prompt: Thursday prompt is something you figure out to be....

Our entire lives are spent figuring things out. Figuring out what career we want to do, who we want to be with, how many kids we want to have, where we want to live, etc... I've recently been told that we're never done figuring things out. I guess that makes sense. It's never too late to make a change or live a different way.

There have been a lot of things that I thought would be easy and they turned out to be crazy difficult. It's so funny. When I was younger, I thought that being an adult would be super simple. Like, I straight up thought that you just went to school and landed an awesome job. See, where I really messed up was thinking that working 9-5 would be the exact same as going to school from 7-3 everyday. I really thought, "Hey, I already do this for school and I don't get paid for it."

Wow, was I wrong. It's funny to think about now. I would sleep through most of my classes or just skip whenever I wanted. When I was given homework, I made a choice about whether to do it or skip that assignment. That's something we can't get away with at work, right? Yeah, I didn't know that at the time. I thought you just went and sat at a desk and, I dunno, filled out some spreadsheets and then went home. *shrug* No big deal.

I actually got a job for the first time and that shit sucks. Like, you have to be there on time every single day. If you're late, it's actually kind of a big deal. Any task that you're given to do has to be done at time. I realized that I wasn't even using my brain in school. I was just showing up when I felt like it and saying that I was doing my "job". I guess that was the biggest thing I've figured out.

Oh, and also, bills. So many bills. I mean, I don't even check my mailbox anymore because I know it's going to be full of bills. I go gather them like once a week and let them pile up on the counter so they can taunt me. There's a bill for everything, too. I was thinking, "Okay, rent and electricity." No, there's also water, sewer, trash, gas, cable, internet, phone, renter's insurance, car insurance, etc...

May 22, 2014 at 12:31pm
May 22, 2014 at 12:31pm
Artist: Bright Eyes
Album: Noise Floor
Song: Trees Get Wheeled Away
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I had such a rough night last night. I was having night terrors and kept waking up with my heart racing and in a state of panic. Is anyone here good with dream interpretations? I kept having this nightmare and when I woke up, I'd fall back asleep and be right back in it. In the dream, my wife stabbed me in the neck with an Exacto knife. The first time it was an accident, and it was like I got a redo. The second time, she just attacked me and stabbed me in the neck on purpose.

This kept happening where I'd wake up and go back to sleep, only to start the dream at the beginning and get stabbed again. I don't know why or if she was mad at me or what was going on. Finally, on the sixth or seventh go around, I stabbed her first before she could stab me. I was really sad in the dream and felt horrible that I had to do that, but I knew it was either her or more. She looked so betrayed afterwards, but then she started laughing and the wound healed right away. I just woke up then and gave up on sleeping. It was very strange.

Moving onto the prompts... Well, we have two today that I'm not really able to relate to, but I'm looking forward to seeing what others say. I don't really have a dog in the fight because I wasn't involved in high school very often or for long. I just realized that idiom does not mean what I've always thought it meant. I thought it meant like, you don't have an input because you don't have experience with it. *Rolleyes* But, okay, let's see what I can do with these.

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May 22, 2014 Prompt: Did you go to your High School Prom? Tell us your story.

I did not go to my high school prom. In my school, and I think others are this way as well, only upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) are allowed to go to prom. Now, I was dating a senior when I was a freshman and had she chosen to go to prom, I would have been able to go with her because you are allowed to take underclassmen as your date.

I had been dating this girl since the summer before my freshman year and by the time her prom rolled around (almost a year later), things had all but dissolved between the two of us. I think we were still technically together at that time, but relationships are really weird at that age, at least they were for me. There were several times that I wasn't sure if I was actually dating someone or if we had broken up without saying anything. There isn't a lot of direct, open communication at that age.

I remember in January of that year, I had mentioned prom to her and asked if she would want to go to it because she hadn't gone to her junior year prom. We had talked about it before and she always said prom wasn't her thing, but this time when I asked her, she said she wasn't sure. As the time got closer though, it became kind of apparent that things weren't going to work out anyway. I don't know if she ended up going to prom or not, but I did find out she was seeing another guy around that time and he and I ended up becoming best friends for a bit.

So, that's the story of my failed chance at going to prom. I'm definitely not broken up about it. Things like that are just kind of a formality to me. If I had been in school still by the time my prom rolled around, I'm nearly positive I would have spent the night at a house party or at home, writing in my room. There's nothing in between.

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May 22, 2014 Prompt: Best year of high school- freshman, sophomore, junior, senior?

I attended two of these grades. I went through my full freshman year. I missed quite a few days, but nothing too major. I started my sophomore year and attended sporadically at best. I somehow still had really good grades, but I had skipped enough that it was unlikely I'd be able to move on in time.

I kinda knew I was done at that point, so it wasn't a big deal to me. I'm a notorious quitter. If I don't like something, I tend to run away from it and I did that with school. Things got hard at home and at school, so I gave up. It's funny that six years later I'm still doing the same thing.

I didn't mind my freshman year too much. I remember thinking that it was a lot better than middle school. I felt like I had a little bit more freedom, and there were more students so I could kind of slip through the cracks.

It should also be noted that I was in a private school at this time and that wasn't something I handled very well. When the school staff and my parents decided that I was acting out too much for public school, I was sent back to a pro ate school and that sucked for me because a of my friends went to public school. I didn't know anyone and I didn't feel like I could make friends there because everyone already had their friends for a long time before that.

If I had to pick a favorite of the two years that I did attend, I would say my sophomore year, only because I left that year. It was very freeing for me to leave. I felt like I could finally take the reigns in my life.

I was watching a movie recently and it was focused around a high school. I kept thinking it must be cool to be a senior in high school and be applying to colleges. Just to be an upperclassmen and have that senior disease where you can't focus on anything because you're so excited and nervous about the doors opening in front of you.

Yeah, I think that would be a good feeling, to feel like your life is on track and you're making decisions along with all of your friends. You would know you were doing the right thing because it's what you were told to do and it's what everyone else was doing. That feeling the last week of school must be awesome. You know, little things, like your last meal in the cafeteria, cleaning out your locker for the last time, walking out the doors for the last time... I think if I had stayed, senior year would have been the best.

This is not who I've become,
But what you make me into.
May 21, 2014 at 2:00pm
May 21, 2014 at 2:00pm
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30DBC May 21, 2014 Prompt: What is the weirdest movie you have ever owned?

I like this question because I love watching movies. I usually watch at least a few a week. Sometimes I'll go on stretches where I watch at least one a day for a month or so. There are two kinds of weird when it comes to movies, in my opinion. There's the good kind of weird where strange things happen, but you're still following along and understanding the purpose. Then there are the weird kind of movies where nothing make sense and you take nothing away from it.

So, like, for example, Donnie Darko and A Clockwork Orange are examples of very strange movies that I consider to be really good. I can watch both of these many times and still enjoy them each time. They're weird, but serve a purpose, especially A Clockwork Orange. It takes a certain type of person to watch that movie and be okay with the agenda behind it without getting caught up in the general weirdness.

Then there are movies like Irreversible  . I heard about this movie forever and never got around to watching it because I'm not much for subtitled movies. I don't have that kind of attention span. But, I eventually caved in and gave it a go because I had heard so much about it. First of all, the beginning of the movie made me so sick, I couldn't even look at the screen. It's like the camera is hooked to one of those remote controlled airplanes. Yeah, I know, they're trying to make you feel the disorientation of the main characters. I get it. But seriously, that takes shaky cam to a whole different place. I couldn't even watch, so I couldn't read the subtitles and it took a little longer for me to figure out what was going on.


I guess the movie is only popular because it's supposed to be super disturbing or something. I watched it and felt nothing because you don't even know anything about any of the characters. It's seems like it's just trying really hard to be graphic and weird for the sake of freaking people out. I dunno. I don't get it, I guess.

But forget all that noise. The weirdest movie I've ever seen, hands down, is Gummo  . I don't really even know what to say about the movie. It's just very strange and depressing. It's basically about poor people living in a small town in Ohio after a tornado. I don't know. Here, just watch the trailer:

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May 21, 2014 at 1:27pm
May 21, 2014 at 1:27pm
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: Either/Or
Song: 2:45 AM
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My trip is in a few days, and I'm totally freaking out about it. I'm taking Fivesixer 's advice though and seeing a therapist when I get back though. I already set an appointment for next Thursday. I'm trying to find a dual diagnosis rehab, but I think a therapist might be able to get me a referral to a good place in the area. I'm not going to the place I went to last year because it was really, really bad. Plus, it clearly didn't work, right?

I'm worried about all the changes and all the things to do. It just feels like a lot of weight on my shoulders and it's hard not to just give up and say, "Hey, this is good enough." Isn't that always easier?

I want to thank my music sister, lizco252, for the MB. Check out her notebook post from last night if you want to hear a bunch of songs Eddie Vedder has covered. Linked 'Note' no longer available.
Also, The StoryMaster fixed the embed limit in, like, two minutes. It was pretty awesome.

Merit Badge in Friendship
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For my music buddy, Charlie! So nice to have a friend with such fabulous taste in tunes! *^*Heart*^* I'll have a video war with you anytime, brother! *^*Laugh*^*

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May 21, 2014 Prompt: Your past makes you who you are today. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

I think that the things that we experience change our personalities and perspectives. There are a lot of things I'm ignorant to because I don't have any personal experience with them. Take the BCOF prompt for today about writing a letter to someone who has died in a war- that's a difficult prompt for me because I've never had any personal relations to the military or anyone in the military. For another person, that will be really easy because they have ties to the military in some way, or opinions on it in some way.

Our experiences give us opinions. Our opinions make up our personality in a way. What we like, what we don't like, what we have in-depth knowledge of...

That being said, I'm not one of those people who lives with no regrets because the past makes me who I am. There are things that I would take back if I could. I could be a better person than I am today if I had gone down different paths. That doesn't mean that I don't like who I am; but I do think that I'd be better under other circumstances.

I don't think that there's anything wrong with regretting decisions you've made. There's nothing wrong with saying that you wished you got out of a bad situation sooner or you wish that you had never started doing something bad. That's just common sense to me. I don't think that you should dwell on it for so long that you don't move forward with your life, but I do think it's okay to say that you would change the past if you could.


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May 21, 2014 Prompt: Write a letter to someone who served and died in any war between the American Civil War and the present.

So, as I mentioned earlier, I don't really know where to go with this prompt. I'm not into military stuff. I'm not one of those people who doesn't believe in war or whatever. I mean, I don't like it and I'm happy that there are people who are willing to go to war so I don't have to, but it's definitely not for me. If it were possible to put an end to all wars, I would. I think too many innocent people die or ruin their lives with the military. I just don't like it, to be honest.

But, I guess the prompt isn't about whether or not I agree with war. Really though, I don't know anyone who has been in a war personally. I do enjoy history and history museums though. I just don't know where to go with this prompt, so I'll leave you with this George Carlin quote:

“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”

Grabbing onto whatever's around
For the soaring high or the crushing down
Hidden cracks that don't show
But that constantly just grow

Looking for the man that attacked me
While everybody was laughing at me
You beat it in me that part of you
But I'm gonna split us back in two
May 20, 2014 at 2:20pm
May 20, 2014 at 2:20pm
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30DBC May 20, 2014 Prompt: Going fishing, what's your fish story? Today we will be blogging about fishing or any activities something related to the sea or ocean.

I grew up near lakes and not far from the ocean. When I was really young, I would go fishing with my dad and brothers. We spent a lot of time in cabins at the campground, especially during the summer. It was a lot of fun and I'd get really tan over summer break every year.

But when I got a little bit older, I stopped eating meat and I stopped wanting to fish, too. I would still go with them sometimes on fishing trips, but I would read or write in my journal and just enjoy being outside. I think they thought it was kind of weird that I wasn't interested in doing any actual fishing anymore, but I still had fun.

Once I got to be a teenager, I didn't go on any fishing trips or anything like that anymore. I can't remember the last time I was even somewhere where people were fishing, but I know I haven't done it in a really long time. I do still try to connect with nature when I can and in my own way, but I'll never forget those trips because they're nice memories.
May 20, 2014 at 2:00pm
May 20, 2014 at 2:00pm
Artist: Bright Eyes
Album: Noise Floor Rarities
Song: I've Been Eating (For You)
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May 20, 2014 Prompt: A blogger, a short story writer and a poet walk into a bar . . .

Yeah, I've seen this movie before. The three of them end up being the split personalities of a horror novelist. It was a three book series, if I remember correctly. But don't worry, they'll cut that last book into two when they do the movies.

*Burstbl* *Burstbr* *Burstbl* *Burstbr* *Burstbl* *Burstbr* *Burstbl* *Burstbr* *Burstbl* *Burstbr* *Burstbl* *Burstbr* *Burstbl*

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May 20, 2014 Prompt: Describe the most difficult thing about being your age.

I'm twenty-two. The hardest thing about being twenty-two for me is not knowing what I'm doing. Just not knowing if I'm making the right decisions for my future. Um, feeling like I don't have any ambition and that the future might be bleak. I have an anxious personality, so I worry about the unknown. I worry about making good decisions and I worry about messing things up.

I think it's probably common for people my age to feel like they're living in the grey because they aren't sure what to do with their life. You have to make these long-term decisions all of a sudden but you still feel like you're sixteen years old, so it's difficult. I mean, once you're a certain age, you kind of know what your life is and what it's going to be. When you're my age, you don't know what the future holds for you. You don't know where you're going to be or what you're going to be doing.

I try to just hold on and enjoy the ride, but that's easier said than done. I also have things going on that most twenty-two year olds don't, so I think that adds to it a little bit. I guess all you can do is wait it out.

And you think I'm an asshole now,
Well, you're probably right,
But at least I'm not blind to the facts,
I've been wishing were all lies.

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