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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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May 19, 2014 at 8:48pm
May 19, 2014 at 8:48pm
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30DBC May 19, 2014 Prompt: "We're open to the greatest change when we hit our lowest point."

I have an image on pinterest to go with it:


That's a really nice picture. I like looking at pictures like that and, after I saw that one, I spent a while going through the other ones linked on the page. There's something about the sky that speaks to the soul. Sometimes I just go on NASA   and scroll through the image of the day photos. That always makes me feel insignificant and happy.

I've been told throughout my life that things change when someone hits "rock bottom". The trouble with that is that everyone's rock bottom is different. For some people, rock bottom is when they realize that whatever the problem is is getting in the way of their everyday life. For others, it doesn't happen until it affects their relationships or work. Some won't change until everything they once knew is swept from under their feet. Then, there are those few, sad folks whose rock bottom is in the grave. There's a big variation there.

I feel sad for people whose rock bottom is that low. That's why it's so hard for me to turn my back on someone. I can't help but think that they would change if they could change. That brings me right along to the second part of this.

I think that the reason it takes so long for people to change is that it's so easy to let yourself get comfortable in a bad situation. It's much easier than changing, and it's crazy to see what a person can actually live with when they hit that comfort zone. Most people couldn't imagine how someone could live in certain conditions or situations, but until you've been doing it, you don't know what you can get used to. It's not like these situations happen suddenly. They come on suddenly before you can even see where it's headed.

People wonder how women can be in abusive relationships for years and years or how someone can be addicted to drugs or alcohol. It's because there is a progression. It's not like when a girl starts dating a guy, he just beats the shit out of her on their first date. It's like a slow burn. But once it gets you, you feel so trapped and you're so uncomfortable with making a move that you wind up staying where you are. It's sad when you think about it.
May 19, 2014 at 1:49pm
May 19, 2014 at 1:49pm
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: XO
Song: Miss Misery
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Yeah, so, happy Monday or whatever. I hope you all had a good weekend. Who else is stoked that Mitchopolis is going to be doing some prompts for Blog City? Pretty cool.

I'm getting more and more neurotic about my trip this weekend. Pretty soon, I'll just pop like a balloon and little pieces of flesh will fall everywhere. It's fun! Just like old times. *Rolleyes*

Let's do prompts.

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May 19, 2014 Prompt: Do bystanders have a responsibility to intervene when someone is in trouble? Why or Why not?

So, like the answer to most questions, this one isn't black and white. I've personally been in situations where no one has intervened when something was happening to me, but I actually am okay with that. For example, my Nashville trip that I wrote about a little while ago where I accidentally clotheslined the bicyclist with my door and got attacked for it. No one came to my aid, although there were a lot of people around who potentially could have. My thing is, I don't expect random strangers to risk their safety to protect mine. I think that's just asking too much of people.

At the same time, I typically try to help people in need when I can. The thing is, you're never sure the full extent of something, so it's hard to tell what the right thing to do is. Like, if I was in someone else's shoes and I saw someone getting beat up in the street, I probably wouldn't be running over there to save the day. I don't know what the person did to get in a fight in the first place and I'm not going to get in a fight myself trying to find out. If a situation gets too out of hand, I guess standbyers, standerbyes? the people standing around should contact the police or something. Though, that isn't going to do much, honestly. I mean, if someone is getting their ass handed to them, the police aren't going to be there in time to do anything about it anyway.

I mean, these are the kind of situations we're talking about, right? Like, obviously if a house is on fire or someone is drowning, you intervene in any way you can while still keeping yourself safe. I don't think it's selfish at all to say that you put your safety before the safety of people you don't know. That's pretty much just common sense, in my opinion.

I think that people should stand up for each other more often when there isn't violence involved. Too many people just stand around while someone is getting picked on, and I hate to see that. Like, say you're on the bus and there's someone fucking with someone else- why wouldn't everyone gang up on the instigator and tell them to knock it off? I think that we as a society need to not stand for general nuisances and obnoxious people.

So, what I'm saying is, yes, I think people should intervene in situations when they can and to the extent that they feel comfortable. I don't think anyone should risk their safety for the safety of anyone else, unless they want to of course. People should do whatever they want above all else; but they should be aware of the possible consequences of those actions. But, if you see a situation getting out of hand, you should at least alert someone who can help if possible. I don't think I have a responsibility to do that necessarily, but if you want to keep your karma balanced, it's highly recommended.

*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

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May 19, 2014 Prompt: Write a story or poem beginning with At the old swimming hole...

At the old swimming hole back east,
My love became a fickle beast.
Grabbed my bag and out West did flee,
Turned to see it had followed me.

I slapped her down around the coast,
She sucked me dry, I was her host.
Found myself in a room of brick,
Knew it was my last chance to kick.

I messed it up and South did go.
I went some time 'til her next show.
At last, North was my only chance.
We met up there and did our dance.

The beast took from me all it could,
It ate away right where I stood.
I'll try it now for the last time,
Fighting against this upward climb.

To vanish into oblivion
Is easy to do
And I try to be but you know me
I come back when you want me to
Do you miss me, Miss Misery,
Like you say you do?
May 18, 2014 at 5:01pm
May 18, 2014 at 5:01pm
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30DBC May 18, 2014: No prompt, just reflection.

Well, today is a free day for blogging, basically. I was a little confused because I thought today was Saturday, but it is not Saturday, it is Sunday. I have trouble keeping track of days of the week. I don't do the Monday through Friday work thing, so I'll sometimes be like, "Oh, cool, it's Friday" when it's actually Tuesday. I don't know why Friday would be cool unless you had the weekend off, but it just seems like a cool day.

So, this week... This week has been okay. I'm getting steadily more nervous about a trip out of town with my family this weekend. Um, I'm not concerned about being with my family so much as I'm nervous about using around my family and not getting sick. I think it's going to be very interesting, and probably not in a good way. But, I'm going to try to make the best of it and just stay at an even level to avoid potential trouble/drama.

I've been keeping up with my work pretty well and my WDC stuff. I wrote my first poem for my new horizons class. I'll link it below because this is my blog and I'm gonna promote something I wrote. Cool, huh?

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1992003 by Not Available.

Other than that, I found my apartment and got approved for it. I'm not sure if I wrote about that before, but I probably did. Yeah, I'm almost sure that I did. Anyway, we move in next month. Today, we went out for lunch and it was really nice, especially considering how bad yesterday was for us. Kira spent almost nine hundred dollars on something for herself without mentioning it to me. When I found out about it, she acted like it was weird that I was upset, so I had to get other people's opinions. I'm happy to see that I was most likely right to get angry about it.

Like, if you're just spending a small amount, obviously you don't need to discuss it with the other person. But if you're going to buy something that costs over eight hundred dollars, you should probably discuss it with your significant other and make sure they're okay with it or at least are aware of it. Her defense was that I spend money all the time that she doesn't want me to spend. I figured it's not worth the fight, but it was a little annoying. We're good now though.

Well, I guess that about sums up my week. How was everyone else's?

Here's some music:

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May 17, 2014 at 2:35pm
May 17, 2014 at 2:35pm
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30DBC May 17, 2014 Prompt: Opinion Sat. | Autism, ADHD, Mongoloid, Special Child

These children are born with special needs. How do you show support and acknowledge them? Are they more of a burden or blessing?

You know when someone says they don't want to touch something with a ten-foot pole? Yeah, I don't want to touch this with a ten-foot pole. I feel that I'm too ignorant of the subject to comment on it. But, in the spirit of participation, let's see what I can do.

Okay, I'm not sure what I do to support or acknowledge children who are born with special needs. I try to treat everyone I meet the same way. I've had friends with ADHD before. I'm pretty sure a lot of people got diagnosed with ADHD who didn't have it. Sorry if that offends anyone. When I was in school, anyone who was hyper got labeled as having ADHD. I'm not sure I fully understand it because boys who are eleven or twelve are supposed to be hyper. I don't know, because I've never had a kid that age, but I do know that my and all my friends were rambunctious and our teacher tried to get our parents to put us on Ritalin. I do appreciate Adderall though, when I want to stay up for three days and clean.

As far as being more of a blessing or more of a burden, I literally have no idea. I don't take care of any special needs children and I never have. I'm almost certain that most parents would say that their child's life is more of a blessing than a burden, but that doesn't mean that there aren't aspects of it that are a burden. That isn't wrong to say. I'm sure it's very difficult to raise a child, let alone a special needs child, so I respect the level of patience that it takes.

How'd I do?

May 17, 2014 at 1:49pm
May 17, 2014 at 1:49pm
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: Either/Or
Song: Between the Bars
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Man, I'm stressing. I agreed to go on this trip with my family, like, five months ago and it's coming up next weekend. Time goes fast. I kept thinking it wasn't going to happen at all because there was no set date for it and it kept getting pushed back. But, I heard from them and they said it's going to be Memorial Day weekend. So, that's like, super soon.

I'm very nervous about how I'm going to make that work, but I know I can't back out of it. Man, when did life get so fucked up?

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May 17, 2014 Prompt: What's missing from your car to make it the greatest ride you could ever dream of?

HAHAHAHA HA haha.. ha.. *Laugh* *Laugh* *Smile* *Confused* *Sad* *Worry* *Cry*

Hey, it gets me from Point A to Point B, so I can't complain, right? Sure, it could have nearly two hundred thousand less miles on it. That would be cool. It could have those awesome heated seats for winter and, oh! I like those auto-start things they have now.

But, other than just turning on regularly, my car does have the three most important features: a/c, heat, and stereo. What more do you need? I have one of those cool skylights, too. When I'm in the passenger seat at night, I like to open it up and look at the sky. Yeah, I guess my vehicle is pretty nice. It works for me anyway. *shrug*


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May 17, 2014 Prompt: You have to drive from one end of the United States to the other. Where do you start & end?

You start in Maine and you end up in California. Trust me, I've done it before. You kind of do a zigzag through the country so you won't miss anything. They say it should only take a couple weeks to road trip across the country that way, but if you want to ddl it for the scenery, it's going to take way longer than that. We went and it took us the entire summer, given that we stopped for extended periods of time in some places where we had friends or family. Ours was all of three months in total.

I mean, you can't just make a straight line across and do the same thing on the way back. You have to go in a circle to hit the maximum amount of states. But, if you have the time, it's definitely worth the adventure. We didn't have an apartment then to pay for or anything like that. It's not something we'd be able to do now, unfortunately. But maybe again someday.

Drink up, baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do, you won't but you might
The potential you'll be, that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
May 16, 2014 at 3:02pm
May 16, 2014 at 3:02pm
Artist: Bright Eyes
Album: Digital Ash In A Digital Urn
Song: I Believe in Symmetry
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Hey guys. What's up? Check out my "Note: So, I'm feeling a little B L U E . I&...". If you like it and tell me a joke (no matter how bad) I'll give you 500gps. *Thumbsup*

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May 16, 2014 Prompt: What type of person are you: a night owl or early bird?

I'm a complete night owl. I can't wake up early and I don't know how people do it regularly. I get sick if I'm up before ten. I used to work at six in the morning and I'd be half asleep until around ten or so. People always laugh because I sleep so late, but really, I make up for it at night. I typically don't go to sleep before three in the morning, so that's like, seven hours of sleep usually.

I don't get a lot done at night the way I would if I was up in the morning though. I don't want to interrupt Kira sleeping, so I don't have the TV on and I want to be in bed with her, so I don't hang out by myself in the office or living room. I typically lay in bed and listen to music with my headphones. I'll zone out like that for hours and it's a really relaxing time for me. I've always done that. Even when I was in school, I'd stay up super late listening to music and hanging out in bed.

To each their own, I suppose. I think I'll always be a night owl. I don't have any interest in waking up any earlier than I do now.


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May 16, 2014 Prompt: Tell us what kind of tree you love and how you intend to pamper it today.

I like all kinds of trees. I don't know about pampering them. I don't see myself touching any trees today or anything. It's too rainy outside and I have a lot of work to get done. I love nature though and there are so many different trees I like. I like pine trees because they remind me of home. There were a lot of forests back in Maine and I like the collection of all the different trees together. Now I like oak trees because they give me a feeling of comfort. I also like redwood trees because they're so big.

I dunno. I guess I like every kind of tree. Maybe I'll pamper one by petting it? I don't know? How does one pamper a tree?

Oh I want to learn such simple things
No politics, no history
Till what I want and what I need
Can finally be the same
May 15, 2014 at 11:05pm
May 15, 2014 at 11:05pm
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30DBC May 15, 2014 Prompt: Money, Betrayal, Sex, Power, Fame
Write a story or essay with those words.

Oh, look, it's all my favorite things right in one entry! *Rolleyes* So, okay, I'm drawing a little bit of a blank here. I mean, I understand the words and I know how they're connected. Most people want all of these things, except betrayal, probably. I only want sex and money. I don't even need sex though. I really only want money, and even then, I only need enough to pay my bills and support my recreational activities. Yeah, I could do with only one off this list. How about you guys?

These are all the perfect elements for a crime drama though. I would watch this movie. I have watched this movie. I've watched this movie a thousand times. I've read this book and I've played out this scene. People are really interested in these things and I know exactly why. They're interested in them because they're so out of the realm of what most people have in their lives. I mean, most people just go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, go to sleep... I dunno, life isn't super exciting for most people. Okay, let's break it down.

Let's start with power and fame. The average person has absolutely none of either of these things. Even if you're a low-level manager somewhere, you don't really have any power. You have someone above you who has way more power and is constantly chewing you out. Then if you're that upper-level manager, you're still having pressure on you by the top guys. You don't have any true power. Now, say you're the CEO of a company, which I think we can all agree most people are not, you still have no power. Why? Because if you step out of line, you're likely to be overthrown or replaced. There's no power anywhere! Fame is just out of the question for the average person. I don't think I need to go into detail there.

Money, eh, I guess some people have money. Very few people have enough money to live the extravagant lifestyles we see in movies or on TV though. Most people don't live in outrageous high-rise condos with wall-to-wall windows that have picturesque skylines of major cities. We're lucky if we can pay all of our bills and have a little leftover to do the fun things in life that we like doing, like going on a small trip or even just going to dinner and a movie. You have to have a lot of disposable cash to have your own plane and five or six sports cars. Be realistic.

That brings us to sex. This one always confuses me because everyone gets laid. I mean, it's not hard to get laid, but it's such a huge deal in movies and TV. It's like, GASP *Shock* that woman just admitted that she enjoys fornicating! How sexy and strange. No, that's not weird at all. It's actually weird if you don't like having sex. I don't get it. Then there's the big belief that people stop having sex when they get married. Is this even realistic? I mean, sure, on sitcoms like Everybody Loves Raymond, you don't have sex with your wife ever. But, in real life, it isn't really that way, is it? I dunno, but I don't think this is one that too many people covet. If your spouse just flat-out refuses to have sex with you and they have no health reasons behind it, what are you supposed to do? I know I'd still be getting laid. I'll just speak for myself.

So, the final one is betrayal. There's just something so deliciously dramatic about betrayal, isn't there? It's like, "I thought things were this way and I have now found out that they are that way. Good for entertainment, terrible when it happens to you. Aren't there so many things in life that work like that? I'll leave the betrayal for the books and movies where they belong. This is the only one I think the average person doesn't want, and even then, they might be bored enough to welcome some drama like that. Who am I to say anyway?
May 15, 2014 at 2:37pm
May 15, 2014 at 2:37pm
Artist: Bright Eyes
Album: Lifted or The Story is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
Song: Lover I Don't Have To Love
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So I've found the place I'm going to move next month and gotten approved. I don't move until the last week of the month though because that's when my lease ends in my current place. The new place is a lot smaller, but it's also a lot cheaper, so I guess that's just a tradeoff you have to make sometimes. Not having much space doesn't really bother me that much. I spend most of my time in bed anyway because it's comfortable there. I just don't know if I'll have enough room for the ungodly amount of stuff we've acquired. I think we'll be throwing a lot of it away. Wait, no, we'll recycle, Lyn's a Witchy Woman . We'll recycle it all.

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May 15, 2014 Prompt: How do you plan the perfect picnic?

Well, the first part of planning a picnic is finding a day where the weather is nice. It needs to be no hotter than eighty degrees and no less than sixty-five. It has to be sunny or partly cloudy, no rain. Then you have to find a good location for it. Depending on who you're picnicking with, you might want to find something a little private or romantic. I like to look for a secluded spot with a nice view of a lake or something like that.

Then you have to have good foods that won't spoil. I don't really know about the food part. I'm really not into food the way that most people are. Like, most people I know get excited about eating out in restaurants and all that stuff. I eat based off of necessity, and I don't really care what I eat either. I just try to find cheap things that I can make quickly. Maybe I'll get into food someday, but I don't know when that day will be. I think a lot of people my age aren't into cooking and eating nice foods, but they're still into eating at restaurants.

If I go on a picnic, I like to bring easy things like cheese and crackers, then maybe a bottle of wine. That sounds like a good meal to me. It's not messy and it's light. I don't know how people stuff themselves with food and then go about their day like normal. If I overeat, I feel sick for the rest of the day. I've been told that I eat like a bird, little snacks throughout the day and no real meals. Works for me.

*Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb* *Bulletb*

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May 15, 2014 Prompt: Count your blessings. (Do with this what you will.)

Counting my blessings is kind of a philosophy that I live by. It's really easy to get stuck on the negative things in our lives. I can't stand it when someone around me is all "death and doom" acting. It just gets old, honestly. Now, I'm not the type who says things like, "Oh, there are children starving in Africa and you're upset because you lost your job." It actually really pisses me off when people say stuff like that.

People have told me, "Oh, you wore born with a silver spoon in your mouth and people from the ghetto have done better than you." I believe in environmental conditioning, but I also believe that people have varying personalities. My brothers and I share almost no similarities in our lifestyles, despite being raised in the same environment. I also think there's a disillusion of what wealthy really is. Yeah, if you live in a place where the average family makes $30,000 a year total and your family makes a hundred thousand or whatever, you're going to seem rich by comparison. But I've lived in places where the average income is over two hundred thousand a year and my family would have been poor by comparison.

I'm totally off topic here. The point is, things aren't always as they seem and just because you make 20k a year and another person makes 50k a year, that doesn't necessarily make them rich. Especially when you consider the amount of taxes the higher income person is paying. So, okay, what I'm really saying is that you shouldn't covet what other people have unless you're going to work your ass off to get it, too. You should appreciate what you do have, and if you want more, you should work as hard as possible to get it. Life throws us all for a loop, whether we appear to have it made or not.

I try to appreciate the things that I have in my life and I try not to push the problems I have off on other people. I basically assume that if something in my life is messed up, I've done something equally messed up to make it that way. Of course, people can't help what family they're born into and I'm sure it's very difficult to come from a low-income family. That doesn't mean that someone who doesn't come from a low-income family has everything fall neatly into their lap. Don't be bitter and hateful of people who you think have it better than you, because you don't know the circumstances of that person's situation.

But, then again, I complain a lot about the bad things in my life. I own up to them, but I still complain about them. Who doesn't complain? But, at the end of the day, I appreciate the positive things and people that I have in my life. Whenever I hear someone who's all pissed off because their neighbor got a new boat or something, I can't help but think how strange that is. Who cares who got a new car or a new boat? Why don't you stop bitching and work to get your own? I think that should be the natural reaction when we realize that the blessings we're counting aren't enough to keep us satisfied. *Thumbsup*

I want a lover I don't have to love
I want a girl who's too sad to give a fuck
Where is the kid with the chemicals?
I thought he said to meet me here but I'm not sure
I got the money if you got the time
May 15, 2014 at 12:13am
May 15, 2014 at 12:13am
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May 13, 2014 Prompt: SPORTS or FASHION. Writing for both. No MB preference.

I don't like sports or fashion. Do you know what that means? I'm basically not even a human being. I mean, there's this thing in society. If you're a guy, you like sports. If you're a girl, you like fashion. Can someone check my back for a zipper? I think I might be an alien or something. But, surely I'm not the only one who has no interest in either of these things.

Okay, let's start with sports. When I was younger, I played some tee ball and I played soccer for a little while. We had a basketball hoop in our driveway and I'd shoot hoops with my brothers, but they were older and therefore way taller/bigger than me. I'd always end up getting thrown across the rocks and have to go get a bandaged up. When I got older, I basically stopped playing sports and got into playing music more. I can watch sports when they come on, but I'm definitely not like, all about it or whatever. I don't care about the teams or where I live and what teams are from there. It's just not fun for me and I'd rather be writing and listening to music than watching the game.

That brings us to fashion. I wouldn't consider myself to be unfashionable necessarily. I don't shop for myself anymore because Kira does it for me. *Laugh* I wear a lot of flannel and jeans, which I've worn since I was a kid. I'm super skinny, so I try to wear clothes that are a little loose and make me look bigger. This is probably a failed attempt, but I do what I can. I like wearing t-shirts and boots. Um, let's see. You can tell I'm not into this stuff. I just like to be comfortable and I spend the majority of my time wearing pajamas because they're awesome. I go out in pajamas all the time and people give me weird looks. *Rolleyes*

So, as you can see, I can't get much more ignorant when it comes to these two subjects. I guess I should get into one of these two things so that I'll have more to talk about to people who are into them. Maybe I'll even come out with a fall line of beanies and sweatpants. People would be into that, right?

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May 14, 2014 Prompt: ATTENTION TO DETAIL or MENS. Writing for attention to detail.

I've known one person in life who took the whole attention to detail thing way to far. You may not believe it to be possible, but just hold on, because I'm going to tell you how someone can take this over the edge. I mean, sure, it's great to not be oblivious of the people and things around you. I'm often told that I'm in my own world and people think it's annoying because they don't feel like I'm paying attention or whatever. They'll tell me to get my head out of the clouds and not be rude. But when I was growing up, my father paid way too much attention to the little things.

First, let's think of ways this could be positive. Okay, first, it's great for jobs. Your boss will love you if you can point out things that others miss. This is a really good talent when you're editing something and you can see the tiny mistakes that others would miss. It's great when you can complete something so thoroughly that it impresses people around you. It's nice for interior designers or web designers who can make things look really nice in ways that others wouldn't even think of. Sometimes you see someone's outfit and their buttons match their person which matches their hat or what have you, and that's cool. Hey, look, I do know about fashion!

But my dad, that man noticed everything. He was a very particular. He never looked at the grand scheme of things because he was so caught up in the details. I think men become this way when they hit forty or so. They start calling the recliner their chair. They don't want anyone to touch the remote. They become crazy almost about how things are done.

My father and I had the biggest power struggle I think anyone has ever had. Well, that's an exaggeration, but he was always trying to insert dominance over me, and that, I do not like. He would go out of town and when he came back, he'd kinda walk around the house looking for things that were out of order. He noticed every little thing that had been touched and he'd get, like, super pissed about it for reasons that I still don't understand. Maybe some 40+ year old guy will be able to explain that one to me. He'd just walk around and be like, "Who moved this chair?" You'd think, Huh? Then you'd remember that your brother pushed you into it and it got move .5 of a centimeter.

How does he do it?

Point is, attention to detail is great when used the right way. But, as with everything else in life, you can sometimes go overboard and look like a real prick, so you have to be careful! Don't be a prick! Life's too short. Don't worry about why the VCR is at a 30 degree angle. Who cares? Just chill out and live your life.
May 14, 2014 at 7:10pm
May 14, 2014 at 7:10pm
Artist: Bright Eyes
Album: Letting Off the Happiness
Song: June on the West Coast
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Well, we're halfway through the week and we're about halfway through the GoT challenge. How's everyone feeling? *Laugh*

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May 14, 2014 Prompt: Did you have a teacher who inspired you?

I went to both public and private schools growing up. I started off in private and I didn't like it very much. We were living in town at the time and I had friends who lived in my neighborhood and they went to the public school, so I started going to public school and I liked that more. But when I was in middle school, I started getting in trouble and I got sent to private school again.

It kind of sucked because I got a lot of shit about it from my friends because we totally didn't live in an area where private school was a popular thing. Like, most of the families where I grew up were poor or lower middle class at best. So the friends I had from public school would laugh at me a bit because it was a "yuppy" thing to them. I hated school even more after that, but my parents felt like I was falling through the cracks in public school, so they were just doing what they thought was best for me.

Now, as for the actual question, none of my teachers really stand out to me in my mind. I wasn't a good student at all because I wouldn't do homework. In private school, we had theology classes and I either wouldn't attend those or I would go to sleep and end up getting in trouble. I wasn't raised religious and I didn't like that I was suddenly being taught the Catholic religion. Now that I think about it, it's so immature. I mean, I'd gladly take a theology class now. There's nothing wrong with knowledge, but I wasn't having it at the time. I just tried so hard to avoid it, and I guess it worked, because I know nothing about religion to this day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My class sizes in private school were way smaller than public school, too. I do know that I had some teachers that really tried to look out for me and they worried about me. They would keep me after class and tell me that they liked my essay or whatever and that I was a good writer. When I left school I had some teachers come down to the office when I was signing my exit papers. They were asking me to give it another try and not leave, so I'm assuming they cared to an extent.

If I had been more openminded at the time, I would have found inspirational teachers, possibly. But I wasn't in the mindset I needed to be in to actually appreciate people around me. I couldn't be a teacher because I couldn't deal with kids like me. I do have gratitude for teachers now though, in the same way I have gratitude for people in the medical field. Like, "I can't do it, but it's cool that you can."

*Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat* *Tophat*

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May 14, 2014 Prompt: Finish this sentence ten different ways: Life is fragile handle with....

*Bulletv* kid gloves.
*Bulletv* alcohol.
*Bulletv* love?
*Bulletv* butter. (WHAAT? I don't know why this came to mind.)
*Bulletv* cool people.
*Bulletv* good music.
*Bulletv* fun.
*Bulletv* FedEx because UPS sucks.
*Bulletv* writing.
*Bulletv* a lot of sleep.

I spent a day dreaming of dying in Mesa, Arizona
Where all the green of life had turned to ash
And I felt I was on fire, with the things I could have told you
I just assumed that you eventually would ask

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