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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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May 13, 2014 at 7:31pm
May 13, 2014 at 7:31pm
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Write a story or poem based from this report - Stop Calling Tablets Mobile.

Reference: http://mashable.com/2014/05/13/stop-calling-tablets-mobile/

I'm sorry, am I missing something here? What is dude on about? He doesn't want people to think that people use mobile commerce because they're actually using their tablets and the data gathered is inaccurate? Who cares. I mean really, who gives a shit? "Wah, don't say that I'm buying things on mobile when I'm actually just too lazy to get off the couch and get my Macbook Air." Oh, how horrible it must be for you to have several different technological devices to buy products on when you get bored. Then, the evil researchers have to add to your misery by saying that your iPad is a mobile device when you were actually sitting on your toilet taking a shit in your house, not out and about the way they represent you to have been, at the time of purchase. God, shut up.

Oh, wait, I was supposed to write a poem? Okay.

This guy seems like a whiny little bitch,
And reading this article made me twitch.
Because who cares about some dumb study,
With things you feel are unfair and cruddy,
About what kind of device you were on
When you bought something? Seriously, YAWN.

6 lines, 10 syllables per line, AABBCC. *Thumbsup*

May 13, 2014 at 3:52pm
May 13, 2014 at 3:52pm
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May 12, 2014 Prompt: FUNNY or COMEDY? Choosing comedy.

Comedy has played a big role in my life personally. I'm the type of person who makes inappropriate jokes in serious situations because I don't know how else to react. I advise that you be careful who you do this around because it can seem insensitive. But, hey, we all have different coping mechanisms, right? Why is it okay for one person to cry and fall to the floor but it isn't okay for another to make a sarcastic comment and move along?

When I was early in my teen years, maybe thirteen or fourteen, I discovered the wonder of stand-up comedians. I really enjoyed watching them talk about things I had thought about for years. I got so into them that I began having a different perspective on life and society as a whole. That may sound dramatic, but it completely shaped my outlook on situations. I started seeing the comedy in everything, even when it didn't seem possible for there to be any. It helped that my older brothers were into comedy too and had a similar dry sense of humor.

I'm so happy that I got into comedy when I did, because I found myself gravitating toward people who had the same sense of humor and I think that's an underrated bond to have with someone. Have you ever been around someone with no sense of humor? I feel like I'm talking to a bowl of Jell-o, but it all works out because I can laugh about those awkward moments later with people who share my appreciation of comedy.

I've made some of the best friends through our similar tastes in comedy and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Now, let's close out with some of my favorite jokes from some of my favorite comedians. *Bigsmile*

*Xv* Mitch Hedberg:

"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."

"One time a guy handed me a picture, he said “Here’s a picture of me when I was younger.” Every picture of you is when you were younger."

"I like escalators, because an escalator can never break; it can only become stairs. There would never be an “Escalator Temporarily Out of Order” sign. Only an “Escalator Temporarily Stairs… Sorry for the Convenience.”"

*Xg* Steven Wright:

"I broke a mirror in my house. I'm supposed to get seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five."

"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before."

"Sponges grow in the ocean. That just kills me. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if that didn't happen."

*Xr* George Carlin:

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

"Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy."

"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"

*Xb* Demetri Martin:

"Employee of the month is a good example of how somebody can be both a winner and a loser at the same time."

"Saying, 'I'm sorry' is the same as saying, ' I apologize.' Except at a funeral."

"If I ever saw an amputee getting hanged, I'd probably just start calling out letters."

Have a nice day. *Wink*
May 13, 2014 at 3:02pm
May 13, 2014 at 3:02pm
Artist: Bright Eyes
Album: Cassadaga
Song: Cleanse Song
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So, I've come to some realizations and I'm feeling a lot more generally positive today. I think I'm finally ready to make a change, so I'm going to start looking into rehabs in my area and I'm going to try to find one that will work with my insurance. I hope I can find a decent one, but that's a somewhat difficult task. It's funny because sometimes I think, "Oh, rehab isn't worth it, it's so expensive." But then I think about how much I'm spending on using everyday and I guess it evens out in the long run.

I'm just looking forward to being healthy and happy. I know I can do this. I've done it before, but I really need this to be the last time because I'm so sick of running through this cycle. It's also not fair to drag people into the cycle with me. That was never my intention, of course, to bring people into this life, but it's a powerful thing and so hard to overcome. I think keeping a positive mindset is half the battle though, and I'm about ready to do this thing.

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May 13, 2014 Prompt: What kind of qualities does a true friend have?

Well, there are so many red flags that a "friend" can give you to let you know that they aren't a true friend. My grandma always says that a friend is someone who wants to see you succeed. She says that if you have a friend who gets angry or upset when they see good things happening to you, you know that the person doesn't really care about you. She has a lot of experience with people, so I trust her judgement.

There are things I've learned throughout life to, just simple things to look out for when you're friends with someone. For example, if you have a friend that turns every conversation about your problems into a conversation about their problems, they're blatantly saying that they value their problems more than yours. You should never detract from someone's problems by implying that yours are worse or that theirs aren't even worthy of discussion.

A true friend is honest, but with tact. They're there for you all the time, not only when it's convenient for them. I always say that you can't be a part-time friend. You're either in or you're out; there's no in between. But, revisiting my grandmother's thoughts, I've always thought that was so true. A friend should wish for good things to happen in your life and if they get angry or jealous when things are going well for you, they're not a true friend at all. I know that if I had a friend who was upset when something worked out for me, I'd try to get rid of them before they shanked me in a jealous rage, or whatever it is people do when they feel inferior.


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May 13, 2014 Prompt: If you had unlimited resources what would you create?

This is a cool prompt because I know exactly what I would do if I had unlimited resources. I would put all those resources into building better, stronger, more affordable rehabilitation centers for drug and alcohol addicts. There are so many facilities that are actually scary to go to. It's hard to find a rehab center that isn't either scary or insanely expensive. People have this idea of rehab centers being all like Passages Malibu, when in reality, Passages Malibu costs $90,000 a month. Do you think the average addict can afford to go to some luxury resort like Passages Malibu? No. We end up going to these rinky dink places with staff who clearly don't feel they get paid enough for their job.

It makes us not want to go to rehab because we're afraid of it, and we have every right to be. The idea of getting sober to a lot of addicts is overwhelming enough on its own. Then you throw in these unsympathetic people who want us to do our 28 days and get the fuck out so the bed is free, and it all becomes even more arduous a task.

Sorry, I'm ranting again. The point is, given unlimited resources, I would build awesome rehabs that were affordable. I could do that because my resources are unlimited. With the rest of my unlimited resources, I would build better and safer shelters for victims of domestic abuse because I feel like more people would go to them if they felt they were 100% protected there. I know that domestic abuse is a huge problem in our society and I know too many people who have fallen victim to it, so I think it would be a good way to use those resources.

On a detox walk through a Glendale Park over sidewalk chalk
Someone wrote in red, "start over"
So I muffled my scream on an Oxnard beach
Full of fever dreams that scare you sober
Into saltless dinners
May 12, 2014 at 1:14pm
May 12, 2014 at 1:14pm
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30DBC May 12, 2014 Prompt: Imagine that the person who broke your heart the most came crawling back. How would you react?

If the person who broke my heart the most came crawling back right now, I'd be pretty annoyed. I already have enough issues without having to deal with theirs. I mean, I wouldn't give them a hard time or fight with them or anything. I'm past all of that at this point. I'm not going to hold onto negativity from people who have wronged me in the past. I just don't care enough to, even without adding on the fact that it's unhealthy to hold grudges.

I used to hate my ex so much that if I thought of her, I would feel my blood pressure rising. Even hearing someone say her name just made my blood boil. I was so angry about various things and I really wanted to get my revenge in some way. But then I found out that the best method of revenge was moving on with my life and cutting her out completely. Now I don't have to avoid a conversation about her and I don't have to avoid thinking about her from time to time. I've realized that it's okay to be angry and to just plain old not like someone from my past. It's okay to let them go and forget about them completely.

That's when I knew I was really over it. When I realized I had gone an entire month without even thinking about the relationship. It was like, wow, I've been too happy to think about that whole situation for a month. Then the next time, it was even longer. Now I only think about it when a question like this is asked, and even then, I don't feel upset or angry. I just feel lucky that I've found someone who treats me better and who I like better overall. I feel lucky that I'm not stuck with that negative person for the rest of my life through way of children or something like that. It would be horrible.

Plus, she has come "crawling back" if you could say that, several times. Especially while I was dating Kira; she just couldn't deal with the fact that I was moving on and she would try the most desperate and awkward things to get me to pay attention to her and feel bad for her. She would lie about having terminal illnesses or being sexually assaulted in the hopes that I would want to be with her out of, I don't know, pity? Which to me is just so strange. I mean, those aren't the circumstances I would want someone to date me under, but to each his own or whatever.

Basically, I don't miss the mind games, so if that person came crawling back now, I'd run in the other direction as quickly as possible. I'm happier without that drama.
May 12, 2014 at 12:21pm
May 12, 2014 at 12:21pm
Artist: Elliott Smith
Album: From a Basement on the Hill
Song: A Distorted Reality Is Now a Necessity to Be Free
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Cool, it's Monday again. I'm feeling totally despondent today, just realizing that I'm less than six weeks from moving sucks. I just don't want to spend the summer this way. I'm going to go into rehab and miss most of the summer probably. This lifestyle is total shit. I was with Kira all weekend, but I'm having to use more than I want just to keep afloat now. It's like I have to take breaks out of the day to keep myself from getting sick and I'm sick every morning when I wake up, too.

I keep thinking, "Oh, this will be so easy. I could probably stop right now if I wanted." But the second I start coming down and getting sick, it's like this rat race to get 'better' and I don't want to do it anymore. I don't know what I was thinking about having things under control and just using a little to keep 'normal' until June. I mean, I know better than that. So stupid.

It's like this never-ending cycle. It was so much fun when I was younger and didn't care about it. Back when I knew it was bad, but didn't really think it was a big deal. Now I've got other people involved and I can't slip back into that frame of mind of this being a good enough way to live. It's really, really hard. I don't know what I'm rambling on about, just saying, I guess.

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May 12, 2014 Prompt: List five things you will never forget by filling in this sentence: I'll never forget the time . .

*Xb* I'll never forget the time I traded vows and got married.
*Xb* I'll never forget the time I found WDC. How could I? *Laugh*
*Xr* I'll never forget the time I jumped out of an airplane.
*Xg* I'll never forget the time I went on a road trip across the country.
*X* I'll never forget the time my grandma said "That's what she said..." after something that could be perceived sexually.


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May 12, 2014 Prompt: Write about a window that opened in your life when a door was closed.

I think that every time a door closes, another one opens, so this is an easy one for me. It's easy to dwell on bad things happening and not realize that good things that have presented themselves to you. For example, when I was staying with one of my best friends and he kicked me out, it was pretty bad. But, that's how I ended up meeting Kira eventually, so something positive came out of that experience.

I think that with a 20/20 hindsight, we can often see that the bad things we've gone through have led us to happier places and more positive things that are in our lives today. If you hadn't had certain negative things happen to you, you wouldn't be where you are now or with who you're with now. I think things tend to balance out, you just have to try to keep yourself together until things get okay again. I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite because I go so back and forth with things. Some days I feel completely hopeless, but I think that's normal, as long as you're fine at the end of the week.

I'm floating in a black balloon
OD on Easter afternoon
My momma told me,
"Baby, stay clean, there's no in between."
May 12, 2014 at 1:05am
May 12, 2014 at 1:05am
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** May 11, 2014 Prompt: COURAGE or SUPERHERO? Choosing courage.

Courage is something that is so unique because it could easily be defined differently by different people. To some people, courage is standing up for what you believe in, even when you're in the minority. To others, courage is jumping from an airplane and hoping your parachute deploys properly. Some would say that courage is facing problems head on and trying new things without giving up.

Of course, it can't be so mutually exclusive, right? There are a million things that truly make up courage. I used to get so mad when someone would feel bad for me when I wouldn't stand up for myself. I didn't lack bravery; I lacked confidence in my ability to succeed. But wait, does that therein mean that I lacked courage? See, it's a complicated thing.

I don't try to be a courageous person. That's too much pressure for me. Plus, there's a line with courage that people cross a lot. Yeah, it's easy to stand up to someone that you know isn't going to smack you upside the head. I have a lot of pet peeves in life, but this is probably one of my biggest ones. When someone thinks they're tough and courageous because they'll verbally assault anyone who crosses them, behind their back of course. "Yeah, he better not mess with me. He has another thing coming!" *snaps finger and bobs head*

For me, what's really courageous is taking the high road sometimes. I love when someone gets the raw end of the deal and just says, "Okay, I learned my lesson. Time to move on." I think there's such a focus in our society to get revenge when we've been wronged. Sometimes we treat others well and have to wait a while to see a return on that investment, but it always comes, given time.

I try not to idolize people for the actions that they take either. We focus so much on the concept of heroes in a time of crisis. When someone does something courageous in a moment of need, I try to think of it as humanity working the way it should work at all times. I try to think of it as payout on someone's good investment. Not their luck that the "hero" so happened to be there when they they were needed, but as a deserved reward for their positive past contributions. I try to think of the "hero" making up for past indiscretions. That's the only way I can picture it. I picture them balancing their karma.

In the end, courage is what you make of it. If you say that something is courageous, it is, if only because you feel that way. What's courageous to me, may not be to you. But to me, humility is one of the most courageous actions that can be committed or witnessed. When I see someone admitting that they were wrong or that they don't know everything, I know that it took some level of courage to admit. We can't win every battle. Sometimes, we just have to be in the wrong and that's okay.
May 11, 2014 at 11:00pm
May 11, 2014 at 11:00pm
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** May 10, 2014 Prompt: ENVIRONMENT or NATURE? Choosing nature.

"I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." -Galileo Galilei

When I was a kid, I lived where you could see every star in the sky on a clear night. We had a lot of property growing up without any close neighbors. I spent my childhood feeling cursed and alone while my friends in town walked to each other's houses every day. That only got worse, of course, when we got to the age where they were able to sneak into their girlfriends' houses at night. I was stuck out there with the weeds and dirt, not close enough to hang out with anyone without having a ride.

The years from eleven to fourteen were a nightmare. I really needed to be around people my age. My brothers left for college in that time and it was just me in my room, listening to music or writing in the evenings after school until I fell asleep. My parents kept busy schedules and wouldn't go out of their way to give me rides places. My friends' parents didn't feel like wasting gas money to come get me and drop me off because this was around the time when gas prices had begun to skyrocket. We were old enough to get a driver's license yet, so that's just how it went for those few years.

Once I turned fourteen or so, I met an older group of friends who already had cars and I thought that was just about the coolest thing I could fathom. I could usually get my parents to give me five bucks when I went out with my friends, and I'd use it as bribery to get them to drive out to the middle of nowhere to pick me up. I'd spend the rest of the night bumming cigarettes off of the pack they bought with the five dollars I had given them for the ride. I guess it all evens out in the end.

When I turned sixteen, I was told to leave and I found myself in the middle of a pretty big city, especially in comparison to where I was raised. I loved it. I thought it was the coolest, being able to stay up all night and go out whenever I wanted. I could leave for days and meet new people because, hell, there were so many people to meet in a big city. It wasn't like a small group of kids my age like it was back home. I almost started wishing I could go back to school there and meet more people. Maybe a bigger school would have worked better for me? I never found out, but God did I enjoy that freedom.

I was sitting on a balcony a year and a half or so later. It was this rich guy's balcony and he bragged about everything in life, from his car to the women he got in bed. He bragged to me about his countertops and his shower, which was entirely made of glass on all sides, except the two that connected to the wall. He bragged about his job and the people he knew in the city, but most of all, he bragged about the view from his high-rise balcony. Now, I'm not going to lie, it was an amazing view of the city. There were bright lights and cars so far below. I mean, you could see everything. We sat around and he pointed out all the different building and where he'd met so-and-so or whatever.

While he was talking, I leaned my head back and started looking at the sky. I squinted, trying to see something, anything, familiar. I could see the moon, of course, but that was it. I stood up and looked around the sky, but I couldn't see any stars. He asked what I was looking for and I told him. He started laughing and said, "Yeah, kid, light pollution."

"Light what?" I asked, still searching for my night friends.

"It's called light pollution. You can't see the stars that much. There's too much light from the city at night."

I sat down, thoroughly disappointed and said, "I don't like that."

He had his laughs of course, but it really made me start thinking and I didn't like that. I missed being able to see constellations and connect the stars. I hadn't thought about this for a year and a half or longer, but after that night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I started thinking about other things, too, like climbing trees and running around outside without shoes on. I mean, you would never do that in the city because there isn't enough grass and you'd probably either step on glass or a needle or something. You might even slip on a used condom and bust your head open. *Shock*

When I think about my childhood now, I don't think about it in that bitter, lonely way. I think about sitting on the porch or going on walks at night and seeing the stars, hearing the owls and other animals, and breathing in fresh air. I miss that a lot and I never appreciated it as a child, like, not even once did I think about it and appreciate it. I regret that. Nature should never be pushed off to the side or taken for granted. I still live in the city and I don't really see the stars, but at least I've matured enough to truly appreciate nature.
May 10, 2014 at 6:07pm
May 10, 2014 at 6:07pm
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30DBC May 10, 2014 Prompt: Tell or share your readers what biggest fraud you have experienced from others or from close friends. How did you react?

So, look, I think we've all dealt with dishonest people in our lives. I also think that, at one point or another, we've all been that dishonest person, whether to save our own ass or to get the better end of the stick ourselves. I'm trying this thing where I don't dwell on the past. Fivesixer would be so proud of me.

I've been cheated on before, like a lot of other people have, and that sucks when it happens. But, really, I have the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with and I don't care about those other girls anymore. When I used to think about being cheated on, it would get me down and make me self-conscious or whatever, but it doesn't really do that to me at this point. Now I'm kind of happy that it happened and that I found out about it because I wouldn't want to be stuck in a relationship with someone who does things like that.

When someone breaks my trust, I try hard to not forgive them or give them more chances, but I almost always end up doing it anyway. It's really hard for me to turn my back on someone I care about and it's so much easier in theory. If I feel like someone is truly sorry for something they've done, I almost always give them the benefit of the doubt and try to reconcile things. I don't want to lose friends or family members that have made me happy in the past, so unless someone does something unbelievably wicked, I try to work things out and that works for me.

I also think holding in anger takes up so much energy. When you're carrying the anger of your past with you, that's a constant negative energy that you have to somehow convert to positive energy in order to be fully happy. It's exhausting! I'm only interested in making those around me happy and being equally happy with those that surround me at this point in my life.

May 10, 2014 at 5:54pm
May 10, 2014 at 5:54pm
So, do you want the bad news or the good news first? The bad news is, I'm still crazy busy and I have over a hundred unread emails on here. If only there were more hours in a day! I would be able to accomplish so much and sleep all the same. The good news is, tomorrow is my first day off in just about forever (so it feels like), so I'm going to hopefully be able to catch up with some things. For tonight, I'll be spending time with Kira and discussing further summer plans.

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May 10, 2014 Prompt: What's tougher: living with someone messy or someone noisy?

It is very difficult to deal with a messy person. You can only clean up after someone so much before you lose your mind and begin eating their stuff in a fit of rage. Dealing with a messy person can't compare to dealing with a noisy person though. Have you ever had a roommate who was so loud you couldn't sleep? That's the absolute worst; when you have to wake up for work at seven in the morning and your roommate is screaming and playing music at three of four a.m.

I don't miss having roommates at all. I need my own space and I've really started embracing being alone and having that solitude at times. That's a big change from how I was even a couple years ago when I would spend every night with friends because, who wants to be alone all night? Turns out I do! I know, I know. I'm getting old. Now get off my lawn!

*Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr* *Questionbl* *Questionr*

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May 10, 2014 Prompt: Create 10 questions of things you would like to know about your readers and ask them to use the comment section to answer. Inquiring minds, want to know. what the blogger will ask and what the reader will answer!

Oh, wonderful! I get to question you guys? This is going to be fun!

1. Who is your favorite poet? I've always loved poetry, but I'm especially into it right now and I want to expand my knowledge. Right now, I really like Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, Oscar Wilde, and John Keats.

2. What do you do to manage your time? I'm terrible at this. If I get overwhelmed with tasks, I basically get nothing done.

3. What are your necessities when moving into a house or apartment? What is something you can't live without in a house?

4. What do you do for work and, if you have a related college degree, what is it?

5. What is the bottom lefthand line for on a check and do I have to fill that out when I write out a check? What will happen if I don't?

6. What favorite food of yours should I try that I probably haven't tried yet? It doesn't have to be too unique as I haven't tried much.

7. What hobbies do you have other than writing and reading?

8. Does my blog make you uncomfortable when I talk about overly personal things?

9. What group on WDC are you a part of that you would recommend others to join? Something with no required work would be best, as I can't keep up with what I have now.

10. How do I trim my cats' claws without them scratching me to death?

That's all. *Thumbsup*

"O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart: for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked."

-T.S. Eliot
May 9, 2014 at 9:16pm
May 9, 2014 at 9:16pm
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30DBC March 25, 2014 Prompt: For $10 I would...

You don't wanna know what I'd do for ten dollars. I mean, really, there isn't much I won't do for ten dollars. Ahhh, just kidding! There actually isn't much I would do for ten dollars. I mean, I'm nobody's monkey. I'm not going to just do what someone tells me to do for ten dollars. About the most I would do for ten dollars is saying, "sure" if they asked if I'd take ten dollars from them. *Thumbsup*

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