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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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June 12, 2014 at 9:47pm
June 12, 2014 at 9:47pm
Artist: Eagles Of Death Metal
Album: Death By Sexy
Song: Cherry Cola
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I've been writing quite a bit offline the last week or so. I've found that using physical pen and paper can awaken my creativity sometimes. I'm super lame. I use one pen to write one page, then I switch pens for the next page. I have so many pens, I could probably write a whole novel doing this. I don't know why, but I find that using different pens helps me keep going and I don't get so caught up in one scene.

If you guys are writing a novel, do you do a lot of pre-planning? Do you do a lot of pages of character sketches and plan out each chapter in advance? Do you know the end before you start? I've never done a novel before, but I'd like to try something a little longer than the usual short stories I write. Is there a group here to help people with novels?

Anyway, it probably won't go anywhere, but it's nice to be writing fiction again.

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June 12, 2014 Prompt: Your book is a movie. Who is your dream cast?

My book like a book I've written or my favorite book? I've don't have any books, but if I were to write a book and have it become a movie, I'm sure there are people I'd like in it.

I really like Robert De Niro, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, and George Clooney. They're kind of like the A-List of the A-List as far as actors go for me. But some of them are kind of old now and others have started to suck a little.

As far as younger actors that would make a good cast, I'd say Edward Norton, Bradley Cooper, Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Gosling, Emile Hirsch, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are some of my favorites right now.

See, all I'm really doing here is listing my favorite actors. I don't feel like I'm actually answering the question. But, I don't have a book, so it's fair to just assume that any of these people would be on the top of my list if I ever had a book turned into a movie.

As far as actresses go, I liked Winona Ryder, Christina Ricci, and Julia Roberts. But they're not in a lot anymore, especially the first two. I guess Julia Roberts is still in stuff, but she was awesome in the nineties. Kate Winslet, Jessica Lange, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley are still all good.

I dunno, I'd have the biggest cast ever.

*Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob*

June 12, 2014 Prompt: Describe your first memorable experience exploring and spending time in nature. Were you in awe? Or were you not impressed?

Nature has always been impressive to me. I don't think there has ever been a time when I was out in nature and didn't feel impressed on some level. I'm trying to specifically remember the first time I was in nature. It was always part of my life as a kid.

I think one of my first awe-inspiring nature moments was at a cave. I remember thinking it was just really cool to go underground like that. The temperature drop and having to feel around because it was too dark to see was really cool to me at the time. We went to caves quite a bit when I was young. My mom wouldn't ever go in them because she was too claustrophobic. Finally we got her to go into one and she ended up getting bit by a spider. I don't think she has ever gone near one again. *Laugh*

The one I remember going to the most was called Mammoth Cave  . It's the longest cave system in the world. Needless to say, it is insanely awesome. We went there on a vacation and also went to Tennessee on that same trip.

They have different tours that you can do. We went on the most strenuous one that I was allowed to do at that age. You had to get on your stomach and slide through at certain parts because the opening was so tiny and it was pitch black, too. That was a lot of fun. I should go back there now and do the hardest one now that I'm old enough to do it. I think it's like five or six hours long. The one we did was probably three. Anyway, yeah, the caves were always a lot of fun for me as a kid.

*Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob* *Infoo* *Infob*

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June 12, 2014 Prompt: There was no prompt for today, so I went (here)   and found the June 12 prompt. I'll be using that for today, so:

You have the power to enact a single law. What would it be?

If I could enact a single law, it would be SHUT UP IN THE THEATER. Seriously. I love movies. I would see a movie in theater every weekend, just because it's something I like to immerse myself in, but I don't because people are so annoying at the theater.

I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like there is always someone trying to get people's attention when I'm at public events like movies, concerts, bowling alleys, etc... There's always someone, or more likely, a group of people who want everyone to pay attention to them like so bad. Like, "Please pay attention to me. I swear I'm funny and quirky!"

No one cares what you thought about the victim falling while running away from the hash slinging slasher. Oh, great, you like the band. That's cool. So does everyone else. Stop kicking me in the head. Put your shirt back on. Okay, I'm ranting now, but you know what I mean. You even see it in random places like the mall or grocery store sometimes, just obnoxious people letting you know that they're hanging out with their friends. It's annoying.

So, if I could enact one law, everyone would have to be respectful in the theater. That means no talking, texting, shouting, talking on the phone, telling everyone that the lead character should run out the door instead of up the stairs, etc... I guess the punishment for breaking that law would be a fine and banning from the theater. It's a good idea and not flawed in any way, I swear.

By the way-
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I can be your daddy, be your rock n' rolla'
You can be my sugar, be my cherry cola

June 11, 2014 at 9:13pm
June 11, 2014 at 9:13pm
Artist: The Stooges
Album: Fun House
Song: Dirt
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I think I'm finally bouncing back from the weekend. I had a bad time on Saturday and ended up in the hospital. Then I spent the next couple of days laying in bed, recovering and whatnot. But I'm feeling much more back to myself now. I'm way behind with work now though because I haven't been able to get much done this week. I'll be trying to catch up over the next week, and then I'll be moving. There's a lot going on right now, so I'll be ready to settle into the new place. I hope you guys are all doing okay.

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June 11, 2014 Prompt: What is something you always take with you on vacation?

I won't include the basics here because it's obvious that we'd all bring clothes, toothbrush, soap, etc... on a vacation. I always bring a notebook with me on vacation, usually whatever journal I'm keeping at the time. You never know when inspiration will strike and you have to be ready to write it down when it happens.

I'm forgetful with things like that. I'm really good at remembering people's names, but I'm terrible at remembering ideas I've had. Have you ever thought of something to write about and tried to remember it for when you got home? I always forget by the time I get home.

There are other things I always bring, too, but they're probably just the typical things. I bring a camera, addresses for anywhere I want to go on the trip, and cash in case some place doesn't take plastic. Oh, and I bring a pillow and covers because the ones at hotels are gross.


June 11, 2014 Prompt: Where else do you look for inspiration when you're feeling low on blog post ideas and the prompt isn't your cup of tea?

I don't know if I've ever felt low on inspiration for my blog. Between talking about my own life and answering prompts, there never seems to be a lack of something to talk about. If anything, I think that I'll talk more about personal stuff on a day when the prompts aren't speaking to me. I try to do somewhat of an even balance, just because that's my personal preference.

There are always things to draw inspiration from. The great thing about a blogging is that there aren't any rules. Okay, so there are some unwritten rules of blogging as we recently found out, but there aren't any real rules as far as a topic goes. Even if you run out of things you typically talk about, you can mention a movie or book you recently read. You can talk about a new band you discovered that you like. You can talk about a place you'd like to visit. You can teach people about something you're knowledgeable in. The sky's the limit. Wait, no it's not, you can always talk about space, too. *Rolleyes*


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June 11, 2014 Prompt: I think ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy wants us to write about children finding out about sex. Thanks for that Janine

I don't have any kids, so I thankfully never have to worry about the birds and the bees conversation. My parents never had that talk with me though. I went to sex ed in school, probably when I was around ten or eleven. I knew some things before that, but it really cleared things up because I think all of us had some misinterpretations about how babies come to be exactly. I remember thinking that you could get a girl pregnant by hugging, so I was trying to stay away from girls completely. *Laugh*

I remember all of us being immature and laughing through sex ed, but it was interesting to learn about. After we learned everything, we just went about with our lives because we weren't worried about stuff like that at the time. The girls had their own sex ed class and my friend told me that they talked about periods on top of normal sex stuff. They told us vaguely about periods and we were all like, "Ew, gross".

I always felt bad for the kids who had to go to the library during sex ed because their parents didn't want them to learn about sex. I had a friend and his parents wouldn't ever sign off on him learning about it, but they also wouldn't talk to him about it either. We ended up being like thirteen or fourteen and he still didn't fully understand about sex or using protection or STDs or anything. I felt really bad for him and I remember talking to him about it with another friend one night. We couldn't believe how mixed up he had things at that age. It's really sad that his parents refused to allow him that right to education. Everyone should have a right to education, even if it's about sex, or maybe especially if it's about sex.

Ooh, I been dirt
And I don't care
‘Cause I’m burning inside
I'm just a yearning inside
And I'm the fire o' life

June 10, 2014 at 5:34pm
June 10, 2014 at 5:34pm
Artist: Blind Melon
Album: Nico
Song: The Pusher
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Holy piss is it nice to be back here.

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June 10, 2014 Prompt: If I could change my... Complete the statement (multiple times if that floats your boat) Play it crazy or play it safe - as long as you play.

This one has me a little bit stumped. There are always things to change and things to improve, but I can't think of any of them off the top of my head. But, I know I'm not going to get away with half-answers, so let me try.

If I could change my:

*Burstbr* apartment, there would be more space and nicer appliances.

*Burstg* car, it would have less miles on the engine and it wouldn't do that rough start in the winter.

*Burstbr* job, I would be treated with more respect instead of like someone's slave.

*Burstg* family, the past would be in the past and there wouldn't be negative energy between us.

*Burstbr* wife, she wouldn't use dramatic language like always and never.

*Burstg* friends, they wouldn't lie to my face to appear better in a bad situation.

*Burstbr* self, I would have my shit together and not screw things up at every turn.

But really, this is just a rough list of ways that things could be better. I mean, people don't purposely change things for the worst. There will always be things to complain about and dwell on. There's always going to be someone wronging you. You're always going to feel like you're treating people better than they're treating you. I think that's just the nature of things. I don't have any real complaints. At least I have all of the things that I could change for the better.

*Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive*

June 10, 2014 Prompt: Are you a better sport as an adult or more competitive than you were as a child?

I've never been the competitive type. I don't like situations where I'm competing with other people that often because I find myself more worried about how I'm doing in the competition rather than just having fun. That being said, I'm not a sore loser at all. I just typically don't care enough to try to compete.

Plus, as an adult, the award in competitions typically seems so minor compared to when I was a child. Now if you work in an office, their incentive for you to win a competition will be a pizza party. It's just funny, like, really? I can go buy my own pizza if I want to eat pizza that bad. It's just strange to me that a food incentive could work on any grown adult. I mean, maybe if I was starving to death, I would compete for a pizza. But not when I can buy myself any food I want at any time.

I don't mind competing now, but it's strictly on my terms. It has to be something that I want to do regardless of possible prizes. Even then, if something starts feeling like work rather than a fun experience, I'll typically ditch it.

*Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive*

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June 10, 2014 Prompt: How do you think your life would be different if you didn't have children? If you don't have children, how do you think it would be different if you did have them?

Having kids right now would really mess up my life. Not everyone is meant to have children. I know people who have children that never should have had kids, either because they never actually wanted them or they aren't mentally/financially able to support them the way they need to. I think if I had kids right now, it would mess up their life too.

It's funny because, after you get married, that's like the thing that people focus on. "When are you going to have kids?" Don't ever say that you don't want any because people immediately think something must be wrong with you. I never wanted kids though. I never thought, oh, it would be cool to get married and have kids. I don't know if boys do that as much as girls typically, but the thought has really never crossed my mind.

The best thing you can do if you don't want kids is to just not have them. It's like if someone gets a dog when they don't actually want the responsibility of taking care of it, multiplied by a hundred, or a thousand. I'm not sure what the algorithm is there; I've never had any kids.

And I walk around
With these tombstones in my eyes,
But I know the pusher don't care
If you live or if you die.
June 6, 2014 at 12:11pm
June 6, 2014 at 12:11pm
Artist: The Cure
Album: Head On The Door
Song: Inbetween Days
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I'm trying to get this done early today because I have so much to catch up on with work. I haven't had much time for writing the last few days, which works for me because I couldn't write anything fiction right now even if I wanted to. Okay, let's do this.

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June 6, 2014 Prompt:Most of us as children had a secret place to get away from our family.

Do you have a secret place now you go to avoid real life?

If not, do you think you need one at times?

Aw, man, I don't think I had this as a kid. I mean, I spent the majority of my time in my bedroom when I was home, but that's not really a secret place. I mean, that would be the worst hiding spot ever. Can you imagine?

"I wonder where Charlie is? Oh, he's in his bedroom. Surprise, surprise." *Rolleyes*

There were a lot of trees on our property, so I would go out into the woods sometimes. That kind of qualifies because it's hard to find someone in the woods, unless they're wearing hunter orange or something. Why is it called hunter orange anyway? I mean, it's neon orange. Call it what you want because you wanna be a manly man, but you're wearing neon, so whatever.

I don't feel like I have this at all right now. I live in a city and there are so many people everywhere. I never thought about that as a kid. Once I moved to the city, I realized that you are never alone. Even if you manage to slip into a back alley, you're just lucky if you don't run into any trouble. There's always gonna be a bum sleeping with some cardboard boxes back there.

It makes me kind of panicky now that I'm thinking about it. If I really wanted to go be by myself right now, it would be next to impossible. I would have to drive so far out just to get away from the city and the suburbs. Wait a minute. How about that? How about driving in my car?

I guess that is the most alone I get anymore. When I'm driving alone in my car with the music on, just left with my thoughts. I don't know how much of a secret it is, but unless you're being tracked by a GPS, your exact whereabouts would be unknown. Hey, I think that works.

We all need a secret hiding place at times. We all need to be alone with ourselves to collect our thoughts and take a breather. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I actually think it's healthy.


June 6, 2014 Prompt: Favorite board game. Tell us about it.

There is one ultimate board game that beats out the rest for me: Monopoly. Sure, by the end of a game, you hate every person you loved when you began playing, but that isn't the point. Monopoly is the best for so many reasons. For one thing, everyone plays differently with a unique strategy. It teaches you about money and business quickly. You realize that sometimes a bigger investment leads to a bigger payoff in the end. But maybe many smaller investments lead to a bigger payoff? Hmm... Plus, I like all the little tokens you can use. I was always the dog or the ship when I played.

I think the last game of Monopoly I played lasted two and a half hours. By the end, there were only two of us left and we were just hoping one of us would go bankrupt. We didn't even care which person won at that point, we just wanted it to be over. That's the beauty of Monopoly, and that's why it's hands down the best board game ever.


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What if calories cost money? That is, what if one calorie cost one cent, adding up to your entire meal? For example, a large Big Mac meal at McDonald's would cost $13.20. Do you think charging per calorie would change people's eating habits? Why or why not?

Well, this is something I've never thought about before. *Laugh* Great question. So, the simple answer is most definitely. Honestly, I don't think poor people intend to eat unhealthy food. It's just that healthy food is so stupid expensive, they couldn't afford it if they wanted to.

I think it would be awesome if food price was determined by the calorie amount, but mainly in restaurants. I also wish you could tell them how much food you want and they'd just give you that amount. Like, I don't need enough food for five people during lunch. When I go out to eat in a restaurant for lunch, I typically end up having to get a to-go box and I'll have it for dinner, too. Even then, I don't finish the whole thing ninety percent of the time.

I don't like to eat McDonald's or anywhere like that, so it would actually be kind of funny to see people's reaction to those insane prices. It would really be interesting to see what people would do if food were sold that way. Would they eat mostly healthy food with the occasional expensive treat? Would they just spend a ridiculous amount on greasy food that's going to make them sick an hour later? What would happen to our obesity rates? I have so many questions! I'm asking more questions than I'm answering here.

Let me try to gather my thoughts. Who was it that said they like to see the way my mind flows and connects ideas? That person was so right because I never have my shit together. Where am I even going with this? Okay, to answer the questions, I do think that the average person's eating habits would change. I just don't know how or to what extent. I think that people who couldn't afford healthier foods before would take advantage of the lowered prices. Who's going to pay more for a greasebomb than something fresh and healthy?

And I know I was wrong
When I said it was true
That it couldn't be me and be her
Inbetween without you
June 5, 2014 at 1:01pm
June 5, 2014 at 1:01pm
Artist: Sundowner
Album: Four One Five Two
Song: Steal Your Words
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I'm losing my mind today, I think. I thought it was Saturday so I was rushing to get to the bank before twelve o'clock. I ran in to cash my check and I said something like, "Oh, man, just in time." The teller was like, "Just in time for what?" I told her I almost didn't make it before they closed and she said, "Oh... Well, we don't close for six more hours..." It's always awkward to ask somebody what day it is, especially when you're way off. *Laugh*

My mind has been completely hazy this week. I can't concentrate or get anything done. I got a call this morning from a client who was confirming something we supposedly talked about on Monday, but I swear I've never talked to the guy before. I searched everywhere and I never wrote anything down about the guy. I kept wanting to ask if he was sure that I was the one he talked to, because there's probably someone else out there doing the job.

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June 5, 2014 Prompt: What is your favorite rainy day movie?

What is a rainy day movie anyway? Is that just a movie you can watch over and over again without getting bored? Hard question for me because I like so many different movies. For me though, the one I think of for a rainy day is Big Fish.

I've seen it about a million times, which only serves to make it that much better. I know I've mentioned it a couple times before, but I fall asleep a lot throughout the day, so it has to be a movie that I can pick up wherever and know what's going on, especially if we're talking about a rainy day when it's easy to fall asleep anyway.

I guess what made me think of this movie is that it's an epic adventure, so while you're stuck inside due to the rain, you can kind of experience this whole crazy life from your bed. That's what's so great about movies anyway, right? Some of my other favorite rainy day movies would be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Stand By Me, and Goodfellas.


June 5, 2014 Prompt: What is your favorite activity on WDC (besides BCOF obviously)

I'll just leave blogging groups out of this response completely because I'd just be listing them otherwise. My favorite activity, okay. So call me a newbie (because I am), but is an activity just a group or competition? Or is it just a general thing to do on the site? I'm not sure which it is. Maybe I should wait for Norb to do this one.

So, if we're talking just general favorite thing to do on the site, it would definitely be reviewing. It's the best of both worlds because I get to combine reading and writing. Plus, it's nice to feel like you might have helped someone improve their story or poem or whatever.

If we're talking about specific activities, it would have to be any that have us working together. I just like getting to know people and their personalities. I like to see who's good at what and watch them hone their writing skills in whichever form suits them best. The GoT challenge was awesome for this. I felt like I got to know a lot of people better and we had a lot of fun, despite it being a totally grueling process.


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June 5, 2014 Prompt: I grew up listening to my mother tell stories about how this moment in history changed the world as she knew it;


She felt much of what was good in our country died when Bobby Kennedy was shot.

Is there a moment in history where you felt the same way, or did your parents (grandparents) share their thoughts on pivotal historic events?

I think the biggest one since I've been alive was 9/11 and, even then, I was only nine when it happened. I remember seeing it on the news and going home from school, but I didn't realize what was going on really. I was confused and my family doesn't talk about things like that, so it was several years later before I realized how big of a deal that actually was.

I've never heard anyone talk about any assassinations in my family, but I do remember my grandmother talking about scary school drills during the Cold War where they would have to get under their desks. It's hard, even now, to wrap my mind around living in constant fear that shit might hit the fan at any second. I feel bad for anyone that had to do that.

Looking back, I guess I did know that 9/11 changed a lot of things because we went to war because of it. I think the biggest thing in America that has changed since 9/11 is the government's sickening use of the tragedy to make people paranoid and therefore spy on everything that we do. But we don't talk about politics here so that's me for today.

I massacred the afternoon
To the sound of rain drumming against parked cars.
I drenched myself in desperate colors for you.
I was dripping for your sympathy.
June 4, 2014 at 1:10pm
June 4, 2014 at 1:10pm
Artist: Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
Album: Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
Song: Breakdown
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I'm about to rant for a second. Feel free to skip ahead.

See note: "Note: I hate when someone says you're in trouble whe..."

According to Kira, I'm in big trouble today. There will be no hanky panky in this entry, Mitchopolis . *Rolleyes* Seriously though, I can't stand it when someone says that I'm big trouble. I'm not eight years old. I can't be in "big" trouble as an adult. It's such a condescending thing to say. It's kind of like when a girl says, "Aw, you're so cute" when you get emotional about something. Way to emasculate me!

Why do girls always ask questions that there is no right answer to? She doesn't do the usual, "Oh does this make me look fat?" thing, but she's constantly setting me up to say something stupid and I'm too stupid to realize it in advance. Stop testing me because I'm always going to fail! I think I'm going to be in "big" trouble for the rest of my life. *Sad*

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June 4, 2014 Prompt: Flip Flops or bare feet? What does summer look like in your world?

Is there a 'none of the above' option? When I was a kid, I'd always run around without shoes on. I would never do that now for fear of broken glass and hepatitis needles. I guess you don't think about stuff like that as a kid.

I don't wear flip flops because no man should ever do that. I hate when men wear sandals or flip flops. Multiply that hate by ten if they're also wearing socks with them. It's inexcusable. If I go to the beach, I usually wear slip on Vans and take them off when I'm in the sand. I just have to watch where I'm stepping then.

I wear ankle-high boots all year round. I wear them with jeans and cut-off shorts. Mine are so broken in at this point that they're more comfortable than being barefoot or wearing flip flops could ever be. I also have Chucks that I wear sometimes, just to change things up. They're kind of my 'nice' shies for occasions when I think my ratty boots might offend.

Summer in my world looks like a lot of sunshine on pavement.


June 4, 2014 Prompt: If March winds bring Aprils showers and April shower bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring in June?

I've never heard of March winds bringing April showers. That's interesting. So, I guess May flowers bring June heat then, right? It's already gotten up above ninety where I live. Can we go back to Spring yet?

I complain a lot when it comes to weather. I don't like when it's too hot or cold. Between 65 and 75 is perfect for me. I also like when it rains and storms, especially when I'm sleeping, but I like it any time of day. It has always been comforting to me for some reason.


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June 4, 2014 Prompt: Do you think playing violent video games and watching violent movies makes people more violent in real life? Were you allowed to partake in these activities as a child? If you have children, did/do you let them have violent media?

I have a kind of weird opinion on this subject. I do think that violent media can bring out violence in people, but I think that anyone who is influenced in that way already has violent tendencies just beneath the surface. I don't think that violent video games or movies can make an innocent, harmless person suddenly turn into a violent criminal.

I'll take the movie Natural Born Killers for example, just because that's one that is debated often. So, people like me and Cinn can watch a movie like that without becoming hostile or dangerous because we aren't that way to begin with. It was you who liked Natural Born Killers, right, Cinn Frin? Man, I'm gonna be a jerk if I have the wrong person. Anyway, people who are already harboring violent tendencies are the only ones who are going to be negatively affected by a movie like that, in my opinion.

My parents didn't restrict what I watched or did in any way.*** I listened to music, watched movies, and played video games at a young age that most people would probably not have approved of in any way. I never manifested violent behaviors because my mind was able to separate that entertainment from reality. I knew I couldn't go run over a prostitute and kill pedestrians, even though I played Grand Theft Auto. I didn't have a defect in my mind that made me blur the lines between reality and fiction.

*** I don't believe this holds any responsibility in the person I've turned out to be. That's unrelated.

It's all right if you love me.
It's all right if you don't.
I'm not afraid of you running away,
Honey, I get the feeling you won't.
June 3, 2014 at 3:38pm
June 3, 2014 at 3:38pm
Artist: Joy Division
Album: Unknown Pleasures
Song: Shadowplay
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Oh, I'm so tired. I went to bed super late, then woke up to a call saying my friend from back home got arrested over the weekend. He's out now, but our mutual girl friend called to tell me that they're all trying to get money together to pay off someone that Noah owes money to now that he can't just leave the state with impending charges.

It pisses me off so much. I talked to him on Friday and offered to pay over five hundred bucks to get him on a plane out here so he could stay with my friend. He never mentioned anything about owing anyone any money. He was acting like a complete dick and accusing me of "abandoning" him when I left the state, even though that couldn't be further from the truth. He's such an asshole.

Our friend that called me today was asking me to send her $500 because they're all pitching in money to pay some guy off. The whole thing sounded really, really shady to me. It doesn't even make sense. I asked how much Noah owed the guy and she wouldn't tell me because she didn't want me to "freak out". Of course, Kira was screaming in the background, "See! This is why he can't stay here. They're going to get you in trouble! I told you!"

Call me jaded, but there's something off here. I call him on Friday and tell him I'll pay for a plane ticket at the last minute for him to come out here. Now, miraculously, they need the same amount of money that I was going to pay for him to get out here only he has to stay there because of new charges against him? She said that he was just going to bail out on the guy he owes money to, but now he can't leave the state. He wasn't going to leave the state anyway. Our conversation ended really badly on Friday and I haven't talked to him since. I asked why she was calling me instead of him and she said that Noah said he didn't want to "annoy" me.

I told her to forget about it. I'm not sending money to anyone. She got really angry and said that I'm a terrible friend for not helping Noah after all he's done for me. I hate that. When you have a friendship, you mutually help each other. You don't get to hold that over someone's head for the rest of their life. Plus, I tried to help and now I'm getting paranoid that they're just trying to get money from me or something. I don't think I'm being unreasonable here. I feel like they just want me to be naïve and not ask any questions.

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June 3, 2014 Prompt: Tell me about a personal experience with violence, either one you experienced personally or one you witnessed (or even choose a violent scene you watched on television or film that affected you) Can violence ever play an effective role in problem solving?

I'm not a violent person by nature. I try to settle things without violence whenever possible. As I get older, I realize that I don't need to use violence unless I'm protecting myself against violence. My first instinct in confrontation has always been to talk it out or just leave the situation if talking isn't working. But, unfortunately, you can't make decisions for other people and sometimes people decide they're going to get violent with you.

I'm going to bring us back to a couple years ago. Kira (we had just started dating at the time) and I were living in a different state and we had two brothers as roommates. Things started out amicably enough, but it devolved over time as most things do, into an all-out warfare between the four of us. They had a problem with us because we barely worked (just enough to pay bills), we slept all day (not sure why this mattered), and we wouldn't share our good weed with them. We had a problem with them because they were always late on rent, had random people staying with us all the time without permission (and we had to share one bathroom), and they left dishes everywhere to gather mold.

One day, Kira and I were getting it on in our room. This isn't gratuitous, it's relevant to the story, I promise. So, we're doing our thing and the older brother bursts into our room, grabs me from behind, and throws me on the ground. I'm completely naked and trying to figure out what's going on as he towers over me, screaming with his red tomato face. Every time I go to stand up, he pushes me back down by my chest. I'm basically being pinned down, naked, by my roommate while Kira covers herself up and runs to the bathroom.

I'm trying to make out what he's so mad about, but then I'm like, screw this, and I grabbed his leg so he would fall down. This only serves to anger the beast as he's suddenly on top of me performing some sort of wrestling move. Keep in mind, I'm completely naked still and have no idea what's going on. The brute gets me into a headlock and I can't breathe. Kira comes back in the room, miraculously dressed, and starts screaming for him to get off of me.

Just as that happening, the front door to the apartment opens. My room was to the right of the front door, so you could see in as soon as you walked through the door. In walks the other brother with two of his coworkers. They were coming by so he could get changed after work before they went out for drinks. I'll never forget the look on these two strangers' faces. They were completely horrified at what they saw before them, understandably so. Fortunately, their presence was enough to bring the older brother to his senses and he got up and stomped out of the room.

I later found out that he was so pissed off because there was an empty beer can in his turtle's tank and he assumed it was me. Not even kidding. That's what he resorted to attacking me, while I was having sex, over. The funny thing is, I'm like ninety percent sure it wasn't even me who dropped a beer can in the tank. It was probably him. I have no idea why I would automatically get blamed for it. It was really funny though, because while he was all out of breath performing wrestling moves on me, I thought I heard him gasping something about turtles. I couldn't figure out what I had ever done wrong to turtles.

The point is, violence doesn't typically solve much. I mean, it does and it doesn't. Just take that instance for example. If I had been the person to litter in his turtle's tank, I probably wouldn't have done it again after being attacked like that. But, a simple conversation would have suffice just as well, and I wouldn't have felt so violated.

So, basically, yes, violence is effective for solving some problems. But there are other, more rational solutions that are just as or much more effective.


June 3, 2014 Prompt: What was/is your favorite TV show?

I don't really think I can pick a favorite TV show. I don't know how people pick one favorite TV show or song or anything like that. I have so many favorites across an array of genres and from different time periods. I have silly shows for certain moods that I like just as much as the critically-acclaimed dramas.

Right now, my favorite shows that are still airing are probably The Walking Dead, Shameless, andGame of Thrones. I watched all of Breaking Bad as it was airing, and that was an awesome show. I watched Weeds, Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck, and half of Dexter. There are always new shows to watch. I still have a queue of shows I want to watch.


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June 3, 2014 Prompt: "Springtime Fever"

I get Spring Fever for one week a year. That's about it for me. The first day that the weather is nice and I can go outside without ten layers of clothes, I love it. I'll drive with the windows down or walk instead of driving. I'll open up all the windows and let some fresh air in. It's kind of my thawing out time. I'll just listen to music and clean with all the windows open.

After that first week, I start taking it for granted and don't really care about it anymore. Plus, the weather is rarely nice for a lot of consecutive days. It'll be nice for two days, then freezing cold and snowing the next. I usually like the weather for one week per season. I even like freezing cold, snowy weather for a week, then I'm over it.

To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you.
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you.
I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you.
In a room with a window in the corner, I found truth.
June 2, 2014 at 1:38pm
June 2, 2014 at 1:38pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: The Queen Is Dead
Song: Bigmouth Strikes Again
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Happy Monday, guys. I know you all love Mondays, right? I don't like Mondays that much, but it has nothing to do with any sort of schedule. I don't like Mondays because people with schedules are always in shitty moods at the beginning of the week. When I used to work retail, people would come into the store on Monday like angry zombies, just so upset that their weekend had ended. Any of you who have worked retail know that you don't get the weekend off in retail. I typically worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the store, so Monday was more like my Thursday. Still, it sucks to deal with people who are in bad moods on Mondays.

So, my weekend was pretty good. We all survived the GoT challenge. It was probably easier for me than some of the other participants because I was working with the best group ever. It's really unfair to the members of other groups, don't you think? *Smirk* *Laugh* So, are we going to do it again next year, Joy ? Oh, too soon? I'll ask again in eleven months. *Wink*

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June 2, 2014 Prompt: What are you hoping to accomplish this summer?

I don't really like to put any pressure on myself to accomplish anything, in case you guys haven't noticed. It's my life method right now because, if you don't commit to do anything, you can't disappoint anyone. It's not a long term plan, but it works for now. I don't think it's good to jinx yourself by saying what you're going to accomplish anyway, or maybe that's a cop out. The world may never know!

So instead of having plans for what I will do this summer, I have plans for what I won't do this summer. Things that I hope not to do, if you will. I won't get in any trouble. I won't spend every day hanging out in bed. I won't stop writing or playing music. I won't give up on any of my relationships. I won't forget to enjoy the warm weather before winter comes. See, look at all the things I will do by default!

*Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly*

June 2, 2014 Prompt: In June wedding bells ring, roses bloom, and drivers seem to go nuts. Pick one or all of those items and write a story or poem about it.

At this time last year, I was engaged to be married. We wanted a fall wedding because we thought the weather would be nicer, and it was. Nothing like sweating it out on top of the normal pre-wedding jitters. I don't know why June is such a popular month for marriage anyway. I didn't even know June was a big wedding month until we started doing wedding planning and everyone we talked to said they were so busy planning all the June weddings.

I would think the most popular months for weddings would be April and October, just because the weather is nice in most places during those months. But, I guess people don't do April because it might still be cold or there's too high of a chance for rain. I guess that makes sense. I'm happy we did it when we did and we had everything planned out far in advance. It made the whole thing a lot less stressful. Then again, it helps that Kira is so not high maintenance. Is there are word for that? Someone who's the opposite of high maintenance? Oh, wait, is the term low maintenance? *Facepalm*

Anyway, everywhere we went, there were brides going off the deep end and throwing temper tantrums. It didn't matter which part we were planning, there was always a stressed out bride either crying or stomping her feet. It happened at the cake shop, the flower shop, and the salon. I felt pretty lucky to be with the chick who was totally chill and just getting shit done. I think guys who get "cold feet" before a wedding probably get them because their wife turned into a different person while they were planning the wedding

*Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly* *Vinylb* *Vinylr* *Vinyly*

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June 2, 2014 Prompt: Are there any unwritten rules of blogging? Is there anything that's off-limits? Are there lines you won't cross, or is there anything that makes you shudder and gives you pause when someone else's entry crosses your line of what you think is appropriate?

As much as I'd like to say that there are no limits in blogging, and as much as I may seem like the guy to say it, there are definitely limits. There unfortunately have to be limits for me in my blogging. I can't talk about a lot of the everyday things that happen or what I'm doing because A) no one would want to read about it and B) it isn't worth not having people like me or causing drama.

I'm sure there are people that can say, "Oh, today's Monday. I did X, Y, and Z over the weekend." I can do that, too, but it's always a selective sort of process. Like, "Oh, well I went here Saturday. Then Saturday night I had this huge fallout with a bunch of drama, yeah, I'll gloss over that entire night. But Sunday, I did that..."

There are a lot of times when I write about something that happened to me that day or the day before, then I preview it and think it's not something I should talk about, so I go back and delete and do a complete rewrite. It's funny because I've had people tell me that my blog is offensive or a shouldn't talk about certain things, but if I'm being quite honest here, my blog right now is the censored version. I'm already watching what I say and not talking about things that I think people won't want to read about or that I'm not sure if I should say. This is the watered-down version of myself.

I think there comes a time in each of our blogging experiences where we make a decision about whether we are going to talk about personal/private things or if we're going to keep things like that at a distance. I don't think there's anything wrong with either one of those, but I think it happens to all of us. I know not many of you have read the beginning entries of my blog, other than Fivesixer and lizco252 who were here with me since the beginning of The Soundtrack to your Life Challenge, but my blog has never been anything but open, emotional, and personal.

I do understand completely if anyone shudders when they read my blog or they think that I'm sharing things that should be kept private; but that isn't who I am as a person. That being said, I do try to not share overly personal things that have no purpose being shared. I try to keep things on an even keel and when I'm about to share something personal, trust me, I think about it before I submit it.

There are some things that don't need to be shared, and I do have lines that I don't cross. If I think something is only going to prove to make me look like a fool, I don't share it. Yeah, I gloss over things to make myself look better in my situation. Don't we all do that? If I think it's something that is going to make people especially uncomfortable, I keep it to myself. That's what my personal journal is for; it can't judge me. Its opinion of me isn't going to change because of something I did or said. Is that the right thing to do? I don't know, but it's what I do.

Don't worry, I'm not going to rant anymore. Norb, did you know this prompt would set me off? You sly dog. I'm off my soapbox, I promise. Have a good day, guys!

Bigmouth strikes again
And I've got no right to take my place
With the human race
June 1, 2014 at 2:27pm
June 1, 2014 at 2:27pm
Artist: The White Stripes
Album: Elephant
Song: Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine
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June 1, 2014 Prompt: I dare you to write about a double dog or triple dog dare you accepted. What happened?

I wasn't the kind of kid that could really be dared into doing things. If someone kept pressuring me to do something and I didn't want to, I would scream, "I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT. LEAVE ME ALONE!" This would incite a lot of, "Okay, dude, chill out" responses.

I really don't like when someone keeps trying to get me to do something, especially when what they're wanting me to do isn't even fun or crazy.

"I dare you to shotgun that beer."
"Meh, I'm alright. I think I'll just smoke some."
"Come on, pussbag, shotgun that beer!"
"No, man, I said I'm cool."
"AAAAAHHHHH, COME ON! Don't be a wimp! You're no fun."

I've had this conversation so many times. What I hate the most is the insinuation that I could possibly be afraid of chugging a beer. Obviously, I don't have a fear of this sort of thing. I probably just don't want to do it, so why keep badgering?

I do have one from my youth though, and when you hear the story, you'll understand why I had to do it. First of all, I was triple dog dared. Not dared, not double dared, but triple dog dared.

It was summertime right before middle school, so I would have been eleven years old at the time. This summer and the one before were the best ever because I finally got to spend them with my public school friends. One of my friends lived in town, only a couple blocks from the local swimming pool. His mom was a single mom and she worked double shifts at the hospital, so we basically had free roam of his house the entire summer. There was no one to tell us what to do or when to be back home. It was awesome.

My parents got me a summer pass to the pool, so we liked to hang out there almost every day. This was in the prime of my youth and my friends and I were starting to get really into girls. We would meet up with a group of them at the pool in the early afternoon and hang out until they closed it in the evening. We especially liked the girls that were starting to develop and wore bikinis.

There was one girl in particular that I had a big thing for, her name was Danielle, but everyone called her Danny, or I'm guessing Dani? Anyway, I was really into this girl, but so were all of my other friends. We were constantly trying to do things to impress her at the pool, like doing backflips off the diving board into the deep end or whatever.

One day, all the girls were sitting on the top balcony sunbathing on their beach towels. Us guys had been in the pool for most of the day, messing with each other about who Dani liked more. My friend was certain that Dani was going to date him because they had been talking on the phone almost every night. That's a big deal when you're eleven. I was feeling pretty defeated in the whole thing, but I couldn't get red-haired Dani out of my mind.

So, my friend tells me that we should go up by the girls so he can show me that Dani likes him. He claimed she kept "casually" touching him during conversation and whatnot. Well, we go upstairs to the balcony and we hang out for a while. My friend keeps shooting me looks, like, "See!" every time Dani touches his arm or his shoulder. I thought it was bullshit because she did the same thing to me all the time.

Everything's going cool, but then Dani leans over the balcony railing, turns to me, and says, "Hey, Charlie. I dare you to jump down from up here."

I didn't think she was serious, so I kinda laughed and looked at everyone else. But she stopped and said, "No, really. That would be awesome. It's not even that high."

I looked over the railing and it looked like it was about thirty feet up, but it was probably only twelve feet high or so. "Nah, I don't think so," I said, shaking my head.

"Aw, come on! There's even grass down there. You'd be like a stunt man!"

Now, I had never wanted to be a stunt guy, but what happened next changed my mind.

"Oh, please, Charlie. It would be so cool. I triple dog dare you."

My best friend jumps up and says, "Well, hey, I'll do it!" and he starts climbing over the railing like it's nothing.

I looked on astonished and blazing with anger when I saw the excitement in her eyes. I was thinking, Nah, fuck that, I can't let him win. So, I did the only sensible thing I could do. I knew I had to get there first because no one cares about the second guy who jumped off the balcony, so I catapulted myself over the railing and did a rolling fall across the ground below.

Everyone was so excited and I jumped up right away, thinking everything was cool. But then I noticed that I couldn't feel the fingers in my right hand. I tried to play it off like nothing was wrong, because everyone was laughing and having a good time. We started eating lunch and Dani was eying me the whole time. I could tell she thought I had just done the coolest thing ever. But, I started getting this tingling feeling in my fingertips. Then my wrist started swelling really bad. It was so crazy, I was trying to like, hide it behind my back. I had to make an excuse to go back to my friend's house before Dani could see it.

Anyway, my wrist wasn't broken, but it was swollen and bruised for like a week. I must have accidentally put some of my weight on it when I landed. That's not the point. The point is, I ended up dating Dani for the rest of the summer, until we awkwardly just stopped talking.

Wait a minute, now that I think about it, we never actually stopped dating. Our group of friends just grew apart after school started and we kept avoiding each other. I'm technically still dating Dani right now.

Well strip the bark right off a tree and just hand it this way
Don't even need a drink of water to make that headache go away
Give me a sugar pill and watch me just rattle down the street
Acetaminophen, you see the medicine
Oh girl, you have no faith in medicine
May 31, 2014 at 9:56am
May 31, 2014 at 9:56am
Artist: Slowdive
Album: Souvlaki
Song: Dagger
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So this is it, huh? It's the end of May and the beginning of the things that June represents for me. That's cool, I guess. What can ya do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So, the GoT challenge is coming to an end. It was a good one guys, but I'm going to be happy to get my handle back. I don't want any more fox puns, do you understand? I'm set for life on the fox puns. It's the end of the 30DBC, too. It was a fun month. It was a busy month. Anyone else feel like they're going to be looking for things to do tomorrow? Nah, we'll enjoy the break from reviewing. I'm never doing a review again. Just kidding, I'm totally going to keep doing reviews.

I didn't get much real-life work done yesterday, so I have to work again today. No big deal, I just couldn't concentrate. Sometimes I start listening to music and I lay back. I'm just done for hours, zoned out like that, staring at the ceiling or whatever. I really prefer that over working, so I end up not taking any full days off. Well, we make sacrifices.

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May 31, 2014 Prompt: A humorous list of rules or do's and don'ts for any topic that tickles your fancy. (excluding tickling and fancy things)

So this is how you wanna do it, Mitch? You wanna end the month by stifling my creativity and restricting it to a little box? What if I want to make a list of do and don't rules for fancy tickling? You have to wear a monocle and everything. I already have this list figured out. It's a few hundred items long. What? We don't have time for that?

So, I have one that might tickle you married folks' fancy. Oops, I wasn't supposed to say fancy, was I? I'm just now nearing my first wedding anniversary. Kind of nearing. Like, I'll be there in several months, if that counts... Okay, check this:

Do's and Don'ts of Marriage (after seven months of marriage)

1. Do always appreciate your spouse's cooking, even if it totally sucks and makes you want to cry.

2. Do NOT ever talk about an ex. Even if you've been married for thirty years, don't mention that you went to the dance in fifth grade with Holly Jockstrap.

3. Do actually listen when the other person is talking. They're going to know that you weren't listening when they stop to get your opinion and all you can do is stare at their expecting face blankly while slowly nodding your head.

4. Do NOT tell your spouse that they are acting like their mother. I don't know why, but this does not work out well for the husband. Just don't do it.

5. Do share the responsibility of decision making. There's nothing more annoying than, "I dunnnoooo what I want for dinner!" for eighty-five days in a row. It's cute the first three times, after that, just no, tell me what the fuck you want in your mouth for dinner.

6. Do NOT accept, "fine" as a reasonable condition. If your spouse says, "I'm fine" or "It's fine", they are not fine and it is not fine. "It's fine" means, "You fucked up and you damn well better fix it."

7. Do always think about them. When you're out at the store, pick up their favorite snack. When someone asks you to hang on Friday, make sure your spouse either wants to go to or has plans of their own. If they casually mention that they want something, keep it in mind for birthday/anniversary/holiday gifts.

8. Do NOT let yourself be pushed around. "Oh, so I forgot to put down the toilet seat so now we can't have sex?" This isn't Everybody Loves Raymond. You don't get to hold things over each other's head. If you have a problem with something your spouse does, speak up about it before it becomes the elephant in the room.

9. Do enjoy the little things that don't seem like they would matter. Appreciate the times you're holding them. Be grateful for the Saturday nights you get to spend together watching a movie. Let them know that you appreciate the time you're spending with them at breakfast. Whenever you cross their path, make contact, verbally or physically. This is the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with after all.

10. Do NOT push their buttons. Yes, we get it, you've known them for a long time and now you can piss them off at the drop of a hat. Just don't do it. Don't go for the jugular because they ate the last popsicle and forgot to throw the box away when you went to get one from the freezer. It's just not worth it, and words said in anger are words not forgotten.


May 31, 2014 Prompt: There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Write an untold story that you think needs telling.

Man, life is a ride, is it not? I could tell stories for miles. I could tell you about the wonders of my youth. I could tell you about what I think my future holds. I could tell you all about my present affairs. I'm not going to do that though, because, who really cares?

No, I'm going to tell you about the time I said something so stupid that I almost made a customer cry in anger and kill me.

When I was sixteen, I moved into an apartment and there was a privately owned cafe across the street. I didn't have a car at the time and thought that it might be a cool place to work. I walked over and talked to one of two people who worked at the place, other than the owners. She asked how old I was and she said that they weren't just a coffee shop, they also sold flavored tobacco. I wasn't legally allowed to sell tobacco at the time, but I got the job anyway. They told me that if anyone came in, I should tell them that I strictly serve coffee.

Anyway, I was young and I knew nothing, I mean, nothing about coffee. I didn't drink it. I didn't mind the taste of it, I just never thought to drink it, I guess. So, it's my first week on the job and I'm just messing everything up. The place was privately owned, as I said, and the owners were unreliable at best. I had keys to open the place up in the morning and they were supposed to meet me there every day the first week to show me the ropes.

They ended up showing up an hour late the first day and they didn't show up until afternoon the second day. All I had was a little flip book of note cards that had "recipes" for different drinks on the menu. I had no idea how to make them or anything like that. I was just lucky that the business was brand new and hadn't built up any sort of customer base yet. Ninety percent of the time, I sat on the counter reading magazines or smoking like the badass I thought I was at the time. When someone did come in, they usually just got a large coffee and went on their way to work.

So, one morning, the owners are late as always. This guy in a suit comes in and asks for a caramel cappuccino to go. I didn't really know how to properly do the foam then and I had to remake it twice because it got cold while I was trying to do foam. The guy was visibly in a hurry, pacing back and forth and staring at me like a junkyard dog. I, being the natural genius I am, decided that to make up for the foam issue, I'd give him extra caramel syrup in his cappuccino. I mean, I gave him a lot. We were supposed to do two squirts for a large and I legit did like eight. I thought that the more caramel I used, the better it would be.

So, the guy finally gets his drink, takes one sip and nearly spits it out on the counter. He says that it's way too sweet and I apologize and offer to remake it. He says, "I really don't have time for that. Can I just get a caramel Macchiato?"

I had no clue what that was. I had never heard of it and it wasn't even in the stupid notecard book. He tried to explain to me that it was just a dash of foam poured into the center of the espresso. I still didn't get it and this guy was, understandably, getting pissed. He looks at his watch and says, "I have to do be to work. Can you make it or not?"

"Sure!" I say, with the confidence of a moron. So, I get started on this "Macchiato" or whatever. I make the espresso and pour what I considered to be a dash of foam directly in the center. Of course, it just spread over the rest of the drink, so it was basically like espresso with a little bit of milk on top of it.

The customer is NOT satisfied when he sees what I've done with his order. I can see steam coming out of his ears. It might have been steam from the Macchiato, the events are hazy at best. In one last moment of desperation he cries, "Fine! I'll just get a large coffee. What kind of coffee do you have?"

And here is where I ruined this man's life.

I didn't know what he meant by 'kind of coffee'. I realize now what he was asking, but in my fear-induced confidence I said, "Caffeinated and decaffeinated."

He totally blew a fuse. He thought I was being a smartass when, in reality, I was just really really stupid. Obviously, he meant was it Colombian, Blue Mountain, or whatever. I have no idea what I was thinking. I thought he was going to assault me. He started slamming his fists against the counter and saying, "Are you fucking kidding me? Are you trying to get smart?"
I was apologizing profusely and saying, "I'm sorry. I'm just really stupid. I don't know anything about coffee."

No, he didn't accept my apology.

Too long; didn't read version: Worked at cafe, ruined guy's drink for half an hour while he ran late for work, told him the "types" of coffee we had were caffeinated and decaffeinated, guy screamed.

She whispers while I'm sleeping
I love you when you smile
I didn't really lose you
I just lost it for a while

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