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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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July 15, 2014 at 12:19pm
July 15, 2014 at 12:19pm
Artist: Marcy Playground
Album: Marcy Playground
Song: Opium
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Look at me! I'm all bright and yellow now. Thanks for the congratulations and cNotes. Thanks, Cinn and Supersonic-In the year 2300! for the MBs.

Merit Badge in Growth
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Congratulations on the promotion to Preferred Author! *^*Smile*^* You deserve it, love! *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Congratulations
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Congratulations on your promotion to Preferred Author! Thank you for being such an outstanding member of Writing.com! Your case now shines like the sun!

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July 15, 2014 Prompt: Let's go hardcore issue. Animal testing - yes, no, maybe. Let me hear your opinion.

The second I saw this prompt I thought, No, please. Excellent prompt in the way that it's something I don't even want to get into. *Laugh* That's when you know you've got a good controversial prompt- when people don't even wanna talk about it.

This prompt is so difficult for me because I don't agree with animal testing at all. I don't know how we can consciously use innocent creatures for the testing of superficial things like cosmetics and perfumes. I can't handle the thought of a harmless bunny having perfume or Windex sprayed into its eyes just to see the results. How about this instead: Let the dumbasses that are dumb enough to spray cleaning product into their eyes tell us what the effects are. Is that cool with everyone?

Look, I know I'm one-sided on this topic. I know that medications are tested on animals and those can in turn be used to potentially save lives. I don't know a ton about the topic, but I do know the benefits of it. For me though, the cons just outweigh the pros. I know that it's typically a well-intentioned thing, but the abuse that the animals go through is horrific. Especially when you consider the fact that most items tested never see the light of day, either because the effects are too bad or the human reaction vs. the animal reaction are completely different.

The easiest way to explain my point of view is that animals, to me, are the way a lot of people see children. They're innocent and don't deserve to be corrupted or abused. So animal testing, in my mind, would be like if we sprayed hairspray into the eyes of children with the hope that 10% of the children we sprayed in the eyes would yield valid test results about the effects of the hairspray. As a lover of science, I can definitely see both sides though. I'm interested in seeing what others have to say about this topic.

July 15, 2014 Prompt: Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? Which ones and why?

I wanted to see everyone else's view on this subject because my wife, Kira, believes in pretty much every conspiracy theory and it cracks me up. It doesn't matter what it is. One of you could just make up a random theory that Facebook was made by the government to keep current photos of citizens on file and she straight up would start nodding her head after a few minutes and say, "Yeah, yeah. You know, this actually makes sense." She's one of those 'never trust the Man' kind of people and I love her for it.

I don't really believe many conspiracy theories. I mean, I don't believe everything about anything, if you know what I'm saying. I'm sure there's more to every story than the public is let in on. One thing that I actually do believe could have some truth in it is kind of a silly thing. I believe it's possible that the makers of electronics have some sort of expiration date on them. You know, like, they make your stuff stop working or slow down when they release something newer. I just think it's oddly convenient that almost all phones last two years or less, which coincides with the typical phone contract. I dunno.

I'm kind of suspect of companies anyway. Have you ever actually tried to fill the Listerine cap to the line? Not even Steven Tyler's mouth is big enough for that. *Laugh* I think they try to tell you that you need more of stuff than you actually need so that you'll have to buy it more often. It makes sense from a business standpoint.

*Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive*

July 15, 2014 Prompt: Let's do something positive. Tell us about a happy memory that you have.

Whenever I'm feeling down or sad, I think about when Kira and I were first dating. We were dirt poor. I mean, we had nothing. We were living with a lot of people in a tiny place and I was working just enough to get us by. Those were some of the best times of my life so far though. The memories are kind of weird and disconnected though. I mix days and people up when I think about it now. They're the type of memories that you're fond of, but wouldn't ever want to relive, if that makes sense.

One memory in particular that I think about often is our impromptu Austin trip. We were living in the upper level of a duplex and there was a laundry facility where the garage would be that serviced all the units. It was around eight o'clock on a Friday night and we were in the laundry room folding clothes together. We finish and I'm carrying the laundry basket back to the house. When she gets to the door, I hear her juggling the doorknob and she's like, "Oh shit. Do you have your keys?"

Neither of us did and we hadn't locked the door behind us. Apparently one of our roommates had left to go out for the night and he locked the door behind him. Everything we had was inside. I ran out to the street to see if maybe he had just left, but I didn't see him.

So I walk back up and sit down on the porch trying to think of something. There was really nothing we could do. We didn't have our car keys or phones and everyone else was out at the bars for the night. I basically just give up right away and lay down on the porch and have a smoke. Of course I didn't forget my cigarettes. Then Kira is like, "You know what? Let's go to Austin." Austin was like four hours from where we lived and we had no vehicle, but she just shrugged me off.

That's the best thing about these memories. Anything I could think of to worry about, she always had a solution for already. One of her friends lived down the street, so we walked down there and called one of my friends to see if he wanted to go to Austin, and drive, of course. My friend was always up for anything, so he's like, okay, let's go.

So, the four of us just drove to Austin. Kira wanted to go to the bars and I said something about how I wasn't old enough. She was like, "Oh, I know which ones won't card you." And she was right, like always.

I love memories like that where things just worked out because we made them. We don't do that anymore. We're so comfortable in our current situation that any wrench thrown into it feels like a big deal. Like, neither of us get mad or start getting upset when something happens now, but it's just the energy. The energy is different now like, "I really don't want to be putting up with this." But back then, everything felt like an adventure. It felt like an out of body experience all the time.

*Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive*

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July 15, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about a time you had to choose between two options. Against the opinion of your family and friends you chose the unpopular choice. Why? What were you hoping the choice would provide?

Only one thing came to mind when I read this prompt and I'm still trying to think of something different talk about. I don't want to be like a broke record because nobody likes those, but it's like my mind can only be in one place at a time and it's always on one particular thing.

One of the more unpopular things I've done was move really far from everyone I knew. I moved to Florida to be with this girl that had gone to rehab there. We had obviously known each other back home first and were very close.

I can understand why it was an unpopular decision. The people around me didn't want me to move that far away because they knew they would never see me. I mean, you tell people you'll visit and all that, and you do try to, but it rarely works out in a timely matter.

On top of that, none of them approved of the girl at all. She was excellent at making terrible first impressions, not only because of how she dressed but also how she carried herself. She had a tense, aggressive nature about her that didn't sit well with people. When my friends and family met her, they couldn't believe we would ever make an actual couple. I'm trying to think of some of the particular things that were said. I know my best friend at the time said that she was a soulsucker. My mom said she, "Didn't seem like a very nice girl" and that she was a bad influence on me. My brothers said that she was too overpowering.

Anyway, I don't believe those things even to this day. It wasn't the most conventional relationship, especially in the beginning, but I really did see a lot of potential in her. It's weird because now I can see the shallow side of myself. I was really young, but I can see that I only wanted to be with her initially because she had things that I thought were cool at the time, like drugs and money.

By the time I move to be with her, it had obviously progressed passed that point. I'm trying to think of what I thought that decision would provide. I knew there wasn't going to be any more drugs or money from her, so it must have been the real deal.

Honestly, I can't remember what was going through my head at the time. I don't remember even thinking much about the decision. It was just like her calling me and telling me to come be with her. I was happy she was okay and she had gotten clean. I didn't have anything where I was at the time, so I just went.

If we had gotten married, I would have filed for a divorce soon after citing irreconcilable differences, but I don't regret the decision.

Blue like water
Blue like heaven is
All of the time
I'm all right
I'm just gagging on, all the all right

July 14, 2014 at 2:03pm
July 14, 2014 at 2:03pm
Artist: Guns N' Roses
Album: Appetite For Destruction
Song: Rocket Queen
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July 14, 2014 Prompt: Vacation or Staycation: which do you prefer and why?

Both of these options have their benefits. I like to go on vacations because it's nice to explore different areas and take in the culture there. It's nice to actually remove yourself from your current location and go somewhere else. Sometimes it's hard to forget your daily life if you're staying in the same place, even if you're doing things that you wouldn't normally be doing, like going to museums or amusement parks or whatever your "staycation" may be.

On the other hand, there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed. I used to hear people say that and I thought they were silly. Any couch or even living room floor was fine by me. Throw me a pillow and blanket and I was good to go. I'm spoiled though now with having my own bed and nothing can compare. It's not just your bed though either, it's the comfort of your own home. Your own bathroom, shower, kitchen, etc... It's comfortable. I live near a major city, so it's very possible for me to do "staycations" where we do things around the city. It's actually convenient too because we don't have to find someone to take care of the cats.

As far as overall preference, I think it depends what the vacation is. I hate going on trips out of state, but only four or so hours away. For one thing, it's almost never a super "fun" vacation. It's usually to go see a museum or something that my family wants to do as a group. It's cool to spend the time with family, but I always feel like it's not really worth the time away from home to go walk the downtown area of a much smaller city, go out to eat, rent a hotel, then go to a museum for a few hours the next day. I don't know if your families are into museums, but mine always has been. I actually really enjoy museums, but I'd prefer to only go to the ones in the cities near me or possible go to some on a bigger vacation, like if we go to the beach and there are museums in the city nearby.

If the trip is a major thing, like getting on an airplane and flying out to the west coast, spending a few days on the beach and sightseeing, I'd rather do that than a staycation. If the trip is just long enough away that we have to get a hotel and be away from home to do something uneventful, I'd rather do a staycation.

*Target* *Target* *Target* *Target* *Target* *Target* *Target*

July 14, 2014 Prompt: Day 603: Write an anecdote. According to Merriam-Webster.com an anecedote comes from the Greek word anekdota, which means unpublished. It is defined as a short short story concerning a funny or interesting occurrence or event.

On the first day of ninth grade, there was a new teacher at the school who had just gotten out of college. She taught spanish and we were her first class ever. I had gotten in trouble the year before for having too many truancies and my parents were absolutely determined to make sure I didn't have the same issue in high school. My mom got the idea in her head that she could drop me off at school way early on her way to work. That meant I was getting to school at seven in the morning, but the first class didn't start until eight. I knew it wouldn't last long because I would just start walking in the front door and out the back, but since it was the first day of school, I decided to go ahead and stay there while I got a feel for the new school.

I was sitting in the commons area on a bench that was across from the office with my back leaning against the staircase. There were a few kids eating breakfast in the cafeteria. They were the ones that got free breakfast and lunch every day because they were below the poverty limit or whatever. Anyway, I was listening to a CD with my headphones on when this woman walks by and says something to me. I knew she had said something to me because she looked at me and her mouth moved as she was passing. I pulled my headphones off and said, "What?" She turned back around and said, "I said, 'you're here early'."

So, we started making small talk and she told me that she was Mrs. Whatever (can't remember her name anymore) and she was the new Spanish 1 teacher. I was like, wait, hold up, and pulled out my schedule. It turned out I had her class first hour. We were kind of laughing about the coincidence and then she went into this big thing about how it was her first day teaching her own class and she was a little jittery about it. I said, and I quote, "Ah, don't worry about it. Just don't do that lame thing where you go around the room and make people say something silly about their self." She laughed and said, "Oh no, I won't do that".

I kid you not, one hour later, I was sitting in her classroom and as soon as the final bell rings, she stands up and says, "Hello students! I'm Mrs. Whatever and I'm going to be your Spanish 1 teacher this year. We'll go over rules a little later in class, but first, let's all get to know each other a little bit. Let's go around the room and say our name and a food that starts with the same letter as your name."

I couldn't believe it. I was like, seriously? It's even lamer than I could fathom and she had just said she wasn't going to do anything like that. Then, she called on me first, even though I was sitting in the middle of the room, not on any of the corners. So, I stand up and I'm like, "Uh, I'm Charlie..." I couldn't think of a food that started with the first letter of my name because I got thrown off. Like, 'C' so, carrot maybe. But phonetically, my name starts with 'CH' and I couldn't think of anything at all. Then, she started saying, "Come on, Charlie. You can do it!" It was so embarrassing.

Finally, my friend sitting next to me said, "God, Charlie, just say cheese or something and sit down." So I did just that. Then she accused me of 'cheating' and started listing foods that start with a 'ch' sound. Cheerios, Cheetos, Chex... I was like, "Wait a minute, aren't those just brands?" and she finally moved on to someone else.

So, that was probably one of the worst first impressions I've had of somebody. Also, I have no idea if I just told an anecdote, or if I just told you all a story from my school days. I couldn't really tell the difference.

*Target* *Target* *Target* *Target* *Target* *Target* *Target*

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July 14, 2014 Prompt: Do you think suicide should be legal?

Oh, goody, let's get controversial! In one word, yes. I think suicide should be legal and I especially think doctor-assisted suicide for terminal patients should be legal. Basically, this is how my moral mind works: Does it direct affect me? No? Okay then, let's do it. I'm trying to think of a single way that someone else committing suicide could affect me. Of course, if it was one of my family members, it would affect me a lot. But, honestly, if someone I cared about was in a terminal situation and they flat out told me, "I just don't want to do this anymore", I would have trouble not respecting that decision.

This is actually something a feel slightly passionate about because I can't stand the mindset of, "That makes me uncomfortable, so I disagree with it." Those of us who haven't been in the position of a suicidal person cannot rightfully judge their actions. Sure, we all get depressed sometimes. I'm sure some of us here have thought about killing ourselves at some point in our life, but the type of person that actually goes through with it is in a totally different place mentally. They've given up all hope of getting better. If there's one thing I feel I can speak on, it's the fact that we don't get better unless we want it for ourselves. I don't get sober because I don't want to be sober. I don't want to compare addiction to someone with crippling depression, but there are people who have untreated mental illnesses because they choose to not attempt treatment.

Now, don't freak out on me for saying that. As someone with horrifying anxiety problems, I can say that I will probably always have anxiety issues. But if I lived a healthier lifestyle and sought treatment for my anxiety, it could at least be manageable. I think also that we have to respect someone who has tried treatment and medications for depression and hasn't found what they're looking for. I guess it's just in my personality to say, "If you don't wanna be here, that's your decision."

Maybe I should give a little backstory into this so that I don't seem like the complete asshole that I know I sound like right now. I'm a very compassionate and sympathetic person. I've had that taken advantage of in the past by people suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts. I had an ex-girlfriend that would call me constantly at two, three, four o'clock in the morning and say things like, "I'm going to kill myself and it's all your fault. The next thing you're going to hear is a gun go off and I'm gong to be gone. Everyone is going to know it's your fault and they're going to hate you."

To use your mental illness to guilt trip or control someone else is unconscionable. That person had me tied around her finger for so long because I couldn't handle the guilt of feeling like I had done something wrong, even though I knew I hadn't. I spent so many nights trying to protect her from herself and feeling like if something happened, it would be my fault. I would go see her even when I didn't want to just because I didn't want her to hurt herself, not because I liked or cared about her, but because she was another human being and I didn't want to see anything bad happen.

I now understand that you can't take on the burden of someone else's life. I tell people constantly who worry about me that I have everything under control. If my parents ask me if I am how I am because they kicked me out when I was sixteen, I tell them no. My dad and I were talking once last year and he asked, "Am I the one that fucked you up?" I said no. At this age, I understand that my decisions are mine to make. No one can influence or control what I do. No one can make me go to rehab. No one can make me live a better life.

I'd like to think that we can all give the same respect to people who commit suicide. Don't assume that they were out of their minds and didn't know what they were doing. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Realize that they had the biggest life decision before them and they chose what you may think is the wrong one, but what they felt like was the best at the time. Were they wrong? Could things have gotten better? Sure. But it isn't our place to judge them and I hope that we can put aside our own moral and religious beliefs to accept that there are other people in the world with completely different life experiences and views.

If I say I don't need anyone
I can say these things to you
Cause I can turn on anyone
Just like I've turned on you

July 13, 2014 at 3:23pm
July 13, 2014 at 3:23pm
Artist: Smashing Pumpkins
Album: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Song: Zero
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July 13, 2014 Prompt: Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week.

Well, hello again my blogging brethren. We're going to start off today with a news story today, and you guys know me, I'm going to have to go find a good one to write about before I can start. I've actually been watching the news a little bit recently because I've been up at seven in the morning. Up still, I should say. I've noticed though that there are so many fluff pieces on the news, no matter which news channel you pick. They're talking about, like, the perfect bridesmaid and fashion lifehacks. It's weird.

Okay, I found one that I want to talk about. Here it is.   It's perhaps not that most interesting news story to happen this week, but it reminded me of something else I saw once. So, within two days in Colorado, twelve people were struck by lighting and two died from their injuries. I think it's really sad that people lost their lives to it, but it might be my morbid curiosity that has me interested in the topic. Have you guys ever seen the scar that a lightning strike leaves if you survive? It's like totally wicked and weird. I'm linking to one of the less gory photos  . Please don't go googling images of lightning scars because there are some pretty gnarly ones.

Wait, am I a dick for talking about this? I'm not trying to make light of the situation or anything, so I hope it doesn't seem that way. It's just that scars can be kind of cool sometimes as long as the person is okay. They just have cool stories behind them and stuff so it's interesting in a morbid kind of way. Anyway, moving on.

The reason this story caught my attention is because I read a blog last year about this kid who got struck by lightning with his brother. It happened in 1975, but they took a picture right before it happened because their hair was standing on end and they thought it was funny. Here's the original news story I read.   I thought the picture was really creepy, especially because of how happy they look in it. Here's the guy's blog entry   so you can read about it from him.

I don't know why, but it stayed with me after I read it and every time I hear about someone getting hit by lightning now, I think about it. Mother Nature is scary.

Now I'm gonna let loose and blog a little about my week. This week was okay in my book. I didn't get hit by lightning, so I'm cool. I tried to catch up on work a little bit, but I'm forever behind I'm afraid. It's like such a lack of motivation to get anything done. I sit down to work on something and my mind refuses to concentrate, so I have to get up and pace around for a while, then I can work a little more. It's a slow process, but I think I'm managing alright.

We were hanging out, drinking last night around midnight when we heard a bunch of screaming and general chaos outside. This apartment complex is like that, it's weird. There are always people scurrying around in the dark. It's a younger crowd than there was at the old place, so I've definitely noticed a difference in the overall activity level. I was curious and decided to go out and see what was going on. We're far enough back in the complex that it's quiet in our area, but I followed the noise and saw that everyone was congregated at the pool after hours.

There was a huge group of people and they were all shouting and scattering in different directions. I was slinking along the side of one of the apartments like a ninja, my head faced toward the action while I moved the opposite way. I was going to go around the back of the apartment and get a peek from the other side. I could tell there was some sort of fight going on by the way people were circled around. A lot of them were running away and I didn't want to get involved, but of course, I'm a little too curious.

Anyway, I'm sneaking around the apartment, looking the opposite way when someone slams into me from the back. We both turn around to apologize and, holy shit! It's my old neighbor, Brian, from the first apartment I lived at in this state. I live over an hour away from the first place I lived in the Midwest, so it was really strange and funny. We recognized each other and started chatting about how we had lost touch because I broke my phone and got a new one. I didn't have his number written down anywhere, so I couldn't get a hold of him again.

So that worked out well. I never did find out what was going on, but Brian said that he doesn't live here. He was looking for some girl named Veronica or Roni that he heard lives in these apartments. I told him I've only been living here a couple weeks and I only know my new neighbors. It was cool to catch up with him though. I told him I'd keep an eye out and let him know if I met a girl named Roni. Then we exchanged numbers again and went on with our nights.

Finally, I'm going to comment on some of my favorite entries from fellow challengers this week.

*Bulletr* I really enjoyed Janine 's entry, "Invalid Entry, about her favorite library memories. I have fond memories of the library too and it's cool to see someone as passionate about those memories as I am.

*Bulletr* 💙 Carly 's entry, "Family Stories, Spontaneous Adventures & Reality Shows because we both like reality TV and we're not afraid to admit it. *Laugh*

*Bulletr* Could't agree more with Noyoki 's response to the War Chest prompt yesterday, "Invalid Entry. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about war.

*Bulletr* I swear, I'm done after this one. Fivesixer 's reality TV show ideas in his entry, "This one's about reality tv, 600, and spontaneity. were hilarious and Carly and I would watch them all.

And that about sums up this week. Now get outta here!

Intoxicated with the madness
I'm in love with my sadness

July 12, 2014 at 3:21pm
July 12, 2014 at 3:21pm
Artist: Mother Love Bone
Album: Apple
Song: Stargazer
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I'm having trouble answering all of these prompts today. When that happens, I know my creativity is flailing. One prompt, okay. Two, maybe. But all three? I don't think so. *Laugh*

We had new neighbors move in this week. We were coming inside yesterday and met them. They're like, "Hey, we're gonna have a little party tomorrow night. You guys should come over!" I agreed and Kira was like, "Oh, you don't want to invite him to a party. You don't know what you're getting into." *Rolleyes* *Smirk* I'll be chill though. I'll just have a couple drinks because we do have to live right next to them now. I don't wanna get too wild and make things awkward. They seem nice though.

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July 12, 2014 Prompt: If you had traffic signs in your house, your office any space you spend frequent time what would they say? Would there be more than one?

There would be a Cat Crossing sign for sure. I don't know if all cats are like this, but mine love to dart out in front of you while you're walking through the house. They'll be hiding under the desk or something and they'll just run out and trip you. Cats are jerks sometimes.

I only use my bedroom for relaxing and sleeping. I don't really watch TV in there or write or anything. If I'm in the bedroom, I'm either sleeping or just laying in bed. I definitely need a Do Not Disturb sign in there. I've heard that you sleep better if you're only in your bed while you sleep. I think it works too because I used to hang out in bed and watch TV or write or work when I was living in one room. When I got into bed, I didn't necessarily feel myself relaxing like I was ready to go to sleep. Now when I get into bed, I feel tired almost instantly.

I need a No Smoking sign in my car, too. I smoke and I have a lot of friends that do too, but I don't want it done in my car! I only do it outside because it's so hard to get the smell out of furniture. You can tell when someone has smoked in a car because it's like you can't breathe when you get inside. It's terrible. I can't even count how many times I've picked up a friend in my car and they've tried to light up right away. No! Stop! *Stop*

*Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr*

July 12, 2014 Prompt: As a sentient adult, you are very aware that life is not a bowl of cherries or a paper moon. So what is it?
Pick a metaphor filling in this statement LIFE IS JUST A_________________.

"Life is just a thing we do until we don't anymore."

Does that work? I'm not good with sayings, as I've mentioned before. I don't like the idea of pushing something into a seven-word sentence and calling it a wrap. Life is just so much more complicated than that. Maybe that's just my excuse for not being creative enough to come up with something for this one. *Pthb* I try not to be in denial!

So, I went with something very general that can encompass it all. We live our lives and do the best we can given our current situation, and then we die. It's not as morbid as it sounds either. I actually like the idea of everyone living their own lives and having their own successes and failures. I like that everyone I meet has a complex web of relationships, experiences, and interests. There's something comforting about knowing that your situations aren't as unique as you might think they are.

Well, I guess I wrapped it up in eleven words!

*Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr* *Burstv* *Burstbr*

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July 12, 2014 Prompt: Today's prompt is a song and lyrics:


Awesome song, amazing band!

"Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside"

This song is about the innocent people within a senseless war. They talk about being "ordinary men" and how what they're doing (war) isn't what they would choose to do. It goes back to that idea of powerful people sending minions to do their bidding. We have people in office sending innocent young, healthy guys off to fight their personal battles while they live the good life out of the danger's way. Then these kids come back and they're all sorts of messed up. Even if they aren't physically injured in war, they often have PTSD. It completely changes these innocent people and it's sad.

It's not a topic I like to speak on too often though. I know there are a lot of people who choose to go to war and they don't feel that there's anything wrong with war. They feel that they're doing heroic deeds that need to be done to protect citizens of their country, and I respect the idea behind that. The point I would make is that, it should not get to that point in the first place. I hate when the argument is, "Well, if they don't go to war, then there would be a draft and you would have to go!" Yeah, I get it. The point is that no one should be going to war. War turns lovers into fighters and the true reason behind the wars is rarely respectable or worthy. Sorry if you disagree.

I'm not the type of person that's going to rally against troops or anything like that though. I would never do that to someone because you have to look at the purity of people's intentions. I know I'm lame and not creative today, but I can't really write a poem or tell a story about something I don't have adequate knowledge of. I was always told not to speak on something if you're ignorant of any aspects of it, and this is something I'm ignorant of in some ways. I love Pink Floyd and this song though, so thanks!

I'm crazy, crazy, I'm the boy
Who defies all, yeah
Lift me higher, than anyone
And hold me arms, yeah

July 11, 2014 at 9:07pm
July 11, 2014 at 9:07pm
Artist: Death Cab For Cutie
Album: Transatlanticism
Song: The Sound of Settling
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July 11, 2014 Prompt: What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

I try to keep things spontaneous in life because it's so easy to get bored. One thing I've noticed that helps my anxiety is just doing things without planning them out beforehand. With my anxiety, I tend to get anxious the more I think about plans I've made. The worst is when I plan a trip half a year in advance or something. There's just no need for it, really, unless you're getting plane tickets and you need to get them early. It's not that I'll worry about it for six months straight or anything, but occasionally it'll pop into my mind and I get this weird feeling of dread. I have no idea why either, because it's almost always something that I want to do. It's just knowing that I have something to do and thinking about it that gets me anxious.

I also think spontaneity is good for relationships because it keeps things from getting dull. Sometimes Kira and I will just be sitting around and decide to go do something. We'll see what shows are going on that night and go to one or we'll take a trip to another city. We always laugh and say we'll know we're getting old when we say something like, "Drive two hours? But it's eight o'clock!" *Laugh*

This isn't the most original answer, it's actually one of the most common, but I think skydiving is the most spontaneous thing I've ever done. Not necessarily because I went skydiving, but because of how the activity came about.

I was sleeping late, it was probably around one in the afternoon and my brother called me. I picked up the phone and he said, "Hey, wanna jump out of a plane today?" I thought about it for a second and realized that I did want to jump out of a plane that day. I didn't realize I did beforehand, but now that it had been mentioned, it was absolutely something I wanted to spend the day doing.

It's that kind of spontaneity that I really enjoy. When you're sleeping one minute and jumping out of a plane the next.


July 11, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever been in a situation where someone doubted you and you proved them wrong? Tell us about it.

I've been in a lot of situations where it was clear that someone felt like I was going to fail at something. I'd say it's about half and half on whether they were right in the end. *Laugh* I don't think their negativity had any effect on the outcome though, and that's what really matters.

One thing that sticks out to me in particular is when I went to take my driver's test. My brothers both went through driver's education courses all summer when they were sixteen. I waited a little longer than them to get my license and refused to "practice" driving with my mom. She would cover her eyes in the passenger seat and scream the whole time I was trying to learn to drive. It made me really nervous, even though I wasn't doing anything wrong. She was just scared that I was going to crash. My dad tried to drive with me, but he was working quite a bit and didn't have very much time for it.

Even my friends were doubting me, saying that they had either taken the written test multiple times and failed or they did fine on the written part but couldn't parallel park during the driving portion and failed that way. The stakes were pretty high too because my parents were paying for the test and all that. I still remember my dad saying, "You better not mess this up, Charlie!" *Laugh*

Everyone had me a nervous wreck about the test, especially the actual driving portion, because I thought I was going to fail and be screwed. I had never even attempted parallel parking before I took the actual test. I got into the car with the driving instructor and forgot to check all of my mirrors before I backed out. *Facepalm* Then when I went to parallel park, I turned the steering wheel all the way to the wrong side. I realized pretty quickly and corrected it.

So yeah, I passed both the written and driving portions, barely. I've gotten better at driving since then though, don't worry guys. I'm a very careful driver. It was awesome to get my license though and shove it people's faces because they all thought I was going to fail it. My brothers especially thought I'd fail because they had paid so much for the driver's ed courses. Nope, waste of money!


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July 11, 2014 Prompt: Reality TV. Go ahead, make fun of it. You know you want to.

Also, list at least 3 humorous ideas for reality TV shows. For the overachievers, do more.

The funniest part of my answer to this is going to be that I actually like reality television. Straight up, no excuses, I just enjoy it. I know that 90% of it is fake and scripted. The other 10% is completely overdramatic and just plain goofy. But, dammit, I like it. There's just something about watching mindless things that gets my mind off of actual life problems or things I should be doing that I don't feel like doing.

I don't watch all of them or anything like that though. I don't watch the Kardashian show, or whatever it's called. I don't watch any of the dating shows. I don't like the ones that are about any one single person. What I do watch is the reality game shows, like Survivor and Big Brother. I've watched the Amazing Race a couple times. I like to see what countries they go to and what the culture is like. I just think it's funny for some reason, even though it's so stupid, when the people get into these obnoxious fights. I'm like, "Awww, shit. This is getting JUICY." *Rolleyes* *Laugh*

We already have an idea for a reality TV show. It's called Blog House: San Diego. All the bloggers are going to live there for three months or until we can't stand each other anymore. It has to happen in San Diego because I'm still convinced that no one would complain about a SoCal vacation. Don't even think about it, Norb.

I always wanted to see an animal reality show. Like, where they just walk around a farm and zoom in on the cows' faces like there's big trouble brewing. Maybe do some back-and-forth shots between the ducks and the chickens. "Next week on Farm Animals Without A Cause, we'll see who gains control of the chicken coop as the ducks close in on their target."

I'd like to see a Prank House show where the contestants just continuously pull shenanigans on one another until they're the only one left in the house. "That's it, Jason! I've been here for three months and you've shaved my head while I was asleep, put saran wrap in the doorway, drawn a penis on my forehead, smeared Vaseline on the toilet seat, and signed me up for Cat Facts on my phone. You win!"

I want to see an anti-cooking show. The premise is everybody can only eat what is cooked by someone else. Whoever lasts the longest eating terrible food wins. So, what you want to do is cook terrible food, right? But wait, if you start off too strong, everyone's just going to target you and make your food extra nasty. See, it could go... places. This would be called, "I Have To Eat What?"

Last but not least, let's do a reality show that's kind of like a scavenger hunt only the list of items that the contestants need get more and more absurd. You know, start with normal stuff like a newspaper and a flyer for an underground concert. Pretty soon they're looking for Ashley Olsen's used pair of Uggs, the CEO of Bank of America's ballpoint pen, and a human finger-not decomposed. Title? "It's There, I Swear!"

Our youth is fleeting
Old age is just around the bend
And I can't wait to go grey
And I'll sit and wonder
Of every love that could have been
If I'd only thought of something charming to say

July 10, 2014 at 2:19pm
July 10, 2014 at 2:19pm
Artist: Alice In Chains
Album: Jar Of Flies
Song: No Excuses
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Man, it's Thursday already? Where does the time go? I've gotta stop going out at night and spend that time working. I used to get most of my work done at night. Now I'm trying to squeeze it in here and there. This laziness is taking me over!

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July 10, 2014 Prompt: If you could have any author, living or dead, write your biography who would you choose?

I knew the answer to this the second I saw the prompt. It's Hunter S. Thompson. It just has to be, it's the only author that makes sense to write my biography. I feel like we could relate, and someone who can relate is really the best person to write about you. They can add in little tidbits of knowledge or experience. I guess I just respect the guy and his writing, so he'd be my first choice.

Here are some Hunter S. Thompson quotes, in celebration:

*Bulletv* You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye.

*Bullet* I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours.

*Bulletv* When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

*Bullet* Yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.

*Bulletv* Sleep late, have fun, get wild, drink whiskey and drive fast on empty streets with nothing in mind but falling in love and not getting arrested


July 10, 2014 Prompt: Assuming that the legalization of marijuana and gay marriage are the "hot-button" issues of our current time, what do you think the next hot-button social issues will be and why?

This is something I like to think about sometimes. You know, just the things we'll be fighting for ten years or so from now. I think one big one that we'll be trying to get legalized is euthanasia, the right to doctor-assisted suicide if you're in a terminal situation. There are only five states in the US that allow it right now, but I think we'll see people trying to push it through more in the future. It's one of those things that affects no one but the patient and their family, but random people don't know how to feel about it, so it's controversial.

I think our right to privacy and internet freedom are going to become a big deal in the next five to ten years. Nobody wants to be spied on by their government and one company shouldn't control the entire internet. I think it's somewhat of a serious issue in internet circles right now, but we don't have the majority of citizens aboard yet.

But there's one that I really, really want to see come to a head and I know a lot of you aren't gonna like this. I want to see a day when atheists are treated with the same respect as everyone else. I'd like to see an openly atheist politician that runs his shit without the concern of portraying his decisions and morals based on religion. I'd like to see a government that has an argument other than, "Well, the Bible says..." Not everyone believes in the Bible, and we as a society, need to get over that.

When I saw the study   that showed that religious people overall rank atheists alongside rapists, it made me sick. They were asked to rank different groups of people on a level of trust and atheists scored nearly the same as rapists, which is just crazy to me. I mean, rapists are proven to do something violent and immoral. To think that people would think an atheist are morally equal to proven rapists is just so foreign to me. In case you're wondering, those who didn't identify as religious were indifferent toward trusting people based on being religious or atheist.


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July 10, 2014 Prompt: In the modern era, do you think libraries have lost their relevance? Do you have any special library moments that you remember?

I used to work at a bookstore and people used to always tell me that physical books were going out and there wouldn't be any brick and mortar stores within ten years. That was four years ago, so they have six more years to be proved right. *Rolleyes* *Laugh*

People are always going to want to read physical books. The experience of reading a book is more than just inputting the words into your brain. It's about the weight of the book, turning the pages, the smell of the paper. That's what people like. I have an e-reader, and I do like it. I read it quite a bit, especially if I'm going on a trip somewhere. It's convenient, lightweight, and holds a ton of books.

Even being an e-reader user though, I would so much prefer a physical book on a day-to-day basis, again, for the experience of it. That's why libraries are still relevant. There are always going to be people that enjoy reading physical books. Even if you think it's inconvenient or a waste of time, that's where people go when they want to read a book, but don't want to spend fifteen or twenty bucks on it. The books that you get for e-readers are typically around the same price that you can get a physical book for. That's the real drawback for me. When it's like, "Okay, I can buy this e-book for nine dollars, or I can buy the physical one for twelve." Which one are you gonna do? I know I'm gonna go for the physical one every time.

I used to go to the town library every Saturday when I was a kid. We were allowed to checkout six books at a time and I'd check out the max and have them read by the next Saturday. I read all the time. I read in class, on the bus, at the dinner table. I read everywhere. My favorite author was R.L. Stine. I still think he's a good author. I thought it was the coolest, because I started with Goosebumps series as a young child, then graduated to the Fear Street series when I got a little bit older. I could knock a Goosebumps book out in about four hours. They were around a hundred and fifty pages long. I started reading them when I was seven or eight, so I grew u reading his books and I always looked forward to going to the library and checking out more every week.

Yeah, the library was just about my favorite place to be as a kid. My mom would drop me off there and I'd look around while she did the weekly grocery shopping. My brothers went with me at first, but they'd get bored after half an hour. I could read the backs of the books for a couple hours without even thinking about it. If she took a super long time, I'd just sit at one of the tables and start reading the books I'd checked out that week. Not gonna lie, I still get pretty exciting when I walk up the steps to a library.

You my friend,
I will defend,
and if we change, well,
I love you anyway.

July 9, 2014 at 12:33pm
July 9, 2014 at 12:33pm
Artist: The Smiths
Album: The Smiths
Song: Hand In Glove
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Okay, let's see what we have on deck today. I'm actually feeling a little better now for the first time since Saturday. I can actually breathe, so I'm feelin' pretty ace. Now if only I could get Kira to talk to me. *Laugh* She's so funny. She reminds me of my mom. "Charlie, you're too old for this! When are you gonna grow up?" I remember getting into schoolyard fights when I was, like, thirteen and my mom would say the exact same thing.

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July 9, 2014 Prompt: Do you believe in reincarnation?

Reincarnation is one of those things I don't know a lot about. There are a lot of topics like that, aren't there? From what I know of reincarnation, you basically just die and then come back either as a different person, an animal, or a part of nature, like a tree. I think it might be a Buddhist belief. Now let me go do a little research and see if I was right about any of that.

So, I've read up a little bit on it. I've got some of the stuff right, but my view is narrow on it because I just assumed it was only a Buddhist thing, when it's actually followed by many religions. Then I found this list   of supposed real cases of reincarnation, and that was pretty interesting.

I think reincarnation is just another one of those religious or superstitious things that I don't believe in, but I find interesting to read about. I think it would be really cool if reincarnation was real and we all knew that after this life, we'd live another one in some form. I think that would give us some peace about death, if we knew that we were going to get a complete restart in the end. I wouldn't want to remember anything from my past life though. I'd want to just redo it as a different person or thing.


July 9, 2014 Prompt: Look out a window and write a story or poem about what you see.

Concrete heaven, the pavement’s reign
covers the beauty that once was.
Plotted out grass holds promises
of nature’s loving existence.

Maintenance crew work tirelessly
to make us feel one with the world.
The sidewalk meets a flowerpot
of purple asters and dahlias.

But the life we see was all planned
on starch paper with a budget,
and parking lots tower over
clean oxygen from memory.


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July 9, 2014 Prompt: The most disgusting moment/incident/day in your life.

There are two ways to look at this prompt. Either we're going to be talking about some totally sick-out topic, or we're going to be talking about a time we were mentally repulsed from a situation. I had plenty of things pop into my head right away, so I'm going to do one for both if that's cool.

Have any of you ever heard of an abscess? It's basically just a swollen piece of skin that's red and it has, like, a center to it that fills with puss and blood and stuff. It's kind of like a huge pimple. Gross already, right? I'm getting sick even thinking about what I saw. I had this friend and I was hanging out at his house. This was when I lived in Texas. That's not important the story, but just saying. So, I'm at my friends house and this guy comes to the door. He's walking all hunched over and limping before he just drops onto the couch. It was one of my friend's friends. His name was Zach, just for the sake of the story.

So, Zach had been shooting up, like we all did, but he was really bad into. So bad that he didn't care about clean needles or anything. He'd use dirty needles and not even try to sterilize anything. He had gotten an abscess on his inner thigh, where he had been shooting up. It was his last option because all of his other veins were pretty well depleted at that point. Of course, you can't just stop using, so the kid was still shooting up into his abscess. He was draining it out with a needle, then shooting up into it. I mean, you have to imagine how painful that must have been. Forget how unhealthy it is. That had to hurt like a bitch.

Zach's wearing jersey shorts and he pulls up the leg and reveals this fucking horrible beast of an abscess. I mean, it had to have been infected ten times over. The hole was black at that point and there was this rash that spidered out from it through the veins in his thigh. The hole was just open, probably the size of a dime. He was pale and sweating, I'm guessing from the infection or something. It was the nastiest physical thing I've seen in my entire life. It's good that I saw it though, I guess, because I'm way cleaner now.

The most disgusted I've mentally been was when I was in school. There was this kid in my class that we were all friends with. I wasn't best friends with him or anything, but he got along well with everyone and we were lab partners in science class. His parents were divorced and he lived with his dad and his sister. We were about fourteen at the time and his sister was in the third grade, so probably eight or nine years old.

I went into science class one day and sat down at our lab desk, but he didn't show up. Then he didn't show up for the next three days, so I called his house and his dad hung up the phone on me when I asked for the kid. The weekend came and went and on Monday, he still wasn't in school. I was thinking something must have happened to him, but no one knew what was going on. My science teacher, came over to me that day in class and said that I was going to have to either do the project by myself or partner up with one of the other groups to do it. I asked her why and she just said that our friend wasn't going to be coming back to school, but she wouldn't tell me why.

It was like this big mystery about what was going on with the guy and eventually, we all just moved on and kind of forgot about him. We found out later that his sister had also been pulled from school, so we figured they had gone to live with their mom or something and their dad just hung up on me because he was upset about it. It made sense to us, so we went with it.

Well, a couple years later, the kid showed up back at school. He was just there one day and he had changed. Like, he wasn't the fun or goofy guy he had been back in middle school. He was really withdrawn and wouldn't talk to anyone, even though we were all happy to see him. It didn't take long for that to change though because we found out that he had actually been in juvenile hall because he was raping his sister. I can't remember how exactly we found out, but I think one of the mother of one of the girls in our grade worked with his father.

At first, none of us believed it, but then he straight up just admitted to it. He said he was in juvy and he went to therapy and he's fine now. I've never been so repulsed by a situation before; I couldn't believe it. The kid kept wanting to hang out with us and pretend like nothing had happened, but we just couldn't. I couldn't even look at him after that because it was so messed up and disgusting what he had done. He ended up leaving school shortly thereafter, but I don't know what they were even thinking having him come back there. I guess they thought if he owned up to it, we'd all be cool, but it was just too messed up to even look past. His sister went and lived with their mom and she didn't have contact with her brother or her father anymore.

Hand in glove
We can go wherever we please
And everything depends upon
How near you stand to me

And if the people stare
Then the people stare
Oh, I really don't know and I really don't care

July 8, 2014 at 2:34pm
July 8, 2014 at 2:34pm
Artist: Pixies
Album: Bossanova
Song: Down To The Well
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I went down to my friend's house last night, kinda on your guys' advice. The second he saw me he was like, "Yo, what happened to you?" He had no idea what went down over the weekend. I told him Kenny and Matt happened to me. I told him what happened leading up to it. How they'd been mad at me because of this stupid misunderstanding all that. He started pacing around in front of me as I was telling him about it. I could tell he was pretty freaked out.

Then he's all like saying he's going to call them to come over and he's all pissed off wanting to confront them about it. I guess they went to his house Saturday night at some point. My friend lets a lot of people crash on his couch and they were there when he woke up on Sunday, but they didn't mention anything to him about it. I told him it wasn't a big deal and I was just letting him know about it, but he was dead set on having them come over so we could squash the whole thing or something. I kept telling him it was a bad idea and he took it to think I was scared of them or something. He told me I didn't have to be scared them all this shit. I was like, "Whatever, man, I'm not scared of them but I don't wanna deal with it."

I really just wanted him to know what happened because it started seeming like something that would be awkward to not mention. Plus, I don't wanna hang out with him anymore when they're there because I can't see myself ever being okay with them. I mean, I get it, we're all his friends and he wants us to all be able to hang out together, but it's just not gonna happen. I was getting kinda pissed too because he's basically wanting to confront them about it and they're going to get pissed off that I mentioned it to him because that's their friend.

The whole thing ended with me telling him he was gonna get me fucking killed or something and it was time for me to split. He was drunk too, so that partially explains why the first thing he'd jump to is to get everyone out there to have a big fight in his front yard or something stupid like that. Hopefully he'll sober up and come to his senses, but I had to get outta there before something bad happened. Whatever, I mean, at least I tried to do the right thing. I don't think my friend really did anything wrong, he was just getting defensive of me in a way that's only going to lead to more trouble. So, I dunno, could've gone better or worse.

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July 8, 2014 Prompt: What is a lesson in life that took you way too long to figure out?

Sorry about our confusion with the double prompts yesterday, guys. It happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think any time we learn a lesson in life, we're always wondering how we didn't figure it out sooner. It seems so glaringly obvious and we feel silly for overcomplicating it. I've actually learned a pretty big lesson recently, and I'm still in the process of learning it, if I'm being honest. This is how I thought it worked: I treat the people around me with respect and I get the same in return. Wow, was I ever wrong. It doesn't actually work that way. Like, I can be nothing but nice to someone and they can turn around and do something shitty to me. And what's more, it actually happens frequently.

It's not like a one-off kind of deal. There are a lot of just bad, negative people that are going to treat you poorly no matter how kind you are to them. It seems silly to me even writing this, but it's definitely not something that I understood until somewhat recently. In the past, even if someone treated me poorly, I'd keep trying thinking that they just needed to see that my kindness was genuine before they'd let their guard down. That's just not how it is though, and then you're left to decide if you still want to treat those people well with the knowledge that you're not going to get it in return.

*Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive*

July 8, 2014 Prompt: Head to your favorite fellow bloggers blog. Take the third sentence in their post, and work it into a new post of your own. This could go in many directions depending on whose blog you ventured into.

We recently learned that Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number thirteen. I don't know why 13 gets such a bad wrap though, I've always heard bad things about the number three. I guess 3 is a positive number in Chinese culture because it sounds like the word for "giving birth". Alternatively, four is an unlucky number in their culture because it's close to the word they use for "death".

I'm still not convinced that 3 isn't a host for negative energy and bad voodoo though. When I was younger, I used to listen to a radio station where listeners would cal in and tell TOTALLY TRUE stories of superstitious or mysterious things that had happened to them or their family members. One I remember in particular was a woman whose father had heard three raps on the wall and suddenly died later that day. After hearing that, I was always creeped out about hearing three knocks or something like that because I thought it would signify Death coming for me. Plus, they always say that deaths happen in threes.

I think in religion, the number three is good though because of the trinity. Is that right? I dunno, because, I've pulled three lemons on the prompt slot machine before and I'm telling you, that's straight up gonna be a bad day. If you have three prompts to work with and none of the three are sparking your creative side, you've got a round of bad luck. I guess all you can do in that scenario is power through it. But if you hear three knocks on your door, get outta there. Hide in the closet or something. Unless it's the pizza guy. If it's the pizza guy, the bad energy will be stabilized by his gift of pizza, and you can enjoy your meal in peace. {e:peace2]

Third sentence from Fivesixer 's blog entry: "This one's about a ladder, kinda great days, and shut it. "I've pulled three lemons on the prompt slot machine."

*Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* *Radioactive*

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July 8, 2014 Prompt: Today, talk about someone who gave you a hard time in school or college. It can be a teacher, a fellow student, anyone at all.

How much am I allowed to complain here, Jack-check out 7YS ? *Laugh*

I was back and forth between a couple different schools when I was in junior high and high school, so I was a natural target for people who weren't welcoming of new people. That coupled by the fact that I was always pretty scrawny made it easy for people to try to pick on me. I was never bullied though, so I don't want to give off that impression. I always made fast friends anywhere I went, but I was less comfortable in one of the schools than the rest.

I didn't have much of a problem with the students actually, but the staff at the private school would really get on me about stuff. I spent a lot of time there after school in detention and on Saturday mornings. I found out pretty quickly that if I skipped detention and Saturday school, I would get something called in-school suspension. That's where you have to go sit in a room during school hours and basically stare at a wall. But I mean, you have to be there at that time anyway, so you might as well serve your punishment during that time.

I wasn't raised religious, but my parents made me go to this Catholic school and I didn't want to do the theology classes at all. I just didn't like the idea of it, didn't understand it or whatever. I would do everything I could to skip those classes and I'd try to drag other people into it with me because who wants to get in trouble alone? *Smirk* We would skip class and go up onto the auditorium catwalk and smoke weed or drink. It was hard to actually get out of the school because there was staff that monitored the exits, so if you tried to leave, they'd stop and make sure that you were actually allowed to be leaving. You'd have to have a note from the office saying that you were going home sick or had an appointment or whatever.

I think it's funny though because my parents were sure I'd straighten up and stop being so rambunctious if I went to a stricter private school, but it was the exact opposite. There were so many kids there that had been oppressed for so long, they wanted to just relax and have some actual fun. I'm not saying religion is oppressive, mostly because I don't feel like talking about religion, I'm just saying how my friends at the time told me they felt. They felt like they weren't ever allowed to do anything fun because their parents had them so involved in school, church, and sports. I felt bad for them because they didn't have a lot of the freedoms that I had and it didn't seem fair.

The staff, especially the principal, who had a lot of meetings with my parents after hours. It didn't matter what happened though, my parents wouldn't pull me because they thought that public school kids were a bad influence on me. It was really weird because in the private school, the staff saw me as a bad influence, but in public school, my parents thought others were a bad influence. I didn't feel like there was anywhere for me to go where I would actually belong. I liked public school more because I could just kind of fall through the cracks there and I could tell I wasn't wanted at the private school. I only went to school until I was sixteen though, so I've had a lot of time to get over that whole thing. I definitely did feel like I was being picked on at the time, like maybe I wasn't as welcome because my family wasn't a part of the church community.

Been thinking to myself
And if a life's not long
What matter does it make
If there'll be favorite songs playing in my head
When we go down to the well

July 7, 2014 at 1:28pm
July 7, 2014 at 1:28pm
Artist: Straylight Run
Album: Prepare To Be Wrong
Song: Hands In The Sky (Big Shot)
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Well, welcome to Monday. I'm hoping this week is better than last week was. Saturday night I was with a couple guys. I'd say they're somewhere in between acquaintances and friends, if there is such a thing. They're one of my best friend's friends. I've known the guys for a year or so. There was a complete misunderstanding and I could see the situation between me and one of the guys escalating, so I tried to leave. As I was walking away, the guy ran up behind me and threw me on the ground. He started hitting me, but I gained the upperhand pretty quickly and then I was on top hitting him. But the second I gained the upperhand, his friend came over and jumped in. He held me down while the original guy got up and started punching/kicking me.

Total bullshit. Any guy will tell you that it's a bitchass move to have your friends jump in when a fight you started doesn't go your way. I mean, I probably could have won the original fight and possibly even a fight with the second guy, but not outnumbered like that. I got scared as shit, I thought they were gonna kill me over something so stupid. I couldn't believe it. Now it's just awkward because I have this close friend whose friends just completely destroyed me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do or if he even knows about it. If not, am I supposed to say something or just stay away until I'm looking better and not mention it to anyone? I'm confused.

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July 7, 2014 Prompt: It was a stupid thing to say...

Oh, boy! I get to pick something dumb I've said? I think the stupidest things I say are when I'm trying not to stir the pot. You know, like I feel one way, but I'm not saying anything because I'm afraid whoever I'm dealing with will get mad at me or something. I always end up regretting it later and I'll think about how I should have just spoken my mind when I had the chance.

Here, I'll just give an example. Back in December, I was sober and my family was planning a trip to another state. I agreed that I'd go, sure, no problem. Well, the trip was supposed to happen in January, but it just kept getting pushed back further and further. I ended up relapsing in March and by the time the trip actually came around, all the way in May, I was in a full-fledged binge phase.

I should have said that I couldn't go when it kept getting brought up after my relapse, but I didn't. Now, if you've been reading my blog, you know that everything went alright, even though I was really anxious beforehand. The pointed is what did happen but what could have happened. Transporting opiates across state lines like that isn't good for anyone. Especially because I had to have enough on me for three days. It made me really nervous. It's a situation something bad could have happened to more than just me. It's not worth it. That's a situation where I think I should have spoken up sooner instead of just saying, "Okay, okay".

I tend to do that though. I don't want to let anyone down, so I always agree to do things or go places that I'm not into. I always find myself doing things I don't enjoy just because a friend or family member asked me if I'd do it. I feel like it's a good and bad thing. On one hand, I experience a lot of things I wouldn't if I didn't agree to just go, go, go. On the other hand, I don't receive the same level of friendship from a lot of those people, and I feel like it creates negative feelings for me. Like, if I want someone to go somewhere with me, a lot of times they'll be like, "No thanks." Why can't I just say 'no thanks'? *Laugh*

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July 7, 2014 Prompt: Write about a Great Day.

My wedding day was an awesome fall day. We got married outside and the leaves were all changing colors and falling from the trees. It rained in the morning and we weren't sure if we would be able to have it outside, even though that's what we both really wanted. It stopped raining a couple hours before the ceremony though and we got to go through with our outdoor wedding.

I think the best part of our wedding day was that night. No, not because of sex. *Rolleyes* It was just like this big thing that we had been working on and talking about for so many months. We didn't even have a big wedding, but I realized something while we were planning this. It doesn't matter if you have 20 guests or 200 guests, you still have to have all the same things. You still have to have flowers, a dress, a cake, food, seating, a tux, etc... You have to have all these things either way, so it's still stressful no matter how small you go.

Just driving home that night and holding hands knowing we were husband and wife was so cool. It was like this big relief. Everything felt different that night. We went to the grocery store, but it wasn't like just going to the grocery store. It was going to the grocery store as husband and wife. *Laugh* I dunno, it's lame and it's hard to explain. Things just felt different and exciting, even though we had already been living together, sleeping together, etc... The commitment of the whole thing was really satisfying and fun.

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July 7, 2014 Prompt: Drowned By Betrayal and a Ladder To Heaven

Now, I've been thinking about this prompt and what it means for a while. I think what we're talking about here is being knocked down only to find a silver lining or a positive way out of it. I'm not really good at figuring out the meanings of saying or anything like that, but I'm going to try to find a way to relate to this.

I sure could use a ladder to heaven right now. I've always believed that when one door closes, another one opens. Sometimes it's hard to see the new door, sometimes the new door is smaller than the old one, but it is there if you look hard enough.

I'm kind of in a weird situation like this now after Saturday night. I've always felt like if someone truly betrays you, you should be careful not to trust them again. I know that's a more negative outlook that I have, but when someone does something wrong to you, it's hard to see them in a light other than that one. The guys I got into a fight with on Saturday have known me for over a year. We're not the best of friends, but we've never gotten into it before. I've spotted them when they've needed it and likewise. We have this mutual good friend, so it seems like you would kind of care about that person by proxy, or maybe that's just me.

I think that any time you break of a relationship with someone who has betrayed you, you're climbing a ladder to heaven. I know we've all been in rough relationships in the past, some of them romantic and some of them not. I think some of you have been in truly hard romantic relationships, moreso than I can imagine. When we've first been betrayed and we're going through that breakup process, it's hard, it just is. You can't imagine how things are going to be without the person. You look toward your future and you see that person with you. All of a sudden, those dreams are shattered by something they've done to you.

I think we can all look back though and see that we're better off without those people though. I don't know anyone who has been in a bad relationship and looks back now thinking, "Aw, man. I miss that guy that used to beat me." Or, "It's really hard not being with that girl that repeatedly broke my heart by cheating on me." In the end, we're like, "Yeah, screw that douche bag. I was so blind to stay with that person!"

Basically, what I'm saying is that when you're beaten down by the betrayal of someone, look past them towering over your body and find the ladder up.

Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"
He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or you're gonna die."

July 6, 2014 at 11:27pm
July 6, 2014 at 11:27pm
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Song: Bukowski
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Ah, let me do this real quick. I got the everloving shit kicked out of my last night, so I'm like, having a bad day or something.

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July 6, 2014 Prompt: Review your peers and your posts. Share your best blog post from your own posts and two from your peers.

I think the best of my own this week was "Invalid Entry I'm just assuming that's the best one because it got the most likes. I actually tried writing a poem in that one, too, so it was fun. Plus, the song of the day was by Led Zeppelin, and you can never go wrong there.

As for other people, let me see. I'd go for "This one's about 3D, the scene, and crisis management. by Fivesixer . I always like reading Norb's stories and there were a couple included in that entry. I like the way he approaches the prompts and he never really slacks off with any of them, even if he doesn't think he has much to say about them at first.

I liked "Invalid Entry by Noyoki because her edit for the 30DBC poem was really funny. I'm down with "Fears, Walking Through the Park & Living In Another Era by 💙 Carly because there were so many animals involved in her walk in the park. I've also gotta mention "Invalid Entry by Mitchopolis , just for being super confrontational.

Also, I just realized that we were only supposed to do this for two people, not every person that's competing in the challenge, so I'm gonna stop now. Thanks for reading.

Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all.
Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all.
Nine times out of ten our hearts just get dissolved.
Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall.

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