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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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April 1, 2014 at 7:36pm
April 1, 2014 at 7:36pm
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Song: Bury Me With It
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Hello, friends. How are you guys doing today? The weather is really nice here today, but it's supposed to storm the next few days. I actually really like thunderstorms though, so it doesn't bother me. I'm in a somewhat creative mood today, so I'll probably get some writing done after this entry.

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April 1, 2014 Prompt: In your opinion, what is the worst event in history to have ever taken place? Could something like this possibly happen again?

There are so many terrible events to take place; it's hard to pick just one. I mean, the first one that jumps to mind is Holocaust. There's nothing worse than that, right? There was Holodomor caused by Stalin, too. I'd say any genocide like that would be the worst events in history.

As far as the possibility of something like that happening again, I'm not sure. I think anything is possible, but I think it's unlikely that something on that scale would occur in modern times. That doesn't go to say that there aren't still places that are unlivable for humans. That doesn't say that there aren't still dictators who want horrific things like that to happen. But I think the likelihood of a single event wiping out millions of people at once is slim.


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April 1, 2014 Prompt: F. H. Bradley said, "There are persons who, when they cease to shock us, cease to interest us."

Do we live in a society that needs scandal?

Our society loves scandal. It's the only explanation for the top news stories that we read about everyday. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't care which celebrity was drunk driving last weekend or what they said on stage at a concert. Who cares? You aren't that important.

I feel like even to get popular with an art form at this point, you have to have some sort of dramatic situation surrounding your life. People who don't have that scandalous lifestyle are often overlooked because they're considered to be too plain or average. I think there's this general thought of anyone can make music, anyone can write, but it takes a special person to create an interesting persona around the art. I don't think that's true, mind you, but I think that is society's mentality for sure.

Well fads they come and fads they go
And God I love that rock and roll
Well the point was fast but it was too blunt to miss
Life handed us a paycheck, we said, "We worked harder than this!"
March 31, 2014 at 7:51pm
March 31, 2014 at 7:51pm
Artist: Guns N' Roses
Album: Appetite for Destruction
Song: Sweet Child 'O Mine
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Ah, guys. I was walking down my stairs and I had a misstep and I rolled my ankle. It's all swollen on the side. It looks like an orange or something where my ankle bone is. It didn't hurt at first, it just felt like numb or tingly, but now it hurts really bad. I put ice on it, then wrapped it up, so I hope the swelling goes down soon. I'm so clumsy. *Facepalm*

Well, we're wrapping up the month of blogging. I did the 30DBC and Blog City prompts every day this month, so I'm super excited that I was able to make an entry everyday, even with how busy the last couple months have been. It has been a lot of fun to get to know all of you. One of my favorite parts of the day is reading all of your blogs and seeing how you responded to prompts. I always get a fresh perspective and see the grey areas after reading other people's posts. Anyway, I'm not getting mushy, just saying... FINE I LOVE YOU.

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March 31, 2014 Prompt: What movie always makes you cry? (Or at least makes you emotional.)

The Fox and The Hound ruined me. I mean, ruined me when I was a kid. The part where she takes him out to the woods to release him and he keeps trying to follow her back is so incredibly sad. I can't even believe it would be marketed for children to watch. I cried so endlessly the first time I saw this. In fact, I don't even know how the movie ends because I was too busy crying my eyes out. He just wanted to go home with her, and she keeps turning around to put him further into the woods then trying to run away while he follows. He's so confused and doesn't understand why he can't go home with her. Hang on a second, I may be able to find the video for those of you who haven't seen the movie.

Ah, I found it. I can't even watch it now. I'm a twenty-two year old guy and I feel a lump in my throat even just at the beginning. No, his face. *Cry* I can't handle it. It's so sad. Prepare to cry.

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30DBC March 31, 2014 Prompt: How did you like this round of the 30DBC? Did you rise to it? Are you going to try it again in May?

Andre, we finally meet. Well, let's see, I enjoyed this round of 30DBC a lot, but this is the only I've ever done. I had an entry for every prompt though, so I hope I rose to the challenge. I'll definitely be here in May, doing the same old thing. It's too much fun to deny myself. *Bigsmile* I'll be here in April, too. I have to see what Andre is all about.


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March 25, 2014 Prompt: Is March going out like a lion or a lamb where you live?

I had to look up what this saying means. I've heard it before, but I wasn't sure what it meant in this context. I think I'm still confused about the question. *faceplam* Okay, so this is what I found. "The month of March usually starts with cold, unpleasant weather, but ends mild and pleasant. So, if ending mild and pleasant means going out like a lamb, then I choose that one. It was freezing for most of the month where I live and we've had some snow storms. But the last week has been acceptable, and today was almost 65 degrees. It felt amazing outside.

See, I'm really bad with these proverbs. I don't know why, but they don't click in my mind for some reason. I usually have to have someone explain them to me. But I think I get this one. In like a lion, like the weather is really bad and out like a lamb, like the weather is more pleasant. So, it's going out like a lamb here and it better stay that way. *Wink*

Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
March 30, 2014 at 5:59pm
March 30, 2014 at 5:59pm
Artist: Collective Soul
Album: Collective Soul
Song: December
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I think I only have one group to blog for today. It's funny how that works, right? Don't think you're going to get away so easily though. I'm sure I have enough rambling in me to keep you occupied bore you for a while.

Well, it's either the start or the end of a week and I'm happy it's beginning/over. I've been so busy with work over the last week that I've gotten basically nothing done on the site other than a blog entry a day. I hope I'll have more time this week, but I probably won't because of work and moving.

I think we've narrowed down a few possible places to move. We'll have to go look at them first and see if they pass the test though. I won't move into a place that has manipulated pictures online or that lies about their rates online. We went to a place last week that lied online and on the phone about the cost of their apartments by, like, a hundred and fifty dollars a month. I'd never move into a place like that, even if it was still in our price range because it shows shady business ethic. Who knows what will happen once they actually get you to sign a lease.

I'm taking today and tomorrow off. I'm super excited about it because I haven't had a day off in so long. I've been working on a puzzle today. Yeah, a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle. Hey, don't knock it til you try it. My friends make fun of me when I do them, they call me Grandma. *Facepalm* They're just so relaxing. I used to them with my grandmother as a kid and it taught me to be patient. It might sound silly, but it really did. At first, I would get so frustrated because my mind couldn't connect the loose pieces to the empty spaces within the puzzle. It was like that for a long time, but my grandma always said to just relax and try different pieces until I found something that fit. I've basically carried that into adulthood in various facets of life, but I still always have a puzzle going.

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30DBC March 30, 2014 Prompt: Photo albums. On the first day (yesterday), tell us all about your experience with photo albums (physical or electronic). Do you still have pictures from when you or your children were young? Did your mother ever bring out your baby photo album at an inopportune/embarrassing moment (family reunion, boyfriend/girlfriend visiting, etc.)? Feel free to share some pictures with us if you want to Bigsmile On the second day (today), let us in on your future photo album plans. Any big trips coming up you hope to document? What is your motivation for recording these important events if there is potential they will only sit in their albums on a shelf for most of their life until they are removed, leafed through, and winced at? As a follow-up question: do you think that hiding behind a camera lens removes the photographer from the experience taking place in front of them?

I so wish that I had more to say on this topic! I'm going to read some of my fellow blogger's entries from yesterday and today about this. I've never even thought about documenting things through photographs. I usually just try to commit them to memory and enjoy the moment, not saying that people who take a lot of pictures don't do the same thing. I think we just do it in different ways. I'll still try my best to make an interesting answer worthy of reading.

I have a couple festivals coming up this summer that I'll travel a few hours to go to. There aren't any particular good shows that I'm looking forward to, but I have been to a concert in a while, so it's more just something to do. Maybe I could take some pictures during this? But I'd probably get drunk and accidentally drop my camera into the Porta Potty toilet. This may or may not be a repeat of history.

I've known people who keep a lot of photo albums and stuff, and while they do sit on the shelf most of the time, it is fun to look back through the years, if only to make fun of the goofy haircuts. I mean, I think it's good to have pictures of yourself and the ones you love as you age and throughout time. It's kind of a piece of history. Sure, you're not going to look at them every day, but even for future generations to get to know their family history, it's just nice to have. I like to look at my parents' old pictures that my grandparents kept because I can see what they were like at my age. It's interesting.

As for the last question, I think it would depend on the motive of the photographer. I've been to places like the zoo before and seen a family trying to get that perfect family portrait. The dad will have a stranger take a picture of them, then berate his kids when one of them accidentally blinked. Then he'll scream at them all to smile and look happy. I just have to shake my head at that, like, you know your kid is going to remember that part of the day the most, right?

If they're just trying to capture a nice moment, that's fine, but don't miss the moment live just so you can get a lovely photograph of it.

Why drink the water from my hand,
Contagious as you think I am?
Just tilt my sun towards your domain,
Your cup runneth over again.
Don't scream about, don't think aloud.
Turn your head, now baby, just spit me out.
March 29, 2014 at 7:48pm
March 29, 2014 at 7:48pm
Artist: Alice in Chains
Album: Dirt
Song: Would?
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This is going to be an action-packed entry today. Well, it's going to be really crammed anyway because I have four separate groups to write for today. It's the last day of Soundtracker Saturday for the month, so you'll be able to find that at the bottom or skip over it if you want.

I'm trying really hard to finish a bunch of work tonight so I can take the next two days off. I haven't had a day off in a couple of weeks, so that would be so nice. I think the weather is supposed to be really nice on Monday, but it seems like they change the forecast every fifteen minutes or so. I'm ready for those spring storms that help me sleep at night. I used to lay in bed and watch the lightning out my window.

Anyway, I hope you're all having a good weekend. I'm sorry for the crazy long entry. Just follow the pictures. *Laugh*

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March 29, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about a talent you'd love to have but don't.

I would love to be able to freehand draw realistically. I want to be able to draw portraits and have them actually look like who I was drawing. I can sketch a little bit, but it almost always ends up looking cartoonish and over the top.

I used to have a friend that could draw faces so well. She drew a picture of just my eyes and I could tell right away that they were my eyes. I think that takes a lot of talent, to just draw one facial feature and have people know whose face they're part of. She ended up going to art school and she has her own gallery now. I liked to watch her draw, but it was so strange. She would start with a bunch of lines that didn't seem to make any sense. I remember watching her draw at a party the first time I met her and I was thinking, Psh, this girl's drawing is gonna suck. It doesn't even look like anything. It ended up being a drawing of the room she was sitting in and it was amazingly detailed and realistic.

I can paint a little bit, but drawing is something that doesn't come to me naturally at all. There are a ton of talents I wish I had that I don't have, but drawing would be awesome.


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30DBC March 29, 2014 Prompt: Photo albums. On the first day (today), tell us all about your experience with photo albums (physical or electronic). Do you still have pictures from when you or your children were young? Did your mother ever bring out your baby photo album at an inopportune/embarrassing moment (family reunion, boyfriend/girlfriend visiting, etc.)? Feel free to share some pictures with us if you want to *Bigsmile* On the second day (tomorrow), let us in on your future photo album plans. Any big trips coming up you hope to document? What is your motivation for recording these important events if there is potential they will only sit in their albums on a shelf for most of their life until they are removed, leafed through, and winced at? As a follow-up question: do you think that hiding behind a camera lens removes the photographer from the experience taking place in front of them?

This is a strange prompt. So, everything after "On the second day..." I don't answer today, right? Well, either way, this is pretty easy for me to answer because I don't have pictures. At most, I have like four or five pictures in my house. I think there's a few of me from me teenage years. There's two with my friends, one with my grandma, and one with my cousin. I don't take them out and look at them a lot. I've lost a lot of stuff while moving and I can't remember the last time I took a picture of myself. I guess I got my picture taken at my wedding last year, so that would be the last time I've had my picture taken.

I'm not one of those people who run away from a camera when I see it, but I don't go out of my way to take pictures of myself or other people. I really like to allow my mind to remember things the way it wants to remember things. I'm not embarrassed by old pictures of me, though I'm high out of my mind in the four I do have, so they aren't ones you would put up on the mantel.

I have limited experience with photo albums. There are a couple pictures of me as a kid. I think my parents have them, but we don't sit around going through photo albums or anything like that when we're together. I've always heard about moms bringing out photo albums of their kids in the bathtub and showing their son's girlfriend/wife. I don't think there are any pictures of me in the tub though. I don't know how much I bathed as a kid. *Laugh* I don't think I'd be that embarrassed though if there was a picture of me in bathing when I was three. What is there to be embarrassed about? It's almost worse to not have pictures of yourself bathing as a child because they're supposedly really popular.

I guess that's all for today and we'll revisit this topic tomorrow. I won't share any pictures of myself because A) I don't have any, and B) I wouldn't want anyone who knows me in real life finding out my WDC account. It just spells bad news. *Bigsmile*


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March 29, 2014 Prompt: Have you told your partner about all of your past relationships? If you are not in a relationship, do you think someone should or should not reveal all past relationships?

If you want your relationship to go anywhere, you need to disclose past relationships to your partner. I mean, if I found out now that my wife dated someone for a year and didn't tell me about it, I'd be really weirded out by the fact that she told me about every relationship except that one. It just seems suspicious.

The way I see it, you either talk to your significant other about your exes, or you don't. There's no in between where you share the existence of some of them, but leave others out entirely. I've dated girls before who don't want to talk about any past relationships. They just don't care and it isn't important to them. If that's the case, I think it's okay to not tell them about your exes because they don't want to know anyway. But if you have an open conversation about that topic, you have to cop up to all of them. If you don't, aren't you kind of lying by omission?

Funny story though. I went on a blind date with this girl that my friend hooked me up with. He was straight up and told me that she had just gotten out of a really rough relationship, so he wanted me to swoop in as a kind of rebound, I guess. I agreed to go, but said I wasn't going to take it that seriously because I wasn't looking for a girlfriend at the time.

So, we go out to dinner and the entire time, I mean the entire time, she talked about how horrible her ex was. We went out for Mexican food, her choice and I just awkwardly sat there eating chips and salsa while she went on and on about how many times he cheated on her, what arguments they got into, etc... She even talked about the time he pushed her in the hallway of their apartment while they were having a fight.

I just wanted to scream, "WHO CARES". She was talking really loudly too, like telling everyone in the restaurant about this douche bag guy. I was done eating and she was still talking about this guy. I hadn't even contributed to the conversation other than a couple 'oh's and head nods here and there.

Finally, she finished telling me this guy's life story and asked, "So, do you have an ex girlfriend?"

I really didn't want to get into a conversation about exes, so I just said no. *Laugh* I was able to get the check pretty quickly thereafter and make a clean escape, but I remember putting my friend in a headlock the next time I saw him because it was such a terrible date.


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Soundtracker Saturday March 29, 2014

You shake your legs nervously in the passenger seat of your car. She asks you to stop and puts her free hand on your knee. She doesn't understand that you haven't seen them for two years. She doesn't know what you could be getting yourselves into. She tries to laugh and relate about embarrassing things her parents did in the past in front of people. But you know her parents at this point. You know they aren't that bad.

You've been in the car for two days and according to the GPS, you're getting close. This isn't like going back to your childhood home though. This is a place you've never been. There isn't anything comfortable or nostalgic about it, just corn fields and trees lining either side of the road. You come up to a town and watch in horror as the GPS directs Kira into a suburb.

You can't imagine your father living here, grilling out with the neighbors and having community garage sales. You pull up to a big brick house with the given numbers on the mailbox. "This is it," she says, turning off the car and unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Wait, just a hang on a second," you say, feeling the anxiety creep up to your throat.

She sits back, patiently, even though she has been driving for eight hours that day alone. Her legs have to be burning, pleading with her to stretch out. It's just so weird to not see your family for that long. There are a hundred thoughts running through your mind. Will they look different? Will I look different to them? Will their personalities be the same? Will it be awkward?

Kira runs her hand over the back of your neck. "Come on. Let's go inside. I'm sure they'll be so excited to see you."

Your mom warned you that the whole family would be there. There were new members of the family even. Your brother started dating a new girl last year and they moved in together. You force yourself up to the door and ring the brightly lit doorbell.

Your mom answers and throws herself at you, a huge, welcoming hug. "Oh my God. Look at you! You're so skinny. Have you eaten anything in the last two years? My God! You're going to waste away!" She turns her attention to Kira at your side and her tone changes dramatically, just like you would hope it wouldn't. "And you must Kira. I'm Charlie's mom." They shake hands. You would really hope they wouldn't.

Your brothers are next to greet you with excited hugs. They look different. Your mom doesn't. Your dad, sitting in his old recliner doesn't. But your brother's do. They look more grown up than they did a couple years ago. They're dressed nicer. Their hair is styled. You meet your brother's new girlfriend who gives you a hug and tells you she's heard a lot of great things about you. "Really?" you ask, and your brothers laugh. He's the only one that doesn't make a move to stand up. In fact, he moves his head to the side, like you and Kira are standing in the way of the TV.

The silence at the dinner table is heavy and tense. You try to swallow your food, but the more you chew it, the bigger it gets. "We didn't know what to make since you guys don't eat meat," are your dad's first words to you.

You feel Kira's nails digging into your leg. At least she understands your anxiety about this whole thing now. She does a good job of keeping conversation though. You knew she would. She talks more than you do and your mom does the whole twenty questions thing she always does with girlfriends. But you've been with Kira for almost two years. This isn't a negotiable relationship.

After dinner, you all sit in the living room and talk about nothing in particular. Your mom says that she's so happy you're back, and your brothers quickly agree. After a little while, they have to head back to their house, leaving just the four of you to try to create casual conversation.

You go to bed early that night. You're exhausted after the long trip, so they understand. Your mom tells you all about where the extra pillows and covers are. She shows you had to turn on the ceiling fan, which you actually have to switch down instead of up. As you drag your suitcase in through the living room, your dad looks you in the eye and says, "This is only for a week, right? Seven days."

Into the flood again
Same old trip it was back then
So I made a big mistake
Try to see it once my way
March 26, 2014 at 3:44pm
March 26, 2014 at 3:44pm
Artist: Gin Blossoms
Album: Dusted
Song: Hey Jealousy
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Hello all. Happy Hump Day. I hope you're all having a decent week. That's the best we can ask for, right? I'm so tired from working and having a terrible week. I worked until almost five o'clock this morning and I'm still way behind. I'm hoping that things settle down here in the next few weeks. I want some relaxation!

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March 25, 2014 Prompt: Can you be alone with yourself?

I can be alone with myself for maybe like, fifteen minutes before I start going crazy. I really need the activity of other people around me. I've never lived by myself, so it just feels weird when I'm alone. When my wife and I worked forty hours a week away from home, we would sometimes work opposite shifts so I'd be alone after work until late at night. That usually sucked because I'd been at work all day and I want to come home and see her. There were days I was off completely and she worked during the day though, and that would be okay for the first few hours I was awake. After lunch though, I'd start feeling really alone and want her to come home.

I don't do well being by myself, I guess. I know I've heard people say that they need complete silence to get any real work done as far as writing, but I'm the opposite. I need some sort of background noise or all I can think about is how quiet it is. That's why I always have music playing or I'll talk to someone as I write. I'm really awesome at typing and I can have a full conversation with someone while typing and not look at my screen for several minutes straight. Or I'll talk on the phone and write at the same time. I find that my mind works best at half capacity. Like, if I have half my mind on what I'm writing and the other half involved in a conversation or TV show.

I can't go out and do anything alone. I have no idea how people go to a movie theatre or go out to eat by themselves. I would get really panicky in a situation like that. I can't even really go to the store by myself without feeling hypersensitive of everything going on around me. If I do go pick something up at the store alone, I just rush in and rush out. *Laugh* As I'm typing this, I'm realizing how dependent I am on other people. I always have been though. Before I was married, if I wanted to go grab a bite to eat, I'd call a friend or family member so I wouldn't have to go alone. I'm hopeless.


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30DBC March 25, 2014 Prompt: Before answering this prompt, check out this video:


Which animated character would you like to hear sing your favorite song?

HAHAHAHA I can't stop laughing. His facial expressions, oh my God. *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh* Dug from Up. Oh man. *Facepalm* The facial expressions match the characters' faces.

Oh this this too much. I've been laughing for like five minutes straight. Okay, okay. What's the question again? Okay, so the question is what animated character I would want to sing my favorite song. Not what animated character I would want to see that guy sing like, right?

I would want to see Petrie from The Land Before Time sing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. I used to love The Land Before Time and Petrie was the cutest little dinosaurus bat ever.

If you've never seen it, check him out here:
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He's all neurotic and silly. Bohemian Rhapsody isn't my favorite song ever. But I think it would be hilarious to see Petrie sing it.

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BCOF March 25, 2014 Prompt: You choose ~

Prompt 1 - Mustard or Ketchup? Prompt 2 - Edward or Jacob ?

Well, this is a pretty easy choice for me. I mean, as far as which prompt to do. I did watch Twilight. I think the last one my wife forced allowed me to watch with her was like the third one. I'm not into it, so I can't do that prompt.

But, dude, ketchup. I love ketchup. I put it on pretty much everything. I put it on things that aren't normal to put ketchup on, like eggs and corn. I've gotten better about drenching my food in it. Everyone tells me that I drown out the taste of food when I pour ketchup all over it.

When I did eat meat, I had to put so much ketchup on it because I didn't really like the taste of the meat itself. Ketchup though is so sweet and delicious. Now I have it with almost every meal. I mean, I put it on fries, chips, sandwiches, biscuits, various vegetables, etc... Sometimes I even just eat slices of bread with ketchup.

I'm the grossest person.

And you can trust me not to think
And not to sleep around
And if you don't expect too much from me
You might not be let down
Cause all I really want is to be with you
Feeling like I matter too
March 25, 2014 at 5:57pm
March 25, 2014 at 5:57pm
Artist: La Dispute
Album: Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair
Song: Fall Down, Never Get Back Up Again
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Is three groups in one blog too much? Like, how does it look on this entry? Does it look messy? I think having the icons will help a little bit. If you're look for one specifically, you can just scroll down to that picture and read that part of it. I dunno, I guess we'll see. I'd rather keep them all in one though, just because I don't want to manage multiple blogs. *Smile*

I'm having a really crap day today. You guys are just lucky I don't have time to bore you with the details. Let's do some prompts.

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March 25, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a single activity - running, chopping veggies, folding laundry etc.

What's it like when you are in the zone?

I know for a lot of people, this will be writing. It's really easy to get lost in the activity of writing. For me, I can get even more lost in reading. I haven't read much lately, but I used to read a lot and if someone interrupted me, I'd almost jump out of my seat because I'd get so involved in whatever I was reading.

But let's look at this a different way. Let's look at this from the stance of a completely mundane activity that I can just lose myself in. I actually have two. I do both of them every day. The first one is bathing. When I take a shower in the morning, I can sometimes just lose myself in a daydream and end up in there for forty-five minutes just letting the water run over me. Sometimes I'll snap out of it and realize I haven't even washed my hair after half an hour in there. I have long hair, so shampoo and conditioner are a necessity. The other thing I lose myself in is washing dishes. I set up my speakers and put on some good music. Wash the dishes and occasionally stop to belt out the lyrics. *Laugh* I hate doing dishes, so I think my mind forces itself to zone out during that activity.

Well, I wasn't able to narrow it down to a single activity, I guess. But doing this household chores or daily bores are a good time for me to do a little daydreaming and completely lose track of time. It feels like when you're in a classroom and the bell rings out of the middle of nowhere. You realize your mind hasn't been with the class for the last half hour.


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30DBC March 25, 2014 Prompt: What is one of your favorite tourist attractions from your hometown? In other words, what site do you absolutely insist your friends see when they visit?

I don't feel like I have a real 'hometown'. I mean, I've had places where I've lived obviously, but I've lived in so many different places over the last six or seven years. I don't feel like my heart really identifies any place as home. When I was in Chicago, I used to go to Navy Pier and ride the ferris wheel. In Austin, we'd go to 6th Street where all the bars are. Growing up in L-A, Maine, we'd go to the Moxie Festival in the summer. They have like a parade and fireworks and stuff. It's really close to the 4th of July, too. I think they do it like the week after.

I don't know if people know what Moxie is? Uh, not sure if that's like common knowledge or...? Anyway, it's kind of like a soda drink, only it's kind of spicy and they use real cane sugar. Everyone says it's an acquired taste, but it's just something you have to love if you're from Maine. *Laugh*

Basically, there's something for someone everywhere. My dad would have probably talked about the fishing in Maine, but I'm into that. If it was somewhere near the ocean, people would probably mention surfing or going to the beach. I think that it's important to enjoy where you are, even if you're only there for a short while. I've found that all places are kind of the same. Every place has something to do there, you just have to find it.


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March 25, 2014 Prompt: Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

I have three animals in my life. My three cats are like my babies. I treat them like people. When I come home, they all run up to me like I've been gone forever. They sleep in bed with me at night. There really isn't a time when my kitties aren't around. I always think about them first, like if I'm moving. I won't move anywhere that doesn't accept cats and I won't move into the apartments where they stipulate that they have to be declawed.

My cats mean everything to me. I can't even imagine being away from any of them. When I see people discard their pets or just drop them off at the shelter like they're nothing, it breaks my heart. When you adopt a pet, you need to look into the future. You should see that dog/cat with you ten plus years into the future. If you can't see that or don't want to have that, don't adopt. It's a long commitment, and you should be in it for the duration of their life. Basically, they're my little fur bros. *Thumbsup*

Out where the stones stand up like thrones beside the ocean
Out where the waves make a grave of the sea
The lovers struggled in the middle of the tempest
And water angrily crawled up onto the beach
March 24, 2014 at 3:52pm
March 24, 2014 at 3:52pm
Artist: Bush
Album: Sixteen Stone
Song: Glycerine
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How are you doing, my friends? We're ready for another week of blogging. I'm kind of behind on other things, like reviewing, but I'm being productive with my own writing. I can't complain about that, can I?

Well, it's going to be another busy week with working. I've gotten my final tax numbers from the CPA, so I'm going to be doing double time for a while until I can get everything paid off. At least I can listen to my nineties playlist while I work. *Thumbsup*

I'm going to jump right into the prompts for the day because I have to make lunch and get to work after. I hope you're all having a good start to your week.

Blog City March 24, 2014 Prompt: Never Ending Dream *Bigsmile* At an old bookstore, you found a book on interpreting dreams that you just had to have. You fall asleep reading the book and find yourself in a dream that you cannot wake up from. What is it? How will you get back to reality?

I feel like this is supposed to be a creative prompt, but this actually kind of happened to me. I was reading the Sigmund Freud book about analysing dreams. Hang on, let me see if I can find it. Okay, here it is  . I found it at a secondhand store and I was reading it before I went to bed the first night I got it. I knew it was a mistake because while I was drifting off into dreamland, I just felt unsettled. I wouldn't say I was scared or anything, but any time I read about dreams or psychology before bed, it seems like what I've read is tumbling around in my brain still.

So anyway, I fall asleep and I have this dream that I'm in my school. This happened while I was still in school, by the way, I was like fourteen when this happened. So I'm in my school and I'm trying to make it to my bus before it leaves for the day. When I round the corner to the exit though, there's just another hallway. I walk down that hallway and turn the corner to find the same hallway. I quicken my pace now because I'm about to miss the bus and when I round the corner, of course, it's just another hallway. I turn now to run the other direction and I'm having to go back through all these hallways I've already gone through.

I have a classic case of stuck in a building of endless hallways and there's no way out. So what do I do? Well, I must have a scumbag brain because I just wake up. Stretch my arms, open my eyes and shit- I'm in class and the bell rings to go home. I run out into the hallway and again I'm faced with this endless maze.

Does it stop there? Ha, nice try. No, I wake up again. Mind you this is the second time I've woken up. I sit up in bed, but nope, I'm back in class and the bell rings to go home. Everyone files out and they halls are empty by the time I leave the classroom.

At this point, I become convinced in the dream that I'm indeed in a dream. I keep telling myself, "This is just a dream. You need to wake up." But does it work? Nope. I stand in the empty hallway telling myself to wake up as the precious minutes tick by on the clock overhead.

Finally, I get the idea to go back into the classroom and just jump out the second story window. I mean, I know this is a dream. I've had dreams within dreams before and I can sometimes control my actions during dreams because I know that it's not real life. So, I do just that. Walk into the classroom, open the window and throw myself out. I get that falling feeling in the pit of my stomach and my body jerks itself awake just before I hit the ground.

I open my eyes and I'm sitting up in bed with only the moon for light. Bingo! Everything's back to normal. Now I can go back to bed and cross my fingers that the dream doesn't just keep happening over and over all night, which my dreams seem to do often.


30DBC March 24, 2014 Prompt: You're on a train (or other similarly isolated area) - how do you pass the time? Daydream...

I am the Daydream Champion of the World. Yes, I just made that title up, therefore it can't be untrue. If I'm on a train, you can bet I'll be daydreaming my time away. I'll probably spend a while staring out the window, depending on the scenery. During this time, I'll think of things from my past that the scenery reminds me of. For example, we ride past a lake, I think of going fishing as a kid. We ride past hills, I think of sledding. I'm really hung up on stuff like that. I try to think of happy memories because it makes me smile to myself.

So, say I get bored of that, I'll most definitely try to read a book. But wait- I get motion sickness. I'll end up reading maybe half a chapter before that familiar nausea comes along and I have to stop. After that though, I'll spend a few minutes trying to imagine myself in the role of one of the main characters of the chapter I've just read. If I'm in the mood, I'll think about how I would finish the chapter if I was the one writing it.

How long is this train ride? By now, I'm probably drifting off into a fitful rest. I tend to fall asleep when I'm on a trip (as long as I'm not driving). It's usually not a restful, deep sleep though. My head just kind of nods and I'll jerk myself awake when my head drops. I'd probably spend the rest of the time going in and out of sleep. *Thumbsup*

Welp, that's all I've got in me for today, I believe. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with for these prompts. *Smile*

Could've been easier on you
I couldn't change though I wanted to
It should have been easier by three
Our old friend fear and you and me
March 23, 2014 at 8:38pm
March 23, 2014 at 8:38pm
Artist: The Rolling Stones
Album: Sticky Fingers
Song: Dead Flowers
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Well guys, we survived another week! How do we keep managing to do it? We're like superheroes or something.

I'm hoping that we'll be able to get a good idea of where we're going to move after our lease is up in the next few weeks. I just want to have everything settled. When we moved last year, it felt like everything was last minute. We started looking a couple months before the lease ended, but it ended up coming down to the last two weeks before we were actually approved and set to move. What's worse is that this time, we have way more stuff to pack. I was looking around yesterday thinking, Wow, I've acquired STUFF. *Laugh*

I'm so sad to hear about SMs and SM losing both of their cats in the same week. I don't even think I could handle something like that happening to my furry friends. I was out of the house all day today and the second I came home, they all greeted me at the door. I just scooped them up and loved on them for a few minutes before I even took my shoes off. Pets can do something for you in a way that humans can't. Their love is so unconditional and their dependence on you makes the relationship so two-sided as opposed to a lot of human relationships where one person is always putting in all the effort.


30DBC March 22, 2014 Prompt: Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week.


This is the news article I'm going to talk about this week. This is the first Sunday I haven't had to pour over the week's news in search of something to talk about. On Monday, L'Wren Scott committed suicide. Her claim to fame was her work as a fashion designer. I'm going to be straightforward here, I knew her as Mick Jagger's girlfriend. They had been dating for at least ten or fifteen years. I'm not sure about the length of time, but it wasn't a new relationship or anything like that.

People are really mad that she is being referred to as "Mick Jagger's girlfriend", but I mean, she was. People like me aren't going to know fashion designers by name. I don't even think I could name a fashion designer off the top of my head. I'm just not into it. But The Rolling Stones are probably my favorite band ever, so my thoughts are with her family and Mick Jagger.

I think people look at things the wrong way sometimes. Everything is so PC sometimes that it just gets on my nerves. I mean, basically the media reports that Mick Jagger's girlfriend has committed suicide, then the media turns around and reports that people are enraged that the media called her Mick Jagger's girlfriend. It's like, okay, so you're reporting a wrongdoing that you did? It's just weird.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't report the death by her name. I'm sure that a lot of people who are into fashion would know her by that alone, but a lot of people also wouldn't know her by name. It's just a frivolous thing to argue about while, in the process, completely forgetting that someone's life has been lost. But then again, that's why I don't read or watch the news. Either way, I thought that was sad and something to talk about.


My favorite entries this week from fellow 30DBC bloggers? That's a hard one! I so enjoy seeing that someone has posted a new entry because I love to see how people respond differently to the prompts. But let me try to add a few, just for the sake of participation. *Bigsmile*

Prosperous Snow celebrating has to go on the list for "War Chest Tuesday: Cliffhangers and Other Hidden Dangers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I always learn something new when I read one of her entries.

Fivesixer because I like to see how he squirms out of the prompts while still telling a story. See entry "This one's about to not get medieval.

Cobe for entry "Invalid Entry because I felt like I was reading a travel guide and it was awesome.

Lyn's a Witchy Woman because I liked reading her public embarrassment story found here "March 21 Day 488, Movie, Public.

Honestly, I could go on and on. I don't want to bore anyone though and I'm hungry. But I seriously love reading all of my fellow bloggers. It's one of the better parts of my day.

Take me down little Susie, take me down
I know you think you're the queen of the underground
And you can send me dead flowers every morning
Send me dead flowers by the mail
Send me dead flowers to my wedding
And I won't forget to put roses on your grave
March 22, 2014 at 2:23pm
March 22, 2014 at 2:23pm
Artist: Wavves
Album: Afraid of Heights
Song: That's On Me
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Oh my God. Can I have a redo? I'm so sick, I'm turning into one of those Tumblr kids, "I CAN'T EVEN..." I'll just move onto the prompts for today before I fall back asleep. Today is Saturday, so I'll have my Soundtracker Saturday at the bottom. I hope you guys are having a good weekend. Don't mess it up like I did and feel like shit for half of it. *Rolleyes* Really though, where's the rewind button?

I just remembered that I read Mitchopolis 's blog last night when I was drinking and I think I joined another blogging group. I think I saw that he joined another one and I joined it too because I can't think for myself. *Facepalm*

Blog City March 22, 2014 Prompt: What gets better with age?

Ah, I can't wait to see what my fellow bloggers respond to with this. I love the wisdom you guys can give me because I'm so lost. I love reading Joy , Lyn's a Witchy Woman , Carol St.Ann , blainecindy and Prosperous Snow celebrating because I feel like I always come away from it knowing more than I went in knowing. Does that sentence make sense? Words still aren't working well for me today. Ugh. What I mean is that I learn something every time I read their blog.

But this isn't about you guys. I have to think of something that gets better with age. Please stop failing me, Brain. I swear, I had something for this last night. I'm assuming I can't say wine or cheese? Well, I know something that's specific to me, but I don't know if it's the same for everyone else. I don't know if there's a word for this either. Maybe it's humility? I don't know, I'll just explain it. Basically, I remember I time when I was never wrong. I could have an entire room of people telling me I was in the wrong and I'd be like, "Nah, no way." As I've gotten older, I've become so much more aware of myself and the consequences of my actions. I went from never being wrong to just apologizing when someone tells me I've done something wrong.

The thing is, you can't tell someone how they feel. So if someone tells me that I hurt their feelings or that I did something to them that made them feel bad, I'm pretty much in the wrong. I mean, I can say, "Oh, well I feel like I didn't do anything wrong." But what's the point? Now when I get into an argument with someone, I just apologize before the situation has a chance to escalate. I used to just get in fights with people who pissed me off, but I don't do stuff like that anymore.

I think my answer is just maturity gets better with age. Now that I think about it, this is so obvious. I mean, that's like the definition of maturity. *Facepalm* But it's new to me and something I'm still learning, so it gets better with age for me. Just being able to admit when you're wrong, picking your battles, and moving on. It's nice.


30DBC March 22, 2014 Prompt: Let your mind wander back to the Middle Ages and imagine you are a scribe in the King's Court. Tell us about the goings-on in the castle (accents optional, but encouraged)

This is so embarrassing, I had to look up what a scribe is. I don't know anything about the Middle Ages at all. If that was something we learned in History class, I may or may not have been asleep or not in school at all. I'm going to give this a shot, just so you guys can laugh at with me.

Comest hither and thou wilst hear the sordid tale of the King's affairs tales over the past fortnight. It all startedeth when the King and the Queen began screaming outside of the privy chamber. The chaplain came to me at once so I could writeth their words. There was another woman!

The Queen screameth, "Hath thou lost thee mind?"

The King respondeth, "But she is most beauteous."

The Queen cried, "I have but naught without you!"

The chaplain and I cowered neareth the wall as I committed these words to memory. The Queen turned but quickly and runeth toward her quarters. I wondered who the beauteous woman could be. The King began walking our direction and we stood up straight. "Good e'en, Your Majesty," I spoke meagerly.

"Good e'en, how long hast thou been near?" he barked.

"Not long enough to hear about your betrayal of the Queen," the chaplain spat, dumbly.

At that moment, up runneth the cook, wrapping herself around the King in a passionate kiss. She did not see us waiting in the shadows. The chaplain gasped in horror, clutching her throat. The King turneth to us and warn, "Thou hast seen nothing. What say you?"

"Her grace cometh!" The chaplain pointed down the hallway.

"Runneth along now," the King whispered, patting his adulteress on the backside and sending her on her way. "What sayeth thee now?" the King asked again, his eyes a pit of fire.

"We have seen nothing, Your Majesty!" I cried, staring him in the eyes.

"Aye, then I fare thee well and be on your way. Remember, no writing about this," he pointed a warning at me.

As you can see, the kingdom is in turmoil. I intend to lose my head as soon as the King hears of my betrayal, but I thought you all should know that you worship an adulterer. I bid thee farewell.


Soundtracker Saturdays March 22, 2014

You're studying in the library when you first see her. You always thought a library would be a good place to meet a girl. Think of a time when you met a girl at a show. Remember that they aren't all the same. She twirls her curly brown hair around her finger as she reads her textbook. Who does she remind you of? Someone from your past. Someone beautiful. Shake the thought away and feel the sudden stifling heat of the cramped room. Students are scattered all over the place trying to cram for finals. You wish you could be amongst them, but you're only waiting for your brother to get out of a meeting with the guidance counselor.

The feeling begins to overwhelm you as the fear kicks in. Grab your bag and head for the door, making too much noise so they look up at you like you've just made them forget everything they've studied for the day. Push your way through the double doors and breathe in the fresh air. Let yourself fall drop onto the front steps and pull out a cigarette. Get about halfway through and hear a snotty voice say, "Um, this is a no-tobacco campus." Look up to see the brunette with the curly hair standing over you. Apologize and snub it out on the step next me. "Here, you left your phone."

"Thanks," you say and put it in your pocket. You had left so quickly.

"Yeah, no problem. See you around," she says and turns to head back inside.

You watch her go, helplessly. You can't even try anymore. "Madison," you say out loud. Let the name roll off your tongue and repeat for safe measure. "Madison."

Stand up with a sudden sense of purpose. She's too far, but this girl isn't. You head back through the glass doors and to the round table where she sits on her computer. She looks almost startled to see you, which of course feels like shit, but you can't blame her. "I'm sorry," you say quietly. "I was just wondering if you're doing anything tonight." This is the first time you can ever remember actually asking a girl out. Normally things just unfold naturally. This is completely unnatural.

"I have to study," she says, motioning to her books like you're an idiot.

"Oh, right, sorry."

"But, I'll be done with finals Friday night and I'm sure I'll be in the mood to celebrate," she says, just as you turn to leave.

You think about it all week. What is it about this that makes you so nervous? You know what it is though. It's too formal for you. What if you get high and completely space out on the date? What do you wear? Do you have to pay for everything? You've never done this process before. Contemplate watching a romantic comedy so you can get an idea of how to do this.

Friday is something you never thought it could be- completely normal. You go out to dinner and to the theater to watch a horror movie. You let her pick the restaurant and movie, of course, but you're impressed when she picks the same movie you would have picked. After the date, you're assuming that you'll go back to her place. That's what people do, right? But when you get to her house, she thanks you for the fun night and says she'll be in touch. She just leaves you like that, standing on the front porch of her apartment. You go home thinking you must have somehow completely messed up. It's funny how much you can learn from confident people.

Do you believe me?
I don't believe in anything.
It's not as easy I thought it would be,
And that's on me.

March 21, 2014 at 12:00pm
March 21, 2014 at 12:00pm
Artist: The Clash
Album: London Calling
Song: Hateful
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Blog City March 21, 2014 Prompt: Would you rather be SUPER INTELLIGENT or EXTREMELY GOOD LOOKING? Why?

Ah, this is a really hard prompt for me because I'm already both of these things. *Thumbsup*

Seriously though, I have so many questions. Does the beauty last forever? Do I get to look like I'm twenty-five until I die or does it wear off with age like normal beauty? For the sake of argument, I'll assume that I can either be extremely good looking forever or super intelligent forever. So, I'm going to choose extremely good looking. But, wait! Don't write me off yet. Let me explain!

Intelligence has many layers to it. This isn't just about knowing general trivia or being good at math; it goes deeper than that. Intelligent people are known to suffer from mental illnesses because they can't stop thinking about and analyzing every little thing. I already have enough anxiety issues. I don't need more of my brain working against me. This raises another question though. Am I able to control my brain with the super intelligence? I mean, I know I can't now, but maybe being super intelligent would unlock a level of control over what my brain thought about.

Okay, so how about this. I would choose to be extremely good looking unless I could directly control the super intelligence. That makes sense, right?


30DBC March 21, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever been embarrassed in public (and had people laugh at you)? And/or have you ever laughed at someone who had been publicly embarrassed? Tell us the story.

Ah, who hasn't been embarrassed in public before? I can just hear Fivesixer now telling me not to dwell on the past. *Laugh* I know you guys want to hear a story, so I'll give you one. Don't blame it on me if you don't like it though!

I'm going to set the scene for you guys. I'm, like, eighteen years old and I'm in a restaurant with my girlfriend. I'm young so I think every restaurant is a "nice" restaurant. I'll leave that part out, but just know that this restaurant had a server and I felt like it was nice. We're sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the big front dining area. We always liked to get booth tables that run along the walls, but the restaurant was packed on a Saturday night and we had already been put on a waiting list for fifteen minutes before we were seated.

Now, you should know, the relationship was going horribly at this point. We were constantly fighting and on the verge of breaking up, so we probably shouldn't have been out in public together anyway. It was her idea though and I was desperately trying to keep the peace, so I agreed.

Anyway, we're in the restaurant and we have our meals. The whole place is full of chatter and everyone seems to be having a good time. Well, this stupid guy at the table next to us had brought flowers for his date and Emmy (girlfriend) starts bitching at me because I don't do nice things for her. I try to shrug it off but then she starts refusing to eat her food. She just crosses her arms like a child and her plate is still full. I think she had maybe like one bite of her pasta. I tell her that we should just leave if she doesn't want to eat and she ignores me. Well, a few minutes later our waitress comes by to see if the food's okay and I ask for the check. The waitress doesn't bat an eye and walks off to get it.

Well, Emmy loses it. I mean, all at once just starts screaming at me. I swear to God, everyone in the place stopped talking and stared at us. By now, I'm sure you guys are aware that she isn't angry about flowers. She pretty much shared every very private relationship issue we had to a room full of people who are just trying to enjoy their meal.

It felt like it last forever, even though it was less than a few minutes probably. I was just repeating over and over, "stop, please, stop." Being the drama queen she was, she couldn't just politely leave the restaurant. She had to tip over her water glass first in a real act of defiance. I'm sure some poor busboy had to mop it up after we left.

But the worst part care when I had to pay the check and do the walk of shame out of the restaurant. You don't want to be the dude that made his girl scream and cry in the middle of dinner in a public place. Everyone was looking at me like I was such an asshole. My God, I can still see their judgmental faces.

I don't think anyone was laughing. I think they just thought I was a jerk and should probably go play in traffic. But for me, that was easily one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I mean, I can handle falling down in front of people, I just make it into a joke. But to be berated like that in such a cramped area with a bunch of people who thought it was my fault just sucked. I mean, I probably deserved to be yelled at, but times like that should be reserved for the privacy of your home.

Anything I want he gives it to me
Anything I want he gives it but not for free
It's hateful and it's paid for and I'm so grateful to be nowhere
I killed all my nerves
My nerves? What swerves?
And I can't drive so steady
And already
I've lost my memory
My mind? Behind
I can't see so clearly

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