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Rated: GC · Book · Music · #1974611
My first blog about my life, my favorite music, my opinions, my feelings. Whatever.
This is the first blog I've ever had! You'll have to bear with me because I'm still learning how to do this whole thing. I'll admit that it's bit of a mess right now. I started blogging for "The Soundtrack of Your Life and I couldn't just let it end there! I don't think there's any point in keeping a separate blog for all of the blogging groups I want to join. I'm going to keep them all in this one so I can grow into an eclectic pot of confusion.

What you'll find here:
*Bursto*My opinions on everything.
*Burstv*Blog prompts for various groups.
*Burstp*A different song everyday that means something to me.
*Burstg*Experiences I've had in life


This blog is rated GC and will contain offensive language, stories, and opinions. Please don't read if you're easily offended! My intentions aren't to offend anyone, so trust my warning and turn back now or forever hold your peace! *Bigsmile*

Things I'll be using this blog for:

*Checkb*"The Soundtrack of Your Life
*Checkr*"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise
*Check1*"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

I want to hear from you!

As I mentioned before, this is my first blog. I'd love to hear from anyone who reads this. Leave a comment, rating, or review. Let me know what you like to read about. Have a suggestion for me to write about? I'd love to hear it. The best thing about a blog is the exchanging of opinions between bloggers and readers. I want to keep us all interested. Plus, it's just nice to get a little love sometimes. Let's get to know each other.*Smile*

*Heart* Charlie

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March 20, 2014 at 5:26pm
March 20, 2014 at 5:26pm
Artist: Oasis
Album: Definitely Maybe
Song: Cigarettes & Alcohol
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I'm so annoyed today. *Rolleyes* My wife had this ex that she dated for seven years, so, longer than she has known me. They were high school sweethearts or whatever. Anyway, I saw on her phone that he has been calling her again. I have no idea why because he got married like four years ago and she got married last year.
What annoys me about it isn't the history they have together or anything like that. I don't even care if they still want to be friends. My problem is that the dude talks so much shit about me. It's clear that he's still got feelings of some sort otherwise there would be no point in him going out of his way to point out my flaws.
When I first saw him talking about me, it was from a message he had sent her on a social networking site. She showed it to me, so it wasn't like she was trying to hide it. He was telling her that she deserves sooo much better than me and telling her that I'd never get sober.
Don't you just hate it when people involve themselves in your relationship? It really gets on my nerves. I guess it's even worse when they're an ex, especially if they treated the person you're with like shit. Some people just have a lot of nerve, I guess.
Ah, okay. I'm done complaining. Read about TV shows and nice cities. It will cheer you up. *Bigsmile*

Blog City March 20, 2014 Prompt: If you could bring back one show from your childhood, what would it be and who is your favorite character in that show?

I used to love this show called Recess   when I was a kid. It was just about a group of friends in elementary school and it aired from the time I was like six to ten. I loved this show so much, you have no idea. *Laugh*
My favorite character was Mikey. If any of you have seen this show, you'll laugh. Mikey was this huge kid who couldn't hurt a fly and he wrote poetry. He was the best character ever.
They used to play reruns when I was getting ready for school in the morning and it would be on when I got home from school, too. So I'd kind of start my school day with it and end my school day with it.

Some of my favorite Mikey quotes:

Mikey: There are lots of people without names.
Gus: Like who?
Mikey: Like the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, the Unknown Soldier, and the other four guys in the Jackson Five!

Theodore J. 'T.J.' Detweiler: Mikey, what are you doing?
Mikey: Communing with people who appreciate my innate spiritual gifts.
Theodore J. 'T.J.' Detweiler: I appreciate your insane spiritual gifts, Mikey.

Mikey: Up is down, black is white, the millennium approaches!

If that show was still on, I'd watch the shit out of it. I don't even care how old I am. *Laugh*


30DBC March 20, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever taken a road trip? Give us your opinion on the "must see" city/cities to road trip to/from/through.

Oh, this was made for me! Well, I've only been around the US, so that's all I can really comment on. I'm not "cultured" by any means. I've lived in seven different states in the last five years and that may potentially be eight this summer.
A lot of the places I'd recommend are obvious ones. Definitely all the major cities. Go see New York City, Austin, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, etc...

But those are boring. I mean, they're not boring cities. They're awesome cities. I just mean they're kind of obvious ones. If you want to really experience the country though, you're going to want to see some pretty places, right?

That being said, Baxter State Park and Cadillac Mountain in Maine. Okay, I might be bias, but I think Maine is underrated as far as natural beauty.
Fall Creek Falls State Park in Tennessee was awesome.
South Beach in Miami was nice but overly crowded. There were a lot of hot girls though, if you're into that.
The Painted Desert in Arizona was cool for about ten minutes. Then I wanted to get back to a town.

I'm just rambling now. But there was one place I went in particular that was so amazing, it's the first place I thought of when I saw this prompt. It wasn't in a big city and it wasn't by the beach. Just stay with me. Idaho. The Sawtooth Mountains in Stanley, Idaho completely caught me off guard. "Oh, we're going through Idaho? Will there be potatoes?" No, this place is amazing. Just look at them  . It was really incredible.

Is it my imagination
Or have I finally found something worth living for?
I was looking for some action
But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol
March 19, 2014 at 5:43pm
March 19, 2014 at 5:43pm
Artist: The Gaslight Anthem
Album: American Slang
Song: American Slang
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Well, well, well. What have we here? *cracks knuckles* I hope you guys are having a good week so far. Do you guys remember a while back when I got a call in the middle of the night from a guy who asked for me by name, then said he had the wrong number when I told him it was me? I got another call from the same number late last night, but this time I had my phone on silent. He didn't leave a message or anything, but it's weird that he would call again. I didn't call the number back because I hate talking on the phone. *Laugh*

We missed you guys in Blog City Trivia last night! Everything seemed to be going okay. I was learning a lot from blainecindy and Carol St.Ann about how girls don't fight. Out of nowhere, I huge argument broke out. They kept calling it a 'discussion'. I'm not sure what was going on. I tried to get between them, but there was hair flying everywhere. Neither of them would give in.
All I know is that it was about some big secret that's coming out on Friday or something. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm going to keep my eyes peeled on Friday to see what all of that was about. If you figure anything out before then, let me know. It must be a pretty big deal to have such a loud 'conversation' about.

Blog City March 19, 2014 Prompt: If you could be any age for one week, what age would you choose and why?

I love this prompt because I initially thought I'd want to be ten for a week because I'd have no responsibilities, but then I actually thought about it. I don't really want to go back to that age or any other age when I lived with my parents. I've had so much more fun since then. If I could be one age forever, I'd go back a few months and be twenty-one. I didn't even want to turn twenty-two in December. What is the point of being older than twenty-one? *Laugh*
But, if I could go back to one age for a week, it would probably be seventeen. I had already been kicked out at this point, but there was a lot of fun times before anything got too bad. I would go back and just have the sense of freedom again. I didn't have any real financial responsibility because I was spending so much time in different places. I had a ton of fun going to shows and meeting new people in the city. Yep, I'd do another week of that. *Thumbsup*


30DBC March 19, 2014 Prompt: Artificial Intelligence: If a "robot" looks, acts, and thinks like a human, but was created not through "natural" processes, should it be considered part of humanity? Give us your thoughts about the future of Artificial Intelligence in science.

You know what? I'm actually cool with this. I'll hang with a little robot bro. Why not? Does it have feelings? Wait, I need more information! Do I know that it's a robot? Like, could I tell by looking at it? I think we're a long way off from this. The thought of this doesn't really bother me, but I feel like it's something that would be controversial for other people. I haven't read any of my fellow bloggers' response to this, but my prediction is that most of them wouldn't like this.

I don't know about what rights a robot that was made in the exact likeness of a human should have. I mean, would I be cool with them voting and whatnot? I dunno. Can you imagine a bunch of little robots protesting for robot rights with their little signs?

I'd definitely share a drink with a robot. Does that count for anything? *Glass2*

They cut me to ribbons and taught me to drive
I got your name tattooed inside of my arm
I called for my father but my father had died
While you told me fortunes, in American Slang
March 18, 2014 at 3:21pm
March 18, 2014 at 3:21pm
Artist: Blind Melon
Album: Soup
Song: Walk
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Happy Monday. Tuesday. Hang on. Okay, yes, Tuesday. I swore I wouldn't let the day get away from me, but it's already three o'clock. *Laugh* Oh well. I'm busy with a lot of real life stuff, like working and finding a house. You know, that stuff that isn't fun at all. Can't I just live on WDC forever. I promise, I'll do a bunch of reviews and other stuff. What more could you want?

When I was a kid, I thought that stuff like that would be fun. *Facepalm* My mom would be balancing her checkbook and I was like, "Aw man, I can't wait until I'm an adult. I'm gonna write so many checks." Then I moved and was like, wait, I have to work for my money? This stinks!

Let's do some prompts so I can go work on reviews.

Blog City March 18, 2014 Prompt: Prompt: A mad scientist aka LYN approached you with an offer to enhance one of your senses but dull another. It is not optional, he is going to do the surgery but luckily you get to choose which TWO SENSES. What's it going to be?

This is an easy one! I can't think of a single time when I actually wanted my sense of smell to be better. I mean, sure, certain things smell good and they're nice to smell. But I don't need to smell them better.

On the other hand, I can definitely think of times I wanted to stop smelling things. For example, when I'm changing the cat litter, I could just cut my nose off entirely and be cool with it. *Thumbsup*

I would want to enhance my eyesight because I'm only twenty-two and I already can't see anything without my contacts or glasses. When I take my contacts out at night, I better have my glasses right next to me or I'll spend the next ten minutes searching around the bathroom and bedroom with my hands until I find them.
I can't even see right in front of myself, it will just be a blur of colors. Hey, I should get a seeing eye dog for when I don't have my contacts in! I'll make him fetch my glasses for me. Maybe I can even bring him into stores with me. Okay, fine, I'm just looking for an excuse to get a dog.


30DBC March 17, 2014 Prompt: Tell us about a TV show or book series you like. What makes you keep coming back to watch or read more? Relate this to your knowledge and understanding of cliffhangers - how do you write a good "cliffy?"

Oh, this is a fun prompt. I could write about TV shows forever because I've started watching so many over the last few years. It used to be all about movies, but now I enjoy TV shows more. Let's see, I currently watch The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Shameless, House of Cards, Sons of Anarchy, and Orange Is The New Black. I watched all of Breaking Bad, Weeds, Skins.

I think I'll choose Shameless for this one because it's airing right now and I really like the show. I watch the US version. I've never seen the UK version, but I've heard it's more gritty. I've even heard a lot of people from the UK say that the US version is better though. I think what keeps me wanting to watch the show is the separate story lines of all the characters. I like to see what's going on with them each week. It's interesting to see the way that they change throughout a series.

I've noticed that the first season of a TV shows, the main characters spend a lot of time together and you kind of get to know them as a group. After the first season, you start seeing the characters as individuals. There will be episodes or story lines that focus exclusively on one character.

A good cliffhanger is one that pisses people off because they don't want to wait until next week or next season to see what happens. You're doing something wrong if the viewers/readers aren't completely hooked on finding out what happens next. I hear people talking about Game of Thrones all the time when it's not airing. It's such a good show that people talk about it year round. You need them to be waiting for the show to air or the next book to release for months. Make them talk about it when it's not airing. Make the viewers have theories on what's going to happen next. It's all about an even mix of mystery and suspense.

I find myself singing the same songs everyday
Ones that make me feel good
When things behind the smile ain't okay
March 17, 2014 at 9:53pm
March 17, 2014 at 9:53pm
Artist: David Bowie
Album: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Song: Moonage Daydream
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Hey guys! Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I had a crazy busy day looking at houses today. We didn't like any of the ones we saw, so we're probably going to have to change directions. We might stay in the same area and just downsize. There's also a possiblity that we'll totally jump ship and just move to another state completely. We stopped off at my parents' house and my dad told me that he doesn't ever talk to me because I get mad when he does. I'm not sure what he's talking about, but I'm sure it's worth not talking to your kid for months over. *Rolleyes*
After my last entry, I want to clarify that I do enjoy blogging. I got a couple reviews on my last entry the one day when I half-assed it. *Facepalm* But, really, I do enjoy blogging quite a bit. It's nice to talk sometimes, even if no one is listening. It just gets my creative energy flowing. I think it's hard to rate a blog anyway because a lot of people treat them kind of like their journal. It's weird to be like, "Nah, dude, screw your journal."

Blog City March 17, 2014 Prompt: You receive a mysterious email and the subject line reads Everything you know is a lie. You open the email and read further: Act calm as to not alert anyone, but everyone around you is not who they say they are. You need to quietly get out of there and meet me at the spot where you had your first kiss. You know the place. My name is Lyn. Tell me about that special place. Have you been there since? Now,you know Irish are noted for their blarney, so have fun.

Oh no, you mean I have to go back to my first girlfriend's dilapidated house? We had just gone to see a movie and we got back to her house. Oh God, we were so awkward. She just slept on a mattress on the floor, which seems to be a reoccurring scene in my life. We were standing in her room, just waiting for the other person to make the first move. Her mom was a single mom and she worked really long hours at two jobs.
I was getting ready to go to walk to my friend's house to spend the night, so this was kind of the moment of truth. I think she had some cartoon playing on the TV. So sexy, I know. It honestly might have been Spongebob Squarepants. *Laugh* Finally, we both leaned in at the same time, just to graze our lips together for a tenth of a second. Hey, the deed was done! Why linger?
I went back there a lot though over the next year. That one room basically defines my fourteenth year of life. I spent an entire summer in that bedroom watching movies and doing 'other stuff'. When I think about it now, I just think about sweating without central A/C and drinking Tab soda. We used to eat those popsicles that come as liquid in a plastic tube just to stay cool. When we were hungry, we'd heat up Spaghettios and eat in bed. Fun times.


30DBC March 17, 2014 Prompt: What impact does chocolate have on your writing? It could be consuming before, during, after or that you include it (subtly?) in stories. If not chocolate, then ... but what else is there?

I'm not even subtle about chocolate. I'm a straight fiend! I often drink chocolate milk while writing. The two aren't correlated, I just enjoy both of them so they co-exist sometimes. My favorite candy bars are Snickers and Caramello. Anything with caramel and chocolate is like heaven in my mouth. All this talk about chocolate made me realize that I don't have any. *Shock*
I guess I'll be making a run to the store after this!

I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you
Keep your mouth shut, you're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm busting up my brains for the words.
March 16, 2014 at 10:32pm
March 16, 2014 at 10:32pm
Artist: The Proclaimers
Album: This Is A Story
Song: Over And Done With
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I don't feel like blogging today. I don't know why but I worked all day and now I'm just really tired. I don't think there's a Blog City prompt today, as far as I know anyway. So I just need to find a news story to write about. Ah, Sunday. The day when I look at a news story for the first time in a week. Let's see what's trending. Okay, Malaysian plane again. Over 95% of Crimeans want to join Russia. Kevin Spacey arguing with Chris Farley, or Rob Ford, or whatever.

Wow, I really can't do this today. *Laugh* I just so can't think of anything interesting to say about anything I'm reading. Note to self: NO writing tonight. Why am I even looking at Katy Perry for news? *Facepalm*

Okay. I found an interesting one.

So, read the news article   first. This is actually kind of interesting. How bad would you feel if you were that girl? Sure, come over and sneak into my bedroom window. Whoa, that escalated quickly! I don't understand why she wouldn't just cop up to knowing the kid. Here's another article   stating that the girl's younger brother saw two feet under her bed when he went to tell her good night. He went and told his dad that someone was in her room and the dad grabbed his gun and went in there. When he confronted them, the girl denied knowing the kid. The dad told the kid not to move, but said the kid made a sudden motion to reach for something so he shot him.

I don't know, this is a really strange story. I mean, if the dad thought that the kid was an intruder, it makes sense. But I'd feel like shit if I was that girl. It's sad to see someone have to die for no reason.

Alright, so now that's done. I'm good to go. Oh, wait. My favorite fellow bloggers? Well, I have some of them listed over on the lefthand side of my blog. I'm meeting a lot of new people through blogging. It's a lot of fun! *Thumbsup*

This is the story of watching a man dying
The subjects unpopular
But I don't feel like lying
When I think of it now I acted like a sinner
I just washed my hands
Then I went for my dinner.
March 15, 2014 at 6:23pm
March 15, 2014 at 6:23pm
Artist: Death Cab for Cutie
Album: Transatlanticism
Song: A Lack of Color
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It was so nice out today, we couldn't stay in. We went out for a lunch and walked to the record store. I can't wait for spring, even the storms sound good right now. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'm going to jump into the prompts though, because I have a lot to do today. It's also Soundtracker Saturday, so you'll see that at the bottom.

Blog City March 15, 2014 Prompt: Cesare Pavese is known for saying that 'We do not remember days, we remember moments.' Describe your moment.

I don't know if I really agree with this quote. Moments are what make up a day. Any day that has been significant in my life, I've remembered the day as a whole, including all of the moments that made the day important.

For example, my wedding was one of my most memorable days and I remember several important moments from that day. When I saw my soon-to-be spouse the first time, when we exchanged rings, when we kissed, etc... The best moment for me was when we were done with the whole day. We were done with the reception and all the anticipation of the day was over. We were just married and could hold hands on the drive home as husband and wife without anyone around. That was the best part of that day.

But there have been many days like that. The day I moved out of my parents' house had a lot of small moments that comprised the day. I don't know. I don't think there's any single moment I can narrow my life down to. I'm going to stick with the entirety of my wedding day. *Bigsmile*


30DBC March 15, 2014 Prompt: Creation Saturday, Spring Break

Spring break is so much different as an adult than it was as a child. For example, it doesn't exist as an adult. I mean, we don't get a week off work or anything like that. But I do have a fun story about spring break in high school.

It's sophomore year and my best friend, Eric, and I decide to take a road trip for spring break. He had just gotten a minivan for his birthday from his trailer park uncle. We all made fun of him, but Eric loved it, even though it had almost 175,000 miles on the engine.

We had no specific destination in mind, just the free road sprawling before us. At that time, my parents no longer cared what I was doing or when I was doing it. Eric's parents were pretty strict, so we got our other friend, Jeremy, to convince Eric's parents that he would be staying at his families cabin for the week. Jeremy even got his mom to vouch for it over the phone to Eric's mom. Jeremy's mom was a single mom and she always said that she felt like Eric's parents were too hard on him. Everything was set for the three of us to set out on our road trip.

We left early in the morning on a Friday, skipping the last day of school before spring break because, why not? Everything was going smoothly. We had plenty of money for food along the way. Plus, we had no destination, so we could never be late. I was hoping we'd make it to Chicago though because there was a show I wanted to see.

We drove all day, blaring the music with the windows down and screaming along with the lyrics. The farther from home we got, the more free we felt. Eventually, we decided that we needed to stop somewhere because Eric was nodding off at the wheel. He was the only one with a license, so Jeremy and I couldn't take over. We had agreed beforehand that hotels were for wimps, so we pulled over at a rest stop to get some sleep.

I'm not sure what time it was, but we woke up to the sound of a gunshot. I tried to sit up really fast, but Eric pushed me back down from the driver's seat. He whispered something like, "They're shooting!" We had laid our seats back as flat as possible and I couldn't get low enough.

There were three more gunshots that sounded really close. I even saw a shadow in the moonlight dance over the dashboard of the van. I've never been more scared in my life. They were right outside the window. We heard some screaming and two more gunshots, then everything fell silent for what seemed like an eternity. It's kind of weird in a situation like this how you can almost just fall back asleep. I think we were so paralyzed with fear that we didn't know what to do.

On top of that, Jeremy had insisted on rolling down the windows in the front because he said it was too stuffy to sleep with all the windows rolled up. He was always complaining about things like inadequate ventilation.

We were as quiet and still as possible, and after a while, I thought someone may have just been robbed and it ended badly. I was about to try to lean up to look out the window when a hand reached in and grabbed me by the front of my shirt. I screamed and tried to get away, but whoever it was had a good grip and they were a lot stronger than me. He was trying to pull me out of the car while telling Jeremy and Eric to stay down.

Jeremy didn't listen though. He jumped into the front and started throwing punches as the guy tried to drag me out of the window. The guy let go, pulled something silver out of his pants, and swung it. Jeremy fell on top of me, shrieking in pain, but it gave Eric time to start the car and pull out of the rest stop with the tires squealing.

To this day, we have no idea what happened that night. The general consensus is that someone was probably being robbed and got shot when they put up a fight. We think that the robber was leaving when he saw the three of us in that minivan with the front windows down. We were young and looked like easy targets. The rest of the trip went okay, though we opted for hotels after that because they didn't seem like such a wimpy idea after all. Also, none of that ever happened because I never did anything for spring break. Jeremy and Eric don't exist either. *Thumbsup*/c}


Soundtracker Saturday, March 15, 2014

You pull up to the house and give the cabby his overpriced fare. The apartments look a little more run down than they did the last time you saw them. You walk up to the door and knock loudly, trying to scare your brothers. There's always been a running joke about how police are the only ones who sound like they're breaking down your door simply by knocking.

A woman in her mid-thirties cautiously answers after a few seconds, leaving the chain locked. You look around, thinking you must have walked up to the wrong door. "Can I help you?" she asks, timidly.

"I'm sorry. I must be at the wrong apartment." You step back, but see that it's the right number. "My brothers lived here."

She gives you a confused look, what more can she do? "I'm sorry. I moved in here a couple months ago. Maybe they lived here before that?"

You thank her and try to ignore the judgment in her eyes as you walk away, feeling just as confused as she looks. She might wonder what kind of relationship you could have with your brothers to not know that they moved at least a couple months ago. You think about walking across the street to see if Madison knows anything. But it's really not worth it.

It's not that you guys aren't on speaking terms. Speaking terms are a weird thing anyway. It's never been like that for you. You've never outright said that you're not going to speak to someone. But doesn't it just sometimes happen anyway? They weren't so happy after your last move. Who would be? You just left in the middle of the day while they were at work. You answered their calls right away, but they knew you weren't coming back. You took your suitcase and everything. Well, your suitcase was everything.

You head to the cafe across the street where you worked when you first moved out of your parents' house. The owner doesn't seem happy to see you. Things didn't end on the best of terms. "I need to use your phone." He shrugs and sets it up on the counter for you.

It's kind of like being in jail. Your one call, who's it going to be? You try your oldest brother's cell phone, because it's the only one you remember by heart. It goes straight to a voicemail box that hasn't been set up yet. You look nervously at your old boss and tell him you dialed it in wrong. You try the only other number you know. Noah picks up on the fifth or sixth ring. "Hey, Noah?"

"Charlie? Holy shit! What's up, man?"

"Hey, uh, I need a favor." You run your hands through your hair, upset to even have to ask.

"Sure, whatever you need."

"Can you come pick me up? I'm at the cafe, across the street from my brothers' apartment."

You drink a tea and watch the news while you wait. It's a three hour drive, but where else are you going to go? There are three hour periods that seem like thirty minutes, then there are three hour periods that seem like three days. This was the latter.

"Are you sure you want to go to your parents' house? I thought you'd never go back there," Noah says, turning the stereo down as you near the town where you grew up.

"I'm not planning on saying there. I'm just trying to figure out where my brothers went."

"You know my door's always open to you. I don't live in the trailer anymore though. Danny and I got into it a bit. Well, a lot. It's out in the sticks, but it's nice. Cheap and quiet."

It's late by the time you get there, so you're not surprised that all the lights are off. You try not to notice the fact that none of the porch furniture is outside, but you know before you ring the doorbell. No answer, no porch light turning on. You turn back to Noah's car, making sure that he hasn't taken off yet.

He joins you a few minutes later, looking into the big bay window in the living room.

"Don't do that. They'll probably think you're a burglar and shoot you or something," you warn him.

He steps back and says, "Yeah, I don't think that'll be a problem. There's no one living here, Charlie."

"What are you talking about?" you ask, feeling your heart sink.

"Man, the house is completely empty. No furniture, no nothing. I can see straight through to the other side. They don't live here anymore."

Noah drives in silence, probably not sure what to say. What an awkward situation, you think. "Just stay with me until you can figure out what's going on. I'm sure they just didn't have a way to get in touch with you. I mean, you don't have a consistent number or anything. I can't ever get a hold of you." You try to ignore the bitter tone in his voice.

You lean your head against the passenger window, looking up at the stars and think that you've been here so many times before, surrounded by trees with just the sky above and the pavement road below. Your mind was so set on things being different this time. It's the first time someone hasn't waited for you.

I'm reaching for the phone to call at 7:03 and on your machine,
I slur a plea for you to come home.
But I know it's too late, and I should have given you a reason to stay.
March 14, 2014 at 5:42pm
March 14, 2014 at 5:42pm
Artist: John Ralston
Album: Sorry Vampire
Song: Second Hand Lovers
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I've had the most unproductive week ever. Is it unproductive or nonproductive? Inproductive? I have not been productive this week. I've been working longer hours to try to pay off my taxes, but of course when I need extra money, my business slows down. Murphy's Law and all. As soon as I get them paid off, I'll have more to do than I need.

We've decided that we're going to move into a cheaper place after this. I mean, we've lived in some pretty terrible places so we'll be able to manage no matter where we move. We got our lease renewal from the apartment complex saying they only want to raise our rent a hundred dollars a month if we sign for another year. I wonder if there's a cap on that. Like, say I pay 1000 a month in an apartment. In five years, would I be paying 1500 a month? Is that right? I'm not sure if that makes any sense.

I might take tomorrow off though. I don't know. I just want to sleep but my SO wants to go out and do something. My anxiety is so high from working at home that I really don't want to go outside. It's the weirdest thing. If I have to go out of the house for work regularly, I can eventually get into the routine of going out without having anxiety. But it's so easy to fall back into the routine of just being in my house hanging out, especially when I'm tired.

I can't wait to move. You know, come to think of it, my anxiety actually got really horrible around this time last year and it didn't go away until I moved in June. I wonder i fit has something to do with the anticipation of moving? I think it's even worse this year because I really want to lower my rent but I have to wait out these last few months.

I'm not unhappy though. I'm just like super anxious. I have a cat that is afraid of everything. I mean, everything. If I get out a trash bag, she runs. If it storms, she hides. When my wife turns the TV on, the noise scares her. I took her when she was a kitten. She had been dumped off on the side of the road by someone right before Halloween and she's an all black cat. Halloween is a dangerous time for all black cats. Anyway, my point is, I remind myself of my cat sometimes. Or she reminds me of myself. I don't know which.

Blog City March 14, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Well, this is a fun topic. I'll start by saying that I don't believe in ghosts, so I've never seen one. But, I love it when people believe in things like ghosts. It's just really interesting and I'll let someone talk my ear off if they think they've seen a ghost or their house is haunted. I guess I don't believe in a lot of superstitious things, but I've always found them to be interesting.

As for why I don't believe in ghosts, well it's hard to say exactly why I don't believe in them. I guess I don't believe in them for the same reason I don't believe in unicorns. That's the best explanation I have. I usually don't believe in things I haven't experienced. Is karma a superstition? If so, that's the only one I believe in and, even then, it's not to the extent that a lot of people do. I don't believe that good things come to those who do good things for others. I believe in keeping an even level of karma. I try to give one thing back for each thing I take. It's almost like a point system. I don't want negative or positive karma.


30DBC March 14, 2014 Prompt: Try to come up with five what ifs. Pick your favorite and turn it into something funny -- short story, rant, essay... Your choice.

What if...

- Everyone only died of old age?
- People could decide which decade to live in?
- Everyone stopped having kids at the same time?
- Instead of carrying around money or a credit card, you had to carry your currency in the form of rice?
- No one needed sleep ever again?

These are all interesting what ifs, but the one I can't stop thinking about is the fourth one. I mean, really, think about it. What if there were no banks to deposit your rice into? What if you literally had to keep track of every grain of rice? Say, your rent was one thousand grains of rice and you lost a handful of rice. I'm getting stressed out just thinking about it. *Laugh* Like, what if you dropped some on in the carpet. You would never find it!

We definitely wouldn't be able to carry rice the way we do cash. There would have to be some kind of bag that didn't have crevices for the rice to get lost in. But what if that bag got a hole in it and your rice slowly fell out of it throughout the day. It would be horrible. Can you imagine trying to count out rice when paying for something?

I really hope we never change our currency to rice.

So sick of second hand lovers carving names on my chest,
If I lean in too close, it's to kiss or confess.
Promise you won't let on?
And I won't let you down.
March 13, 2014 at 3:53pm
March 13, 2014 at 3:53pm
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album: Californication
Song: Otherside
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I can't wait until this week is over. I've been working so much (real working) to try to get the money to pay my taxes off. I'm exhausted. I'm thinking my next day with no work will be Monday, possibly Tuesday. Yeah, I can't even think of anything to say. I'm too tired.

I'm going to try something that Lyn's a Witchy Woman suggested yesterday as far as trying to get rid of anger. If I end up in jail, blame her. Just kidding, it's nothing like that. Thanks though, Lyn. *Pthb*

Blog City March 13, 2014 Prompt: If you could personally witness one event in history, what would you want to see?

This is a kind of hard prompt for me, I guess. I mean, apparently it is because I can't think of anything I'd want to witness. I used to be more into history than I am now, like when I was in school and stuff. It's not that I don't enjoy reading about history or anything, it's just that I don't want to be a part of it or something.

I think that if I were to be witness do one thing in history, it would be seeing all the old bands that I'd never have a chance to see now. You know, the ones whose members died really young. I'd go back and see Joy Division if I had to pick one single band to see.

Hey, it's an event in history and no one can convince me otherwise!


30DBC March 13, 2014 Prompt: Are we doing kids a favor or a disservice by "not allowing them to fail" in high school? (make-up tests until they pass, extra credit, etc.) How does this affect their preparedness for college and beyond?

Can it really be so black and white? I'll probably have a different stance on this than a lot of people, but I'm all for extra credit and whatnot. I mean, I've never heard of retaking a test until you pass it. I was never presented with that option in school and that would be a bit much.

But say I'm in school, okay? And I'm just sucking terribly, which I was at one time. If I want to turn things around mid-semester and do a ton of extra work to raise my grade, why shouldn't that be allowed? I mean, you don't have to make it super easy or anything, but if a kid wants to work their ass off to raise their grade, I don't see a problem with that. If anything, it would just teach them that if they slack off in life, they're going to have to work like hell to get back where they need to be.

I left school and got my GED during my sophomore year. I knew people though that were still in school but had no way of graduating on time because they had missed too many credits their freshman and sophomore years. If a student realizes during their junior year that they aren't going to graduate no matter what they do, they might as well just drop out of school. If not, they'll have to be a super senior and not graduate until they're at least nineteen. But, if there was some sort of program they could go into that would allow them to make up those credits, more power to them.

It isn't about giving people a break or teaching them that they can not do their work and just make it up later. It's about teaching them work ethic. If you don't do what you're supposed to do on time, you're going to have to work ten times harder later to make it happen.

Scarlet starlet and she’s in my bed
A candidate for my soul mate bled
Push the trigger and pull the thread
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
March 12, 2014 at 2:49pm
March 12, 2014 at 2:49pm
Artist: Modest Mouse
Album: Building Nothing Out Of Something
Song: Never Ending Math Equation
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Yawn, Hump Day already. Where does the time go? I've been thinking a lot lately about different things. I guess reading other people's blogs got me thinking. I know, how dare you guys put thoughts into my mind? I'm starting to realize how much anger I'm harboring about the people and events in my past. I mean, I really dwell on it a lot. It's weird because I'll see other people talking about how they're totally over things from their past or people who have wronged them. I don't know if they're being honest or if they're in denial, but either way, I'm not like that at all. This isn't making sense. Let me try to break it down.

For example, I get a phone call from someone in my past and I find my adrenaline pumping just to see their name. All of these feelings come back and all of the situations I was in with them. It's crazy how fast I find myself back in that dark place, just full of anger. I'll try to talk to them and it always turns into an argument almost immediately. I know you'd probably think, Oh, well, just cut those people out of your life. But a lot of them are family members or people who I've known since I was in middle school. It's hard to just completely cut someone out, even if they make you mad.

I guess the thing is, there's mutual issues between me and pretty much everyone in my life. They're still pissed off about things I've done in the past and I still feel wronged by things that they did or said. I mean, given almost all of these things have happened in the last five years. I guess that's my only consolation. But I see people writing on here and they just seem so much smarter. Or, I don't even know if it's smarter, but at least more mature and wise. I feel like I'm missing something because I can't seem to get over certain things. I dunno, just a thought I've been having.

Blog City March 12, 2014 Prompt: The year is 2024. You are invited to a dinner at the White House in your honor. What is your accomplishment?

Is this something that happens when you meet the President? Do you sit down and tell them your biggest accomplishment? I really don't know. Well, let's see, this is ten years out. I think the best case scenario is that my accomplishment would be complete normality. If I'm thirty-two and just completely settled. If I have some degrees with a nice job. I don't want any kids and I'm not talking about a white picket fence or anything. But just a relaxed life with my other half. It might not sound like much, but that would be my greatest accomplishment.


You are invited to spend a week's vacation with a famous person, past or present. Who would you want it to be? Why?

Oh wow, there's so many people I'd like to spend a week with. I'm not going to do Hemingway again. Okay, well, this is only one week. You have to pick someone good. More than that, you have to pick someone fun. I would want to spend the week with Keith Richards in the seventies. I'd just party the whole week away and have an awesome time. Sure, I could hang out with someone that would teach me a lot or whatever. But, man, this is a vacation!

I'm the same as I was when I was 6 years old
And oh my God I feel so damn old
I don't really feel anything
March 11, 2014 at 1:46pm
March 11, 2014 at 1:46pm
Artist: FIDLAR
Song: Cocaine Part Two- Cheap Cocaine
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Hey guys, what's up? I'm excited to see what people come up with for the blog prompts today. I've got a lot to say about them, personally, so I'm not going to hold you up to complain about anything. You're welcome. *Thumbsup*

Blog City March 11, 2014 Prompt: Let's have some fun.. You returned home to find a DEAR JOHN letter oddly enough from your favorite piece of furniture. Inquiring minds want to know what the letter said. We are looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

Dear John,

I know for I've been around for a long time now, but I'm taking a stand. You got me for free and that's great, but do you have to act like it? There are certain things I can understand, although they aren't pleasant, like when you skate and then jump on top of me without taking a shower first. But there have been inexcusable acts committed upon me that I simply will not tolerate.

I can understand the disgusting sweat smell, although I'd prefer not to. I can 'get down' with you jumping all over me when you get excited. I'm fine with you allowing various unsavory people to 'crash' on me. But I've come to a breaking point.

Remember when you convinced your wife to let your 'old drummer from high school' to 'crash' on me for 'a few days'? Remember when you guys got drunk for old time's sake and he urinated on my face? I do. I remember that quite clearly actually. You don't exactly forget having your face pissed on. Would you forget having your face pissed on? I didn't think so.

Not to mention the fact that you talk shit about me all the time when I'm sitting right there. Excuse me for not being as comfortable after ten years of service to you and your family. Yeah, my cushions are sunk down. It's uncomfortable. Wanna fight about it? The comment you made about my color the other day was deplorable, by the way. Have fun finding someone as good as me to fill my shoes. They'll quit after a week,but maybe they'll go better with the 'color scheme'. You know, I've never heard you mention the giant red poster in the room. You don't think that throws off the room a little bit? Yeah, okay.

Gone forever,
The Ratty Couch Over There That "Sure, You Can Crash" On


30DBC March 11, 2014 Prompt: Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted? Tell us about it.

I've most definitely been betrayed by people I trusted. I've also betrayed those who trusted me. I've had mutual betrayal, I guess. But this is my side of the story, so I win by default. That's how this works, right?

I think I've already shared my biggest story of betrayal in my blog before. I don't want to do a repeat, so I'll talk about the time I was kicked out of my best friend's house in the middle of the night with nowhere to go. I had this best friend as a young teenager who I hung out with for years. We had a bit of a falling out, (Yes, it was over a girl.) but he was still always there for me, offering up his couch or a spare room, depending on where he lived at the time.
I found out that my entire family had moved away from where I was raised. This is another story that I won't get into right now. Anyway, I had nowhere to go at that point and I called my reliable old friend who was more than happy to let me crash in his spare bedroom. He was excited to have me there, or seemed like it anyway. I did promise to pay half of the rent the following month, I moved in the week before rent was due, and we agreed that I wouldn't pay that first month's rent. So we were on the same page that my first payment would be in five weeks.

Anyway, I must have thought I was back in the city and could find odd jobs to make up the small amount of rent he had living out in the sticks. I found out pretty quickly that small towns don't work that way. Every time I would bring an application somewhere, they would look at me like I was weird and file it away, saying they'd give it to whoever. I'm pretty sure they just trashed it when I left. I didn't have transportation into the city, so it was basically impossible for me to find a job. I basically said screw and told him I'd move out so he wasn't paying my way, but he really didn't want me to. He said he'd try to get me in at the factory where he was working, but nothing ever came of it.

Five weeks is really nothing. It passed so quickly, I didn't even realize rent was coming up. But I thought we had an understanding of sorts, so I wasn't really worried about it. I was out smoking on the porch or something and he came out all aggressive saying that rent was due two days ago and asking when I'd be ready to pay it. I, of course, was confused and asked what he was talking about. It was very obvious that I didn't have a job or money. He said, "Well, I'll give you a week to pay me back then." I knew I wouldn't be able to get the money together in a week, living in the country like that. The conversation got pretty heated and the past get brought up. Doesn't it always when you argue with someone you have bad blood with? Finally, he's just like, "Okay, you need to get out."

So that's the story of how I was kicked out of my best friend's house at midnight, in the middle of nowhere, with no family or other friends in the entire state. I should explain though, it isn't that I felt like I should be able to stay there forever for free. I just assumed that if he wanted me to leave, he would give me time to make other arrangements instead of forcefully removing me from his house in the middle of the night with no car and no money. I'm sure his side of the story would be totally different. Maybe he could explain it better than I can. But this is my blog, my perspective, and I think that's messed up to do to someone.

We were high as fuck on your back porch,
And you didn't care anymore.
But are you really gonna kick me out in this rain?

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