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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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July 29, 2002 at 5:06pm
July 29, 2002 at 5:06pm
Spelling isn't coming as easily as it used to for me. I don't know what's wrong, but I keep screwing up the simplest words. It's not just because of chatting online. I know of no one online who spells sugar "shugar"... It's phonetic mistakes like that. I'm also finding some grammar rules seem to be slipping. It's not because I'm not reading....

This has not been a good week so far for me. Yes, I know it's Monday. I'm considering a week a period of 7 days, not necessarily starting on a Sunday. Nothing overly and utterly terrible has happened, (to me at least) but I've been just not in a good mood. Maybe depressed, maybe bored, maybe just plain sick... I don't know.

I'm thirsty. I should get a drink before I pass out or something. I never passed out before and don't plan on starting.

Chem isn't bad, just tedious for the most part. I still have homework to finish for today. Got a 98 on the first test. I was happy with that. Considering something like 50% of the class got C's or lower... I think C's are in the 70's... not sure.

I really need to get a drink. I'm getting slightly dizzy.... My doctor told me to drink a lot of water every day to make sure it wasn't a heart thing. I'm glad it was just dehydration...
July 25, 2002 at 8:03pm
July 25, 2002 at 8:03pm
I just went and backed up this entire journal (lol, and I'm just giving myself more work by writing this...)

I can't believe there's only a month left to summer. Where has the time gone? And for that matter, what have I been doing instead of my to-do list...

I get out of chemistry two weeks into August. Two weeks after that, I go back to full time school. So much for having a summer...

Today has been so cool. Temperature-wise I mean. It's been mid-60's (Fahrenheit) with a beautiful breeze. Much better than nineties and humid. Gotta love summer cold fronts...

The purple finches have actually learned to hang and eat from the goldfinch feeder. They can't stay upside-down for long, only about 5 seconds at most before they have to flip upright again. I guess the blood rushes to their heads. It's so weird though, watching birds learn skills like that.

The mother of one of the girls in my theatre club was dying as of three this afternoon. I feel terrible for her. From what I heard, it was cancer. She was hysterical earlier. I would have been too. But I doubt I would have made it to the library like she did. I think the entire group is going to pitch in and send a sympathy card... It's so sad.

I have to go straighten my room up. I still have not finished cleaning it...
July 21, 2002 at 10:47pm
July 21, 2002 at 10:47pm
Just read an article about Philip K. Dick. He was an incredible writer. Just finished one of his novels this morning. I love his short stories, I think he was a master of those.

I spent almost the entire day sitting in an enclosed porch, mostly enjoying the breeze. But I was also doing chemistry, taking pictures of butterflies and things, and later listening to a CD set my aunt and uncle got for me. The CDs I was listening to were a collection of poets reading their works. Robert Frost, Sylvia Plath, Sandburg, William Carlos Williams and over 2 CDs of others. Even Yeats! They say that he had recorded some of his poems on a predecessor to the record. I think it's called The Caedmon Poetry or something like that. No Shakespeare though... (now that would be something... lol)

Speaking of PK Dick and those poets, I just found an article talking about the link between mental illness and creative genius. (Yes, I do do other things while writing these entries.)

I love science, and I love knowing the answers to things, but science really takes the wonder out of things.

See above paragraph for a complete change of subject. Well, not really, I knew how I got from one to the next, and people may be able to tell.

I've been meaning to look into literary magazines to see what I may be able to publish. I got out Writers' Market from the library about two months ago. I wrote down a bunch of magazines, and I looked about half of them online, but then I had to stop for some reason and I forgot to start again. I need to do something with my pile of poems... Although I would rather divert my creative energies into stories... I have a few ideas I want to follow, but I think I may have to start in the middle or near the end of them and work from there. The beginnings just aren't working.

I just came up with the title for this entry right now. Now being when I am/was typing this very paragraph up. Okay, so that title doesn't fit most of it, I guess... Whatever.

Watching Crank Yankers on Comedy Central. It's so funny. I prefer Whose Line though.

Yeats's poems were very lyrical -- like songs without a tune. Albeit, I could hardly understand at least half of the two poems of his they had on there...

I really have nothing to say right now. I have a few things I want to check/read though. I think I'm done for tonight. If not, I may be back...
July 18, 2002 at 9:23pm
July 18, 2002 at 9:23pm
No, this isn't some entry highlighting this year's Darwin Awards. (If you don't know what that is, it's a book put out telling about all the stupid ways people have died...) Actually, it's in reference to the bird in my backyard. We hung a goldfinch feeder (basically a clear tube with perches on it and holes over the perches for the finches to eat from) from our awning pole. At first we had a lot of goldfinches (who can only eat thistle and a few other types of small seeds I think), but then other types of finches and sparrows took it over, scaring the smaller goldfinches away. So for a while we watched the bigger, meaner birds eating from the feeder meant for goldfinches (and pine siskins, but we haven't attracted any of those...). Recently though, we got a finch feeder at which the birds have to hang upsidedown from the perches to get their seeds. Only goldfinches and pine siskins can hang like that and eat, so once the other birds figured out that they could not reach the holes, they moved to the old one, eyeing the new one suspiciously. At first they scared all the goldfinches off, but then they let them come while they ate out of the other feeder. The goldfinches figured out what to do, and have been hanging upside down to eat ever since. The other birds saw them doing this and have been trying to imitate them. They will try to spin themselves downward, but never get there. It's funny to watch them, but I'm not holding my breath for one that will make it, lol.

I have a million other things to say, but no time, so good night.
July 4, 2002 at 7:26pm
July 4, 2002 at 7:26pm
Happy Fourth of July to those in the US!

Anyway, does anyone know the title of that swing song they used in Chips Ahoy commercials for a while?

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July 3, 2002 at 4:03pm
July 3, 2002 at 4:03pm
But not for long.

I was going to clean my room today and probably would not have even noticed the temperature unless my mother had told me it was too hot up there, even with the air on. It's supposed to reach 101 today, and that's not the heat index. The heat index is somewhere in the range of 110 I think. It's too hot for early July.

I'm gonna see if this computer still has Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. I like that game, but I don't know if it still works...

July 2, 2002 at 11:56pm
July 2, 2002 at 11:56pm
I'm in a ranting mood tonight. Consider yourself forewarned. I don't even know where I'm going yet. Don't be surprised if it's incoherent or roundabout or whatever.

Reading articles on things tonight. Global warming. NYC's halt of recycling glass and plastics. Diseases caused by global warming. Et cetera.

First of all: Global warmingand the rise of new diseases. Everybody treats the symptoms not the cause. To hell with the earth, we've gotta save the people, right? Yeah. Nice idea. It'll be even nicer where there is nowhere for the people to live once their nice and healthy... and probably sick with the next batch of either drug-resistant or new micro-organisms. People like their big SUVs, it gives them a charge apparently. I wonder how many have noticed the other charge -- the gas for it. Drilling in more places isn't going to help the problem if it just prolongs it. Oil is not only used to power cars (although that is the main use)....

Argh... the lights are going to be turned off on me again I fear... Good night... I'll rant some more tommorow... maybe...
July 2, 2002 at 1:48pm
July 2, 2002 at 1:48pm
One of my brothers was getting a bowl of icecream and I decided to do likewise.

But, unlike him, I have a very healthy bowl of ice cream. Fist off, the icecream is low-fat. As is the whipped cream.

Both whipped cream and icecream have milk in them. From that you get Calcium and Vitamin D.

Vanilla is made from beans. You can never go wrong with beans.

Pralines are nuts. Protein.

Sugar is a product of beets. Beets are vegetables.

So, in my mind, a big bowl of icecream is healthy. Very healthy. Made even healthier by the addition of pralines, sprinkles, whipped cream, and caramel sauce.

Okay, I'm going to finish cleaning out my bowl. Then I am going to tackle my room -- a job I should have been doing for... oh... 5 weeks...
June 28, 2002 at 2:45pm
June 28, 2002 at 2:45pm
Some bad thunderstorms went through last night. They were only around for an hour, and I think the worst of it passed North of us. I penned off five or so poems in that our though. One of them was this weird little three or four stanza poem which I'm still trying to decide the name of. It's written in a pirate-like vernacular (if that's the word I'm searching for) and I'm thinking of calling it "The Windbag in the Crow's Nest", but it's a little too comical for the poem. I sat in the near-darkness of our back room, so I could still see the rain and the lightning. The sky was so dark that the west looked darker at sunset than the east.

Speaking of poems, I wrote a three page one the other night outlining the history (that I could remember at the time) of the Middle East. To my knowledge, there has never been peace in the Middle East. The actual physical conflict there is nothing compared to conflicts there in the past. From the Crusades to wars between the Babylonians and Persians and various other ancient societies and tribes. The Jews/Hebrews/Israelites/Israelis have never really gotten along with their neighbors, no matter where they were. From the present-day conflict with the Arabs, to Hitler and the Russian pogroms, all the way back to their enslavement by the Babylonians and battles with the Canaanites, Phillistines, etc. The only reason the world is paying attention to this is because of politics, which never before affected the entire world like it does now.

I got a digital camera for my birthday. Mainly so that I don't steal my mother's anymore and use up her memory card. The only problem is that it's very sensitive to movement and aparently my hands shake enough no matter what I balance them on to make pictures blurry. It was much more complicated than my mom's too. It's one of the few things I've had to read the book for... Most of the time I don't even both with the book unless I need to find out something like temperature range or why it's not working.

It bothers me that no idea is original. I thought I had this excelent idea and I had something I wanted to write on it and then I found out that many other people had had it too. Well, at least I may be the first to write about it in the way I am planning. But I've been planning for months and right now I'd rather write fiction and poetry.

Speaking of poetry (again... what a circular entry this is becoming...) I have to post my poems on this site once again. I took them all down because I don't have an upgraded membership and I was afraid they'd be deleted otherwise. I'd rather have all of them taken down by my own accord than ones at random by other people. And there's no guarantee that it would have been poems deleted either.

I hate how every site on the internet is now charging for services and yet they keep banner and pop-up/under ads. Maybe for people like me who refuse to pay... Anyway, I am a big advocate for the penny-a-page idea, as long as it is controlled and people weren't charging an exorbitant amount of money to view a single page. That would be hard to control, but much better in the long run than being bombarded by ads and MEMBERS ONLY. I do not sign up for anything unless I either really need the service or it is extremely appealing.

We got new hummingbird feeders for the backyard because mine had broken. Three feeders, each with one spout. Two (a red and a blue, I would have prefered red and red because that supposedly attracts them better, but that's all they had) are on curving metal stands and one is in my rock garden, the other is in my mom's. The third is a light bluish-greenish bubble-like glass feeder that hangs on the fence.

I got my summer reading list. (I don't know if I wrote this in the last entry or not. I doubt I had it when I wrote that one.) For English, I have to read Dracula, 1984, Drowning Ruth, and Pride and Prejudice. And for Trig/Pre-Calc, I have to read Rocket Boys, the book October Sky was based on. I've read 1984 before and thought that it was pretty good. I started Pride and Prejudice and so far I'm writing summaries at the end of each chapter. So far I'm bored nearly out of my mind. I'm on chapter 5 I think. I'm a little leery of Drowning Ruth, just because it was on the Oprah reading list. Hopefully I'll get a pleasant surprise and find that it's not as sappy and insanely boring as it sounds. I have no comment on Dracula right now, but no doubt I will by the time I finish it. Rocket Boys, from what I've heard, is very good, but that is pending opinion as well.

On my birthday, my youngest brother, my mom, and I went to a wildflower preserve. I hadn't gotten my camera in the mail yet so I was using my mom's. I let her take pictures too though. Does anyone know if frogs can make a noise like a rubber band twanging? We were walking near a pond and there were a few crickets and a few birds calling and then all of the sudden, TWANG! We looked down into the water and there was a bright green frog sitting in the water, perfectly camoflauged with the waterplants it was sitting in. A painted turtle was sitting on a log, but I don't think turtles make much noise. Most of the wildflowers weren't in season. They were mostly Spring flowers.

Oh, and I came to a conclusion. Taking optical zoom shots from a moving vehicle never yields good results -- especially when your mother is constantly telling you not to drop the camera out the window.

My sociology course has now ended. I got an A with a comment of "Outstanding!" on the midterm. It seems like most people got A's, but I think mine was the only "outstanding", lol, humble person that I am... ::ahem:: Anyway, I only have two grades for that course. The teacher was extremely easy. The final had to be 8 pages long. Mine was 12. I checked with her first though, and she said it was fine. It turns out I may have been one of the few who actually wrote my own paper for the final.

Chemistry starts next week. I highly doubt it will be as easy as the last. If it is, I'm all for it. If not... well... we'll just have to see how I deal.

A readers' theatre group I belong to has started up. Because of chemistry (unless it is like the other course, yeah... right...) I won't be able to make two of the four possible shows. For once we have the play far in advance. Usually we decide about a month or less beforehand, but now we have about 6 or 7 weeks to practice and get our roles. The play is about a half-hour long and is children's SF, with the most cliched ending I have ever heard. It ends with the main characters waking up. We're trying to think of ways to change it. I'm opting for several of the characters to be in the kitchen with the mother for breakfast.

Wow, this is a long entry. This is what happens when I don't update this thing often.

Alright, I am done rambling for now. I have to go eat lunch, and download pics from my mom's camera. Adieu!
June 2, 2002 at 6:03pm
June 2, 2002 at 6:03pm
And what is so rare as a day in June?
         Then if ever, come perfect days;
Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune,
         And over it softly her warm ear lays;
Whether we look, or whether we listen,
We hear life murmur, or see it glisten;
Every clod feels a sitr of might,
         An instinct within it that reaches and towers,
And groping, blindly above it for light,
         Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers;
The flush of life may well be seen
         Thrilling back over hills and valleys;
The cowslip startles in meadows green,
         The buttercup catches the sun in its chalice,
And there's never a leaf nor a blade too mean
         To be some happy creature's palace;
The little bird sits at his door in the sun,
         Atilt like a blossom among the leaves,
And lets his illumined being o'errun
         With the deluge of summer it receives;
His mate feels the eggs beneath her wings,
And the heart in her dumb breast flutters and sings,
He sings to the wide world, and she to her nest,--
In the nice ear of Nature which song is the best?

- from Prelude to Part First of "The Vision of Sir Launfal", James Russell Lowell

I love that poem. I have an elderly neighbor who loves to garden (but can't anymore, so we do it with her dictating, lol) and every summer day that's nice and sunny she recites that. Her memory's going but it always seems to get better in the summer. For the longest time she didn't know what the name was, so she told my mom a few lines and we went to work. We found it in a book of mine. I have a collection of about 6 or 7 books of a lot of the well-known poems from American, English, Irish, and several other countries' literature. It's actually my great-grandfather's, so it's not exactly new, but it's one of my favorite books.
May 29, 2002 at 6:07pm
May 29, 2002 at 6:07pm
One of my brothers is in Gettysburg for a school trip. My grandparents were over tonight to help with dinner. I was talking with my grandfather (who is a Civil War/bad joke buff) after dinner about the Civil War and I said something about what they were going to see and he replied, "I always took that for GRANTed." I groaned and countered with, "Do you really MEADE (mean) that?" He groaned and paused. I thought it was over. Then: "They'll get home soon if they don't stop for frozen CUSTER(d)." To which I said, "Oh, give them a little LEE-way." And he shot back, "As long as they don't STONEWALL."

I ran out generals at that point (and of course now I'm remembering them) and that died off. They were so bad, but it was a lot of fun.

I have to go finish studying for my algebra exam now.
May 26, 2002 at 9:23pm
May 26, 2002 at 9:23pm
We have a metal fire-pit we set up in the backyard every once in a while to toast marshmallows. We set it up tonight and my marshmallows kept getting smoked instead of browning. My hair smells like woodsmoke. I like that smell dispersed, not when it's still slightly stinging. Nothing too interesting happened. The grass caught fire once or twice though.

Wow, I haven't written anything here in over a month. I've been busy. Yeah, that's a good excuse.

I have exams this coming week. Good thing I only have to take three of them. History, Biology, and Algebra. Almost done studying for history and bio. I need some more time on both of them though.

Saw the new Star Wars movie last night. Overall, it wasn't the best. It definitely could've been worse though, especially if they had Jar Jar Binks play a larger role. The guy who played Count Dooku (sp?) plays a shady good-guy-turned-bad-guy well. I'm pretty sure he played Saruman in Lord of the Rings. I wonder if that suggests something about him? Anyway, Yoda kicks butt. He always has, even before he got his own fight scene. He's my favorite character. He's so idiosyncratic and wise and seemingly senile.

I got a Yo-Yo Ma CD at Best Buy the other day. I am so weird. It's a really interesting CD, Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble: When Strangers Meet. It's Western and Eastern and Middle-Eastern music all mixed together. The only thing I'm not too fond of on it is the entire track devoted to the Mongolian Long Song, called that because each word is drawn out to last maybe 10-20 seconds or longer. The track is only about a minute and thirty seconds though.

Anyway, I must get back to my studies. ::dramatic sigh::
April 23, 2002 at 6:05pm
April 23, 2002 at 6:05pm
My fingers are cold. I was just outside retaking some of the pics. Getting new other ones. I'll have to get the bird ones tommorow. I had a lot of good finch shots on the wiped disk.

I've called down a bit. I've resolved to take better ones.

I think I have always had an eye for photography, just never good enough equipment (a 110 camera, for example...) to take what I wanted.

Dinner's ready. Gotta go
April 23, 2002 at 5:14pm
April 23, 2002 at 5:14pm
I've been borrowing my mom's digital camera for a few weeks now. I used all the pictures on the roll, taking ones in my backyard, and ones in my neighbors'. They were the best pictures I've ever taken, and of course, they poorly mark the format button. I lost all of them. I'm so pissed off.

I'm going outside ASAP to retake whatever I can from today (of course, by now the lighting has changed and half the pictures on the roll won't turn out right b/c I took them weeks ago and/or took them of birds).

April 7, 2002 at 2:44pm
April 7, 2002 at 2:44pm
That means "Do Not Enter." I am so weird.

I was at Barnes & Noble last night, not really looking for anything in particular. I came home with a few books that are normal reading material (for me at least, meaning: a skeptic's view of belief in the paranormal, and a book about the Aztecs)... and I also came home with at least one of the vague things I've been meaning to get for a while: a book on learning Russian. Russian in Ten Minutes A Day. They don't . I was looking for Arabic (which really I did want to learn before Sept. 11 and what has followed), Spanish, and Japanese too, but the best I could find was expensive tapes and I was already a little over my limit from a trip to an arts and crafts store beforehand. My dad, one of my brothers, and I were sitting in the parking lot of Toys R Us, waiting for my mom and other brother to come out. My dad pulled the Russian book from the bag and started looking at it. He was trying to pronounce everything according to the book (this was after he was trying to pronounce the names of people in War & Peace, the book my mom bought) and laughing, he said, "This sounds like Klingon!". Gee, thanks for the help, lol. Eventually, I'm going to have to get tapes and stuff for Russian, if I decide that I really want to learn it, but for now I'm just doing it as a productive hobby. Spanish would be much easier (actually, come to think of it, I have Encarta Spanish for my computer which I haven't used in a while...) but I'm up for a challenge.

I borrowed my mom's digital camera yesterday, because I wanted to make a set-up for shooting pictures to use on my site. I really needed some kind of black fabric to use as a background for it, but I didn't have any (which is why we went to the arts and crafts store, which didn't have any either). So I started taking pictures of a lot of different things. I now have pictures taken looking up from the trunks of flowering trees, pictures of chickadees and goldfinches on the feeders, of rocks on a shoreline, of a river, of the rocks at the bottom of the clear part of the river, of a random bush growing on the shore of the river, and bunch of other things. Now I have to spend several hours downloading them all... okay, so I'm exagerrating for effect.

I had a dream last night where I actually had some sense of the duration of the dream -- about a week, maybe a little longer, travelling through this beautiful narrow canyon by canoe. I left my pack in a certain rest-stop (actually, a big cave in one of the walls, where we could dock and all) and was debating if I should go the eight-hour round-trip to go and get it, because it was already mid-day and we weren't supposed to canoe by night because the flashlights and lanterns weren't bright enough. Now that was a run-on sentence. Anyway, I think I woke up right then. I don't think I knew any of the people in that dream.

I have a Biology quiz tommorow. It shouldn't be too hard. Mostly just people who worked on the basis of theory of evolution and stuff like that. Nothing like photosynthesis ot nucleic acids, thank gawd.

I also have a Theology paper due next week. I have to read the next chapter in the book and write about it.

I have other things to do too... wish I could remember what those things were. I think I have to check my assignment book.

This is the only thing it seems I can transfer Cyrillic letters into... so:


а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я

That's the alphabet, uppercase and lower, in order (I think). I'm really just putting them there so I can copy and paste them if I need or want them when Word is not working. lol, feel free to do the same. I just have to remember what means what (eg. В is pronounced like V, Р is pronounced like R, Н is pronounced like N, and Д is pronounced like D).

I should go. It's getting late in the afternoon and my homework beckons.

Oh, yeah, Pshaw, if you're reading this, happy birthday! (I'd write it in Russian, but I just started doing that book last night after midnight... lol)
April 3, 2002 at 10:22pm
April 3, 2002 at 10:22pm
Sorry about the incoherence of the last entry. I was really tired and right as I was getting started, my dad announced to me that he was going upstairs to bed, and he started turning off the lights. I had to finish the entry quickly, and that's what happened.

I really have no point to writing
this entry. I just needed to write something. I haven't written a thing since... at least maybe 3 weeks ago (not counting the last journal entry).

I'm so proud of myself. For Easter my parents got me a book of piano songs -- mostly showtunes and movie themes and such -- and most of them are just too hard for me to play (I've only been playing a year), but I simplified the theme from The Pink Panther and I can play that pretty well now. It's all in bass clef though, which is kind of hard for me to read. I can sight-read treble clef pretty well, but not bass. I have to sit there and figure out half the notes.

I'm sick. I was sick all over break and I got done so little of what I had planned on doing. It's not like debilitating sick, just miserable, annoying why-won't-this-damn-cold-go-away sick. At least I can semi-breathe out of my nose. I have to remember to take something for the symptoms tommorow.

I have so many ideas for things to write about. The problem is that I only have interesting little ideas that I could conceivably make a plot out of, but I'm having a lot of trouble with.

My left wrist hurts. I think it's one of those repetitive-motion things.

I actually did update my site over the break though. It wasn't a complete loss. I listened to a book on tape too, while I was drawing. The drawings are all kind of crappy though. There was one I started of a hawk, but I couldn't get anything but the head right. Anyway, the book on tape was... actually, come to think of it, it was just a compilation of radio interviews... anyway, it was all about writing, which makes me even more frustrated. For one, I do have time to write, but I can't get into it. I'm going to have to force myself soon. For two, I am feasible-idea-less right now. For three, I have a lot of school things on my mind. For four, I am just to tired at the end of the day to do it. I used to be able to write at night all the time, but I can't do it now that I have to get up at 6:30 and I really need to function to be able to concentrate. On weekends and nights before days off, if I'm in the mood or on a roll, I'll stay up until 2 or 3 just writing. It's so much easier at night. There's a lot less distractions I think. I don't have the option of getting up and wandering around or talking to people and losing my ideas, which is what I would do if I wrote during the day. School is just... I won't say hard, because I don't really consider it that. Demanding is a much better word. How are students supposed to follow their interests when their interests would interfere with their "obligations"?

::sigh:: I have to go. I was just taking a break from homework. I have history and english yet to do, and theology to study.
March 30, 2002 at 11:03pm
March 30, 2002 at 11:03pm
I think it's from lack of oxygen. My nose is extremely stuffed up and it's all running down my throat. And I'm coughing, and every time I cough, my head hurts, my ears hurt and my mouth hurts. I hate being sick. I know it could be a million times worse, but I really hate hate it. I woke up last night at 4 cuz i couldn't breathe. i gtg.
March 12, 2002 at 10:45pm
March 12, 2002 at 10:45pm
I just came up out of the fiery pits of my basement. I was making masks for a project due the day after tommorow. Okay, so the closest I got to fiery pits was a hot glue gun (It was smoking at one point though!)... and the closest I got to brimstone was the dust off a beltsander. I'm really weird tonight. I haven't been procrastinating today (only about 20 minutes all day -- seriously cutting back on my "me" time and completely throwing off my work/play equilibrium) and I'm being overwhelmed by schoolwork. In fact, I still have to do my Theology and Literature homework and study for several tests/quizes. Why is this week so horrible? Okay, listing reasons:
1.) Pi Day (3.14) - Algebra - major group project due on Thursday. We're not even halfway done...
2.) the Ides of March (March 15) - Latin - The day Caesar was murdered. I don't know why, but we're seriously celebrating it. So much so that we have a project to do for it, yay! And we had the National Latin Exam this morning, double yay!
3.) the end of the marking period is next Friday - the teachers need more grades for us.

I can't think of any others, or else I'd complain about them too. And now that I have completely wasted precious time. (I have the urge to go "my precioussssss...." -- been reading Tolkien lately...)
March 11, 2002 at 7:12pm
March 11, 2002 at 7:12pm
Continuing with one of the themes of the last entry, I never want to drink coconut milk again. I don't think I could unless I was stuck on a deserted island or something. And along that same thought-train, we just opened up a MRE -- a Meal Ready to Eat -- from the army. My brother's friend's uncle got a whole bunch of them for some reason and we now have three. They've been sitting in the basement for who-knows-how-long. It was cheese ravioli, and actually kind of tasted like Ellio's Pizza. I really don't like Ellio's. I think we also have Pasta Alfredo and some vegetarian meal. lol, your tax dollars at work.

I'm listening to Vangelis's Mythodea right now.

I have homework to finish and some projects to work on, so I must go.
March 10, 2002 at 8:24pm
March 10, 2002 at 8:24pm
My mom is helping one of my brothers with a project on the state of Mississippi. I was at the computer and she needed a picture for the project. She yelled in from the kitchen that she needed a bald eagle, or that's what I heard at least. I found one right away and yelled back, asking if she wanted it in color. She sounded slightly surprised and said that would be nice. She came in as it was printing and started laughing. I didn't know what was so funny. As far as I knew, that was exactly what she had asked for. Once she calmed down a little bit she told me that she'd asked for a "boll weevil", not a bald eagle. lol, I never realized how alike they sounded.

You can always tell when my brother goes food-shopping with my parents. They always come back with the strangest things -- we just cracked open a raw coconut. That's just one of the things on a long list: Cornish hens, artichokes, koulerabi seeds for the veggie garden(sp?),
carbonated lemonade, miniature bananas, soy nuts... and a bunch of other things I just can't think of right now.

And rapidly switching tones...

Tommorow is the six month anniversary of September 11, and of course every station is using it to the advantage of their ratings. I really hate that. Let it pass with solemnity and remembrance, not damned money-making schemes...

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