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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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October 13, 2001 at 3:18pm
October 13, 2001 at 3:18pm
My history teacher despises me. That's okay, she's not my favorite person in the world either. She teaches for the tests, not to learn. Know what I mean? My teacher last year taught to learn, and I learned a lot, but this year, it is a stretch for me to actually learn it so I'll remember it after the course is over. She always has this false smile on her face, and even that falls when she sees my hand in the air. It turns to this concerned, disapproving scowl and she loses eye contact half the time. The questions I'll ask are related to the material, but that the book doesn't answer and she doesn't previously tell. And we've talked about current events several times in school, and the class will be asking questions or giving opinions and things and I can tell you now that I have more of an idea about this kind of stuff than the teacher does. And she's insane with the number of projects she gives us (I know it's not just me, because from what I can tell, she's done this every year she's taught at my school). I have to do an oral report on Sacagawea/Sacajawea/Sakakawea (nobody knows how to spell it...) on Thursday. It was originally due next week, but for some reason, she switched my date with another girl's and now that girl has more time and I have less, and I'm almost positive that the subject of her report has more information about him than mine.

I had to make two calendars for Latin. One for November 2002, and the other for June 2002. They had to be in the Roman form too, meaning you count down from certain days to certain other days... It's really annoying. And I couldn't get part of it to look like how I wanted it to, so it took me 10 times longer...

I had much better teachers last year than this year, in almost all my subjects (not including the two classes with the same teachers as last year -- and it's not like they're good either). The only teacher who may be better might be my English teacher, but we only had her for a few days because a student teacher took over. ::groans:: Thank God she's only here until December at the latest. She has no idea what she's doing -- I think I know more about English than she does. Oh, my first semester theology teacher is really good too, but theology is not my strong point. I think I have an 88 in that class right now... I don't know... It depends on her grading scale... why can't they all just be the same?

I uploaded a new little ramble thing yesterday. It's kinda stupid, but I figured 'why not'.

I just got up to answer the doorbell, but it turns out that my dad was painting it... lol.

Does anybody know what Catholic Vietnamese holiday falls around this time of year, if any? Just curious.

Does anybody know what the moon/star symbol of Islam is called? I've heard its name before, but I can't remember.

I have to get to working on my papers. I'll write again soon.
October 10, 2001 at 6:00pm
October 10, 2001 at 6:00pm
Yeah, I realize that I talked to you and the Pinkster about the Taliban before all of this [and every other topic under the sun] but i was just trying to make a point, lol.

That's all I have to say besides that I have to go start my homework now. Got out at 1:30 but helped at a homework center until 5 and have been goofing off since...
October 7, 2001 at 10:48pm
October 7, 2001 at 10:48pm
Not officially -- yet. I knew this would happen. It's not like it was completely out of the blue.

I wish I'd have time to watch the news this week. I know I won't have much. Maybe they'll go light this week? Nah...

It was cold today. Appropriate in some strange way.

Did anyone besides me know where the Middle East was before all of this? Did anyone else know even vaguely where Afghanistan is? Had anyone else ever heard of the Taliban? Just curious.

Chances are that this site won't be completely updated for a while.

I missed all but last 15 minutes of Dark Angel again. I thought it was gonna be on at 9 like last year, but they moved it an hour up. But that doesn't really make me bitter, it's just a TV show.

Funny, I wrote a story about a soldier in Afghanistan last night. Pretty bleak. It's not finished yet and needs more detail tho. At least it's prose. I was getting sick of writing poetry, I just didn't have time for anything else. Two hours writing last night, I wasn't tired at all. I have to type it.

gotta go. the lights are being turned out on me.
October 6, 2001 at 8:10pm
October 6, 2001 at 8:10pm
The clouds are so orange right now. They're moving really quickly -- I look away for a few seconds and they change.

Now they're turning more pinkish.

The moon was really orange the other night.

Now the sky's a darker blue and the clouds are a deep pink.

Can't see any full clouds, just purply wisps...

Blue sky...

It's getting cold, I should shut the window.

Okay, enough with the written time-lapse photography.

Through experience I have formulated a theory. Because of Hotmail's new junk-mail filters, they put you on a million porn and general spam mailing lists just to prove that the filter "works". I started up a new account on Hotmail a few weeks ago, when they first initiated the junk-mail filter. I checked it after a few days and I had well over 20 junk e-mails. About half in the filter folder, half in my inbox. And my other names in Hotmail are suddenly getting junk mail also... Something's fishy here...

The sky is now completely dark. It's been that way for a while now. I tend to get side-tracked.

I found an interesting thing on MSNBC. It's the stats of everything relating to September 11. Several are extremely pro-American propaganda (i.e. look at the soldier comparisons...) http://www.msnbc.com/modules/wtc/refdesk/features.asp

I think it is so ironic that no one cared a bit about Afghanistan's part of the world before this all happened. They hardly knew who bin Laden was, if at all. Most couldn't even pick out the Middle East on a world map (and most still can't pick out the US on one.... but that's another matter). And now everyone is rushing for information on the Taliban, Afghanistan, al-Quaeda, Islam, etc.... ::sigh:: I hate how people don't care about anything except what directly and immediately effects them. Well guess what...
September 23, 2001 at 7:05pm
September 23, 2001 at 7:05pm
I'm tired. What day is today again? It can't possibly be Sunday.... It feels like a day off during the week. I hate falling asleep during the day. I only do that when I'm sick and/or dead tired. It throws me off too much. In the past 32 hours, I've gotten a grand total of four and a half hours of sleep. If you can even call two hours of that sleep (I was kind of drifting in and out of sleep on the couch... I was really tired but I wasn't entirely letting myself sleep.... it counts as sleeping during the day in my book.).

My throat hurts. I hope I don't have whatever's going around school.

Speaking of school, I need to go over the stuff for the English test on Monday. And I need to work on my maps. I was just waaaaaaaaaaay too tired earlier.

It's freezing in here. I turned the air conditioner off about 20 minutes ago. No one has noticed yet. I've got a bunch of family over. My dad', my grandmother's, and my aunt's birthdays all fall around this time of year, so we have one big part for all of them.

I should get out the dulcimer. I haven't played that thing in a while. I have a song or two I want to figure out.

I'm doing a very stupid Interactive Story right now. I don't know why I'm bothering.

I had cake and ice cream for dinner. lol, one good thing about sleeping through dinner....

My neck is sore though, from sleeping funny. I don't even remember where I was sleeping. I think one of the couches in the living room because everyone singing "happy birthday" woke me up. Yeah, it was in the living room. I could've sworn I fell asleep in the back room though. But then again, my memory is very unreliable for the entire afternoon.

Oh, the reason I got so little sleep was because I was at a sleepover, lol. [To Julia and/or Ennis, if either of you are reading this... DAVID BOUI PANTS!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! (lol)]

Okay. I'm gonna stop writing now, because I really don't have anything to write. It's not like I ever really do though....
September 16, 2001 at 1:14pm
September 16, 2001 at 1:14pm
I realized something just now. I don't think I have called them "attacks" once.... I just haven't used that term. I don't know if I just haven't because that word has been everywhere and I don't like to use words that are everywhere or if it hasn't sunk in yet that, yes, it was an attack on us. I don't know... Maybe I have and I just can't remember? If anyone I talked to can enlighten me....

I actually have a project for Latin to do. Thank God it doesn't have to be in Latin... I think that would just about do me in....
September 11, 2001 at 10:07pm
September 11, 2001 at 10:07pm
My heart goes out to those of you who have lost someone in any of the bombings.

I am still scared. I just can't believe this happened. I guess I'm still in shock. "The point of terrorism is to inflict terror." I guess it worked. Why the hell do people resort to violence though? Are people too thick-headed not to listen to peaceful protests? And why wouldn't someone come forward, if they did this for a cause? Isn't retaliation part of the game to them?

I have cried so many times today. This couldn't have happened, right? Is this all just a bad dream created by an over-active sub-conscious that somehow figured out how to feel tears?

I do have a funny story to tell but I am in no mood to tell it. Maybe some other time.

I just have so many swirling emotions inside of me. The initial shock hasn't worn off yet I don't think. 50,000 people in the WTC buildings. Thank God that some of them hadn't started work yet, and that tourists weren't allowed in until later in the day.

It reminds me of a volcano though, people running from massive clouds of hot gases and ash, staring in awe at a fireball in the sky.

No-Fly Zones. Here? Wait a minute... here?!? I tensed up every time I heard a plane today. I even called a friend when I saw what looked like a commercial plane go over. I think it was one of the diverted flights now.

Closed Borders.... Have they ever done that before? I've never heard of a time when we had closed borders between the US and Mexico and the US and Canada.

And people celebrating in the streets half a world away.... That needs no words. I'm not even going to begin to comment on that.

Hmm... the only place I've heard of the world's reaction, other than the BBC...

^ If that shows up on a link, don't click on it, I don't think it will work.

It should not be compared to Pearl Harbor. #1) It was completely civilians. #2) It was in relative peace-time. #3) The loss of life is tremendously higher.

I'm surprised they didn't target the Statue of Liberty. You'd think that might be as symbolic as the WTC.

There is so much we will probably never know about this in our lifetimes. Or ever. Who knows.

All I know is that I don't want a chance to prove that today's generation could fight a World War. We could, given this tragedy. I just don't want to have to kill or be killed for things to be set right.

"God bless us, every one."
September 3, 2001 at 8:14pm
September 3, 2001 at 8:14pm
Been a few days since I wrote an entry, hasn't it...

Hmm... What's been happening with me... I was at the beach for a few days... Nothing incredible to say about that... Went to one day of a convention... That was pretty kewl.... Went over my parents' friends' house and conspired with my brothers to throw my dad into their pool. He got suspicious when we asked him if he had "any electronics that might be wrecked if they get wet..." We didn't push him in though. I jumped into the pool (in a bathing-suit, I wasn't going to get my clothes wet, jeans sink.) and breast-stroked to the opposite side of the pool and then realized that my watch was still on! It's water resistant, but I completely forgot! Well... at least it's still ticking -- knock on wood. ::checks:: Yep, still ticking.

::sigh:: School has started. Blegh... I was doing history and biology homework today. I have to make maps of certain things in the US for history, due later this month. I have to re-do the ones I did today though. I messed up on a few things, and I don't know how strict this teacher is yet.

I really need to write some more. I have been really slacking off.

I have little sores on three fingers on my left hand... I remember doing something, just not what. I might've scratched them on the cement on the sidewalk near the lip of the pool.

I slept for 11 hours last night. I wasn't feeling well.

FF.Net is finally back up! Now if only I had my fan fictions typed...

Why is it that it seems like everyone else can just type things on the computer. Do their computers just work better or what? I mean, whenever I try to write something on the computer without the pen-and-paper step, it always crashes on me! There's little gremlins in there trying to drive me crazy. I think they run the internet too...

I'm gonna go before I start rambling incoherently. Especially since I have nothing to ramble about.
August 28, 2001 at 10:13pm
August 28, 2001 at 10:13pm
I'm not done cleaning. School starts tommorow. Can't write more than that. Goodnight.
August 28, 2001 at 5:01pm
August 28, 2001 at 5:01pm
I'm taken a break from cleaning. I needed it. I've been cleaning since yesterday and it looks like a job Superman wouldn't touch. I'm not gonna get done today either. I just won't start my desk or the other surfaces until a later date. At least I'll be able to find all of my books when I'm done... Hopefully.

Pizza for dinner tonight. I hate Domino's though.

Speaking of pizza, my Pop-Pop was over today (Grammy wasn't feeling good... again.) and he and my youngest brother built (they're always building something...) a jeep/car out of cardboard. It's actually pretty good looking, considering it's made out of air conditioner boxes and the like. And it reminds me of this little jeep that delivers pizza in town... The size is the same... Well, not actually, I guess the real thing is bigger, but it always seemed so small to me. Maybe because it's a lot narrower than most cars on the road and it tears down the street like it wants to roll over (and it has before).

I had better get back to my room. I need to sleep in my bed tonight. And at least make a broken path...
August 28, 2001 at 9:11am
August 28, 2001 at 9:11am
I woke up at 8 o'clock this morning. I have to finish cleaning my room. That really sucks. I would've been further along yesterday but I stretched wrong and one spot on my back was hurting and I couldn't do much for an hour or two. That and I had to finish reading something for school before I started.

I'm trying to wake up right now.

Actually, I didn't wake up at 8 o'clock this morning. I woke up at 7:54. About 2 minutes before my mom came in to wake me up. But then it took me 10 minutes to force myself up and out of bed and not to fall asleep again. I haven't been waking up at that time for the past month.

School starts tommorow. So much for having a nice last day off.

At least we don't have to wear uniforms tommorow.

I got new bookshelves! I needed them desparately. Two six foot ones and a four foot. I now am working on organizing all of my books. Loosely organizing them. This shelf is for this and this shelf is for that... Only I have to take all of the books off of all of my other shelves to get everything the way I want it.

I'd better get cracking. I have approximately 12 hours to finish. I don't think that will be enough...
August 24, 2001 at 9:48pm
August 24, 2001 at 9:48pm
I think I just drove a friend crazy with "When the Saints Go Marching In". I was on the phone with her and trying to perfect it on the dulcimer. Eventually she said, "Can you please play something else?!"

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star..." She then requested "Mary Had a Little Lamb". (Which I can't figure out how to play... )

The instrument has 2 sharps in that tuning. And only one in other tunings... It makes it a little difficult to play some songs.

lol... I would've done it on ukelele also, but I can only play 3 chords.

My youngest brother always says he doesn't feel good when he doesn't feel like doing something. Right now he is crying because he "doesn't feel good" enough to get up and go into the kitchen to look at a catalogue of school clothes. "That's it, we're getting bloodwork tommorow!!"

"Oh when the saints... Go marching in... Oh when the saints go marching in..."

Oh great, I think it's stuck in my head now...

"Oh Lord, I want to be in that number..."

Okay, so right now, my brother is not faking. It's probably his diet. He snacks on anything. He eats leftovers from dinner at 3 in the afternoon. I'll come home from school some days and he's sitting at the kitchen table eating an Easy-Mac. He eats all day long practically. I'm surprised he's not a beach-ball.

Had an interesting dream last night. It was like a series of vignettes. Really strange though, lol. Actually, it wasn't last night, it was this morning. I fell asleep at 9 this morning after being woken up. In one, there was a bus-like barge on this body of water that went from an ocean, to a river, to a muddy canal, and the barge was driven by an Aboriginal from Australia with that white clay on his face. He showed up as a regular bus driver later, in a part of a different dream in a bus that looked like an oversized pizza truck from a place nearby me...

Okay, it was just a weird dream lol.

I got my hair cut today. I needed it.

My fingers hurt from trying to learn chords for the ukelele. At least the strings aren't steel.

And because of the material that the strings are made out of, and because of how old they are, I have to keep re-tuning them because they get off really easily. At least they are easy to tune, unlike the dulcimer....

Gonna go play virtual checkers.
August 20, 2001 at 10:59pm
August 20, 2001 at 10:59pm
It's so funny. The skirts and patterns of fabric that are coming into style (or that they're just selling in a lot of places now) are exactly the plaid patterns of catholic school skirts. I think it's hilarious. I can point out several and tell you which schools wear them. In eighth grade I had a navy, hunter green, and black plaid kilt. The pattern didn't look that bad, but kilts are impossible to roll.

I got back yesterday from a trip to the shore. There were rips there for most of the time we were on the beach. It was always low tide when we went down on the beach, and when the tide changes, the current gets really strong. We drove through a nature preserve on the way back. The egrets were there in the hundreds. Honestly, there were so many of them, I couldn't believe it.

I found out exactly how big my town is. 1.89 square miles. There's no busing because everyone who goes to the public schools lives within 1.5 miles of them.

I want to learn another language fluently. My mom keeps telling me it would be a waste of time to try to teach myself because you really need a teacher for the pronunciations and all. I think I could teach myself spanish with a few books and/or tapes. But I have enough I want to read and enough I want to do for now. Maybe I'll take that up as my next major project. lol, I tell people I have a million projects to do and they almost always respond, "But you're out of school -- it's summer! What kind of school do you go to?!" Then I have to explain that what I mean by "projects" is things that I've made up my mind to do. Not necessarily get around to doing, or finishing, but things that I really want to do.

I got a new paper journal. I ran out of pages in the last one. I'm starting to write in it more. I think this online journal has helped me a little with that. It's a little jumpstarter.

Speaking of running out of pages, I realized that this is my 25th entry! Not bad for only having it... I dunno... A month, I guess? I'll have to check.

::Yawns:: I'm tired. Good night. Well, good morning, to some parts of the world. Good morning here in an hour.
August 15, 2001 at 6:18pm
August 15, 2001 at 6:18pm
I heard a news report today about internet ad revenues. They were saying how analysts can't agree on whether the money generated by ads on websites will go up or down next year. I'm going along with the idea that they will go up. You want to know why? Because I keep accidentally clicking on the damn things. They're everywhere!

I can't find my copies of The Great Gatsby or the CliffNotes for it anywhere. I don't know where they went. I looked everywhere. It only happens to the good ones too. One of the few school-assigned books I was enjoying too....

A friend of mine told me that she's orange from self-tanning cream and it got me thinking... Wouldn't it be funny if sometime in the future, the threat of skin cancer was so bad that people resorted to tanning with self-tanning creams and being orange was in style?

Oh, I have to go. I might write more later.
August 12, 2001 at 10:54pm
August 12, 2001 at 10:54pm
Alright, those pop-up ads are really getting on my nerves now. I can't do anything while they load. And they don't even load! They don't load for some reason on my computer. Maybe it's AOL, but AOL doesn't not load things that way all the time. It's really annoying. I'd rather have banner ads. So much easier to ignore. And so much easier to NOT accidentally click on.

My dad got a chair with wheels for the computer. (We've been using these really old dining room chairs since we first got a computer. Needless to say, they're falling apart. Literally. The bars between the legs snap off and on regularly and every once in a while a chair has to be completely repaired with wood glue.) I really don't like it. I can't stand spinning when I try to do things and I can't even sit with my legs up on the chair without almost impaling my knees on the sides of the keyboard sliding drawer thing which I can't presently remember the name of. And it's an ugly pattern too. Doesn't match a darn thing. Anywhere in our house. At least it's more comfortable to sit up straight in.

::yawn:: I'm tired. Maybe tommorow I'll be able to sleep in finally. Had to wake up early this morning (well... 8 o'clock-ish) to go to Spanish mass. I don't speak Spanish. I know... maybe 20-30 words/phrases, lol, and no verbs, or next to no verbs. At least it woke me up. They have really beautiful music and all -- even if I can't understand virtually any of it. Guitars, mandolins, maracas, tambourines, etc. The best music the English masses have is a terrible organ player and an old lady cantor who disagrees with the organist about pace, so half the church ends up a word or two ahead or behind the rest. It doesn't help that one or both of them is off-key sometimes. And everyone who sings is so enthusiastic...

I really don't like this chair. I've banged both knees into the scanner now.

Someone gave me the URL to a webpage about UFOs in ancient/medieval/renaissance art. I could give easy explanations for most of them. I think the guy who created that site was looking a little too hard and ignoring a little too much. And several looked like outright fakes to me. The "UFO" part did not looked aged enough, or the cracks were wrongly lined, and things like that.

Hee hee, a chair I can rest my head on the back of comfortably, lol.

A friend asked me to freak out a friend of hers online last night. I won't go into the details, but it was very fun, however sadistic that may seem. I had a hard time getting the guy to believe me in the beginning, but by the end, he was thoroughly freaked out.

I'm going to stop here. I'm almost half-asleep and who knows where my fingers might wander. *Wink*
August 11, 2001 at 9:08pm
August 11, 2001 at 9:08pm
"Red sky at night, sailors' delight,
Red sky in morn, sailors be warned..."

It's evening. The sky right now is a fusion of pale fuschia and lavender. Or rather, the clouds are. Does that count? Could tommorow be a sunny day? I think it's supposed to rain. Yeah, I don't think sailors have ever looked at a completely clouded sky as a sign of fortune.

My parents have friends over. Their kids are over too. The only one near my age is playing a computer game with her cousin on my brother's laptop.

I have been out of Geometry for a little over a week and I still have not been able to sleep until noon. So much has been going on that the latest I have been able has been between 9 and 10.

God, the aforementioned girl and her cousin are being snobs right now. They've been playing that game for about 5 hours and my little brother wants to use his laptop. "You have this game at home." "But it's broken." "So fix it or get a new one." "You wanna buy it for me?" Ugh... And her cousin is mocking my brother. That gets on my nerves. Once is alright, but every other sentence...

I'm just in a pissy mood right now I guess.

The sky is now dark. I don't know any sailor sayings that have to do with that. But I do know a bunch of sea shanties because that is one of my mom's favorite choices for guitar.

Oh, the sky doesn't change that fast around here. I just saved the entry as a .txt file and came back to it.

I'd like to see a movie about a reality show gone horribly wrong. I think it would be interesting.

I created two new polls today. Nothing too interesting. But check them out anyway.

I'm bored. I don't know why I created this journal in the first place. Maybe it's just a little release thing.

Argh, we were gonna rent movies earlier but no one wanted to. Now they're complaining that we should've. I love it when no one listens to my suggestions.

::sigh:: It's too humid to go upstairs or else I would. I'd also get hell for being "anti-social", even though it's just one step away from what I'm doing right now. A solo act of writing in an online journal, not talking to anyone nor interacting. At least it's not really hot upstairs right now. A cold front made sure of that. Now it's only about 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Not breaking any records, not that hot either, it's still really humid though. I hate humidity.

I can't tell if it's my perception or if the lamp over there is vibrating. Okay, it's my perception. Maybe I shouldn't be using the computer right now.

School starts in 18 days. ::sarcastically:: Yay! ::waves little flag unenthusiastically (Maybe I should get a private flag too, lol Pshaw *Wink*::

There is so much I want to get done in that amount of time. And there are even less days because I'm going on a long weekend vacay next week.

Maybe that means I should spend a little less time wasting time writing these entries?

Ya know, I really think it is the lamp that's vibrating.

I've got a song called "No Government" in my head. I can't tell you who it's by though, because I forget.

There was something I was going to say when I became preoccupied with that lamp. What was it?

It IS the lamp! The air conditioner is blowing it even though I thought it was out of range of the current.

Now that that is overwith...

There are a lot of cracks in my ceiling. The house is 110-130 yrs old. I think the last time this room was painted was maybe 13 yrs ago. When I was too little to remember and our back upstairs room was filled with a beehive.

I didn't practice today. Probably because my parents had two separate groups of friends over. Yeah, that might deter me from practicing.

I'd better stop before this spirals downward into comments about the color of the carpeting or something.
August 10, 2001 at 1:25pm
August 10, 2001 at 1:25pm
The fonts are back to normal!!!!!!!!!! Just thought I'd let everyone know.

My library books are overdue. I thought they were due on the 17th, turns out they were due the 7th.

I don't have much time right now. I might write more later. Until ... whenever, bye!
August 8, 2001 at 10:26pm
August 8, 2001 at 10:26pm
I've been singing Christmas carols today. I don't know why. Christmas in August? A new marketing spin! Christmas in July is so... Last month! lol *Wink* "...Should I play for Him? Pah-rum-pum-pum-pum... On my drum..." I was singing "Away in a Manger" earlier -- at least I know the words to that song though.

"Rudolph got run-over by a reindeer..." Wait, that's not right....

Gah! I have no idea what is wrong with my computer, but all the fonts on websites are huge! They have to be at the smallest a size 20 in Microsoft Word. I've tried everything I know how to do (and then some) but I the only thing I managed to fix was the colors. I use AOL, but I can use IE and Netscape and the only one that doesn't look like it had a massive dose of font Miracle-Grow is Netscape, which I hate to use. If anyone reading this could tell me how to fix something like that, please e-mail me at a_g_@stories.com.

Why do my feet keep falling asleep? They've fallen asleep a lot recently.

Had one of the Readers' Theatre plays today. Well, it went alright. Could've gone better. I couldn't hear my cue and one of the leads had to open the door and say, "Mayor!". At least it was only in front of little kids. But he is terrible. I don't know why the moderator cast him for the part. Anyone in the group could do it better than he did/is doing. He didn't even study his lines at all! I barely looked at them and I knew his lines better than he did. He eventually got them but he keeps ad-libbing in stupid little lines (i.e. there is no mention of firearms in skit but he insists on "sneaking in" a line about his gun being unloaded)and he and the other lead are so unenthusiastic. It's supposed to be over-acted!! Oh well, like I said, it's only performed for little kids and we have two more shows.

I got my course schedule for school, finally! Well, yesterday I got it. It's fine, for the most part... I would've liked to have several classes either later on or earlier, but you can't really change that.

God, there is so much I wanna say, but I just can't where people would read it. It's not that it's bad, but I dunno, I've just always been really defensive about privacy and all. I dunno, there's just things I don't want people to read or to know. Things that are just too... Well, I guess you know what I mean. Anyway, I have a pen and paper journal for those thoughts... but sometimes they don't even get there.

There's a show on TV right now about a Saudi Arabian sky-scraper. I didn't put it on. It's interesting though, in some odd way.

Maybe I ought to start making some kind of conscious flow to these entries...

Nah, any kind of conscious flow I would make, no one would be able to make sense of, lol.

Why do I keep using "lol"? I really need a different word for that. It's not even a laugh half the time that I use it, it's more of a snort expressing one or more of several different emotions, depending on context. Now doesn't that sound weird.

I finished one of the books for school today. Algebra Unplugged. I think it might have been better if I had not learned that for two years in a row. It seems like they should have assigned that to the Algebra 1 class instead of Algebra 2. Maybe it was to ensure that the Freshman Algebra 2 people had the basics. Still, it seems redundant. Very Redundant.

I only have The Great Gatsby left to finish. I should re-read The Scarlet Letter though. It should take less time though.

I have a piano lesson tommorow. I haven't practiced a single one of my instruments. I hate practicing in front of people but it's too hot and stuffy and humid upstairs. Well, the heat is supposed to subside this weekend. Maybe I can practice then.

My piano teacher wants me to play two solos on the flute for the recital in December. I think I can do it, but she's never heard me play before... I hope her expectations aren't too high...

Orange juice is really good. I'm sitting here staring at the cup mindlessly -- trying to think of something else to say.

I have cold sores on the sides of my tongue. I hate those things with a passion.

I should go. I have nothing left to say and I have to refill my orange juice cup anyway. Good night.
August 6, 2001 at 3:18pm
August 6, 2001 at 3:18pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 08-06-01 @ 3:20 pm EDT)

I got back from a one-night beach trip yesterday. It was alright. The sand was so rough on the beach. It scratched my knees up body-surfing and boogie-boarding. I know it wasn't shells because there were so few. At least the surf wasn't too rough -- on other beach trips I've come close to breaking things and/or ended up with a realy stiff neck. The first day we were there it was cold and windy and the sun wasn't out, but the second day, it was beautiful and I got sunburned. I'm so fair-skinned that I burn pretty easily. Three hours in the sun and surf with SPF 30 sunscreen and my shoulders and arms and legs and face are pink. My shoulders are the worst. My face isn't much better. At least it's not peeling. We saw dolphins though! I went to throw a handful of wet sand at one of my brothers and looked down to see an upside-down crab in my hand.

Eww, there was something sticky on the side of the keyboard. I'll have to make inquiries.

The brothers rented Recess and Save the Last Dance. I have no idea what possessed them to rent the latter. They will probably hate it.

That first paragraph is completely out of whack.

Geometry is finally over!! Now I have no excuse and have to stop procrastinating.

Got a letter from my school's music department today. It's about a trip they're planning for Peru and Chile. I really don't know if I am going or not. I'm weighing the pros and cons.

I want my roster for school. I wanna know when I have what and who I have for it and who is in my classes. It should come this week... I think...

I forget what else I was going to say. Don't you hate that?

I was at a hobby shop and got this watercolor paint kit. I thought it was gonna be like some kind of paint-by-number thing, only a little more challenging, but I opened it up and it was these pieces of cardboard printed with the same design as on the box, only in black and white. So I got out my watercolor paper and penciled the picture and painted a new one myself. It's not the best, but it came out pretty good. Later I painted a picture of a lighthouse at either dawn or dusk, I haven't decided yet. It looks really good though. And I used metallic acrylics to paint the sun and accent the water. Oh, I did get new acrylics. I went out to A.C. Moore and they were half-price so I re-stocked my supply and now I have about 50 tubes plus crackle coating. I love that stuff. You paint a layer and then you paint a layer of crackle and then paint another color and when it dries it splits and it looks great.

Pop-up ads annoy me. You can't even ignore them because they cover up what you're trying to look at, especially when they are the most-of-the-screen kind. They end up crashing my computer sometimes! And they take forever to load too.

Everybody but me is going swimming. I really don't feel like it today. I need to strengthen my left arm though. I end up going diagonally when I backstroke and then when I try to compensate, I go the other direction.

Did you know that Extreme Ghostbusters is still on? It's moved to the WB. I just saw it the other day. I thought it was off the air.

I can't think of anything else to write. I'm going to go read some of the books I have to read for school.

Batman Beyond is on! Another reason to go! lol (Pinky, I'm blaming this on you. *Wink*
July 28, 2001 at 10:40pm
July 28, 2001 at 10:40pm
Damnit, I never got around to watering her plants. Today or yesterday.

Played almost the entire Evita book last night. And again this morning. I like it, lol. And it's surprisingly easy to sight-read.

Went to see Jurassic Park 3 today. Wasn't the greatest, but not too bad. They could've at least modified the theme though. They did for Lost World. I'm fairly sure they actually used the exact same music for the third movie that they did for the first.

After the movie one of my brothers got sick. Oh joy. He threw up on the grass they have outside the theater. So the ride home was great. One sick brother, and constantly being yelled at to shut-up because he didn't feel good. Geez, my brothers don't even give a crap if I get sick. And now, about 20 minutes later, he's as fine as he ever was and playing video games. And of course he's limping because he "hurt his foot" and insists it's broken. He'd be crying if it was broken. If I so much as lightly punch him, he cries. At least he doesn't usually cry when I have to subdue him before he tries to beat me up. Key word: tries. He doesn't know anything about fighting except from what he's seen on TV, in the movies, and in video games.

The dog keeps coming up to my chair and looking at me. I tell him "You're not going out". And he walks away. Maybe he's learned because I've said it so many times. There's always something out there he wants to chase. I doubt he would know what to do with something if he actually caught it. Lap-dogs aren't great hunters, lol.

I stayed up until 2 AM last night writing a non-fiction story. It's called "The Ordeal". I think the only thing that could've made the fics worse would be if they had been Mary-Sue fics. I think the story I wrote turned out pretty good though. I'm probably going to post it on my site with the fandoms changed. "This story is true. Only the fandoms have been changed to protect the ::cough:: innocent."

Speaking of fandoms, can anyone get onto FanFiction.Net? It keeps saying that the URL is not found. Did they get shut down or something?

I'd like to see the theme ingredient on Iron Chef be ketchup. That would be interesting. "And it looks like he's making some kind of dessert. He's putting the ketchup on... what looks like hamburger ice-cream..."

I spent the afternoon typing that story and doing a geometry exam review. I hate bubbly hand-writing. It looks very immature. I can't even read it. I've never written that way so I don't have much experience.

Watched History of the World, Part One last night. It was hilarious. "The Inquisition (what a show)..."

I have to go. Bye-bye.

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