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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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July 27, 2001 at 7:19pm
July 27, 2001 at 7:19pm
Geometry's over next Friday! Yay!! But it also means that I've wasted most of my summer doing nothing with my other free time.

Mom has friends from work coming over tonight. She had me paint a shoebox for one of them, a gag gift kind of thing. I had to paint the box white. I really need new acrylic paints. The only white I had was this really bad tube of titanium white that I had to add so much water to to get it to work like paint. After I was done painting it, it seems that the paint migrated to the sides. It was really diluted (I could barely mix any of the pigment in the water!) and even after several coats, the shoebox showed through.

I rented a Mel Brooks movie to watch on DVD. The History of the World, part one I hear it's pretty corny, but I figured I'd give it a try. The brothers rented two video games for N64. A Star Wars one and a James Bond one.

I haven't seen the hummingbird in our backyard in the past few days. The feeder's still out, but I haven't really been watching it much. That could be why I haven't seen it.

I need to rant about history repeating itself, but I just can't right now for some reason or another. I think I might have ranted that one out. I've written maybe 3 or 4 rants about it already.

Mom's friends are here. It's alright if I be anti-social. They're going outside to be isolated from us anyway at least for snacks (I'd write orderves, but it would be phonetically spelled... lol...)

I got the sheet music for Evita today. It's one of a bunch that I sent away for online. They're coming from different places, so I have no idea when the rest are coming. I also got the Weekly World News tabloid from the supermarket. Those are so hilarious.

I think I ought to check whether or not my neighbor's plants got watered. I'll do that now. I might write another entry later.
July 22, 2001 at 7:50pm
July 22, 2001 at 7:50pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-22-01 @ 7:55 pm EDT)

Just got back from seeing Footloose. Good job, Rowen!! lol... Your dancing has really gotten better, but I didn't see your signature move!!! lol

The male lead was a little off-key, but the rest was great.

I have Geometry tommorow. Ugh... I don't want to have to wake up at 6:30...

At least I'm making some progress in at least one of the stories I'm writing currently. Not that "some progress" is much progress.

Brothers really know how to get on people's nerves. Especially when they quote certain parts of Austin Powers 2 and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it... and then move onto something else and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it...

Ha! Now they're getting on each other's nerves. Good, this might get interesting...

This site keeps slowing my comp for some reason. It's one of the ads. The one that says "You, yes, you.." or something like that.

I wanna get my roster for the next school year. Any day now...

Do you know how hard it is to find flute music in stores that's not Christmas, Classical, Jazz, or Disney? I ordered a bunch of sheet music books online.

I had a dream I was a ghostbuster a few nights ago. It was... strange. Key words/phrases of it: Sharks eating seals; Eddie Munster; Color-coded fish-patterned place settings; "That's terrible movie-making!"; blue and black shrimp cakes (like a crab cake I guess...); A wavering laser pointer of a proton pack; "Olly olly oxen free!" or something like that; "This is a dream" "Yes it is" and then forgetting that fact. Don't ask about the rest... lol.

"It's my shower-slash-escape pod!" - I don't know. I just heard that coming from a brother. I don't bother with the rest. I think they're playing with legos.

Anyone else like Muppet Treasure Island? I love most Muppet movies but for some reason that song that goes, "And when you're a professional pirate..." just became stuck in my head. Only the humming part. I haven't seen that movie in months.

I'm so weird...

Are those triple dots are called ellipses? I heard that name somewhere for them I think, but I don't know. I use them a lot in case you can't tell.

People always want the simple answer to complex problems. They expect other people to have all the answers or to come up with them quickly...

That was a change of subject for you.

I hate those stupid spam junk e-mails advertising porn. Where do they get off? And who actually clicks the links? No, wait. I don't want the answer. All I want to know is why they send e-mails to people who aren't even at all within their target audience. I don't really care to get e-mails about enlarging certain organs I don't have, thank you.

I'm lucky if half of the e-mails I get aren't ads/spam/forwards.

I hate forwards too. I've even sent out e-mails to everyone in my address book telling them not to send me forwards unless they are really good. I think it's slowed them a lot, but I still get several a week. I don't send them too often though.

Geometry is tommorow... Ugh... I know I already mentioned it. Too bad.

If I didn't mention it, my mom tuned my ukelele. Now all I have to do is figure out how to make the chords. I have a book listing 300-some, but I don't know how to hold the instrument... lol... I'll have to ask her.

Don't you hate it when you're preparing a smart-ass remark and then the other person says something other than what you thought they were going to say? I know I do. It just happened.

I should go. I've been rambling this entire entry and I really don't think that will change.
July 18, 2001 at 10:52pm
July 18, 2001 at 10:52pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-18-01 @ 10:55 pm EDT)

::Sighs:: Tommorow's packed. Let's see... from 7:30 to 11:30 AM there's Geometry (which I actually have a test in too...), it takes a half hour to get home, then I have to eat lunch and pack all the stuff I need to take for the afternoon. At 12:30 I go to the library to help out with the last day of their science program for kids. Then from the end of that (at 3) until 4:30, I have the theatre club at the library. After theatre, I have to practically jog/speed-walk about seven or eight blocks to my piano teacher's house and I'm there until about 5:15, depending on what time I get there. At least that night's free. I think my brothers might even be out with band practice...

I realized today that I haven't had a chance to practice piano this past week. Oh well.

"Nice guys finish last...
You're running out of gas...
Your sympathy will get you left behind..." - Green Day

A friend just quoted that. I think I asked him what he was thinking about. I said, "At least the nice guys finish at all." To which he said, "Hardly." But isn't finishing the point of starting?

Never trust brothers with a laser pointer. I'm lucky I'm not blind yet.

I don't really have anything else to say. I'm having an interesting conversation with someone about anarchy. He's saying about how he's pro-anarchy and how people would live with no rules and no government. I won't go into the details, but what a Utopia that would be -- the way he's describing it at least...
July 16, 2001 at 10:51pm
July 16, 2001 at 10:51pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-16-01 @ 10:58 pm EDT)

I just bent over to pick something up off the ground and almost fell off the other side of the chair. Aren't I graceful...

There are so many spiderwebs outside! I felt like I needed a machete out there, there were so many spiderwebs. We need rain to clear them out at least a little bit. I've spotted at least 5 webs today. Walked into one or two without seeing them. If it doesn't rain soon, I'm going to start walking around outside with a wooden rod all the time in my backyard. (It's a bright blue painted handle off a little broom for kids. I have no idea where the bristles or whatever they're called went. I actually used it earlier to clear a huge multi-layered spiderweb that was spread between a holly bush and another bush in my yard because that's where the gate to the next yard is...)

My mom got a book to learn guitar from. She's gonna help me learn that.

I've gotta start writing down my dreams again. It's interesting to look back through a notebook I have and read them detail by detail. I just haven't had the motivation to get up and write for a while. In fact, I don't know when the last time I wrote anything was. Only a few weeks I'm sure, but that bothers me. I need more initiative or something.

I was over at my neighbor's for about three hours today... I didn't even realize it until I happened to glance at my watch and realized it was quarter of 9. She started singing a line from a song every now and then. But all she could remember was the tune and one line. She did several songs though, lol. "It's a lazy, hazy, crazy day of summer..."

Gawd, my geometry average is an 84. I get it, I can do it, I just do the stupidest mistakes... I can't always think straight at 7:30 in the morning either. Why the hell am I making excuses...

It's really annoying when people you don't know that well, never really talked, only have their screenname and vice-versa because of a school project, instant message you. The longest conversation I've ever had like that was ten lines. Usually it's four or five:
"nmh. u?"
And that's it. It annoys me. I mean, it's not even worth it. Save the energy, people -- you don't burn very many calories by typing that.

Did you know that banging your head against the wall for an hour burns 150 calories?

My throat's sore. It just started.

Mom wants me to be in bed by 11 tonight. I can't fall asleep that early. It's pointless. Even if I was bored out of my mind, I couldn't fall asleep at 11. Boredom prolongs awakeness, for me at night at least. And I can't just shut my eyes and go to sleep because if I don't fall asleep immediately I have to open up my eyes because I can't stand it. Oh well...

"Can't sing but I've got soul..."
^ A line from "Elevation" by U2. I really like that line. I quoted it earlier though and now I've got "Elevation" in my head...

"a mole diggin' in a hole
diggin' up my soul now
goin' down excavation
iron eye in the sky
you make me feel like i can fly
so high
oooooooo oooo
ooooooooo ooooooo
oooooooo oooo
ooooooooo ooooooo...."

Oh geez...

Here's something to remember: Band-aids don't work to stop bleeding when it has already stopped by the time you get a band-aid.

A science program started out today at the library. I help out with it. It's to get little kids interested in science. The older kids (grades 4-6) have a huge attitude problem. I was talking to the instructor though, after the classes and he was telling me about how archaeologists think now that the a lot of the early Protestant settlers at Jamestown were killed by arsenic slipped to them by a Catholic working for the Spanairds. I'd never heard that before, but then again I don't really read that kind of thing by choice often (that, and I think it's a relatively new theory).

I have to go. Damn 11 o'clock rule... Yeah, I'm sure it'll help my work in school.
July 14, 2001 at 11:15pm
July 14, 2001 at 11:15pm
Computers were invented to annoy the living hell out of people, weren't they. I was trying to save all of the files I've created on my laptop to a CD so I could fix my computer without worrying about losing all of my files. Well, it took at least 5 times to finally get it right, and then, after I had already locked the CD-RW, I found out about half the files were corrupt for some reason. So I had to start another disk (which actually worked perfectly). Anyway, I spent almost the entire day working on that and didn't get to the actual fixing of the computer.

I have finished over a gallon of orange juice in two days. I've been thirsty.

"Apple" is a weird word. I do that sometimes. I'll see a word and it seems spelled completely wrong, but I know it's not. I had trouble with "and" one time... *Wink*

Either somehow someone tells John Edwards the information or he's genuine. Or they they severely edit the show so you don't see the number of utter guesses he has (which actually seems quite possible now that I think about it. they constantly switch the camera between the interviewer and the interviewee.)

Oh, by the way, that statement didn't come out of nowhere. I'm half-watching the Sci Fi Channel. They had a commercial for it.

I'm so bored...

One of my brothers just came up and said, "During that John Edwards show, when he says 'They're standing next to you,' they probably jack up the air conditioning or have some guy with pliers pulling the hairs on the back of the people's necks."

"Weak as I am, no tears for you.
Deep as I am, I'm no one's fool.
Weak as I am...
So what am I now?
I'm all of those soft words
I once owned...
In this tainted soul
In this weak young heart
Am I too much for you?...
Weak as I am, am I too much for you?"

I love that song. It's off the Mission: Impossible soundtrack. "Weak" by Skunk Anansie.

Well, I really had no point for this entry other than the computer thing. I oughta close up my laptop and unplug all the stuff I have attached to it. I'm surprised I didn't blow a fuse earlier.

I should go. Make sure I don't end up blowing a fuse. I might've if the air conditioning had been on...

July 13, 2001 at 10:04pm
July 13, 2001 at 10:04pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-13-01 @ 10:07 pm EDT)

Hmm... I know I already wrote an entry today, but I didn't even mention that today is Friday the 13th.

Ha! My brother never did take the computer.

Well, I still can't remember what I was going to write before, but I have the feeling it's something that I actually did write on there. I do that sometimes -- thinking I forget something when I haven't really. I don't know why that happens. I don't know a lot of things. It would be nice though, to know about more things. It would be nice to be able to read everything I want to. But you can't learn everything from books. Some things need to be learned from other people. Other things need to be figured out.

Farscape is on the Sci-Fi Channel right now. Not my favorite show but I'll watch it sometimes.

Geez, it's pathetic that I'm so bored that I'm writing something that's barely coherent. I really want to read a book or something, but it's too hot and humid (and if not hot and humid, just stuffy and humid) upstairs in my room and there's too many distractions downstairs. I could put up with the heat and humidity in my room, but I really don't think I have the concentration right now.

I have several things I set as goals to get done by the end of the summer. I doubt any of them will. I have to type several stories, write a bunch on others, type up quotations from various places, work on a bunch of things on my website...

"Oh, the places you'll go!"
"Oh, the things you can think!"

Where'd those come from? I love those two books. They're Dr. Seuss and written for little kids, but I like the creativity in them. I love how surreal the pictures and names of things are.

Why am I so tired? It's 9:30!!! I don't usually fall asleep for 2 1/2 hrs at least!

My foot was aching the other day. (Did I spell "aching" right? It doesn't look right.) I broke it about 6 or 7 months ago. It was only a hairline fracture in my pinky toe, so it wasn't that bad (and it kept me out of gym class!), but the rest of my foot hurt worse than the toe even though the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with it. The way I broke it is a little embarrassing. I was standing on a chair taking down a poster from my wall so I could put up this poster I have that says "Women of Science" and has a bunch of female scientists and little paragraphs about them. I jumped off the chair, left foot first. My ankle buckled and all my weight went onto my pinky toe and and my foot rolled down on that side. I doubt I could ever repeat that little display of skill and grace.

That incident caused my brothers to make a song to the tune of the Slinky jingle. "She falls off chairs and breaks the stairs and makes a thunk-edy sound, a thing, a thing, a stupid old thing, everyone knows it's a Meagan..."

Yes, Meagan is my name. Pronounced Megan, not Meegan.

And the stairs thing is from one time when I slipped down the stairs in my house and was trying to stop myself and actually kicked out one of the posts holding up the railing in the process. Good thing it popped right back in.

I have no one to chat to. There are only two people on and one I don't really associate with and the other one has an away message up. Hmmm... one other person on MSN messenger, but now that I have the option to, I don't really want to chat. I'm fickle tonight.

The Daily Show on Comedy Central is hilarious.

So what does everyone think about Beijing getting the Olympics? Their human rights record is terrible, but at least it's a little better than before. At least with so many foreigners coming and going it might be easier for those who want to escape to actually do that.

I'm rambling. Oh well, deal with it.

I'm always worried I'm going to lose these entries when they get really long. I don't have a good record with computers working right. They probably all have viruses that the scanners won't pick up. My laptop's virus-scanner isn't even working. Well it is, but the main screen of it keeps crashing. I have to save my files from it to CD and then reload Windows or something.

Brother bugging me again. Neither brother takes it when it's open, but always wants it when I'm on.

Yay!! Someone is on that I can talk to.

Whoever is watching TV just flipped from Farscape to something on the History Channel I guess. All I know without looking is that it went from a Sci Fi Channel commercial to something about Hitler's suicide.

I should stop writing before I hurt myself with too much useless information. That can be a very dangerous thing.

My brother just came up and shook the chair. He's lucky it didn't collapse. This chair's at least 50 years old. And it creaks and squeaks when you sit down on it.

Alright, now I shall go.
July 13, 2001 at 7:15pm
July 13, 2001 at 7:15pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-13-01 @ 7:27 pm EDT)

::sighs:: Another week of Geometry over. Another week I have not yet finished reading even half of the books I want to read this summer. One less week I have to finish reading The Great Gatsby, Algebra Unplugged and The Scarlet Letter. I have to read those three for school, even though Honors English already had to read The Scarlet Letter last year. I have about five books out of the library and still have one or two to read -- how I could be so stupid as to get out that many books without reading the ones I've been waiting to at home is unknown to me.

I was really tired this morning. I was reading until 12:30 last night (hey, it's a good book!!) and that's not late -- if I didn't have to get up at 6:30 to get ready and go to school. I don't understand why I can stay up until 1 or 2 AM during the school year and not be that tired.

I've gotten two consecutive 82's on Geometry tests. I need to do better. I think they brought my average down quite a bit. I don't know yet. I could figure it out but I don't know what homework and quizes count as.

Ever see that commercial with the business people running towards Taco Bell? Where they are all singing... I really don't know the name of the song, but they used it in Westerns... I think that commercial's pretty funny... in an extremely weird way... "And I run and I walk 'cause I can't find a horse to ride there..." Okay, I'm scaring myself now.

For some odd reason I spent some time earlier doing quizes on Emode.com. I learned several interesting little ::cough:: "facts"...
I should be a Scorpio.
My aura is sapphire.
I was a hamster in a past life.
Good careers for me might be: astronomer, physicist, computer engineer, lab technician, or mad scientist.
My superpower is time travel.

And for those of you who are curious, it said I was a Siberian communist hamster who eventually made it big, moved to the US, and denounced communism.

If anyone reading this is really superstitious, could you answer a question for me? :
If you live across the street from a cemetary, do you have to hold your breath indefinitely?

I was just wondering that a little earlier.

My bro's bitching about not being able to use the computer because I've had the computer "all day". Just for the record, I haven't. And I get more things done in a week than he gets done in 3 months. All he does is play video/computer games (which is what he wants the computer for).

There was something I was going to say... Oh, I forget it. It'll come to me later, when I'm done writing this.

I took my neighbor's dog on a walk today. My neighbor is almost 92 and was really healthy until a year or two ago. She started getting Alzheimer's Disease. Or maybe she just stopped being able to hide it. It's a short-term memory thing. At least she seems to be getting a little better. Maybe the meds are working. Anyway, I've started taking her dog on a walk every few days because my neighbor forgets that she already fed the dog and puts out more food. Her dog is a minature poodle whose name is Madame Pompadore -- Pompi, for short -- and is getting a little overweight.

My brother just set a time limit. I have thirty minutes left at the computer. No, correction, fifteen. That was the quickest fifteen minutes I've ever experienced. I could've sworn it was only a matter of 5 seconds. In fact, it was. Don't you just love that?

Kind of an opprotune time for him to say that though, because I have nothing else to say -- that I know of. Maybe I'll go read some of those books now... Yeah, that's a really good idea...

But, then again, if I did that it would be letting him win. And that's not fair. I can't let him win. I just have to stop writing so when I am forceably taken from this chair I won't lose another journal entry. Au revoir! (I think that's how you spell it at least...)
July 10, 2001 at 10:19pm
July 10, 2001 at 10:19pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-10-01 @ 10:28 pm EDT)

DAMNIT!!!! I had a really nice entry that I'd written and then somehow I must've hit "reload" by accident (I have no clue how) and ended up with a blank box here. Oh well, let's see if I can rebuild it...

It would be interesting if they could make some kind of multi-media complete-experience journal entry thing? Where you could feel the writer's emotions at the time of the writing of it, see the pictures dancing through the author's mind, feel the memories coinciding with it, hear the music from the author's CD player, etc... That would be scary though, wouldn't it -- not knowing if what you remember really happened to you, taking on personality traits of the writer, your self as an dispersing cloud of mis-matched feelings, flowing out and eventually becoming nothing...

Geez, I'm at it again. Feel free to tell me to stop speculating at any time. I most likely will not listen and drift off into a little mind-world of mine and.... what were you saying? lol...

The movie StarGate has a really good musical score. (So what if I listen to CD's of movie background music? They're really good if you want a certain atmosphere in something you're writing. It's funny how music can do that. Anyway...) Speaking of musical scores, I saw Evita on DVD the other day. I really liked it. It was different from almost every musical I've seen (no, it wasn't just because it was in movie form). I didn't know Antonio Banderas could sing. Is Evita still on Broadway? I know it was playing recently in a theatre near me -- and I heard the female lead was terrible.

more coming soon, i just needed to save this, just in case...

Okay, back. I just didn't want to lose the entry again.

The other day my geometry teacher said, "Why do we need to learn history? I mean, it's history. It's the past. It's long gone." I hate it when people make statements like that. I must've written at least five separate essays/rants about people saying that we don't need history. Why does no one listen to the proverb, "History's bound to repeat itself"?

We are violent by nature. There are wars and always have been. There probably never will be a complete and utter world peace. Yes, wars might end (How? I'd rather not know). Yes, all the countries of the world may be professionally friendly with each other.

Alright, don't let me start on an all-out rant. I'll save that for another day.

Now what else was I planning to write?

Okay, fine. I'll go now.
July 8, 2001 at 1:15pm
July 8, 2001 at 1:15pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-08-01 @ 1:20 pm EDT)

So much for writing the other day...

Ya know, I'm convinced my bike had a deathwish for me on Friday. Well, my brothers, my dad and I were going to go for a bike ride in a nice park nearby me. But I hadn't ridden my bike since last Autumn, so it was covered in spiderwebs and lint from the dryer vent on the side of the house. I went and got a brush from the basement (I guess it's for metal cleaning or something. I'm not sure.) and got off most of the cobwebs and lint, but I couldn't get it all off the spokes of the wheels. After that, I wheeled it around to the other side of the house (the bikes are sort of boxed in) and got on it -- which is when I realized that my tires are flat. I had to pump up the tires. Once they were pumped up, I started to ride to the front of the house and then realized that one of my hand-breaks was a little hard to squeeze. They worked alright though (with sufficient pressure), so I wasn't going to fiddle with it and screw it up more. Anyway, once we got to the park, we went on a few trails through the woods. But since I was a little leery of my breaks, I had to go slow (I really didn't want to be out of control and hit a tree or poison ivy or something). I was worried about going slow through some parts though, because if I hit a big root, I could easily slip to the side and tumble down a 100-foot (at least) 80-degree grade into a marsh which was currently at high-tide and rumored to have quicksand and that's if I was lucky and didn't slam into any trees on the way down. (hey, I'm not making that up!!) Needless to say, I survived and didn't fall down any incline. But later on, once we were back on the asphalt path, we came to a gully (I guess that's what you'd call it, I can't think of any other name for it. It's too small to be a valley.) The path ran down it, over a bridge over a stream and up the other side to another asphalt path. My brothers and my dad went first. I went last. I started out okay, but then realized my brakes weren't working right. I was pulling them hard and felt them giving. I put my feet down in an effort to stop myself but to very little avail. Meanwhile, I was still pulling my hardest on the breaks. I slowed a little, while almost digging my heels into the blacktop. I was finally able to turn into the grass and stop myself. But of course, that was great because I ended up about 6 inches from a wall of poison ivy. I hopped off and walked the bike away from it, then yelled for my dad. He rode up the path and asked me what was wrong. I gestured to the bike and said sarcastically, "What's wrong?". My handle bar had turned completely upward and the hand breaks were sticking straight up in the air. My dad laughed and unzipped the bag on the front of his bike to get the screwdrivers out. We fixed it and tightened the breaks and I tested it out. They seemed to work fine (or better than before at least), but I wasn't going to risk a replay so I walked the bike down the hill and rode up the other side (which is less steep). The bike was fine the rest of the time, except when the plastic cover popped off the gear that holds the chain and I had to pop it back in, but I was still not entirely confident through the woods.

Isn't it sad that that's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a few weeks? lol.

Let's see, my weekly schedule:
Monday: Geometry, possibly helping out with the little kids' computer club at the library
Tuesday: Geometry, Readers' Theatre club at the library, Our Voices teen club at the library
Wednesday: see Monday
Thursday: Geometry, Readers' Theatre club
Friday: Geometry

How interesting!!! And no, I didn't fail Geometry. I'm taking a full year's course for five weeks for a credit so I don't have to double up if I want to take AP Calculus senior year. I have it 5 days a week for 4 hours a day. At least I have a good teacher. I've heard terrible things about the Geometry teacher at my school (my school doesn't offer summer Geometry so I'm taking it at a different school). If you think I'm a nerd, dork, etc... well, that's your own opinion. I remember one time I wrote this essay, kind of more of a speech, when I was really angry at some of the people in my class. I don't remember how it all went, but I really liked the last line: "I'd say I'd be your boss one day, but I really don't want to be a manager of McDonald's." lol, a little harsh, yes, but they've never read it and never will.

I guess that's about all I'm gonna write this entry. I have to go eat lunch and who knows who could take the computer and erase this while I'm gone. ::coughbrotherscough::

July 5, 2001 at 10:34pm
July 5, 2001 at 10:34pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-05-01 @ 10:35 pm EDT)

I made that title after writing the rest of this entry. I couldn't really think of anything else.

I had this really good idea for a Fourth of July entry but then I had no time to actually type it!! ::makes noise of annoyance::

Hmm... my writing binder (an actual physical binder I have) is getting thicker and thicker... maybe I should put some of those poems online here as well as on my site.

I have to go. Tommorrow's Friday. I'll have time to write tommorrow I guess.
July 1, 2001 at 10:03pm
July 1, 2001 at 10:03pm
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-01-01 @ 10:05 pm EDT)

I hate going to the movies. Not that I don't like going, it's just that I hate coming out of a dark theater into bright sunlight and coming to the startling realization that it's 2 hours later and that the $7.50 I spent on the ticket (not even counting the extremely overpriced food) wasn't worth it and the movie would've had the exact same effect on me if I had rented it from Blockbuster. And the thing is that it's slightly shocking to me that the time's disappeared even though I expect it.

What started that rant, you ask? I went and saw Atlantis today (I went with my younger brothers and cousins). It was pretty good as far as Disney animations go. That didn't stop me from nitpicking at all. What was really bothering me was that the Atlantian written language corresponded exactly to English letters... Or parts of it did at least.

On to other topics...

Garth Nix is a really awesome writer. I've read two of his books (I think that's all he has out): Sabriel and Shade's Children. I cant decide which was better. They were both extremely imaginative, incredibly descriptive, beautifully written, and still seemed real in some weird way. I just finished Sabriel today. I was reading it for hours today. I couldn't put it down unless I had to.

Ugh... I was going to say something else... What was it?... ahh... that's it.

Yes there is at least one good point to writing in a journal online. You don't have to worry about deciphering scribbles written with a leaky pen on a night when you're just too emotional to care about how the letters look. Fortunately, I can figure out most of what I write down. I'll jot ideas for stories in the margins of ones I'm writing and even if they don't look like coherent letters I can usually remember what I was thinking at the time by looking a the half-written letter-squiggles. Writing helps me remember things. I'll have to see if some book on psychology or learning or whatever can tell me why.

That's all I'm gonna say for this entry. Ciao
June 30, 2001 at 11:20pm
June 30, 2001 at 11:20pm
"...read and read 'till your face turns green"

Maybe that should be a jump-rope rhyme. I won't suggest it though. It might actually entice kids to read... Or not. I don't really know how that would affect a kid's mind... I don't think I want to know either.

Wow, two hits. Makes me feel popular. ::rolls eyes::

At least it's better than none.

The letters are rubbing off the keys of my keyboard. The bottom of S is pretty pale. A, H, L, E, D, C, and R are not far behind. Just noticed that.

I had this really good line for a poem in my head earlier and I can't remember the entire thing. I didn't have any paper or else I would have written it down. AH!! Okay, I just remembered the missing word. Now I've gotta write the rest. Or later. Just have to remember the line. "A chorus of unenthusiastic voices..."

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is one of the best books I've ever read. I usually stay away from teen fiction because they are typically romance, but the summary and sample in the front cover were really interesting and I loved the cover (so what about the old saying...). This was not romance, in case you can't tell. Romance inside of another plot or plots adds another dimension to a story (most of the time at least), but by itself... I know that adult romance follows a certain pattern. I can't remember it exactly though.

I usually read sf (note: "sf" is pronounced "sci fi" and refers to science fiction literature; where as "sci fi" refers to movies/tv. Or so someone told me...); or news magazines (US News, Time, etc.); or non-fiction (usually Holocaust, Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures [Maya, Aztec, etc.], or pro- and/or anti-paranormal). Ocassionally I'll traverse beyond those genres and read fantasy, tabloids (Weekly World News is the best. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I think a lot of things in that are utterly hilarious), suspense (not horror though), collections of poetry or short stories, or whatever looks interesting.

I've got this song in my head. It's off one of those CD's you see on those big racks in stores where they have this center panel of 20 or so squares of small pictures CD covers and you can press a button and it plays a CD. Well that's a run-on sentence. Do you know what I'm talking about as far as the CD rack goes? Anyway, the song's got these flutes native to South America I guess. I play the flute. Can't tell you what kind, just your usual flute that's played in a school band/orchestra. I know there's another name for it though. I've been playing for about six years but had a crappy teacher for four years of that. And so I ended up not really learning much after the first year (from him at least, I got books of songs I wanted to play and taught myself the notes I didn't know) and losing some of what I had actually learned, and have had to re-learn (or just dig up in my mind) tonguing (mind out of the gutter, it's a woodwind instrument term meaning you stop the air flow after a note with your tongue), counting certain types of notes, what the bottom half of the time signature means, and certain other things over the past 2 years. My teacher this past year told me that the only thing that I really need to work on is keeping time.

I took up piano about 3 months ago. I needed a challenge. My teacher for that seemed to be very excited to have a first-time student who could read music. She has me playing a simplified version of Beethoven's Fur Elise and the first page of... someone's Sonatina I. Let's just say that they don't sound that great.

Hmm... I can't think of anything else to write right now. I have to get to my writing notebooks and write down that poem...

June 29, 2001 at 10:34pm
June 29, 2001 at 10:34pm
Alright, the last one probably does not fit in there. I don't think any fit in there except the first one. I could be wrong.

I don't see why people are afraid of what they don't know. I mean, I am sometimes. Okay, a lot. But I just don't get it. Is it some kind of survival instinct or what? What was I trying to say again?

Oh, forget it. So ends another entry in this reader-less journal.
June 29, 2001 at 9:39pm
June 29, 2001 at 9:39pm
... you all for not reading this journal at all. Damn, I need a new title or something. I'll write more in a few minutes maybe. Gotta do something.
June 28, 2001 at 2:20pm
June 28, 2001 at 2:20pm
Not a single person has bothered to even take a peek at my journal as of... whatever time I'm writing this entry.

Thanks for making me feel insignificant.

Maybe I should have made the summary say something else. It's a little cliche-y I think...

June 27, 2001 at 6:04pm
June 27, 2001 at 6:04pm
Alright, I have asked two people what an oscilloscope is, just to see what their answers would be. Neither had a clue.

For those of you unacquainted with oscilloscopes, an oscilloscope is a device that is used to see radio/sound/etc waves. It looks like a little TV screen with a bright green line going horizontally across the middle. Depending on the frequency (I think that's the word I'm looking for...), the line moves in a wave motion. It's kinda hard to explain.... I'll see if I can find something to compare the image on it with. I know I've had to learn waves in science classes several times, maybe if you can think back to yours... (crest, trough, wavelength, etc. Jogging your memory yet? lol)

::notices that everyone is sleeping...:: Hey! Wake up!! ::sighs, shakes head, and signs off::
June 27, 2001 at 5:06pm
June 27, 2001 at 5:06pm
I've always considered a thing like a journal to be an extremely private thing. Never to be read by anyone until your corporeal body has long since turned to dust.

But maybe that would be waiting too long after all.

To tell the truth, I'm a little reluctant to write in this. I've kept diaries and journals since I was age... 7? 8? Either way, I never let anyone see the insides of any of them. I value my privacy. I love writing things no one might ever see. It's some kind of private thrill that just... I don't even have the slightest idea how to describe it. The only thing that I can think of to compare it to is some kind of pseudo-Fantasia movie playing on the big screen in my head with my mind's eye in the best seat in the house. Not that I'm comparing it to a cartoon or a movie, but the music, the emotions, the colors, the shapes, the movement, the ... oh, I don't know. That was my best effort at describing it. Maybe you got the picture, but I'm more than willing to believe you didn't.

I don't know how often I'll write. I'm not giving any guarantees other than I will at least attempt writing in it often...

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