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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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February 26, 2002 at 10:31pm
February 26, 2002 at 10:31pm
I don't know why I'm even bothering writing. I just felt like I needed to put that phrase somewhere. I just came up with it.

We've been assigned a project in school. An information literacy project. It's supposed to take a year total. My class is the guinea pigs for this experiment -- the school has never done it before. We have to have an idea of what we're doing by the end of March I think. My ideas so far are:
lost(but discovered) Maya cities -- which is probably a broad topic, because I think most, if not all, Maya cities were once lost
Maya or Aztecs or lesser known civilizations of that area -- which are very broad topics, more broad than they seem
recently discovered civilizations -- which I may not be able to find much information on
search for life beyond earth -- which might be hard to find reliable information for
paranormal arguments -- which may not be accepted by my school
Maya/Aztec comparisons -- again, a very broad topic
Maya/Aztec mythology/religion -- which is interesting, but I doubt I'd be able to find too much information on
ancient astronomy -- I really like this idea, but I don't know if I could or should get more specific with it
nature's tendency to bounce back -- which would make a very choppy paper I think
Meso-American languages -- which would be difficult to find, and maybe not possible for me to do

The problem with those topics is that I am really interested in all of them, but I don't know if I'd be able to have a teacher/advisor help with them. We have to have an "advisor" help us with our project along the way. It doesn't sound like they will be helping too much, but I don't know yet.

My foot is asleep!!!! I hate it when that happens. I have to stop sitting on my legs.

And one of my brothers just ran through the living room making airplane noises. I don't know why.

I went skiing on Saturday night. It was great. The weather was beautiful and I had a good time. I had been skiing twice before. (Once when I was about 8 or 9, and my brothers complained so we left without learning anything, and once last year. The time last year, I signed up for a snowboarding lesson. It was so hard for me. I just cannot be comfortable with the sensation of sliding down a hill sideways with my feet strapped to a board. I also don't really have enough ankle/foot strength to stop or turn sufficiently on a snowboard. I'm not heavy-footed and just couldn't turn. So after the lesson and trying it for a while, my dad and I went back to the lodge and switched boots [he was skiing and our shoe-sizes in those things were close enough that we could trade]. He tried snowboarding, while I tried skiing. I told him what to do and he told me what to do. Skiing was so much easier than snowboarding -- so much more natural. I resolved to get a skiing lesson next time we went.) So this was my first lesson in skiing. We went out to the mountains for the evening session. My brothers signed up for another snowboarding lesson and I signed up for a skiing one. We got to the bunny hill and were looking around for teachers. We had to ask one of the people in their staff lounge/trailer where the instructors were. They sent one down for skiing and told my brothers to wait until one of the other classes was done. The instructor was really nice. Since it was around 6 o'clock, there was no one else there for ski lessons, and I had a private lesson. I knew some of the basics and we covered them quickly. Then we went up to the tow-rope to the top. The first time I tried, I fell flat on my chest on the more-ice-than-fake-snow. I quickly got out of the way and was trying to get my skis back on when he said, "Ya don't see many skiers doing that. Mostly snowboarders. It's rare for that skiers to fall on the tow." Oh, thanks. At least I know I'm being unique, lol. The second time I hung on all the way to the top. I had made half-way down in little bits when I had to take a short break. My knees were hurting (I've had problems with them before) and I had been hesitant the entire time about taking the first turn downward. At one point I said I was afraid I'd hit someone and he casually replied that they were more likely to hit me. "I know that makes you feel so much better," he added at the end. Well, I made it to the bottom of the hill and made sure to thank him sincerely and profusely, because I know that he really wasn't supposed to teach me as much as he did. I doubt if it had been a lesson with other people that he would have gotten past teaching the tow-rope. I had only fallen twice during the lesson too -- once on the tow-rope, and once when I fell into a turn. The entire time I was there I only fell a total of four times. I can rarely claim that off-skis, lol.

As a snack later I got a soft pretzel which I swear tasted like cigarette-smoke. And on the car-ride home, I had a french fry which tasted like a cucumber, and I had a vanilla milkshake which tasted like strawberry near the very end. The only one I can't think of an explanation for is the cucumber fry. I mentioned those "flavors" to my dad and my brothers and of course I was made fun of for it.

Are there run-ons in there? Yeah, probably, but I'm not checking.

I have to write a paper on local history for English this Friday. I chose local industry because that was the subject I could find the most information on, and could write a 5-paragraph essay on. It's actually really interesting figuring out where things were and imagining the town centuries ago. It's also really interesting to make little connections to things I see often, or to things I've heard.

Well, I sure found enough to babble on about. Sorry I bored you to death. I have to get to bed now anyway. Goodnight...
February 11, 2002 at 4:15pm
February 11, 2002 at 4:15pm
It's been six months since September 11. I noticed about three months ago that flags were disappearing rapidly. It really annoys me when people say "nine-eleven" or "nine-one-one" when they are referring to that day. If it had been any other day of the year, would people be shortening it like that? Would we have "four-ninteen" or "nine-one-oh"? Why don't we shorten other days' "titles" to that length?

I had an entire entry planned out in my head, and then I lost it. That happens so often.


         More than an end to war,
         we want an end to the
         beginnings of all war.

                    - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
February 10, 2002 at 7:10pm
February 10, 2002 at 7:10pm
I can finally use chopsticks! We have Japanese/Korean/Thai (that's what the take-out place was, though I think we only got Japanese dishes) for dinner and I ate and entire bowl of vegetable udon with chopsticks, lol. Okay, that moment has passed.

I have to write a speech for my English class directed at 8th graders about going into high-school. It has to be approximately 3 minutes long. I don't know how to say what I want to say without reiterating what everyone else said.

I thought I had gotten out of a rut I was in for a while. I guess there's still residual... "radiation" or something. 99.5% of my writings used to be fan fiction. And now I'm getting a lot of fan fiction ideas again. And of course I couldn't just write regular old fan-fictions either -- I wrote mostly strange crossovers. I did have some really good ideas for Matrix ones though. Oh well, at least maybe it'll get me back into writing.

I have started every paragraph so far with an "I". I think it needs

A change of pace. Okay, so I cheated...

I have to go anyway.
February 7, 2002 at 3:55pm
February 7, 2002 at 3:55pm
I was home from school sick today -- the first time in a year and a half. I felt awful last night and no better this morning. I woke up this morning, read a little and then watched Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. A little later I fell asleep (well, sort of, I had a hard time sleeping), and then just woke up for good about 45 minutes ago.

I'm trying to get my homework from people via e-mail right now... gotta go.
February 3, 2002 at 5:15pm
February 3, 2002 at 5:15pm
The people at my library must think I'm insane or something. I always get the strangest combinations of books. On Friday, I went there and got close to the limit of books they allow you to borrow in one day -- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Animal Farm by George Orwell (both by choice, I'm already done the latter and I'm half-way through the former), The Idiot's Guide to Photography, two giant college directory books, a manual on learning C++ Programming, A Necessary Evil (a book about the government), a history of archaeology, a book on publishing books, and a book of short stories by Isaac Asimov. And some new person rang it up, lol, I'd love to know what they think of me. If only they saw the books I have at home, lol...

I have a short paper to do for history. It's really annoying. I hate being forced to do things with exact parameters. Because whenever I'm forced to do something to the letter, I'm always worried I'm not doing enough, or I'm doing too much, or I'm not doing it right... well, you get the picture. And then it doesn't help if the subject is really dry for me. I had to find an article in the entertainment section and write up a thing on it. That was horrible. I rarely watch TV, and then it's usually the news,The X-Files or something on the Sci-Fi Channel. I could really care less who's going out with who in Hollywood or who wore what to any given award show. I loathe pop music/culture. I'm not really a big fan of movies either. Most comedies are completely stupid. I never saw the point to horror movies -- if for some reason I'm forced to watch one, I'll sit there saying things like "Mistake number one (two, three, etc.)" and "you could've escaped out the other way..." under my breath. I can't sit through romances. Most sci-fi movies suck. Most movies based on books are awful. But every once in a while there are some really good ones.

I have to get back to my history Current Events paper. I'll never get it done if I don't force myself to...
January 31, 2002 at 6:51pm
January 31, 2002 at 6:51pm
Hmm, it's been a while since I posted a darn thing on here, hasn't it. Maybe I'll put up my history journal entries this weekend.

Oh, I guess you're wondering about the title, eh? One of my brothers just said that to me. I was dancing around the house (like I usually do...) and was half-jogging through the dining room when I noticed that the closet door in there was partially open (yes, we have a closet in our dining room; the house must've had the most screwed up architect, if there even was one... the studs in the walls are not even even -- when we went to put more bookshelves in my room, we discovered that the studs go from 15 inches between them, to 14", to 18", to 16"... but anyway...). Now, the top of this door has been sticking recently, and hasn't wanted to close right. So I decided to shut the door. And no, I can't be normal about it, like everyone else, and take the doorknob and shut the door with enough force to get the top in -- I took a running leap at the door and hit the top with the palms of my hands. I walked into the living room and my brother said, "Did you just run into the door? 'Cause I saw you running and then I heard a BAM!" I didn't look over at him as I sat down at the computer, but I answered him: "No, I was just shutting it. I didn't run into it... again..." I have a bad habit of running into walls and doorways and solid structures in general. I could swear, sometimes doorways jump out six inches when they see me coming just to silently laugh as I bang my shoulder, head, or other body part into it. I have a bad track record with inanimate objects.

::sigh:: Tommorow I have school until 11:30 AM. We have no classes. It's almost pointless. I say "almost" because even if it's a half day, it counts to the quota of days that we have to be in school.

And speaking of school, I got my report card and PSAT scores back. Both were really good. My verbal went down a little bit on the SAT, but my math went up by a lot.

Okay, I'm gonna go now. I should start writing here again....
January 1, 2002 at 2:33pm
January 1, 2002 at 2:33pm
But it has not won the war... yet.

I was finally in the mood to clean. Last night. At one in the morning. I was up until 3 cleaning. I wasn't tired at all, but I forced myself to sleep eventually. And I'm still not done. I have to get back to it really soon.

My method of cleaning is that I throw everything on the floor, then sort it into piles, then put it all away. Sounds simple, don't it. Yeah. That's what I thought too.

I'm sick. Always on days off...

I had a good entry written yesterday, and of course the computer decides to restart on its own.... I can't even remember what I had written already.

I have to go. We're eating an early dinner and my room awaits.
December 30, 2001 at 6:19pm
December 30, 2001 at 6:19pm
Woohoo! 50 entries by the end of 2001!

::sigh:: Still cleaning. I get distracted so easily. I've been playing with things that I find in my room as I clean. It's the best part of cleaning. "Ooo... shiny..." Yeah, it's kinda like that.

Dinner's being made... er... bought... as I write. I'm waiting for my dad to come back with pizza. I'm hungry, lol, I haven't eaten anything overly substantial today. For brunch I had a cappucino and a mug of hot chocolatl (I had a stuffy nose... probably allergic to all the dust floating around my room) and I've been snacking on various sweets all day.

Over the course of this break I've read half a book and wrote a poem and a half and I haven't touched my site. My goals are not going to be met. I have to finish cleaning soon. Correction. Now.
December 29, 2001 at 9:51pm
December 29, 2001 at 9:51pm
I'm in the midst of cleaning my room. I have to be in the mood to clean. I am not -- and it shows. I have barely done anything in two days (besides making a huge mess). I was practically threatened into cleaning. And I have to get back to it. Goodnight.
December 24, 2001 at 9:03pm
December 24, 2001 at 9:03pm
The title is something that my uncles were saying just now at dinner. They are always making jokes and things. They were making fun of that unsuccessful shoe-bomber. And making fun of the security guards who let a 6-foot guy on the plane wearing platforms. ("He can't be a terrorist, he's just plain weird.")

I finished making my gifts tonight. I was down in the basement hot-gluing velvet bookmarks (don't ask). My index finger is burned. Not badly at all. Just a little blister. I leaned in slightly cooled hot-glue with another finger on that hand and at first I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on my or a shooting pain or something, so I ignored it. I looked down my finger was in the glue. It's not like they really hurt though.

I just heard one of my brothers say "I K.O.ed Mary, okay?" I look over and there's a little plastic robot in the nativity scene with laser-swords crossed. It just completes the look we have with the three wisemen on 2 keyboards and a drum set. We have these little raffia angels with musical instruments and little raffia angel singers, so our nativity band is complete. We're still coming up with a name for them.

Well, Merry Christmas to all the people out there who celebrate it. Happy 25th of December to everyone else.
December 11, 2001 at 9:30pm
December 11, 2001 at 9:30pm
I had to write a paper for Latin tonight -- all about the Ancient Greek standards of perfection. We were essentially told what to write for it. Except for the last paragraph, which had to be all about what my ideas of perfection are. I like how it turned out. I'll post it below. Keep in mind that my Latin teacher is a nun....

I do not agree with the Greco-Roman standards of perfection. I don't believe there is such a thing as utter perfection in humans. If one person could be considered "perfect" in every area of life, then he or she would not be human. Humanity is based on imperfections. Even the most celebrated individuals are imperfect, though "imperfect" could have many different meanings. Very few have even come close to perfection. I think that the person who came the closest to perfection was Mother Teresa. She devoted her life to others and never asked for anything in return. She probably would not have been very high on the Greek ladder of perfection though. She was not powerful in the sense that she ruled a nation, but she was powerful in other ways. She did not have the qualities that the Greeks associated with physical perfection either, especially towards the end of her life, when she was a frail old woman. She devoutly believed in God (which would have been a blasphemous belief to the Greeks). But she was very successful at what she set out to do. The Greeks had their own ideas about perfection, as every person and every culture do. I do not think there really is such a thing as human perfection. It is an ideal rather than a reality. Everyone has their strengths, but they also have their weaknesses. In other words, I think that human perfection is, in essence, imperfection.

I think I heard a quotation once that goes along with that line of thinking. I can't remember what any of it was though.
December 1, 2001 at 11:41pm
December 1, 2001 at 11:41pm
The Wizard of Oz was on tonight. I love that movie. I saw the beginning and the end because it got interrupted by a phonecall, but I was happy to see it, just the same. I've always loved that movie. Even though it was made a little over 60 years ago, it seems like it could take place present day. I still find it hard to believe that the movie is that old. I love it though.

I was just outside on my porch with my little brother. We were using one of those "spy gear" toys that is a sensitive microphone. It was really silent out tonight. I could hear the dog running on the grass, and my brother making noises. That thing would be perfect for bird-walks or listening to frogs at night. Speaking of nighttime, the moon was really eerie when it first rose. From where I saw it, it came up behind a cloud bank. I couldn't see the moon, only a bright but slightly greenish glow behind the clouds. The clouds made a striped pattern of light.

I have really good song in my head. I don't know who sings it. I had The Battle Hymn of the Republic in my head the other night. I don't know how it got there. Better than the Marine's Hymn, I guess... lol...

"From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli..." Ack! Dammit! lol, why did I just do that to myself... I think I have the music to that one for ukelele. Speaking of which, I have to find out if my uncle could fix it. The bar that holds the strings snapped. (Don't you love my use of technical terms?)

I have to go. It's getting late. I have an algebra project to do tommorow, possibly. I have history to do and biology to study for though, so worst-comes-to-worst, I can put off the algebra project. I just won't get the 5 points extra credit, which I might need on this project... argh... It's really hard. We have to find 10 newspaper articles on certain subjects and connect them with something specific in algebra.... "Be Creative". How about I take the creative path of not doing it? No, she has no sense of humor. None at all. Good night.
November 24, 2001 at 10:53pm
November 24, 2001 at 10:53pm
We went out Christmas shopping. I've decided I'm not going to buy gifts for everyone this year. Some people I'm going to buy for, but for others I'm gonna make them gifts. Hopefully I'll get to everyone. I have to get started soon. I have to make a list of who I'm giving to and what I'm making for them, so I can get anything else I need at a craft store. I did get something for myself when we were out tonight... lol... A $5 CD of Native American flute music. I love the sound of those instruments. By the way, the title of this entry is the title of one of the songs. The titles seem... I don't know... kind of stereotypical... Anyway...

The Patriot Act. A patriot for what country? Oceania? So how does the first round of rights-stripping feel? There are two directions this can go: back to where it was... or a downward spiral... And I find myself wondering if people will know or care...

I was reading Emily Dickinson's poems a few days ago. She didn't name a single one of them. I didn't know that.

There was a bare spot on my wall. I got new shelves and the lowest one is shorter than the others (there is a reason for this, it wasn't just a random short board), which left a spot of emptiness on the wall between the shelves and my bed. I wanted to find some pretty picture or a celtic cross and hang it there, but I found something that works better. I made three metallic paper crane (red, green, and blue) and strung them under the shelf. It's almost like a mobile (sp?) now. They're really pretty. They just spin slowly on their strings....

If I can find metallic paper somewhere I'm gonna put a paper crane on all the gifts... I finally know how to make one. We'll just have to see how long I can remember it. It's in a book I have, but it's nice to know things without looking them up.

One of my brothers got mini-magicians' chains that you can shake off. Right now they're chasing each other around with them, and I think one of them may be currently chained to the dining room table... Correction, he has broken free from the grips of the table and now his ankle is attached to the baby-gate we use to keep the dog in the kitchen when we're out.

And I just heard a "dad, the lock broke!" lol, don't you just love cheap toys?

I'm so bored right now. I should be typing my English paper that's due Monday. Or working on my Algebra paper that's due in early December if I want extra credit on it.

I should stop rambling before my computer goes and loses what I have.

This native flutes CD is kind of bland... oh well, what do you expect for five dollars...

November 18, 2001 at 12:58pm
November 18, 2001 at 12:58pm
Woke up last night at 4 o'clock. Stayed up until 5:45 -- when the horizon started to get an orange glow from the sun. The meteor shower was incredible. We must've seen hundreds, including one that left a visible dust trail for who knows how long, and several dim clusters that seemed to be moving slower directly overhead. They looked like they were just skimming the atmosphere. Oh, and a correction. It won't not be seen as well for twenty years. It won't be seen as well until the year 2099. Definitely could see it better than when I tried to look for the aurora....

I have homework to do now... Maybe I shouldn't have slept until noon.
November 17, 2001 at 9:57pm
November 17, 2001 at 9:57pm
Yup, very early. They say that tonight (well really, tommorow) the Leonid meteor shower will be the best over the US for 20 years. So I like looking at the sky. So what? I tried to see the aurora a little while ago... Turns out due-North is right over town. No, it couldn't be in any other direction, we have open sky in those directions... ::sigh::

Saw Harry Potter this morning. It was really good. They didn't use the best effects in the TV previews. Most of the actors did really well in their rolls too. I really wanted to go see that movie dressed up as Darth Vader.

Speaking of movies, we rented Final Fantasy last night. Geez, in a few of the scenes I mistook the animation for live-action! The story was really interesting too. I've never played any of the games... I don't know if they all tie-in or what. The ending was very anime-ish, but more realistic than most movie endings I've seen (book endings are a completely different matter...).

Had a dinner theatre at my local library Friday night. I was Hattie R. History, the reference librarian. Basically, the entire thing was a court scene. The head librarian died by falling down the stairs, the jury had to figure out if it was an accidental death or murder. I must've done a good job misleading them, lol, they thought I did it. Ha! Turns out to be accidental... well, sort of... it's a bum's fault. Don't ask. I had to be really snooty, don't think I did that well, but annoyance at being questioned -- that I can do. We got a little grief from the moderator about using mild curses (if consider "piss" and "hell" that) and about the prosecutor's line of questioning... that got interesting (Where the "piss" came in: "And were you pissed off about Mr. Handsome [one of the other people being questioned. it wasn't really a trial, more just an inquisition] seeing Ms. Wright [the dead librarian]?" "No! I'm pissed off about being questioned like this. I would NOT kill my best friend!" .... and .... "When did you start...hmmn... fooling around with her?..."). It's a good thing we didn't let younger kids in. The judge was I.B. Cool, a self-proclaimed uncaring, impatient, party-going New Yorkah (wasn't in the character profile, but she pulled it off, lol). She threatened to kick me out for out-bursts against other cast members and the prosecutor. I had to do something while sitting in the audience. It got really boring otherwise, lol.

I forgot what else I was gonna say.

I think I'm going to found the militant wing of the Salvation Army. Sorry, just heard something to that effect in Austin Powers. One of my brothers is watching it...

I have homework to do tommorow... I want to sleep in.... Why do those two things never seem to work each other out. You should be able to use sleep as a homework pass. But then again... it's the only teaching some teachers do...
November 12, 2001 at 10:56pm
November 12, 2001 at 10:56pm
Okay... since this is entry #42, I figured I'd do some kind of tribute to Mulder, since that's his apartment number and all. Well, he's gone. Okay. That's interesting... I really think they should've ended the entire show on Mulder and Scully kissing. "He's gone..." Thanks for the answer, people at Fox... Chris Carter isn't with the show anymore is he? Oh well. okay that's it. I'd rather watch the show with Mulder in it. And what's the deal with the naked Xena? Are they that desparate for ratings?

I'm really bored right now. I had a lot of ideas for a journal entry before, but they're all in hiding right now.

::yawn:: I think I'm gonna go and read now. Good night.
November 5, 2001 at 11:13pm
November 5, 2001 at 11:13pm
Just got done writing a report for English. It's due tommorow. It's about urban legends and goes into mass panic. We have to bring in a prop. I burned a few segments of the infamous radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds onto a CD. Hopefully we'll have a CD player... I was listening to parts of it last night. They really did a good job. No wonder so many people panicked.

Just heard on the news that there's an aurora tonight. I've never seen one of those. Of course the sky is cloudy tonight.

I should go.
November 3, 2001 at 11:52pm
November 3, 2001 at 11:52pm
Went to see my school's production of Fiddler on the Roof. Wasn't bad at all. Somehow most of the Russian-Jewish accents disappeared by the second act though. I realized something while watching that play: You can always tell when a play is put on by a highschool by looking at the actors. True, some are really good at stage presence, but for the most part, the guys stand there swaying like they're about to pass out and the girls stand there, stiff as a board, looking like deer in the headlights.

Okay, normal people lose socks. Me? I've lost two pillow cases and counting. I have absolutely no idea where they went. They're not in my room, they're not in my parents' room, they're not in my brothers' room. Right now I am using one of my brothers' left over pillow cases and am searching for another one. That's not to say that I don't lose socks. I lose a million of those. I have so many mismatched pairs of white socks.

I was going through some of my writings. I should really upload them here. And on my site. My site first. I have a lot to do there. I counted: I have over 130 poems typed, and close to twenty extremely short original stories/essays/fan-fics. Go me.

I have off school Monday for a teacher retreat. I have homework to do my tommorow -- algebra, probably latin, um... hm... what else... oh yeah. I have to write a paper for english. All about urban legends and mass hysteria.

Thursday I was so worried about my dog. He had been limping the night before (earning him the nickname "Sir Limpalot", but that's another story) because he had had a bad allergy on one of his hind legs and he had licked it to the point of bleeding. He went out trick-or-treating with my brothers and I and was hopping around on three legs. On Thursday though, he wouldn't walk on either of his back legs and lay on the couch most of the day. I wasn't feeling good at all, so I sat there with him. In the afternoon, he started trembling. I was really worried that there was something seriously wrong with him now. My mom thought he might have lyme disease. We took him to the vet that night. We were there for an hour and a half (not in the waiting room either). They had to take two sets of x-rays of him. The second were taken because the first made it look like he had an enlarged heart. Turns out he didn't and his x-rays looked fine after all. He just sprained a muscle trying to run on three legs. I think he was shaking because he was scared that he couldn't walk. He's a million times better today than he was then.

Okay, it's getting late. I have to write tonight, I never get much of a chance to do that. Goodnight.
October 31, 2001 at 11:15pm
October 31, 2001 at 11:15pm
Went out tonight for Halloween. For the first time in... a while, quite a few years people actually knew what (well... who) I was dressed up as: Amelia Earhart.

Yesterday afternoon, I realized that I still did not have a costume for Halloween. I dragged my youngest brother up there with me to A) find the costume boxes, and B) help bring them downstairs. The first box I carried downstairs by myself -- it's only full of hats, which makes it very light. The second box is much heavier. It was really hard to get it downstairs without killing one of us, but we managed. Now, if you've never seen my attic stairs (which most of you reading this have not), you have no idea how hard that is. The stairs are maybe two and a half feet wide; they curve twice, meaning that the stairs get extremely narrow towards one end; there is so much stuff on the bottom few stairs that it is an incredible balancing act to get past them carrying something; the walls are old, they haven't been painted for at least 15 years, probably more -- they are an off-white (currently -- they might've been whiter before) scuffed lead paint (it's an old house, go figure); there is no electricity, plumbing, heating, cooling, or insulation in my attic at all. None of that makes it easy to carry these two things down. It's not like I can just slide them down the stairs (because, believe me, I would if at all possible). I had my brother stand at the top of the stairs, and I stood a few feet down. We inched it down, trying to balance it between steps, and getting it around the bends without having it knock me down and go sailing down the stairs, knocking over everything in its path. There were a lot of "Watch it!"s, "NO!"s, and "HANG ONTO IT!!"s while we were doing that. But we got it downstairs, amazing as that was. I dragged them down the hallway and into my room and proceded to throw the contents of the boxes all over my floor in a desparate search for ideas. I was still wearing my boxer-shorts, navy stockings, and white t-shirt (fromy my school uniform) while I was trying on different outfits. I tried on about three different skirts, just to see what they looked like, and various accessories to try to get ideas of what to dress up as. I tried to try on some shirts on top of my t-shirt, but I think I outgrew them when I was in the 5th grade. No way I could ever fit into those shirts -- too short, too narrow all the way thru, too small in general. Didja ever try to try on a shirt and end up with your arms stuck out behind you because they couldn't move in that shirt and you didn't want to rip it? Yeah, it was a little like that. Anyway, I gave up around 7 o'clock and said that I would dress up as an artist and just wear my painting t-shirt and black pants. I left all of the clothes and hats out on the floor (including one hat that just kept spreading feathers all over the place) and went downstairs still wrapped in one of the scarves. Later, I had to go back upstairs and clean the mess up. I cleaned it all up and forced the box shut. Then I had a really good idea. I rememberd that my dad's old maroon wind-shirt that he used to use for skiing was still in the box. I opened the box back up and tore through it looking for that shirt and a thin white scarf. The jacket was perfect for an Amelia Earhart-type thing and the scarf worked really well. I wore those and black pants and a tan turtle-neck and a pair of swimming goggles on my head which were the closest thing I could find to aviator goggles.

But people could actually guess what I was this year!!!!!!! Last year, I was one of the men-in-black, the year before, I was an obscure character from The X-Files, and before that, it was easier, but still not the easiest to guess.

I carved my pumpkin today. I drew a sailboat in indelible marker and carved out waves and clouds. I was going to carve out the sailboat, but the pumpkin was too thick to do what I wanted.


         More than an end to war,
         we want an end to the
         beginnings of all war.

                    - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
October 22, 2001 at 10:22pm
October 22, 2001 at 10:22pm
My English teacher thinks that she can keep our interest or teach better or something by using pop culture references. Every once in a while she'll quote song lyrics or refer to a movie or something. Today... she called me "young Jedi." I'm still wondering where that one came from. Her references usually have at least vague connection to what we are doing in class, but that one today really came out of nowhere. But I shouldn't really be talking about things coming out of nowhere, should I... It'd be very hypocritical...

But "young Jedi"?

::sighs:: At least her writing on the board seems to be shrinking a little bit. The smallest letters right now are maybe... seven or eight inches tall? Yeah, they're slowly shrinking...

Okay, I don't get this at all. I'm staring at the star rating on my journal right now, and it's at 5. In my portfolio, it shows up as 4 1/2. They won't make up their minds. Oh well, it makes it interesting, trying to guess.

In a few weeks there's going to be a lot of faded flags flying. Did anyone else notice how they are slowly disappearing? People are forgetting. The patriotism doesn't seem to be lasting. I didn't really think it would.

I'm tired. I got my normal amount of sleep last night but I was dead tired this morning. I should've slept during study hall, instead I read several chapters in a Carl Sagan book, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. It's really good. lol, I took it to read at the orthodontist's a few weeks ago (I haven't picked up the book in a while) and my orthodontist looked at the book and said, "Deep stuff, have to read it for school?"
"No, just reading it."

My dad is across the living room, watching wrestling on TV and making fun of it.

Did I mention I'm tired?

Goodnight. Buenos Noches. Sayonara. ("one of these things is not like the other... one of these things just isn't the same..." -- sorry... that was uncalled for... lol... nighty-nite...)

P.S. May The Force Be With You.

(sorry George Lucas)

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