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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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November 28, 2002 at 7:27pm
November 28, 2002 at 7:27pm
My parents were cleaning out the attic, looking through things they haven't seen in "about thirteen years". (Don't bother deciphering that.) And my mom found a eight inch false white marble bust of the composer Wagner. That bust is now sitting on my piano. It is even weirder than Schubert. Schubert is small and you can't see him staring at you unless you are sitting at the piano. Wagner is bigger and glares at you wherever you are in the room. Not only does he glare, but he has a sneer. He's so disapproving and grumpy. That one I absolutely need to turn around so I can play. One of my brothers came into the room and made a detour to turn Wagner around because it was creeping him out. So Wagner's big white back is facing the room now. I have to admit, earlier this afternoon I loved the play of light and shadow on its face, but that was all. Then I turned it around. Maybe I'll try sketching it tomorrow when the light plays the same. I was never good at drawing people, but there were also art theory/drawing books up in the attic... And now there are two more books in my room.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The food was very good. We ate at 1:30 and it is nearing 7 and I am not hungry in the slightest. Big meal. My brother is such a better cook than I am. Years do not equate with anything besides age. Did you know that cranberries gel when cooked with sugar and water?

There was an X-Files marathon on today. I was happy about that.

I have a headache right behind my eye. I keep getting those.

Saw Phantom of the Opera the other night. It was pretty good. Went with a couple of friends and had fun.

(Had to stop using "I"s...)

(And to get back into that awful habit of using "I"s: ) I updated my site today. One new poem. I need to find more submissions... Is it just my imagination or has it REALLY slowed down?...

Some people definitely dive headfirst into the shallow end of the gene pool. We had 25 mph wind a few days ago. I saw people out raking leaves... Now I understand that they may not have any other time to do it, but really.

I wonder if the chemicals in turkey have the same effect in dogs as they do in people. My dog has been extremely lethargic today. He had more turkey than any of us, but my mom thought he may have been sick earlier.

All right, this morning I could remember none of the music from Phantom. Now I can remember it all.

I should go. Good night and

Happy Thanksgiving!
November 14, 2002 at 6:10pm
November 14, 2002 at 6:10pm
There was this beautiful towering pine tree two houses down from me where a new house was just built. It was such a beautiful tree, had to be over 100-150 years old. Of course, they tear it down. For really no reason whatsoever. It makes the area look so much more open, but gives them a lovely view of the funeral home next door since they took out an entire line of trees. Nobody likes trees. They really make the river look pretty, but of course people would rather have a wider view... even if it is over chain-link fences and yards and apartment complexes...

I got a mylar balloon on Friday and it's still fully inflated, floating in a corner of the room. Never had a balloon last that long. Of course, I never get mylar balloons anyway... When I was a baby though, I was playing with one. My dad told me that my face turned silver... apparently mylar comes off...

I smell peppers cooking. Never too fond of peppers, but I'll eat them.

It was sunny today. A beautiful clear blue sky. I still remember one of the last times we had a sky that clear blue... I went outside to take pictures around sunset. Most of the trees have already lost their leaves. They changed so quickly this year and were gone just as fast. Half the trees didn't even make it past yellow.

I think the peppers are done... I'm going to go eat. Then do my homework. I have to do a good job of the Latin corrections... As well as study for a history test...
November 13, 2002 at 9:32pm
November 13, 2002 at 9:32pm
My eyes are going crossed. I am honestly sick to my stomach. I have been studying Physics for two hours already (and have not done any other homework--not that I have much) and it has made me realize that I really do not have any idea of what I'm doing. I thought I did. I thought I was getting better. I just did about ten problems that looked nothing like what I've been doing, but at least I got those. The next couple seem vaguely like what most of the test will be on, but I have no idea what to do for them. And our book has no answers in it for the major problems!

I'm freezing. And I have to go back up to my room to study. My room is the coldest room in the house in the winter aside from the sunroom (which is all glass) and the attic (which has no insulation). My room is also the coldest room in the summer, which is definitely a plus.

The bottom step is splintering from the dog's claws I think. I pulled an inch-long splinter out of my foot. Good thing I was wearing socks or it would have broken the skin completely. I don't think it did, but my foot still hurts in that spot.

Listening to that Egyptian MIDI again.

And I keep getting chills tonight.

I need to study Physics more. I was so confident going in...

I also need to finish Act Two of Macbeth.

I use too many "I"s in these journal entries.

God, I hope I'm not getting sick. I can't get sick this week or this weekend. I don't know if I can get sick until Christmas.

I'm so tired... I just want a month off... I want to sleep a month... Wake me up when we're at war.

There is too much to do.

Today has not been a good day at all. Okay, yeah there were some good points to today, but they were few and way too far between...

If I told my mom I wasn't feeling well, she'd tell me to go to sleep. Sleep cures all ills.

I just answered another instant message out loud! What's wrong with me?

I have to go back to Physics...
November 13, 2002 at 4:21pm
November 13, 2002 at 4:21pm
I walked into Latin today ten minutes before the end bell--I had been up in the computer lab getting the details on an SAT prep program. I thought there was something wrong when I walked in but I just attributed it to the dreariness of the day. It's been raining for several days here. Even the teacher seemed a little depressed. I found out after I left why everyone seemed so sullen. My entire Latin class (save one, maybe two) failed our most recent test. There are eight people in the class. The one who definitely passed had a 71 (two points above failing). It was not me. The other one took the test today, and I don't know how she did. In a class of eight that should not be happening. We all knew it. We knew it in class, asked questions, did it on the board. I don't know what happened. This is our first year with this teacher and she assumes we know more than we do. The nun who used to teach us went by her own rules half the time. And our current teacher has given us about 50-75 words we have to know. She gave them to us in the beginning of the year, but we only breezed through them in class and had never seen half of them before. She might give us a curve or a re-test. I really don't know. I don't even know my score.

I have a Physics test tomorrow. Things just keep getting better and better. At least I am pretty confident on this material.

I'm considering sending my class ring away to be resized. It's just about a half-size too big. I have to ask my grandfather what material is in soldering, because I have an allergy to certain types of metals and I really would like to be able to wear my ring.

The entire school is peeved about a day off we were awarded for a fund-raiser we had. We have school for three hours on December 23. Christmas Eve Eve. And yet they give us December 9 off.

Listening to a MIDI from one of my brother's games. It's an Egyptian-ish thing. I need to find some real Egyptian music with real instruments.

I do have to study Physics now though. I have to study long and hard. I want to do well this quarter. Or rather, keep doing well.
November 8, 2002 at 11:52pm
November 8, 2002 at 11:52pm
Had my Ring Dance tonight. It was fun for the most part. Not bringing a date gave me a lot of freedom I'm now happy I had. And for once I took pictures!

There's a tradition/superstition at my school that if you touch the stone in a girl's ring while turning it, she'll become a nun. So, of course, we all decided to screw each other over and rub each others' stones. Yeah, I'm stuck in the convent with at least three-quarters of the junior class, lol. I'm so saintly...

Scented nail polish is the strangest cosmetic invention. Okay, not the strangest, but up there. I have clear blue scented nail polish on right now. It smells nice, but I still find something fundamentally wrong with smelling nail polish -- dried or not. It's almost as clear as clear nail polish, but with the vaguest hint of blue.

It's getting late now. Good night.
November 7, 2002 at 11:46pm
November 7, 2002 at 11:46pm
I now have a class ring! It's really pretty but a hair too big, so it slips. My mom put tape on the back of it so it won't slip off my finger. lol, it looks like I broke my ring or something. It's a really pretty ring though. And it's a lot smaller than my mother's and my grandmother's rings.

I wasn't incredibly excited about it until I showed up there tonight.

Tomorrow is a fluff day in everything except Physics and Trig. At least the periods are only 28 minutes.

Reading Macbeth in English. It's much better than Romeo and Juliet.

Good night.
November 4, 2002 at 10:27pm
November 4, 2002 at 10:27pm
I just lost half a journal entry because the darn thing kicked me off. This'll be short I think. I'm tired. My hands are cramping. This entry may or may not make sense. You've been warned.

It finally feels and looks like Fall. There's been a gray, cold November sky all weekend and the leaves are finally the colors they should be.

My arms are cramped. I typed three pages of a story earlier today. Size 11 font, single spaced. I was proud of myself. I have plans laid out for a whole big story which I don't know if I'll ever finish. I wrote for three hours last night longhand (I like doing that better).

I got deja vu a lot this past weekend. (My weekend lasted from Thursday until tonight because of days off.) It usually comes in groups though.

My brothers got cheap black gloves to wear with their Halloween costumes. I'm wearing a pair of them right now. They're not the warmest gloves, but they're something. My hands will be covered in black fuzz when I take the gloves off though.

I'm waiting for the shower...

My eyelid keeps twitching. Like you all needed to know that...

Why am I so afraid of everything? I'm so paranoid about everything...

Attack of the ellipses...



Oh geez. I should really go before this completely collapses into randomness...

November 1, 2002 at 10:08pm
November 1, 2002 at 10:08pm
For Halloween last night I was a moutain man/prospector. I had a 'coonskin hat (which was actually fake skunk skin) and big grey beard. I wore a flannel shirt and dirty-kneed jeans with hiking boots. I found an old black eye-pencil and drew wrinkles around the corners of my eyes. To keep my hands warm (and to hide my hands and nails, lol), I wore my mom's rose gloves.

Just for the scare factor, I danced up and down the street while trick-or-treating. How often do you see a "mountain man" strutting and leaping and skipping and spinning and can-canning?

Another thing to fear: I am no longer Learner's Permit-less....

I spent over an hour and a half looking for a dress or a shirt/skirt combo for the Ring Dance on Friday. (We get a dance the day after we get our class rings.) I found this really pretty black dress which is actually fairly flattering (such a rarity). It's three-quarter-sleeved and goes mid-calve on me. The front of it is sagged or whatever that style is called. I also got a turqoise-ish and silvery chain belt thing to go over it.

I've always loved that Southwestern turquoise jewelry. I made a necklace in that style a few years ago. My Pop-Pop had a silver feather earing in a box of random metal jewelry and buttons and things. I used that and a tumbled piece of turquoise and soldered it to a piece of silver he had in his basement. Where'd he get the silver and the jewelry pieces? My grandparents are excellent bargainers at flea markets and yard sales. "Will you take $3 for it?" The necklace turned out pretty nice looking.

Most of the styles this year are really awful. Half the skirts and shirts I saw looked like couch upholstering from the 1970s.

Right as I had given up hope of finding anything I liked that looked nice on me, we went into Sears and I found three dresses that I actually liked and which actually looked nice on me. Two were black and one was maroon. One of the black ones I bought. The other one was too confusing and I was worried about the front of the skirt opening up. It was the weirdest sewn dress I've ever tried on, but it was pretty. The maroon one was nice, but not as nice as the black. (Besides, I couldn't get the belt with it. *Wink* )

I'm tired. I'm going to finish watching good ol' Mel Brooks.
October 30, 2002 at 7:34pm
October 30, 2002 at 7:34pm
I just spent the last hour going through a Mel Brooks movie and Monty Python and the Holy Grail in search of a one and a half minute clip that I could play in Theology class. The Mel Brooks clip I found was funnier, but my mom thought I'd get in trouble for showing part of an R rated movie. (It was a scene of dancing monks from the Spanish Inquisition. "The Inquisition, what a show/The Inquisition, here we go/I bet you're wishin' that we'd go away...") So I'm bringing Monty Python into school tomorrow so I don't really have to talk in front of the class. It is such a bright class... ::coughyeahrightcough:: The scene from the movie I'm going to use is where they're trying to burn the witch. I dunno, it was the best thing I could find which was clean and long enough and would make sense. I'll have to talk really quickly before I show it just to explain why I used it.

It was pointed out to me during peer editing that I use a lot of triple lists. Look above for an example.

My feet hurt like anything. I've never had chapped feet before... ouch.

"Pie Jesu Domine ::whack:: dona eis requiem. ::whack::"

lol, See? Latin comes in handy sometimes. If I had better vocab skills I could actually tell you what that says. Let's see... right now I can tell you: "____ Lord Jesus ::whack:: give to him _____. ::whack::"

My "like-minded" friend and I had that song in our heads on the same day, unbeknownst to each other... Not as bad as some things we have done though. "Curiouser and Curiouser..." I think that quote's from Alice in Wonderland.

(heehee, the following is inspired by her journal entry... I'm good at remembering conversations when I'm not told to or make a note to...)
"Can you itch my nose?"
"...I was just scratching mine..."
[long pause ensues...]

Anyhow, I have to write a story tonight based on ten of my English vocabulary words. My younger brothers are using easier versions of the same text for their spelling lessons.

Wow, I use so many ellipses (...) in my journal entries. Not a revelation, but I thought I'd pretend to bring it to my own attention.

Oh, my brothers are watching the movie Spiderman.... I think I'll slack off some more with that, while writing a bad story (by my standards at least, others may beg to differ) for English. G'night, ka-nig-hits.
October 28, 2002 at 6:08pm
October 28, 2002 at 6:08pm
I ran upstairs to get changed today after school. By the time I came downstairs, the lighting had changed and the fall trees were no longer vibrant. They were actually sort of dull.

I'm waiting for dinner. I've had a headache all afternoon. I took two Tylenol and an Advil and it's still there a little. I can't take more than one Advil, I really don't do well.

Well, so far out of the grades I've gotten back, all but one were A's. Latin was a B+. Physics and History are on the fringe between A and B+.

I have to finish a paper on plagiarism tonight. We had peer editing today, and we're going to have it tomorrow too. I spent the entire 35 minute period working on one girl's paper. My editing jobs are usually pretty thorough...

Argh, there is a website I have been trying to get on for the past forty minutes and it's not working.

The chair moved out of my way as I went to sit back down. Ow. And it's dinner time. Bye.
October 27, 2002 at 9:47pm
October 27, 2002 at 9:47pm
All weekend most of the TV channels have been airing Halloween specials. They don't scare me. But the History Channel knew how. Today they aired their series on Hitler's youth groups. That really chills my spine. They scare me more than pictures of Holocaust victims. They were not just innocent victims, even though they didn't have much of a choice either.

A friend just tried a word/number magic trick thing on me. I always go with my second instinct in picking those things, just to throw the results off. And if someone says they are telepathic and I should pick a number between X and Y, I pick a decimal or a fraction. Then when they go through all the whole numbers between X and Y and declare that I must have either changed my number or not thought of one, I tell them matter-of-factly what I did think of. Then they say I cheated. Well, they never said WHOLE numbers...

I have to write an English paper between now and tomorrow afternoon, so I should go. It's due for peer review tomorrow. Which really probably won't benefit me much considering several of the people in my class(es) ask me to edit their papers anyway. I'm usually not bad at editing my own papers, but I'll have my mom or someone look through the final draft because I tend to get attached to really bad lines and don't want to change them, lol.

I should go finish that paper anyway. I'm tired. This daylight-savings time really screws me up.
October 24, 2002 at 11:05pm
October 24, 2002 at 11:05pm
It took me a total of two hours to do the physics corrections and the trigonometry homework. Most of that time was physics. If I had not confused Force Normal and Force Net in a formula, I would have gotten at least an 85.

I figured out most of what I did wrong, but there was one question I have to ask the teacher about tomorrow.

Sorry, Cicero, your ninth section of your First Oration against Cataline is being put off until homeroom....

Still wearing the blanket. My feet are toasty now, but my hands are getting cold again.

I'm tired. I'm thirsty. I know how to remedy both. Go to bed and get a drink. Not in that order.

Not yet.

Every few days I go through all of my friends' online journals and check for new entries. There is one that gets philosophical, and every time I completely agree. Or almost every time. It's weird. I guess it's the "like minds" thing coming into play...

It's getting late. I really have nothing to say.
October 24, 2002 at 8:27pm
October 24, 2002 at 8:27pm
All right, I'm still not in the mood to do my homework, so I will tell you all what I did the other day. I cleaned up my room. I have my closet back. I have 80-90% of my floorspace not covered by immovable objects free.

One night I didn't have much homework so I did it all quickly and then spent the rest of the night working on my room. I have to be in the mood to clean. Usually the mood to clean comes while I'm sitting in school. Very rarely do that urge and free time coincide, so I seized the opportunity. I was very proud of myself.

Anyway, I must go.
October 24, 2002 at 8:15pm
October 24, 2002 at 8:15pm
Not a particularly good day. I had my last physics test of the quarter -- a 75. At least the teacher lets us do corrections for extra credit. I have to work on them tonight, but I can't figure out how to correct them. The corrections are due tomorrow. It would be nice if he came in earlier so I could get help maybe. Because it doesn't seem like the majority did better than I did. He said he may even drop the lowest grade, but I don't have time to wait and see. I was really almost hysterical about the test last night, but I calmed down and hit the books. For three solid hours--absolutely no breaks. I studied till I almost literally went cross-eyed. I just could not read another problem. I never do that for regular tests. Even for exams, my mind is not as focused as it was last night.

There are some things that if I had known weeks ago and acted upon, I would be in a better position than I am now. I feel awful that I could not have done a thing...

That is not about physics at all, if you cannot tell.

Trust is a funny thing.

Truth and telling it are as well.

When you trust someone, you expect that trust to be eventually shown in return, don't you?

Yes, secrets are fine. Everyone has them (and some have more than others)... But where can a line be drawn between keeping things inside and sharing with people... All right, so it's a really big grey (or is it "gray"?) area. I don't know where I'm going with this.

My feet are so cold. My hands would be too if I wasn't wearing two shirts and a blanket. (Yes, I'm wearing the blanket. I'm wrapping my hands up in it whenever I take a break.

Speaking of taking breaks, this break has lasted way too long. I have not yet done my homework. I'm still not ready for the school year. I want it to slow down. Halloween is next week.... This year has gone by astronomically fast... It's really terrifying. It's already 8 PM and dark outside. Where the hell did the day go?...

I have not had a good start to this school year. My grades are not where I want them to be. I mean, they're good, but I am so close to an A in most classes. Maybe the teachers will be generous... Yeah, right.

Yeah, for all its shortcomings, this year has been alright. I guess there were problems last year as well, but they were sort of overshadowed... Or maybe there weren't. Geez, I don't even know. I just want to go to bed right now and maybe sleep till the weekend. Although I do have a Halloween party Friday, which, of course, I will be late in getting to because of Driver's Ed. I doubt my mom will let me out of it early. Well, I only have six hours total of it left....

I am so tired. Mostly it's just a mental tiredness I think. I've been like this all school year so far. I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE COURSES ALL NEXT SUMMER!!! Yeah, I say that now. In the somewhat paraphrased (actually I'm not sure if they're paraphrased or exact) words of Winston Churchill, "I enjoy learning, although I do not always enjoy being taught." Anyway, I have had no time to recoup since the summer. Every moment of summer I had left after chemistry ended was consumed by either preparing for school, going on vacation, or other things which I really did not have a choice in doing. Since school started, I think recovering is a lost cause. I can't even sleep in on the weekends. It's always something early in the morning. Even if it's not for me, I have to wake up to just watch the house. And personal matters have not helped me at all. They're just as taxing as physics. More so even. Physics I know I can forget about for most of the time. Physics doesn't affect anything but physics.

But I really have to get my homework done. I have killed far too much time tonight.
October 15, 2002 at 6:48pm
October 15, 2002 at 6:48pm
I was watching part of Cirque de Soliel earlier on Bravo. (I think I spelled that right). That is such an amazing show. Just to learn the basics of that stuff would take years...

"If all the world's a stage, where is the audience sitting?" lol, I love that quote. Although I don't know how many levels George Carlin meant that to have.

My piano teacher is planning a recital. (lol, I think this is the third time since I've been going to her that she's been planning one...) Last week she told me she wanted me to play a slightly modified version of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, but this week she changed her mind. She didn't have the heart to change the song. Last week she kept apologizing to Beethoven for changing it.

Her cat doesn't hiss at me anymore. For the longest time it couldn't stand me. Now it just meows...

Had the PSAT today... I was so paranoid that half of my answers weren't right because I was doing a program on my computer last night that was talking about how most questions have trick answers... I think I did well on the Verbal although there was one on the Writing Section that I think I got wrong. I was going through the section in the few seconds I had before the bell. I had no recollection of doing that question at all... I may have just accidentally filled in the number before it twice... I really don't know, but it sort of throws that section into doubt. I don't know why we don't get those back till December.

I was worried about it last night, even though I know it counts for almost nothing. I think I may have just been over-tired. But my dad came in later that night and told me not to worry, a guy from his high school got 400 combined on the SAT. That man in now a math teacher.

...That would explain my English teacher a bit though.

I have homework to finish. I meant to write an essay tonight but I doubt I will have time.

Quick story before I go though.

For Driver's Ed my dad had to show me some parts of the car. As I was sitting in the driver's seat, my brother was walking to piano lessons. My brother stopped and pretended he was another driver. He yelled, "Get off the road, Granma!" and walked off. I asked my dad if I could give him the finger. My dad said, "No, gestures are next week".
October 13, 2002 at 1:15pm
October 13, 2002 at 1:15pm
I was playing chess online last night with a friend of mine from gradeschool. I lost both games, but I'm getting better. They were really close. I had checkmates lined up. I'm getting much better at strategy I think. I won two games against him before those two I lost, but he was teaching me Fool's Mate (four move checkmate) so they don't count.

My parents have friends coming over in an hour. The last time they were over their daughter (who is a year older than I am and looks like she's twelve or thirteen) was so stuck up and rude to my brothers and me. I really do try to be kind to most people, but I was completely ready to start a fight with her right there in my living room after she made a couple derogatory comments towards/about my brothers. Her cousin came with her and was no better.

I have to study for a Literature test soon. I have a test on selections from The Canterbury Tales on Monday.

I also have to write an essay about my extracurricular activities because I'm nominated for the National Honor Society. I really don't like essays like that, they seem so forced. And I don't like talking about myself. It sounds so much like bragging.

My site is finally updated! I was online until after midnight on Friday night doing some updates. I was so relieved to get it done. The focus of it is shifting towards creative writing.

My mom put nylon strings on my brother's three-quarter guitar. They are so much easier on the fingers, lol. I've played maybe a total of two hours between today and yesterday. She said she's going to put nylon strings on the old classical one I've been using. (Apparently though, the person who she bought it from did not know that it was classical and used a pick on it, making tons of pock-marks and gouges on the guitar...)

Anyway, I'd better get going. I have to study... and I think I may take breaks for the guitar... lol, I'm having fun with it now that my fingers aren't absolutely killing me every time I play. But, as my mom assured me, someday I'll have to learn on steel again, lol. Not yet though.
October 8, 2002 at 9:26pm
October 8, 2002 at 9:26pm
Other people's computers just don't work right.

Mine? It smokes.

It literally sits there in the corner with a cigarette hanging from its bottom lip, no matter how many times we tell it that's unhealthy.

It seems to think it's a beatnik.

And that binary is poetry.

What's really sad is when it gets its midi-files up and running and there's a lone bass being plucked while it spews out random numbers.

It started innocently enough. I let it make snapping noises when I wrote poetry in Word. Then it went downhill from there.

You should see the beret it's got -- a ten-gallon one with a microchip pattern.

Then came the black outfit. I told it that spandex would not work....

::sigh:: It's not pretty.

Every time I write a paper on the computer, I have to manually edit out random direct addresses of "man". And

it has a habit

of formatting

my lines

for me.

The worst part is, I can't seem to convince it that beatnik is not its thing. I get messages like "Stop it, man, you're crowding the creative flow."

I'll probably get used to this all eventually, but I'm sorry. The sunglasses just look ridiculous.
October 4, 2002 at 3:40pm
October 4, 2002 at 3:40pm
Home sick today. ::sarcastically:: Yay... I spent most of the morning lying in a haze on my made bed, trying to figure out what was a dream and what was real.

I can barely speak, I am so hoarse. At least it's not a stomach bug.

I probably could have scraped by in school today, but I had a fairly good idea of what we would be doing in my classes, so I wasn't worried. It's better that I stayed home anyway.

Spent the rest of the day watching Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the early 80's BBC miniseries -- think Dr Who with slighty better effects and much more humor) on DVD. It's alright. Better when you ignore the special effects, lol. Then I watched the remainder of Harry Potter.

The only two reasons I should have gone into school today are:

1) I needed to speak with a nun in the library... She's probably wondering what happened to me, or considering me some sort of an idiot.

2) I left my flute in my music locker. I have a lesson on Tuesday. I doubt I'd be playing this weekend anyway, it's hard with a sore throat.

I have three papers to write this weekend. One for English (an easy one). One for Driver's Ed (it's so stupid, and the assignment calls for my mom writing half). One for Latin (worth ten percent of my grade... eee). Maybe another I'm forgetting about.

Well, now I have two days' worth of physics homework to do. I was planning on doing yesterday's homework in homeroom.

You'd think that after being made fun of by people, my brother would not make fun of other people. But... of course not...

I'm going now. I have to get a haircut. lol, of course she's going to ask me all about school and all.
October 2, 2002 at 6:22pm
October 2, 2002 at 6:22pm
I'm having a fairly good day aside from the sore throat and Driver's Ed.

Got out of Driver's Ed for the first ten minutes or so (I had World Affairs Club). Of course it was the one day she was there early. ::eye roll::

My trig teacher pulled me aside today and told me how much she loved the story I handed in based on October Sky. It was that ten-page-in-one-night story I was talking about in a previous entry. I was so flattered. She kept telling me how much talent I have and how that was her favorite story out of the ones she's read thus far. That put me in a very good mood. And made me decide that I need to write more, lol.

I'm looking into shadowing an archaeologist for a day... Finding names and things. I need to compose a letter sometime soon and get it sent out.

I was in bed by quarter of ten last night. So of course my internal clock decided to wake me up ten minutes before my parents would have. It was approximately 6 AM.

I finally found out when my audition for All-Catholic is: early January. I have a ton of time to perfect the piece. Of course, I'll be rushing to learn the nuances in December... lol. Actually though, most of it is all right... at a tempo of 60. I need to almost double that by January. Four pages of (mostly) sixteenth notes.

We started a song called "Satchmo" in orchestra today. It's a swingy tribute to Louis Armstrong. I keep thinking of a Rugrats episode where the babies kept calling Sasquatch "Satchmo". Every time Angelica told one of the adults about "Satchmo", the adults would say, "You mean the trumpet player?". Okay, I don't really watch that much Rugrats, lol.

I have Latin homework to finish and a test to study for. If I can't think of anything else I desperately need to do... I think I'll work on some of my stories... Or just find something to help my sore throat.
September 30, 2002 at 7:08pm
September 30, 2002 at 7:08pm
No, that topic had no point. I just liked the phrase.

A friend and I have determined that there are three and only three purposes for Driver's Ed:

1) To scare potentially bad drivers off the road.

2) To lower your insurance.

3) To make you feel completely stupid.

Yeah, those are they ONLY three reasons Driver's Ed exists. My mom was telling me that the level of the course should give me an idea of most people out on the road.... Greaaaaaaaaatt....

Oh well, in a better mood over the past few days. Did almost all of my homework for the weekend on Friday night after midnight. Left me free for most of the weekend. I went out on a little photo-walk yesterday, but there are hardly any leaves turning. It wasn't a total loss. I exercised and got the dog exercised.

I have homework to finish. Two quizzes tomorrow and practicing yet for both lessons tomorrow. I have flute at lunch and piano in the afternoon. I haven't done much with either this week.

I went through my pictures last night and picked out the ones that looked best in black and white. I printed out maybe five or six. Today, I put them into the submissions box for the school's literary magazine. I dunno, I'm pretty proud of those shots. It's a shame some of my best shots don't transfer well to monochrome. Sunsets look very gray in black and white. Not stunning at all...

Anyway, I still have stuff to do tonight. People to chat with. Time to waste. Ciao.

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