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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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February 4, 2003 at 6:24pm
February 4, 2003 at 6:24pm
This is really not a good month for anyone, so it seems.

But I feel fine now. I never know when I am going to feel better or worse. Hence the title of the last entry.

Okay, now I'm getting a headache. That was shortlived. Should never have jinxed it by writing that I was feeling better.

Oh well... Physics to study (I'll probably completely flip out, because that seems to be my way before Physics tests), and other things to do if I can get to them.

Dinner's here... I think I'll eat.
February 4, 2003 at 5:40pm
February 4, 2003 at 5:40pm
I should have gone home today, but I didn't want to miss the tests and things... And I needed to stay for the literary magazine. The seniors don't get along too well, and everyone's stressed. We have until February 28 to get the book completely finished.

I have to go in for at least 20 minutes tomorrow, or enough to find my teachers and leave. Physics test first period; I have to be completely alert. So I'm either 95% better, or not going in...

Missed piano today. I really didn't want to not go, but I really did not want to get my teacher sick--her health is frail as it is.

There's nothing specific wrong with me, I think. A lot of little things and general crappiness.

Wearing a t-shirt for the first time in a long time. You know it's been blisteringly cold when it's just above 40 degrees and seems too hot.

My Latin teacher's voice was driving me crazy today. I really don't know why. She had an extremely scratchy voice and kept reading off all forty of the answers to the worksheet. I just wanted to get out of that classroom as quickly as possible. I ended up asking to be excused because I just couldn't take her voice.

The sunset's so pretty today.

I'm hungry, but I also really, really don't want to eat. Of course, in Latin, one girl was all too vividly describing how sick she got over the weekend.

I'm surprised that one tree outside hasn't blown down yet. It has to be rotted through, with all of the branches it loses. One of these days it'll fall on someone's car.

I might write more, later.
February 2, 2003 at 11:21pm
February 2, 2003 at 11:21pm
Technology is so good to me. I was just typing an instant message to a friend about the horrors of AOL. The text of it went something like:
"One of these days AOL is just going to pop up with a message saying: 'Your AOL service is indefinitely unavailable. If we ever need any more users, we'll be sure to call you. But, seeing as many promotions as we put out, and how many idiots are blindly following our cult... er... programming, that's not very likely. Have a nice--' And it crashes before I have time to read the end of the message."

Of course, the end of that was only in my head. My computer crashed right after I typed the dash. I lost the entire thing, but that was an interesting little irony there, don't you think?...

Discovered that my carpet is worn between my bed and the door.

Today was an interesting day. I studied, did most of my homework, looked through an extremely outdated Poet's Market, went through college stuff for over two hours, heard some very intriguing things, edited, read, heard other intriguing things, read again, argued about a very trivial grammatical point, read yet again... (Not necessarily in that order. At all.)

The volume jumps up to almost full when a new song starts on this CD. It's really annoying.

We have to do some sort of not-quite-standardized-test standardized test tomorrow in English class. That should be fun.

I want a week off. I'm in the swing of having little work now and want to continue with my research and reading and general enjoying myself.

All day today I've had songs in my head I haven't heard in months at least. "Black," by Sarah McLaughlin was one. um...some No Doubt one was another. I can't remember any of the others, but I know I haven't heard them in a while.

I think I'm going to get a shower and either read or go to bed. Not sure yet.

I think I need to unify these entries more.

Oh! Wrote over a page on a story the other day! Better than nothing at least! I'd write during study tomorrow, but I have history homework to finish.

I've found that I'm doing better this year, partially because I'm pacing my homework. Instead of getting it all done the night before, if I get some done the night before and some done the next day, it's less stressful somehow. I get to relax at home. Not that I usually put that time to good use, but it clears my head a little bit I think. Or it just clouds it so I don't have to think about some things during the day.

I will put that time to good use from now on. By summer, I want to have at least the first part of a trilogy-like single book done. I have the ideas, just have to put it all together and make sentences out of it. It would also help to smooth out some rough parts, but I'll just have to see what happens.

Doing internet searches is so easy for me. I can find virtually (no pun intended) anything. (Okay, I could not find substantial information on Gouveneur Morris, but even in physical paper-and-ink references I could find as much about his peg leg as his contributions to the US Constitution. I can't imagine who would wish to go down in history known as much for his peg leg as for his part in the writing of one of the most important documents in the history of democratic republics.) I'm a good guesser of where something might be, even under obscure titles. Call it some sort of research intuition.

I didn't realize I'd written so much in this entry. I must be loquacious tonight. (How often do you get to say that word? Other than in reference to a certain nun. Some people will know what I'm talking about.)

My eyes are blurring. I think that means it's time for me to get some rest. Good night.
February 2, 2003 at 12:58pm
February 2, 2003 at 12:58pm
A note to anyone reading this: if you have an online journal, save your entries to some outside file as you're writing them. Otherwise, you might lose them if your computer crashes (as mine is prone to doing) or something goes wrong with your journal server. Thought I'd share that with people since it took me a while to catch on (a month or so...) ... And people keep complaining to me about losing their entries.

Just practiced piano for the first time in... over a month (outside of lessons). I need to go back to it later though, I only did one song. (Granted, it was the first two or three pages of the Moonlight Sonata...)

I'm avoiding studying for history. The teacher said it would be completely objective... Even her objective can be decidedly subjective. At least it's pretty easy material. I had a basic knowledge of this era (very early 1900s) already.

Well, the groundhog saw his shadow... but I saw robins today, so there still might be some hope.

At church last night, the priest was giving out candles for Candlemas. My mom asked my youngest brother what the candles were for (she hadn't heard). He answered, "I dunno, but they're candles." Helpful. Then she asked me. I knew, and told her. She thought they were a sort of take-home version of throat-blessings for St. Blaise Day... So, of course, I teased her about Do-It-Yourself Throat Blessings for the next half hour or so.

Already one o'clock. Wasted enough time. This entry took over two hours. There were huge breaks, really.
February 1, 2003 at 9:58pm
February 1, 2003 at 9:58pm
Many set out on journeys... some do not return. A moment of silence for the astronauts.


And, for a complete change of tone, a friend sent me a link to an edited version of Bush's State of the Union address. It's six megabytes, so it takes forever to load, but it's hilarious (not to mention extremely well done): http://homepage.mac.com/scotttf/.Movies/union.mov

I spent most of the day writing, reading, and generally organizing my writing stuff. It's a shame I have to do homework and studying tomorrow, or else I might actually have gotten something done.

My brother was studying WWII with my mom the other day. Every time they got to a certain date in history I would blare the chorus of "Springtime for Hitler". My mom didn't catch on the first several times and actually yelled at me to turn my music off. When she got it, though, she started giving me cues (like over-emphasizing "June").

It never occured to me that most people do not use the word "traipse" in everyday conversation.

"We're going to end up traipsing into Red Lobster with our backpacks and bags."
"Yeah, 'traipsing,' 'traipse.' What's wrong with that?"

I came to the realization today that I really do have some excellent ideas for stories. I wish I had the motivation to work with them though. Maybe I'll be able to write more on the one tonight...

I was at the library the other day and got actual novel-like books: "Neverwhere" and "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman, "Purgatorio" and "Paradisio" by Dante Alighieri (translated, of course, I'm not completely insane), "The Fifth Elephant" by Terry Pratchett (comedy to balance everything else), "House of Leaves" by Mark Danielewski, "Pastwatch" by Orson Scott Card, and "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. I probably won't be finishing most of them, but I was extremely optimistic. Besides, I need a good variety to chose which novel I'll do an English project on. (Right now, the ones I will probably finish are the Neil Gaiman ones, the Terry Pratchett one, and House of Leaves. Not to mention "Mothman Prophecies" which I already had out.)

Wow, it's ten o'clock already.

Going to go read now. Good night.
January 31, 2003 at 10:20pm
January 31, 2003 at 10:20pm
We had a meeting today for staff of the literary magazine. The bookbinder came to tell us what kinds of cardstock we can use, the colors we can use, and how many pages we should have and things like that. I'm not really one to judge based on appearance alone, but it is slightly worrying when your bookbinder is missing the tip of his index finger. Ah, well, they've done a good job in the past...

Had a surprise birthday party for a friend tonight. Goal accomplished: she was surprised and happy. We had fun... And I'm still stuffed, three hours later. The food was too good, especially the cake.

By the way, Happy Chinese New Year! Is it the year of the goat?

This weekend I've got to look into markets. And/or people I can shadow. The guidance counselor at school said she'd help with finding someone I can shadow, but she didn't know where to look either. Guess I'm on my own again.

Listening to LOTR II while editing. Perfect for this part of the story. Going to try to finish that story.

I have a scratch across the middle of my palm. I have no idea what it's from, but it hasn't faded much over the past week. A friend and I were joking about it being a poorly placed Stigmata--I being extremely holy and all.

Secondhand paraphrased quote of the night: "She's too holy to be a nun. She'd never last." [In reference to a rather devout (And I'm not sure even "devout" covers it.) teacher I had last year. The quote was spoken by a nun.]

Going to go edit and then read actual published books. (::a gasp arises from the readers::)
January 30, 2003 at 10:54pm
January 30, 2003 at 10:54pm
I've noticed that I've been online a lot more recently. That bothers me. I have so much to read, to write, homework to do... And I don't. I get the homework done by class time (95% of the time), but the rest never gets done.

I need to look up publishing information. I have a week off coming up. I might be able to send stuff away then. Or at least send for magazine samples. I'm never going to "get around to it". I should just sit down and do it.

"Sleeping to escape reality, but you like it like that..." - "Fiction," Orgy

Usually when I say that I really don't want to be in school I don't mean it. This morning, for whatever reason I had absolutely no desire to be in school. Physics (a double period today) crawled by so slowly. I just wanted to go home and crawl back in bed for at least a day and a half... I wasn't tired... I should have been doing my history homework during or between the periods, but apathy took over. Didn't end up doing it, skimmed the textbook in history itself. I'll write out the answers either tomorrow or over the weekend. After Physics I recovered for the most part.

Just remembered I have to make a card. Or not... looks like my mom might have some that don't say "Alzheimers Awareness" on the back... Or so...

Course selection is so stressful. Tentatively, my courses for next year are AP Latin: Vergil, Theology (no choice...), AP Biology, Psychology, AP English, English: Creative Writing and/or Mythology, (AP?) Calculus... Almost any of that is subject to change. I need to speak with my Precalc teacher and the English chair tomorrow. And the Science chair if there's time...

Was nominated for the math honor society. Debating joining. I can tutor Algebra well enough, but I really don't want to do math competitions. "But it would look so good on your transcript..." I'm not one to do something just because it impresses other people.

I have to get a shower before we lose hot water. The hot water heater still is not working properly. Then I have to come downstairs and make a card.
January 30, 2003 at 7:51pm
January 30, 2003 at 7:51pm
We've begun ancient Roman poetry in Latin. (Catullus, possibly the most respected raunchy poet ever.) I think it was Robert Frost who said, "Poetry is what is lost in translation." I couldn't agree more...

Started looking through that old poetry collection... No other way to describe this poetry than purrrrrrrrr.

Here are some other ones I love:

"Fame" - John B. Tabb

Their noonday never knows
         What names immortal are:
'Tis night alone that shows
         How star surpasseth star.


"Anonymous" - John B. Tabb

Anonymous--nor needs a name
To tell the secret whence the flame,
With light and warmth, and incense came
A new creation to proclaim.
So was it when, His labor done,
God saw His work, and smiled thereon:
His glory in the picture shone,
But name upon the canvas, none.


from "Thought" - Christopher Pearse Cranch

Thought is deeper than all speech,
         Feeling deeper than all thought;
Souls to souls can never teach
         What unto themselves was taught.

We are spirits clad in veils;
         Man by man was never seen;
All our deep communing fails
         To remove the shadowy screen.

Heart to heart was never known;
         Mind to mind did never meet;
We are columns left alone
         Of a temple once complete.

Like the stars that gem the sky,
         Far apart, thought seeming near,
In our light we scattered lie;
         All is thus but starlight here.

What is social company
         But a babbling summer stream?
What our philosophy
         But the glancing of a dream?
We, like parted drops of rain,
         Swelling till they meet and run,
Shall be all absorbed again,
         Melting, flowing into one.


"Fate" - Francis Bret Harte

"The sky is clouded, the rocks are bare,
The spray of the tempest is white in air,
The winds are out with the waves at play,
And I shall not tempt the sea to-day."

"The trail is narrow, the wood is dim,
The panther clings to the arching limb,
And the lion's whelps are abroad at play,
And I shall not join in the hunt to-day."

But the ship sailed safely over the sea,
And the hunters came home from the chase in glee,
And the town that was builded upon a rock
Was swallowed up in the earthquake shock.


I might add more later. Onto homework.
January 30, 2003 at 6:55pm
January 30, 2003 at 6:55pm
Not I feel like writing about, but I rediscovered one of my favorite poems and figured I'd copy it here. "Rebel," by Irene R. McLeod. I found this while browsing an aging collection (ca. 1953) and loved it.

Since I was a little child
My spirit has been fierce and wild,
With pinion flapping hard on fate,
And burnt and blown with love and hate!
I've hated all that's mean and cold,
All that's dusty, tame and old,
Comfortable lies in books,
Pallid Virtue's sidelong looks,
Fear that gags the jaws of Truth,
Doubt that weights the heels of Youth,
Saints who wash their hands too clean,
And walk where only saints have been,
And mobs that blabber "Crucify!"
On him who fixes heaven too high:
All of these I seek to blast,
Love's hate shall drive me to the last.
Beyond the murk that swallows me
There is an Eye that follows me;
There is an Ear that waits and strains
To catch the echoes of my pains;
There is a Hand outstretched to take
Utmost toll for each mistake.
These Three have stalked me down the years
To mock the passion of my tears.
I fling you scorn, unholy spy!
Though living give my faith the lie,
Though loving clip the wings of Love,
Though men humanity disprove,
Though all my suns and moons go out,
Though tongues of all the ages shout
That only death may not deceive--
I'll not believe! I'll not believe!
With ardor passionate in my breath
I'll sing my undefeated faith!
O take me, break me, peaceless life!
My soul was born to welcome strife!
O sap my heart of its deep blood,
If blood be Beauty's precious food!
There is no thing I would not give,
There is no hour I dare not live,
There is no hell I'd not explore
To find a hidden heavenly door!
O loveless spy, you wait in vain,
There is no pity in my pain,
If by my living I may prove
Faith and beauty, truth and love!
Twisted, shattered, drained and wrung,
I shall have sung! I shall have sung!
January 26, 2003 at 2:01pm
January 26, 2003 at 2:01pm
I want a plant in my room. My mom okayed it. Now just to make sure I can put it in a place where if it leaks it won't ruin anything. I might have to wait until summer to find a good plant though.

Past page 50. 5/8 of the way through this.

Well, on Friday I conducted the meeting. It went smoothly for the most part. We had to come up with a makeshift game of charades at the end, but that went all right.

I'm laughing so hard right now. A friend and I were joking about that chair in the middle of my icescape. I said, "Well, it's sort of National Geographic-ish. They often have this beautiful landscape and some forlorn piece of trash in the middle." An hour or two later, he sends me a picture. It's a made-up cover of National Geographic with a close-up of the chair on it. "Chair" is across the front in big letters with a page number next to it. He did a really good job with it too.

Okay, I have to get to work sometime today though.
January 26, 2003 at 12:20pm
January 26, 2003 at 12:20pm
This is the first year we've had large icebergs on the river in five or six years, maybe more. So, of course, I went out with my camera yesterday and this morning. I took some pretty good (although somewhat grainy) shots of the marsh. The icescape was ruined only by a chair stuck sideways in the ice...

I'd forgotten the sounds that ice makes. I was outside earlier when the ice was collapsing onto itself. My dog was terrified of the groaning and crashing.

I'm waiting for the soup to be done. Haven't eaten yet today.

Stayed home last night, wasn't feeling well (for about two hours...), but I managed to edit over 30 pages of a story. I'm currently on page 43 of 80. I'm moving along nicely.

Of course, now I have to get done all the homework I didn't do all weekend. This includes: an old National Latin Exam, a page long comparing and contrasting essay, studying for a Trig/Precalc quiz, and doing various things due Tuesday.

We have to pick a novel of our choice to read for English class. I'm debating between reading The Mothman Prophecies and rereading something else.

Soup's done. Time to eat.
January 22, 2003 at 5:13pm
January 22, 2003 at 5:13pm
Started Morality in Theology today. The teacher said it's mostly going to be class debate. Eighth period every day. Debate usually sparks a desire to write opinion pieces. I may be writing more often after all (more likely on paper than here though). Actually, I have been writing in school more. Not much, mostly just random thoughts, somewhat journal entries.

The honors social studies classes have switched teachers. I now have the teacher I had last year. I'm enjoying the class much more than Civics. I feel like I'm actually learning. Yeah, it was nice not having virtually any work to do, but I'd rather have work and be learning.

According to the calendar, course selection is next week. Gee, it would be nice if we had any information at all on courses available.

My mom was cleaning off my brothers' shelves yesterday and found a book I'd been trying to get down for a while now (the ceilings in my house are too high). And the book has already left my hands, lol.

When I write with a pen (and even some times online) I've started accidentally writing an e on the end of "with" and "both" and words like those. I also have a bad habit of jumping the gun and starting to spell words while I'm in the middle of writing other words. Or combining words that don't really belong together. "With that" becomes "withat". I speak/write an interesting form of English. Friends can attest to the speaking aspect. My mind usually ends up a step or two ahead of my hands, sometimes a few more than that.

Okay, I'm going to go do some research.
January 20, 2003 at 12:21pm
January 20, 2003 at 12:21pm
My room is "clean". At least part of all surfaces in my room is clean. ("Is"? I'm not sure if that's correct... oh well.) That includes my floor, which has the most open space it's had in a while. My closet is not to be opened though. I...erm... shoved a lot of things in there that really should not have fit... Not that I usually use my closet anyway. It's way too small. I don't know if I've ever described it in my journal but I will now. If I put my palm flat on the back wall of my closet, its depth comes to maybe a hair more than the distance from my wrist to my elbow. It's about 12 inches deep, meaning I can't hang clothes across the middle (hangers don't fit), only on the sides. It doesn't help that I have big plastic storage boxes in there... The top one doesn't have a lid right now and is full to the brim with bags full of random papers. I need a filing cabinet... Actually, that's not a bad idea...

I'm going to go edit part of a story... I have over 90 pages in my inbox and another story just to read... Wish they were for my site, lol. Actually, two of them might end up going on there. Eventually.
January 19, 2003 at 9:22pm
January 19, 2003 at 9:22pm
"Out of clutter, find simplicity." - Albert Einstein

Cleaning. Or should be at this moment. My room is slowly coming along. It looks like I'll be doing another "straighten-up for the time-being" job. Maybe I won't have too much work to do this week and I can do it after school.

I'm in a quoting mood tonight--probably because I keep finding appropriate quotes tonight.

"An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. 'A fight is going on inside me,' he said to the boy. 'It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies,false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person,too.'

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather which wolf would win.

The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'"
I have no idea where that's from, but it was in my quotes file. I really like it.

And other quotes which seem to have some bearing right about now:

"It is much more comfortable to be mad and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts." - G. B. Burgin  

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.  And when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you." - Nietzsche

"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength." - Sigmund Freud

My flute has been in school for over a week and a half now. I have a lesson Tuesday. Well, at least I don't have anything really to practice.

Saw Just Married last night. It was romantic-comedy-ish.

For the past two nights the moon was casting shadows on the snow. It was so pretty. My dad told me about nights when he used to take walks across the fields in moonlight, and how he once walked back in the moonlight from a caving expedition. Wish I had things like that to do...

I was editing some of my pictures earlier. I had some interesting results. I didn't start out with the clearest pictures though, and that would have helped.

I should get back to cleaning.

Oh, in case you couldn't tell, I survived exams with my sanity intact... I think I sacrificed my English grade for that though.
January 15, 2003 at 10:54am
January 15, 2003 at 10:54am
Most of my exams are over. Trig/Precalc this morning. It wasn't too bad. Changed a couple of answers when I checked through it.

English and Theology are tomorrow. Theology will be the easiest exam of all. The teacher gave us all the questions and the answers. She's an interesting nun. Such a paradox.

I'm worried about my English exam. Brit Lit. The material isn't that hard, but the questions are killers. It doesn't help that I have to skim parts of a 300 page book on top of Macbeth, parts of Beowulf, and the beginning of Canterbury Tales. Thankfully, Beowulf and Canterbury are translated into modern English.

Last two exams though. Been through four already...
January 13, 2003 at 10:02pm
January 13, 2003 at 10:02pm
Not having a good night. Every time I try to focus on my studies, I get horribly sidetracked and lose concentration. I haven't even gotten through half the material for Latin.

So after I spend the entire evening freaking out about various things, I decide to go online... And the stupid computer won't work... And I play with settings and such for half an hour before asking for help. To quote somebody's law, "it works better if you plug it in." I forgot the little light had to go on for the network to work...

I'm not ready for my exams tomorrow at all. A friend asked me where my self-confidence was tonight. "It sent me a postcard from the Azores: 'Wish you were here.' Or rather, 'wish I was here.'"

My self-confidence is digging a hole to China right now. I wonder how long before its visa expires? Then it would probably end up in a run-down Chinese prison. That would make an interesting hostage situation. "Tonight on CNN News: Self-confidence held hostage by communist regime. More at the hour. Now for your local programming. And for those without local programming, we'll show you the amazing dancing seal!"

I'm worried I'll try to decline "president" on my Latin exam... Or conjugate the extremely irregular deponent verb of "gerrymander"

gerrymander gerrymanderi gerrymadetus sum
Can't figure out the rest. There are your principle parts though... have a ball...

And decline "president". Or maybe not. But "prime minister" is easy. (Gee, I wonder who inspired this?...)
The singular of "primus ministor":
primus ministor
primi ministri
primo ministro
primum ministrum
primo ministro

And now for the plural:
primi ministri
primorum ministrorum
primis ministris
primos ministros
primis ministris

(Disclaimer: Even if I declined and conjugated those like Latin, that is not real Latin. It's not even Pig Latin. More like Scrapple Latin.)

I want to go to bed. But I also want to do well on my Latin exam. Why do I feel it's one or the other?

It's almost ten o'clock. I don't know my Latin at all. It's no one's fault but my own...

I don't want to write a self-fullfilling prophecy, but I really don't think I'm going to do well on that exam tomorrow at all. On either exam. Civics is too confusing, and Latin is mostly write-in-yourself, so I don't even have the sort of benefit of multiple choice...

present - ns,ntis - "_____ing"
future - urus-a-um - "about to _____"
perfect - us-a-um - "having been _____ed"
future - ndus-a-um - "must be _____ed"

Okay... one part down... ?? to go...

I need a new Latin copybook. This one has enough pages to last me, but the binding is awful and I've already had to staple the Subjunctive Mood back together.

Back to Latin. I will do what I can.
January 13, 2003 at 1:03pm
January 13, 2003 at 1:03pm
Physics wasn't that bad, I really did remember most of it. But it almost seemed too easy.

Latin and Civics tomorrow... I don't want to study. It's too nice of a day to sit around with schoolbooks. Latin shouldn't be too bad. Civics is so boring...

I need to get new copybooks. I'm almost out of room in most of them. I'm down to one section in each of several three-section notebooks.

I made an interesting cappucino this morning. French vanilla cappucino (powdered) mixed with cocoa powder, pieces of candycane, and a bunch of spoonfuls of slightly freezer-burnt vanilla icecream. The whipped cream was empty. Leave it to my brother to use it and put back the bottle completely empty.

My stomach is growling. I guess I should eat lunch and then get to studying. Before I know it, the day will be over.
January 12, 2003 at 9:26pm
January 12, 2003 at 9:26pm
I seem to remember most of the physics from before, which is good because I still have some left to go through. I did all the concepts earlier, and I've been doing well with the application so far.

I think I may be getting sick. I really hope not.

The water heater broke last night while the last person was in the shower. I have to get a shower soon so if it does break again, we have time to go to my grandparents' house.

Off to physics and a hopefully warm shower.

Of course, if it doesn't work, I can pretend I'm the Beethoven of physics, lol, throwing ice-water over my head to think... Or not. That would be cold, and my rug would never dry.
January 11, 2003 at 11:11pm
January 11, 2003 at 11:11pm
Ended up not studying really at all today. Tomorrow should be fun.

Instead I looked through old pictures with my mom. She still has almost ten years' worth to go through. Those pictures are so funny. I was such a ham in those pictures. There is one taken after my kindergarten graduation. All of the kids are sitting (as best as kindergarteners can) and talking with each other. But I'm in the back row, standing up with my arms out. There are a lot of pictures like that. Found pictures of friends I'd almost forgotten. Realized I didn't remember their faces.

I'm really tired. I'm going to bed
January 11, 2003 at 8:08pm
January 11, 2003 at 8:08pm
I'm trying to figure out why I lack the motivation to do certain things. I have ideas, ambition, patience, talent, perserverence,and will. If I had motivation, I'd be doing great things by now. Or at least evidence that I've tried.

"You were born an original. Don't die a copy." I have no idea who said that, but it was in a friend's profile and I like it.

Physics builds. Everything we've done this year has been different wings of the same structure. I'm not that worried about the exam. We have all the formulae, and I can manipulate them well enough. The problems always seem to click after I get the tests back.

While I'm on the topic, let me critique my other classes.

Latin will be hard, but we have practically everything that's on it. The hardest part will be the translation (which we have the Latin text to in our books) and memorizing/remembering the verbs and the participles, subjunctives, and other lesser-used grammatical structures.

Civics seems like everything will be from our tests. I really did not like that class, partially because of the teacher, partially because of the material. I hope it's everything from our tests.

Trig/Precalc is up in the air. She's one of my least sadistic teachers, but her exam is 30 questions, multiple choice, no partial credit. One word: ouch. At least she said it wouldn't be any of the long problems we did.

English will probably be hellish. There is an essay on a book I read two months ago and hardly remember. We never talked about it after she assigned it. I have hardly learned a thing in that class, and our tests are always on nothing we've talked about. Not to mention I really don't like the teacher. But, of course, because of an outdated grading system, I have to get a 95 or above to keep an A in that class.

Theology should be easy as anything. It'll be my last exam. (Barring a snowstorm or emergency. For once I am wishing against snow.) She gave us all of the questions on the exam as well as the answers. As she was saying them (about a minute on each question) I was highlighting them on the old tests. How anyone does not do well in that class is beyond me. She's done that for every test, if only going as far as giving us the topics.

And for a complete change of topic, Davy Jones' Locker: http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20000831.html

I have to go study. And look up some information.

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