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by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
The original title of this was "The Oscilloscope"... but too many days passed without a single page view. And then I wanted "Fighting the Current (hey... my canoe's missing!!!)" but no matter what I did to the title, it was at least 10 characters too long -- so I eventually just cut it off. All the titles do have multiple meanings though. This is my journal, as you probably know. We'll just have to see what I can do with it... I might write what's going on in my life, but it will most likely write whatever I feel like at the moment. Kind of like what I use as titles...
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December 24, 2002 at 4:21pm
December 24, 2002 at 4:21pm
Quick entry.

Going to Church tonight, and then my family's coming over for dinner. I might write more then.

I got my class ring back! Finally! I had to get it resized so it would not fall off my finger. It's a nice Christmas gift.

I haven't seen any whole Christmas movies yet this year. Bits and pieces of a lot. I want to watch the Muppet Christmas Carol tonight. Or the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

I have to get changed.
December 23, 2002 at 2:48pm
December 23, 2002 at 2:48pm
I want to make filters for my camera since I can't get all the effects I want even with and editing program. The problem is that I'm not entire sure about how to go about it. I would need to make it so that the lenses can still move. And I would also need to make it so that the camera would focus past the filter. One of the ones I want to make is called a twinkle filter. It basically makes lights have that twinkling property like you see in night photographs. I don't know how to describe it. That sort of filter would be easy enough if I could figure out the materials. I'd need incredibly thin thread and some sort of plastic or glass... something to attach the thread to. Another one I want to make is a polarizing filter, although I think I can do that effect on the computer.

I was trying to get the internet to work on my laptop earlier and no luck. Or else I'd be upstairs now, online and drawing. Oh well, I really have nothing to do online right now so I should just get off.

Except for editing that story. Okay, I'll finish the story and get off.

Today is the day for baking cookies. Right now, the house smells of gingerbread.

Now to that story, and then I'm off to do something else.
December 22, 2002 at 11:22pm
December 22, 2002 at 11:22pm
Sitting here, watching the moon from the window. It's just past full and the clouds are moving across it at a speed I've never seen before.

I got all of my wrapping done today and I now remember why I hate bows.

1 - They are just plain weird.
2 - They crush easily.
3 - They make gifts near impossible to store (for the reason, see 2)
4 - They fall off easily.
5 - They don't stick at all to surfaces which aren't perfectly flat.

I'm working on my Christmas cards. I have seven done, and I'm working on eight. I will get these out before the new year.

I did have a very good title for this entry earlier today, and now I forget it.

::sigh:: It's a school night. One day of school and then Christmas break. At least we get off until January 6.

In order to put up the Christmas tree, we had to move the little table with dried hydrangea on it. Of course it's moved to where I can just see it peripherally while I'm at the computer. I keep forgetting it's there.

Well, I got a lot accomplished this weekend. Finished my Trig homework, halfway finished a Physics take-home test, wrapped gifts, in the process of writing cards, cleaned up my room some. The prospects of my getting my list done are looking better.

I have the most pressing cards written. The rest can wait until tomorrow I think. I'll just have to walk to the mailbox (which isn't that far) and drop them in tomorrow.
December 21, 2002 at 8:34pm
December 21, 2002 at 8:34pm
Mmm... pine. My hands are sappy, so I probably shouldn't be typing at all. Oh well.

We're putting up our tree. A live one. It's very tall and thin. More sparse than I'd like, but it looks nice.

We took our old neighbor part of her Christmas gift. We got her a bushy-foot-high tree and little decorations for it. She was so happy to decorate a tree. She hasn't had a tree in years. And she was pleasantly surprised--twice--by the Christmas card we gave her.

I have all my written homework done for the whole of Christmas break. Started cleaning my room today too. I WILL DO WHAT I SET OUT TO DO... for once.

I want to read Neuromancer but I can never find it.

Next time I go to the library, I'm doing an inter-library loan for that and two of the Seventh Tower books.

My dad has no artistic ability. It's a good thing my mom's side of the family makes up for that.

That's another thing I want to do over break: I still haven't looked at those drawing theory books I borrowed from the attic. If I have time... And I remember...

I had an idea a while ago to do a project a weekend. One weekend I'd write a lot. The next, I'd draw. The next after that, I'd redo the layout of my site. Et cetera.

There's a setting on the lights on our tree that I really think could cause seizures...

Off to decorate the tree. Hopefully everyone will get along.
December 20, 2002 at 11:47pm
December 20, 2002 at 11:47pm
Tell me I just lost an entire entry. Go ahead. I did.

Oh well.

It would help if I could remember what I wrote. Anyway...

After several days of searching for some sort of instrumental version of Carol of the Bells, I have finally found a very beautiful version on piano.

Someone has been an influence on me. Still debating whether good or bad... I almost purred after talking about the Carol of the Bells... ;-Þ

Doing Trig homework as I type. It's the only explicitly assigned homework for the holidays.

I have so much I want to get done over break. Off the top of my head:
- perfect the audition piece/learn to do the scales quickly (Well, the audition is before I go back to school, so I'd better know them well.)
- write at least ten pages total of a story
- clean my room
- catch up to where I should be in an SAT program I use
- research writing markets (again...)
- research job shadowing (again...)
- .... ?

The list went further, but I don't remember it. I want to be able to get all that and more done. I have until January somethingth...

My sentences seem much more clipped in (maybe because of) this journal.
Possible reasons:
- I'm usually in the middle of doing something else, and can't devote too much attention to it.
- There is sometimes a certain need to be ambiguous.
- The subject matter of this journal doesn't always allow for longer sentences.
- I'm lazy.
- I want to get the main points down so I'll remember the details later.

I'm in a list-making mood tonight apparently.

Out of Christmas music for a short time, and onto Stravinsky's Firebird Suite.

Saw a play tonight. It was pretty good. It was a very different Christmas Carol. I liked it.

Yes, very, very clipped.

Put my hands on a thermometer just now. Even if they seem very cold, they are only room temperature. Which is still seventy degrees... They're not supposed to be that temperature though, are they... Actually, they don't feel as cold as they usually do in the winter. They're not to the point of aching yet.

Speaking of aching, my knee has been bothering me for the past two days. I thought it had healed after I got it stuck in the hedge (I don't know if I recounted that experience here or not), but a dull aching was in my knee most of the day. The pain was sharp a couple of times though. I'm hoping it was just the temperature change in the past few days. I guess it didn't help to run up and down all the stairs in the school this morning looking for teachers.

Editing the last page of Chapter Five of six. Someone's writing is improving every few pages.

Now I am going to finish my Trig, finish this chapter, read friends' journals, and go to bed. Sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan I won't follow. I'm excellent at thinking things up, it's the following through that gets me.
December 19, 2002 at 9:21pm
December 19, 2002 at 9:21pm
Just retyped my entire paper on hazing. It took me no more than fifteen minutes. I didn't know I typed that fast.

Stayed afterschool today for a hour and a half to work on my audition piece for flute. I played almost constantly for that period of time. My hands and fingers were cramping by the end. I couldn't move my pinkies well. My arms were tired too because I played standing up. Surprisingly though, my jaw wasn't sore at all. But we didn't finish the piece. There were still four or five lines left when my hands started going.

This has not been a good week for anyone I know. It hasn't been bad for me, just hectic. And stressful. And frustrating... But not overall bad.

I want to see if I can get out of seventh and/or eighth period tomorrow to finish working on that piece. We're not doing anything in either of those classes--to my knowledge at least.

Now to finish re-editing that paper. I also have to write a Current Events some time tonight.
December 18, 2002 at 4:34pm
December 18, 2002 at 4:34pm
O Physics test, O Physics test,
How I hate to study!

O Physics test, O Physics test,
You're of no u-use to me.

Equations suck,
Don't stick with me.
With some luck,
I'll get a B.

O Physics test, O Physics test,
How I hate to study!

O Physics test, O Physics test,
You're of no u-use to me.

A wonder I've
Survived this long,
I'm still alive
To write this song.

O Physics test, O Physics test,
How I hate to study!

O Physics test, O Physics test,
You're of no u-use to me.

Hope I do fine,
Hope I do well,
I know I'll go through
Enough hell.

O Physics test, O Physics test,
How I hate to study!

O Physics test, O Physics test,
You're of no u-use to me.

Christmas is
Around the bend,
I know you want
This song to end.

O Physics test, O Physics test,
How I hate to study!

Yes, I am perfectly sane.
December 17, 2002 at 5:39pm
December 17, 2002 at 5:39pm
Just got back from my piano lesson. I only played part of one song on piano because my teacher wanted to hear my audition piece and some carols on the flute.

I played the Mozart piece pretty well, but I kept speeding up and slowing down. She loved my trills.

Then she wanted me to play Christmas carols, so I let her pick some out. She told me stories about some of them. She once had a recital where she sang "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella" in French with a harpiscord and harp. Her mother cried during it, so she thought she was singing horribly. Turns out, it was so beautiful it brought tears to her mother's eyes. She started singing, in English, while I was playing it.

"I haven't sung in so long," she said afterward. "And you've made me sing. If I was still singing I'd find pieces for vocal and flute and we'd have such a wonderful time." She was so happy I'd played for her. It feels nice to make someone's night.

If I could just curl up with a book right now, I would have had a very good day... But I have a lot of work to do tonight.
December 16, 2002 at 10:20pm
December 16, 2002 at 10:20pm
10 o'clock. Haven't yet studied for a history test tomorrow on the national judicial system.

My English teacher decided TODAY that she wants us to cite a certain way on a paper we did a MONTH ago. So she handed them back, and I'm thinking that I have the paper on my hard drive, so I start correcting myself in red pen. Little did I know that the disk would not work. Then I actually physically broke the disk when I was trying to get it to work. It was only the silver thing (with the scientific name, "silverus thingus" or "argenta res" [wow, my Latin works], implying that it IS in fact alive and therefore can hate me) but I have no idea where it went. I heard it hit something then possibly land on clothes. It took me forever to get footnotes right the first time.

Are computers more trouble than they're worth? The jury is still out.

I can't find my Christmas carol book for flute. I promised my piano teacher I'd play for her tomorrow.

Tonight was going well until I decided that I wanted to get something done early. But no... The universe just happens to work against me when I consciously want it to help, lol.

Oh geez, I just realized I forgot to sign in this morning to NHS. I have to talk to the moderator anyway--tell him I can tutor Latin I (maybe II on a good day) if he needs more people.

Realized something that scared me the other day--the school year is half over. I really need to spend more time with friends.

I'm tired. I have to study yet tonight.

You'd think in the week before Christmas, we'd be winding down our studies. History test tomorrow. Trig quiz Wednesday -- have to memorize certain formulae before... um, maybe tomorrow... Ugh, I can't think about what I have to do.

Good night.
December 14, 2002 at 12:34am
December 14, 2002 at 12:34am
I'm in a pseudo-Christmas spirit. Pseudo because I still can't believe December is halfway over. And Christmas because I got done the last 98% of my Christmas shopping today.

Happy Friday the Thirteenth!

Friday 13 has never caused me problems. Maybe it's because of my additude about it, lol.

Actually today has been one of the better days for me since this school year began.

But today was definitely not good at all for some people...

Something I was going to say... Can't remember.

A song is in my head. Some sort of hymn. It was in two unrelated movies we've watched in Theology. One movie was about Joan of Arc and the other was about Mother Teresa. It's in Latin, but all I can make out (or remember now at least) is "Dominus". I remember the tune though, lol.

Some useless knowledge about Joan of Arc. In French, her name is Joan D'arc. According to something I've read, her name really should not be translated as Joan of Arc. A man who recorded her life (possibly her father, I don't remember exactly) was not very well educated and misspelled her "last name" (originally supposed to be T'arc--I'd have to look up what it means) as D'arc. Hence, Joan of Arc. That may just be a legend. It's in one of the books I have. I'd have to sit down and search though. Actually, more like: stand up, pull the books off the shelf, sit down, search through, stand up, put them back, get other ones... That cycle has gone on for hours before.

I wish I'd had the time to make gifts this year. I pressed leaves and petals I could've used to make paper, but I won't have the time between now and Christmas for it to dry and for me to make little books. Maybe next year.

Speaking of pressed leaves and petals... Those should be taken out soon I think.

I may be dressing up as a Christmas elf tomorrow. We'll see if I can talk my way out of it, lol. "I'll type the entire newsletter with my toes if you let me not dress up... pleeeaassee??" My library is doing a children's program tomorrow, sort of like a breakfast with Santa... only there's no Santa.

Oh, I have a story which I have forgotten. Many, many which I have forgotten. Funny stories too.

Here's a quick one: I was in Walmart tonight and there was an elderly man helping my dad and me look for something. His name was Harold. His lapel covered the H, A, and R, leaving only: OLD.

Oh, and another. Much longer though. My brothers gave me an early Christmas gift today. We're in the mall and they just came from the dollar store. The older of the two said to me, "Do you want part of your gift now or later?"
"Later," I said.
"Are you sure? It's funny!" he said.
"I'm positive."
"C'mon, it's really really funny."
"Why? What did you get me?"
"You have to see it, it's really funny!"
"Is it something I'll use?"
"Is it something that CAN be used?"
"Return it."
"Return it. I don't care what it is, I don't want it. Go get your money back."
"We can't!"
"Then get rid of it, don't give it to me!"
"But we have to!"
I sighed and we kept walking for some time through the mall and then through Sears (I think it was Sears at least--I get department stores so confused.). My parents were looking at bags for our old vaccuum cleaner, when my brothers came up to me laughing.
"What?" I said. I was thinking they had turned on the vaccuum cleaners on display (I had pointed out that they were plugged in, some of them at least.)
"We have to give you your gift now," one of them said.
"Because it's SO funny!"
"Fine... get it over with."

They pull out from their bag a toilet-paper tube holder. One of those cheap, white, plastic ones with the springs inside. I was shocked and then started laughing really hard. I was practically doubled-over when I went to show my parents what they had bought. They started laughing, although slightly appalled. The woman helping them started laughing too.

There's no return policy at dollar stores. Anybody want a toilet-paper holder? Anyone? Do I hear 25 cents? 25 cents? 10? 10 cents? 5? 5 cents? ... free??... I'll pay you to take it?... STILL NO TAKERS?!?

Talk about a useless Christmas gift.

Well, they gave me one suggestion for what to do with it. They told me I could spring it at people...

They swear it was an accident. They forgot they had it in their baskets before they paid. Suuure...

Of course, in the car on the way home, they had to make songs up about it:

"On the first day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me:
A toilet paper tube.
On the second day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me:
Two plunger heads [their other gift idea for me].
And a toilet paper tube.
On the fourth day of Christmas, [purposely skipping three]
My true love gave to me:
Four paper clips,
Two plunger heads,
And a toilet paper tube.
On the fifth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me:
Five copper pennies,
Four paper clips,
Two plunger heads,
And a toilet paper tube.
On the sixth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me:

They're so kind. They came up with that song in the car in the 5-10 minutes I was in another store with my mom looking for something for my aunt and uncle.

Their next song?

"Deck the halls with toilet paper,
Fa la la la la, la la la la
'Tis the season for cheese graters,
Fa la la la la, la la la la..."

Thankfully, that's as far as they got.

Thinking again... (oo, scary, isn't it?...)

My mom told us about one of her brother's grade-school friends. He showed up at their house one day and proudly declared: "I just bought a reversible raincoat, so if one side gets wet I can flip it over and wear it inside-out!" He was completely serious.

I should go. It is no longer Friday the 13th. Good night...morning...afternoon...

(Timezones are so confusing...)
December 8, 2002 at 11:28pm
December 8, 2002 at 11:28pm
You know projects are tedious when I turn to editing to escape from them. There are three or four chapters of a story waiting for me to do a number on them.

Speaking of editing, I have to reread that letter and get it sent out... I'm looking into job shadowing an anthropologist... I hope it works out. I know what I want to do... sort of. I want to study anthropology, but I don't know what people in that field do. But I want to write and edit, but I really don't like newspapers--never have. Maybe I should look into shadowing in one of the publishers downtown...

Since the end of school on Friday, I have been out Christmas shopping with my mom for what has to have been 24 hours. And I have two people done. Only twenty or so to go...

No school tomorrow. I have two projects due Tuesday though, and several tests to study for, and Physics problems to do... And I know I won't get most of that done. If I get the projects done, I think I'll be fine.

I'm tired. I'm going back to Chapter Three now.
December 5, 2002 at 10:31pm
December 5, 2002 at 10:31pm
It snowed today! No school!

Two hour delay tomorrow though... ugh...

Anyway, went sledding today. We got an early Christmas gift -- a new sled. It's a really smooth-bottomed (think hardslick boogie board) sled. Really nice. My brothers had their friend from across the street over and we all went sledding on our hill. I only slid down a few stairs... At least there were enough inches of snow to keep me from hurting. I don't think I even bruised.

I fit into my dad's old ski boots, so he helped me with those and his old six-foot mogul skis. I went outside and clunked to the sidewalk, where my dad helped me into the skis. Six feet skis are really long for a person who has been skiing once. My first run was from the top of the hill. Our hill is long, but narrow, so I couldn't turn. I hit the hedge and got my leg (ski and all) jammed into it. My other leg kept going and my hedge-bound leg was at such an angle that I wasn't able to get it out without breaking my knee. So I yelled for my dad (who was still at the top of the hill) to come and get me out, because I really did not want a broken leg. That knee is still slightly sore after 5 hours and an advil. I'll have fun waking up tomorrow morning. Anyway, I really didn't want to go down again, but my dad convinced me to go from the middle of the hill. So I leaned for dear life on his shoulders as I turned the skis around and then let go and went down the rest of the way. I did that two or three more times. I have mastered stopping at the bottom though, lol. We need to cut back our butterfly bush before the next snow. Then we came in and had hot chocolate. I was so tired after being outside--partially from running up the hill at least 20 times with a sled and four or so more on skis, partially from doing all that in the cold I think.

My snow pants fit much better this year. I could even tuck my shirt(s) in without any trouble.

I went outside today with my camera. The camera is completely un-waterproof, so I took it outside wrapped in a plastic bag. That worked to keep it dry, but wouldn't let me get very clear pictures. They don't look that bad, actually sort of ethereal, but I'd prefer clear pictures. And the flash made those little octogons because of the bag...

Of all things to have a project on, my English teacher assigns me and several other people a project on commas. It's due Monday now that we had off today, but really... I doubt she could teach 35 minutes about commas. I also doubt she'd know this off the top of her head...

I'm working on editing a friend's story. Actually, re-editing the one chapter. And she sent me a second to read/edit/beta-read.

A friend has dubbed me the "Editing Nazi" because she saw one of my jobs. There was almost more red written on that story than there was the original black.

I love having random snow days, but they really screw up school's schedule... I have two or three tests tomorrow which all will take place in shortened class-periods. This is really annoying. Maybe I should look over that Trig. I think I know it, but it can't hurt to look at it before study tomorrow.

I never remember whether I've written things in this journal or not, so if I ever repeat myself that's why.

Oh well, it's getting late and I DO have school tomorrow, as much as I dread that fact.
December 3, 2002 at 9:30pm
December 3, 2002 at 9:30pm
This week has been so busy.

My piano lesson was an hour long today (instead of half an hour) for two reasons: #1, my brother is sick and we didn't want to get our teacher sick (she has really bad asthma) and #2, I was sick last week and didn't go.

I have two tests and a quiz tomorrow. A history and a Latin test, and an English quiz. Thursday, I have at least two tests. Not sure in what. Friday, my group presents a major English project... And we've hardly started. Also, I have a major Latin project due Friday---and we have almost nothing done. We have to decorate the room and I have no free time between now and then.

This should be fun. I got a 100 on my physics test today!

More chapters of a friend's story to read. Won't get to those until... maybe the middle of next week.

I have to get back to studying though.

Tonight is going by really quickly and yet so slowly. Don't ask. I'm not entirely coherent. It's taking me forever to get jokes and things tonight. I'm tired and I still have two subjects to do!! ARGH!

Moonlight Sonata's in my head. So much better than what I had earlier today---one of FDR's campaign songs. "Mr. Roosevelt, won't you please run again. / We want you to do it and [something] through it again. / We're gonna fight to [something] the boom-de-ay [?]!/ Boom-de-ay la la la boom-de-ay with a hullaballoo (hullaballoo).../ 'Cause you're the hope of all American women and men!/ Mr. Roosevelt, won't you do it again!" I have that on some tape from when I dubbed it for a project last year on him. I guess it was played before movies in the '40s.

It's getting later, and I still have the same amount to study. Good night.
December 2, 2002 at 7:47pm
December 2, 2002 at 7:47pm
I really hate studying for Physics. I have a two chapter test tomorrow. I understand the concepts as well as possible, but I can never keep the letters and numbers straight in the formulae!

Okay, my Physics teacher is a PhD chemist who used to work in the private sector. In the corporate world, not every formula has to be memorized. If scientists went around trusting their memories completely, they could end up screwing up something minor and losing their company lots of money. He should know this. So why should we be expected to know the formulae by heart? If we understand how to use them, and understand the concepts behind them, and know how to manipulate them, that should be more important than knowing off the top of our heads that g=(GMp)/(d^2). I think that's the right formula for gravity... I can't do sub- or superscript.

And it's eight o'clock. And I have no idea where to start studying for this test. And I may use the argument in the last paragraph to fight for the formulae to be written on the board....
December 1, 2002 at 3:35pm
December 1, 2002 at 3:35pm
Santa just went by! Going 35 mph on the back of a flatbed! There was a parade in town today with Santa in a sleigh at the end. I guess Santa was going home...

"Elvis didn't die. He just went home."

I'm working on current events, trying to get what I can done.

I keep really banging on the keyboard when I type today. I'm waiting for one of the keys to go flying off.

December 1, 2002 at 2:13pm
December 1, 2002 at 2:13pm
I really don't like this project. The only thing it has taught me is that I do not agree with any political party completely. The two closest are Democratic and Green Party. The Democrats always bash the Republicans. And the Green Party is known for supporting legal pot. I am not in support of either of those things.

I am so tired. I want to finish this project. I have no motivation and the damn thing's due tomorrow.

Also, there is a Current Events article due tomorrow. And a Physics worksheet to finish for the test on Tuesday. And several projects to work on due later in the week or next week.

I want to go back to bed, although I am more awake now than I was an hour ago. I'd nap, but then I wouldn't be able to think once I woke up.

There have to be alternatives to using "I" all the time. That bothers me so much.

It's the kind of day where there's nothing I want to do more than curl up with a book.

I should really do projects ahead of time.

The other night I finally wrote in my paper journal again. Took up three whole pages, both sides, talking about everything that's happened since last month. And I hardly went into detail for anything. I wanted to keep some semblance of order in that journal, so I force myself to write at least one side of a page whenever I write. It's usually more, as rarely as I write in that journal.

I want to do Green Party for this project, but there is one, count it---one, Green in Congress. An insignificant House of Representatives member. One out of 435.

Oh, screw it. I'll be Democrat, even though my platform is against half of their platform.

I want to draw.

Yeah, the career counselor guy was dead-on when he said I do things on a whim.

I should not have done nothing Friday. I should not have wasted the day. I should have finished this stupid project and everything else I have to do!

All right, I am pretending to be Democrat for this project, because there is no party I agree with fully and no Independent party with anyone I can nominate for Vice President.

I, I, I, I.... This is really bothering me. My sentence structures need more variation.
December 1, 2002 at 9:37am
December 1, 2002 at 9:37am
It's snowing! Well, flurrying. Well, flurrying as much as it possibly can when half the sky is bright blue.

I'm editing a chapter of a friend's unfinished novel... I have a project due tomorrow for history, which I am putting off for now. I never wanted to do it to begin with.

I'm resisting going driving. I just do not want to do it for some reason.

I think I'm getting sick again too.

ARGH! Too many "I"s.

I want to go back to bed, but I can't sleep during the day.

There is a Breakfast with Santa at my gradeschool. I think I'm going. Hey, it's somewhere to eat lunch.

There's also a Christmas parade through town later. ::sarcasm:: That'll be fun! They were bad enough when they were going strong. They're even worse now that they've had a few years off. After the fifth drill team or drum corps, that sort of thing gets old.

::sigh:: Back to homework. Sort of.
November 30, 2002 at 10:18pm
November 30, 2002 at 10:18pm
That subject line is taken verbatim from the program for the Christmas Dinner Concert we had tonight at school. It's such a warm and fuzzy song.

I have a history project due Monday on the presidency. We have to pick a party (or make one up) and then create an entire presidential campaign out of it. I don't have a party yet, but I'm working on my platform.

Oops, just got a sunflower seed shell into the keyboard... What they don't know won't hurt...

Anyway, my platform is such that very few people would vote for it. I'm looking through the websites of third parties, and I think I'll use the Green Party for this project. So far it's the party I least disagree with. The things I disagree with in their platform are: legalizing marijuana/a stop to the war on drugs, and reparations to descendents of slaves. The drug thing is just stupid. People do have the right to do what they want with their bodies, but we shouldn't give them any more of an opportunity than they all ready have to legally kill themselves.

And I disagree with reparations. If the descendents of the slaves are repaid for the work their ancestors did, the descendents of severely overworked, underpaid immigrant factory workers should be repaid by corporate America for the work their ancestors did in conditions that at the very least rivaled the conditions slaves were in. They were "free" only in the loosest sense of the word. And then, also, the descendents of immigrants who were sent back to their homelands from Ellis Island should be paid reparations by the INS for emotional damage done to their ancestors. Injustices in the past which have little or no effect on people today and those injustices should be left in the past. (Actually, without some of those injustices I probably would not be here writing this. So I should say a hearty thank-you to the people at Ellis Island for sending my great-grandfather back to Eastern Europe... And another hearty thank-you to all the owners of the dozens of factories with awful conditions where my ancestors and their families worked for most of their lives... And yet another to the owners of the mines who wouldn't let my grandfather have any position of power solely because he was Italian... Oh, the list goes on and on...) No company has enough money to give everyone any substantial amount of money anyway.

Anyway, back to the project I'm working on. I'm really not a party person at all, because I have my own opinions on everything and can justify any one of them for you. Well, the vast majority at least.

And another equally foody typo: the Middle Yeast. I nearly sent that in an instant message just now.

Oh, to go back to the reparations thing... The Native Americans! How many injustices have those of European descent caused those peoples? Many of the people in those cultures (the cultures that have not been wiped out, obviously) still are living with the effects. And, to cross an ocean, at least the slaves didn't starve to death in the cold when their main source of food withered and died. Should the Irish sue the potatoes' descendents? And should Irish-Americans sue the potatoes for damages from having to move to the US to survive?

Okay, sort of off-topic, I'm going to list my ethnicities just to clear up any questions. Put together, I'm about 75% Irish, Italian, and Slovak. The other 25% is made up of German, Dutch, French, Scotch-Irish (Scots who moved to Northern Ireland), and English. There's two possibilities we're not entirely sure about. I might be part Jewish and/or part Hungarian. Records aren't always well kept. I'm such a mutt---and too pale for my own good in the summer. And I can't tell what color my eyes are. They're brown in the middle, and the outside changes from grey to blue to green and back again.

Complete change of topic now. I have such a hard time talking about myself. About fears or wishes or experiences anything of that nature. I have no fear of public speaking at all. Except when it comes to talking about myself....

I should get back to working on that project. And to finding a running-mate for the Green Party ticket, lol.
November 29, 2002 at 1:05pm
November 29, 2002 at 1:05pm
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe

I had a dream last night (actually this morning) that had something to do with Union soldiers getting their car stuck on the hedge in my backyard. It was some old ugly green German car from the '70s. They'd been there a while because the one who had been driving was already a skeleton. The others were white-haired and looked sort of like the hunter from the movie Jumanji. I think they were British too... Anyway, and then there was something about my dog getting away. We found him under the boardwalk at the shore when I was wandering along looking under it at dusk, waiting for the wind to turn so the sand would move (sort of like a tide now that I think about it) and I could borrow somebody's flashlight and see completely under the boardwalk... Long story. And there are big expanses in there that I can't remember. Anyway, that dream ends and I have the urge to tell people about it. So I'm talking to a good friend of mine in person about it... Then I wake up. So then I decide to call her and tell her that I just dreamed about telling her about my dream. So I'm on the phone with her, and then I wake up for real (I think). Well then I went back to sleep and did almost the same thing with three other people, although I think I was telling them about my dream and then what happened with talking to my friend.

How's that for a start to your day. I had a very busy morning with all that, lol.

I have homework to get done. I hope you've all gotten a good laugh at me and my subconscious. I know I did.
November 28, 2002 at 10:37pm
November 28, 2002 at 10:37pm
I keep getting random songs in my head. Not that that's unusal. What's unusual is that I haven't heard half these songs in months, if not a year or more. Evita was in my head during my last Trig/PreCalc test. I thought I was getting out of that too. During most Algebra tests last year I had that show's music in my head. I listened to the CDs once or twice through after seeing the movie and for the next three or four months, I had the music in my head only during math tests. No idea why then. Then last week several times I had Loreena McKennitt's "Huron Beltane Firedance" in my head. Haven't heard that once since early September at the latest, because that's when we got a new CD burner and my files got screwed up and I stopped downloading music. And just now I have some Sarah McLaughlin song in my head. I have no idea which one. Only one little part of it though.

It is now 10:30 and I was not hungry until ten minutes ago. The site I've been using for SAT prep had pictures of eclaires and cake and random desserts. My mom used to say I had "sweets radar" because I always would end up in the kitchen when something sweet was out. I didn't usually come in with that intention, but my timing was perfect...

This site is sort of insulting at times. It's too simple at some points and then doesn't give enough information at others.

I'm halfway through another Reading Level 4 book. I've always wondered how they determine reading level. I'll have to ask a librarian, but she might not know either.

Now that SAT thing is showing cherry pie. I would love to know their thought processes behind these pictures. This is the first one I've been able to make some connection with the material... Fractions and pie.

And now that I've mentioned that fire dance it's back in my head.

Well, my class ring is on its way back to the company to be resized.

Of course the one time I've had time and actually wanted to write more of my story was the time I decided I'd walk to the video rental place with my brother. In the cold. To a store that we should've known wouldn't be open anyway. Oh well, only half an hour wasted. But by the time I came in I was so wide awake and freezing that I had forgotten that urge entirely. I need to find out which gloves in my house work and which don't, because I went outside today in gloves I thought would stay toasty, but when I got half a block down the street the wind started whistling through them.

Something else in my head now. I think it's from the Dune miniseries. I haven't watched that since a week after it was on. I think it's a mix of that and something else.

All right, when my vision starts to move and shift and it looks like the monitor is breathing I know it's time to go to bed. Good night.

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