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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
You've been pwn'd by ☡.☠

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November 23, 2008 at 3:37pm
November 23, 2008 at 3:37pm
... Binga, Dinga, Winga-Winga referenced The Umbrellas of Cherbourg in his blog like two months ago, and I just now got it off my Netflix.

Mr. Enga had also linked the opening sequence in his blog, and I was like "How come I haven't seen this movie?" To answer that I think one only needs to know that it's Demy's opera, but now that I have seen it I am extremely satisfied. The movie is more of a documentary, reinforcing my misogynistic scientific belief that chicks will always leave dudes for the rich.

You can try and argue this theory, I know some of you are already preparing rebuttals and Wikipedia links, but it's true! I took a survey! 100% of me's believe this.

"That's so not true, I am married to/dating/living with, a gentleman of the proletariat class. See, I have proved your theory wrong."

No, you just haven't had the opportunity to leave a poor guy for a rich guy. Let me break down how this works: On a summer's eve (*Laugh*) you go out for pretzels and Shasta for your man who works in the Rothchild's diamond mines in Charleston, SC. At the pretzel dealer's (Messrs. Hammer and Smith) you meet a comely, but fine dressed man. As it turns out, you've forgotten your purse at home, and he offers to buy the pretzels (AND SHASTA!) if you promise to see him again. You're conflicted, and your female brain starts a turning. You know you should be with that miner, years of breaking rock have chiseled his body into an amazing example of manhood, but you agree to the strangers offer because he paid with a 10,000 dollar bill.

On that appointed date you tell your miner-man that you're going to the local DAR chapter for a quilt off, but instead you meet the mystery man. He wears a panda fur coat, something you don't agree with finding fur murder, and he's chubby and pasty from years of luxury. He tells you stories about his worldly travels like to Mertyl Beach and TJ, he talks of his properties and how he personally knows the Attorney General of Nevada. You begin to forget about Mr. Miner and before you know it you're having an affair! Skank!

Then, you lie about the affair for months! When you finally decide to leave, you just sneak away and leave a note saying "Dear Zack, um, Rick, poverty is unattractive and I'm rich now, peace". Your miner spends the rest of his days alone, while you live in the lap of luxury and mock the cabana boys at your summer home for not being rich.

I am so mad at you right now for what you did the that poor miner! But I think I've proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, the correctitude of my argument. Nay?
November 20, 2008 at 1:19pm
November 20, 2008 at 1:19pm
... it's been a week.

You would think in a weeks time there would be something new and fantastic to tell you all about, but no, there's been nothing new and fantastic. It's all old and un-fantastic.

I did go to the Turning Stone Casino up here in Central New York, it's where the big rollers go when they're feeling lucky. I swear I have never seen so much flannel in all my life, the place was a kaleidoscope of dingy outerwear and outdated sweatshirts with a variety of images on them. One could walk down the rows of slot machines and travel back in sweatshirt-time to Disneyland 1989, or remember when the Bills were four time Super Bowl participants. These people hadn't bought new clothes since then, so you knew the event was of particular importance.

I lost ten dollars in about ten minutes to the video poker machine. In gambler parlance, the machine had gone cold and left me about the same. There's no booze in this joint either, which means you only have gambling to spend your money on.

Sober, watching my bank sink by .25 at every hand, what better way to spend a Tuesday night?

I am out of coffee and my head hurts. Not because I'm an addict in anyway, oh no, I could quit the stuff right now if I wanted to, but I don't feel like it. I would kill a guy for a cup of joe right about now though. Otherwise, everything is as I left it off. I have been job hunting though, in St. Louis.
November 13, 2008 at 10:55am
November 13, 2008 at 10:55am
... all your advice the decision was clear: quantum sanitation seems to be what you want me to study in grad school. Your wish is my command.

So, the other day I was watching this video before we posted it and I asked myself, I said, "Me, do you think anyone else is laughing at this but us? Does it seem to you like we're only entertaining ourselves? We could be singing to our own shadows, and the world would never know!" Myself looked at me and he, hand to God, said, "Me, does it really matter when we have a hot body like that?"


I look like something straight out of Mad Max, yo.
November 10, 2008 at 4:02pm
November 10, 2008 at 4:02pm
... compana.

So, I've reached an impasse and I will now take your comments and suggestions to help me, Delegado Cero.

The RUMIEZ and I are in the early stages of planning a second campaign. A feature or short feature length film. We realize that what we do now, The R-Files and Rumiez, are only so effective. A separate project we could bounce around in film festivals and what not. It's the logical next step and everyone is eager and ambitious about it.

I fear though that our ambition and enthusiasm may get the better of us. There's a wealth of materials needed before going off to war. Manpower, equipment and most of all money which none of us got. Volunteer crew and actors are not too difficult to pool, the equipment will be difficult because it is incumbent on money and then there's locations, wardrobe, time and stamina. Filmmaking ain't that easy, and what we've been doing so far has been taken at a lazy pace. Real shoots go on for 12-16 hours a day, six days a week. Time is literally money in that business.

If we don't take care of the materials before hand, I fear that the popular sentiment would be to charge in with what we got and that would be disastrous. It would come off amateurish and probably fall on its face halfway through.

This is the problem. I have the opportunity to go back to grad school in St. Louis in January, all I got to do is register for classes. I would be, obviously, unavailable to work on the film here in Syracuse. Grad school seems like the safe bet, and, of course, the film is just that - A FILM. I don't want to put off grad school another year if I'm going to do it. I'll be 28 in March and then I'd be 31 when I finished. At least if I start now I'd be thirty when I finished.

But if I miss out on the film I'd be missing out on what I'm supposed to be doing. So, now I'm just confused. It's up to you, tell me what to do.
November 5, 2008 at 1:40am
November 5, 2008 at 1:40am
1:10am eastern time.

If tonight was not the most beautiful night in American politics ever I don't know what you'd think would top it.

Hope, a dream and over a century of promises come true. This is what America is about, proving that we can overcome and that we can accept and will move progressively forward. To a large part of the western world, we, its assumed "leader", appear to be "stone aged". That was discussed tonight, especially if you watched your results on the BBC like I did. We have the death penalty, we own guns and think dinosaurs existed along side man. Tonight though proved, in maybe one of the most moving events of my life, that we are a progressive nation.

This is our time, and for a definition of "our" I'd simply direct you to look in the mirror, even if you didn't vote for Obama. As our newest president said in his speech tonight, America has spoken and it's asked for change (I paraphrase). Whether you believe Obama will deliver that or not, just wait and see. I have the fullest faith in this man and what he's accomplished. I believe he is a man of the people and that he will deliver.

I've been on the phone all night to St. Louis, Edinburgh and points in between. Missouri, that hasn't reported as I write this, I believe will go to the Dems, an icing state. There is a full on celebration, a tear-filled jubilation that was what many of us had hoped for. It's a dream come true really. We have, as a nation, overcome, and we are making a statement to the world.

How quickly will these past eight years be forgotten to the world! I remember in 2004 when an English daily's headline read, after Bush was reelected, "Can 55,000,000 people really be that dumb?". The world is flat now, and we have to remember that. Tonight, whatever it's worth to you, is a sounding shot, a call and a cry; These United States will, through its democracy, be a progressive leader of the free world.

I'm a beer soaked, tear-laden mess. I've been up and down the neighborhood explaining results and predicting (100% correct I might add) results. Missouri, my far-off home, elected a new, Democratic governor, and my mom is excited. For the first time she figures, she's actually been able to vote for an African American candidate. This is a woman who cried for two Kennedy's and bemoaned Vietnam, not to mention suffered the shock of MLK's assassination. Brokaw can name his own "Greatest Generation", but I salute the warriors of the sixties and seventies, who truly shaped the America we know today. Without them, this day would have never been possible.

Then to think; what would have happened if the sixties hadn't of stopped in Biloxi, San Francisco or Birmingham? What if the march on Washington had gone right into the Oval Office? What if the greatest minds of the generation were not wasted on Rand or designing machines of destruction? Where would we be today?

I have a picture from Kent State on my wall. The one with the young woman, her arms extended, over the body of her comrade. This is a reminder that any state, McCain's or Obama's, foreign and domestic's, greatest enemy is the people they govern. You should remember this too; today, tomorrow and forever. Guns do not make a state but the people's will shall, and we should never let that slip.

So, in a drunken salutation, I suggest that you sleep easy and happy tonight. In 77 days Obama will have his hand to the bible, and after that... promises must be kept... otherwise I would expect the populace to take to the street as it had against Bush.

(But let's be serious, we just elected the coolest fucking president ever, I feel like I'll be kosher for eight years *Wink*)

I love you all, America and the future!!!!
November 4, 2008 at 2:54pm
November 4, 2008 at 2:54pm
... that means "Get Out The Vote".


I sure as as Sally did. It was my first time voting up here in CNY and let me tell you, it's way different than in Missouri. They use these lever machines and I was studying it before I went into the booth with a little old man chiding me. "Move it along, got to keep moving, there's a line" Damn right there was a line, I waited in it forever and so will the others behind me too! This is democracy inaction (that was intentional).

"If five years as a POW qualifies John McCain for the presidency, then that must mean Gitmo is a leadership camp." - John Stewart.

This is a beautiful time. The youth is seriously invested in this election which is awesome, and scary. If the forces of fascism republicans win, these first time voters may turn apathetic and feel as if the system failed them. If Barack wins and doesn't deliver, that's when we'll see the power of the youth movement, they'll make him answer.

Someone had told my mother that Obama's winning the election would be a sign of the apocalypse... I'll take my chances, I figure war-mongers would get us there quicker.

I hope you are all voting, have voted or will vote today. I love it, makes me feel good. I don't just vote for myself either, I vote for the nation. What does the US need? Does it need a crusty old-timer who will keep the rich, rich? Does it need more war? Does it need an aristocracy? A kleptocracy? A plutocracy? Or does it need something new? Think about the disenfranchised and the poor (like me), you build a strong nation from the base up.

Today is the day! We see if this blog will revel in a minor revolution or if it will be redacted by the worn out system we've been duct taping for years.

[EDIT] Because this is cool as heeeeell:

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November 2, 2008 at 11:50am
November 2, 2008 at 11:50am
... and you say roll!

Without further ado, two days after Halloween, we offer a tale of horror and suspense! A tale full of blood lusting vamps and Adonis like heros with beards that say "I would... but I may not enjoy it."


Support Paul, support me, and watch this insanely terrifying piece of work from studio Rumiez.
October 30, 2008 at 11:32am
October 30, 2008 at 11:32am
... in town he was lucky enough to meet local celebrity Vinny who entertained us with his own brand of, what he calls, comedy. Paul also was taught the American Female game of "I Steal Your Drink", and at last call no doubt, which means she was really trying to impress someone.

But, more importantly, while Paul was here he tripped and fell in front of a camera and will forever be known as a star. SEE PAUL HERE, IT IS THE MUSTACHING: PART 1.


.... Just in time for Halloween.
October 25, 2008 at 12:38pm
October 25, 2008 at 12:38pm
... where have I been? What have I seen?

Nowhere and this: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/8b3f3be03e It's the finale to "Death Rode A Mustache". If you haven't watched it, watch it again, and guess who the vampire is at the end for Zack Points. You may or may not be surprised.

Beyond that, I feel as though there's something I need to tell everyone but can't remember what it was... was it my impending marriage to a Saudi princess? No, that wasn't it. My stint in Gitmo? No, that wasn't it either...

October 22, 2008 at 12:50am
October 22, 2008 at 12:50am


And you thought we could only do comedy... how about DRAMADY!!!!!!!!!!

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