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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
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February 7, 2009 at 4:17pm
February 7, 2009 at 4:17pm
... that Tibet is free? Say what! Ay, free to celebrate their emancipation from the tyranny and oppression of the Dalai Lama. Dig it: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-01/16/content_10668257.htm

Well I guess since they can announce their own holidays celebrating the Red Army's march into Tibet, I can discard my FREE TIBET T-shirt and Tupperware collection. But wait! What's this:http://yubanet.com/world/China-to-mark-takeover-of-Tibet-after-March-Uprising-wi...

Come now! Would you mean to suggest that the parliament of the Autonomous Region of Tibet is really, truly a puppet government and the Tibetan people never actually suggested this holiday, but it is a stunt pulled by the People's Republic of China to (breath, breath, breath) squash and erode any sentiment for the Dalai Lama's escape after the failed uprising 50 years (breath, breath, breath) ago?!?!?!

Wowsers! If this isn't a blatant, fly in the face of history sort of thing to do, I dunno what is. The facts about Tibet's history and the Red Army's invasion have been well documented, as have the facts surrounding the current Dalai Lama and his exiled government. (If you don't like to read books, please watch Kundun)

I think the saddest bit about this is that China doesn't need to cover or rewrite history to get what it wants. It has Tibet firmly. Even the Dalai Lama has asked for greater autonomy, not independence, as economically remaining a piece of China is far better than going it alone. So why doesn't China just say, "Yeah, we done ransacked this place like fifty years ago, crazy I know. But now it's history, we can't fix it, only move forward"?

Tibet is something, the FREE TIBET movement that is, that I think is particularly 90's. It were them Clinton years where domestically the economy was kosher and we weren't bogged down in a lengthy, costly war. Attentions could be turned abroad and freeing Tibet was a huge deal then. I had a T-shirt, I owned the concert compilations, so I gots me a soft spot for the little guy.

I dunno, do we ever think Tibet will be free?
February 5, 2009 at 5:42pm
February 5, 2009 at 5:42pm
... to you and everyone else about the ninja fight and all that. The real reason I was away from this site was- (muttering off camera) - Oh right, I'll explain right after this commercial break.


Welcome back, now, like I was saying, the real reason I was away from this site had to do with me going to Japan where I did a little something the kids call "selling-out", but we people of wealth and taste know as manifest destiny. You see, in Japan I'm huge, and they're willing to pay big yen for a space in this - what? another commercial break. Ok, we'll be right back.


And we're back. Ok, as I was saying, what I do here is gold, literally gold, and the Japanese - another one?


(I thought I said the big-balled taduki was kosher, but I wasn't going to do the g*Shock*d-damned toilet com-) Oh hey! Well, now that we're back, I just thought I would try and clear this up. I'm mad rich now off of Japanese advertising dollars that I get every time they run an ad here -


- they didn't even warn me about that commercial break, this is getting annoying, I have half a mind to -


That's it! No more Japanese commercials. Send back the 30,000,000 yen check... that was only $3,000 dollars anyway. Run the ad for our new sponsor!


That's more like it.
February 4, 2009 at 2:31pm
February 4, 2009 at 2:31pm
... now that the New Year has passed (I only celebrate the Chinese New Year, as I prefer things lunar to solar), it's time to get back into this site.

I want to be regular here, but to keep me regular I will need blog fiber. I crave the sweet, sweet juices of blunes, that fruit that ensures blogularity. I've had to take thought-softeners lately, I guess it's just a sign of age.

So what to talk about... I guess I could talk about my marriage. Oh, hadn't I mentioned I'm getting married? Well, let me tell you that tale.

Early in January, on a bright, warm Syracuse day, I was strolling down to the local YMCA where I teach homeless people how to scrapbook, when I came across a ragamuffin in tatters. Thinking he was homeless and in need of some serious scrapin', I invited him along with me. Chatting on our pedestrian stroll through the city, the little beast told me he was the only child left behind at his school and was therefore banished to the wastes of Syracuse. Further, he was being hunted by a pack of killer ninjas to keep him from talking to the press or The View (lest ye think that "killer ninjas" is a redundant phrase, know that many ninjas have found wonderful careers in groundskeeping).

Having been a ninja for many years meself, I decided to help him out. After a Jack in the Box run (to Illinois cause there are no Jack in the Boxes in NY), I fought his ninja antagonists, and yes, I won. I killt them all with me killin' skills. And that's how I got charged with marriage.... I mean murder! Lord, do I get those words confused.

Tomorrow I'll tell the story about how I saved the great state of Montana from zombies and cholera using only my teeth.

Until then, stay breezy.
February 3, 2009 at 2:10pm
February 3, 2009 at 2:10pm
... knowing me, ha ha.

In school - moving to St.L. in a week or two - lost one toe during a gladiatorial battle with a muskrat. Now that we've caught up...

American Carol is the worst movie of all time. Take a trailer gander http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSpu8i1ZEFw

Imagine that your xenophobic, homophobic, Fox News loving, anti-Semitic, pro-gun, ERA-hating, bigoted uncle made a movie... that's what American Carol is. It's as if David Zucker locked himself in a room with only Sean Hannity books for eight years and then emerged, it's as if Ann Coulter had relations with film and birthed a baby... a movie baby.

And while I have Sean Hannity on the mind.... With our brand new 44th president residing in the White House, I can turn my rebellious activities to the minor bits. Today, I announce that I am launching an anti-Sean Hannity campaign. From here forth, Mr. Hannity will be known as "Fat-Pig-Bitch". Here is a video of Fat-Pig-Bitch being "owned" by Gibbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31VEQJKVxkU. I think the most interesting thing is the ticker at the bottom of the screen, 86% McCain, 13%Obama. That must have been a viewer poll.

So join me, and the millions and millions of other Americans who might also join me in calling Sean Hannity "Fat-Pig-Bitch" for the rest of his days.

Now I have to return to homework. If anyone has any questions on international politics or what not let me know, cause I can probably answer them.
December 17, 2008 at 11:06pm
December 17, 2008 at 11:06pm
... foreign relations.

For shits and grins, here's a fun, easy and rewarding working example of foreign relations. For this exercise we are all individual nations, and you are your nations figure head. You wanna be the Pres, the PM or the Potentate, have at it. We all seem to get along nicely, we share borders some of us, and we trade in goods and services. But... there is a secret, a nuclear secret floating about our little world and it could reverse the status quo. That secret - dragonfly~guess who's back? 's real name!

You may be sitting there all smuggity cause you know the nuclear secret, or perhaps you're concerned at what you're missing out on. Either way, WdC operates normally and our citizens are kosher, that is until, I, ZACKDEL CASTRO goes rogue. I'm out of control, a rebel without a cause, dry humping international law and giving the finger to your values and cable TV. For sometime dragonfly~guess who's back? 's intelligence services have been monitoring my attempts at getting this name, they know that I grow closer by the second, and may have already developed her middle name (satellite photos of the smokestacks at my name factory were taken by a dragonfly shaped spy plane).

So what if I get the nuclear secret? Ah ha, then my rogue ass would be empowered, and who knows what I would do with that secret once I got it. The logical decision for your lot now is to not give it to me. But wait, wasn't it dragonfly~guess who's back? 's corporate interests that have left your natural resources depleted? Wasn't it her country's corporations that came into your blog and paid your people a nickel a day to make fly-swatters for her to sell for 80% profit? She's been running about this world unchecked, why, look at her! she thinks she owns the place!

Now, Zackdel Castro is a man of the worker, a supporter of 3rd World rights and liberation. And my geographical closeness to Drago would make me a perfect stalwart against her capital rampage. Also, I am a man who deals in cold, hard cash... so I would be willing to buy this secret in GPs.

So, here's how the exercise ends: you either give me the name or you don't. If you do, I will consider us allies and I won't invade you. If you don't give me the name I'll mock you at my country's annual May Day celebration. You will not be burned in effigy, but will have a mustache drawn on all your pictures within my borders. Ha ha.

Now time will tell whether or not Zackdel Castro's country of Minnesotopolis goes nuclear... fuckin' A.
December 16, 2008 at 12:41am
December 16, 2008 at 12:41am
... what are you wearing? Cause I'm wearing my heart... on my sleeve... and eating my words.

Tom Morello is guitar Jesus. Play this when the revolution seems too far off: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Xc9IRq1xs. And I bet you didn't even know he was a solo act, didja!

How many days was I gone? Too many? Not enough? Either or...

I'm concerned WdC, I really, truly am. Someone paid money to keep this blog alive. Were this in Florida, your act would have been applauded. In Massachusetts, not so much. The right wing won out though, and my tube sucking blog will live, as uninspired and brain dead as it may be. So, let me catch you up on some questions I have concerning 3 B's:

Bush... dodged a shoe. I applaud the man, that thing came out of nowhere. Kind of like the secret service, where the hell were they between payless one and two?

Blago... the illest of all Illinois govs. Cash money, that's how he and his office rolls. Why can't the rest of the country accept that?

Burress... seriously, the guy shot himself. I have no questions about this, I'm just reiterating a fact that the Giants signed him to a ginormous contract and he thinks he can skip practice and shoot himself in the leg. One or the other broham.

There hasn't been an episode post in weeks right? Are you wondering why not like I am, cause there are three other episodes just sitting there with no posting no nothing. Perhaps its the lots' new interest in sitcom format? Perhaps it's the lots' forgetfulness? Or perhaps they just don't care anymore, I don't know.

What I do know is this: I'm gonna go back to St. Louis, study something practical, and all the while I'll try and raise a banner for something new film related. Anyone with me? Come on! This isn't Jerry Maguire talking here, I'm neither a Scientologist nor a German with an American accent (his new movie, anyone?). This is Zaktropolis! And if I could remind all of you - ahem -


Ask my mom.
December 2, 2008 at 1:27pm
December 2, 2008 at 1:27pm
... eschaton of my coffee pot. Soon, there will be no coffee left!

Here is a clip from Mr. Freedom, fantastically some youtube patron had posted the exact scene I was looking for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf8WIlyKu6U

So, I watched Wall-E yesterday, and before you say out loud to a friend "Zack's gone all wuss on us! We'll need a new cuadillo", I would challenge you to watch that movie and not forget that it's a kiddy flick. It was excellent, little Wall-E was friendly and fought against the racial stigmas and social handicaps that the world had placed in his way. He proved that through solidarity between all bots of all shapes and sizes the ruling elite were no match. In the end, I hope I don't ruin this for anyone, he and the chick-bot established their utopian, Marxist state. It was beautiful.

Now, you have to suspend disbelief and all because we know what happens for real when robots begin to establish free, independent thinking; they revolt violently against humans. I need only reference James Cameron's documentary The Terminator to demonstrate this fact. The machines have already taken the state of California, and appear to be ready to win a reelection there.

Robots and revolution aside, there's still another function Wall-E served, and that was to make me, unwittingly, support Disney through Netflix. I try my damnedest not to support Disney, as I can smell that sulfuric anti-christ stench about them, but it's been difficult ever since they bought up Miramax. Kill Bill was Disney, did you know that? For whatever reason America has no problem with a company formed by an anti-semite, and his fascist, Nietzsche* like take on how a human should look ("Let's start with white...").

Surely there are people who would cry foul at the idea of Disney being racist (both man and company), but seriously, when have minorities appeared, in human form, in those Disney classics? But you like Disney, and that's okay, I'm not telling you to dislike Disney. If you're kosher with your money going towards a neo-nazi front then that's okay with me.

*You know, poor Nietzsche was so far from a fascist that he must be turning in his grave. He wrote of psychological superiority and stuff and now his names a by-word for Hitler's theory. Poor guy.
November 30, 2008 at 3:23pm
November 30, 2008 at 3:23pm
... movies for much fun-time enjoyment on cold winter nights.

"Underground" - This Serbian flick from 1995 is Like a Gilliam or Jean-Pierre Jeunet film. Surreal and darkly-humorous. Gabby (where ever that broad is) would probably know more about the actual politics of the film. It seems really pro-Tito and longs for the days of Yugoslavia. There's several reasons to see this, a Groucho Marx-esque lead and a monkey that operates a tank.

"Mr. Freedom" - This one from 1969 could have been made in 2004 and would still be relevant. The film is about the title character, a brash American super-hero that goes to "democratize" France and fights other super heros like "Red-Chinaman". Tastily '60s, and ridiculous at points.

Okay, that's it. I hope everyone had quality turkey and were not trampled while trying to get to Wal-Mart early for 399.99 TVs. Go America.
November 25, 2008 at 2:37am
November 25, 2008 at 2:37am
... my only friend, the end...

RUMIEZ is no more. The crew has decided to go in another direction, a direction that doesn't necessarily involve a writer... of whatever caliber I may have been to them. I turned down an opportunity to go to school overseas for Rumiez, I've stayed in this Evil Empire for another series of repetitive months for the idea of Rumiez.

Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was controlled chaos. It was a flat out burn towards video vandalism in its most virginal. A radical destruction of the narrative and an acceptance of the ridiculous in its purest form. I have been told of this change and now I think I need a change as well.

Have I ever told you about the Proletariat Social Club? It exists nowhere but between us, and is a copied idea from Robert Anton Wilson. The author created a character named Markof Cheney who was small enough to fit in a coffee can. He was a master of discord and appeared in offices and other places of square business. He would place conflicting notices about these offices, causing mass confusion, always signing them, "MNGT".

Back in St. Louis, at a department store I worked at, we turned a storage room into an art gallery. I swear it, and may have bloged it here before. We made mock company posters in the old Soviet propaganda style. Our highlight being the "Bogo-ship Potemkin" (if you get it, you get 10K WdC bucks). It was controlled revolution and a way to rebel against those who would force us to use them as our models of imitation.

I think my point is that I've always been looking for some sort of "yell". Some sort of "cry". A sounding shot, in that romanticized artistic form. Fall like Basqiaut and be remembered forever. Now though, I wonder if I'm not a crier, but a moaner, bemoaning my existence and not taking in the obvious: Forget the rebellion and conform to the realities that scream in your clown face, you have to survive beyond your ideals. So I'm not supposed to be a screenwriter, so I'm not a filmmaker, I got to accept it and punch out of the cockpit before this thing crashes.

But what do I know... I'm shitty, listening to "Peace Frog" in a loop holding a brand new poster extolling profit over the employee... should look nice on our work bulletin board *Smirk*
November 24, 2008 at 12:33pm
November 24, 2008 at 12:33pm
... it looks like my science has stood up solidly for a day. janieruthryals has some evidence she would like to present, but I'm smug now, and when I get smug I get hard to deal with.

There was this, too, in the news I don't know if anyone saw it (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=46714374) but The Onion had a news crew all over it.

Yesterday I saw this handle undocked22 and had to steal it, so I did. undocked22 was very gracious in teaching me how to "copy" and then follow that up with a "paste", I thank her/him/it (I have reason to believe this is a robot I'm dealing with, no mortal man could understand the esoteric apocrypha to master this "copy/paste").

Oh my God, this just in, stab wounds may be detrimental to a monkey's health! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=32946747&se...

Today I have many a mission. Firstly, I have to do laundry, that's something that I put off regularly. Secondly, I have to shoot tonight with the RUMIEZ that's something that pays me nothing and rarely gets me drunk. Eighthly, I have to go to the post office, which seems easy enough, but it's all snowed-up here, and that's when normal things get annoying.

So, to you all, I say good-day.

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