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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
You've been pwn'd by ☡.☠

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June 22, 2009 at 2:48pm
June 22, 2009 at 2:48pm
... you lot are a bunch of jerks!

Last night I responded to gennivre's comment on the SUNDAY NIGHT HYPOTHETICAL and because of my lack of humor at 1:30 am, she was afraid she offended me and apologized, worried that this hypothetical was based on something I was going through.

Being the mischievous, anti-social discordian I am, I thought "I should say yes, and see how far I can take this joke", but then I got serious... out of all of you, gennivre was the only one worried that I was making a cry for help! She was concerned and there to talk me through my transgendered dilemma! You should all be ashamed of yourselves... for shame! I could have been bawling my eyes out all night and you were sitting there passing judgement like some withered old man outside a Counting Crows concert... at least now I know who my real friends are.

So, in recognition of her support, quick wit and cunning gennivre is awarded THE MANIFESTO REMIX PURPLE HEART AND GARTERS. It is the highest award a peer can receive and is equivalent in value to the Stanley Cup and as hard to achieve as total victory on G4's Ninja Warrior course... wait... (what? we pawned it... for beer money... and we drank all the beer!!!! SHHHH) The award is in the mail, trust me.

In other news: Do you really want to stick to the Iranian government? I mean really, really want to stick it to them? Then go to Pirate Bay, the torrent site, where they've teamed up with Anonymous (the merry pranksters who picket Scientology) to attack the Iranian government's firewall. These two have tried the same stunt with the Great Firewall of China and failed. Apparently though you can Twitter directly to sites friendly with the government. How it works, I don't know, but it sounds like a chaotic good time.

Remember that German kid that got hit with the meteor? Turns out meteor's have a conscious and it was aiming. This is footage of the kid just before getting pwn'd by that space rock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBVmfIUR1DA

And finally, Sarkozy says burqas are out in France and crocs are the new black.
June 21, 2009 at 7:18pm
June 21, 2009 at 7:18pm
... it's time for your SATURDAY STUMPER answer.

The correct answer is: 24. That's, 24. Congratulations to those who answered correctly, the rest of you may rot in your own loser stink, never having friends or finding love for the rest of your days.

And Now...

... it's time for your SUNDAY NIGHT HYPOTHETICAL

You find the man/woman of your dreams and spend a romantic year with him/her. Everything is great and you pop the question. He/she though says that he/she has to come clean with you: apparently he/she wasn't always a he/she, in fact at one point he/she was a she/he!*Shock*!

The surgery was done and now he/she is the he/she you've come to know and love, and had he/she never told you he/she was a she/he once, you would never have known. What do you do? You fell in love after all, do you still continue your relationship with him/her? Do you end it with him/her?

Remember, there are no wrong answers in the SUNDAY NIGHT HYPOTHETICAL only hypothetically wrong answers.
June 20, 2009 at 7:34pm
June 20, 2009 at 7:34pm
... it's time for your SATURDAY STUMPER

This weeks topic: Wade Boggs.

How many home runs did Wade Boggs hit in 1987? Again, that's; How many home runs did Wade Boggs hit in 1987?

Stay tuned for the correct answer and don't forget to visit our foreign based sponsors! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-B52PV876I
June 19, 2009 at 1:42pm
June 19, 2009 at 1:42pm
... seriousness.

No one, not a single person, wanted to tell me how hot Lydia Guevara is (*Down* from yesterday)? Not a soul wants to lift the embargo with Cuba just for a chance to meet her and take her out for a Cuba Libre or four? Sad... sad...

What else did I glaze over for the past few days... religion!

From TEACH ME TUESDAY I had asked about religion. There are the same old tired answers and then there are the same old tired answers when it comes to religion. They're the same with every religion too, and they basically boil down to faith. I study Buddhism, not because I saw it and I was like, "Aw! More truth than Christianity!" but because it answered a question for me in the here and now: bringing an end to suffering. I find it hard to believe in reincarnation just as I find it hard to believe in water-to-wine and burning bushes (unless she's a red-head! *Laugh**Laugh**Laugh*). Practically though, Buddhism provides an answer for me today.

Did you know Reagan brought Jerry Fallwell or one of those TV extortionists into meetings with his Joint Chiefs? He did this cause he thought the end times were coming and he wanted biblical advice. That's great, the Gipper's religious, but when you put that kind of thought behind nukes I'd rather have an atheist with his finger on the trigger who won't be trying to live up to any prophecy.

What else... Oh! I know!

I've been meaning to ask this for sometime. Last week while watching for the 15k view something remarkable happened. One day my average reader was "Married Female, age 25-39, with College Degree education. Their income level is less than $20,000". My kind of chick, educated and married so what we do can only happen once (or twice if she's lucky), and she's broke so she can't judge me. Then, two days later my average reader was "Married Female, age 25-39, with College Degree education. Their income level is $100,000 to $149,999".

*Shock* Which one of you dames done come up in the world and why haven't you shared the wealth with me! I demand an answer!
June 18, 2009 at 11:48pm
June 18, 2009 at 11:48pm
... happening.

Those of you who know me, know how much I have in common with one Ernesto "Che" Guevara. We both believe in working class solidarity, that the rich offer nothing productive to society, and we both have those rugged, good, revolutionary looks.

Che's granddaughter Lydia is a PETA spokes-model now for their pro-vegetarian messages. While I could give a crap less about PETA, I couldn't give enough crap to Lydia. Viva la boner

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I heard an "Oo-la-la", from my cultured, revolutionary brothers and sisters. Then I heard a hearty "bleh" from the right. "Bleh! I'll continue to beat my bishop to Ann Coulter! She wouldn't help a poor person get health care, and that's hot!"

Che's birthday was recent too, I celebrated, and I know you did too!

In other revolutionary news... http://www.revleft.com/vb/china-jiangxi-nankang-t111086/index.html

You can't hold the Chinese down... much. What's funny about this link is that it contains pictures showing all sorts of rioting in China, and their credited to "Anti-CNN.com". That's a Chinese website made after the Tibet riots in March 2008 because the Chinese felt CNN was showing their nation in a negative light.

THURSDAY NIGHT FACE PUNCH CHALLENGE - We've talked revolution a lot tonight, so let's have a revolutionary challenge: I challenge you to prove to me that Mao, Che and Lenin were bad-guys. Chose one or all three, your job is to prove it!
June 17, 2009 at 11:18pm
June 17, 2009 at 11:18pm
... was pretty much what I thought I would: faith is the abstract measurement of a persons' devotion to a religion that can not be quantified and there by provides no challenge to whatever belief system they inhabit. The thinker is the prover. As long as I believe in something other than myself, I never have to assign fault. Etc, etc, etc, remind to tell you about my Buddhist studies and what not, when I'm not so -

WEDNESDAY NIGHT DRUNK BLOG. For those of you out of the know, Wednesday night is league sand-volleyball, when I let my hair down and really lay into the booze. This week, we were playing a team we went 3-0 against in the spring league... tonight 2-1... either they improved or we suck 1/3 more. I know they looks ain't improved *Laugh*... they ugly.

There's this blond that plays in the league who is, ungodly attractive (and tall... whodathunkit). I am the sole representative of single-folk on our team, and have made it my duty to see if she too be single-folk. I have a feeling she is not. When you get to be my age, most of the talent has been wedded or had some seed imbedded. At best, I will end up marrying a once divorced, no kids (if I'm lucky) chick, all because I had some stupid goals in life that had nothing to do with the suburbs, an SUV and selling out.

I have an idea... *Smirk*... a drunk idea (cue villainous music). A pub crawl... of sorts... a night when people all drunk blog at once! Sign up in the comments below!

Now I have to go.
June 16, 2009 at 1:05pm
June 16, 2009 at 1:05pm
... religion's relevance in the modern world.

Does religion serve a purpose beyond creating strife and sectarian divisions? Is it nothing more than smoke, mirrors and superstition or is there a modern use? Will science ever reconcile with faith or is one going to squash the other? Science makes advances daily it seems, but no God of any faith has spoken to their followers or written a new Holy verse in sometime.

In short, are we evolving beyond religion into the rational?
June 15, 2009 at 2:23pm
June 15, 2009 at 2:23pm
... out of material.

This blog is about nothing, cause I know nothing. There's literally nothing in my head to put here... so let's just watch some TV together.

The Mighty Boosh, everyone! They's my squishy boots! It was a Nazi, it was a Nazi man!

You'll be saying those phrases all day long.

June 14, 2009 at 9:04pm
June 14, 2009 at 9:04pm
... for your Sunday Night Hypothetical:

Zombies are everywhere!*Shock*! They've eaten your neighbors, your dog and your mohel. What the hell do you do?

This hypothetical assumes that you have no kids, no husband/wife, and no mister/mistress. Does that change anyone's answers?

June 13, 2009 at 1:48pm
June 13, 2009 at 1:48pm
... ya! It's the Pontiff of the population's Pop, the speculative samurai swinging his sword slowly, the Discordian disseminating through the digital distance. It's ME, bored and baroque in the broadly bleak bastard's bamboo base. Let us lambaste the lightened loads of the lower levels of local life.

Things I have done in the past 24 hours:

*Note5* Watched Kurosawa's Drunken Angel. Toshiro Mifune is probably my mostest favorite actor ever. I dislike the idea that he's the Japanese equivalent of our John Wayne, Mifune-san had way more range than Wayne. Watch Seven Samurai again and really pay attention to Mifune-san.

*Note5* I've gotten myself back to running 30mins at a stretch. That's really sort of bunk cause I used to have to run like 45min to an hour at a time in high school and college for basketball, but now, alas, I am an old wearied dog of a man. The broken remains of my parent's dreams. Nothing left for me to do but die. By the bye, do you want to know how I'll die? I figure it'll either be by cancer or in a hail of federal gunfire. No time for marriage or kids when you're fronting the dollar democracy counter-revolution, mind you.

*Note5* This song hasn't left my head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8KleWPGuic&feature=related It's Toshiro Mifune's fault, I was YouTubing him to see if there were any interviews with him, and then found this clip of The Seatbelts, who are really the only jazz band I listen to, from Japan. Man, can those cats wail - quoth the Kerouac, nevermore.

*Note5* I slept.

*Note5* I woke up.

*Note5* I ate a hearty breakfast of yam-pancakes with a side of humble pie with my words on top.

*Note5* And now I ponder the preposterous propositions the ambiguous morality questions pose to the mind of the modern man.

But do you know what today is?!? It's the First Annual Hit a German Kid With a Meteor Celebratory Pub Crawl and 5k Race! That's right, go out there and find a meteor and hit a German kid with it to remember that day, two days ago, when a German kid got hit with a meteor. Please, tell me your fondest memories of that German kid getting hit with a meteor below. Sayonara, WdC-san!

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