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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
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July 12, 2009 at 12:44pm
July 12, 2009 at 12:44pm
... passed away this week, and at the risk of sounding the hypocrite, I have nothing bad to say about the man.

I think it has more to do with the generational divide than anything else. When the documentary Fog of War was released (excellent doc by the bye), he came off more as my wised, learned grandpa than anything else. Also, he was a nerd, and his failures or mistakes or what have you with Vietnam gave us a great lesson; if we nerds, with superior mental faculties, can't run a war right, who can? Maybe these "wars" should be abolished, yes?

So from one nerd to another, Bob McNamara, you will be missed... well, let's be real, I wasn't even thinking about the guy until I found out he was dead... so really I mourn your loss.

And Now...

... it's time for your SUNDAY HYPOTHETICAL.

Hypothetically speaking, which Cobra Commander would strike more fear into a child, the metal masked commander or the draped, cloth masked commander?

http://www.answers.com/topic/cobra-commander#Vintage - just in case you'd like to make an educated and informed opinion.
July 11, 2009 at 11:25am
July 11, 2009 at 11:25am
... Anon, but now you must weather the consequences of your awesome gratuity.

Yesterday the decision to either get myself kicked off of here or stay was taken out of my hands by someone gifting me a membership in perpetuity (I used that word right, right?). In any event, I have my hunches as to who it could be... the DNC, the ghost of Caesar Chavez, or maybe, just maybe... The Storymaster himself. After all who would have the most to gain by thwarting my plans to cause mischief and mayhem?

Unfortunately I had already written my WdC eulogy - that'll be here Monday -

And Now...

... it's time for your Saturday Stumper.

How did James Bond's parents die? That question again is, how did James Bond's parents die?

To assist your thinking, the lovely tunes and wacked out video of Danielson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_dGiGZ8kxU
July 10, 2009 at 1:11pm
July 10, 2009 at 1:11pm
... are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken... or handicapped.

Moving right along, yesterday there were two epic fails with my blog. One was my bad the other was your bad.

My fail came with not separating the first bit about "golden blogs" from my list of crafty one-liners. This gave the impression that I was holding myself over the whole of WdC, something I'd never do... out loud.

Your fail came in not laughing. I thought you'd know me so well now, I expected this kind of response "Ha ha! LO-f*Laugh**Laugh*king-L! Lawrence Welk and Amy Grant!" Instead, you revealed how little you've ever paid attention to me, reading this only for my body and physical bleauty (that's blog beauty). You were staring at my word-crotch and not my eyes, the window to a blogs soul *Sad*.

I was able to air some grievances with alfred booth, wanbli ska though about this site so that was a plus.He told me, and I quote:

"Zack, you will never be respected here as long as you are surrounded by all these female writers in bleat (that's blog heat)" You can ask him, that's exactly what he said, scouts honor.

There was a point though to my one-liner, insult comedy bit, and now it doesn't even matter. In closed door, double blind, triple touch sensitive market research that plan was shot down 3-2 yesterday. Part of it though has to do with my membership here expiring on the 31st of this month. I'm debating whether I need to renew it or not. It's money, real money terms cause I'm a student... and them loans don't kick in till mid-August. So I have to decide... is it worth it?

If I decide not to, imagine how much mischief I can cause! For that matter, why even let my membershipp expire, why not try and get kicked off!

So now, it's up to you, give me suggestions on how to wittily and intelligently get kicked off of this site. Your suggestions can not include harassment or hate mail or any of that primitive crap. I need a really smart and witty way to go that fits me.
July 9, 2009 at 2:04pm
July 9, 2009 at 2:04pm
... three years and only now did I get to 400 entries. You can't find a bad one in the lot though, I defy you to find a bad entry. Golden... all gold.

WdC is what Lawrence Welk fans do when they're not complaining about youth culture.

WdC is the only place where pretension isn't just a word but a way of life.

WdC is where arts & crafts flea markets and the music of Amy Grant collide.

WdC is where the substance of important writings are drained.

WdC is where Olive Garden hires its advertising talent.

WdC has no time for ITT Technical Institute or Ronnie Deutch.

WdC is constantly reaching new levels of complacency.

WdC is where good ideas go to die.

WdC... for thirty bucks every three months you get nothing but the ability to blog at people you could probably keep in touch with on MySpace for free.
July 8, 2009 at 11:43am
July 8, 2009 at 11:43am
... *Laugh**Laugh**Laugh* Comment Mob... Success!

So here's what I learned yeast-erday; the comment mob can work! Our lovely and adorable hailey deserves a round of applause. If anyone can think of someone who would enjoy a mobbing, let the mob fly! I'm down for a mobbing anytime! And pat yourselves on the back, we're innovators here on WdC, not just means of profit for a Story "Master" and his "Mistress".

This is what I propose: Let's pick a day of the week, or month, don't want to over do it, and that day we'll all know we're mobbing someone. We'll case their blog, and then blammo! I also propose that we pick a friendly, so they can enjoy it just as much as we do.

What else did I learn... the standards of education here in the US are failing our children. Your children that is, cause I ain't got no youngins. I haven't met a womb strong enough for my seed and when I do have kids they will be educated in the ancient art of surprise! No one will be more surprised by my reproduction than me that is.

Revolution time, but first a word from our revolutionary sponsor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLXU7aJxWpk (This chicochica Obligatory Blue Month Hyper Link was sponsored in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

Monday was the one-hundred-fifty-fifth anniversary of the very first Republican Party meeting. Huzzah! Where would we be today without the party of Nixon and Bush...

On that note, 5 million ways to kill a CEO (not that I advocating killing CEOs, just roughing them up a bit)
July 7, 2009 at 11:28am
July 7, 2009 at 11:28am
... Tuesday has been outsourced this week to twinkledee ♥'s you 's blog "Invalid Item. There our lovable Aussie friend ponders American education. I've commented there, you can read my thoughts, and if you want let me know what you think, and let Twinks know what you think too. Otherwise... ponder, just ponder.

So, today, we'll talk about the books that made me what I am today. It's related to American education, as in I had to supplement my education with outside sources.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X
I first read this when I was 12 or 13, it was my first year of junior high regardless. This one was probably most important as it changed my way of thinking. In school we breezed through the Civil Rights era and in February watched documentaries on MLK and Abraham Lincoln. What would one expect though from a white town where most of the population never left the city limits.

There was something in Malcolm's story that instantly struck me, and I was floored by how much of our history I was missing in school. The "right" answer, I learned, didn't always equate to the factual answer, and American schools are about teaching the "right" answer. Malcolm's story is the American story: he was a rehabilitated criminal who became a great orator, and he grew out of hatred into a man searching peace, guided by his Muslim faith. What makes it "un-American" in most is that the man was black, his ideas included raising his race and later all poor, and his faith was Muslim.

Soledad Brother & Blood in My Eyes
Here we find a book that, more recently than any other, has shaped some of my feelings about socialism. The sixties and into the seventies were a different time, and much has been forgotten or simply neglected when the facts are taught today. Like the term "pig", comes from the phrase "death to the pigs", which was a Spanish Civil War battle cry directed towards the fascist colluders, used by radicals here in the sixties for basically the same meaning, became a derogatory term towards cops cause... well, who else was sicking dogs on protesters.

The other lost bit of history that isn't taught in white schools is that the Black Panther Party was, while a majority black caucus, primarily a Socialist party that was concerned with class issues. Jackson writes on several occasions that the struggle is for blacks and poor whites. It poses a quantum question that I still struggle with today: where do you draw the line between a race issue and a class issue?

The roots of this go back to the very settlements of America. Slave owners (who also owned white slaves as selling yourself into slavery was a way to pay off your boat fair to the new world) were greatly out numbered by their slaves and indentured workers used racial bias to keep the poor whites on their side. Even today, poor whites in rural communities treat welfare and other "inner city" issues as a black problem solely. If they'd wise up and accept class struggle they'd realize that these issues affect them too.

The Motorcycle Diaries of Che Guevara
Once one of South America's brightest thinkers and a man totally devoted to class issues and the improvement of the peasant condition, now a T-shirt. Any biography of the man you read will highlight his motorcycle journey as the turning point in Che's life, and in this book you'll see why. We forget in America just why our neighbors in the center and southern parts of this continent are so angered and frustrated with us. This book is reminder of just how long colonialism lasted, if not with a flag, then under the banner of some corporation's logo. It may also change how you feel about the "communist revolutionary" and see him more as an empathetic doctor striving to make a difference against class oppression.

There are other books too, but I've typed long enough. I have a feeling there are those out there going, "oh, he's one of those guys", to which I say, "Educated? Why yes!" *Bigsmile*

Did anyone notice how all three books were written by revolutionary martyrs? Hummm?
July 6, 2009 at 3:14pm
July 6, 2009 at 3:14pm
... my plans were bunk! Look at this bit about the /b/tards -v- Tweet-ards http://news.cnet.com/8301-13515_3-10279618-26.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1...

That was my plan, on Friday, for someone's comments here (sans gorilla penis). Remember the COMMENT MOB idea I had, and you guys were like all "Oh, I love authority and want to caress and love it forever! I hope I never break a rule!".

Yeah... score one for the Z-novator.

Yeast-erday's hypothetical was a goodin'. Unfortunately some of you turned it religious and flouted The Force as being an advantage for the Star Wars fans. Trekkies and Lucophiles will never resolve their differences until there is an understanding between the two faiths. That and the Ewok settlements of the West Bank are removed, then we can talk peace.

And now for something completely different, it's babies on roller skates -


July 5, 2009 at 9:11pm
July 5, 2009 at 9:11pm

Hypothetically speaking, if a Stark Trek fan and a Star Wars fan were locked in a room together... who would be the only one to emerge? Give approximate odds if you feel you can.
July 4, 2009 at 2:39pm
July 4, 2009 at 2:39pm
... of July. Today is a day for drinking beer and celebrating Independence from King George III.

It's raining here in the Lou, dampening many a cookout, but I won't let it dampen my family's revolutionary story.

My ancestor "Immigrant" George Hume came straight from Scotland to a young George Washington's side where he taught him surveying. His tools are still on display at Mount Vernon. Immigrant George's grandson served as chaplain to Washington's regiment during the revolution itself. Now imagine if we had built a wall to keep out our ancestors, imagine how poorer this place would be had we turned away with the Colonial Immigration Authority and the Department of Colonial Security, those who came here back in the day, hu?

Why, that sounds like a political debate! I love to debate. When I was 13 my mom caught me in the bathroom with a copy of Foreign Affairs magazine debating. It's an obsession I can't get rid of and has grown into debating in public. I've been known to just waltz out into a public square and expose my lengthy, thick arguments and start debating right there in front of everyone.

So to further debate I have created this:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1577892 by Not Available.

It's a forum for everyone to raise issues and counter points. It's a place for those of you who hate how I, with bravado and showmanship, further my progressive ideals in the face of oppression can act as a bulwark. If you hate how pretty I look while flying in the face of "profit over people" conservative, ideology, smash a brick of your words into my countenance there. It is also the home of the 30k GP challenge, if you can out debate me there, I will pay said sum to you.

Happening there now I floss poetically about Palin's quitting, not resigning, but quitting the Alaskan governorship. Am I right, am I wrong? Of course I'm right! Come prove me wrong, I defy you!
July 3, 2009 at 12:41pm
July 3, 2009 at 12:41pm
... here's the plan.

This site has gotten dull. It lacks the entertainment I crave, and while I don't blame you, I do. You owe me, and this is how you can repay me. COMMENT MOB.

You know how there are those social performance art groups that will mob a public place for like fifteen minutes before dispersing. There's video on YouTube, and David Letterman's kind of done it too, it's the thing where like a hundred people cram a corner market and then leave as fast as they came...

This is what we do - we vet a mark, someone with a sense of humor (who preferably doesn't read this, otherwise it's bunk) and makes regular blog entries. Then we split into two teams, the "I agree" and the "I disagree". Then we just post those short phrases in their comments... you see how this works?

Among all the "LOL *Laugh*, I'd fart on Rascal Flats too if I had the chance!" comments there will be our prearranged comments; repeated non sequiturs. Let's find a rube and get this thing started! Nominate and volunteer below!

I can hear your groans through my computer... I feel as though I'm about to be failed again... your punishment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpKAA2VxWY8

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