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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
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August 11, 2009 at 9:47am
August 11, 2009 at 9:47am
... lookee here at what I can do. If it looks like two guys riding each other and it tastes like two guys riding each other:

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

You see, the The StoryMaster heard my well articulated, well formed arguments and gifted me a premium membership. That's 1/2 his kindness and 1/2 my intelligent, mature and well delivered points. *Bigsmile*

Today I'd like to talk about a million dollars. I don't have a million dollars, but I think I deserve a million dollars. Reason one: women like to go to nice restaurants. I don't have no woman, cause I can't afford no nice restaurant. Reason two: civil suits are costly. So what, I may or may not have punched an elderly man's teeth out, that's not important, what is important is that I gotta pay the guy money. Why, these look like well articulated and intelligent arguments for giving me a million dollars!

I'll be anticipating a check!

With my new dark powers over video, I'm ready to run the gauntlet. Vlog? Web series? Either or both maybe! I dunno. Input, suggestions and criticisms welcome. What I would like to see happen though, in a small corner of WdC, is a video community. When Video Vandalism was up and running the idea was to encourage screenwriting and production here. Now, perhaps, that's a greater possibility today than ever before.

I think embedding videos is far more encouraging of plays than blind links. How many of you can tell me what play was being performed at Ford's theatre in yesterday's link?... exactly. Let me know your thoughts!
August 10, 2009 at 10:08am
August 10, 2009 at 10:08am
... Z. Gatsyo and I will be your Sherpa. Every time you read this blog, you gain one point towards a free bottle of aus ju.

Here it is, another Monday. Well, need ye' a giggle, I humbly offer this re-enactment of the Lincoln Assassination. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApUbW1xU8c0&feature=related

Did you see that! That's a video link that could, could be an embedded video. According to "Site News & Announcements embedding YouTube videos is available to "premium+ members" only. Harumph! I says, I says it twice! Harumph!

Who was it that tried to start a WdC Film Fest? That would be me, remember Video Vandalism? Who was it that started to not just blog but vlog here? That would be me, remember The Manifesto Remix Vlog? Who was it that was working on a web series and posting links to the vids? ME! Who is it that has harnessed the power of the viral-vid gods to bring laughter and randomnimity to your homes and hearts? ME AGAIN!

I proclaim to you here today, under the site of all the Buddhas; past, present and future in the ten Buddha lands that I deserve that ability for free!

This is something I would have shanked an orphan for back in the day! Embedded video right in the blog, none of this blind linkage. This goes right into modern film (video's older, more respected, less crack addicted brother) which has turned into an art for the wealthy. Art used to be the primal scream of the oppressed and the troubled, but now it's a factory produced commodity. I have always said the best filmmakers and writers will never be discovered because they didn't have the contacts or wealth to make themselves known.

Well, harumph! So we see it play out here now. This ability will be a novelty for those who can afford it, not deserve it, or need it! That's right, I said they were less deserving. Z, that's not very Buddhist of you! That doesn't represent right thinking or right speech! Oh stow it!

Think it: do you think you're any less deserving of a shot at publication just cause Matthew Pearl knew the right, Harvard peoples? Do you think there are singers out there less deserving of a record deal just because Paris Hilton can buy the studio? Or what about filmmaker Sophia Coppola, how do you think she got to helm films?

I'm judging you WdC! Oh... I'm judging you!
August 9, 2009 at 8:46am
August 9, 2009 at 8:46am
... it's time for your SUNDAY STUMPER

You and your mate* are at a dinner party. The lights suddenly go out, there's a scream, a shot and then the lights flicker back on. A corpse lies on the table bleeding all over the crab rangoon. Fingered (*Laugh*) for the crime is one individual known to be a wild sort of chap... but!... you and no one else see a piece of evidence that actually links your mate to the murder!

So, hypothetically speaking, what do you do? Absolve the suspected, but innocent fellow and finger (*Laugh*) your mate for the crime, or do you say nothing protecting your love?

* Mate to be read as "lover", not in the Brit-Aussie-NZ way of "pal"
August 8, 2009 at 11:11am
August 8, 2009 at 11:11am
… your SATURDAY STUMPER is replaced by the Lou Dobbs Power Hour.

Did you notice what happened two nights ago here on WdC. Now other comments from the blogs you comment on will be forwarded to your inbox lest you uncheck the option every time you comment. I was inundated, swamped, buried under comments from every single blog I follow here, making it difficult to maintain my usual correspondences. And you wanna know whose fault it is… the yellow cases.

That’s right, I thought I had put Casegate behind me with an entry earlier this week, but now those yellows just can’t let go. Somewhere high up in the vast, yellow case conspiracy, they decided that everyone should read their “preferred” comments so they got the The StoryMaster (whose case certificate has yet to be verified) to add this little novelty.

Average, hard reading and blogging WdC black cases, such as yourself, are now stuck with unread comment after unread comment made by some elitist yellow case who wants you to know just how much support they will be giving [suser:emothunder} when NaNoMo comes around. Or how much they love kittens, or how they *Heart* someone’s off-spring. We are in the middle of a Case War, I’ve detailed all of this in my book “Case Warrior” (which you can buy through this blog or Barnes & Noble.org). What we need is a blog-border-fence!

For now all these yellow-WdC-media elitists have their comment-thread through the red cases and into our, our inboxes. They’ve run a campaign of black case hate, slander and spin. Well this is the No Spin Blog and we know we’re better than them. Not a single bad word has been said by a black case about a yellow, those f*Shock**Shock*king douches.

Preffered? You wanna know what I prefer? WdC the way it was meant to be; God, Black Cases and none of this comment-thread bull-shit! God Bless Fart Damn-it Face!

If you're like me and want this comment thread gone, let's comment mob the hell out of a red case and make the spreading thread so unmanageable that the authorities have no choice but to remove it! Let's cause such a discord among the ranks here that this site actually shuts down and we bring our overlords to tears!

August 7, 2009 at 10:38am
August 7, 2009 at 10:38am
... was a Chinese Friday Drill, today is the real deal.

I up and stole'd me this "One-Word Awesome Answer Super Challenge!" from someone else, but... hyphens are legal in my blog and so are hyper-links:

1. Beer: Guinness

2. McDonald’s: Grimace

3. Relationships: Counseling

4. Favorite color: Existential-Topaz

5. Power Rangers: Mighty

6. Weed: Tupperware.

7. Steroids: Small-Scrotes

8. Cartoons: Meatwad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeFhhyyW-cg&feature=related

9. The President: Cool

10. Tupperware: Weed

11. Florida: Septuagenarians

12. Santa Claus: Jesus

13. Halloween: Right-Said-Fred

14. Alice in wonderland: Mad-hatter

15. Grammar: Phone

16: Myspace: Jank

17. Worst fear: Armed-Vultures

18. Marriage: Selling-out

19. Paris Hilton: Hero

20. Pat: Androgynous

21. Redheads: Pink-Nipples

22. Blondes: Artificial

23. Pass the: Tupperware

24. One night stands: Success

25. Donald Trump: Dead-yet?

26. Neverland: Bubbles

27. Pixie Stix: Kindergarten-Krack

28. Vanilla ice cream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rKETOKAO0A&feature=related

29. Hooters: Wings

30. High school musical: Homosexual-tendencies

31. Pajamas: Thundercats

32. Woody: Shu Qi http://www.shuqi.org/multi/pictures/hot_new/berlin2008/sq_berlin2008_jury11.jpg

33. Wet Socks: Dry-crotch

34. Driving: Drunk

35. Love: Boobs

Wow, I felt like you and I shared something today... it's okay if you want to hold my hand now. Today is FLIPPANT FRIDAY be as flippant as you want below, but remember... I celebrate this holiday too!
August 6, 2009 at 11:58am
August 6, 2009 at 11:58am
... in these here pants.

I wish I could explain to you how utterly useless, completely calloused and downright defeated I felt when I woke up this morning. "Bleh!" I says, "Stupid mornings! What's the point! Does coffee taste any less flavorful in the early afternoon than in the morning? Is it so bad to be AM in the PM?"

So I endeavored to sleep till 1 pm... and woke up at 10:45 am instead. But whatever, I showed the world where it can stick responsibility.

Recently I've been so blase about everything. I just can't care as opposed to 'don't'... I mean, I have found it impossible for me to care. Orphans left on train tracks? Whatever. Free money being handed out by topless models at the bank? Keep stepping, bub. Jesus was arrested for assaulting a puppy? I wasn't even listening.

So today I will make attempts to care about something. I think my first attempt will be to care about Jessica Simpson talking about struggling with her weight... or maybe I should start with a panel debating the future of the post office... this is going to be tough.

It's Fratricide Friday here, and you know what that means... Name your favorite candy below.
August 5, 2009 at 11:18am
August 5, 2009 at 11:18am
... some new toys!

There's a pretty new Awardicon up yonder from peachbug that comes with the inscription:

To Zack, whose rippling muscles remind me every single day why I decided to become a woman in the first place. Your genius knows no bounds except the bounds by which your genius ends. The pontification preparation you prepare and present post-pasta rarely contains palindromes. Flip-flap-cracker-jacks *Heart* JRR

Awwww, the words melt my iron heart. But that wasn't the only one! Gaby ~ Finding my way back also gave me an Awardicon yesterday to an item in my port with the note:

Congratulations! You deserve this because you give me boners, and as I'm a girl and boners should be impossible, I have awarded you this! I do not speak metaphorically, I speak of raging, physical girl boners that have impressed my friends and family wherever I go. And it's all thanks to you!

You're welcome, Gabba-babba!

I think it's time that I awarded someone with something. But whom! And for what! I think... the person who can MB themselves, not someone else, with the best note ever, wins... another merit badge. But not just any Merti Badge, a randomly selected one that will also provide countless hours of laughter.

Forward your self-provided MB confirmation to me so I can see the note! Competition ends... Friday, when the third crow caws for the fourth time from the grave of a pauper! ... or midnight CST.
August 4, 2009 at 12:17pm
August 4, 2009 at 12:17pm
... of lameness going around about yellow and black cases, and I feel I should clarify my position for the record.

I was fairly ignorant about the whole thing until recently. I thought yellow cases were like a more costly membership. Why? Cause I didn't care. I still don't care. Even knowing now that they are awarded by an apparatus who wishes to maintain the status quo of this sites' business, I got nothing to say about them.

And that's cause a black case suits me. It's the case of the people. How could I sit here and speak for the salt of this site with a golden case? How could I say "I am one of you" if I had a golden case? Golden cases lead to a greed for other golden things: golden cars, golden cell-phones (wait for it), toilets, dinning utensils (here it comes) and even showers (boom! no one saw that coming!).

Adriana Noir had an entry where she asked isn't the point of this site to read and be read? Gaby ~ Finding my way back says that the promotion has nothing to do with writing, and asks if that's a good thing or a bad thing?

I can answer that last one right now. A good portion of my friends and neighbors on this site are yellows. I would think if I was a worse writer than they, they'd be uninterested in reading what I write... or they all are the types of people who stop at car wrecks to watch, which is just sick, and makes them bad people.

Both queries though bring up interesting answers, but writing as a black case, I have a question of my own: why the black case hate? Why are we merely called upgraded and yellows are called "preferred"? Preferred by whom? The title of "preferred" implies that they are better than black cases and to be paid more attention to. It establishes a WdC aristocracy.

I think if you are a black case who wishes to step up to yellow, you should accept the fact that your ability to do so is out of your hands. It's the Oscars, man, politics and popularity are the yard stick. I don't ever suggest this, but maybe... you should sell out. Play the circuit as it were, hob-knob with the yellows and do what they do. Study them, learn their habits and ways.

But, that's not me. I think yellows are fine and dandy, and they do what they do, but I... I doubt I could take myself seriously as a yellow. Not me, not with the reputation of "kid at the back of the class" I've spent all 25 of my years on WdC cultivating.

Your thoughts? Are the cases political? Define "preferred" and why yellow means that? Is it a sign of greater talent or maybe just more participation? Speak, be heard!
August 3, 2009 at 11:45am
August 3, 2009 at 11:45am
... seriously now. Why are all of you so inclined to be allergic to money? Who are you sleeping with, cause it ain't me, and that's where we's gots a problem!

But, Z, I have a husband! And he ain't me! Tell your single sisters to call me would ya! I'll give them an allergy to romance and post-coital snuggling *Laugh*... I'm only half joking.

Just when you thought fascism was dead... there's Glenn Beck.

Yes, according to Beck, Obama is a racist with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture." Or maybe it's just the "white means right" ideals Beck seems to protect. I said this about Professor Gates, and I'll say it again, white folk can't understand what the black American experience is like. Certainly not ol' pudgy Beck. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_tv_beck_obama

What gets me is that throughout history rich people have always decided what's best for the poor, white people spent a good two centuries deciding what was best for blacks in this country, and an incontinent Aussie is deciding what's best for the American cable news networks. Don't get me wrong, I love Australia, they gave us Croc Dundee, Men at Work and New Zealand (pause for Rainbowapple 's profanity laced response... and continue) but I don't think Rupert Murdoch is necessarily thinking about America per se so much as what makes him rich.

So when Glenn Beck claims that Obama is a racist for speaking as a black man who grew up in a changing, but still white dominated society, I scoff at both his chins. He's a tool of a system designed to exacerbate the most base of white, conservative fears.

24 seconds of Glenn Beck's dream world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gfnke34LQw

And finally, today is the first Monday of August so you know what that means: INTERNATIONAL SUPER HERO RECOGNITION DAY. Today I would like to honor Aquaman, he may not be flashy or have a way wicked power, but the guy can talk to fish, and in this changing environment, that's necessary.

What super hero will you be recognizing today and why?
August 2, 2009 at 10:05am
August 2, 2009 at 10:05am
... the answer to yesterday's SATURDAY STUMPER

Alf's real name... Gordon Schumway. Noe wins a subscription to "Southern Alf Living Magazine" and a box of Cyalis. Cyalis, cause you never know when the time will be right.

And Now...

... fan mail:

Dear Zack, aka, punk-ass bitch,

Damn, son, you pull this s*Shock**Shock*t in my hood, you best break yo' self, fool! I'm representin' for all of 'Toba up in this dime piece! Skeet! Skeet! Skeet!

Kyle Greenburg, 7
Manitoba, Can.

And Now...


Hypothetically speaking, would you rather be allergic to money... or sex.

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