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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1804791
When you really have nothing better to do.
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September 25, 2013 at 3:02pm
September 25, 2013 at 3:02pm
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"Hump Day"
September 25, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "What is the weirdest place/time where you've found inspiration to write?"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Is it easy for you to ask for help when you need it, or do you prefer to rely only on yourself? Why?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"What if... someone beloved from your past showed up at your front door, unexpectedly?"

Hello, Friends.

Older and wiser - it would seem you CAN have one without the other.

I'm going for my third pottery class tonight. I just made a date to have supper with my mother, before class.
I'm looking forward to this coming Sunday when we'll have our 33rd regular season NHL hockey pool draft. The gathering is a bi-annual event including the playoff pool. Brother #3 is the founder of our hockey pool, and the gatherings (to draft our players) has become an enjoyable party with the boys. (brothers, brothers in-law, uncles, nephews, cousins, life long friends)

It's looking like Leslie isn't going to be making it back home anytime soon. We've began talking about getting together for Christmas. I think this is the reason I'm looking forward to the start of the NHL hockey season. It's something that I take an interest in, and I'm hoping it will help to make the winter months pass more quickly.

Drop the *!@?%#{} Puck! *PointLeft* A little thing we like to shout here in Canada.

I have to head back to the city today. I figured I should quickly write a blog entry, then pack up and head out. The only problem with my plan is that...I have no idea what to write about. ... ... Lame ass title...Hump Day.
The writing prompts available for me to use in my blog all came in handy today. They provided that spark, that little added boost of confidence to help get me started.

Everything will fall into place once you get started. You will remember that a lot of your story and/or writing ideas come to mind while attending hockey games, when you mention the upcoming NHL season. I'm sure someone might think that is a weird place and time.

You'll remember that you have learned to ask for help whenever you need it, but also like to learn and do things on your own. Learning from your mistakes can be very rewarding, if we're not talking about working with explosives or something like that...surgery would be another good/bad example here.

The "Invalid Item prompt will make you think of the only person who fits this scenario, (Leslie) and know that she will (one day) show up at the front door, but not unexpectedly, and not today.

And before you know it... You just wrote a blog entry. ... ... and you have an hour to do the dishes.

Now say goodnight.

Don't make me come looking for you... in October!

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September 24, 2013 at 1:42pm
September 24, 2013 at 1:42pm
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"Dropping Like Flies"
September 24, 2013

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In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: Meditate and write on this quote:

"Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."

Hello, Friends.

I think "walls" were given a lot more respect prior to the time when man gained the ability of flight. The great wall of China was once a deterrent to a military invasion; now it's a tourist attraction, and a monument to another period of time.

Were we not taught to jump each hurdle and conquer each road block on the way to our goals and dreams?

A wall (as a blockade) is no longer effective... now we need... bubbles.

Socrates had a good time going around asking people who felt safe with-in the security of the walled city, "ever wonder, What's on the other side?"

My bubble is transparent, and I am the new-age philosopher. Today's enemy, my friends, has taken flight.

I regret to inform you that, war has broken out in Sunset Bay...

I made this first report on Facebook - from the war zone, at the outbreak of the attempted invasion.
Here is a copy of that report including some compelling comments.

Only the names have been changed to protect the... ... ..


I was just hunting down a house fly with a fly swatter. It lead me through the whole house, then it lead me to the back door, where a house fly army waited in ambush. There were millions of em...Amitityville Horror shit going on!
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Brenda, Dennis, Gary and 4 others like this.

Leslie - Get out!!!!!
Yesterday at 1:44pm via mobile · Like · 1

Timothy - Stay in!!!!
Yesterday at 2:39pm · Like · 1

Bill - For God's sakes man, put on a helmet. No telling what they will try next!!!
23 hours ago · Like

ɐupɹǝʍ - Get rid of dead body flies will go with!
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Joel - lol @ backwards name guy, whoever U R.
18 hours ago · Like · 2

Brenda - That is upsidedown Andrew Hall didn't you know that? lol
7 hours ago · Like

Barbara - Leslie, you comment made me laugh. I could hear in my head the malevolent voice saying "get out!" I just hope he doesn't take to chopping wood.
3 hours ago · Like

Leslie - Well Barbara - I strongly suspect he already has the beard and overgrown hair ...
3 hours ago · Like · 1

Brenda - lmao oh how I miss you Leslie!




16 hours ago
So...I have this can of "Off - Yard Fogger" It says on the can that it kills flies. It says to use it outside, but it doesn't say not to use it inside. So that's how I got involved in chemical warfare. Blame it on my middle eastern heritage. The stuff has an almost pleasant smell. The flies seem to like it. [sound of air raid sirens]
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Brenda and Eric like this.

Timothy - you off small room please
17 hours ago · Like

Barbara - Ummm...
17 hours ago · Like

Janis - After your last post re: the flies, I laughed so hard as soon as I read "so...I have this can of OFF Yard Fogger"!!! You really crack me up!!!
17 hours ago · Like

Timothy - Guess that makes you the" Lord of the flies".
17 hours ago · Like · 1

Janis - HHAHAHA!!!! Now THAT is even funnier!!
17 hours ago · Like

Bill - From what I remember in school, a yard is only 3 feet. Unless you're living at the YMCA, jail, or have not yet reached that height, please feel free to spray your middle eastern self with the pleasant smelling substance. But, once again I beseech you to wear a helmet.
17 hours ago · Like

Leslie - Listen to Bill and put on a helmet. Try a ventilator as well. Good lord ...
17 hours ago · Like · 5

Bill - lmao
16 hours ago · Like

Anthony - jihad joel...lol


So that's pretty much a typical day from inside the bubble.

One feels surrounded - surrounded by friends.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 23, 2013 at 11:28am
September 23, 2013 at 11:28am
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"I'd Hammer in the Morning."
September 23, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blog Topic: ""You've just won an infinite supply of ________! If you could have an infinite supply of anything (has to be something you can physically touch) what would it be?"

Hello, Friends.

I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, provided that I die tomorrow.

I'm struggling internally to come up with an answer to the question today's prompt poses. It seems as though I've formed some sort of regulatory body in my mind. The question has been tabled for discussion during the next meeting of the board of governors which is in infinite progress. The board members have questions and concerns they would like to have addressed, before they provide an answer to the question. They're hung up on defining the terms of "infinite supply."

Some are arguing that infinite supply has it's limitations. The examples put forward are: Natural resources are limited to the amount of the resource the planet possesses, and an infinite supply for a human life time is limited by the length (in time) of the human life being supplied. Still, some other board members argue: It's infinite! Infinite means infinite. Let's get on with this and just answer the question. There was also a small group of members who could not grasp the concept of winning something good in an infinite amount, because they could not agree whether: "You can't have too much of a good thing" or "You can never have enough of a good thing." The other board members pushed this group of members into a broom closet and locked the door.

Come on you guys, just tell me what to pick so I can write this blog entry.

Get this! Now the board members have voted to have me replaced as their spokesperson. I didn't even know they could do that.

So...Now they're in a closed meeting. I have no idea what's going on. I'm just going to go ahead and pick something and deal with the obvious breakdown in functionality at another time.

I'm worried about saying something stupid now. I'll have to wait for some directive from the board.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

*Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano* "jeopardy music plays"*Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano*

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Left on my own to select an item to have in infinite supply, I would pick "Bacon."

I have to go...There's a ruckus in the board room.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 23, 2013 at 12:13am
September 23, 2013 at 12:13am
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"Sunday Review (I wished it were Sunday Dinner) [sad face]"
September 22, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "It's the Sunday Review"

Hello, Friends.
I spent most of my day writing, watching auto sports, interrupted by a short walk in the wind, and three balanced meals. Meaning I ate while balancing a plate on one lap and a laptop on the other.
Good news is I made some progress on a blogging activity for the month of October. I hope a lot of people will participate.
There will be an announcement early in the week, with all the details. Watch for it in the 30Day Blog Challenge Forum.

There were a lot of good entries this week. I think the best day was the: "Write an Instruction Manual" day. It was a good prompt, that inspired several different approaches to the task. I love it when the prompts challenge the blogger to be creative.
My favorite entry was: abcoachnz-Sometimes around 's "Students manual
I enjoy that style of writing and that sort of humor. It completely blew my mind.

Well it's late Sunday night, and I'm missing pretty much my everything, so I'll say goodnight to everyone.

Good night, everyone.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 21, 2013 at 1:41pm
September 21, 2013 at 1:41pm
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*Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano* "S-A...T-U-R...D-A-Y...Night."*Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano*
September 21, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...
It's Creation Saturday!
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "Where do your ideas for writing projects come from? Do you have a muse who is constantly generating ideas or one who only pops fragments of ideas into your head at seemingly random times? Sit quietly for five minutes and just let your mind wander. Then, take a couple minutes to tell us where your mind took you."

Hello, Friends.

I went to the opening night of the "International Writers Festival" in Winnipeg last night.
We saw, "Columpa Bobb and her Urban Indigenous Theatre Company"

The "International Writers Festival" is going on all week in Winnipeg, and I have a festival pass. I also have a ticket to attend something called, "The Writing Craft." I thought it was today, but I found out last night that it is next week. I found out while talking to one of the event volunteers, who happens to be a relation. [no comments about - how we're all related up here in Canada] I was mistaken as to the date of the workshop. After having, 'How a calendar works' explained to me, I exclaimed, "Hey, it really is for readers."

Hmmm, I forgot what I was going to say/write.

Oh yeah, "Columpa Bobb and her Urban Indigenous Theatre Company and Lee Maracle" shared a scaled down version of their hugely successful stage production. I feel privileged to have gotten the opportunity to experience the show in this intimate setting.
At the "closing night" Which happens at the END of the festival, (as it was explained) the entertainment will be: poets collaborating with a jazz duet. The first twenty sign-ups will get to read one of their poems while the jazz musicians provide some background music. I am going to be one of those sign-ups. I'm planning on reading..."Invalid Entry. My son, who attended the event with me last night said he would come and shoot a video of the reading. Stay tuned.

I guess last night's experience provided me with a writing/blogging project idea. It also provides a good example of where ideas for writing projects come from... Thin air!
Andre the Blog Monkey started out as my muse, but then the stardom went to his head and he broke off to work on his own projects. I didn't think it would ever work, but he is real big in Europe, and just recently bought a private jet.

I spent most of my adult life working in business and or sales positions; it wasn't until the last fourteen years that I have worked in the lawn-care business. The first thing I noticed was...You don't have much to think about when it comes to pushing a lawnmower. I spent many hours walking behind a lawnmower, and my mind began to wander. And it's been like that for a while now. Sometimes when I begin to write my mind starts to wander, and I have to say."Hey! Get back here! I need you! It's not cutting grass, you know!"

Yep! it's *Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano* "S-A...T-U-R...D-A-Y...Night."*Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano*

See you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 20, 2013 at 11:35pm
September 20, 2013 at 11:35pm
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"Blog Writer's Student Handbook"
September 20, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...
It's Funny Friday!
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "Write your own back-to-school instruction manual. It could be from a parent's POV or a student's. Maybe the lunch lady needs one. Play with the idea and see what happens."

Hello, Friends.
I just received this in the mail...

Blog Writer's Student Handbook

Congratulations on enrolling in the Blog Writer's Academy of Better Written Blog Writing - BWABWBW. At BWABWBW we believe that better written blogs bring bigger benefits by basically being better blogs. Most of our student body is made up of people of all ages, (just like you) who want to get rich and famous through blog writing. (just like you)
So, let's get started. But, not so fast. Blogging isn't the the golden cash cow that everyone believes it to be. So you'll have to study hard and practice in your craft, and graduate among the top of the class, before you can begin to light million dollar cigars with billion dollar bills. To help you make the most of your time here at BWABWBW, we've provided all of our new students with these following tips for success we like to call: Tips for Success at Blog Writer's Academy of Better Written Blog Writing .

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                    Director of blogging at BWABWBW

Tips for Success at Blog Writer's Academy of Better Written Blog Writing

1. Try as much as you can when you're writing in your blog, or anywhere really to never write too long of a sentence otherwise known as a run-on sentence, because it makes your writing hard to follow and people might not have a lot of time to read all the stupid stuff you end up writing because you can't think of anything interesting to say, which is another thing, but it will have to wait for another time so we can concentrate on writing shorter sentences, and not great big long, drag on forever like none of us have anything better to do, long ones.

2. Keep your blog entries short.

3. You'll catch far more bees with honey than you would with vinegar.

4. Don't pay too much attention to tip number three, it was written late at night, after I had a few drinks.

10. see tip number two.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 19, 2013 at 1:56pm
September 19, 2013 at 1:56pm
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"International - Talk Like a Pirate Day. Arrrgh"
September 19, 2013

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In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "What is your opinion about how to handle WDC auction owners or donors who don't fulfill their pledges to the winning bidder?"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Which of the seven deadly sins are you most likely to commit?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"If you were born in a different but perfect era, what era would that be, and why?"

Hello, Friends.

Arrrgh mate-tee

The day whats confusesez me Meti mate-tees. Harw harw harw...

I wood shirley be born in thar days wen pirates ruled the seas.
Arrrgh, to be at sea in a boat full-o-men. All the beards an iye patches an the rum too mate-tee...Arrrgh!

So it be gold you seek, is it? Then take up the sord an follow me. less ya be a land-lubber. Well, arrrgh ya?

An we wood yo ho ho wit a bottle of rum.

An we wood take those nasty dogs whats don't pay thar pledges an jigger them good wit two or maybes three o thar
seven deadly sins...Arrrgh

Greed, ya say?            Then walk the plank and say aargh to your watery grave; Davey Jones's locker       Arrrrgh

Ship Ahoy!
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Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 18, 2013 at 4:17pm
September 18, 2013 at 4:17pm
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"Clay Day"
September 18, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "If you could see yourself ten years in the future, would you?"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Do you know the meaning of your name, and why your parents chose it? Do you think it suits you? What about your childrens names?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"If you were stuck at a particular age for your entire life, what age would most fit you and why? "

Hello, Friends.

It's class two of potters' school tonight. I'm going to make some free form flatware. I'll take my camera and try to get some photos for the blog. Besides the instructor, I'm th only boy in the class, so I don't want to appear to be overly geeky, or (worse) purvey.

It's a strange adjustment I'm going through right now. I'm not used to being at the lake by myself. On one hand I'm fairly isolated. ( I think the Zombies, down the road are the only other [people?] out here) On the other hand there are millions of people at my fingertips, including my family and friends...online. It's hard to shake that feeling of being non existent, while feeling you're the soul survivor on the planet.

Later tonight I'll complete my second vignette and get caught up in the Exploratory Writing Workshop. I owe a few emails to some high profile WDC members, and oh yeah! ... ... I'm registered to attend the: Winnipeg International Writers Festival, this weekend.

What a strange bunch of questions the blog prompters are asking. Oh well, it will be good practice to answer the questions in case I am ever booked to go on some low budget - late night, talk show, which caters to vampire families and heroin addicts.

"Please welcome, Joel also known as: Brother Nature, creator of Brother's Blog on Writing Dot Com." ... ... ...

(sound of crickets chirping)

"Joel, Bro, Brother Nature, whatever your name is...Do you know the meaning of your name, and why your parents chose it? Do you think it suits you? What about your childrens names?"

"Although the name Joel is an awesome biblical name, my name "Joel" is actually made of of two other names: Joseph and Elias. Those were the names of my two maternal grandfathers. The story goes that my mother took the first two letters from each of their names and came up with, Joel. When I was a young boy I didn't like the name Joel, I would have preferred being named, Greg or Mike, something like that."

(sound of crickets chirping)

"Okay, fascinating! If you were stuck at a particular age for your entire life, what age would most fit you and why?"

"You have to be kidding me, what kind of a question is that?"

"I don't know. The producers give me a list... It sucks... here look at this! Do you know what it's like having to ask questions like, If you could see yourself ten years in the future, would you? ... ... ... Well? ... ...Would you?

"No! I'm out of here. You're an idiot!"

(sound of wild cheering and clapping)

"And now a word from our sponsors... ... ... ... What do you mean - we don't have any sponsors?"

(fade to after-party in the green room)

*ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY*

Ha ha Andre, I made it out of here before you gave me your nasty "Fail Stamp"
see you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 17, 2013 at 1:48am
September 17, 2013 at 1:48am
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"Don't say you weren't warned about the cows"
September 17, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "What memories does your bicycle have for you?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"If you were an M&M, what color would you be, and why? "

Hello, Friends.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... "I think the cows are up to something."
It's Tuesday, and I'm still in Sunset Bay. I don't want go back to the city. The water is brown - the tap water, in the city.
I'm programed to believe: If it's brown, flush it down. City officials say they're not sure why the water is brown, and they are looking for someone to blame it on, but in the meanwhile the brown water is safe to drink. They also say, it's safe to go downtown at night, the roads are in good condition, and the new tax increase is not a new tax increase. I think now my way of thinking should be: If it's brown, get out of town.

[deep sigh]

I ride my bike 1.27 times a day on average. I have a new bike at the moment, so I haven't got a lot of memories to go with it right now. This bike I have is a TREK. It has front and rear suspension, and front and rear hydraulic disk brakes, the frame is made of carbon fiber. It's an eighteen speed, (in old speak) but I only go one. I would never have a bike of this type if it were not for my friend of forty years, PW.

PW, insisted that I buy this bike from him when he purchased an even higher end mountain bike. He sold me the TREK for a fraction of it's value. (He just wanted me to have the bike.) PW and I have been out on a couple rides this summer, it's sort of like the summers when we were pre-teen boys, and we'd spend the entire summer exploring the city on our bikes. There were times when we'd have a group of a dozen or more of us, out for a ride. We were a "Biker Gang".

Not sure if I mentioned this in my blog earlier, but PW, my son, and I recently went for a ride on a path we call "The Trans Canada Trail. There ya go! I do have a memory to share.

Me - PW - The boy
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Speaking of things I've probably mentioned before: the "Invalid Item prompt reminds me of the time... ... ...

I was in line at the video store... ... remember video stores? ... I had my shy young daughter with me; I think she was around seven or eight years old. There was a sizable group of us waiting in line to rent our chosen movie on VCR tape, when a woman in front of me: turned to me, (shaking a large bag of M&M's in my face) and said, "They want five dollars for these, are they nuts?"
Without a pause I replied to her, " No mam, they're candy coated chocolate."
We (the lady and I) exchanged blank stares, while my little girl did her best impersonation of a turtle. The woman turned to face forward and didn't speak another word. When we got out of the store, my girl and I laughed all they way home.

I actually have been an M&M on many occasions. I'm a black & white striped M&M. I call it, "optical illusion" color, and it prevents me from becoming mistaken for other M&Ms. I can also act as a referee, should the need arise.


Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 17, 2013 at 12:59am
September 17, 2013 at 12:59am
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"One word: Monday."
September 16, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "If Writing.com went offline (forever) tomorrow, how would you cope? What would you miss most?"

Hello, Friends.


With apologies.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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