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When you really have nothing better to do.
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September 5, 2013 at 1:53pm
September 5, 2013 at 1:53pm
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"Here we go again."
September 5, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "If you could travel either 113 years into to past OR into the future, which would you choose? (You are ONLY an observer, and cannot influence anything)

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Describe a favorite photograph you've taken or one some else has taken that you really enjoy. Please, share with us so we can enjoy it with you!"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"Think back: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How did that change, or did it? "

Hello, Friends.

Thinking back, (which I often do) I've determined that, the person who most influenced me during my most formative years, was suffering from several forms of mental illness, and most likely had a serious drug or alcohol dependency. ( An early years, grade school teacher)

Thinking back, his long winded, (likely, still drunk from the night before) depression driven rants, (about - how badly the odds are stacked against any of us, EVER achieving our goals and dreams) had a big impact on how I saw the adult world.

I absorbed everything he said, and I accepted most of what he said as sound practical advice, from a qualified and reliable source. I had no idea that the city would employ an alcoholic, mental patient to advise and educate their young people.

He asked me, "What do you want to be when you finish school?"

"A lawyer", says I.

"Well, forget it! Your grades are already too poor. You have to be in the top of your class in every grade, if you want to be a lawyer. You have to go to law school for several years before you can even write the bar exam in order to get a job as a lawyer. Your family can't afford to pay the tuition for law school.
Even if you did find a way of working your way through law school and passing the bar exam, you'd have to start out at the lowest paying job, which you may not even get, if you don't score "top of the class" on the bar exam. Wouldn't it make sense for you to be a good garbage collector rather than a bad lawyer?"

"That totally makes sense, thanks for straightening me out on that silly notion I had," says I.

"What do you want to be?" he asks another young boy.

"I want to play in the NHL," is the answer.

"What position?"


"Well, forget it! First of all... ..."

And so it goes... No wonder I have flights of fancy where I imagine myself going back in time. (let's say, about 113 years back)
Just observe huh! Well, that's not much fun. Can I at least show someone a smart phone just to freak them out?

I'd imagine myself 113 years into the future, except for: that school teacher kept telling us that the Soviets were about ready to send cruise missiles over that would kill us all, so... what's the point?

Hmmm, how am I doing so far?

What about that favorite photograph? Wait right here, and I'll go have a look. BRB

Here is one I happen to have on hand. This is a favorite picture of mine. There is a lot going on here.
The photo is "BIRTHDAY" related too.
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In the words of Lloyd Roberts...
"That's the kind of day it's been."
See you tomorrow.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 4, 2013 at 4:22am
September 4, 2013 at 4:22am
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"One For Mary, and Another One For Mary...Why not?"
September 4, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "The prompt is a two-parter today: What is your favorite update to WDC from the Birthday goodies so far? Remember, it can be anything from Port Awardicons to a new emoticon or anything in between. And, what update/improvement/new feature would you be interested to see in the future?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"Think back: What is your fondest memory from being in grade school?"

Hello, Friends.

I have some sad news to share today. Some of you may recall my mentioning of Mary in previous entries. Mary is one of my lawn-care customers; she turned 108 years old this past March. Mary peacefully passed away on Friday August 30, 2013. Mary read three library books a week, her mind was sharp right up until her death. She was active: she went out shopping twice a week, she did her own cooking and cleaning, as well as baking all sorts of treats. On most of my visits she would greet me at the door with a plate of cookies or muffins or cake, pie, cupcakes, the list goes on. We had many long and interesting conversations. Mary had a great sense of humor, and was a pretty good sports fan too.

When I would say to her, "see you next week Mary"

She would answer back, "if I'm still around that is."

That was when she was ninety-nine. We both laughed at our exchange of conversation. A couple years ago I changed my parting words to her, because her reply wasn't funny (to me) anymore. When I would leave I'd say, "Okay, I'll be going now. Take care, Mary. The first time I said those parting words, Mary replied, "That's better! Okay, you take care too then." She always giggled, when I said, "Take care, Mary." I thought she knew I really had to fight the habit of saying, "See you next week."

I guess what I'm trying to say is: I'll miss you Mary; and it's better that I say, "Take care, Mary" than say, "See you next week."

I have to hit the keys into the wee hours if I'm going to complete the first week of this writing course I'm taking. I'll leave you all with a couple random thoughts.

1. I like the notification icon on the front page. It's a good change. In addition to having the option to "LIKE" an entry. The notification feature allows you to see the number of "LIKES" you received, without filling up your email inbox. Guess what? ... ... ... Come on, have a try. ... ... ... Okay, I'll tell you...
I made a comment on a friends "NEWSFEED" in regards tot he new upgrades to the site AND...The Story Master "LIKED" it. It's true. I got the notification.

2. My fondest grade school memory by far is one I share with almost all of my peers. In 1972 almost every school teacher in the country stopped classes and procured a TV set. We all sat on the floor in front of a grainy black and white TV set (during school hours) and watched hockey.
(Team Canada vs The Soviet Union's Red Army Team - The teams played in an international [head to head] series, known as The Canada Cup.) The hockey games were televised live from Russia. Team Canada won the series by a single goal, scored by Paul Henderson. The goal by Paul Henderson is Canada's JFK assassination. Every Canadian remembers where they were at that very moment when the event took place.

3. (bonus round) Still! there is no HOCKEY emoticon on this site. Come on, Writing Dot Com...Get in the game! I made my own a while back.


Hey everybody, have a great day. Take care, Mary.
See ya tomorrow.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 3, 2013 at 12:13pm
September 3, 2013 at 12:13pm
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"Back to the Books and Playing in the Mud."
September 3, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "If you could be 13 years old again, (in this time period) would you?"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Which three of these skills are the most important for success in life? Why?
Patience, common sense, humor, courage, creativity, resourcefulness, work ethic, organization, integrity, responsibility, compassion, self-control, pride, flexibility, obedience, love, kindness, independence, discernment, wisdom, initiative, friendliness or wit."

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"Think back - Is there anything you regret or would take back in your life? Why or why not?"

Hello, Friends.

Sara♥Jean created a new group for Writing.com members to share their journals/blogs. It's great to have options. I think back to the time there was only one blogging group on this site, and I was disqualified and banished, so I had to go stealth. (I was the Salman Rushdie of Writing.com) Good luck with the new group and thank you for allowing Brother's Blog into your forum.

Not too much going on, on the home front today. I do have a couple updates for anyone who's wondering WTF is going on.
The fishing trip to Minaki, ended abruptly and early. The Broke Back Minaki book reading never took place, or may have, but not while I was there.
I'm officially behind the pace in the Exploratory Writing Workshop class over at New Horizons Academy. I'll have to pull something out of dead-fall pile in my mind. I'm looking forward to my pottery class, which begins next week. I'm leaving Sunset Bay this afternoon to go get some work done in the city. And...that should either catch you up or bore you to tears... You're welcome.

Luckily I can bang these three prompts out in one brief paragraph; stick around, things might get interesting.

I'm thinking back. I'm thirteen years old. I'm beginning a new school year, I'm already falling behind the pace, and the teachers in each class are beginning to request that I sit at the front of the class where they can better keep an eye on me. I'm looking forward to working with clay on the potters wheel during art class. Leslie is among my most cherished friendships. [meanwhile back in 2013] NOTHING HAS CHANGED! I've gone full circle. Leslie is a major part of my life and I have two adult children, I've put on a few pounds and have a couple of grey hairs, but I'm still in school, still looking forward to art class. Do I have any regrets? ... No! Would I change anything? Okay, I won't try make a hash pipe in my first pottery class this time.
I'm not the best person to ask about what life skills will delivery success in life. Look at these words again...

Patience, common sense, humor, courage, creativity, resourcefulness, work ethic, organization, integrity, responsibility, compassion, self-control, pride, flexibility, obedience, love, kindness, independence, discernment, wisdom, initiative, friendliness or wit.

All of these traits are important and there are so many more, yet... None of this matters either. If you do nothing in life, except for inspire one person to make one positive change in their life; then you are a success!

There are people, who (through no fault of their own) have none of these traits, and I see them succeed in life in their own right. It's all relative to what you consider constitutes a successful life.

I think I covered it. I'll be interested to see what tone of conversation arises from these prompts and responses.
See ya tomorrow.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 2, 2013 at 12:22pm
September 2, 2013 at 12:22pm
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"Birthdays on the Brain"
September 2, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "Write a persuasive blog post about a contest or activity going on during WDC birthday week. Check out
*StarY* "Writing.Com Party Central 2013!" for a full listing of contests and activities.
Make me compelled to compete in one, and earn yourself a "Birthday" MB!"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Tell us about the best birthday present you've ever received!"

Hello, Friends.
Welcome to day two of the 30Day Blogging Challenge. I've got a hunch that the WDC community has "Birthdays" on the brain. hmmm... I may slyly think of some way to mention that my birthday is on the twenty-fourth of September.

It's a holiday again! Labour Day, (that's the Canadian spelling, eh) and all of the stores and liquor vendors are closed.
I could care less about the liquor stores being closed, but I'm nearly out of food. I've got some mystery packs in the freezer: might be food; might be compost. Luckily, I have a full pantry; disappointingly, it's full of paper products and plastic containers with mismatching lids.



Em is the young lady who, among her many activities and contributions made on this site, runs this group so we can all have fun blogging. Em has just moved away to college, if you didn't "get that" from her banner slogan.

What do I know about persuading a young lady? ... ... ... Nearly nothing!

I know Em is a hard working, goal oriented, intelligent young lady. (Just like me, except for the INTELLIGENT part)
I bet Em would like an activity with a party like atmosphere, it might help her to relax and have a bit of fun before the pressures of college life set in.
So... What sort of "birthday celebration type activity" would she enjoy most?
I saw all the contests and activities that are listed on the *StarY* "Writing.Com Party Central 2013!"page. There are TONS of them!
I've got it! I'll google: college girls who like to party and see wha...

I'll be right back.

Enjoy a brief musical interlude.

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Well, I guess I can kiss that merit badge goodbye.
I can wish for one to be given to me for my birthday, which is on September 24, 2013.*RollEyes*

The best birthday present I have received is a tough pick; I've had many, many, many birthdays now.
Most recently I celebrated my fiftieth birthday. Leslie threw an awesome party for me. We had a huge celebration with great friends and family, it was a magical evening. I would say Leslie's party for my fiftieth, was one of my best gifts of all time. Thank you, Leslie.

Looks like my my work here is done. See ya tomorrow.

Writing.Com Party Central 2023!  (E)
We're celebrating our 23rd birthday! Stop in to see what's going on!
#506157 by The StoryMistress

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 1, 2013 at 2:20pm
September 1, 2013 at 2:20pm
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"One day - Thirteen things to do."
September 1, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "Recall a memory or experience associated with the number thirteen. What significance does the number "13" have for you?"

Hello, Friends.

It's hard to believe that thirteen days ago my son and I were counting aluminum cans. I was reminded of the origin of the term "baker's dozen" (thirteen), which is stupid because the cans come packed in numbers divisible by twelve. (not thirteen)
So here we are, thirteen days later, and it's the first day of September. September is my favorite month of the year; and this September is shaping up to be one the busiest and most interesting. September is also my birthday month.

*ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG*
Happy Birthday, to ME.
*ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonR* *ConfettiY**ConfettiG**BalloonB* *ConfettiO**ConfettiY**ConfettiY**ConfettiR**ConfettiY**BalloonG*

just saying*Blush*

Things to do in September
1. Write a blog entry each day.
2. Write a vignette each week.
3. Take a pottery class every Tuesday.
4. Ride more of the Trans Canada Trail.
5. Go to see "Crackin Foxy" at the Silver Spike Saloon.
6. Resume and complete the renovation of the kitchen on Bannerman.
7. Start a new contest on WDC with my Kiwi friend, *StarY* Kasia.
8. Change out the friction plate on two snow-blowers.
9. Put away the summer toys and tools.
10. Write a blog entry each day.
11. What do you mean I already wrote that one?
12. Okay then! Twelve will be to think of something to write for the 30DBC prompt,
13. I can't think of anything.

I loved the scene from the "Get Smart" series when Maxwell Smart (agent 86) says to to agent 99, "we have to get out of here; quick, jump out the window!"

99 says, "But Max, we're on the thirteenth floor!"

Then Max says, "99... this is no time to be superstitious."

That's all I got folks. Hang on, it's going to be a busy month.

Don't make me come looking for you.

*StarY* Fi
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August 28, 2013 at 9:10pm
August 28, 2013 at 9:10pm
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"Countdown to September"
August 28, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Prompt: You are receiving an award - either one that already exists, or a new one created just for you. What would the award be, why are you being honored, and what would you say in your acceptance speech?"


Hello Friends

Life is a journey that we all are on, sometimes our paths join together with others and we journey together... Like my and Leslie's paths have joined. Recently our path has split off, as Leslie has gone to spend some time with her mother, to have some family time. In any case, it's because of this situation that I find myself on this path without her. So, I have to ask... where the hell am I?

Fortunately, the answer doesn't really matter, it's knowing where you're going that matters - not knowing where you've been. So, I have to ask... where the hell am I going?

And the answer to this question does matter, and that's too bad, because I don't have a definite answer today. Even that is okay, because I do have a few directions I will pursue and it's just a matter of time before Leslie rejoins me regardless of where along the journey our paths reconnect.

It's always been the direction for me to scale down my lawncare business while pursuing a replacement of income through education and a re-investment into a less physically demanding business or occupation. There are some things I can't do while Leslie's return date is uncertain. Still, I have planned to be busy, and it all begins... right... NOW!

Tonight I'm preparing to travel to Minaki Ontario to fish for Walleye; which we call Pickerel, with my friend Tim. Tim has enlisted me to be the reader in his first ever book reading. Tim's book is titled "Broke Back Minaki - The Queer in Me" and lucky lucky so unbelievably lucky me... I get to read it. Of course Tim will provide an audience for this book reading, and to them... I would like to say in advance, "I'm sorry."

Tomorrow I'll be up in Minaki and I have my first net-meeting of the Exploratory Writing Workshop course I'm enrolled in. The course requires that I write a vignette (1000-3000 word story) per week for eight weeks.

On September 1, 2013 I'll post my first entry into "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS That will be a blog entry each day added to the mix. I've also enrolled in a pottery class, which goes on Tuesday nights beginning September 10, 2013.

So, you might be asking yourself, "who cares" or "why should I give a shit?" Yet others might ask, "what did you do today?"

Today I went for a bike ride around the bay. When I set out I didn't think I would be riding the trails that run along side of the highway. But...there I was ditch banging on a mountain bike. I was discouraged by the amount of litter scattered along the trail. It's an issue that has been bothering my conscience for a long while. So much so.. that I have begun taking a bag with me and picking up unsightly litter on my travels. Leslie has joined me in this effort, and it has enriched our wilderness exploration experiences.
Today I did not plan on leaving the road that circles the bay, so I didn't have a bag with me. I had to ride by the discards of an irresponsible society, and it bothered me more and more as I passed each piece. I got to the point where I decided it was time to turn around and head back. Right there in front of me was a discarded grocery bag; it was as good as new. So I took that bag and used it to "Pick Up the Trail" on the way back.
This day begins my serial topic and possible stand alone website "Pick Up the Trail" I have some grandiose ideas of how all this is going to come together, but for now, I'll share with you a sample of the photo journalistic opportunities that this humble project affords.

This is the bag I found on the roadside.
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Did you know they printed this warning on bags? Who knew?
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Here is the same bag, but filled with litter.
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I know a guy named Johny Trash... true story.
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Plastic is the worst offender.
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This will recycle. (someone owes me advertising revenues)
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and... This will burn
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This hat is collectible; I may auction it off.
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It would appear that dogs litter as well. (shame on you- dogs!)
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So, remember when you *Telephone* riiiiing riiiing ...Hang on, I have to get that...


"It's Sam Katz, the Mayor of Winnipeg."

... ... ...

"He wants to give me an award for creative gesturing while driving in the city. It would appear, some of my more creative driving moments were captured on traffic-cams. I had no idea there was such an award; I'm honored."

... ... ...

"I beat out 15,000 cabbies and school bus drivers."

I'll have to spare you all my acceptance speech, you know how I detest profanities in my blog entries. Don't forget to check back here for a full video report on Tim's book reading.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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August 9, 2013 at 1:12pm
August 9, 2013 at 1:12pm
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"A mid summer night's blog"
August 9, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What is your favorite type of music?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "Happy belated birthday Norb aka Fivesixer "

Hello Friends

[Act 1: Scene 1.]
[enter stage right, Joeleo]

"Summer, summer, where for art thou summer dearest? It's cold and lonely without thine sun's comforting rays of warmth."

[Joeleo directs his rage towards the cloud covered sky,
where the sun should be shining directly down on him,
then shakes his fist menacingly in the general direction of the sun]


*Shield7*The End*Shield7*

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Global Management & Consulting Technology Services

And so concludes our little play.

I like all types of music; music is music. Some types of music I enjoy listening to at a high volume, and other types I enjoy listening to with the volume turned way down. Homemade music is my favorite type of party music.

Blog ya later.
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April 6, 2013 at 5:45pm
April 6, 2013 at 5:45pm
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"April!!! How did that happen?"
April 6, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What is your favorite game to play?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "If you had a theme song accompanying your day today, what would it be when you walked into a room?"

Hello Friends

It's been 11 days since my last entry. I got a little side tracked here. Losing my mind is more time consuming than I first anticipated. I wrote two entries that were cyber sabotaged by the unknown forces of expressional eliminationalists ( go ahead, look it up.) I'm not sure why, but they fail to save my most creative works. I get error messages they state: YOUR ATTEMPT TO SAVE HAS FAILED DUE TO HA HA HA HA HA or THE PAGE YOU ARE TRYING TO RESTORE DOES NOT EXIST, BECAUSE WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU WROTE THAT BLOG ENTRY AND, OH YEAH, HA HA HA HA.
Do you have those kinds of days too?
Not me.

My favorite games are the game that we made up as kids and as adults as well. We always played together, my siblings and I. We had a lot of board games, those were fun. The best games were the sport and contests that we made up and competed at. We had games like, Pillow Spin, Hockey with you hands, Shoe Football, Cop Shot, and many more. Between my brothers and my sister and our collective group of friends we were always able to have "pick-up" games in all sports, we played ball hockey, ice hockey, sponge puck hockey, baseball, football, tin can cricket, soccer, and a few other games I'm not sure how to describe. We played games called, Hide & Ditch, British Bulldog, Pom Pom Pull Away.

Of all the games I've played and still play it would be impossible to pick one favorite.

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March 21, 2013 at 11:12pm
March 21, 2013 at 11:12pm
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"Prefect Day"
March 23, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What is your idea of the perfect day?"

"30-Day Bloggers GroupBlog Topic:"Lists, lists, lists. To-do lists, check lists, laundry lists, bucket lists ... Seems like there is a list for everything. Write a humorous list of things you are NOT going to do today."
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Hello Friends

It's been one of those weeks here. I have to file this one under, "You just never know what "LIFE" is going to deal you."
But hey! You play the hand that's dealt you. Even folding is making a play. I'd sooner bluff. Then again...maybe not.
So there!
Another perfect day. Every day is perfect. Perfect, just flipping perfect, until you have to make a list. I can't take any more lists. The lists are really
starting to pile up. One a perfect day I'll make a list.

#1 Don't post this entry into the 30Day Blogging Challenge.
#2 It's movie night!

I'll share a couple little vacation videos I put together. Get the popcorn!!!

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When I peeked through the keyhole,
She was still there.
She had a hold of my dog.
She just wasn't going to leave, until I bought a vacuum cleaner from her.

That's about all I got!

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March 21, 2013 at 9:56am
March 21, 2013 at 9:56am
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"Don't Be Shy, Step Right Up."
March 21, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Write about a moment in your life when you had to "step up" and do something, even though perhaps you didn't want to."

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Hello Friends

Looks like I have a hard time passing up on an opportunity to tell a story. I have a bit of "THING" lets say, with offering up my OPINION, as well.
That is the way I've always been. People seem to enjoy my stories...My opinions...Not so much.
Today's Circle of Friends prompt brings to mind a little story about, how sharing my opinion lead me to make a decision...step up or shut up.

I've always enjoyed art, in all forms. Art was my favorite class in school, it was my opportunity to shine. I'll have to take a moment to mention that I won the "Outstanding Achievement Award" in "Art" for my grade at St. John's High School. I beat out Kathy W. Whom I still am in contact with, and it still burns her up...so ha ha ha KW

Sorry, sort of got side tracked there.

This story goes back a few years prior to my award winning days. This was back in elementary school, where I honed my art skills.

The story

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I think it was in grade 4 or 5, when we had a teacher who was not very keen on teaching an art class. The teacher did only what was required of him, and set aside each Friday afternoon, up until the recess bell for "Art." So each Friday, beginning when we returned from lunch, we had an art lesson, which consisted of our teacher instructing us to take out our crayons, or pencil crayons and draw a picture. When the lesson time was completed we filed our picture in our art folder which sat on a window ledge in the room. Nobody saw our work, I thought it was a big waste of time. After several weeks of this, I became very bored and felt un-challenged.

I asked the teacher, "why is it the same every week? when will we do something different? When will we learn something new? Why don't we display our work in the room."

Our teacher explained that, he didn't like art, he wasn't good at making it, he didn't like teaching it, and that was all he was willing to offer us. Then he added, If you think it's easy to teach an art class, then why don't you go ahead and teach the class.

I said, "okay, I'll do it."

This teacher then, went on a bit of a trip down mockery and humiliation road, at my expense. I think he was trying to get me to back out, but I didn't.

He sarcastically announced to the class that, "beginning next Friday, Joel will teach the art class, because he doesn't like doing the same thing every week, so Joel's class will be different every week, and Joel will teach you all new things every week, and Joel will teach you all to create amazing works of art, and Joel will fill the room with all of your works of art, so it will be on display for everyone to marvel at."

I decided I would do exactly what he said. I went to the library during the week and looked at books and magazines. There were so many different projects I could have had a new lesson everyday, never mind every week.
The only thing missing was, materials. I needed art supplies. So, I asked the teacher if there were some supplies available other than what the students had on their own, and the paper we made our drawing on, which the school supplied.

The teacher said, "No, you have to work with what is here."

I came up with two ideas that would work out just fine. The first was, I would ask the students to bring in the materials needed for some of the projects I wanted to try.(magazines, greeting cards, products we now recycle, stuff like that.)
The second idea I had was to use our pictures from the art folders that were just sitting in a folder anyway. We would re-create them into something new.

Okay! I won't leave you all in suspense any longer...Things went horribly wrong with my first lesson, and the teacher fired me from ever teaching the class again.

Here is what happened:
I began my lesson by having the students copy a list I wrote on the blackboard of items to bring from home for future classes.
Our teacher sat at his desk and didn't offer a single word, but I knew he was impressed.

The lesson I found was a project to make paper fans. The materials needed were colorful paper, and scissors. Everyone had their own scissors, and the colorful paper, I instructed every one to use, was their drawings from their folders.

We began by cutting all of our drawings into 1 inch strips, then we were to take these strips and fold them in opposing directions to create colorful, functional fans.

The problem was:
You weren't supposed to cut the drawing into strips, you only needed to fold the drawing along 1 inch lines. I misunderstood the directions for the project that I had found in a crafts magazine.

We all ended up with useless strips of paper that used to be useless drawings. Nobody seemed to mind. The teacher tried to make a big deal about it, and asked the class, "What are you going to do with your drawings now that they are ruined, thanks to Joel."

One student answered, "we could just put them back into their folders, nobody looks at them anyway."

Our teacher never admitted it, but I know, I taught HIM a lesson, because after that day he gave us different art projects and we decorated our room with them. Although he fired me from ever teaching the class, he encouraged our class to bring in the materials that I listed on the blackboard.

This teacher had an expression he used a lot, it was..."I'll bet you dollars to donuts...."

I think this story is hilarious, I tell it time and time again. "I'll bet you dollars to donuts, so does that teacher."

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Sam the private eye, thought he looked pretty cool,
until he discovered his hat was on fire.

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