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When you really have nothing better to do.
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January 2, 2014 at 7:32pm
January 2, 2014 at 7:32pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 2, 2014

Hi, there.
This is my second edition of Brother's blog, and I don't mean this year - I mean today. Yeah...The dog ate my homework, honest. This is exactly what happened to me on November 2, 2013. On November 2, 2013, Windows Eight, along with Toshiba Satellite failed in saving my blog entry and or lost my data. I lost two offerings of a blog entry that day; I was so discouraged I dropped out of the 30Day Blogging Challenge, after posting just one entry. I was home alone that day, as Leslie was already staying with her mother on the west coast. It was sad day all round. When I went to save today's blog entry I received an error message telling me the save failed because I don't own the entry I was trying to save. Anybody else get that one? One difference in today's little computer generated frustration and grief bestowment is that; I'm not home alone. I'm on the west coast with Leslie.

I guess what I'm trying to say (if you're still reading) is: This second edition of Brother's Blog is made possible by the encouragement and support of Leslie. This blog entry will be much better than that first one ever was. I can't believe I was going to post that piece of crap. I initially wrote a bunch of grud blab about how it's the second day of the year and not much has changed. (as if you didn't already know.) I went on about how much things have changed but yet seem to stay the same. Then I actually yawned and said rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble, rabble.

Right, lets move on to these blogging group - prompts.

Blog Prompt
"If you could go back to when you were 19, would you? Would you prefer to have all the knowledge you have now, or start completely fresh?"

I'd have to say, "yes, I would go back." I do it all the time in my thoughts. I have an issue with the second part of this prompt, and that is: It assumes I have gained in knowledge in the years that have passed since I was nineteen. I don't think I have. I've gained in experience and perhaps I use the knowledge that I have more effectively, but I'm pretty much lateral, literally. In fact I've probably forgot more of what I knew that what I've learned. This is about where my brain exploded while I wrote the first edition.

Nuff said about that.

Blog Prompt
"If you suddenly came into a large sum of money (inheritance, lottery, etc.) that gave you just enough to pay off all your debts and buy one luxury item for yourself of any size and scope... what would that one luxury item be and why is it important to you?"

I would buy a self contained renewable source of energy provider. Like a solar panel or wind turbine system. People might not think of this as a luxury item, but for me it would be. I have this crazy dream of living off the grid, and having a free renewable energy source would make it possible to have other luxury items. I love the dream of coming into large sums of money, but I always end up buying a power source, and moving to the woods, then I giving the rest of the money away.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 1, 2014 at 3:26pm
January 1, 2014 at 3:26pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 1, 2014

And so, another year is upon us. Here I am - full of optimism, and hope for myself, and the entire planet, to have the kind of year that we can look back on with a comprehensive and complete sense of pride. We can achieve this goal together. (the planet and I) We just haven't quite done it yet. But...This time - For sure!
The first eight days of 2014 I will staying in Ladysmith, British Columbia on Vancouver Island with my beloved and her mother. On the ninth of January I will return (alone) to our home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, then shortly after that I'll head off to the cabin in the woods. Aside from that, we face a fairly uncertain future. It'll be interesting to see the cards that 2014 deals us; not that it matters; I'm "all-in." I'm looking forward to blogging all about it, as 2014 unfolds.

Blog Prompt: "What has been the craziest New Year's Resolution you've heard to date? Did you make it or was it made by someone you knew? What became of the Resolution? Tell me a story - Kick in the New Year for me"

Craziest? You got me. Crazy- is something other people THINK I am. (They must all be nuts.)
But I guess the year (1985) I quit smoking, "cold turkey" (which is also lunch for the next ten days) was one of the craziest resolutions I've attempted. On New years Day (my first day without a cigarette) I went to play pool with a couple buddies, they both smoked in the vehicle and around the pool table. They offered me cigarettes and blew smoke in my face. They did not want me to succeed in any way, as they would lose a smoking buddy who was always willing to provide a cigarette to a friend in need. In spite of that, I did quit smoking. It was painful - both physically and emotionally; the first week was hell. It gets better as time goes on. Today I'm happy to report I no longer smoke.
I owe you a story Miss Em. For now I'll leave you to your hang-over.
Happy New Year, everyone.

Blog Prompt: "If you could assign someone else a New Year's resolution that they HAD to keep, who would you choose, what would you assign them, and why?"

I love the concept of this assignment. Without a doubt I would choose a resolution for all people who smoke to quit smoking. Not that it bothers me, I could care less if people smoke. What I don't like about smokers is that they lie to themselves by saying, " I enjoy smoking." It's the lie that I lived as well. Nobody enjoys smoking! The truth is: people smoke because they are addicted to nicotine. Once someone cleanses their body of nicotine and are no longer dependant on having nicotine in their body, It becomes clear to them that, smoking is completely un-necessary, foolish, and poisonous. God bless, help, and protect the health of any and all of the people who have resolved to quit smoking this year and in future years.
Happy New Year, everyone.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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November 1, 2013 at 10:14pm
November 1, 2013 at 10:14pm
With Leslie away on Vancouver Island, I find myself preparing to spend the winter by myself in Sunset Bay. I have a few projects lined up, and have a few work and recreation activities planned as well. I will be travelling to Vancouver Island to spend Christmas with Leslie. I've made arrangements for Gordy Coblepen to write a Christmas Blog in my absence. My goal (with the exception of a Christmas break) is to write a blog entry each day for the next six months. Today being November 1, 2013 will be my first entry. I'll be blogging in The 30 Day Blogging Challenge (Official November Challenge) as well as dropping in on The Blogging Circle of Friends Group. I'll be trying a few new things, and looking to post my blog in some new venues as well. I hope you will join me, and follow along, I'll need all the encouragement and motivation I can get. It's going to be a long cold winter, And you're all invited to share in it with me.

Brother's Blog

November 1, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to Brother's Six Month Blogathon Extravaganza.

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: " What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you in real life? This can a Halloween memory, or not. For a chance to win a merit badge, read the rules in this forum: "Blogging Bliss Newsletter Scary Blog Forum" and post a link to your entry over there as well as in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge" forum (Back-up Prompt: What Halloween costume are you most proud of, and which are you most embarrassed by? If you did not celebrate Halloween, is all this Halloween talk making you wish you had?)"

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Hello friends
I've had some pretty good scares over the years, none of which I care to relive at the moment. I don't think I can enter the "Blogging Bliss Newsletter Scary Blog Forum" anyhow. I think I'm a judge. Some judge I'd make...I like everything. I'll take the "Back-up Prompt." There are two Halloween costumes I'm proud of; the first one is one I made for myself; the second is one I made for my son when he was four years old. The costume I made for myself was a Mummy costume, I made it by wrapping myself head to toe in strips of ripped white bed sheets. I aged the material by soaking it in muddy water and blotting up black shoe polish. I won first place at a public Halloween event, and when we were headed to a private house party we made a stop to buy beer. The beer guy encouraged us to come into to the bar, because they were giving a free beer to anyone in costume, so we went in for a free beer...and I won first place for best costume, which was more free beer.
When my son was four I made him a Buzz Light Year costume. His mom made him a white jumpsuit with a hood for a helmet, and I made and attached the jet pack wings. Now that I think about it, his mom made the majority of the costume. It looked good all the same.

Things can only get better.
I'm here all week.

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October 3, 2013 at 1:47pm
October 3, 2013 at 1:47pm
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In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

*Bullet**Check*"Blogging Circle of Friends *Bullet**Check*
Blog Topic: "All of the power in the world goes out, including car engines. What changes in your life and how do you survive without electricity?"

Hello, Friends.

Hey! There are a few interesting stories in the news today. Not everyone would have these stories covered on their local news, so... thank God you're here.

#1 A construction contractor in Alberta Canada, thought he hit a rock with the bulldozer he was operating, but as it turned out, he unearthed a thirty foot long dinosaur fossil. The construction project has been halted while palaeontologists take a closer look at the site.

#2 Ed Delaney discovered three giant mushrooms in his yard each of them are over fifteen inches in diameter and weight several pounds.

Oddly enough, there is no link for this story...You'll have to take my word on it.

#3 In sports: The top story is about, "fighting in hockey" after a player (George Parros) suffered a head injury during a fight on opening night.

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Gun fire in the US capitol...media gong show ensues... stay tuned for breaking news.

I can't think of a better time than now to introduce one of my all time heroes of hockey, one of the most beloved Canadian sports personalities, Mr. Donald Stewart Cherry - "Don Cherry"

I first knew of Don Cherry when he was the head coach of the Boston Bruins during the 1970's. I was a "closet" Boston Bruins fan as a young boy. Many of my family members and the majority of people I knew were die hard Montreal Canadiens fans. It's not like I couldn't support another team; my brothers chose to root for other teams; two of them are Chicago Blackhawks fans; and one a Toronto Maple Leafs fan. I must have known something at the time, because I instinctively knew better than to get into a discussion about hockey in a room full of Montreal Canadiens fans. (Hab fans)
Truth is I instinctively had some sort of pre-conceived hate on for the Montreal Canadiens, and their stinkin fans. So I quietly cheered on Don Cherry and his Boston Bruins. Later in life, due to expansion in the National Hockey League, (NHL) my home town hockey team, the Winnipeg Jets of the World Hockey Association (WHA) became an NHL franchise. My fan loyalties carried over into the NHL and so, a Jet fan I remain to this day. This is supposed to be about Don Cherry though, so let's not get too far off topic.

If you don't follow sports or hockey...please read on! This is for you.

Don Cherry is internationally known in the global hockey community. In Canada he is known to one and all, regardless whether a person has ever seen a hockey game or not. This next comment has been written many times before; I'm simply repeating this here, because it is so true. (this has been my experience in my home) and I want people to understand that Mr. Cherry is much more than a hockey personality.

In every Canadian home, where the television is tuned to Hockey Night in Canada - whether somebody is paying attention to the game, or not - regardless whether the people in the home are hockey fans, or not - regardless of what else is going on in the home at the time of the game, (ie dinner, birthday party, what-ever) - when the theme music for Coach's Corner plays, everything in the house stops -people appear from other rooms - teenagers hang up their phones or put their video game on pause - everyone - hockey fan or not - stop what they are doing, so they can hear what Don Cherry has to say. If you make the mistake of talking during Coaches Corner, (CBC's production, [featuring Ron McLean and Don Cherry] which airs between the first and second period of any given hockey game) somebody will surely shush you, by saying..."shhhhh Don Cherry is on."

There is a lot to say about "Grapes" (Don Cherry's nickname). I can't say it all here in one blog entry, so I will add more about Don Cherry in future blog entries this month. My hope is that people who've never heard of Don Cherry will enjoy getting to experience what he is all about.

What is Don Cherry all about?

I think Don Cherry's biggest love is people, then hockey, directly followed by people who love hockey. Don Cherry is an outspoken supporter of fighting in hockey. He loves the tough guys, the players not afraid to mix it up, the guys who play hard every game, the ones who are willing to drop the gloves, when it's time to drop the gloves.
Outside of hockey, Don is an exemplary Canadian, and he has brought his community support of many groups, organizations, causes, and individuals to the forefront by giving his cause a national audience. He also has a passion for
fashion. (seeing what Don is wearing, is as interesting as hearing what Don is saying)

What I admire most about Don Cherry is that, he speaks up for what he believes in, he's not afraid to speak his mind, and he explains why he believes in what he is saying.

I'm going to include a couple pictures and a couple videos today, and I'll do a little bit more in the next couple of days.

Don Cherry was 2:34 seconds from taking the Bruins to the Stanley Cup final. This would be his last opportunity.
Boston vs Montreal

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This is a sample of Coaches Corner. I've named it , The Buttercup Edition.

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The Five Minutes for Fighting - Photo Gallery

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Oh yeah! Andre the Blog Monkey has one of his painting ready. He did this one while I watched my Jets win in their season opener Monday night.

Andre the Blog Monkey

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Well, Okay, not bad for a monkey.
Lets talk about the power going out for a minute.
I would welcome this scenario - being without gas powered engines and electricity. I would truly miss a lot of the modern conveniences we have become dependent on, but I would also welcome the challenge and change; the opportunity to turn back the clock and live as our forefathers did. I love being in the outdoors, so this would be like an extended camping vacation. It might be a little scary at first but I predict that: It wouldn't take people too long to come up with their own source of power; even if it's just enough to keep a laptop battery charged. I think people will have their lights and gadgets back up and running in no time. This time the difference will be...the people will have their own source of energy and the big power companies will be the ones in the dark.

Hey, I gotta go.
Keep your stick on the ice!

[TICKER]*Right* *Right* *Right* WINNIPEG JETS - 1-0-0 undefeated!!!

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October 1, 2013 at 8:43pm
October 1, 2013 at 8:43pm
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In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

*Bullet**Check* "Blogging Circle of Friends *Bullet**Check*
Blog Topic: "What's your astrological sign? Do you feel it represents you or not?"

Hello, Friends.

It's opening night in the national hockey league. My home town team, The Winnipeg Jets will play their first regular season game against The Edmonton Oilers. This is Winnipeg's third season in the league, after having their team sold and moved to Phoenix about one million years ago. I'm hopeful they (The Jets) play well enough to earn a playoffs spot. Every hockey fan wants their team to win "The Stanley Cup" every year, with the same players...forever.

It's also the season opener for this "Themed" blogging thing...good idea, that.

So this is my first entry. ... ... ... I think it's going pretty good so far.

My theme is going to be "Hockey" from a fans POV.
I'm a passionate Winnipeg Jets fan, but I'm an even bigger fan of the game itself. It's really part of my culture. Not just a joke or exaggeration in describing Canadians eh. I have a lot to share on the topic of hockey, and I'm excited about bringing two things I enjoy so much together...writing and hockey.

Andre the Blog Monkey has no interest in hockey; he's recently taken up painting. He has generously offered to paint a series of hockey themed paintings and share them here in my blog. If he can do that, then I should at least be able to come up with a hockey themed poem, song lyrics, or God forbid a serial story. I'll also be including the "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt responses too.

Sounds like fun, right?

I'm pumped up! Ready to rock! Bring it on! I'm in two hockey pools! Drop the $&@#!%Q puck!
Oh wait...never mind... ... ... ... ...I'm a Libra. Quiet and reserved, thoughtful and fair. creative and a loyal friend. Yeah that's me alright. I've always been curios about horoscopes, it's something my mother got me into. The newspaper readings are hit and miss, but the astrologers that dig a little deeper can be amazingly accurate with some their prophecy. It's funny that none of the descriptions of Librians Librarians Libranesers Libraites People Of the Libra Persuasion - reference my short attention spa..
I'm pumped up! Ready to rock! Bring it on! I'm in two hockey pools! Drop the $&@#!%Q puck!

Well I'm going to watch the season opener, and gather up some more material for the next installment of Brother's Blog. (the hockey edition)

I'm pretty stoked about all the bloggers who are going to be blogging their themes, thanks for coming out.

The clock winds down and the horn sounds, this one's in the record books folks, the home team wins again!

[TICKER]*Right* *Right* *Right* WINNIPEG JETS - Tied for first place over-all.

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September 30, 2013 at 11:24pm
September 30, 2013 at 11:24pm
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"Revelation Part Two"
September 30, 2013

In This Entry

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: Serial Prompt! Part Two
Prompt for September 30, 2013

It's the apocalypse! On the first day (today) tell us about how you predict the world will end (aliens, mass flooding, nuclear war, etc) and what both your initial reaction and the initial reaction of the governments of the world would be. On the second day (tomorrow) give us a run-down of how you plan to survive the apocalypse for the long term. "Must Have" lists, "To Do" lists, etc. Where will you take refuge? Have fun with this."

Part Two

The elephant in the room is...if you survive the apocalypse, it can't truly be considered a proper apocalypse, now... can it?
I've developed a plan to survive almost any imaginable near apocalyptic situation or (NAS). I've been working on this plan for the past fifteen to twenty minutes, to be a bit more accurate I'm actually making this up as I go along here.

The following is a list of things you'll need and a brief explanation of the reason or their use.

A Bible, the Qur'an, the Tipitaka, the Tanakh, and an asbestos suit. - This will cover you in case of any form of wrath of God apocalypse or (WOGA).

A hollow paper-mache life size cow, or (HPMLSC). - These are effective decoys in the event of an alien invasion. Aliens can't resist abducting cows.

Rabbits - at least two, a male and a female, object...protein.

Seeds of every kind - You'll plant these to grow your food.

If you're going to be dealing with an environmental disaster of any kind...and you will because they are unavoidable you'll need to be prepared mentally and physically. Whether you're dealing with a hurricane or a tidal wave, earthquake, flood, volcano, beer shortage, or any other form of environmentally inspired day ruining event, or (EIDRE); there is only one word of advice to insure your survival...RUN.

Take a minute to locate and memorize directions to a remote wilderness area near your present home. If you don't have one: head towards an island in the woods in South Eastern Manitoba. That's where you'll find me. Don't forget your HPMLSC.

Thus concludes another Official round of blogging in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.
It's been a blast!
Congratulations to all of my fellow bloggers.

Peace be with you all.

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September 29, 2013 at 1:22pm
September 29, 2013 at 1:22pm
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September 29, 2013

In This Entry

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: Serial Prompt! Part One
Prompt for September 29, 2013

It's the apocalypse! On the first day (today) tell us about how you predict the world will end (aliens, mass flooding, nuclear war, etc) and what both your initial reaction and the initial reaction of the governments of the world would be. On the second day (tomorrow) give us a run-down of how you plan to survive the apocalypse for the long term. "Must Have" lists, "To Do" lists, etc. Where will you take refuge? Have fun with this."

Part One

There is a thin line between fiction and non fiction. What is fact and what is theory, is quite often left for the reader to decide. The book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, describes the end of times (the apocalypse) as the events of the prophesies of John are described. It's widely accepted by christian scholars that the descriptions are of a symbolic nature, and not likely to actually occur as it is written. There is some fascinating science relating portions of the text to astronomical bodies and events. It is believed that most of the text that is found in the New Testament was written around the year/s of 300 AD. Scholars believe that is was widely accepted. at the time the bible was written, (both the old and new testament) that end times were near.

Here in the year 2013 it is still widely believed that the end of time is near. Descriptions of events that will occur during the planets demise are now written by leading scientists, in many disciplines, from many countries around the world. Most of these (studies) writings, whether they are supported by historic fact, or based on computer models, are taken as theories which we can choose to believe as fact, or dismiss as fancy. The reason we can dismiss the findings of irrefutable facts is, because our governments control what studies get funding and more importantly what studies influence policies determining our environmental impact on our planet.

I began to give the question of a planetary genocide serious thought when I was a young boy, growing up during the cold war. In my youth, we were made aware of the constant threat of a global nuclear war. I tried to imagine what living through an all out nuclear bombardment on a global scale would be like. I decided the best place to be during an attack by a nuclear war-headed missile would be "ground zero." So I decided long ago that I would sooner meet my demise either quick and painlessly, or peacefully in my sleep at a ripe old age. Because of this, and many other factors I do not believe there will be a cataclysmic end to life and our planet.

Instead I believe that we will all face an ending, (each of us, indivdually) by one means or another. Although the immediate future for our planet, is not bright; earth will always be able to sustain life forms... it may only be in small remote geographical areas, and surviving species may be greatly reduced. Time will eventually heal all, and the life cycle will continue. (In some form.)

So, what's all this talk about: aliens, mass flooding, nuclear war, angels, ghosts, earthquakes, volcanoes, unicorns, the wrath of God, zombies, vampires, exhausting our natural resources, pollution, etc.?

Well if I'm going to live to a ripe old age - I'll have to have a plan to survive any or all of these encounters, and a whole host of others, as well.

And...you can bet I do! I'll tell you a bit about it tomorrow.

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September 28, 2013 at 1:17am
September 28, 2013 at 1:17am
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"Partly completed and nearly on time."
September 28, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: Write a poem or a piece of prose in which the last two words are 'good-bye.'

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Have you ever had a publicly embarrassing moment? If so write about it."

Hello, Friends.

Rain day!
September is winding down.
Well...That pretty much covers the news.
I guess I have no choice, I'll have to create something.
After all, it is "Creation Saturday" in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.
I don't think I have to tell anybody how much I love to write embarrassing
stories about myself, so I'll start with the Blogging Circle of Friends' prompt.

My brothers and I only have one sister,(five boys - one girl) and back when she got married,
we gained another brother. This is how our sixth brother, Glen had joined our closely knit
family. Glen and my sister are no longer together in wedlock, however Glen will
always be one of our brothers and family member. The joke goes...We...
(the boys) got to keep Glen in the divorce settlement, and sis got to
keep the kids and the house. We got the better deal.

Have I ever been embarrassed in public?
That would depend on... what you consider public.
Long ago in our athletic days, Glen and I had gym memberships
together and were dedicated to weight training two or more times a week.
The gym that we attended was not co-ed. they had a men's day and a women's day.
Naturally, Glen and I would meet at the gym on the men's days...(every other day)
I would always conclude my work-out with a relaxing and well deserved stay
in the sauna room, while Glen opted to sit in the steam room. After every
work-out, we would go our separate ways, him to the steam bath
and me to the sauna. On one such day, we left the weight room
together, (at the same time) headed to our usual, but separate routines.

On that day I opened the sauna door and the room was non functional. There was a sign on
the sauna heater that said, "the sauna is not working" so I went to join Glen in the
steam room. When I entered the steam room, it was difficult to see through the
steam. I could see that there was only one person in the room. even in the
steamy fog I could recognize my brother. Just to make sure though, I
joked, "Is that you?" He replied, "Yes it's me, is that you?"
We sat quietly for a few minutes, enjoying the heat
from the steam.

I decided, while sitting in the steam room
with Glen, that I would like to go out and have a beer,
so I said to Glen, "would you like to go have a beer before we
go home?" "No, I don't think so," answers Glen. That was not like Glen at all.
Glen was always willing to do things, he was especially fond of beer. So I asked,
"why not?" ... ... "because my wife wouldn't like that," says Glen. I should have known something
was wrong, but I continued: "Your wife wouldn't like it? I'm sure she wouldn't mind, it's just
one beer! come on! lets hang out for a while." At that Glen stood up and left the room.
Sitting there (for less than a minute) I thought that, "Glen and big sis must be
having some issues. Too bad I thought. Oh well, I better go get changed
I stepped out of the steam room. Then I saw...

Glen was in the changing room fully dressed and about to leave the gym.
"Weren't you just in the steam room with me," I asked him?
"No, I decided to skip the steam today, why?"

"Your kidding, right? I was just talking to you."

"You weren't talking to me, I wasn't in the steam room."


Now for the part, in which I dread.
Extract a poem, from with-in my head.

A poem! ... my God! ... my God! ... Why?
I'm not a poet, but I'll have to try.

My mind went blank, so is this page.
Like forgetting your lines, while on the stage.

No ideas! I don't know why.
The creative well, has just run dry.

It's better then, that I say...
'Good - bye'

Don't make me come looking for you.

P.S. Thank you for reading ElaineElaine . I hope that you will join us with a few blog entries of your own in October.

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September 27, 2013 at 1:37am
September 27, 2013 at 1:37am
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"WARNING: This blog will self-destruct in 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 -"
September 27, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blog Topic: "Write a humorous warning label that doesn't exist but should. If you are ambitious, write more than one."

Hello, Friends.

I did some time, selling labels. Did you realize that nobody ever gets writing credits for writing labels? There was a warehouse full of labels (located in the pits of hell, where I was gainfully employed) of every type imaginable. I could hardly contain myself in a warehouse of (un-affixed) labels. Every time I opened that door I went into over-active-hyper-sensitive-spectra-algebraic-mind-@!#%.

What if?... Instead of selling all of these labels, we just go and stick them on things.

Wouldn't it be fun to do that? I thought about doing that every time I was in the label room.

Pick a label, any label, then - make it funny by applying to a object or product.

NO SALT ADDED - put it on a box of salt. *Laugh*

NON STICK COATING - on a roll of tape. *Laugh*

MAY CONTAIN NUTS - on a condom package. *RollEyes*

HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED - on the coffee pot, in the lunchroom. *Laugh*

PUSH - on the "pull" side of a door. *Laugh*

WARNING the rest of this entry MAY BE HARMFUL to read while drinking milk.

CAUTION signs are the funniest, with out even trying to be funny.

Without WARNING my time is up. I have to get out of here... (my house, I mean) SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE.

some signs and labels I have kicking around...IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.

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I apply this label to my cookie recipes:

********************KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN**********************

No blog entry would be complete without Andre's personal favorite:

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Global Management & Consulting Technology Services

Gotta go, blog ya later.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 26, 2013 at 3:14pm
September 26, 2013 at 3:14pm
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"I remember sex (education in school)"
September 26, 2013

The 13th anniversary/thank you video has been released.
Tip of the hat to Jeff for the amazing job he did in producing this.
We're sure a good looking bunch!
Shame on you, if you couldn't resist the opportunity to plug your blog or something like that.*Blush*
Watch it here if you haven't seen it yet.

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In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "What is your opinion on how schools (high school and/or college) teach sexual education? How did your school handle some of the sensitive subjects? (If you are at all uncomfortable on this topic, feel free to discuss your opinion on any aspect of the education system that you feel needs revision.)"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Homecoming Dance. I'm skipping mine, tell me about yours."

Hello, Friends.

I was about to whine about the time. Then again, there's always time to talk about sex. Huddle up! We're going to learn about sex.
I was among the first of the students in the education system when it was decided to make "Sex Education" part of the regular curriculum in public schools. I was in grade five. I wasn't really interested, but our teacher's introduction to the approach of teaching the subject peaked my interest. *PointLeft* not a pun.

Here is how the lesson went...

The first thing that happened was - all of the girls went to another room to have their lesson separately, with a female teacher.
After the girls were gone - our teacher displayed a poster with anatomically correct drawings of a male and female adult human.
He then, (while tapping away with a pointer stick) read off all the names of all the parts on both drawings. (most of them we already knew by different names)

Surely he must have said something that made sense to someone, but not me. When he concluded his presentation he opened the class up to questions. I remember shooting my arm up into the air so I would be first to have my question answered. I looked around the room. There was no need to rush. I was the only one with a question.

Our teacher (if he didn't roll his eyes, I bet he wanted to) directed me to ask my question. I asked, "Why did the girls have to leave the room?"

Our teacher said something about how the girls have some personal matters to discuss and they might be intimidated to ask questions while boys were in the room.

My hand went straight back into the air. (first and only again) "What sort of personal matters," I asked?

"They (the girls) go through some different changes, they have to talk about their reproductive system."

I had no idea what he was talking about, so I figured it didn't matter anyway; what do I care about reproductive systems?; it's not like I was going to become a doctor. I still had one more question..."When are the girls coming back?"

We had a second lesson the following week. We were separated from the girls again, but this time...we had the female teacher. She explained to us that, "because we had questions about the female reproductive system, ( all the other guys glare at me) she would teach our class while our teacher was having a lesson with the girls."

After the teacher concluded her presentation on the female reproductive system... you'll never hear a quieter room full of boys...I was busted for letting out a little giggle.

"What's so funny Joel?"

"Nothing, Mam. Sorry for laughing."

What made me laugh was - picturing our male teacher in a classroom full of girls...tapping his pointer stick. It must have been the most awkward day of his career.
ah ha...it's still funny.

After that our class was never separated again and the "sex education" lessons became "health" lessons. There was a lot of controversy at the time about teaching "sex" in the schools. We didn't have another sex-ed class until Jr. High school, and it was pretty much a review.

Nothing would have prepared any of us for the high school dances. I'm still not sure how those work. But at least the boys and girls were in the same room. I never once heard of a homecoming dance except for in American pop culture. What is it?
Anyhow we had all sorts of dances, sock hops were my favorite.
Dances are fun; you should go, CR.
You might meet that *SuitHeart**SuitHeart*certain someone*SuitHeart**SuitHeart* there.

Have a great day everyone!

Don't make me come looking for you.

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