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When you really have nothing better to do.
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January 22, 2014 at 8:54pm
January 22, 2014 at 8:54pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 22, 2014

Blog Prompt
"What do you think about different blogging platforms? For example: your WDC blog vs. Tumblr. What are the pros and cons? What do you think about social media sites as a blogging platform (Facebook statuses could be considered mini blogs)? Tell us all about your blogging preferences and thoughts about the different ways to blog."

Hello, friends.
I have to say what a pleasure it is to be sitting in my home office once again after being away for over a month. I was welcomed home by three feet of snow covering the driveway and the door to the house - frozen shut. It's the price you pay to live on the Canadian prairie. I could have had a heart-attack clearing the snow, but I would have gotten life saving surgery, absolutely free.

Now that I'm home, I will have the time to continue writing entries into Brother's Blog. So I'm thankful for this "Great Blog Off Challenge" mainly because I have already defaulted out of the other blogging groups' challenges. Being that the deadline for this submission it drawing near, I'll go straight to addressing this prompt.

You may or may not already know that I am affiliated with all of the blogging groups on WDC. I've been "Blogger of the week" in the BCF group; I've placed third and second in the 30DBC group; I'm also the "Host" of "unofficial months" in that group. I'm also one of the editors of "The Blogging Bliss Newsletter." So maybe my opinion (or what I think) about the various blogging groups may come as a bit of a surprise.

The first thing I want to mention is that - there are too many of them. (blogging groups, I mean)
I'd like to share my blog with as many people as I can, but I'm not keen on posting it multiple times on the same site.
It would be nice if the folks who hold the keys to these groups would come together and merge into one big happy blogging community.

Another item that I'm not fond of are the "prompts" The prompts are more an exercise in creative writing than they are as inspiration for a blog entry.
So this, coupled with my first comment, becomes a multi-edged sticking point, because in order to participate in several groups, you're obliged to respond to several prompts, none of which inspire actually blogging.

I know myself, and I have a terrible short attention span. Lately I find it takes too long to write a boring long winded reply to questions I've already responded to in other entries. Much like this one I'm writing right now. After I'm done writing and posting a blog entry, I like to read the blogs of my fellow bloggers, but time to do so is limited.
It discourages me that many people write very long entries, I simply don't have the time to read.
I have always advised - the shorter your entry is, the better it is. More is not merrier when it comes to blog entries.

The Facebook status entry is better suited to my style of blogging. It's so simple to make a short statement, and even include a picture. Everyone who wants to see it will see it, and people can choose to read it or scroll by it. Facebook alerts you to all the comments and likes, which makes it a bit easier to navigate.

What I have discovered over the past three to six months is: writing a daily blog based on prompts is not for me. I better suited for the "Flash Fiction Contest."
I do have an interesting challenge to run during the unofficial month of February, and I'll let you in a little secret...It will involve an activity which might help to draw the writers and bloggers on WDC together into a big happy group of flash mob of bloggers.

I know that people enjoy blogging on WDC regardless of what group they are involved in, some folks join every group, and answer every prompt. Ther is no need for that to change, and I certainly don't mean to offend anyone.
That's just my opinion, and I offer it up for free, because if I tried to sell it I'd starve to death.

Have a great day.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 11, 2014 at 1:34pm
January 11, 2014 at 1:34pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 11, 2014

It began to rain yesterday afternoon, and has been raining pretty steady ever since. This is a new experience for me; I'm accustom to snow events between November and March, not rain. Oh well, at least you don't have to shovel rain. The rain is a fitting and inspirational backdrop to, "National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day." I've never heard of this day, then again...I don't know everything - I just think I do.

We went out in the rain for a little walk. It gave us a chance to talk about an exit strategy. Leslie is here to help in a family matter and I'm here to visit, it's not a vacation, not even close, but we've made the most of the opportunities (when they came up) to enjoy our visit. When we got back from our walk, I returned to blogging while Leslie found and booked me a flight back home. I'll be headed back to Sunset Bay on the eighteenth of the month. Tonight we are planning to sneak away for dinner and a movie, in the meantime I'm free to blog, it's a great way to spend a rainy day.

Blog Prompt
"Do you cook? Share with us one of your favorite recipes to prepare. Did you invent it yourself? An old family creation? If you don't cook, remind all of us why we shouldn't let you near a stove."

Most of my boyhood friends had desires for toys such as, G.I. Joe action figures, bicycles, ice skates, pellet rifles, hot wheels, robots, etc. Me? I wanted an easy bake oven. That is where my interest in cooking began. I never did get that easy bake oven, but as soon as I got the opportunity I started my home-cooking career. My siblings still talk about some of the first dishes I served when I began cooking on my own. I was cooking and baking things for quite a long time before I discovered recipes. People remember my baked goods more than anything. One of my baked creations was named, Yuckies. Some other things I made, I presented to Little Bro with the challenge of, "I dare you to eat this." Since then, I'm fairly secure in saying, I've become a talented home-chef. I learned a lot about cooking from watching my Grandparents cook. I wrote a few recipes and share them in my port. These are two of my favorites.

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Blog Prompt
"If you could develop any superpower, what would it be and why? If it came with a significant downside or the inability to fully hone/control it (e.g. telepathy that you couldn't turn off, flying but you'd sometimes float in your sleep, invisibility but you had to concentrate to become visible), would that affect the superpower you'd choose? Would you choose to have none at all?"

I've been working on developing this super power that, for lack of a better description, puts things back the way they were. For example: You arrive at the scene of a traffic accident; two cars are mangled, and people are injured. You can "put things back the way they were" by, rolling back the clock in a sense. Both vehicles become a safe distance apart the people are in the same condition they were prior to the collision. The problem is: You (sometimes) have to give the situation a few "do-overs" until somebody does something different (going forward) to avoid the collision. Another application might be: Your potato crop is eaten by beetles. You "put things back the way they were" by, rolling back the clock, then harvesting your potatoes before the beetles arrive. The danger here is: What are the beetles going to eat when they find the potato crop missing? The whole thing works by shaking a tin-foil excreter at the offending situation. I'm having trouble deciding on a costume, but I think I should have lightning bolts shaved into the side on my head.

Blog Prompt
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day
" Would you or better yet have you done that to a friend in fun? What other silly things have you and a friend shared looking back on?
If you could write this friend an anonymous letter would they know by the situation that is was from you without you signing the letter?"

I remember doing this a lot. This reminded me of something a bit different though. I was only seven or eight years old when I met two new kids who moved into the neighborhood. It was the first time I met someone who was from somewhere else. They were a brother and sister who said they were from a place called Gary, Indiana. The boy was a year or so older than me and the girl was a year or so younger than me. The boy asked me if I ever heard of Gary, Indiana before, and I said, "no."
Then he told that there was a song by the same name and he started singing it. I never heard that song before, and I got the sense that these people thought I was stupid. Now, it had been raining earlier and the girl, who was wearing a frilly white dress, was standing in front of a huge muddy puddle. I looked over at her and thought to myself - I should push her in that puddle, and before you can sing the entire song called Gary Indiana, I pushed that little girl in the puddle. I didn't just push her a little bit in the puddle, I gave her a good hard shove, which put her flat on her back and soaked head to toe. The girl got up and ran crying home. The boy was as surprised as me as to what had just happened, and he said to me, "you're gonna get it," then ran off following his sister. A little later in the day, their mother paid a visit to my mother - and I got it. I later learned that the kids names were, get this, Gary ( as in Gary Indiana) and Susan. Gary and I became good friends and lived in the area for many years. I don't think Susan ever liked me.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 10, 2014 at 3:26am
January 10, 2014 at 3:26am
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 10, 2014

Howdy, folks. Welcome to another Friday on Brother's Blog.

I had the opportunity to get out and poke around Ladysmith (un-supervised) today. I walked up High St. Which is way different than walking up the street high.
This street is well named, it's all uphill, and it's a steeper grade than the steepest bridges in Manitoba. I walked all the way up to the top, mostly because I didn't want to look like a tourist from the prairie, by turning around half way. Actually, walking down hill was harder. I'm not used to mountainous terrain, with each step, I looked like I was a tight-rope walker trying not to fall forward from my lofty perch. At the top of High St. and a short walk to the north, I found an access point to the Holland Creek Trail. I traversed the trail as it followed a deep ravine, then the trail lead down into the ravine and continued along what I assume is Holland Creek. I spent an hour or so exploring the rain forest, before I took the dreaded walk back up to street level. I took a few pictures along the way, so I could share a couple here with you.

I don't look too bad for a seventy year old.

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UP - the worst of all of the directions

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I'll sleep good tonight! I'm going to have to burn through these prompts, before my head hits the keyboard.

Too Late
kyu ghj9ou xdrxgfo

Blog Prompt
"What is one funny TV show or movie that will always make you laugh no matter how many times you watch it? What makes it funny? Convince me I should watch it."

I think I should give a mention to John Cleese of Monty Python Flying Circus fame with his series Fawlty Towers. It is a well written comedy with great characters. Every episode has it's moments of hilarity

This scene cracks me up every time
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Another fav would be Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean.

Blog Prompt
"Do your friends and family follow your blog? If so, do you tailor your posts accordingly? If not, and you suddenly found out that your friends and family read your blog regularly, would you be okay with it or would it make you nervous? Why?"

They say they do. I write in this blog to (hopefully) entertain and engage any and all who find my humble ramblings. Let's face it, if you're reading my blog you are my friend and family. Thank you for dropping by.

Blog Prompt
"Is there anything you are a total nerd for? A TV show, a card game, a video game? You know a ton about it and love to watch/play it. If you do, tell us about it. If not, tell us why."

I'm a hockey fan, and have been for more than forty years. I like it all: TV, card games, video games, baseball, Nascar, and porn. Ha ha ha ha I was just kidding - I don't like baseball.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 9, 2014 at 1:47am
January 9, 2014 at 1:47am
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 9, 2014

It's day one of my extended stay on Vancouver Island. Finding time to keep up a blog is a bit of a challenge, so I'm getting things done bit by bit. Back home the temperature rose to a balmy -6 degree Celsius. (I'm referring to Winnipeg, not Mars)
Not too much on the agenda for today, so I'll make up for some lost ground on visiting some other blogs. This is a great day to announce my intention of becoming Mayor of Winnipeg. I used to think that I would never be able to get elected to any public office due to my *checkered past*, but Rob Ford has paved the way for me. If you're not sure who Rob Ford is...check this out, while I dispatch these compelling prompts. Enjoy!

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Blog Prompt
"What issues would you take a stand on, and what campaign promises would you make, if you ran for Mayor of your current town or city?"

There are countless issues and endless opportunities to point out the incompetence of the current governing body of Winnipeg's civic leaders. ( with the exception of a couple strong city councillors) The one issue that is front and center and an excellent example of complete inability to competently run our city is - Snow clearing.
The city has become incapable of effectively clearing our streets and sidewalks of snow. Winnipeg is NOT receiving any extreme weather events like in other parts of the country and globally. We are experiencing the same severe winter weather conditions we have always received. Why are the streets not being cleared? Why are people becoming involved in traffic accidents and slip and fall accidents due to the hazardous road conditions? What has changed? (Not the weather) What went wrong?

Gather round, my fellow Winnipeggers and I will tell you the truth, and show you the light. This all goes back several years when we elected a portly politician of little brain to office of Mayor, by the name of Susan Thompson. The luncheon attending lady, knew the way to public office in Winnipeg was to appeal to the stingy money hoarding masses of cheapskates, who populate our fair city (no offence intended, but if you want the goods - you have to pay the price.) Ms. Thompson got elected on a promise of "not raising taxes" She kept that promise for two terms - she did nothing else. Following Ms. Thompson's run as Mayor we elected Glen Murray, Mr. Murray was (in my opinion) one of our strongest, and wisest city councillors. Unfortunately he stuck with the popular stand of freezing taxes, and in spite of being openly gay, we did not see an improvement in the production of parade floats. (as I was looking forward to)

So fast forward to 2013-14 when all of the costs of services have increased over the years, we are stuck with 1990 budget numbers that don't cut the mustard, clear the snow, cut the grass, pick up garbage, put out fires, or police our communities. City council has tried to compensate for these short falls by trying to find money by contracting services out to private contractors. (like they don't have to pay higher prices for fuel, labour, and equipment.)

I Have a dream...it's called, lets fix the things that are broken by putting back the way they were when they worked. As far as snow clearing is concerned - we would go back to the system of dispatching the snow clearing effort immediately following the snow fall, and continuing the effort until our streets are clear and passable. We'll go back to the old system of having an annual budget. The budget would start with a big number, so we'll need to raise taxes, maybe even have a surcharge on our vehicle registration to help pay for it. (In years of light snow, there will be a spill-over of funds, that helps pay the bills in years of heavier snow fall. Let's get the city back to doing the city's work - The city of Winnipeg was at one time a good employer. Hey, after all folks - if you're going to be embarrassed by the incompetence of your city hall, I can make the embarrassment much more entertaining. I'll need your vote, and a bottle of scotch

Blog Prompt
"Guilty pleasures. What are three movies, books, television shows, music artists, and/or games you're afraid to admit to other people that you actually really enjoy? Why do they appeal to you?"

That's funny, I do have a few guilty pleasures, the funny thing is; When I confessed to my friends about my love of (say) cartoons, children's TV programs and books my friends confessed to watching, reading and enjoying them as well. It's no secret that I enjoy all of the works of Dr. Seuss. When I became a father, it was an added bonus that I could now hang out in the children's section of the local library without the police being called. There is a "corny" movie that I think (only I) liked, titled: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, my friends all groan when I mention this in conversation. My favorite song of all time is one that had some sort of weird effect on me, since I first heard it on the radio when I was a pre-schooler. Enjoy!

Ha ha - I made Leslie listen to this... [Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

Great prompt...I have more, but I'll save them for another time.

Blog Prompt
"Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." Is this true?

Yes. it must be. Loving and losing is something we have all been through; if you haven't - then...You haven't lived long enough yet.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 8, 2014 at 11:12pm
January 8, 2014 at 11:12pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 8, 2014

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Global Management & Consulting Technology Services

Hey there.
Hope you don't feel like reading today, I don't feel like writing.
check back tomorrow.

Blog Prompt
"If you had the choice, would you rather be incredibly gifted and talented at one thing, or slightly better than average at lots of different things? Why?"

I believe that we DO have this choice. I would venture to say that we are all gifted with skills and talents. Being better than average in your skill set is a matter of having a healthy feeling of self confidence. I know in my heart that everyone has a special give in which they shine brighter than any other shining star. The tricky part is learning what your special talent or gift is. Some times a persons incredible talent isn't discovered while they are alive to know what it is.

I wish I could go on the trip to Mauna Kea to get a look through those scopes.

Blog Prompt
"Write about a time where you overheard or saw something you weren't meant to. What was it, and - in retrospect - are you better off or worse off for having overheard/witnessed it?"

When I was a young boy, my older siblings proved to me that Santa Claus didn't exist by showing me where my parents stashed the Christmas gifts we were about to open up on Christmas Day. It changed the way I saw the world at the time. I suppose it would have happened sooner or later, but looking back... I wish they wouldn't have done that.

Blog Prompt
" Is patience an attribute that you can acquire with practice or is it an innate ability in some people?"

Very good question! I have no idea what the answer is. I can tell you that, "I'm probably the most patient person there is; seems like I've spent my entire life (thus far) waiting for something.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 7, 2014 at 6:11pm
January 7, 2014 at 6:11pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 7, 2014

Tonight I'm off to Leslie's "Toast Masters" meeting. Blog adjourned.

Blog Prompt
"Write about the time you were the most nervous you've ever been."

I can honestly say, "I do not get nervous." I've had occasion to be worrisome. I've been excited in anticipation of an event. But, in all of the examples of things that people get nervous over, I've never been nervous in those same situations.

Blog Prompt
"What's your opinion of reality TV? Love it, hate it, indifferent to it? Why?"

I like the cooking competitions, like: Top Chef and Hells Kitchen. I like, Celebrity Apprentice. I enjoyed the first season of a couple others, but was bored by the second season. I don't even bother to watch the new programs that come out. Honey Booboo hit a new low for TV viewing, I won't go that low.

Blog Prompt
"Tell us what kind of poetry appeals to you? Why? Which poet is your favorite?
If you do not enjoy reading poetry why?"

I really enjoyed rhyming poems as a young reader. Free verse just confused me. Since joining WDC and reviewing poetry I have gained a much better appreciation for poetry. My favorite poems to read and write are still rhyming poems. Dr. Seuss is my favorite.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 6, 2014 at 2:17pm
January 6, 2014 at 2:17pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 6, 2014

Hello again, friends.
Brother's blog is being created in the cozy confines of "The Nellie McClung Regional Library" in Victoria British Columbia. I had to find my own way here.
I had a GPS, a Kindle-Fire (with map PDF's), a map book, a mobile phone, and had been given directions to my desired destination. What else could I possibly need?
How could I possible get lost?

In Winnipeg there is an intersection, locals affectionately, but un-officially refer to as, Confusion Corner. Other cities must be jealous. Why else would the, City of Victoria Planners, have created the intersection of Cedar-Hill Rd. and Cedar-Hill Rd.
I was doing so good up until then. Having no gun in the glove box I decided to turn right, then turn around, then track back, then turn left. I did get to my destination, The Nellie McClung Library. Getting back to where I came from might be another challenge.

What if you were lost in, Duncan, and the only landmark you had was a totem-pole? Who's idea was it to put totem-poles all over the place?

I just heard from my Island cousins, Jan and Dannielle, they're coming to join me for lunch. I only have to find my way to the front doors of the library.
Let's have a quick look at these prompts before my ride arrives.

Blog Prompt
"How long has it been since you changed the image on your biography page? Browse around your fellow competitors' bio pages and hopefully they have something up for you to see. "Profile Pictures" are commonplace on most social websites, so I want you to discuss them. What is appropriate? Do you show your face, or display mostly ambiguous pictures? Why?"

I have the same picture on my Bio Page which I added when I first signed up on this fine web site. I'm not sure if anybody even looks at it, so I'll leave it as is.
I change my profile picture on FaceBook often. I sometimes use my own picture, or a cartoon character, or a photo of Leslie and I. My current picture over there is a shadow picture of Leslie and I forming a shadow heart. Fivesixer is my only WDC friend who is also my FB friend. If you'd like to be my friend on FaceBook send a friend request to Joel Spearman of Winnipeg, add a note so I'll know who you are.
MissEmily has an amazing new Bio Pic - I really want to get a Go-Pro - even more now.

Blog Prompt
"If you could live in any fictional world (novel, movie, television show, comic book, etc.) which world would you want to live in and why?"

I do live in a fictional world, I make it all up as I go along. I share the same factual history as everyone else, but, you can't live in the past. That's just silly.

Blog Prompt
"The question: Is it harmful to see the good in everybody? Why? Why not?"

I always try to find the good in people, I try extra hard for the people who don't make their good qualities obvious to others. It's not harmful to see the good in everybody, but it could be harmful to ignore the fact that, some people have an evil presence supressing their good traits.
Hey! Be careful out there.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 5, 2014 at 10:34pm
January 5, 2014 at 10:34pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 5, 2014

This is the last Sunday I will be spending with Leslie on the coast. On Wednesday I'll have to head back home to Manitoba, and the -35 to -45 degree temperatures.
I'm not afraid of a little cold weather, as long as I'm indoors and the cold is outdoors it's fine. But that's on Wednesday; today is Sunday. Today we had a nice day together, out and about on Vancouver Island. This morning we drove a short distance from the house, (we've walked there a few times) to a gated logging road. On Sunday mornings the gate is open so you can drive further into the interior of the island. There is a fish hatchery located beyond the gate. That's the reason the gate is open. The fish hatchery people have to do what ever it is they do. We took advantage of the gate being open, as do others in the area, so we could drive to the fish hatchery then hike further inland along the logging road. Later in the day we went to the town Duncan where they have "totem-poles" placed through-out the town. There are painted footprints on the sidewalks you can follow - the foot prints lead you to all of the totem-poles. We made it to the second set of totem-poles, and discovered that - If you see one totem-pole; you've pretty much seen...
The next town over has murals all over their town.
We did have an awesome lunch in Duncan at, Just Jake's. http://justjakes.ca/
It was nice to hang out in Duncan; all of the shops close on Sunday there. It reminded me of a simpler time we once enjoyed.
On the way back we drove through, Chemainus, the town with murals - spooky weird.
Tomorrow I'm spending the day in Victoria, (un-supervised) while Leslie attends a meeting.

Blogging in the 30Day Challenge is a bit more challenging for me right now, while I'm staying at Leslie's mom's house. Finding the time and solitude is tricky. Luckily I have Leslie's support, and mom has her own things to do. It seems to take me forever to put these blog entries together, so the time I have to read the other blogs has been limited. When I get back home I'll have more solitude time than I can take. So...that will be my new complaint.

Blog Prompt
"Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why."

I've been diarizing my week as it unfolds in my blog entries. If I had to sum up my week in one word - I'd ask for a few extra words. It's not always about me, anyway.
It's about you. You, the blogger, you. I didn't get a chance to read all of the other blogs yet, but I will get caught up by the end of the coming week. My favorite entry thus far is... I'm not going to say. It wouldn't be fair to the other entries that I have left unread. I'll be back next Sunday with a better answer, and a more fitting review of the week in blogging.

Blog Prompt
"Even though there's no legal/copyright protection for ideas themselves, do you think it's morally acceptable to take another writer's idea and write your own version of it without permission or giving them credit? Would you find it more or less acceptable if that person weren't a writer or artist themselves? Why?"

There is a fine line between being inspired by somebody's work to write a piece of your own - and outright stealing an idea. I've often found inspiration for a story from reading another's story. (I don't think that's what you're talking about here)

I think it comes down to how you feel about the story you wrote. If your not comfortable in giving credit to, what or who, inspired the story, or if you feel you can't say...then you probably did something you shouldn't have.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 4, 2014 at 4:41pm
January 4, 2014 at 4:41pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 4, 2014

Hello again.
Before I get started, I'll have to go out and do something, so I'll have something to write about. Be right back!

Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't think I'd be gone so long.

We went for walk that became a hike. I took a few pictures along the way...

Holland Creek - near Ladysmith, Vancouver Island

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By the time we returned home from our walk, it was time to head back out for dinner. We went to the Saltair Neighborhood Pub...

It was prime rib night, and Leslie, her mother, and I all enjoyed an awesome meal. This was my second visit to the neighborhood pub; I like it there, and so do the local retired hippies. I'm planning to write a short review for the pub on tripadvisor.ca

Well it would appear responding to these pesky blog prompts may take a few minutes...I best get started.

Blog Prompt
"How was the universe created? Write your OWN creation myth."

In the beginning there was nothing, not even the beginning that the nothing was in. There was nothing, and nothing containing the nothing that there wasn't any of. That was when God decided to create things. So God created everything, because, remember?... there was nothing in the beginning. So, now...thanks to God we have this fine ever expanding universe to evolve into, like we own it. Some things were created by Irony. Irony is one of Gods designers in the department of planetary management. Although Irony's designs never actually worked, he was the top designer. Sponges in the ocean, flightless birds, intelligent fish, and domesticated cats are just a few of Irony's designs. When ever you see something that doesn't seem to make sense, you can sometimes see the Irony in it.

Blog Prompt
"January 4th is National Trivia Day
Prompt: All of us have different interests, share some interesting trivia details about your passion. Sporting, Cooking, Gardening, Writing, etc. fans here is your chance to show us what you know about your interests!"

I like it all: Sporting, Cooking, Gardening, Writing...I've even given etc. a try. It's no secret that I'm a hockey fan, so my little bit of trivia is from the sport of hockey.
This has a special hometown appeal for me as well, and that's always nice. Here is my...

National Trivia Day Hockey Trivia Question: When a player scores three goals during one game it is called a "Hat Trick." Who holds the NHL record for the fastest time to record a hat trick during regulation play.

Players name & time transpired__________ ______________

Jeopardy music plays...*Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano**Clef**Piano**Guitar**Music2**Music1**Piano*

Give up?

Me too!

And the answer is...Billy Mosienko - in the time of 21 seconds; it's record that still stands today.

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Billy Mosienko made his home in Winnipeg. (my home town) He owned a bowling alley that is still in operation today. I've bowled for several years in leagues at Billy Mosienko Lanes, and have been privileged to have met and associated with a hockey legend.
Mosienko Lanes was located on my paper route when I was a young boy. Every Saturday I would stop in while on my deliveries and watch the Saturday All-Stars bowl, while I sold my papers (intended for my home delivery customers) One more bit of sports trivia - who is one of the best five pin bowlers of all time in Winnipeg , Manitoba?
answer: Fast Eddy Johns. He's immortalized in a mural painted on the south wall of the down-stairs lanes at Mosienko's Lanes. (He's also my uncle)
more pictures...


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Blog Prompt
"How would you get away with the perfect murder (or bank robbery if you prefer something less... homicidal"

I would do it fast; under cover of darkness; it would be a random victim; I'd do it naked. I'm not one to hurt people, I'd probably go for the bank job. Oddly enough I don't have a problem with killing all the witnesses. They would welcome that - after they've seen me naked.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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January 3, 2014 at 5:18pm
January 3, 2014 at 5:18pm
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Nothing seems to make any sense... Until now!

January 3, 2014

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The sunlight is streaming through the windows on a gloriously sunning day on Vancouver Island. Sunshine is rare during the winter months on the island. I'm more accustom to the vast and clear skis of the Canadian prairie. I'd have to admit I don't mind giving up a bit of the sunshine to have plus 7 degree temperatures; I'm more accustom to -35 C. (you can have it)
I'm reminded of the times we tried to coax, Little Dog; a short haired tan Chihuahua, to go outside in -45 degree temperatures to, "do it's business." Poor Little Dog would stop short at the threshold and would go no further, without some extra encouragement. He would move only his hind quarters closer to the outdoors, until he was scrunched up like an accordion. When it was really cold, Little Dog would look back at helping foot, to receive a gentle nudge of encouragement. If helping foot acted to soon, Little Dog would give helping foot a Chihuahua sized chomp to let him know, "back the fuck off."

Well that's what I feel like now...Little Dog... I'm not quite ready to go back out into the cold, after basking in the (to me anyway) tropics. I just might have to call on helping foot for next Wednesday.

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Blog Prompt
"Look back on 2013. Read your blog entries from early last year and observe how you've changed. If you weren't blogging early last year, think back to that time and imagine what you would have been doing or thinking about. Now, write an article about your past year of life in the voice of a reporter. Remember: making your reader laugh is key, so this can be as outlandish and overblown as you are brave enough to do"

Dozing off to slee... zzz zzz zzz
The newspaper dedicated to helping people fall asleep.

Today's Dullest Dude.

By: Andre The Blog Monkey
This story is guaranteed to break the most stubborn
case of insomnia known to man. I've spent the last
twelve months recording every move of famed blogger,
Brother Nature; creator of Brother's blog. I promise you,
"if you aren't asleep by month two - you'll wish you were."
Our story begins in January of 2013, and Brother Nature
is busy putting the finishing touches on his bathroom
renovations; closing the door on a project nine years
in the making. He sure spends a lot of time in front
of that laptop when he's not sitting in front of the TV
or sleeping.
There were some big changes in February
when - what has become known as, "The Kitchen Project"
was initiated. The addition of daily exercising to his schedule,
must have blown my mind, because I don't remember
anything about Valentine's Day.
I dozed off in March - every time I opened an eye,
he was snuggling up with Leslie - a sight so comforting,
I slipped into a comma until around May or June. When
the temperature finally rose above the freezing point
around mid July - Brother Nature goes outside and doesn't
come back indoors until late September, when the leaves on
the trees turn spectacular colors and the geese gather in groups
large enough to conquer a small country if only they had the
collective political will.
Leslie left in September so, (lucky me) I was left to keep the
little fellow company while he began pottery classes and went
back to infrequent periods of renovating. Everything is always changing -
changing and moving - moving and changing - slowly changing - lightly snowing
- s-l-o-w-l-y s-n-o-w-I-n-g s-l-e-e-p-I-n-g
zzz zzz zzz

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Blog Prompt
"How good are you at letting things go?"

I have a T-shirt that reads:
top ten reasons I procrastinate
1. ...

My favorite saying is: Just let it go.
The advise I most often give people is: Let it go.
One of my favorite songs is: All the people who died, died.
My initial reaction to most things is: Oh well.
How good I am at letting things go?
I'm a professional; A hall of famer.

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Blog Prompt
"Do you have any tattoos or piercings (other than your ears, ladies)? If so, what have you had done and why? If not, would you ever consider getting a tattoo or piercing? What would you get done and under what circumstances?"

When I was a young impressionable boy only drunken sailors got tattoos, and they spent the rest of their lives regretting it. Only European girls had their ears pierced. The only other peoples who had body piercings were the tribesmen and woman living in the deepest darkest rain forest, and circus performers. I once saw an old woman at the beach, she had tattoos on every inch of her body that wasn't covered by her bikini bathing suit. As I prayed for the solar rays to burn out my retinas, I thought of my own grandmother who has unblemished lily white skin. I imagined that the tattooed granny might have grandchildren as well. I envisioned the setting in which her grandchildren would visit her... jail ...the circus. To this day, I don't have a single tattoo, and have no desire to ever get one. The popularity of tattooing have served to remove the stigma I once had towards them.
I once tried piercing my ear. I let a female friend freeze my earlobe with an ice cube, then shove a common nail sized sewing needle through it. It hurt like hell!
My ear lobes are formed funny; they protrude horizontally from the bottom of my ear. My earing, (just a stud) pointed straight up in the air; it looked stupid; not cool, like I had envisioned. I took it out on the second day, and the wound on my ear healed in three weeks or so. People's piercings freak me out; I try not to let on. I'm out numbered by the freaks out there, so I don't want to offend anyone. Leslie says I should try a "Plate Lip" so I don't get crumbs all over the furniture when I eat potato chips.
She's not mean to me all of the time.
That's all I got.

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   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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