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When you really have nothing better to do.
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March 18, 2014 at 4:51pm
March 18, 2014 at 4:51pm
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March 18, 2014

It's war Chest Tuesday!
Prompt for March 18 , 2014
Tell us about a TV show or book series you like. What makes you keep coming back to watch or read more? Relate this to your knowledge and understanding of cliffhangers - how do you write a good "cliffy?"

Hey blog readers.

Here's a little tale related to the prompt, which you can decide whether it's FICTION or FACT.

Being young and single, I had the company of an older woman for an evening, a first date or a last date, depending on how the conversation goes.
It went pretty good as we sipped some cocktails prior to a nice restaurant meal and a little wine.
She was an attractive, sophisticated lady, very intelligent, and I could tell by her line of questioning that she held concerns that I may not be mature enough for us to be a compatible pair. She was 100% right. She was looking for a long term relationship, I was looking for a relationship of a term, just long enough - gigitty.

Dinner went smoothly: I did well by, listening more than talking. She was impressed that I had recently moved to the city to take a higher paying job. She was even more impressed that I had furnished my new apartment (starting with nothing) all in one day. So impressed was she, that she insisted on seeing my place for herself - gigitty.

In one day, with just under $1000.00 I outfitted my entire apartment. I made two stops: one at Canadian tire for housewares, and I bought everything else from a pawn shop on the next street over. For me... it was my empire - for her... she wasn't impressed. No cork-screw, no proper wine glasses, she started listing the things I didn't have. She scoffed at my cinder block and "two by four" shelving unit. and rolled her eyes at my beer case TV stand.

She asked what I like to watch on TV. I told her I liked; news, Jeopardy, and sports, mainly hockey. I didn't mention that I also liked; Mork and Mindy, Elf, Bullwinkle, Beverly Hillbillies, and the likes.

Then she said, "Hey, you said you like to read, do you have any books?"

It just so happened that earlier in the day I had stopped at a used book store and stocked up.

"Oh boy!" (she seemed excited) "What books did you get?"

I pulled my purchases out of the bag from the store and was excited to show her forty issues of vintage Beetle Bailey comic books. They were on sale @ 4 for a $1.00.

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"Why Beetle Bailey," she asked, with an obvious tone of disappointment and disapproval.

"I love the art work, I said; I used to draw these characters all the time when I was younger and was learning to draw."

"That's probably all you can read", she said. (almost under her breath)

"Pardon me" I offered, wondering if she would actually repeat that comment.

"Is that all you got...comic books? is all I meant."

"No I also picked up a copy of, The Black Sun. Its co-written by Kyle Onstott, author of a book called, Mandingo. I'm hoping it's as good."
I tossed her the book so she could have a look.

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She was truly impressed, but just with the book, not so much with me.

There was no second date. I did drop off my copy of The Black Sun to her after I was done with it. I hope she read it and enjoyed it, I thought it was a pretty good book.

She's probably in a old folks home by now, telling all the old dolls about the date she went on, and the guy had a bag full of Beetle Bailey comic books. I bet nobody believes her...if of course, she ever actually existed in the first place.

Could be true...could be completely made up - gigitty.


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March 17, 2014 at 1:29pm
March 17, 2014 at 1:29pm
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March 17, 2014


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It's Wildcard Monday!
Prompt for March 17 , 2014
What impact does chocolate have on your writing? It could be consuming before, during, after or that you include it (subtly?) in stories. If not chocolate, then ... but what else is there?

Hello Hello Hello Hello o - o - o

Hi "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor

You didn't have to say this prompt was provided by "WS Blog - I Write What I Write when I do"   [13+] by Wordsmitty ✍️ That was as plain as a bag of Oreos. You forgot the space between "It's" and "Wildcard" BTW.

So...Smitty, what if, not chocolate? What else is there? What else is there, indeed?
It makes me think... If it's not chocolate, (and it's not) what DOES have an impact on my writing? Is my writing unimpacted? Who is going to answer all of these questions?

... ... ... ... ...

Looks like I'll have to do it.

The thing that impacts my writing to the largest extent is time. That's not true. Time only has an impact on what I don't write, because it would take me too long.

I'm going to have to go with: My writing is unimpacted. It's what I don't write that is so heavily impacted, it's impossible to read.

I've never been a big fan of chocolate; I'm more of a potato chip man. I'm really a former potato chip man, in recovery. It's been more than 30 days since my last potato chip.

Gotta Go Go Go o - o - o

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March 16, 2014 at 8:58pm
March 16, 2014 at 8:58pm
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March 16, 2014

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The Sunday News!
Prompt for March 16 , 2014
Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, though this is not required.

Hello again

Remember when the news used to be new news? It seems like all the media outlets regurgitate the same three or four top stories all week or until something bigger comes along. In the meanwhile it's as if nothing else happened all week. And so that is the way it is with Brother's Blog.

Here. for your enquiring mind, more of the same old news.

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The search is still on and has expanded for missing Malaysian plane MH370. Respect for the 237 passengers and their families prevents me from making a comment at this time other than to say, "there are many unanswered questions as well as the aircraft is yet unfound, so there is still hope."

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Putin is still a dick.

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More of the same weather related woes for the Canadian Prairies despite more seasonal temperatures. The number of home which have frozen water pipes has gone over 1000 (in the city of Winnipeg) and is still growing. Water main breaks, pot holes, and overland flooding are some of the new threats.

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The Winnipeg Jets lead the Dallas Stars 5 - 2 (third period under way) *PointLeft* some fresh news for you @ no extra charge.

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Mobsters are patiently waiting for the announcement of prize winners for participating in the debacle that has become known as, The 30Day Blogging Challenge Mob. I'm almost certain an announcement will be made tomorrow.

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"Snow Melt"   [18+] by Prosperous Snow celebrating ' s entry: "Creation Saturday: Spring Break was one of my favorite blog entries in a long time. I've been blogging along with Snow for three or four years now, and I've always been in awe of her ability to participate in so many writing activities, contests, including blogging, and her love for writing poetry. But I really got a good laugh from her candidness in this entry, I felt her confidence in being able to say exactly what she wanted to say (the way she wanted to say it). One thing I noticed is that Snow is writing one entry per prompt she responds to. I think this is a real good idea. Great work Snow!

I gotta go... I really gotta go!

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March 15, 2014 at 7:27pm
March 15, 2014 at 7:27pm
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March 15, 2014

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It's Creation Saturday!
Prompt for March 15 , 2014
Spring Break

took me
several tries, before
I learned what spring
break was all about.

little break
from school work
to ... to .. to ... to
what was it you're
supposed to

heard about
beaches and parties
and parties on beaches
with girls wearing almost
nothing. Just some string
and sun-tan

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Not so
much - My spring
breaks were spent indoors.
I stayed in the house for the
first few years. I thought everyone got
a break and the stores would be closed.
by the time I learned about the beaches
and the parties on the beaches
and the girls
it was too

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March 14, 2014 at 9:07pm
March 14, 2014 at 9:07pm
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March 14, 2014

Tim and Tick

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It's Funny Friday!
Prompt for March 14 , 2014

Try to come up with five what ifs. Pick your favorite and turn it into something funny -- short story, rant, essay... Your choice.

What if I didn't open with a greeting to my readers?
What if I just started typing and called this "What if #2?"
What if I didn't understand what the prompt was asking me to write?
What if I just pretended I didn't understand what the prompt was asking me to write?
What if this was my last "What if"?

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Global Management & Consulting Technology Services

I have to go now.

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March 13, 2014 at 10:47pm
March 13, 2014 at 10:47pm
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March 13, 2014

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It's Opinion Thursday!
Prompt for March 13 , 2014

Are we doing kids a favor or a disservice by "not allowing them to fail" in high school? (make-up tests until they pass, extra credit, etc.) How does this affect their preparedness for college and beyond?

Hello and good evening.

My daughter is presently in her third year of University on her way to earn a science degree. My son has recently graduated from high school, and has taken some time off to discover the real world. My son is currently applying to post secondary schooling.

So...here is a prompt I actually know something about and can probably say something intelligent. Probably.

Let's see...

Okay, first of all, if you want to do the kids a favor, take away their cel phones and gaming systems, and stop giving them rides everywhere. They have legs!
Right! So it's agreed, we don't want to do kids a favor.
But, we don't want to do them a disservice either.
So...what do we do?
We give them an education, so they can get a job and move out on their own.

Parenting my two children through the current school system was a joy for me. I was thrilled to discover that the educators of today have addressed and solved many of the problems, and stumbling blocks I faced when I attended school.

We read daily to our two children, from the time they were born. They both loved books, and to this day both are avid readers. Our daughter was able to read at age four, so we found out she was quite a bit ahead of the others when she entered kindergarten at age five. During our daughters grade one parent-teacher meeting her teacher told us that she tested our girl's reading comprehension and she completed the tests for each grade level (scoring in the upper percentile) up until and including grade five. That was when the teacher decided to stop, because it was freaking her out.

Our son is very intelligent as well, but he likes to play his cards close to his chest. Learning wasn't a difficulty for our boy, but he was challenged by the education system in other ways.

When I went to school kids like my son were failed by the education system and subsequently failed with-in that system.

Todays education system offers a diverse delivery of education to meet the needs of the diverse learning abilities of the students.
Today's teachers have a broader skill set and additional resources, which were non existent in my day.

My daughter was given credit for over achieving and was challenged to reach her fullest potential. Her marks in high school were normally over 100% and she won two scholarships for high marks in her senior year.

My son was encouraged to complete the required workload, he was given the extra help he needed, and at the same time, care was taken that he wasn't alienated from his peers. He graduated with his peers with as close to average marks as you can get without failing.

Somehow my son's graduating was a greater accomplishment than my daughter's, but the girl is not done yet.

Okay, you can begin to wonder how I got smart kids now.

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March 12, 2014 at 11:36pm
March 12, 2014 at 11:36pm
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March 12, 2014

It's War Chest Wednesday!
Prompt for March 12 , 2014

You are invited to spend a week's vacation with a famous person, past or present. Who would you want it to be? Why?

Hi there.

Seems I turned the clock too far ahead. I was hoping to speed up the arrival of spring, but only ended up making myself late. What time is it? Really!

I would love to hang out at Moe's, with Homer and Barney, during a vacation visit to Springfield.
Better yet - a two week stay in the town with the humble folk without temptation over in South Park, Maybe take in a Cows game.

You probably can't pick an animated setting for a vacation, mind you... there was nothing about that in the rules. It's all a matter of opinion when it comes down to it.
Do you have to be a person to be a famous person?

No matter - I have a back up plan.

I'd much rather spend a vacation with Michael Jackson. The "Bad" Michael Jackson, not "Wacko - Jacko"
I would spend a week with MJ in the past; around the time he was writing , "Thriller" We would have the best time ever. We have so much in common. Michael is an iconic pop superstar, who lives in a mansion with a monkey, and has an amusement park for a back yard; and I'd like to do all that too. I would have liked to get to know Michael Jackson before he morphed into a bit of a side show attraction.

The "Bad" Michael Jackson

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"Wacko - Jacko"

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Who knows, maybe things might have worked out different for him if we had spent some time together.

I'm no publicist or psychic, but I know I would have said things like: "Hey Mikey, the nose job looks not too bad, but be careful about over doing it. Too much cosmetic surgery can be a bad thing" or "Slumber parties with young boys isn't a good idea" or "If you have kids some day, don't hold one over a high rise balcony, and let someone else choose their name."

I might even teach him my cool new dance move; I call it, The Moon Walk.

Well, this certainly went nowhere fast.

Later, friends.

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March 11, 2014 at 4:35pm
March 11, 2014 at 4:35pm
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March 11, 2014

A couple pics from "Snow Day."

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It's War Chest Tuesday!
Prompt for March 11 , 2014

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted? Tell us about it.

Hi folks
Am I the only one who's going to answer by saying, " Who hasn't been the victim of betrayal at the hands of someone they trusted?"
Isn't everybody the same as me? I can be trusted - to a certain degree on some things and to another degree on other things. I'm only human!
Well, I started out human, and I still have human friends and family.
I'm caught up a little bit with the whole "Santa Claus" betrayal thing. I can't figure out why I parents went through with all that "kid stuff."

Where were they going with that? What did they want us to think of life on this planet? Filling our heads with: a jolly fat that delivers Christmas gifts around the world in a flying reindeer lead sleigh; a flying fairy who salvages missing teeth for quarters; a bunny rabbit that delivers chocolate bunnies and colored eggs; a sandal clad hippy who was crucified then came back to life; and a sandman! What did they want us to think? Honestly! And we trusted them!

Oh well, hate the sin and not the sinner, speak of the devil, my guest have just arrived.

Bye for now.

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March 10, 2014 at 10:13pm
March 10, 2014 at 10:13pm
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March 10, 2014

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It's Wildcard Monday!
Prompt for March 10 , 2014

I recently rediscovered the usefulness of the library *Blush* even after working here all year, and began looking more and more in depth at the covers of books. What book are you reading now? If you aren't currently reading a book, what is the next book you want to read, or what is the last book you finished? What drew you to that book? Look specifically at the cover design, the back cover, and the inside flaps. What makes this book one that would stand out on a library shelf?

Welcome to Monday.

I won't be long. I really have to go. But, first...I have to repost my little video blog that was delayed in yesterday's entry (in case you haven't seen it yet)

here you go - free family entertainment - Manson family that is.

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Now, we have a small library in our home. It has one book shelf, and one seat. The library has very good lighting, which makes it the perfect place for reading. The library also has a sink and shower, so it can do double duty in a pinch, as a bathroom.

This is where I do my reading, regularly. Uncle John's Bathroom Reader is the book of choice lately. There are hundreds of UJBR editions. The books are a collection of short stories (like blog entries); I like them because you can read one or two stories in the time it takes you to...
use the library.

The last book I read was a Bathroom Reader; the next book I'll read will likely be a Bathroom Reader. I wouldn't feel completely comfortable picking this book up at my local library, I would sooner get my copy "new" from a book store. The only improvement I can think of for the UJBR books would be to print them on toilet paper, that way when your done with... you probably get my idea.

I'll just go away now.

Thanks for dropping by.

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March 9, 2014 at 1:21pm
March 9, 2014 at 1:21pm
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March 9, 2014

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The Sunday News!
Prompt for March 9 , 2014
Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, though this is not required.

Alright kids, put on your snowsuit, hat, mittens, and boots. Wax the skis; gas up the quad; light a fire; dial 9-1 and wait for the cue to dial the final 1, it's WINTER FUN DAY on Sunset Bay.

Hmmmm What would the networks do if their promised production wasn't ready for air time?

Please enjoy an encore performance of: Snow Blowin Man.

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Here is the real video for March 9, 2014 Sorry for the delay. I'll repost it on March 10, 2014 as well.

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