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When you really have nothing better to do.
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September 16, 2013 at 1:18am
September 16, 2013 at 1:18am
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"Sunday Review"
September 15, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Hello, Friends.

It's actually Monday, I'm behind on my blogging as well as EVERYTHING!
People have been asking me: How do you do it?
The honest answer is...I don't know! ... ... it just happens.
Sometimes it's late. Even later when I have to read something.

I did manage to read almost all of the blogs during the first couple of weeks. I think it would be a nice gesture to "LIKE" the entries you read. (just so the blogger knows you've read their entry)

I would do that - but I don't - because people will think that I like every entry they write. Not that I don't like them, but... okay okay I don't like them ALL. This past week I liked one of Fivesixer - "This one's about overeverything.

I liked a few of his lines which I found funny, and I liked that you could feel that he put his heart into writing it.

My second favorite part of the 30BC is the conversations and encouraging remarks that go on in the comments.
My favorite part is writing entries into Brother's Blog.
I hate it when I have to play catch-up...grrrrr

Gotta run!

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 14, 2013 at 3:57pm
September 14, 2013 at 3:57pm
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"I Slept In This Morning"
September 14, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
It's Creation Saturday!
Blog Topic: "Write a fictional story or poem about someone being late. The more outrageous you can make it, the better "

Hello, Friends.

I Slept In This Morning
Brother Nature for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

What's that ringing, ringing in my ears?
I'm awake, asleep, awake, asleep, awake, drunk, awake.
The alarm clock was ringing, but now it was not.
I'm awake for a while, before I recall - I forgot.

My head is still spinning, it's fuzzy, unclear.
It must be from all of the vodka, wine, shooters, and beer.
The time! It's important! Oh crap! That's right!
I have to get to the airport, so I don't miss my flight.

Forget about breakfast, showering, shaving, or brushing my teeth.
No time for a face wash, deodorant, no nothing! ... I've just got to leave.
I call for a taxi and pace while I wait... come on ... ... come on... ... I'm going to be late.

I pace and I sweat and I worry and wait, then the cabbie pulls up and says, "Sorry, I'm late."
As I jump in the car, "To the airport I order, and here...take these pills from me...I'm crossing the border."
This driver is good! he's making good time, like a get away driver, leaving the crime.

The car starts and stops suddenly, it spins, speeds, and turns sharply. I can't think of a rhyme for puking out of the window.

I'm forty minutes late, right now, as it stands. I have to make this flight - to meet some demands.
I look like a vagrant, but that doesn't matter, my scent is disgusting, it's due to the splatter.

And finally, at last, with no time to spare, I get to the airport, I'm finally there!
I see the plane! Thank god! Thank god! I still have a chance. The plane is still there, and not left for France.

I run through the airport, loosing one shoe, I knock over a lady, and an old man too.

I'm dizzy and sweating and reeking of booze. My body is shaking, my saliva is ooze. Disheveled, hung-over, possibly still drunk, and I left all of my bags in the cabbie's back trunk.

So, that's how it was when I get to the gate, and I say to the porter, "Sorry I'm late. Can I still catch my flight? I must have had too much to drink last night. Can I board the plane now? Do I have time to pee? Thank you, thank you for waiting for me."

The porter stood silently, staring at me, then said, with some sarcasm - to a certain degree,
"Yes we waited for you.
Well, where could we go?
You can't fly a plane - without a pilot, you know!"

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September 13, 2013 at 3:52pm
September 13, 2013 at 3:52pm
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"It' Funny Friday the 13th in 3D"
September 13, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Blog Topic: "Reality TV. Go ahead, make fun of it. You know you want to. In your post, list ten humorous ideas for reality TV shows. Bonus Points if you can weave something about Friday the Thirteenth into your answer."

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "What was your worst subject in school?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"If you were given only a month to live, what would you spend your time doing for that month?"

Hello, Friends.
Yes it is one of those days. It's Friday the 13th, and it's Funny Friday, as well. I'm not sure if I can call it tradition, but I'm going to re-post a previously posted blog entry, because I can.
Check it out..."Invalid Entry

Anyhow, I'm feeling a bit like "Dear Abby." If you aren't sure what "Dear Abby" is, then you might as well go do your home-work. For the rest of you, (assuming there is a rest of you) it's funny Friday. Let's get started.

Welcome to the wacky new reality game show, "OMFG!" which combines all the TV game game shows and reality series show into one splend-iffic show that will make you want to shout "OMFG!"
Heeere's your hostess Miss Abigail Van Buren...yeah... ... ....

Abigail Van Buren is a paper-mache marionette made entirely of newspaper clippings of Dear Abby columns.
The contestants are randomly selected from a list of doctor's patients - who,
have recently been given one month to live. "OMFG!"

note: The game moves very fast, most contestants are weak and frail, so they are pushed, pulled, or dragged into the various playing fields, studio sets, and locations by stage hands. There is an enormous studio audience that receive free drinks and yell OMFG! when prompted by production staff. The contestants normally fail in the early going, but the game rules are loosely thrown together as the game is played. The producers like to award prizes and promote the contestants to the Grand Final Round. All contestants must pick up their prizes in person thirty days after the airing of the episode in which they appear.

A typical game (played by one contestant at a time) might go something like this:

due to copyright infringements only the audio portion of the program is available.
Sorry for the inconvenience; I don't make the rules!

voice of Abigail Van Buren - Is everybody ready to play "OMFG!"?
Our first contestant is Chris Byrne of Rock 97.9 in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada..."OMFG!"
Here's the first of your "Jeopardy" questions: What Canadian location most resembles the August 6, 1945 atomic bombing target of Hiroshima?

"Jeopardy" theme music plays
*Piano* *Music1* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Piano*


You failed to give an answer. It's Fort McMurray; Fort McMurray most looks like Hiroshima. "OMFG!"
Because you didn't know the correct answer, now you'll have to spin "The Wheel of Fortune" "OMFG!"


And the wheel lands on case number thirteen ..."OMFG!"
Here come the super models with your case... "OMFG"
The hottest one is opening your case... "OMFG"
There's a million dollars in your case... "OMFG" but now you have a minute to win it..."OMG"
Let's make a deal; deal? or no deal? It's your move. Chris what-ever your name is, for the one million dollars... Name this Tune!..."OMFG!"

Neil Young's Heart of Gold Plays
*Piano* *Music1* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Piano*

No idea? Take a guess! Can't even make a guess? Ladies and gentlemen he doesn't know Neil Young's song: Heart of Gold. What do you have to say about that? ... ... ... "OMFG!"

It's on to the "Wipe Out" round... "OMFG!"
oooohhh that looked like it hurt. Yikes! That definitely looked like it hurt. "OMFG!" that really hurt.
Bring on the hillbillies it's time for a family feud..."OMFG!"
Are you smarter than a fifth grader? We'll put you in the cash cab and send you to Survivor Island (forgotten nobodies addition) "OMFG!"

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Global Management & Consulting Technology Services

I knew that was going to happen. Good, move Andre.

My worst subject in school was (by far) math, and if I was given only one month to live I would be a contestant on "OMFG!"

See you tomorrow?
hello ? hello?
hmmm internet must be down

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 12, 2013 at 2:54am
September 12, 2013 at 2:54am
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"I read the news today...Oh boy"
September 12, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "Find a story in the news from the past week and provide your opinion on it."

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Do you prefer soups or salads?"

PRESS *ButtonPlay* NOW

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Hello, Friends.

I just had my first night of pottery classes. I made a perfectly formed bowl, then somehow mismolded it into what the instructor described as an ancient Greece looking goblet. Next week I'm going to start making some plates. I'm going to make a sculpture for the yard. Shhhhhh! Don't tell Leslie; I want her to be surprised.

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Brother #1 is a jockey's agent at Woodbine in Toronto.
I want to give a shout out to his rider, Omar Moreno. Omar rode seven winners in eleven starts over the past weekend.
One of the horses he rode to victory was 60-1. There could be a tip in this, if you fancy playing the ponies. [wink-wink]


INTERESTING is how I would describe this news story that is making headlines on a national level.

The Canadian Press
Published Wednesday, September 11, 2013 11:13AM EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, September 11, 2013 5:53PM EDT
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FORT MCMURRAY, Alta. -- Neil Young can keep on talking in the free world, but Fort McMurray won't be listening.
A local rock radio station stopped playing the Canuck singer's music for a day after he compared the northern Alberta oilsands city to Hiroshima after the atomic bomb.
On-air personality Chris Byrne at Rock 97.9 then asked his listeners if the ban should be extended indefinitely.
Neil supporters were in the majority, but when station staff looked at their email addresses, most came from out of town.
So with local opinion firmly against him, Young has been pulled from the station's playlist. No more Heart of Gold in the heart of the oilsands.

"We're going to continue with our ban," said Byrne, who said he used to play two or three Young tunes a day.
Byrne had declared Wednesday to be a "No Neil" day after a news conference Young held the previous day in Washington, D.C.. It was there that he declared Fort McMurray to be a wasteland.

"The fact is, Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima," said Young, who visited the city earlier this summer. "There's fumes everywhere. You can smell it when you get to town."
About 600 replied to Byrne's survey. About 44 per cent wanted to keep Young on the air, 36 never wanted to hear him again and the rest asked, "Who cares?" or "Who's Neil Young?"

"Rock listeners are pretty apathetic people," said Byrne.
"It takes a lot to get their ire up. But based on the number of emails and voice mails that I've gotten, I don't think ... a topic ... has caused more people to call in or write in than this -- including our MLA getting caught with a prostitute."
People in the city of 76,000 get used to being tarred with the brush of the oilsands, he said. Byrne acknowledged that many outsiders use "Fort McMurray" as verbal shorthand to refer to the mines, not the community.
But Young went too far, he said.

"To (put) Fort McMurray on the same level as a nuclear bomb, dropped to end a world war -- when you get to that extreme, you kind of have to get into specifics."


I found several pictures of the Alberta oil sands. I've uploaded a couple of them, so we can have a look.

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This is Hiroshima (post bomb)

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I'm no expert, but I'd have to say that Niel Young is absolutely right. In fact, he perhaps was being kind, because I think the Alberta oil sands look worse than post bomb Hiroshima. I think Chris Byrne owes Mr. Young an apology and perhaps the good people of Alberta should turn off Rock 97.9 until he does.

P.S. Shame on 20% of your Albertan listeners, for not knowing who Niel Young is. I guess "listeners" is not a very fair description of them.

This here is some new news...fresh today!


Beer truck spills onto Manitoba road.

Beer truck spills onto Manitoba road.
A semi hauling beer rolled on Highway 10, blocking the highway Wednesday.
CTV Winnipeg
Published Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:08PM CST
Last Updated Wednesday, September 11, 2013 6:17PM CST

A semi hauling beer crashed on Highway 10 Wednesday morning, spilling its cargo onto the road.
Cranberry Portage RCMP said the crash happened around 9:15 a.m.
Emergency crews transported the driver of the semi to Flin Flon General Hospital, where he was treated and released.

Beer truck rollover
(image courtesy Cranberry Portage RCMP)
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Police say the semi hauling beer was involved in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 10 around 9 a.m. Sept. 11, 2013.
The truck blocked the road and RCMP told motorists to expect delays Wednesday.
Officers advised people to call 511 for updated highway information or head online to http://www.gov.mb.ca/mit/roadinfo/ or on Twitter at: @MBGovRoads
Read more: http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/beer-truck-spills-onto-highway-10-1.1450235#ixzz2eeu8...


I heard a report that the town of Cranberry Portage (population 574) sent several thousand volunteers to help with the clean-up.

Alright ... deep breath... here we go...

When ever I am at a nice restaurant that offers a choice of soup or salad, I always ask - what the soup is?
If the soup sounds interesting, like cream of broccoli with cod. I'll try the soup. I enjoy trying new food combinations, and soup is an excellent way to blend flavors. I'll always remember the time I asked my server - what the soup was?
She replied that I could have what ever kind of soup I wanted. "Really!" I responded (some what puzzled) "how does that work?"
My server pointed to a shelf above a window to the kitchen and said, "See those cans up there?; you just pick any flavor you want."

"I'll just have the salad, thanks."
See you tomorrow.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 11, 2013 at 2:16pm
September 11, 2013 at 2:16pm
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"Remembering 9/11"
September 11, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "How much of yourself are you prepared to share in your blog? Or perhaps the better question is - what aren't you prepared to share in your blog?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"We all have people we care about. Choose one of those people, and if you feel comfortable doing so, talk about one of their dreams."

Hello, Friends.

Twelve years ago I was pretty much, someone else. It's funny how ones life can change so dramatically. One day you're the person you want to be and living the life you want to live. Then... without warning, that person you were and that life you were living are gone.

It was raining (here in Winnipeg) the morning of September 11, 2001. No point in rushing anywhere, I thought. (Youngest brother and I were partners in our growing lawn-care business) It looked like the rain would stop and we may be able to get some work done in the afternoon. I decided to go online and check the weather forecast. [rain ending this morning - clear and warming in the early afternoon] I then thought I would go visit a chat room where I had made several friends, it was a bit of a coffee club. The conversation was fast and furious when I entered the room. (about a plane crash, or a fire, something about a bomb) What's going on? I typed into the text box. ... ... no reply. A friend sent me a IM... A plane flew into the World Trade Center...Turn on CNN.

I tuned into CNN, where I saw the smoldering upper floors of the WTC, flames were pouring out of the windows. The commentary was slow, the reporter could only describe the scene as best they could. As I watched in stunned silence a plane flew straight into the building. Was that a replay? No! That just happened! A second plane? WTF?

My phone rang - Lil Bro was on the other end. He began talking about how we should be able to get started with our day after an hour or two delay. I told him to turn on his TV and look at CNN. He did and the rest of our conversation was a series of us taking turns saying, "holy shit!"

Disbelief                      Confusion                         Concern                     Fear

The weather cleared up - just like they said it would. We decided to take the day off. Three days passed before we were able to go back to work.

I was so far removed from that whole scene. It didn't happen in my city. It didn't happen in my country. So, why then... did 9/11 have such a profound affect on my life? Perhaps because we are reminded of what I said earlier...

One day you're the person you want to be and living the life you want to live. Then... without warning, that person you were and that life you were living are gone.

It doesn't matter where you live; we're all vulnerable; peace is fleeting. As much as we love it, sometimes life is a nightmare from which you can not wake up.


I don't have any hang ups about what I would share of myself in my blog or online. How I am in person is... how I am.

One thing that I am guarded about is publishing any pictures of my children on the internet. I would never write about the personal lives of any of my friends and or family.

Looks like the 30DBC prompt canceled out the JI prompt.

Peace, Love and Happiness
See you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 10, 2013 at 3:01am
September 10, 2013 at 3:01am
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"Do We Know it's Tuesday?"
September 10, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "You are living in a college dorm or apartment with a roommate. Are you the perfectionist or the slob? Or somewhere in between? In this living situation, how do you cope with conflict?"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Oh, No! I left my favorite (something) behind: I just can't believe I did that. Please finish this with a story or a poem."

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"If, within the next year, you could accomplish anything at all, what would it be?"

Hello, Friends.

I think I'm going to take the day off from blogging: have a little break; rest my over-burdened little mind.

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - I grew up in a three bedroom home with EIGHT people. (My parents and five siblings.) Having one room mate would be a breeze. It wouldn't matter if my roomy was Charles Manson, as long as they keep to their side of the chalk line they'll be okay.

"Blogging Circle of Friends - "Oh, No! I left my favorite idea for a blog entry behind: I just can't believe I did that.

Idea, idea,
I left you behind.
The more that I look,
the less that I find.

"Invalid Item - Good question! It would sure be nice to accomplish something! IF only I could. I'm not fond of answering these hypothetical questions that involve imagining that the impossible is a possibility. I'll have to pass on this one... sorry.

That's it! Get out!
See you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 9, 2013 at 2:08pm
September 9, 2013 at 2:08pm
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"What's Up, Monday?"
September 9, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "You have 24 hours to do anything you want with whomever you want. Money is not an obstacle. What would you spend your day doing?"

"Invalid Item
Blog Topic:"No matter how old or young you are everyone has dreams of things they would like to accomplish. What is one of yours?"

Hello, Friends.

Welcome to another Monday. I'm back in the city after a weekend in the woods. One day I want to go into the woods and stay there.
*BoxCheck* JI prompt

In the meanwhile, I'll have to travel between the woods and the city. I'll have to pass through farm land in each direction. So... I've been noticing the cows, and I think they're up to something. One day I saw a single cow standing at the top of a small hill, the cow appeared to be addressing the other cows, who appeared to be listening intently. As we drove past I pointed the scene out to Leslie, and suggested that the cows were up to something. Leslie thinks I'm a nut-job. On the drive back to the city yesterday there were two cows looking over the fence (watching traffic pass by) while the rest of the cows tried to evade suspicion by grazing nearby and not looking up. Who's the nut-job now?

I have a couple pictures (taken on the weekend) to share:

Blogging: "One from the yard" Saturday September 7, 2013

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While I'm at it... This is Eddy Shutz:
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Eddy is the central character of my vignette for the Exploratory Writing Workshop.

I received a review of my vignette. I haven't been expelled after-all. I got a fairly good review along with some good insights into the areas where I can improve. It's a good start!
I'm going to copy and past "vignette #1" at the bottom of this entry.
This is a one time thing.
If you'd like to see future installments I would be happy to share them "on request - via email."

I was saving this for a factual report on an important global issue, But... I have to tell you all now in order to address the 30DBC prompt. I've decided to resolve the use of chemical weapons by President Bashar Al-assad‎ on the citizens of Syria by using the, "Old school parenting - Teach you a lesson method." I was going to do this on, "Crazy Shit I'd Like To Try Day" but, I'll use my, "24 hours to do anything you want with whomever you want. Money is not an obstacle. What would you spend your day doing? Day"

A little (made-up) back-story... I remember when I was a young boy and my father caught me smoking behind the shed. He sat me down and made me smoke every cigarette in the pack. Boy! was he ever smart! *RollEyes*
I was so sick *Sick* of smoking I never touched another cigarette again.

So, here's the plan: I (disguised as Dennis Rodman) will go to Syria and confiscate all the chemical weapons in their possession. Then I'll take them all to President Bashar Al-assad‎ and I'll say to him...

"So, young man. You want to use chemical weapons I see. Well, lets see how much you like using chemical weapons. I'm going to sit here and watch you, while you use each and every one of these chemical weapons on yourself."
*BoxCheck* 30DBC prompt

It's time Norb...
O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

See you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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Stay tuned for:

Vignette #1
Get Ready for Eddy
Joel for the Exploratory Writing Workshop 2013

The chair Eddy Shutz sat in on most days and evenings was well worn and in need of replacing. The chair was one of two chairs and a matching sofa Eddy's parents bought sometime in the early nineteen-sixties. The furniture in the sitting room is, as it was then... the stuff bought for the family by mom and dad. For some reason both Eddy and his sister independently decided to leave things as they were. Eddy's mom gave the matching chair (which was his father's chair) away to charity after the death of Ludgar Shutz. (Eddy's father) Eddy's only sibling, Loretta claimed the family sofa as her own after the passing of their mother; Mrs. Julia Shutz. Even though Loretta and her little dog, Biscuit spend many of the same hours of the day on the sofa as Eddy spends in his mother's old chair, the sofa is still in pretty good shape - thanks to it still being in the factory packaging. Eddy removed the plastic covering from the chair when he claimed it as his own after his mother's tragic death. A few years ago Eddy would tell himself that the chair is perfectly broken in for him and provides him with a unique and superior level of comfort unmatched by any other chair on the planet. A few years ago Eddy would tell himself looks tattered and torn and patched and stained and this and that, but it had personality and sentimental value, and looks aren't everything. But now it was hard to justify not replacing the chair. There were a couple new tears that are beyond patching, and a spring in the seat is pushing up through the cushion. It lost it's welcoming comfort. A couple months ago Eddy went down to the local furniture store, and sat in a new leather recliner with a pocket for your television remote control and a place to plug in your, well, Eddy wasn't quite sure what you could plug in there. Not that it mattered, after a few minutes Eddy fell sound asleep, right there in the middle of the furniture store. Eddy would have bought that chair that very day, except when he awoke, Eddy had a large puddle of drool which made a big wet circle on the front of his shirt. Eddy slipped quietly out of the store before anyone even knew he was there.

Eddy took a long swig of the sweet nectar he calls Babba Chunck's Frosty Cold Rootbeer; he calls it that because that is the name printed on every bottle, bottles of which Eddy likes to drink straight out of.

"What's the matter Eddy? You seem to have something bothering you."

Eddy took a deep breath then winced as the rogue spring in his chair pushed upwards into his butt. He looked over to Loretta, who was sitting on the sofa knitting, while Biscuit slept on her lap. "Mona Winz, that's what's bothering me" he grumbled.

Mona Winz is the spinster who moved in next-door the year Eddy retired from his thirty-seven years as the security guard at the city owned golf course, Fowl Breezes.
Mona Winz has been Eddy's pain in the neck since the day he first laid eyes on her. Although Eddy thought Mona was fairly attractive to look at; it's not something he would ever admit. He would never-ever-never let on that he thought she looked somewhat pretty, because everything Mona Winz does drives Eddy crazy.
The only thing Mona Winz does is... attempt to gain the attention of the only man she ever loved, and that man is Eddy Shutz, and everybody knew it except, for one rootbeer swigging neighbor... Eddy Shutz.

"If I look out the window, I see her looking out the window. If I cut the grass, she cuts the grass. If I go work in the garden she's guess where? ... ... in the garden! She's joined the bowling league I belong to, and you certainly don't help the situation by inviting her for coffee while I'm watching hockey!" Eddy was starting to get all worked up, he gulped down some icy cold Babba Chunck's Frosty Cold Rootbeer straight out of the bottle, and it seemed to relax him a little bit.

"Why don't you like Mona? She's always speaks very highly of you."

"Well, I have other things on my mind too."

"Like what?"

"Like winning those season tickets to the Moose games, that's like what. You know how much I'd love to have season tickets to the Moose. You know I would happily buy tickets if it wasn't for all the games are sold out for the next umteen years. So the only chance I have of ever going to even a single game, is to win the pair of season tickets that widow Domi donated to our bowling league. There are two more weeks of bowling and I'm one of the front runners to win. I'm under a lot of pressure you know."

"Mona Winz has a chance of winning those tickets too."


"So, if she wins...you could marry her and share the seats with your new bride, ha ha ha hah"

"Oh...Very funny Loretta, I should thank the lord I have you to keep me laughing all day."

Eddy stood up and turned his chair slightly to better face the window. Loretta returned to her knitting, while Biscuit continued to snooze on her lap. Eddy sat back down in his chair with a thump, and the rogue spring returned a solid jab to his backside that made him splash some Babba Chunck's Frosty Cold Rootbeer straight out of the bottle. Loretta made certain Eddy didn't hear her giggle quietly under her breath, he heard her though, he just let it go.
Eddy turned his attention to looking out the window, it was one of his favorite things to do. After a short while he noticed in the window across the way, that Mona Winz was looking right back at him as she sat in her kitchen looking out her window. Mona smiled and gave Eddy a wee wave. Eddy begrudgingly returned the gesture minus the smile. Mona turned her attention to a book she held in her hands. Eddy studied her while she read. Her hair was jet black. Eddy wasn't exactly sure of her age but he placed at over fifty, but under sixty, give or take five to ten years...he really had no idea, but her hair was jet black and might not be dyed that way. She had a long thin face, with a good complexion. Except for some deep laugh lines and crows feet at the side of her eyes, she had hardly a wrinkle. "That's why she looks so young," thought Eddy "She has a youthful face and an athletic body," he thought. Mona was fairly tall, about 5'11". She had long shapely legs, and truly was the picture of fitness. Eddy gazed out the window in a zombie like state for several minutes. He dreamily stared into Mona's dark brown wide eyes.
"She does have nice eyes," thought Eddy "Nice eyes, and a perfectly proportioned nose." Mona licked the tip of her finger to help her to turn the page of her book. Her movement drew Eddy's attention to her lips..."full red lips," thought Eddy; "succulent, luscious lips" he thought. "mmm nice," he thought.

"what's that Eddy. Did you say something?"

Eddy snapped back from his trance like state, "Mmm nice, I said. yeah... ... that's it. It's... ah... nice out... yeah. I think I'll go out into the niceness."

At the very moment Eddy rose out of his chair the rogue spring let loose and shot straight up through the cushion, and like a rocket launched itself straight up to the ceiling, where it stuck into the painted white plaster and stayed there. Both Eddy and Loretta looked at the chair then up to the ceiling where the rogue spring embedded itself, then they looked at each other, then back to the chair, then the ceiling again. Neither of them said a word, until Eddy broke the silence by saying, "It's nice out; I think I'll go out and buy a new chair."

September 8, 2013 at 11:30pm
September 8, 2013 at 11:30pm
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"Sunday, Grunday, Stupid Sunday!"
September 8, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why."

Hello, Friends.
The past week was pretty good. I had my ups and downs, good news, and bad. I'm living solo while Leslie is away, so this past week was a bit of an adjustment period for me. I did manage to write my first vignette for the Exploratory Writing Workshop. It's 1300 odd words, and titled: Get Ready for Eddy. I haven't heard anything back on it yet, so I'll peek into the classroom later to see if I've been expelled or something. Even though my week wasn't bad, I'm looking forward to having a better week coming up. I'm not sure where I get the optimism from, but I'm glad I have it.

On to the BLOGS!

I like to welcoming tone and general look of Alexi 's blog. My favorite entry is:"3rd Sept I Was A Thief At Thirteen
Anyone who steals a Bible - can't be ALL bad.

Enjoy a peaceful Sunday, See you tomorrow.

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 7, 2013 at 4:22pm
September 7, 2013 at 4:22pm
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"One From the Yard. (Sunset Bay, Manitoba.Yeah)"
September 7, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSBlog Topic: "On the last day of the Official Birthday Celebrations, I want you to remember back to your first days as a Newbie on this site. Tell us about how it was way back then (if you are really old, *cough* *cough*) and/or how you felt coming into such a thriving community. Did you think then that it would grow and evolve how it has over the past years/months/weeks?

(Bonus points for welcoming a newbie in the "Noticing Newbies" forum)"

"Blogging Circle of Friends
Blog Topic: "Finish this sentence with a story It's a secret but I know I can trust you..."

Hello, Friends.

Spending the weekend with my son on Sunset Bay. Not only is he my only son but now he's my only son with a job. He has acquired a position with a multi-national fortune 500 company. He'll be immersed in the fast paced world of sandwich construction. Rock it, my boy, proud of you.

Back when I began this thing I call Brother's Blog I wanted to stick to two basic rules.
#1 No swear words - I wanted to have a 13+ rating.
#2 Never-ever-Never...Write anything sad or depressing.

Okay so, #1 was the first to go, then I was encouraged by Julie D - PUBLISHED! , (who BTW - has a pretty nice rack) to change my rating to 18+, before the WDC staff ask/tell me to. So I changed it.

Rule #2 fell shortly after that, because shit happens, and you can't NOT write about it. Besides: you can't even write "shit happens" with out swearing.

So, why am I saying all of this? ... ... ... Only so I can say this: When I first signed up for a free account on Writing.com, I thought; "This is fucked! I'll never learn how to do all this."

BUT... Almost instantly several people offered me assistance and encouragement. I'm going to acknowledge just a few of them, who were among the first I've met.

wakko71 - Invited me to join: "Showering Acts of Joy Group

warriormom - Leads the group:"Showering Acts of Joy Group
and is an instructor at:"Invalid Item Pat teaches grammar in:"Punctuation Inc.

GabriellaR45 - Leads a group called Rising Stars - You can learn more about this group by visiting her port. I'm on va-ca at the moment, but this is a great group to be a part of, should you be invited to join.

Julie D - PUBLISHED! - with the nice rack - Made a splash introducing me to: "The Talent Pond She also demonstrates some excellent writing and blogging skills. (She posted a picture of her rack...true story.)

Emily - Makes everything right, running:"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS COME GIVE IT A TRY!

Fivesixer - Is an excellent ambassador of Writing.com and writes a very entertaining blog. I learned a lot from fivesixer,

and these other people as well:

blainecindy- Founder of "Blogging Circle of Friends as well as "Invalid Item


Wordsmitty ✍️


Prosperous Snow celebrating

Winnie Kay - Another instructor at New Horizons Academy, and the "Comma Queen"
Editor of http://www.shadowexpress.com/

And many, many more... the list just keeps on growing.

Besides these nice people, one of the nicest gestures I ever received from any website was an anonymously gifted account upgraded. I'll never believe the gift is a marketing scheme to bump "free users" into "paying users". I like to think that I have a secret follower who has my best interests at heart.

Hang on... I'm going to go invite some newbies (18+ newbies) in for a tour.

Okay...Ive emailed these newest members (including my young niece, who just recently created an account on my recommendation):

Zinnia Luria
Tyler C.

And...This is the letter I sent :

Hello and Welcome

My name is Joel aka Brother Nature.
I want to (first of all) congratulate you all on joining Writing.com. I hope you enjoy your time spent here as much as I do.
You've joined Writing.com during the site's birthday celebration. The site is thirteen years old.

Secondly I'd like to invite you all to come and visit my blog entry today. I've plugged your account in today's entry, and I've provided a lot of good links of cool things to do and good groups to get involved in. You'll also be given a couple prizes. (don't get your hopes up-it's nothing really)

We're having a little party, I hope you'll pop in and say hello, start having fun on Writing.com today!

warning: Today's entry of Brother's Blog contains foul language, rated 18+

Write On!

tip-click the link below.


Thank you for having a visit to Brother's Blog. Return to this entry often, use it as a resource. You would do well by adding any of these people to your favorites or joining any of these groups. [I'm going to quietly slip this in here - (See who pays attention) Finish this sentence with a story It's a secret but I know I can trust you, like I can trust no one, because everybody knows you can't trust anyone and this has to be the worst sentence ever written.] - Please, newbies, I beg you, never write a sentence like the one I just wrote. People won't like you if you do shit like that. and... try not to write swear words. There are some good, wholesome people on this site (myself included) Yes, I said, ("myself included!") and they deserve your respect. Not that I'm preaching.
I don't preach; I do tend to go on though. So I'll conclude today's blog entry by saying, "Go on newbies, get outta here! Go get rich and famous, Don't forget to come back and say hello.

Oh yeah! Don't forget your welcoming gifts...2 tickets to an amazing amusement park, and a bottle of banana flavored vodka.

Details @"Invalid Entry

Drink responsibly

Somebody better not write "Ass kiss" in my comments.
See you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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September 6, 2013 at 7:23am
September 6, 2013 at 7:23am
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"Making Dreams Come True 24/7 - 365"
September 6, 2013

In This Entry

In addition to the usual ramblings of a lunatic...

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Blog Topic: "If you could have thirteen wishes, but each wish has to benefit a DIFFERENT person (one person can be you), what would you wish and for who? (This is your chance to do a lot of good in the world )"

Hello, Friends.
Alright, I'll just go ahead and start dealing out the goodness then.

1. I wish that my mother would win several modest lottery jackpots which amount to a major lottery win. The reason for doing it this
way is: mom gets really excited when she wins a prize. The bigger the prize - the more jacked-up the old doll becomes. I just want to
spare her the shock of winning it all at once.

2. For my eldest brother I wish for him to have a full time chauffeur and a plane and pilot. He's not the best of drivers, and he needs to
get around. He would make good use of the plane by coming to visit us more often.

3. For my next eldest brother I wish for him to have a world class amusement park. I'm not sure why; I just think he would really like

4. For my next eldest eldest brother I wish him to have ownership of the Chicago Blackhawks. He has been a fan all of his life, so I
think that would fulfill his life long dream.

5. For my slightly older sister I would give her a blank wish, because I know she would want to make a wish for someone else.

6. For my younger brother I wish him to have ownership of the Miami Dolphins. Then he and brother #3 can live out their sports
fantasies together and in style.
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** "Andre!" "GET OUT OF HERE! Why do you always have to ruin my stuff?"

8. I wish I had wishes 7 & 8 back. "We're trying to do something nice here Andre! Hey! You're spilling vodka all over! GET OUT!"

7 8 & 9. I wish for all of the world's poor, ill, and oppressed to have health, wealth, and freedom.

10 11 & 12. I wish for all of my extended family, their families, and my friends to live peacefully and healthily for many, many years

This last one was made up by Andre (aka Andre the blog monkey)

13. For everyone covered by these wishes and for anyone I missed, especially all writing.com authors, we wish for you to have health, wealth, and happiness, and also two free passes to brother #2's amusement park, and a bottle of banana flavored vodka.

See you tomorrow

Don't make me come looking for you.

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