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When you really have nothing better to do.
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February 10, 2013 at 11:36pm
February 10, 2013 at 11:36pm
Brother's Blog

February 10, 2013

In This Entry

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Tells us all, or better convince us all why you think or don't think that cursive writing should be taught in schools or to children or ever used again."
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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 9, 2013 at 3:59pm
February 9, 2013 at 3:59pm
Brother's Blog
Another Saturday in February
February 9, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Name the five biggest distractions from your writing."

Another Hockey Day in Canada is upon us. Hockey Day in Canada is held each year in February. On Hockey Day, we Canadians are encouraged (All men women and children, the rich and poor, the young and old, every single person with-out prejudice.) to go out into the streets, frozen ponds, creeks, or hockey rinks, and celebrate to exciting, fast paced and often physically violent game of hockey. (This is why our government does not allow us to have guns.) I'm spending Hockey Day in the safety offered by the isolation of the Sunset Bay Love nest.

Laptop time is limited...I'll have to give a couple quick prompt responses.

I am opening a shop, not a bricks and mortar shop, but an on-line shop. I'm planning to introduce several product lines. It's too early to say exactly what specifically will be available, but I have some of my own creations to market, and I'm also planning to include for sale the work of a few local artists and craft-persons.

I'm so easily distracted, sometimes I'm distracted from writing by thinking of things to write about. FIGHT!!!! In fact, I am being distracted at this very moment.

Sorry for the lame and short entry. I have to go watch hockey again.

BTW Hockey Day in Canada is a real event, it's not something I just made up, like Chocolate Covered Almond Day.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 6, 2013 at 10:54am
February 6, 2013 at 10:54am
Brother's Blog

February 6, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "If you could read minds for a day, would you? Why or why not?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"It's Weeble Wobble Wednesday!!! Think back, waaayyyy back, to when you were a kid. What was your favorite or most unusual toy? Tell us about it!! "


9:57 am, I'm on the clock. I'm a busy man. I don't have a lot of time for this boring blog banter, but...better bite the bullet and blog briskly with-out blabbing. (too much)
I've been working on a project with ElaineElaine for the February activity over at the, Circular Friends group. Thank God, Andre has offered his help. Should be fun.
Anyhow, if you're keeping score, I owe at least a "Flying Bear *Copyright*" poem, for being AWOL on the 5th. An EXCELLENT bunch of entries were posted, and the drum circle over at the 30 Dayers group is growing.
Okay, okay, here's my poem...Keep in mind, I was influenced by the other entries, and I'm on the clock.

Flying Bear
Brother Nature

Flying Bear
Flying Bear
In and out
In and out

Why are there so many?
In and out
In and out

Flying Bear
Flying Bear
Everywhere everywhere
In and out
In and out.

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Global Management & Consulting, Technology Services

I sort of saw that coming. Sorry folks.

I just recently wrote about one of my favorite toys, the "Etch-a-Sketch." You might recall how I bashed my skull in, with it, as I shook it violently above my head to erase the screen. Still, it's a good prompt to write on, because I had a lot of favorite toys. I didn't actually have a lot of toys, which made me a better sharer of toys, of which I had many favorites.
As I was thinking of the many favorite toys I've shared, I remembered the time Brother#2 found a "slinky" (refer to YouTube video) (He found a steel slinky!)
Brother#3 (Every body's favorite brother) chewed it (yes, with his teeth.) into three pieces so we could each have a slinky. I gained a new respect for Brother#3 that day which still remains.

I do read minds. Every day, all the time. I'm reading yours right now. And if I were you, I wouldn't be thinking that.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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February 4, 2013 at 12:36am
February 4, 2013 at 12:36am
Brother's Blog

February 4, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "If you could choose to be any animal in the world, which one would you choose and why?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"It's "Super Sunday." Let's blog about something "super" (except you-know-what)."


Another week is upon us. Optimism peaks. Strike while the iron is hot.
The longest anthem in Super bowl history, but enough about football, let's talk about me. The weekend (more like a sleep over) at the lake was a nice break form the North End Home Front. The snow is pretty, when it's not piled six feet high by a snow plow.

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I've started a website. I will be launching it later in the week. brothersblog.ca will be up and running soon.

In other news...I added a new friend to my Facebook page, Barbara. Barbara and I sat beside each other in grade seven or eight. I remember that we used to pass notes in class. I reminded her of that, but she didn't recall doing that. She did wonder out loud, what could have been written in these notes. So after giving it some thought, I recalled that the notes were mostly questions to me. What I thought about this and that, Gossip, topics of interest to thirteen yr old kids, that sort of thing.
When I thought more about it I realized...Barbara invented "Texting" (Take that! stupid young kids of this generation.) I'm looking forward to catching up with Barbra I haven't received one of her notes for 45 plus years.
I hope she's not a, "Slogan Poster."*RollEyes*

What animal would I like to be? It depends on who is asking. I'll have to be nice about this. I wanted to say monkey, but I'd run into trouble when I explained why.
*eek, eek.*

I'm torn between picking a bird of prey, because they have the ability of flight and can view their environment from lofty perches, or a bear, because they hibernate all winter long. I'm going to go with, Bear... *Idea* Flying Bear. *Laugh* Don't look up.

My, 30 Day Friends are setting up a loosely structured blogging event called "Follow Me Blogging" Wordsmitty ✍️ is organizing interested participants. I'm going to be hanging out there, and Andre aka Andre the Blog Monkey is going to be setting up a wet bar and serving drinks later in the month.

Smitty put up a new prompt late last night. He elected yours truly to supply Tuesday's prompt as part of today's entry. So, let's do that.

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Many people are moody on Mondays especially today if the were San Francisco fans. Write something about a mood in another that you don't like to see or gets you upset or makes you go crazy or anything. Try to focus on someone else rather than yourself."

Little Bro has a short fuse, along with some other wiring problems. On occasions he snaps, goes ballistic, throws a tantrum. One day he beat the daylights out of a snow blower with a snow shovel. It is quite the sight to see. Take cover and watch him blow.

I'm out of time.

Here is a blog prompt for Tuesday February 5, 2013, for the 30 Day Drum Circle Group.

"Invent a new animal, such as "Flying Bear" and write a short story or poem about your creature."

Have a great week.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 2, 2013 at 4:13pm
February 2, 2013 at 4:13pm
Brother's Blog

February 2, 2013
"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What are three things that you hope people never say about you?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Saturday is Ground Hog Day. What is your favorite saying, myth, legend, truism, ... about the weather."

Good Afternoon
I hope your Saturday is going well, mine is. We are out in Sunset Bay, on Walleye filled, Lake Lac du Bonnet. Leslie spotted a, "Great Horned Owl" from the car as we turned onto the bay. It was nearly 200 yards away and at the top of a thirty foot Spruce Tree...Pretty keen eye. The reason this is blog worthy crud blab is because, Leslie loves birding. She's a bird person. Ha ha... I was thinking of writing bird brain, but didn't. Anyhow...Leslie has never seen an owl in the wild, in all her time of bird watching and feeding birds. It was amazing that she spotted it from the car. We were able to stop and get a better look. We took some pictures, but, again it was too far off. As luck would have it, the owl moved a little closer toward us, and Leslie was able to have a good look at her first owl. Great Horned Owls are not rare in these parts, but there are not a lot of them.

There was about two feet snow along the entire length of the driveway and the plows left a three foot wind sweep across the entrance. There are three snow-blowers in the garage, a large one, a medium one, and a small one. the large machine is the one I needed for this job, but I had taken it apart for maintenance in the fall and hadn't put it back together yet. I didn't bring tools, and besides the gas tank was empty and I didn't bring gas either. The medium sized machine was broken and in the process of remaining broken, and the small machine is not a snow blower it's a snow thrower. It runs and works good, but with this much snow it would be slightly harder than just using a shovel. I flagged down my neighbor's 14 yr old son. I negotiated a deal where he would come and dig us out with their Bobcat. 40 bucks!!
Oh well...Still better than me doing the work. He did a real good job, and I'm happy for him to make a couple bucks for himself.

It's nice to be at the lake in the winter. I'm taking advantage of some time to write a blog entry that would have otherwise gone unwritten.

"Three things that you hope people never say about you?"...stay down I'm going for some bullets. No! That wasn't one of them. It is one of the things you wouldn't want to hear, but not one I was going to write. I really AM going for bullets. *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* see.

*Bullet* That I'm a liar: Aside from the usual bullshit that everyone does, I subscribe to "Honesty" as the Best Policy.

*Bullet*That I am greedy: I wouldn't want any one to say I was greedy, this includes selfish, insensitive, ignorant, or cheap. These are not ways I live my life or conduct myself.

I think my second *Bullet* was more than three things. Beyond what I already said, I don't really care about anything else people might say about me. As long as it's the truth, it can't be too bad.

Groundhog Day Report

Winnipeg Winnie: did not, I repeat did not see her shadow. She came out of her den, indicating an early spring. Early Spring
Manitoba Merv saw his shadow and retreated back into his den. Six more weeks of winter. I repeat, six more weeks of winter. Six More Weeks of Winter

It's Interesting to note that Winnipeg Winnie is a newly discovered groundhog with a talent for predicting weather, and Manitoba Merv is a puppet. You have to go with Merv. He's got experience and the track record.

Six more weeks of winter everybody!

Now it is snowing again. It might cost us another forty bucks to get out.

Have a pleasant Sunday.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 1, 2013 at 9:29am
February 1, 2013 at 9:29am
Brother's Blog

February 1, 2013
"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Is it ever okay to lie?"

Hello Friends

January is history and February is a mystery. Congratulations to all my fellow participants in the January round of The 30 Day Blogging Challenge.
I'm very happy for, The Incredibly Talented ElaineElaine , who walked away with top honors.
I'm just bursting with pride, so I have to tell everyone that, Brother's Blog was given a "Major Award" A shiny new ribbon to adorn my header.

On the home front: We have plans to head to the lake for the week-end. I'm starting to shiver just thinking about how cold it's going to be. It was nice to see the sun up at 7:30am, a sure sign that winter is on it's way out the door. I have a growing list of things to do, and just writing about the growing list is not even one of the items on the list. But if it makes me feel any better, and it doesn't, I'm behind in my writing obligations as well.

On the blog front: Looks like you all are stuck with me for a spell. You had your chance to stop reading a sentence ago.

Thou shalt not lie. Need I say more? Unfortunately, yes.

At one time I would have said, "No! It's never okay to lie."

BUT *PointLeft* There's that big but again. As I've learned...If your wife asks you if she looks fat.
Lie,lie,lie and lie.

I better get working on that list.
Have a nice weekend.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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January 31, 2013 at 1:57pm
January 31, 2013 at 1:57pm
hmmm hmmmm da dum deeeee
What to do, what to do *RollEyes* *Music1*

There seems to be a slight snag in participating in the 30 Day Blog Challenge, and it might be...What do you do on Day 31?

The nice thing about it is, we have a fee day to spend, groan*RollEyes* freely.

I took a minute to spruce up the title page of Brother's Blog.
After doing that I thought it would be fun to go out for a drive through the mountains, with the top down.
And that would be fun!
Except for...I'm in the center of the Canadian Prairie Provinces, it's -27 and snow, I don't even own a car, let alone a convertible.
What ya gonna do?

"Blogging Circle of Friends Has a pretty juicy prompt today. January 31, 2013: Name a movie that frightened you.

I'll give that a try.

An Inconvenient Truth, Hands down has to be the most frightening movie of our times. The only thing that is more frightening is. The Evening News.

It used to be that, talking about the weather was considered to be, "Making Small Talk." Now when you strike up a conversation with a comment on the weather, you are commenting on the most important and fascinating global topic in the history of our planet. The weather is EPIC my friends. Be afraid, be very afraid, ha ha Ha HA. HA Ha HA

Sorry about that, I obviously have too much time on my hands.
And there you have it. My blog entry for today.
I'll just be heading off now.
Probably find something constructive to do.
Who am I kidding?
Probably won't.
ha ha Ha HA. HA Ha HA

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See you tomorrow.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 30, 2013 at 9:03am
January 30, 2013 at 9:03am
January 30, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Serial Experience Prompt

Writing/blog prompt:"Teach me a LESSON in two parts. The rules are simple: this is an open blog prompt where you can blog about any life experience you desire. The kicker is that it has to be in TWO parts (cliffhangers are recommended and encouraged - make me want to read more!) Open with a problem, take me through your experience dealing with said problem, and end with the lesson you learned (however philosophical or ordinary it may be)."

Job Well Done
Part Two
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There I was standing on the corner of College and Aikens with my three older brothers. We had six cases of chocolate covered almonds to sell, I'm not sure how many boxes were in each case, but the instructions were to sell every single one of them. I watched with interest as my older brothers discussed a sales plan. It was a little like watching a Three Stooges episode. Their stories usually begin with the trio hatching a plan of some sort.

As my Brothers hatched their plan I watched with interest, I had a sense of belonging, running with the pack, it gave me a certain warmth, good thing too, because it was sure cold outside. I wasn't old enough to care about the numbers in the weather report, I knew when it was cold out, by the layers of clothing my mom would struggle to encase me in.

My three older brothers all seem to have differing skill sets and personalities. My eldest brother is the rational intellect. Brother #2 is the ambitious director, and Brother #3 is the...
and Brother #3 is the... and Brother #3 is the... Brother #3 is everyones favorite brother.

Brother #2 hatched a plan, Brother #1 approved it's viability, I interjected, "What about me? What do I do?" when ever I could., and Brother #3 tested my strength and coordination to learn if I could carry all six cases of chocolates.

The plan was that we would stick together and go door to door selling the chocolates. We would take turns delivering the sales pitch, which was, "Would you like to buy a box of chocolate covered almonds?"

My eldest brother was the first to make a sales call. The rest of us looked on from the sidewalk. Big Brother got a quick and polite, "No thank you," and we moved on to the second house.

Brother #2 was up next. We could see and hear him as we stood back a bit from the house. Brother #2 was persistent but, alas "No sale."

I'm starting to feel the cold already and we haven't even sold a single box yet. Brother #3 also came away without a sale on his attempt. Now it was my turn.

My brothers stood nearby as I knocked on the door of the house. When a nice old lady answered I asked, "Would you like to buy a box of chocolate covered almonds?"
and the lady said "Yes," then added "Oh you look so cold, come in, come in, warm up, and I'll get your money."

When I returned to my brothers outside with the first sale, brother #2 questioned me on my tactics. "Why did you go inside the house, he asked?"

"She thought I looked cold and wanted to let me warm up a little, I answered."

"Okay. Everybody try to look cold," Brother #2 suggested.

Brothers 1 through 3 made their second calls and came away without a sale, then it was my second turn.

"Would you like to buy a box of chocolate covered almonds, I asked the nice old lady that came to the door?"

"Oh my! look at you, such a cute young boy. It's cold out. Come in and warm up, I'll take two boxes of chocolates."

I turned to my brothers and gave them the old double eyebrow lift and a smile as I stepped inside to make my second sale. When I got back outside, Brother #2 had developed a new approach to the sales drive. He restructured our team. Brother #1 was made the banker. Brother#3 carried the cases, and I was going to be a one man sales team managed by Brother #2.

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I made my third attempt under the new arrangement, but it was a no sale. We huddled up before going to the next door. Brother #2 reasoned that I made my first two sales by looking cold, so he suggested that I try look colder, he loosened the scarf mom had wrapped around my neck for warmth. Then I proceeded to the next house looking a bit disheveled.

Again a nice lady bought a box of chocolates from me and mentioned that it was sure a cold day to be going door to door.

Before the next house call, Brother #2 took my hat and mitts away from me. "There! Now you'll look real cold."

As I waited for the door of the next house to be answered, my eyes began to water up, and a tear ran down my cheek. Another elderly lady answered the door, before I even completed my sales pitch, the lady took one look at me and began, "Oh my God! You're crying. You poor thing, you must be frozen. Where is your hat and mitts?"

"My Brothers took them from me."

"Oh my goodness, why did they do that?"

"So I would sell these chocolate covered almonds, would you like to buy a box."

With that, I made another sale. I was really developing a skill for this sales thing I thought. I walked back towards my brothers with a air of confidence and pride.

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As we walked to the next house I mentioned that the last lady thought I was crying. I know now, that was a mistake. We paused in front of the next house, and Brother #2 nodded to Brother #3 and said, "Make him cry." Brother #1 protested and would have stopped them, but Brother #3 was already giving me a face wash with a mitt full of frozen snow. So there I was, standing on the next doorstep, red faced, shivering, no hat or mitts, clutching a case of chocolate covered almonds.

The door is opened by yet another sweet old lady. I begin my pitch... (It was an easy acting task, to add in a shiver for effect.) "Would you like to buy a box of chocolate covered almonds?"

The lady invited me inside. In fact, she almost pulled me inside. She started telling me that I shouldn't be outside dressed like that. She asked me where my parents were.

"Odd question, I thought, but one I answered by saying, my Mom's at home with the baby and I think my Dad is drinking over at the Legion."

My answer seemed to upset this lady even more, and she said, "You shouldn't be outside like that, you should be at home."

The poor lady looked like she was about to cry when I told her, "I can't go home until I sell all of these chocolates."

The lady had a five dollar bill and asked if I had change, I said I didn't because my big brother takes all the money. The lady bought four boxes, and told me to keep the change.

When I came out of the house I was grinning ear to ear. Selling chocolates is fun. We went up and down the streets in our neighborhood until the sun went down. I looked a like an ice sculpture of a frozen little boy. We got back home with a little extra money and a couple of unspoken for boxes of chocolates, which we shared.
Life is good.

As for lessons learned... With-in this story are enough sales lessons, (What to do, and NOT to do) which could be referred back to for instruction or inspiration. Three of the four of us, have had or have, successful sales based careers.

The main lesson speaks to what it means, and takes, to be part of a team, group, or family.
There is a series of give and take.
Some days you have to take a face wash with a frozen mitt.
Some days you have to say...


The End

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 29, 2013 at 10:16am
January 29, 2013 at 10:16am
January 29, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Serial Experience Prompt

Writing/blog prompt:"Teach me a LESSON in two parts. The rules are simple: this is an open blog prompt where you can blog about any life experience you desire. The kicker is that it has to be in TWO parts (cliffhangers are recommended and encouraged - make me want to read more!) Open with a problem, take me through your experience dealing with said problem, and end with the lesson you learned (however philosophical or ordinary it may be)."

Job Well Done
Part One
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I remember the time as if it had been a week ago. It's that clear. I'm talking about a day in my life 44 years ago. I'm known to have an exceptional ability for long term memory recall, but this story is one which we all, (My Family) remember. This story has been told time and time again over the years. Now it's going to become a written work in my journal.

In 1966 my family of siblings was complete. The youngest of my five siblings was nearing his first birthday. I'm second youngest of the six, and had just turned six years old at the time. My other four siblings were older. Together we were five boys and one girl. At the time I was getting used to how this life thing worked. I was starting to figure out that these days we called the week-end, seemed to occur on a fairly regular basis. So it was one Saturday afternoon in the dead of winter, that this story unfolds.

My three older brothers went bowling every Saturday morning during the winter months. I was too young to bowl. I stayed home and pretty much waited for them to get back. There wasn't much else for me at the time. Mom was busy with Baby Brother, Sis was traveling the countryside twirling baton for trophies, and I'm not quite sure what Dad did on Saturdays, but I knew he went to, "Tony the Bootlegger's" on Sunday.

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So, there I was, Saturday afternoon, waiting for my brothers to return from bowling. I would wear the red plastic bowl on my head like a hat, maybe bash my skull in with an Etch-e-Sketch, and wait. I'd wait for either my brothers to return, or for the radio to play the song, Dominique from The Singing Nun. When ever that song was played on the radio, (and it was played at least once a day,) I would turn the radio's volume as loud as it would go, then run circles around the coffee table in the living room for the entire duration of the song. Stopping only to occasionally hug our floor model radio with the record player lift top. I'm not certain why I had to wear the bowl hat, but I kept it on my head all day sometimes in case they played the song. It annoyed me if the song started playing and I had to got search out the red bowl hat. Another activity I enjoyed was putting puzzles together. We had about forty puzzles. I would build one after another. I would cover the kitchen floor with puzzles.

The puzzles all over the kitchen floor had Mom trapped, (babe in arms,) in the living room. I had commandeered the kitchen floor for puzzle space, when suddenly the door, which opens into the kitchen, flies open.

"DON'T STEP ON MY PUZZLES" Is the greeting my brothers and their guests receive as they crowd into the house on their return from bowling.




Mom is yelling. Baby Brother is crying. I'm punching who ever steps on a puzzle in the knee. Five boys are trying to take their boots off, while getting punched in the knees, and the yelling ensues...







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That is how it usually went in our house, but with one more shout, I knew this day would be different. This next shout hung in the air for a second, then the room went silent.


Holy cow, it's chocolate covered almond day, I remembered that from last year. "Okay, all is forgiven about the puzzles boys, come in, come in, here let me move these puzzles for you. want me to take one of those bags?" Did any of those boxes of chocolate get accidentally broken open? Are they the same ones with the faulty packaging as you had last time?" My line of questioning was wasted. Mom moved in like a hawk swooping down on a field mouse.

"Give me those chocolates right now. You kids are going to sell every single box, and turn in the money. Last year I had to pay twenty dollars for all the boxes you ate."

And with that, the chocolate covered almonds were gone.

A few minutes later, the insanity that was our typical day carried on.






This is how it went, up until Mom had had enough.




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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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January 28, 2013 at 1:00pm
January 28, 2013 at 1:00pm
January 28, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Enthusiastic Monday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Persuade me (and whoever else reads your blog) why you enjoyed competing in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge" ! Do you think you will compete again in future months? Care to share any suggestions for improvement?"

Hi Friends

Mondays are a little like the day after a funeral, you wake up and life seems to have changed a little. Yesterday feels like it is lost in the past, never to return, and there seems to be something missing in today. There is a feeling like, you have a brand new road to follow. The feeling can be motivational, exciting, and make you feel ready to take on any challenge with enthusiasm, or that same brand new road can fill you with fear dread and only serve to make you long for the past.

Whether you love or hate Mondays, it's a good day to reflect on the past and focus on the future. It's a good day to be Enthusiastic. It's a good day to read a review in Brother's Blog. Enjoy, or don't, it's entirely your road to take.


A Review of The 30 Day Blog Challenge.
for The 30 Day Blogging Challenge

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The 30 Day Blogging Challenge was founded by 30DBC Creator/Founder and is currently under the care and guidance of Emily

This is one of the top groups on the website, Writing.com.

The 30 Day Blogging Challenge is among a small number of groups on the writing.com site that could function as a stand alone website. I don't think there is anything like this group outside of writing.com. This group provides a venue for a person to write and post a blog in. There are a large number of websites that offer that same service, free. What makes the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, (and it's sister group Blogging Circle of Friends) different is... This group supplies a newcomer with an instant group of followers, daily topics to blog about, and all of the encouragement, positive examples, and motivation to allow a new blogger to fully immerse themselves in the world of blogging. If you want to write a blog, this is the place to learn how. If you want to write a blog, and enjoy the experience, this is the place to do it.

The 30 Day Blogging Challenge, challenges bloggers to write and post blog entries for thirty consecutive days, hence the name. It is not an easy task.

There are many benefits to joining and being a part of this fine group. I will list some of the benefits which I have gained during my two year association with this group.

checks to see if there are any bullets left *RollEyes*

*Bullet* I met a lot of people and have made several friends, who share an interest in writing, and blogging.

*Bullet*I received compliments and criticism, which encouraged me and encouraged me to improve.

*Bullet*The sense of achievement I get when I reach personal goals set to improve on my writing skills.

*Bullet* The sense of achievement when you complete an entire month of daily postings. I've done it three out of six or seven attempts. Three includes this month assuming I make it. I won 3rd place my first time out. Just sayin*RollEyes*

*Bullet* It's always good to engage and be engaged. The conversations that go on in the comment sections are what I think is the most significant benefit.

*Bullet* You could even win a "Major Award"

I highly recommend this group, to anyone who wants to try blogging, or wants an active and engaging forum to post their blog in. This is also a good place to come and read.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.


I'll be back in future months. Just try and stop me.

What am I going to do next month?

Same as I do every month.

Try to take over the world.
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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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