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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1517585
A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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May 9, 2010 at 1:03am
May 9, 2010 at 1:03am
Needed some down time and went to see the Iron Man 2 movie with my Purple Princess. It was good fun, a quarter of a !00 concessions, and the good guy won the day, with the help of his friends.
Was shocked to read that it had been 14 days since I updated my blog. Gee where does the time go? I shall strive to do better in the future.
Have a good weekend and remember the mothers, to be sure, but also remember those who cannot be mothers, and those who have lost their parents.
Copenator out!
April 24, 2010 at 6:49am
April 24, 2010 at 6:49am

The Earth Day celebration here in the WdC is off the hook. I learned so much by being a contestant in the reviewing part of the celebration. I was blessed with the Poetic entry that was developed for this contest as well. Reviews will help me improve on it.
As to the GPs, should I be one of the winners in the final results, here is what I will do with them.

1. 20 percent will go to cisco's good deeds group = 4k
2. 20 percent will go to Need Help with An Upgrade= rk
3. 20 percent will go to Open Door To Grace = 4k
4. 20 percent will go to Simply Positive Group = 4k
5. 20 percent will go to ROAK = 4k

My reward comes in having the pleasure to read all of the entries I did for this contest. These groups help people every day stay online in the WDC, and to be able to help them help others is my onus and my honor.
Serving Him by serving others,
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April 22, 2010 at 12:27pm
April 22, 2010 at 12:27pm
Here is the text of review #1000, done on this the day we celebrate Earth Day.
Make sure you stop and reflect on the day, and maybe turn your lights off when you're not using them for the whole day. Imagine the energy saved.

I associated this review with the Simply Positive Group because I have learned a lot from them. They were some of the first to review my writes oh so long ago and they have accepted me as one of their own just recently and I'm grateful for the honor to bless others representing the SP.

Thank you for the explanation of the form. Sounds complicated to this untrained writer. You are featured in the Simply Positive Review's.

Oh the lines they do count down,
Nearer and near they get to only one.
Every line calculated and measured.

One syllable at a time, the syllabic count is set.

This is a special review for you see
Here is my count up from one-by-one-by-one.
One review done such a while ago,
Unabashedly it was the pits, I must say.
Still I tried and tired again, counting up to one hundred,
And now the count down was on.
No grammatical matters in your write could I see and
Don't you know that I am grateful to have found review number

One Thousand should be talking about a form that does count down.

I must say thank you to the WdC, for instilling the passion to review in my heart. For from the meager beginning of review number 1, there are now 1000, and I can't wait to count down to 2,000 more.
Copenator out!
April 18, 2010 at 12:56pm
April 18, 2010 at 12:56pm
Try to say that phrase without smiling or even giggling a bit.
Bet you a review you cannot do it. This is a guaranteed laugh riot. Right up there with the classic phrase:

"I'm as mad as a peacock with his feathers plucked out."

The first time I said that I was trying to translate some Hebrew and having no luck. The wife came up and I said that line, and immediately realized how funny it sounded and wasn't mad anymore.

So in a few sentences I have given you two tools to use. When you find yourself in a situation that makes you angry,*Angry* go with the peacock phrase. When you find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place,*Frown* go with the "Rats" phrase and you'll be smiling momentarily.*Bigsmile*

Copenator out!
April 17, 2010 at 3:15pm
April 17, 2010 at 3:15pm
I began working at Walgreens. Tonight I begin working on year number 7. Lord as this begins I pray that You will be glorified and that opportunities will arise to bear witness that You are my Lord and Savior.
Copenator out!
April 14, 2010 at 11:58am
April 14, 2010 at 11:58am
Grateful for the prayers for depression and pain level.
Right happy to report, depression is less, pain is lower by a lot.
A day at work (actually night for me) and I made it to Wednesday.
Thinking is at times a dangerous thing but this time it's an
Easy choice for it is right to say thanks for prayers and well wishes.
Full is my cup and running over are the blessings of your concern.
Up I am for but a fleeting while longer, for sleepy pie does call.
Let the day be filled with evidence of His works and blessings upon you one and all.

Grateful is a small word but from this heart it does come, and I'm Copenator out!
April 13, 2010 at 10:58am
April 13, 2010 at 10:58am
Beloved please pray for me today. I start work tonight and I battling pain and depression at the same time.

Please pray for my pain level. It's pretty high now and I don't have anymore physical therapy on the work injury, so basically have to take muscle relaxers and maintain the exercises they taught me in PT.
The depression is related to the work injury and they don't cover the mental scarring, just the physical.
Copenator out!
April 10, 2010 at 8:05am
April 10, 2010 at 8:05am
This place has made a difference in me.
Here there is so much to do and see.
A writer, a reader, a reviewer too I have become,
Not for all who visit, for those who stay it is awesome.
Keeping interest is not hard to do

You lead, direct, and lessons of life You truly reveal.
Oh Lord how can it be that such a blessing as this to me you deal?
Unlimited is Your grace and You show it even here Lord

Lines filled with compassion, care, concern, this place does afford.
On one night the world explodes before our eyes
Ripped to pieces one war at a time, but here lies
Depth of character and intrigue, and love for our fellow man.

Thank You Lord for the WDC and as the days go by reveal Your plan.

Willingly Lord I pray for the leaders, the moderators, the authors
Driven by a common passion, to write until so little needs be altered.
Copenator has been educated, entertained, and brought to tears and again Lord I say, Thank You For the WDC.
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April 5, 2010 at 12:37pm
April 5, 2010 at 12:37pm
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but I will be back online when I return as I have the night off. Will be working Thursday morning this week so I'm free Tuesday!
You are important to God; therefore you are important to me.
Copenator out!
April 2, 2010 at 1:08pm
April 2, 2010 at 1:08pm
Still in my work week and time is fleeting. Here is the Daily Bread. Taste and see that it is good for inspiration, correction, and everything else.

"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." Isaiah 30:15
When we seek you, Lord we find quiet strength. Thank you for that quietness. Amen.

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