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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1517585
A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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March 29, 2010 at 4:39am
March 29, 2010 at 4:39am
Can't seem to get away from this headache. It's in the back of my neck and may be related to the time I got struck by a car while walking to work. I do have to have an MRI to see if they can find any problems there but I can tell them now, there's a problem.
I'll be using the muscle relaxer at least twice today and hopefully that will ease the ache. It's so bad that I can't lay down on my head and it feels like I can't even straighten my head all the way up.
To top it all off I have sinus problems and have to start work on Tuesday night any way. So hopefully 2 doses of the relaxer and the sinus medicine I have left will help ease the pain.
Copenator out!
March 14, 2010 at 5:00am
March 14, 2010 at 5:00am
"Christ shall give you light!" Ephesians 5:14

Dear Lord, give us eyes to see the needs around us and the courage to do what we can to meet those needs. Amen.

You may think the world around you is in darkness, in fact you may feel you are in a dark pit and you cannot find your way out. Need a light? Here is your answer.

The light of the world offers you a "TORCH" that cannot be extinguished by the darkest of moods, or the direst of situations. He is there to cast the shadows out of your life, those things that you just can't seem to rid yourself of from the past. I have them beloved, can you name just a few? If so know you are not alone and you have a source to turn to.

You are so important to God that He sent Jesus to the cross, three days later He arose, and today is at the right hand of God making intercession for us all. These are not the actions of a disinterested, uncaring, cold as ice "god", these are God's actions to restore fellowship with His greatest of creations.

One way that He offers His help is through the Son who provides the light we need to see the world through His eyes. That bum you turned your nose up to, and scurried away from. Seen through His eyes is a soul hurting, seeking, and needing. Meeting a simple need is what we are here for, as He enables we can make a difference in one persons life every single day.

This light is not just for the dark things in our lives, it is also there to show us the way in which we are to walk. The path of righteousness and imitation of the great I Am so others can see Jesus in us. Meeting the needs of others is just the tip of the iceberg beloved.

For this message, the Daily Bread, suffice it to say that we who believe in Jesus as Savior have a source of light that cannot be extinguished by the darkness. In fact this light expels the darkness so quickly that the dark has no ideal what hit it. The power of God is what hits the darkness because it does not want to face the righteous loving God we know lives in us through the Holy Spirit.

Open my eyes Lord, let me see. Teach me to see the world as you see it and to meet needs as You enable me to do. These hands Lord I give to You, these skills Lord are Thine alone. You are the beginning and the end, and in the middle Lord let us be Your willing servants to meet the needs in a dark and hurting world. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
March 11, 2010 at 5:19am
March 11, 2010 at 5:19am
Why do I write that so often? Why do I call you beloved? Why do I care about you one and all?
1. Because He first loved you and called you beloved in the Holy Word of God.
2. Because since you are beloved by Him, how can you be any less than beloved to me.
3. Because I have been hated, I have been derided, I have been despised and I'd rather do the opposite of these and love, lift up, and esteem. These are the traits of the Lord and this is what I desire to convey to you when I say. You are beloved.
Copenator out!
February 28, 2010 at 1:57am
February 28, 2010 at 1:57am
Let His word soak into your heart, mind, and soul. You will never be the same again.

"Now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes were far off are made near."
Thank you Lord for this promise and help us to desire to draw closer still to Your presence and peace every day.
February 18, 2010 at 11:43am
February 18, 2010 at 11:43am
Beloved: We are enjoined to pray for Israel and the nation that does this on a regular basis is blessed. Israel is God's chosen nation and there are two thing in this Scripture that we can look at.
"He that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121:4
God is the keeper of Israel and ultimately His will shall be done for Israel. God has given an oath unto the people and He shall deliver. You can bank on that.
God does not require sleep or even the need to take a nap, so His eye's are always upon His creation. You beloved are His creation and that means that just as He watches over Israel unceasingly, so too does He watch over us with the same diligence
I love you completely and you are important to God; therefore you are important to me.
Copenator out!
February 15, 2010 at 8:41am
February 15, 2010 at 8:41am
Greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world. I John 4:4
February 11, 2010 at 3:40am
February 11, 2010 at 3:40am
This is the Lord clearly saying that He will answer you when you call upon Him. There is no room for doubt, no room for speculation. A promise is made and when God makes a promise it is KEPT. He is the original Promise Keeper and He will always be the source of finite truth that so many say does not exist.
Jeremiah 33:3 is a little nugget of truth and promise that cannot be denied and cannot be de-constructed to make it seem superficial and irrelevant to the times in which we live today.
You are important to God, to me, and this verse from the Word of God steps out and promises you that He will answer you!
Copenator out!
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February 6, 2010 at 10:27am
February 6, 2010 at 10:27am
You are blessed beloved and the Lord has a promise for you, me, and all others who believe.

"The Lord will bless his people with peace."

Can you hear that beloved? Can you hear the Lord's voice in these words? This is not just some fella who wrote these words and was hoping it would happen. These were God inspired, God breathed Words and as His creation we who hear His voice know it and our hearts rejoice.
The peace of the Lord is our promise and even in the midst of the storms in life He is still there dispensing peace and if we will be still we will know that. Can we be still? Some prefer to remain still as a part of their character. Introverts can be still for hours on end. I are one beloved for the most part.
So lets all be still and listen to His mighty awesome voice that ways "the Lord will bless His people with peace."

You are blessed, you are loved, you are His creation and He will never leave us alone.
Copenator out!
February 2, 2010 at 11:50am
February 2, 2010 at 11:50am
I will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5
That's the Lord talking brothers and sisters. He will stick like glue to us and will not let us walk through the fires alone. Can you hear His voice when you read this?
It is a voice that is adamant and not hesitant. A voice that is confident in it's conviction and having no doubts. In this voice you can hear the assurance of the ONE who sent the Son to the cross to die for our sins. This is the voice of our Lord, Savior, and King of kings. This is Jesus!
Are you familiar with His voice when He speaks to you. Do you recognize Him when He communicates to you just the way He does with you? Can you pick the Lord's voice out among the wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to deceive and carry you away?
His voice, the voice of Jesus says this: "I will never leave you nor forsake you." Upon this you can rest your cares and concerns knowing He is there and will forever and always be there.
Even as I am in pain with my left arm while typing this message I know that He is still with me and will help me through this time of refining fire that was caused by one person who was a wolf in sheep's clothing, acting as a customer, and all the while intending to grab what was not hers when the drawer opened. This verse I can rest upon even if I have to call the doctor to see if I can get a shot to ease the pain and miss a days work.
This is Jesus! This is a word that is good and fruitful for the spirit, the heart, and the mind. This is the Word of God made flesh by the Holy Spirit breath upon us all.
serving Him by serving you,
Copenator out!
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February 1, 2010 at 2:27am
February 1, 2010 at 2:27am
Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits.

Thank You Lord for this benefits package that cannot be beat. Teach us to share the benefits you give us with others so they may wish to know more about how to receive the benefits you shower daily upon your Creation. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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